04-3706 (RPL)i V BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. R X,1504 , (760)'777-7012 79-495 tiCALLETAMPICO ,i. -77 -701.1 T LkQUINTA; CALIFORNf 92253 . -INSPECTION REQUESTS (760),777-7153 BUILDING PERMIT t Application Number 04:-00003`706= Date 4/26/04 Property Address `` '. ' ' 54140 AVENIDA• ,RAMI-REZ APN: 774=212-:007` 18 -00,0000- Application description 'POOL. -,.RESIDENTIAL Property Zoning; „ COVE RESIDENTIAL +• Application valuation. t' 12:50:0 Owner`- .n Contractor BUFFI°N THOMAS ADDINGTON,_- DAVID P:. Q `BOX .134;' . a ; 41.760 {H'ERM3TAGE "DRIVE LA QUINTA . "2.53 INDI.O.: CA 92201 y. .. WCC , STATE FUND U WC.. ,2.290019787 01/01/05 CSLB:~' 682901.. '12/31/05 x.. CCC: g` - Permit MECH POOL Additional desc Permit Fee. 24 r00 `Plan :Check. Fee 6.00- Issue Date Valuation .a . 0 ` Qty -Unit Charge . Per *Extension Extension _ .... BASE FEE 15.0 1.00 9.0:000 EA, .._ , MECH, FURNACE <=100K 9.00 Permit BLDG POOL PERMIT Additional desc Permit Fee. 144:00; :Plan Check Fee 93.60 Issue'D`ate Valuation . . . . 12500 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE-. 45.00 11.009.°0.0.00, °THOU. BLDG..' 2, 0'01-25; 000 99.00 Permit ELEC POOL PERMIT -RES Additional desc Permit Fee .45,:0,0 Plan Check Fee 11.25 Issue Date. Valuation 0 Qty _Unit,.Charge Per Extension BASE FEE, :; .. 15.00 .1.00 30:0000 EA--EL91yPR°IVATE`SW:I:MMING POOL 30.00 P.O. BOX 1504 a l�r�� VOICE (760) 777 -?012 7E-495 CALLE TAM►ICO FAX (760) 777-7011 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 440 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT Application Number: C2 Q — oc�40 3 76 O Applicant: Applicanus Mailing Address: L11- ACV? .Y y� o . Date: Architect or Engineer. Architect or Engineer's Address: Lic. No.: BUILDING PERMIT DECLARATIONS LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Code. and my LIu1 brew and 1 hereby affirm under Penalty ll perjury that 1 am icatsed under provkiorts a Chapter 9 (=mwn ft wkh Section 7000) a Division 3 a to Business and Pmkssionalsfoena t;,jn Nfect /� License Cuss LS �License No. _ O �d / Dab - G ContractorOWNPt I hereby shin under penalty a perjury riot I am '8 R DECLARATION city or county List reQuias a pennk b caratrtrd, roto ria contracIOM Shfe License Law for to bkowirg mason (Sec. 7031.6. Business and Professions Code. Any st"n" that ehe k �� irpvft. do-torrstt, «repair any structure. prior b is, ksuance. also requires to applicant fa to Pennk b Bea signed and Pr" thathe Code) «tat la « b ria proviaiora a to Comtracbrs' State Uoenae Law (Chapter 9 (oormorreing with Section 7000) a Division 3 ata awkwas the appiant b a dvi ex°" i t undr ore and the basis for to *Gaged sxerrptiar► Any violation a Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a pan* subjects U I. as owner ata t . riot nam tan ive bandied dotsrs (f5o0).): Property. or my �+PloYsos with wages as rieir $ole oonpensaion, will do to work. and Ila skucl rs Is not Intended or aft for sale (Sec 7044. Business and Ptofessiorts Code: The Corrtracsors' State License Low does col apply b an owner a property who builds «improves tereon, and who does to work sold withhirnsaffin ado or t rough hit «her own employees, provided tot to imprwemeeys are not k*Mded « offered for sale. K. however. the building «irpovemam a U Las owner a to Y� a . the ow"�� "'� �e to burden a proving ricer he or she did not build « improve f« the purpose a sale.). ith Stab License Law does nPOPertynot gxduwvh oomadirg property w sed contractors bon ostrud to pojed (Sec. 7044. Business and Professions Code: The Contactors' the Contractors' State license Law.). o b appy b an owner a property whuilds «improves tefw% and who contracts for the projects with a contractw(s) ioensW prant bsu U I am exempt ander sec . B.