10-0347 (PLBG)P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALL - E TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Application Number: 100:000-3 7--M-OZ-4 Property Address: 54040 AVENIDA RAMIREZ APN: 774-212-002-23 -000000- Application description: PLUMBING Property Zoning: COVE RESIDENTIAL Application valuation: 576 Architect or Engineer: a� _ • t BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT Owner: KOIALOVITCH JAMES F 54040 AVENIDA RAMIREZ LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Contractor: .CALIFORNIA DELT ME H� 6052, E. BASELIN RD,. MESA,.AZ 85206 C (480)898-0007' Lic. No.: 811114 VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 77777011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 ITC 72410 Date: 4/21/10 ------ - - - - -- LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION - WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION . I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions;of Chapter (commencing with I hereby affirm under penalty ofperjuryone of.the following declarations: , ' Section 7000) of Division 3 ofthe'Business and Professionals Code,•andmy License is in full force and effect. ., _ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to,self-insure for' -workers' compensation, as provided . License'Classi� B-G107C36. .,License No' 811114 for by Section 3700 of the Labor.Code; for performance of the Work for which.. his permit is. ol/!o Gid �rGT�[� ���C�G / Ssued. : . . I have and will maintain workers^ compensation insurance, as.required by Section 3700 0l the Labor �e ontractor: /�%C. • Code, .for !he ,performance of.the'work,focwhich this permit is.issued. Myworkers' compensation OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION insurance carrier and policy number are:. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I,am exempt from the Contractor.'s State. License Law for the. Carrier STATE�.,FUND ::,` •Policy Number 1697823 ,• following reason (Sec. 7031..5, Business and Professions Code,' Any.city ogcounty that requires a permit to _ I certify that, in the performance of the .work.for, which this permit isissued;i shall not employ any construct, alter,•improye,.demolish, or ,repair;any, structure, prior.toits issuance, also requires the applicant for the person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, permit to file a signed statementthat he or she is licensed. pursuant to the provisionsofthe Contractor's State and agree that, if I should becomesubject to the workers' compensation provisions•of Section License Law.(Chapter9lcommencing with Section;7000) of:Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or 3700 of the bor Code I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. .. - _ that he; or she is exempt. therefrom and.the •basis for the, alleged exemption: ' Any violation of -Section 7031 .5 by !/ Qany eI; applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil, penalty. of not more than five hundred dollars ($5001.: Date: nt: X V�A_ppl_171 as owner of the property;.or my.employe_es with wages'as.their sole compensation, will do the work, andthe structure is not intended ol"offered for sale (Sic.7044, Business and Professions Code: The WARNING: FAILURE O.ECURE WORKERS'COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND'SHALL Contractors' State. License Law does not apply,to an owner of property who'buildsor improves thereon, SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER To CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL'FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND andwhc does the work himself. or herselfthrough his or -her own employees -,•provided that the DOLLARS ($100,060)` IN ADDITION TO-THECOST OF. COMP.ENSATIO.N; DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN improvements are not intended. or. offered 4orsale. If;'however,.the building or improvement is sold within SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES- ' one year of completion,.the owner-builderwill'have the burden.of proving that he or she did not'6uild or. -� - improve for the purpose of sale.),.. 1 _ 1 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors.to_construct.the project (Sec. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of` Building and Safety'for a permit subject to`the - .7044, Business and Professions Code: Ttie Contractors' State License Law.does not apply town owner of conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for pursuant to the Contractors'.State License Law.). whose benefit -work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, (_ 1 I am exempt under Sec. , B.&P.C. for this reason the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit., Date: Owner: 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY permit to cancellation. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). - city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives Lender's Name: - oft iscounty to enter upon t above-mentioned property or inspection. purposes. �/7/� /� ��T� �eae:�il'L.(�L' �Si tura (APPlicant or Agentl: X�C7�� . Lender's Address: @' LQPERMIT 1 Application Number 10"-00000347 " Permit PLUMBING Additional desc . Permit Fee 22.50 Plan Check Fee .. 5.63 .Issue Date Valuation 0 Expiration Date 10-/18/10 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension. BASE FEE 15':00 1.00 7.5000 EA -PLB WATER HEATER/VENT 7".50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments INSTALL 40'GALLON ELECTRIC WATER HEATER.: 20"0.7.' CODES::°" F._ "----------`--"---"---•---"-------------=------------------------ - other 'Fees BLDG "STDs ADMIN; (SB1473) - - - -- 7 - - - _ 1_00'.: " •Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit 'Fee Total 22.50 00 .00 22'.50 " P1am Check' Total 5'.63 00 .00 ." 5..63 " Other Fee Tota"11:00 00 00 1.00 Grand Total- = 29;.13 00: .00 29:13`" LQPERMIT AP r. 21. 2010 2:15PM STEVE No, 1106 P. 3 Prescriptive Certificate of Compliance: Residential CF -IR -ALT Residential Alterations Pa e 1 of Frojeet Name: 54040 Avenida Ramirez climate Zone q 15 6 of stories General Information SiteAddn=54040 Avenida Ramirez Enforcement Agency: ( LIJUIAITA, Date:4-21-10 Building Type© Single Family Q MultiFamily Circle the Front Orientation: N, E, S, W, or degrees Conditioned Floor Alza (CFA): Project Type: U Alterations UEoyelopeU Fenesoralion Roo£ HVAC Rc laccmcnt or ChM Out rl Duct Re lacement IM Water Heater NOTE: This form is not to be used for Newly Constructed Buildings or Addiflons Insulation Values For Opaque Sujfatxa (for Furring use the Mass and Fraying Strips Construction table below) Assembly Alteration ❑ Opening of framed cavity alone — Alterations that involve the opening of the framed cavity of a wall, ceiling, or floor must install the mandatory minimum insulation value per §150 for the altered assembly Fill In Columns A -C and enter mandatory insulation value in Column N. ❑Replacement of entire assembly— Replacement of an entire wall, ceiling, or floor assembly requires the installation of Component Pada e- D insulation values in Table 151-C. Fill in Columns A — J. Opaque Surface Details For the furred pordoned of Mass Walls see Funing Strip! Construction Table below. A I B C D )E h I G I H I I I J Proposed ow Standard Values From JA4 Table Framing TMckncss, Framed Continuous JA4 Proposed Ta� Asscmbly Name Material Spacing, U- JA4 Table Cavity Insulation Assemblij Asscmbl 1D or T e2 and Siva or Others factor' Numbers R-value6 R -Value Row/Col U-faetr Note: For fwredassemblies, aceouaing for Contimmus insulation R -value, see Page JA 4-3 and Equatiai 4-/. For ca/culathtg fumed walls use the Mass and Furring Construction table below. 1. For Tag/1D indicate the identification name that matches the building plans. 2. lndlcale the Assembly Name or type: Roof/Ceiling, Walls, Floors, Slabs, Crawl Space, Doors and etc ... Indicate in column 0 the Frame material and Size: For Wood, Metal, Metal Buildings, Mass, enter 1x4, 2x6, or etc... see JA4 for other possible frame type assemblies. 3. Enter the thickness for moss in inches or Spacing between framing members enter; 16 "or 24 "OC,- or Otherfor all other assembly description such as Concrete Sandwich Panel, Spandrel Panel, Logs, Straw Rale Panel and etc.... 4. Based on the Climate Zone; enter the equivalent U factorfmord in JA4 Table based on the R-Falue from Table ISI -B, C, or D S. Enter the Table number lhat closely resembles the proposed assembly. 6. Enter the R -value that is being installed in the wall cavity or between the framing; otherwise, enter " 0 ". 7 Enter the Continuous Insulation R -value for the proposed assembly; otherwise, enter "0 ". & Enter the row and column of the U factor value based on Column F Table Number and enter the Assembly U factor in Column J 9. The Proposed Assembly U factor, Column J, must be equal to or less than the Standard U factor in Colman E to comply. Furring Stri4 Construction Table for Mass Walls A I B I C I D I E F G I; I I J I K L M Proposed Properties of Masonry and Concrete Walls From Reference Joint APpendixTab 4.3..-%41.3.6,4.3.7 Added Interior or Exterior Insulation in Furring Space from Reference Joint Appendix Table 4.3.13 Final Assembly U-factor°'r Comment Mass Thickness Assemblya Name or JA4 Table Number' �' a ° g r r o, ° � ° �� 3 a Q it > 2008 Residential - 41e1�„•. -,,,•,_�/Uf�t/ne� • �;PBr�.�:; ::: ::'. r.. `•..: i::.�=': _ . a Compliance Forms ,March 2010 Apr. 21. 