08-1875 (BLCK)P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT Application Number:0 00001877_ � Owner: Property Address: 54605 AVENIDA RAMIREZ DAN HURWITZ APN: 774-275-017-5 -000000- .54605 AVENIDA RAMIREZ Application description: WALL/FENCE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Property Zoning: COVE RESIDENTIAL Application valuation: 1840 Contractor: Applicant: Architect or Engineer: CANDYL GOLF GROUP INC 79752 MORRIS AVE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 �'Aar (760)200-0073 Lic. No.: 810547 VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760),777-7153 Date: 11/20/08 -----—--——-----——-------——---—----———--------------—-----——-----—---———---- LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of -perjury that I am licensed under provisions of -Chapter 9 (commencing with - I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the,following,declarations: Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Bus' and Prof sionals Code, and. my License is in full force and effect. I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided Lice se Class: • C27- LicenseNo.: 810547 _ for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, -for the performance of the work for which this permit is - a Date: I+ ontractor: IiW issued. I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor It Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation ' OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION insurance carrier and policy number are: I hereby affirm under,penaity of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the Carrier STATE FUND Policy Number 0010598-2008 following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and. Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to I certify that, inthe performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any _ construct, alter; improve, demolish, or repair•any::sfructure, prior: to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the _ person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, permit.to file a signed statement that he or'she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of. the Contractor's State - 'and agree that, if I sho Id become suject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section .License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with' -Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or 3700 of the. Labor, de, I shall fort ith comply with those provisions. - ' � hat he or she isexempt therefrom and the.basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by ' A I� any applicant for a permit -subjects the applicant to a civic penalty of not more'than five hundred dollars (55001.: ate: Z 06 plicant �'• ( ) 1, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and ' the structureis not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Coder The WARNING: FAILURE -TO -SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES'UP TO ONE,HUNDREO THOUSAND . and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the DOLLARS 1$100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. .. one year of completion, the owner -_builder will have the burden of.proving that he or she did not build or y ' ' improve for the purpose of sale.). APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (_ 1 I, as owner of .the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. IMPORTANT Application.is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of conditions and restrictions set forth on thfi application. ' property who-ouilds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed 1 . Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, (_ 1 I am exempt under Sec. , B.&P.C. for this reason the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. Date: Owner: - 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 Clays will subject CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY .. permit to cancellation. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is rrect. I agree to comply with all work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.1. city and county ordinances and state laws relating to buildi construction, an ereby authorize representatives - of this cou ty.to mer upon th bove-mentioned propert for, inspection pur es. Lender's Name: q Address: n so �U Si ture (Applicant or Agent): Lender's LQPERMIT Application Number . . . . . 08-00001875 Permit . . . . . WALL/FENCE PERMIT Additional desc . Permit Fee . . . . 43.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 1840 Expiration Date .. 5/19/09 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension -BASE FEE 15.00 14.00 .2.0.000 HND BLDG 501-2,000 28.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments 85 L.F. 5- GARDEN WALL, CITY STANDARD @ FRONT & SIDE Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- Permit Fee Total -------------------- 43.00 ---------- .00 ---------- .00 43.00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 43.00. .00 .00 43.00 LQPERA11T Nov 20 08 11:13a Dan 415-665-3995 P.1 Golf's B;ioit-solutior j'$u44iq (:`Owner„), t�?if35C ..C4:.=t'-`:h iia't' .i't?:Ya€'b is �4�c� .�vei3td<? L\iettlireF.� s.:Y Qatint ' E'a. and C�2iICiVI GolfC7i()ltP. Inc., whose address !S 79-752 TOorris Ave.. La Oulr!t:i. ("A 1. Description. of Nkrol_i::. �ontractor pi000ses to f6rilish limitcd materials, equip-nent and labor rcce sar)for the completion of the project dcscribed hercir. (tae "Pn) ect"). I' -c� Ct specil►cstiom are set forth herein and Include; the following: (MM M _Ubmitted bL O -W1 ers.) 1"Aca-vation of tootintis l'or block wall 85 l.f. 9 Pouring, Fool7!l+'S. ., .r l _ i Q onst,uetjon ol'cinder block w'aii with smooth stucco inisli on inside and outside stucco to n.- `c l v� l.f. \ hi�jii Fill` arched entl'�r ,vuv to,' f,iliL'. (Crate L.^. b;: lro4`1GC(J ?� (•''�:!1=C1 C - - Repair irrigation system to all new landscape areas. iiad t''he elbove '�VO!'i� to be perl'bi t1lE� and: O1:i�IC iLGy. 1!1 a good. e peditious. and workmanlike !Wanner. Should this tiroposal not.be accepted b)' Ch`.!tcr vvithil? 30 days of the date of Contractor's siunaturc. flim Contractor nnay at Contractct•'s sole. option revoke this proposal end submit a new propc)sal witli current pricin'-. 2. cost: 'rhe total cost for the. above specified vvo: is SS,74}4}. Renck fanil — S5,506k Nov 20 08 11:16a Dan 415-665-3995 p.7 L,I..,\.BILI. AIFY IN-,S,f--RANCI1. CHECKIAST FOR I-IONVILOWNER, S RE-OARDINN-C 110 -ME -1-0 011WERREGARDING MIECHANICS- IAENS PRIOR %V EN11% AND NOTICL TO OWNER ENTERING ji�:TO "HIS AGREEMENT. 54605 Avcmda Ramirez Date:- Date: November '210.2008 CO3\! * "RAC 1 O P, 7 Bv: Canclyl GeflfGroup. Inc.. A Cailii'orniia corporallmn Caii, D. '-cc its: Prcslden� Contractor's License No. 810547 Pluw Co 00 1 1 . 10a Doo, 41G OOG OOOG p..0 u:;;st between the patties. This Agpreenient can be modified only by an agreement in v%lritiii`1, signed hy'both ;parties. 