& P.C. for tis mason Dab owner 1 hereby atripn under penalty a penjuy one a to WORKERS'COMPENSATION DECLARATION t/ 1 love and will maintain a Certiiate of Consent to for workers' a the work f« which tis permit is issued 0°"'pe" 0^• as provided for by Section 3700 of the labor Code. for the pertonmanoe _ I have and will maintain workers' compensation haws tce, as required by Section 3700 of to Labor Code. for the performance a the work for which tis pemkll a issued. sM workers' comPensaion Insurance canier and poik�r rturtber are: Cartier Pok I eertdy ttatV Number in the performance a to work for which Us pertM a issued. l shale not ertkpbY any person in any manner to as to beton WbOd to to workers' ��y and apes tot r 1 should become subject b or tdhwkhMo wkcers' compensation provisions a section 3700 a to Labor Code. l shag w Dab q_ 2-7- -o L/ Appiant � WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUMMED THOUSAND DOLLARS (i100.000). N ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3705 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. . 1 hereby atrum coder penalty of perjury that temk a Construction�CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY g agency for the performance of the work for which rife Pen it is issued (Sec. 3097. CN. C.). Lenders Name Lender's Address IMPORTANT Appkstion is hereby made b the Dirodor of APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1 Each t+D� behalf Building and Safety for a permit subject b ate wniditions and restrictions set forth on tis appicatiort. Issued es •result a tis a front k made, each person at whose request and f« whose benefit work k performed under «purswnl b any peM it s and ppication,m owner. and the appieartt, each ,groes b. and shalt, detnntd, irtdenrurtify and hold penniless the Citya La Ouhh, ks employees thi a ad « omission related to the works 2 MY Petrel issued as a result a this application becomes nu0 and void k wort�rq performed w„irtunl�W�days .from drat d ksusnoe a such permit « cessation a work for 140 days wN aubjed peril b cancepalion. 1 certify that I have read tis application and state that the above intimation Is correct- 100 to comply with alt city and county ordinances and state laws relaiing conStruction. and hereby suMorre representatives a ails county to enter upon the above- mentioned property for inspection purposes. b building Date Signature (Appfmtt or Agent): pk - ,�, a,`?nt;l(Fc�•?.nrv.'��:°�,I1;+yHi4"�+j��YI�''6}��t+rL.li��ia�" - fel. •� .. .. - Page 2 Application Number 04-00003706 Date 4/26/04 - Pe rmi t PLUMBING Additional.des_c Permit Fee 33 00 Plan Ch°eck Fee 8.25 Issue Date Valuation 0 Qty Unit Charge .Per. Extension _ BASE FEE.. 15.00 2.00 6- 0 0 0 0 :;`EA . PLS' FIXTURE; •- 12.00 1.00 3. 0 0 0 0EA'. PLB MATER ' IoNS T/•ALT/; REP 3.00 1.00 3.0000 .;EA .... PLB'°.GAS `PIPE 1=4 i OU>TLETS, 3.00 ----- .-- --. - - - - -- Special Notes .and 'Comments-, ' vy POOL ::& SPA ONLY P;LARMS BARRIERS, SHALL BE, IN PLACE `PRIOR` TO PREPLASTER INSPECTION. Fee summary Charged'''" Paid.. Credited Due • Permit Fee; Total 24`6':00.'- .00'f•- .00 24.6'.00 Plan -Check Total 119.16 00 .00 119.10 Grand Total 36.5.:10, .00- .00 • r 365.10