07-1597 (MECH)P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Application Number: 07-00001597 Property Address: 52700 AVENIDA RAMIREZ APN: 773-292-009-14 -000000- Application description: MECHANICAL Prnparty 7nninf0• . f'.OVR RESIDENTIAL Application valuation: 4000 T4hf 4 e(A Qum& Applicant: Architect or Engineer: pip-. CIO BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT -------------------------------------------------- LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that:) am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of•Division 3 of the Business and. Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Class: C20 NLicense No.: 596456 �t- f✓—Q ontractor: �n� asl_, OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($5001.: 1 _ 1 I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (_ 1 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). 1 1 I am exempt under Sec. BAP.C. for this reason Date: Owner: - CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: AM` Lender's Address: LQPER,1IT Owner: HILDEBRAND HENRY R P O BOX 1115 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 5/30/07 Contractor: ? J & J INCORPORATED. MAY U ZOO77 P.O. BOX 966 PALM DESERT, CA 92 60 I (760) 346-4477 COTyA��OUINTA Lic. No.: 596456 FO�i Ce c%. ------------------ WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: _ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation,'as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the .work for which this permit is issued. ! I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier VIRGINIA Policy Number WVS0001918801 I certify that, in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subje t to the workers' compensation provisions of Section �r 3700 of the Labor Co , I shall forthw' comply with those provisions. �V "Q . PPlicant:or WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES -UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend,. indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work isnot commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction; and hereby authorize representatives of this county to enter upon the above-mentioned property or inspection 7puoses, te:� 36lWature (Applicant or Agent): Application Number. 07-00001597 Permit . . . MECHANICAL ' Additional desc . .Permit Fee . . . . 33.00 Plan Check Fee -8.25 Issue Date Valuation . . . . .0 Expiration Date.. 11/26/07 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 1.00 9.0000 EA MECH FURNACE <=100K 9.00 1.00 9.0000 EA MEC14 D/C <=3HP/iOUK SSU 9.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special• Notes and Comments- ommentsREPLACE REPLACEHEAT PUMP, SPLIT,SYSTEM C Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 33'.00 .00 .00 33.00 Plan Check Total 8,25 00 .00 8.25 Grand Total 41.25 .00 .00 41.25 LQPERDIIT Bin # City Of La Quinta Building 8E Safety Division P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 .Building Permit Appl.ication and Tracking Sheet Permit # Project Address:'– �&A Owner's Name: �XJ 1` A. P. Number: Address: 1 i Cr, Legal Description: Contractor: _ f City, ST, Zip:Oa Telephone: �— Address: l Project Description: City, ST, Zip: ��N� V — ez 0 - Telephone: State Lie. # : City Lic. #: Arch., Engr., Designer: Address: City, ST; Zip: Telephone: State Lic. #: Name of Contact Person:. Construction Type: S Occupancy: Project type (circle one): New Ade' Alter Repair Demo Sq. Ft.: #Stories: #Units: Telephone # of Contact Person: Estimated Value of Project: APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE #. Submittal Req'd Recd TRACKING . PERMIT FEES Plan Sets Plan Check submitted Item Amount Structural Calcs. Reviewed, ready for corrections Pian Cheek Deposit Truss Calcs. Called Contact Person Plan Cheek Balance Energy Cales. Plans picked up Construcion Flood plain plan Plans. resubmitted Mechanical Grading, plan 2°' Review, ready for corrections/issue Electrical Subcontactor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.I. H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading N HOUSE:= Review, ready for corrections/issue Developw Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A,I p,p, Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue School Fees Total Permit Fees A Ak? v V4 I , f . RE fist.:;�CERTIFICATTE QFTOM1KIANC-E-.,, 4 �w % i�, "PrPj&tTitle i V AN I "A j L P*ect-Address A Building Permitil IN ":s t A�( Yu Plan Checki Date, 4. it i2h? It Field Checkl; Date: ADoZ_uHifitdfion�Authk -,N NIS LIZI Enforcement Agency Use Only -e, Compliance Method (PrescriptivpYS4,4.5 (check one) ji, tD (Alternative) ComponentVackep-Meth6di I*.-- A 1. !, ., , lj-,.�AA_ % �V4 Y A 1 4-1' require AERS' r ;--AffiQi4owandfcr� CF -1R page 3) Package C and P�ckdie aafdlces i rate field llignostic testing 6ee CF' rnauvesee4e�ppendix B Table 1 1' For Package D Al Footnotes te 4 indiddhid"Flo'or . unj -A I 1116--wedNesi in, A I I o,76d4,,T'6 ti .;�Jttt , 1,,4-,� *-xk—i i I d in'S''TyIp evi! 1. No 11. RMATION -7 I , "Ifl,�Nt—f Area fe ':'Average Ceiling 'Oeliht: Ntft - 1 ­_Ci i;f ;-L' Facing Fonpstratjon Products Per, Table 15 1 -B 151• (S%;.,X. CFA) F'ene'strationProd'ucts PetTAW 1`5 I-B*or 151 C66-- �164X CPA) cVoii� or �Single * mild S) �,ddifioV"Altirati6i;h_l 06k'fill'4t,WS.'4R, fenestration Maximum *Alloi(id'A ,A"tibns.) 7 Nume 2, lling Units: ised Floo hl/ 0iientition's 6 u WP tfto* 669iiton in degrees ftmliii6, RRTvJ6,i"'.;.,,�'d in climate zones 2. 4, 8-15V •114, , A, t %4,i. WAV Ur, bUfUAUjWLNUZtJB11Nti OPAQUE OORSq­ 0, - %'t.-� I ,,, _ � 5. �. . 4.�. �rdI, Component Assemblyu v", -T)ie"(Wall; Frame factor (for ;,'Jgiht �,Rdof Radian OJ R66f;F�6or,' -"*T ype ',6avi�IL tontinuc;us d, metal woo pon4K., �O 'I, 1,6catfdn/comments' <SlibEd "(Wbo4'-' 11 . Iniuliitidn I Insulation frame and mass, JV Installed , * (atti4, garage, -Doo or Metal), R -Value Ir %�'R-Value assemblies)' t, Reference; ". ''. - oriWp% .1 typical; etc.) A. . I." Q�4 "i,� All ` ir- q 1)j SeeJ6int AI w.ppendix IV in Section JV.2,AV.3 and IVA, which is the basis, for the U4Wqr,'CTiteriqn.- 'U7ftictors cannot 5. sh`6�'e` uivalence to R -values, 0 exceed iprescri0667value tx q "AL19 i�, - IN '4 L 'r 41 A -k V, 4 4 $,o qj; I . tik I' " r, , t,;; KV -v !Z ­"v1 ;.v 'w V jo, N '0, 065 _v 0 -Al &I mFtlahcq 0 s p, a kf T; V 14 j All , Minimum Duct Location . "FENESTRATION, PRODUCTS�'U VACTOR'ANDSHGC S Yt >z`✓ •FENESTRATIONMAk"M ALLOWED AREA WORKSHEET'WS=4R-itius SEER or EER)', attic etc. - ',, • F f 1 'It• � ,t i• f x 2 Rear;,Right, • tation,: '_ ,r `Ai+ea' " • ` U factor l'`�ul"�'i�SHGC Ix �r: - � • ' .t. y ! 