15. Governing, Lanw_ This Agreement is cntcmd intii in the State o('Cali.:?!!i!u. and sh«II l^,% Collst ied, interpreted and eni;on-ed according to the laN--,s of the tale of Calltornia. A:nv dispiltc caris,ing from This Agreement shill. be; hroaou and vaned d Iii Me Sup 4w Court Ill C:aUArnia. County of Riverside. Indio Branch. 16. lwallTN: Should aiiv provision of this Agreement ile waived of declt,,red I'),- q COUrt oI Git!111)etcilt !Lil'IsdiCllOil to bli inva.Ild. such N aiver Or in".-alidnition tihaH in noway Invatidwe or constitute a waiver orthe remaining, provisions of this Agrcernenl. I- 1�!�'Iit ��? f,�ance! l�ransaction: � otl. 'he oyer. ii1ay cancel this transaclioti 1t any We Nrlor o il.id2)ly'hl of the, third business day ahe r the :.lc?te o`AiS transucliom See tllc attached notice ce o cancellCdon Onn IOr an expi nwdion of this right:' -1'nDE ABCJVE PRICES, SP CU IC..A'l IONS AND COND111TEONS ARE S A; FIST-•_ AC'TC)RY AICD, AIDE HEREBY RF'•BY ACCEl'`I�l' D. CONTRACTOR IS .� U"i i l�)RI�:IaD TO I)O 'fl- E WORK S11'­:CtF1ED HEREIN AND OWNER R AGRi. S 111 i.a ' ALI: PAYiKU:--wN i'S VVILL. BE N4ADE ,AS 0::T1.1\;:D HEREIN. 1'HAT {)WNIER KAS T HEI AC.:TI- 0RI FY WENTER 114TO TIBSAGIZE!WENIT. OWNIF.R'UNDERSTANDS ANI -11J ACKNOWLEDOESTHAT THE PRIC ' SET FORTH IN T THS PROPOSAL IS ONLY V AUD FOR 111IRTY (30) DAB'S i' RO\M THE ?AT!". PIR 1POSAT. IS Si11i v91'j l irD Ii't 0WV NER F(JRTiH1_-.R ACKN0VVI.I?D3F',S '! _iAT 0Vry'NI R WAS 11-RO'v'iDED W[ FL CONTRA.C:':OR'S N4t'.YTICE R ;GARD11_N`i.; CCMVIERCIAL GFNIE'RAL 6 0-1 Nov 20 08 11:15a Dan 415-665-3995 p.5 I Contractor's License \oticc: Conn -actors are rcyui:,.d by lrovv to be licensed ai-id re'.111aited b',- tile contractors, Slate i.lic :nse Boaid which hal`_ ur- Is:'l!ction t0 ?3?VCstloiitc CUr!lr1i6ills a1'- inSt Co.niraletors ifa con-miiiln! i% , rdlih c patenli act or omission is filed with!Il yea its of the datz of the aileged Violation. A cUri plalim regalydl'el, a latah act of omiss!oil pZ-1-tali?ln`(I to SU -11C1.111 -a0 d •ieciS must be i:Lied wilhIn 10 years Ci the ciale Of dic lilcoed VMla'l.loil. ;' n\ dlIes—i Oils coriccmi n`_ al Wiltractor may be relerl'cC{ to tI?C ne 15irar. C Ut)trtlCt(?r� .)tatG' i.iccusc Board. ?_O. Box 26000. Sacralnlcnto, Cjti 95826. 11RFMiIRE.S ANYONE *XHO.CONTRACTS TO DO <ONSTRV' CTI3;i/0R-KTO13--1, D 1 F'X'EN`ED Wks TN. COe(16A �S 3^ELS/.S�A IN I-}ENSCFOI. 'L jr CH THE CONTP�.: C"''IOR 1S ('01N ; Ti0 psi �k',(Art ;1N6; - 4'F —11 E TOTAL PW CE OF T Hl'..y�s ti 1S x :10 Oa.z MORF ( a C�,r1-�;�iNG, LABOR AND NIATv1�I. LS). L CENSEA'i CC N T Ria -tC "T (MRS ARE REGU1. ATR) 3VLAWS DESIGNED T€) RO ,'tr,CT TF'ip.. .:.<:. !19' YOUCONTRA".CT '6 ET :1ii:��.� �? T WHO DOES NOT HAVE A LICn ?���. T.1F CON!'RAC T ORS STATE LICEtI.S , l?C IDY N%a:° YY BE UNABIL1E TO ASSIST W? T 1' :k C.f➢� rl-...FN. T. V01l1.3 0N1,'i RS.s'�=FDIA' AEroA5NST ! N UNF..ICENSE1) CCt1 � .' P%AC u , _k�i' Y FF 2 c:` 4, -L COURT. ANI) 4; Oti+:%IA � 1 E ii.1:�2Bii,i�f1F("R�r(fs�,��►p�AGE—S �.��653'\C 63€)R OFANY i`�;�j�. i1e?S T •i: .a a'9 >!'i C'1, N*j I:.'9Ch dP, OR HIS OR �'Yfl F.rZ F.:i11 LYP �,F E . YOU N-1 A Y CONTACT T HT. CONTRACTORS STATE, 1.::C'FNS,'E, 111O.A.R1310 1"+IND (1 .Qr .ilk THIS `AOINTRACTOa HAS A VALID LICENSE TIHE B€) RED 4sAS CC'9MIPLETENTt: DR-;*'hA'V ?,0N 0',% TN'i . €ESIMOR`3' 01" TACE SED CON 11AC TC: RS, INC+,��MNC; SAN 1'�c�SMIS- E SUSPENSIONS, .§ON,..)!.'DGiVIF T S. AND CiTA TIO'i�S. ":'HE BOARD 11; 5 OFF, y TRRC9'l. Glio�k� 1g�;r'�Ct, iT .�. C.:�LEFC�RNIA. °'�..I�::�SE t'itFEDI=:CK TF f�nC91'F,RN111kT.ii—, N R'3PAGF.�iyG�aFai THF WE, I - PACi ES x Oil THE I F P C E N LA1i;'..4 2 YOU OR C,•R-►LL 1"t890-,:, j-C1� ,g FOR MORE 2 F0'R.