9511-068 (PLBG)LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. 684-%3-'J"291 License # U CI��ee Date �! SignatureofContr;X ! �� OWNER -BUILDER DECLABA ION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I am exempt under Section , B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ( ) I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier STATE FUM Policy No. 1396640 (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that -if -l -should become subject to the workers' compensation prd5is""ions of Sedon 3700 of the I or Code, I shal forthwith comply with thd'� provisions. Date: (Applicant Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compen ' n coverage is unlawful and shall subject an "employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the^cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, intarest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of�g application agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of Indian'- ells -'Its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date .of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I Certify that I have read this -application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this C' to enter upon the above-mentioned property"-. inspectio � purposes, r� Signature (Owner/Age, t4' Date I l� ALC9 BUILDING PERMIT - PERMIT1511-069 DATE y 1 ? VALUATION •14A -.0c LOT TRACT - JOB SITE ADDRESS 51-825 AVENIDA RAM.1jI EZ APN 77X165-016 OWNER CONTRACTOR DENK)ER ENGINEERING 3c. C.ONSI'. LUPE VASs; UT7, 68115 SERROS CCUIRU 51825 AVENIDA R AMIREZ CATHEDRAL CITY CA' 922..34 INDIO CA. 92201 (611)327-7200 CBI,# 3577 DESIGNER/ENGINEER USE OF PERMIt%Ur%1k$1N4i SE WFA COWNT3 T FEE DESCRIPTION FEES COWRAC't' AMOUNT 1,742.0!0 LS ESTIMATED COST OF CONXrRU(_-f1ON 1,742.400 PF:11MFf FEE SUMMARY P:LUAfiBTNCs FEE --SEWER ER 101-000-419-0.00 $30.00 SUB -TOTAL CONSTR=10N AND PLAN CLI.ECK $30.00 LESS PRE -PAID FEES $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT F)r &S DUE NOW S30.00 RECEIPT DATE BY DATE FINALED INSPECTOR j r" INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O.K. to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final BLOCKWALL APPROVALS POOLS - SPAS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Y Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances 0/V Final Final G Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: _ p- :,,HAMMERVUMPING M. - P.O. Box 2448 CATHEDRAL CITY, CALIFORNIA 92235-2448. JOB IPS Vt 1vi.7/.0%0v-1 7 -TV - (619) 321-7448 DESCRIPTI NOF MATERIAL USED CUSTOMER'S ORDER NO. DATE ORDERED ' Gallons - ORDER TAKEN BY DATE PROMISED D A.M. 'J 0 () Pumping Fee per 1000 gala D P.M. BILL TO / r PHONE I r` f LJ ADDRESS MENIC ( _S� �° J °'D V (/tiC t✓ CITY 'All e. HELPER .)B N"AT'M�EJj�NDD LOCATION v C` . �C�s'I.G\J. �C �"•�c lX aA t� ❑ DAY WORK iCRIPTION OF W K j _-/ !� t ••�S•'�./e�-C CONTRACT D EXTRA $ e ms c e f` tet- � r r j -la ,QUANT. DESCRIPTI NOF MATERIAL USED PRICE AMOUNT jD0 Gallons - 'J 0 () Pumping Fee per 1000 gala Dumping Fee per 1000 gal. ) X _S� �° J °'D 00 'All e. . Out of Area Fee Locating / Opening Fee (per hour) Size System: A SERVICE CHARGE OF $20 WILL BE DUE ON ALL RETURNED CHECKS." A FINANCE CHARGE OF 11/2% -PER MONTH; 18% PER YEAR WILL BE CHARGED ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS OVER •30 DAYS. .. . HOURS LABOR AMOUNT TOTAL MATERIALS .. MECHANICS @ TOTAL LABOR HELPERS @ I hereby acknowledge the satisfactory completion of the above described work: TOTAL LABOR _TAX SIGNATURE - DATE COMPLETED TOTAL I � .