'ti>,t ar -' ,, - 4 - '. �, �l r�L;�n+<btx� CERT1tFICATE OFOMPLIANCE::•RESIDENT' .; utcluded'orNew Construction, ' IESources included t+ COJectttle ! r ❑- t � ,Y'•,. f , Minimum Duct Location . "FENESTRATION, PRODUCTS�'U VACTOR'ANDSHGC Configuration >z`✓ •FENESTRATIONMAk"M ALLOWED AREA WORKSHEET'WS=4R-itius SEER or EER)', attic etc. ti LfAddtttoris and'Alterations Exterior.-' (Front; Left, Orien- Fenestration , Minimum Duct Location . 'Duct Temostat :;;Efficiency' Configuration #/Type/Pos. SEER or EER)', attic etc. K -Value :: .., Exterior.-' (Front; Left, Orien- ge.2'of4)_ ':,: CF Rear;,Right, • tation,: '_ ,r `Ai+ea' " • ` U factor l'`�ul"�'i�SHGC IV Sk`li ht N; S, -E, W'' t. x ;. U=facforz =' .; utcluded'orNew Construction, ' IESources included ! Fenestration , Minimum Duct Location . 'Duct Temostat :;;Efficiency' Configuration #/Type/Pos. SEER or EER)', attic etc. K -Value :: .., Exterior.-' (Front; Left, Orien- 1, s ' ;;r; Y" ;�` Ij Shading/Overhangsb. Rear;,Right, • tation,: '_ ,r `Ai+ea' " • ` U factor l'`�ul"�'i�SHGC �'. ✓box if WS -3R is `• Sk`li ht N; S, -E, W'' t. x ;. U=facforz =' .; .. .Source3 rc`'*SHtCi4kt,;:A IESources included ! r ❑- t � ,Y'•,. f ❑ t if 1` -13 ti 4 4 S t,� -13 fSl� • re's• , ... ., ,� rxc �-• r('!M!ray t. C,4 .i •❑r` 1) Skylights are:now included in:West=facing.fenestration area if the skylights are tilted to thg west'or t It to any direction w f when"the pitch is less than' 1:12: tSee §151(f)3C and in Section 3.2.3 of the Restdent>€ikIVlanual Ar: 4,. r 2), Enter values in -this column are either NFRC Rated value or from Standards default Table 116A 3) Indicatelsotirce`eithei• from NFRC• oe,Table 116A, 4)_ Entervalues.;in this column from NFRC or from Standards Default Table 116B'or adjusted SHGC from WS -3R. ,5)Ind ca a so urc"'e''either from NFRC. ` Table 1168. 6):• Shading -Devices are defined in Table 1-3 in the Residential Manual and see WS -3R to'calculate Exterior Shading devices. r: .+ 7)'See;Section 3.2:4 in the Residential Manual r ';r`HVAC==SYSTEMS .�r Heating:Equipment Minimum Distribution Type;arid Capacity Efficiency Type and Location Duct or Piping ` s .'Thermostat ' Configuration furnace heat pbrrip,boiler, etc: AFUE or HSPF(ducts,attic etc. R -Value Type :, . split or package) 13 A- /10,:1. 1 i _ u f ' r Y Cooling' -,Equipment : • and C aci ' TYPe, aP i' ': i{- } JE , Minimum Duct Location . 'Duct Temostat :;;Efficiency' Configuration C; h ! um ' eva .',coolin SEER or EER)', attic etc. K -Value :: .., a lit or ka e - Js r f.. :, t ,y, 1Y t t t � ,Y'•,. 4.:Y'r4 r' 1 ?• t� t'FF� t� L rT P ' t - ° _.>.,r �t}� t, } •'�i3 lis 1,•,{�� �, , �)1f [Ir i! aii j^ t X�•-,,q,� ',. �t dim q, . •1 t ,l,t tux. ! •�. "rt7tL .-y; �"tA,�,f• � ly �. 61.,t f� L .t ,' ` s.,. , • Y+4` ,, r^� {,rL ty�1 �#� t,t�+ � ��,-'^Far tpi } �,t F�`r TN c :r'^,Ftt `2005 �# t } it C 1 i [ • , 4 r 9 'l a ` f l t I� TY i `.}T°i{1' t i..Yrjil I V f e 1 l t - ,,v J7 ; f , •,. }•4y�,yl�> < t vR. +v " S o yu•+. }. ti }, �ftrr fr ' t , Js r f.. :, t ,y, 1Y t t t � ,Y'•,. .jc kW t if 1` ti 4 4 S t,� �)1f [Ir i! aii j^ t X�•-,,q,� ',. �t dim q, . •1 t ,l,t tux. ! •�. "rt7tL .-y; �"tA,�,f• � ly �. 