-M:-Tg0'.N`. ^ 14. sJ icurraltion: 'I his Agreement constitutes the entire a`'rccincilt Ut l.l1C parties. \l!1 mlher a,giecfnenis, orad or Written, pertaining to the ?w"UCli to he ped'ormed under this contract Nov 20 08 11:15a Dan 415-665-3995 p.4 Coniractor`s so!c disc:': iorl. and Owner agrees to rad• said slims :.iron pre)entation of invoice by Coll Tractor. 9. !ns"I'mrlce: ConTactor maintains all appropriate insurance including \;w,.kcrs7 CQillpensation kind employer s liab?ilt4' insurance: co171mercial �_enci'al lia bill=\ [l.Sllt'?lIiCC COi'C!!n�` Z1111 117e:1':t[1UilS..aU'MrK►h,-02 ![;, bit4I.Y411SU.1:.1?ic,-,.nC1Lidln` CoVeraLIC 1.or aU ow-ncd. li4rc � and non - owned vehicles. 10. Fi!lai Payment. 1Vaiyes C.l'aim: ( \\'!ler, by making =!nal pa)'mem Llnd;:r This contract. \�c ii ys ally claim mat it. lila' have a ainsi tile' Contractor for darna!ac5 trout defects that are :nown to 0\1'ner or appal---nt fronn reasonable inspection aL the time filial payment IS i?ii1Ch7. 1. Attorne\' s Fees and "o—,Ls: 1!i anv dispute a -'sin- Cron? tills A:".?I'C.L'mwnt. whether at la%v or cgwiy. the prevallla_ party shatt be: untitled io act:k?l al-toi-ney'S Zees. coSiS and other C::IlenseS mcu rw It. bringing. or defending the action. Should Comractor be regiul 'Cd to. initiate hen hroc::elllngs or take Collection action in ordcr tO Oblaai payment, C)!l'ner agrees that Ohvner shall be liabw lilt all eoSLs and exl�er,•ses incurred therein. including attOl-lie 's.;ees arxi cosi~. 12. Assl�rt1ment: Neither party i?laV assip this contract. oI" haynlel.iS ;Tile' underlily collti'L1ct. \v1thou t the other party swritten consent". S!loi.ilCi Co!ilr,lctol' Con9ct)t tO �licll aSsi_nment, SUClI COiSuM Sill -I! 110t ill an.y mantel' by considered as consent: to any other assign!i1Crii of t0 CiL3te any obligat-on o7 Contractor i:) consent tel cdditlona! assi`,I'JIiCnCS, !till' l;;xatl ,2urLracior'c co:)ccnt to zssiunment 5;erve to mndifj: rlr any ^1 0-w- e S obll.a[it?llS under this AgreC:ill'cnt. Nov 20 08 11:14a Dan 415-665-3995 p.3 6- Projcct neliccillent and Completion: Contractor shall begin work on November 25, 200s Pl'()' LICLlt(2 the %vork djli-"%tIjdV ku C-umplelioll. Contractor e\Pec(s LIIILI !IlticiPateS `il@t flit work to be performed under this A.,,reement S11-111 be Completed by zipp 1-0 x i ilia fely Deco m bl-c- i 1. 2008. SLILISW[Itill Comm-encenient of tile work to be perfionned under this Agreement shall tic deeilec to have OCCUrred once Contxac'iol-'.,,- cmpjo1;Ces bet �-,n work on the premiscs. Faiiure- of the contractor* wilhOLIt kiVi-ftli I-.XCUSe t0SLlhSl'8lllt:ail)- -10 rill -nience Nvork within 20 days f': -pm tile approxinnatle date specified in this Agreement is a violation of the,'Contractors License Law. 7. Delays: CMILMIC101- SIMH lac eXCUSC-d fa~ any ClClaY M, Comimenceamit or completion of tile vvol-!: specified under Ithis A-reement caused by acts ol'God: ac-ts of Owner, ol 0%t;ner's agenits. or oj"Owne.--, eniployees or independent contractors.- inclen-ient. weatllcr.- labor trouble: acts of public ut:liit;,e,,-. chan-os rcqLlesred by Ovoler: Owner's Iailare to snake pay-lientS 3S 'his Agleen-i-11t. or Other co.n.6il" ncies tunforeseen bv Conlractor and beyond ;LS spcei fled under L- W 1 -0 rCasonabje control D a,-,esfo-Delm.,s: U compietion of the Protect is del aved beyond the t,nl- specified M this Agirwinciii. im(`. 