2010 2:16PM STEVE No. 1106 P. 4 Preiciipfive. Cerlificiite-of,Coi6pliiin'ce:-Reiid einfial CF-lR-*ALT Residenfi&IAU,erdd6ns, (Pace 4. of 5) Project Name- Climate Zone # of Stories -54040 Ave-nida.Ram- irez' 1 15 1 .1 HVAC SYSTEMS -'HEATING List water heaters and boilers fob both domestic hot water (DHA 'heaters -and and hy&mic space heating.. Individual dwelling DHW heaters must be Heating Equipment Typc and Capaciry'243 I Mihim= Efficicncy (ARIT or HSP F) . Duct or Piping Distribution insulation Thermostat Typr. and L*cedon4 R -Value Ty . Pe Configuration (Central, Split, Spam Package or Hydronic) External Tank Water Heater Type[Fuel Distribution Type Numbet.10 Tank 1. Indicate Heating Type (Central Furnace, Wall. Furnace, .Heat pump, Boiler, Electric Resistance, etc.) 2 Electric resistance heating is allowed only in Component Fqckagg,C, or except where electric heating is supplemental (i.e.. if total capacity :S 2 KWor 7,000&ulhr electricheating is controlled by a time -limiting device not exceeding 30 minutes), See §151(b)3 exception. 3. Refer to the KERS Verification section on quirements and ch applicable boxes. Page 4 of the CF-JR-AITF06for additional re check 4. Indicate Type or Location (Ducts, fl)d;onic in Floor, Radiators, etc.) HVAC SYSTEMS - COOLING Thermal Efficiency ".92 R-Valuc' 14 Minimum Standafd Cooling Equipment lype and Capacity 1-2 Efficiency (SEEMER or COP) Distribution Tipe and Locaiion3 Duct or Piping Insulation Thermostat 'R -Value Type Configuration (Central, Split, Spacc, Package or Hydronie 2. Recirculating systems serving multiple dwelling units shall meet tate recirculation requirements of §150(1), the Prescriptive requirements do not allow the Installation of; Alecirculating water heating syst*fir sft/e dwelling units. J. The external water heatin tank bird pipes shall be insulated to meet thie require'P'tents OL$1506). I- IndIcate Coolft.TyPe'(A,1C:,&arpump, Evap. Cooling, etc) Z Refer to the HERS Verification section on Page 4ofthg CF4R-ALTForm for additional requirements and check applicable boxes. 3. Indicate Zype or Location (Duc&% 1Onic inTloor, Radlators, etc. WATER HEATING List water heaters and boilers fob both domestic hot water (DHA 'heaters -and and hy&mic space heating.. Individual dwelling DHW heaters must be gas orpropane feed Hot waierpipe 11sylolionfivm the DHW healer to the kitchen(s) and on all w*tground hot water pipes is required in all cram Hent es in all climale'zones. External Tank Water Heater Type[Fuel Distribution Type Numbet.10 Tank Encrgy Factor or Insulation TvD . el (Standard,RceiroUlating)2 System- Capa6iity (al) 40 Thermal Efficiency ".92 R-Valuc' 14 M edium/EleWc Standafd 1. Indicate Type (Storage. Gas, ,Heat Pump, histahlaneous. etc.) 2. Recirculating systems serving multiple dwelling units shall meet tate recirculation requirements of §150(1), the Prescriptive requirements do not allow the Installation of; Alecirculating water heating syst*fir sft/e dwelling units. J. The external water heatin tank bird pipes shall be insulated to meet thie require'P'tents OL$1506). SPECIAL FEATURES The,enforcement ageireyshould pay special attention to. the Special Features Apecifiedin this checklist below, 74,ve items may require ivrittAJU's'lificanon and documentation ands * pecial verification. NEW ROOF ASSEMBLY ,_ Radiant Barrier The radiant barrier requiretneniof 115la2 ddes not apply toroof alterations. Slab Edge (Perimeter). -Insulation: UYES UNO YES; In Climate Zone l6,i,nCompon6tPa,dcages,D,R-7in§ula6onisrequired. Heated Slab Insulation YES' JDqq YES: Slab cd' e insulation required for all heated slabs'in all Cfima'tc Zoncs.".. See de . talls in Table 118-A of the standards. Raised Slab Insulati66 UYES [3NO YES: In Climate Zones 1, 2,11,13,14 dt 16. R-8 insulation is iced-, in Climate Zones 12 & IS, R-4 is,rcquircd under component Packer D. Therm-al.1-NIAM To obtain Compliancc Credit forthe installation of thermal mass, use the Performance Approach. 2008 Residefilial Cbmpli6nce- Forms March 2010 Apr -21- 2010 2:16PM STEVE No, 1106 P. 5 Prescriptive Certificate of Compliance: Residential CF -IR -ALT Residential Alterations (Page 5 of Pro,eet yarn°:54040 Avenida Ramirez Climate zone #15 # of stories HERS VERIFICATION SUMMARY The enforcement agency should pay special attention to the HERS Measures specified in this checklist below. A completed and signed CF -4R Form for all the measures specified shall be submitted to the building inspector beforef nal inspection. Duct Sealing & Testing HERS verification Is required for this measure. ❑ YES ❑ NO YES: In Climate Zones 2 turd 9-16, if more than 40 linear feet of new or replacement ducts are installed in unconditioned space. the ducts are to be sealed per §I52(b)lAii and the newly installed ducts are to be insulated per §I51(f)10. ❑ EXCEPTION: Existing duct systems that are extended, which are constructed, insulated or sealed with asbestnc. ❑YES ONO YES: In Climate Zones 2 and 9-16, if the existing space -conditioning system (HVAC equipment and ducting) is replaced, the ducts are to be sealed per § 152(b) IDi. []YES ONO YES: In Climate Zoites 2 and 9.16, if the existing HVAC equipment is replaced (including the replacement of the air handler, outdoor condensing unit of a split system, cooling or beating coil, or the furnace heat exchanger) the ducts are to be scaled per §152(b)IE. © EXUPTION: Duct systems that are doeuuneoted to have been previously sealed confirmed through HERS verification in accordance with procedures in the Reference Residential Appendix RA3. ❑ FKXCFPTION: Duct systems with less than 40 linear feet in unconditioned space. EXCEPTION.- Existing ducts stems constructed insulated or sealed with asbestos. Refrigerant Charge -Split SysteM HERS verification is required for this measwr. ❑ YES ❑ NO YES: In Climate Zona 2 and 8-15, when the existing HVAC equipment is replaced (including the replacement of the air handler, outdoor condensing unit of a split system A/C or heat pump, cooling or heating coil, or the furnace heat exchan ) arefrigerant charge measurement shall be verified per § t52(6)1F. Central Fan Integrated (CFI) Ventilation System and Fan Watt Draw The ventilation requirements of § 15 o do not apply to existing residential homes. Ducted Split Systems -.Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps: Airflow 11ERS verifrwtion is required for this measure. Q YES ❑ NO YES: 1n Climate Zones 10 through 15, when the existing spnoe-conditidning system (HVAC equipment and ducting) is replaced, the airflow and fan watt draw shall be verified 152 1Ci to meet the requirements of § 151(f)713. Documentation Author's Declaration Statement • I certify that this Certificate of Com lienee documentation is accurate and complete - orn lete- Name: Elena Name:Elena Johnson I Signature: Company -California Delta MechanicaII e4-21-10 Add=S:6056 E. Baseline Rd., #155 lfApplicable CEAor CEPS CitylStatc2ip: Mesa, AZ 85206 (Certification 9): Phone:— GG 92— V8 V6 VV V J 6 2735 Responsible Building Designer's Declaration Statement • I am eligible under Division 3 of the California Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the building design identified on this Certificate of Compliance. • 1 certify that the energy features and performance specifications for the building design identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements of Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. • The building design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information provided to document this building design on the other applicable compliance forms, worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement en for approval with this buildinit application. Name: Elena Johnson Signature: Company- California Delta Mechanical e=4-21-10 Address: 6056 E. Baseline Rd., #155 VLimsc;811114 Ci`y/stat ip:Mesa, AZ 85206 Phonc:866-692-5273 i w "ja uusc ur yuea'uons regaraing ine Cnelgy wanaards, contact the Ener8y Hodine at. 1-g00-772-3300. 2008 Residential dential Compliance Forms March 2010 Apr,21. 2010 2:15PM STEVE No. 1106 P. 2 Bio# Ot.of La Quin a Btf(gn,& 8i;Safety Ditnsion 'P.O.Box 1504, 78 495,CaQe Tamph 1 a;Qtio, CA 92253 (760),777-70.12 Building Permit Application and TrackingxSheet Fetmlt# to Project Address: 5� �.. � �V �t�Q' ,tl^Q->Owncr's Name 1�� A- P. Nu nbcr. Address: Legal.Dcsciiption City, 3T, Zip: S3 Contractor- f Addr=: E7�S� �. t� C/L1% Telepbone:�60 33YA 6 3 . �S Pro�ectl)escriptiotl: City. ST. Zip: Telephone: 66 -(q" State Lia 9: AME, Engn, Designer sty Lre.R io �r oo. y Addras: City-, $T, Zip, Telephone: State Lia #: Name of Contact person: �pQ�yF `&nshucfop'Type Occupancy; k' Project.typd(circle orie): New ,Add'n • After' :`,cpalr Dano 1i f� / Sq; Pt #Stories � # C Inns Telephone # of Contact person ,6�?-6Z 3; $stiiiiated-Volae of Projeett ' - 5� 6. APPLICANT;,Dp:NOT WlIrrE-BELOW,-THIS LINE # . - Submittal Iteq'd Rec'd.i TRAC H; V-ZFJ iTFEES Plan Sets Min Cheek submitted Item Ataouat 3traefiral Calcs. Reviewed,, eAdy fbr-correetioi,e Plan Check Deposit T run CAlcs. Called Contgafirson TIM Check Balance, Title 24 Cala, P40S picked up Construction. Flood!ptain plan Plans resubmitted Mechanical Qradiag plan .P.! Review, ready for correetious/isme Electrical Subcontaetor itst Called ContactPenon Plumbing crantDccd Y)ans ptcJced up . 9.ri11. 11.0A.Approval Plans resubmitted Grading INHOUSE:- ,correctlonVissue poveloperimpactFee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. pub. Wks. Appr Date orpermtt Issue school Aces TotalPermit Fees IC7117 4 o