61.,t f� L .t ,' ` s.,. , • Y+4` ,, r^� {,rL ty�1 �#� t,t�+ � ��,-'^Far tpi } �,t F�`r TN c :r'^,Ftt `2005 �# t } it C 1 i [ • , 4 r 9 'l a ` f l t I� TY i `.}T°i{1' t i..Yrjil I V f e 1 l t - ,,v J7 ; f , •,. }•4y�,yl�> < t vR. +v " S o yu•+. }. ti }, �ftrr fr ' 1•�v 1 •• , w f., ,.t ❑_ .,:Sealed Ducts all climate'"es : -stiller testin • and certification.and`HERS1&terafield verification re uired. ' -. ❑ TXVs, readily accessible (c�i•�ate��onesl' and_8='15 only) ` '. f , ,`.�� tW 'testing t r stallef and ce tifieation and•HERS Rater field :verification” ' uired yf + �. '', . l $.. •.t 1j'I .}T C T.'fi 'LI f '� 7' \ -,,1:T '•%„C2 - ` !J 1•\�frd%�' r ` -.'ff4' '� Y�.i <r', :^' + -•,F ,tt :'i+\rf4 ;' +>•: CERTIFICATE{OFiaCOMP= °`IANCE: RESIDE TILA ' ? j . • yr ��{ 1 f f i %' � � •+.;+ �.: � 1r � �°Y'��•('f � \. V ♦ t 1 .M Number. +submittal: project Title following. are Standby ; "SEALED MUCTS4ndMX'ViUkAtternative Measures, a J It � A�stgned CF -4R Formut,be"provided to the building department for each`h< i ��' renuYrP.ri" , . _ s c +:,'�;9(`� <Lk�`� ?'c:�:. "i � • ' _ .. t.,,`. S .�� a:� 1•�v 1 •• , w f., ,.t ❑_ .,:Sealed Ducts all climate'"es : -stiller testin • and certification.and`HERS1&terafield verification re uired. ' -. ❑ TXVs, readily accessible (c�i•�ate��onesl' and_8='15 only) ` '. f , ,`.�� tW 'testing t: _ I• • r stallef and ce tifieation and•HERS Rater field :verification” ' uired ❑r t}tefngeranf'Charge (climate zones Zdand 84S onlj+) (Installer telling=and """i.90":ah (rand HERS Rater field , 4 r1 t Tj 'CF''1R 7 hallmeet•the requ"itcnients of Section •1S0(m) and duct insulation re"yuiF{'emutit§"of Packaee D"i" ' ? j gCheck box if systeiridoes-not meet, criteria of "Standard" system, and does not cotnply with the Preapproved s ❑ '{ YAlteriitid-vd Water Heating table;-, In this case, the Performance Method must lie used and must be included in the Number. +submittal: Aich'the following. are Standby ; , •.•.✓ T:��. �. �.:.i.��`'„•r"c2�9'.d.l!`: :2 -r .4i n),r`;+e{S1��i.i.C{xtt�'.'S,:�.:•.• tt. - ❑_ .,:Sealed Ducts all climate'"es : -stiller testin • and certification.and`HERS1&terafield verification re uired. ' -. ❑ TXVs, readily accessible (c�i•�ate��onesl' and_8='15 only) ` '. f , ,`.�� tW 'testing t: _ I• • r stallef and ce tifieation and•HERS Rater field :verification” ' uired ❑r t}tefngeranf'Charge (climate zones Zdand 84S onlj+) (Installer telling=and """i.90":ah (rand HERS Rater field , 4 r1 t Tj wenfiicatiori re uired �t',�t . t .. •s f ,',^.' �. j,-7;tT`..:,?.�,,r}'r.•: ti.. _,4`f+ \ ,..Y�f. Y�'4:'++.15�.'+?�+,�': bt j_`;i�i'Ar�.2s' efax: r. •• -.y. ive to Sealed Ducts"and lkefngerant Charge /TXVs (See Pac e`Dx�Uternahve Package Features for Nimate`2one mlhe RM Appendix B Table 151''-C, Footnotes.744PIIAZl Entry ,y Factor ..y,•'j': :i' .r' :tf" - .Lss+:'f'' . f ' '•r:. ^+�1,.t'. Y.- +1•'f•L' 1 t: _ I• • itlons'and,alterations, duct systems that are not documented to hayo,been prc}Tviouslyt,' �4 ,. s confirmed through,field verification and diagnostic testing to accotdi itce�v�Ith pmcedures m the 4 r1 t Tj tial ACK. and duct systems with mote than 40 linear'feet 7 hallmeet•the requ"itcnients of Section •1S0(m) and duct insulation re"yuiF{'emutit§"of Packaee D"i" ' ? j sWAlLF K tiL� qt?,i`r Rated Rated Entry ,y Factor ,Check boz if system meets criteiia of a "Standard" system., Standard system is one gas-fired wafer heater per,:;, - t❑ dwelling unit If he water heater` is a storage type, 50 gallons is the maximum capacity' and rezirculafion system is ,. not:allowed. r_, .,.;, ,,I • t'.ti <.