1-hic delay Is CaLlSed by Owmcrls fadurc to make thepremIsQs avallablQ to Ct I Cll .ontractor of do all quired of Cl -iv! or have the premises readly for Contractor t. ffli-ent perl'orin Ilic- Projz-ci. or bV 0"WII-L"S Uai'UrC tO PIXIMPH): Pay invoices -.'uhl-nitte'd b-. Coliti'VICL, Owner aerees that Ovv-ncr sliall pky to Contractor aniv and -jI sums expend -ed by Gonfractor I'lol. rental 0.1'Outside equipmen', rented or leased by Contractor foruse on tile Pro.ject- Contractor "hal I bill for .All SLIMS cine UIRI O\Vill� for the rentai or lease Of Outside equipment at Nov 20 08 11:14a Dan 415-665-3995 ;. ['avments: ayment of 0% of the: total cost ofthe cavort: or $1,000.. %whichever is less. IS CCI be subIllitted tc Contractor' L pop execution o! tb s :� gl•eement. ContraciGL is under n0 ub!icatioll lc'proCeed aa.ith the work to be perforined uncler this A,,,,rccmcnt until said navnle!7t i5 i1lade. Invoices will be suhrr14te . c J,a,ner as set fo ytl, :Ill Sche(lule. "A". attached hereto. if payments are. iloi illade by Ov,.ncr as specified on Schedule "A" attached hereto. then in addition. to ail odder 1•i01ts under this Agreement, Contractor may charoc interest ilt the le -at raw beg, itinirg on the first da.)' that payi7lent .s dUe by Owner wid not recolved b\\'0111ractor. T. Rl��llt l0 5t07 Work: Contl•.acior Ilial' Stop work !l city' pa\`lilelli, lllcilldlll`� �i!l1 payment fol' extra b\;ork. is not made to Contractor as set forth under 'this Agreement. 11"'such nllli}7a)'Illlnt OCCLi1•S_ Contractor nnay keep the: job idle Until all pav{71eiltS are rcceived_ and is inider no obligation to pe:rte rm, farther -, ork until required payments are made. Awy delays due to not:-payllle nt will be conside-red to have been Caused by Owner. D. Changes Ili Scu�� :,f ��'�r'::: lF Ch,✓nor dinjac any moditicai inn ttl tll work covered by this Agreeni:r.t. the cost shah be added to the r��,reei ent i rice. All provisions oi'this /iareelilcllt Shall apply to anv sticli changes. f0odiricadons or additions to the scope Ofx,.*oCn set forth in fl -his Au..reenieni shall be made oJllt- by vvi•Ittell Chang:. Orde, issued bN Owner and si,ned by O\vner and Contractor. Invoices for any work or n{aterial prow ided pursuant to a C.han�,c Order shall be paid for in talc Same. manner and Upon isle same schedule as all otl?cr !li\'oll'ed ,.+.:ort: for III -.,c Traject. Expense incunred because of unusuai or Unanticipated -underground coriditio ns sitali be laid for by Cavner as oxtre work. I p.2 Bin # Cit of La Quanta Building 8T S#ety.Uivision P.O. Box 1°504, 7.8-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 9225.3 -,(-740) 777-701 Z Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permit # (, �d Project Address: 1pD�j )&v� t`7j d �A )QRZ 1 Owner's Name: 44 JA (UVJ 1 T A. P. Number: Add ess: 54 i00 5 &VEA M Q -eAWF-7— Legal Description:/ City, ST, Zip: LAI a U' ^l?2 Contractor: Ci ��f 60L.F �?0009 LCL. Telephone: 41 5, %S5 • 7jaa 5 Address: -7,57- . /Ll Oieel 4t/g. Project Description: W.,&LL CityST, Zip: rt Q�4� P C k �;2?�,aj ' W(?S(Q.QC''� 12 %� �(`I J Telephone: 76 0. 20.0 00� City Lic. State Lic. # :.910,5 7 Arch., Engr., Designer: Address: City, ST, Zip: Telephone: State Lic. #: Name of Contact Person: _ i Construction Type: Occupancy: Project type (circle one): New Add'n Alter Repair Demo Sq. Ft.: # Stories: # Units: Telephone # of Contact Person: ;Estimated.Value of Project: APPLICANT: DO.NOT•;WRITE BELOW THIS. LINE # Submittal Plan Sets Req'd "Reed r TRACKING PERMIT FEES Planbm ,Check suft cd "` , l Item Amount Structural Calcs. Reviewed, ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit Truss Calc§. Called Contact PersonPlan Check Balance Energy Cales. Plans picked up Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted F. Mechanical Grading plan 27" Review, ready.for correctionstiissue Electrical Subcontactor List , .Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked `up- "y S.M.I. H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:- ' Review, ready for eorecctionslissue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permitissue ' School Fees Total Permit Fees P.O: BOX 1504 VOICE (760) 777-7012_ 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO FAX (760) 777-7011 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT INSPECTIONS.'.(760) 777-7153 BUILDING PERMIT< ._ Date: 11/20/08 Application Number O8 .40;001875'' . Owner. Property Address: 54605 AVENIDA RAMIREZ DAN HURWITZ APN: 774-275-0`17-5 -0000007.• 54605 AVENIDA RAMIREZ " Applicatiori description: WALL/FENCELA QUINTA, CA 92253 "Y Property Zoning: COVE RESIDENTIAL r Application valuation: 1840 Z,^ Contractor: Applicant:' _s ��,.•.,; nginer /IIPy:IN , . . C 79752 (MORRIS '4 'a LA QUINT 11 rf! (760)'200 -OA r3 sf Lic. No. • 047 r. i d l Ii LICENSED CONTRACTOR b"ECLARATION •. "yi"+�WORKER S�COYJIP 5A7,IO+N DECLARATI • N.•^r •L ^ ``, • ;„- : ,fir•; -Lhereby affirm under penalty. of perjury�thatf am,licenseil 'under provisions of Cneptec9 (commencing with I hereby'"affirm under penalty of perjury one -of the followrrSg'oeclarations ` �,, ,,., - - �"'n n `If•in ure for -w4♦ keisS coin a sat o as .S••ctionz7000 ofDivisi n 3 of th'Bu •in s 'rid Pinfes i nals Code end;m 'License isin full force and effect. • �S ;: I have and will, certificate'$f�co se t to se s o� . P - P _-_ �; Aft -' - •:'� e ) o e s e sa so� - -4.:; - 1 47 Lice se Class:--.. C27, ,..- - - license No.: :.(8. OS ._ . -' •- `v ., ,- for_by Section 3700 of the•Labor Catle,;forthe.performance ofithe work:for which this. permn is1�e'`'+1 i. +` .,�zi, `,;. �'"' •;' w v.,._+.. _ •: ,,.,, - °i"• ' �--.« . r+i=-.3 : �e». f .y. 1ek�,,n,g.... ,. ..,- 1�„ .., ! - _.. .. ". .. '•, , '.Fadi �� $'.. ^,.,+<..�'� Or_- - , Date: .. ,. •t< ontrac_tor. _ .� -: '-'. _ . - - - >.Lhave and will maintain workers':campen"cation insurance, as required by Section370 of the.Labor �•` � "-1�- ' '..:'e..r-•- • -. •...-. ".- -•Code,'.for-theerformancebf-tliewoik�fo'r�which'this permit is issued'My�.warkers;campensation�y `�+��- .'q '• ._.,� w _ : ofiperiury that ;•i- +>F�I am exempt OWNER BUILDERIDECLARATION ; �; �.,• ;,,, -s -'_"insurance cairier and policynumberare: = w ,,�yF �?�*,�'���, f heieby•affirm under•penalt' mpt from the'Contractor I 's:State License Law for the . ': ' " •-,Carrier STATE.`EUND'.''� -_ .Policy Number' - 0010598:=2008�"`�"1' _ -.t.'� r fi �•. � •fo)lowing-reason ISeg;703'1`5' Bu-si6ess'and Profissiohg Code` eAny,city or bounty"_thavrepuires.a permit. to _ 'I certify that, in the performance of the wark:for,which.this permit -is issued '[.shall -not employ any • " .. nr;; consttuct;,alter,-improve demolish or repair any structure, prior to its jss6ance also requires the applicantfor the person in eny'manner so as to become subject to the workers':compensation jaws. of California, permit to.fild•a signed sta;—entthat he.or",she is•licen'setl' pursuant to the, provisions of the Contractor's State' and agree that, if I should become subject to theworkers' compensation provisions of Section. License'Law (Chapter 9 (commencing'with',Section 7000) of'Diyision 3 of ite-Business �and.Professions.Code) or 