� 057 i C)Ti�:E TC3 D ��EF'2 } Under the California Mechanics Lien Law any contractor, subcontractor, laborer, supplier or other person who helps to improve your property, but is not paid for ;his/her work or supplies, has a right to enforce_a claim against your property. This means that after a court hearing, your property could be sold by a court6officer and the proceeds of the sale used to' satisfy the indebtedness. This•can happen Oven if you have paid your contractor in full if the subcontractors, laborers or suppliers remain unpaid. To preserve their right to file a claim or lien against your property, certain claimants such as subcontractors or material suppliers are required to provide you with a document entitled "Preliminary Notice." Original (or prime) contractors and laborers for wages do not have to provide this notice. A Preliminary Notice is not a lien against your property. Its purpose is to notify you of persons who may have a right to file a lien against your property if they are not paid. Generally, the maximum time allowed for filing a claim or lien against your property is ninety (90) Days after completion of your project.. TO INSURE EXTRA PROTECTION FOR YOUkELF AND YOUR PROPERTY, 'YOU MAY WISH TO TAKE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING STEPS: 1) Require that payments be made directly to subcontractors and material suppliers through a joint control. Any joint control agreement should include the addendum approved by the Registrar of Contractors. 2) Issue joint checks for payment, made out to both your contractor and subcontractors or material suppliers involved in the project. This will help to insure that all persons due payment are actually paid. 3) After UPON making payment on any completed phase of the project, and before making any further payments, require your contractor to provide you•with unconditional lien releases signed by each material supplier, subcontractor and laborer'invoived in that portion of the work for which payment was made. On projects involving improvements to a single family residence. or a duplex owned by individuals, the persons signing these releases lose the right to file a claim against yotlr property. In other types of construction this protection may stili be important, but may rrot be.as complete, TO PROTECT YOURSE� UNDER'THIS OPTION YOU MUST BE CERTAIN THAT ALL MATERIAL SUPPLIERS, SUBCONTRACTORS OR LABORERS HAVE SIGNED. f. ...)�Q'1„/'� rl - _ •rn'....r�.-.�.1 "{.L..�ii.w �� - -- - --.., L.A 'mom.•.-.�Y��4 � ...M!YJ.'y'�y..r, ^u.'^'�`_' - _ . r t;���:�(�u�lw'.. • . HEADQUARTERS , ;, '4r :�"' `,f1Y.i .��+ 7 1'Iw,^.-. :.,w�'P_wo!i.'���. .. 7} • . ie'" A4• �.�� ! `i y�,�r%�t ++'-)�.$�Swt?� - M1i'..i�3`. ._ ''�. ' �.� .•3;,: i _C _ •� 48AFTEIf .Ti11G1710iN t.+:;- i �.� _ , t_i �T _ •. t •'. t . •�tl� r ::'_• �... t - . . iiw coRe�Ir':; a Sid, . >I.ririilla :; P Iiooli •. CONCpim Umm 11Q) -• BLO FRAM Aiat bHICR CL`:lC iiR%s £ •� ii! :;:, !'• ',*A PIPIT _,:��.: J'','� t} Y DBY WAEL ROdF COYiN17Ia sDP mai ROYOII N.i:_ �` FEOQR .D'JIAIN yLA3TtE �. ' ;✓ i; ; :y '. •_ "Volt 17,71. 1PATiI1 •BO>`iElICR ' ; YAgtl,M Xw'ti .�7 iiti.t?R 0l,P: `' _ _RIS31li!! IAUTO7 (OLSH ) - I'IXT;IAES oAR#A8E e1$MSALJLC L15t : FRO71 SIaE a t67 317E 9i1Yt[TE IAiIiIDRY: TRAY .�+ ,KIYCPRII'SI7iK 31 sq. FL @ A i1 / - - t7J1VATl1RY Circ. 54• Ft. oIi 1710 14 - B WATFk HEATYR ' -Car P. -- Sq. R. @ �=--•• syaVtc>!.ti+lITAA71Ca: �O SEgTAB[ DISPOSAL � O $Q. FI,(a� . imiv: * So. F:. HOU56 SEWER set. F►• is CARA6i jhf5 . �• GAS PIPING 9f1WRATED'VAtt'ATION �' BY }ER211T:$E6':• ! PERMIT FEE TLANS• CIlECRfiO BY. PLARs CHECKED BY PLANS CHECKED Jed g JCB ADDaE55 OWNER !