` ,. -:ori I.,1 ;" < Check'box;when using Preaporoved Alfernative Water Heating table, Table S 4:in Chapter 5 iro the Residential :. 7 Man`uaLNo- water.heatin calculations are required, and the system! com"'lies atitoinittic Illy.� r, ;;•:• , : �'' ``' gCheck box if systeiridoes-not meet, criteria of "Standard" system, and does not cotnply with the Preapproved s ❑ '{ YAlteriitid-vd Water Heating table;-, In this case, the Performance Method must lie used and must be included in the Number. +submittal: �tapacity �Ghe_ boz to verify !hat, time control is required for a recirculating system pump for a system serving multiple Standby ; , xs T bysterns.serving sinto owe iing units-. at ' Rated Rated Entry ,y Factor Tank ;:-. :External" • T' ' ; Tank, r r.•Tank,' -:ori I.,1 ;" < Input' ',Tank' -FactororPt ``' External:. :Water Heater ": Distribution Number. : (kW or �tapacity -.Thermal °: Standby ; Insulation; ' T uel e" : T` a -- '+ in System Btu/hr long Efficienc 'Los's % : R,Value It Iz •:w,arem':cervInv mnrnnIe nweinno nmra t• � Rated : y ' Entry ,y Factor Tank ;:-. :External" • T' ' ; Input r.•Tank,' -:ori I.,1 ;" < xfi Water Heater Distribution Number W or Ca aci pto ty ` `,Ttiemi`al Standb i ' Insulation ° T ' e,, .• T e ' in S stem 9tu/hr ° 'EMc: ienc MA Loss %#t R -Value ' .{• � yh tr,. f. ° 1 t +.For smal1:gas storage- .• water heaters.(rated inputs of less than or equal t6.75,0( 0'Bt'ti/hr'),elect >�SPumpwater heaters, Iist�Energy;Factor. For large gas storage water heaters (fated input oftgir list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency, Thermal Efficiency and Staid Loss Ror insi It; ,rot �� �`• heaters; list Rated°.Input and Thermal,Efficiencies. �`xPli �nsWati n (kitchen lutes + /4.'inches 'All'hot water ' pipes from the heahn 1 urce o e x' ftA"�S fin' ��fy ?.°{ 1 1 i7 +• .Y '4[p.a� Y• t�� j��}� fed ar ell w , »• et �M14 c!i .'wRy � : Js a • d � N � Y r ches orgreatef m diametershall be;tlietmally'tnsulated as specified by Sectiontl'SO).`Ao 1�0.V f ) "fT" ,¢� ':J�Y,r eth''+�.i'�'1f�r��'rt�i ft•3•f F >r +H4.,t c > + .F k F •��v 6 ti -a +d✓�[� .A Residential Compliance Fortes. +\�'1 Y'�i..j��'��s'r��'v;SA���+.G-,�'}��-,�,'4 ♦ R�4-` � � d� Jt�':+ t=X . 'y °. - t 3 �I � •,� f�{fw..;t�a�'i T`daJ''''A �'jrr�'�I�,,4�rt'rfx`,�i^y+�4i j�7„.,��.c.°",,�ri. .�;} ,t�4t _ .• r.+ �'1�, �}'( s � '� 1• ty Sri. ,I wp d �Lj� iek�._.,3 •� ; �• '.L � � +l Fry♦J ��-� � + �i�T (A '§••'}P A�� f��f —�.itf t•%t ��i�t l'`t ;! }�'•..I;ry:. i f tl"+� �� S •i ric•resistance, and heat dter'th4h, 75,000 3ntaneous gas water iie>�fi>Gtures{. that�are''/a ��' ;M,- ,:, Mar�ch 2005' ;Y; `T` t �t^J l.if -r•� f .. N 3 Page -of 4) F ,1R. �� ;• �Aate'' ^ l � , ,s tiy�1 ° , Imo` ! ,dry,. i r IN�(addextra sheets if necessary)! -Spec ial features relevant, to the 4 " FeAture I ��I-4�lkequired , 1P Fonns (if appli C861i on vz [3$,-' -v lWiiinditAtic7-.Exansion�ValVe k _C rRadiant Barriers -ER-Tru.iC.A. CM."RES v TROU w3_ M NT,1 0?. :,Exterior- Shades WS,4R *4 1;!7k 3' 1•NIA; Attach CRRC- Labe to. i� k; orms.,­ k FEATURE flMING 1MRSNERM( icate.which special fi*tur jift'd this project The list*ldwoniy ill prescriptive method .