� E z r s COMMUNITY SCH90L DlSTRlCY DATE i PLM CHECK FEE , ,., rAt 1210 USE OF ILDING SUPPLEMENT 70 PERMIT CONSTRUCTION M x.C. U/NITS YALUA Oa OFFICE PERMITNUMBER ;. IS'iRIGT pp A■aA Oo o �` ELECRICAL F$ ? Ld / �. /Z } — = DESCRIFTIYt AAD11F1I� M' PERMIT KO. I{ PLUW3iNG FEE . . LEGAL DESCRIFTIO11■o■D u u TOTAL M. �} p 1:- T�� - 5A TT i ?AN= •a As PACQ ' U■aRELEASE BOND CA971 CHECK Cr 1l.O. N.C. Won BE6Sitl[D 8Y I DBT =• '� DATE DAC 11PLIANCE C lriMT FINALED 'm IEIlF[CtOil ENTIFICATt F ERT. aA vac xa cIIrtit A#k LlACtt LI■>=EapAct nt r ■ # o DA Q® 0 PLAIN FILA GDNTNi►CTOR st WR111N 60 DATE. Ctai#TICtI Oi VOID t# 1MORit i 1oV nous . � :.. jT iMla Fowl? SHAM Vol*.m 11e" FOO J20 oATf WIAIX ALSO CAUSC PLRO" 74'r XI:dS !1 I Nda[M1 AaAIL TRAY AG►-10wK in EANaBQTWi 1""1 :+t•. Pmry WLL ■t mail in ACmDaaAm Um T" I AO1ea io CARO COMPUAAT"d IRIIIRARM - • .•. ��r �+ LAM Of ilIYBL!!Dt C ANS Ta{ RATS Dal' CAL.I10"rL_ AL90 IIT at1PtA71!0�.'CON1L1A11Cw 07TH &AIM 910 102 IITATR QF•CJIL1Poitla COYxtlss C9aT4J►c1oa9 !s Aa90 /��,'►'�'r .� Iii 0ro11 iOAWETRLO. ' !a C /1A! iN4 ADD. HAIL"" ADD POST (0)m ! 'IT OFFICE I $ 1 .: ;'"4• CONTRACTOR/ .�... _._ GAL, • !lEitARIISi LICENSE 71PE �� l ..n.r � na T?Its P"WIT ONALL 76C.ONC VOID IF WORM I! NOT COuldimc 1 Y}1r,0" AS a*". CiKl�Ait� �. WORK FOR 120 OA II 9I4ALL ALSO CAUNS PtRi117 TO •sCO"t V*10.pa. r• /�%� .'.1 THAT Ali rt IN COKrSCTIO1i "ITN TRIS '"fl"tC W"W"llt 9"s to A4COS0AAC4'riTld TRK' 14IR¢iT AOftX T . LAWS 0� All -C1119106 COURtT AAt1 1149 STATE OF CALOVAIIA. 1 ALSO AStfR TO "A"C41ti�IA'�K UTOY MT LIAPLOTtK1, COYPLUTACS •IT&I LAWS OF 714K STATt OP CALIfT3ArfA COY[T at td4ti1111104414 44AAARTI20. ' `•' I' j., .,.+`.", .y. :;�% CoMTRACTOR ` •..�t` :I'''._�,:: a,p_•" OWNER — IA LING ADD '� .•r�`1 i?+ '.`':y�t MAILING ADD. (i(e• _ ' POST O i<1C `, '% � ,rt•l: j :i i�' :� Wit='• y ! TM N.C. GfIou TTP !" T.:A • a • C: c��f 4t'.11.. : %: -l•' j • - v.� . . y,.; v K r CASH CHECK a.0. DATE I %_-'f'�3`,3, RId4><. �r�iy .i. r,.J - V:IF`R7 �•�•.•r;v,:-.%v, `p�■ .'4�ri iNLARt1Ei I-AVLOCATE1 I RHCISTEIS No. fINAL=D DATE .J; Vis ! ' $''; tdFAAlit 9SpOLIfrH SPICIAL If OR CERTIFICATE Ur COaPt1AMf z "may • v •xe , -`'CnssMRtc ARCHIT£6Y s�.._I` �r:AYIYliMs CKGINEittl �' Ir U aw::t',•- FIREPLACE S16R3 DRAIpAG[•P!ltOi/i= •-;, �` ' _ - ifiilZ RETE ss: PIERS 9. AHD/ •Ost%iti01R=%t)UtITAIII;,, . , •' ,. _• . . - Y isLF �¢A�E ITUL BRICR CONC: BETA O:MER 77QTGR 11.1: URIttIkL' : j"• .f,: A MOTOR H.P. V<ATrtA"•P,{O1fiG "u T - PLASTER ORT.YfRLL It•3(7pCt1V'rRS!lG go. RMS. itOYORw H.P. 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UNITS YALUATIOrc 09F10E �1 1182014 &i;�'"TR1C11L 13.1: �L' ' � ♦ � ! � � � � �.1 4_ =--; _ LE, S DESCIIIFTIVE ADDRESS * 1i' PERMIT TRO, PWMBING ZEE rT =� I / TOTAL FM L- LEGAL DESCRIPTION OHO some - R' l .l ` '�; : ti)_.I,,1d/tiA',,gi iA.! 1 .: ;'"4• CONTRACTOR/ .�... _._ GAL, • !lEitARIISi LICENSE 71PE �� l ..n.r � na T?Its P"WIT ONALL 76C.ONC VOID IF WORM I! NOT COuldimc 1 Y}1r,0" AS a*". CiKl�Ait� �. WORK FOR 120 OA II 9I4ALL ALSO CAUNS PtRi117 TO •sCO"t V*10.pa. r• /�%� .'.1 THAT Ali rt IN COKrSCTIO1i "ITN TRIS '"fl"tC W"W"llt 9"s to A4COS0AAC4'riTld TRK' 14IR¢iT AOftX T . LAWS 0� All -C1119106 COURtT AAt1 1149 STATE OF CALOVAIIA. 1 ALSO AStfR TO "A"C41ti�IA'�K UTOY MT LIAPLOTtK1, COYPLUTACS •IT&I LAWS OF 714K STATt OP CALIfT3ArfA COY[T at td4ti1111104414 44AAARTI20. ' `•' I' j., .,.+`.", .y. :;�% CoMTRACTOR ` •..�t` :I'''._�,:: a,p_•" OWNER — IA LING ADD '� .•r�`1 i?+ '.`':y�t MAILING ADD. (i(e• _ ' POST O i<1C `, '% � ,rt•l: j :i i�' :� Wit='• y ! TM N.C. 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