-, Page -of 4) F ,1R. �� ;• �Aate'' ^ l � , ,s tiy�1 ° , Imo` ! ,dry,. i r IN�(addextra sheets if necessary)! -Spec ial features relevant, to the 4 " am&TION it part of this pr!Djec"t and need FeAture I ��I-4�lkequired , 1P Fonns (if appli C861i on vz [3$,-' -Metal Framed ails' lWiiinditAtic7-.Exansion�ValVe ---------- CF -611 part 6 of 12 0-'� rRadiant Barriers WCF14 R 4_ 0?. :,Exterior- Shades WS,4R *4 & ' It6o�i -koof 1•NIA; Attach CRRC- Labe to. i� k; orms.,­ Pedicated Hydropic Heating,� -Perfor"mance Ca'ulati on, Ae Run toF uired;.Attach orins..; ;jC drnliihed Wdr�fiic.Sy. Stein Performance ce Calculation 07 ,. .. -red `-Re R uirednis.- AttachRu*n to For C I -- - erforrnan Performance'Calculation oo ing- 'Reg uired. 11 -:,Buried Ducts. N/A; Indicate on building*plens. iat1on,,----' See Section 5.6.2 Distribution-.. hen, Pi ve," :Systems in Residential Manual'2 See Table 5-13 or use Multiple,Water Heaters Per, Pe Calculation and Performance n;t attach Run to Forms. Central W Ater Heating System.' Performance Calculation and, ,.46 1SdfvinA'Mu iple"Dwe'llings, -attach Run to Forms. [34) Non-NAECA-ILFge.-Water CF -IR ;Heater 'See Table -13 or use ',Indirect Water, Heater Performance Calculation and Attach, Run to Forms See Table 5-13 or use Jnstantan6ous.Gas.Witei Heater Performance Calculation and attach Run to Forms See Table 5-13 or use 13"!',V.-S6iar Water Heating System. Performance Calculation -and attach Run to Forms �. ' Stove Performance Calculation and 7.. . attach Run to Forms am&TION it part of this pr!Djec"t and need Required Forms if applicabit) Diiin64R, -Soaling�­'­,,, CF -6R part 4 of 12 JR -,g e Jge -ih 'ChArge-,�., CF -6R part 5 of 12 lWiiinditAtic7-.Exansion�ValVe ---------- CF -611 part 6 of 12 VI Q ncq;Forms;. *4 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION-& DIAGNOSTIC TESTING (Page 1 of 2) CF4R Project Address [ Hildebrand, Henry ] 1 Builder / Installer 52700 Avineda Ramirez /'La Quinta / CA / 92253 rt Room Temp Builder / Installer Contact Telephone Plan Number / Permit Number Noel Woodward 7603472748 HERS Rater Telephone Sample Group Number Brian Muffoletto - CjH[EtEjRjS® ID #CCN90633542 7604138333 1 Compliance Method M -scrip ' ) System Alteration and/or Equipment Change -Out. :�r Climate Zone 15 Certifying Signature Date Sample House Number Firm TEST OR VERIFICATION STANDARDS: For Altered Duct System and/or HVAC Equipment Change -Out HERS Provider Brian Muffoletto Pass if Leakage Percentage < 15% [ 100 x [ Line #5 / Line #2 ] ] CJHJEJERS® Address 10 City/state/Zip 73425 San Nicholas Ave 0 Pass 0 Fail Palm Desert /CA /92260 Copies to: BUILDER, HERS PROVIDER AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT TIFRC RATF.R rnMP1.1ANrE STATEMENT This house was: / Tested As the HERS rater providing diagnostic testing and field verification, I certify that the house identified on this form complies with the diagnostic tested compliance requirements as checked on this form. The HERS rater must check and verify that the new distribution system is filly ducted and correct tape is used before a CF -4R may be released on every tested building. The HERS rater must not release the CF4E until a properly completed and signed CF -6R has been received for the sample and tested buildings. / The installer has provided a copy of CF -6R (Installation Certificate). 0 New Ducts are fully ducted (i.e., does not use building cavities as plenums or platform returns in lieu of ducts). 0 New ducts with cloth backed, rubber adhesive duct tape is installed, mastic and draw bands are used in combination with cloth backed, rubber adhesive duct tape to seal leaks at duct connections - v/ M 41MUM REQUIREMENTS FOR DUCT LEAKAGE REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CREDIT Procedures for field verification and diagnostic testing of air distribution systems are available in RA CA( Appendbr RC43. Duct Diagnostic Leakage Testing Results Cvatem it I NEW CONSTRUCTION: Duct Pressurization Test Results (CFM cQr 25 Pa) Measuree. Values 13 , 1 Enter Tested Leakage Flow in CFM rt 2 Fan Flow: Calculated (Nominal: / Cooling O Heating 0 Measured) Enter Total Fan Flow in CFM: 3 Pass if Leakage Percentage < 61/6 [ 100 x [ Line #1 / Line #2 ] ] 0 Pass 0 Fail ALTERATIONS: Duct System and/or HVAC Equipment Change -Out 4 Enter Tested Leakage Flow in CFM from CF -6R- Pre -Test of Existing Duct System Prior to Duct`+' " � . , x 0 e System Alteration and/or Equipment Change -Out. :�r 5 Enter Tested Leakage Flow in CFM: Final Test of New Duct System or Altered Duct System for Duct 5S System Alteration and/or Equipment Change -Out£ 6 Enter Reduction in a for Altered Duct Line #4 Minus Line #5 (Only if Applicable). Leakage �m [ ] ( Y APP ) 7 Enter Tested Leakage Flow in CFM to Outside (Only if Applicable). 8 Enter New Duct System -Pass if Leakage Percentage < 6% [ 100 x [ Line #5 /Line #2 ] ] 0 Pass 0 Fail TEST OR VERIFICATION STANDARDS: For Altered Duct System and/or HVAC Equipment Change -Out Use one of the following four Test or Verification Standards for Compliance 9 Pass if Leakage Percentage < 15% [ 100 x [ Line #5 / Line #2 ] ] 1.0 / Pass 0 Fail 10 Pass if Leakage to Outside Percentage < 100% [ 100 x [ Line #7 / Line #2 ] ] 0 Pass 0 Fail 11 Pass if Leakage Reduction Percentage > 60% [ 100 x [ Line #6 / Line #4 ] ] and Verification by Smoke 0 Pass 0 Fail Test and Visual Inspection 12 Pass if Sealing of all Accessible Leaks and Verification by Smoke Test and Visual Inspection 0 Pass 0 Fail Pass if One of Lines #9 through #12 Pass (Pass 0 Fail Residential Compliance Forms Generated by CjHjEjEjRjS® http://www.CHEERS-org December 2005 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING (Page 2 of 2) CF4R a �` Project Address[ H1ldebrand, Henry, j' `. ; ` t^ 52700 Avineda Ramirez / La Qumta,/ CA / 92253 Builder / Installer !Room Temp f I- THERMOSTATIC EXPANSION VALVE (TXV) * -`:'t'• ` Procedures for field verification. of thermostatic expansion valves are available in RACM, Appendix RI. System # I a . is . ''rS's 0:'i� l''��'•� _ W � ,s•, � t � ; w D Yes ❑ No"' talledon the system and Access ts'provided for;inspection. The procedure shall consist r�finsual verification that the TXV is ins14 installahouof th`e specific equipment shall be verified. :a`s.^ ,.r,t • .., t}:r�r a#��;,:, Yes ts�sP� '✓ Pass ❑Fail Residential Compliance Forms Generated by CIHIEIEIRIS® http://www.CHEERS.org December 2005 t