3700 of the Labor Code, I shalffok ith comply with those provisions. that he or, she is`exempt therefrom and theobasrs foi the alleged exemption _i Any violation of Sectioi,0631.5 by any applicant for permit subjects theapplicant to<•a'civil penalty�of, not m`ore-thanfive'hundred dollars -15500).: ate: phcant: I` wn r f h� i rm m 1' :'with:wa esus"ttieirsole•com ensatian will do the work,and " 1 ), as o e o t e p operty, o y e• p oyees„.' c the structure'is not.intended:or offered forsale'ISec. 7044, Business and Professions'Code The'< WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE N/ORKERS''COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS'l1NL WFOL; ANDSHALL +4 ,r .. .- .w ,. - .. .. r -.. -* Cantractors' State-License�Lawdoes not apply town -an property,who�buildsofimpioyes#hereon;SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO.CRIMINAL,pENALTIESAND�CIVIL FINES,UPkTO-ON&HUNORED�7HOUSAND:,� `sand•iivho does the work himself or.herselfahrou h his or her owmem to eest. provided that.the - .DOLLARS`Is100',0001 "IN:ADOITION:T&THE'COST OF,COMPENSATION`DAMAGES.AS.PROVIDED: FOR IN - .�.}" •i�:impiovements-ai"e ndt'interided'or offered.for sale: If,'however, the building or,-improvement.is'sold within SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR COPE, INTEREST -".AND ATTORNEY?S FEES,..,i �- ; ;"`•c a •. • "; .`one year of<completion the owner builderfwill have ttie�burden of proving}that: he ortshe did not build or- _ •• -improve for the purpose'of sale.). - • '�' --• - T*f ,..0 _ N WLEDGEME x e ,APPLICANT ACK 0 N as:ownerof the. property, amexclusively contracting with ' -licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 'IMPORTANT Application ishereby made'to the Director of Building and Safetyfor'a'permif subject to,the 7044�,-rBusinessr nd Professions -Code: The Contractors'-State.License Law 'doe's not apply to an'owner of conditions and restrictions serforth on this application' property who builds or,improvesahereon,'and who contracts for the projects wit h•a'contractorls) licensed - 1...Each person upon ,whose behalf this application is.made, each•person at whose request and: for, pursuant to the Contractors: SfaterLicense Lawa. - whosebenefif work is,performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of;thisapplication, es ( ) I am exempt under Sec.. , B'.&P.C. for this reason the. owner, andthe.applicant„each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmlessthe City taoioeatUtotheokbeof to Quin•mssin wng; _ performed under or fojlowing�issuance of this permit.:.- Date: - Owner: - 2. Any peimit issued as;a result of -this application becomes null and vpid ifwork'.is not commenced ` within -180 days.from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work fo'rA days will subject. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY permit to cancellation.'.• - z - I hereby'affirrn under penalty of perjury that there is a construction.lending agency for the'performance of the I certify that [.have read this application and state.that the above information is correct. I'agree to comply witkalF- work for which this permit issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize re6i6s htiiWes of this county.to enierupon th bove-mentioned property for inspection purposes `"^r- , -•fit Lender's Name: - ate: Si cure (Applicant or Agent): Lender's Address - - LQPERUff e57Uuo Ir,"D54 O(I(Tel;l . - 1 0 Candyl Golf 79-752 Mi La Quinta, x `3' WT V � OO 12� �ioul��S 5'jclr.Go �,,�a5►� e�fifi��.�� O �. �O <® OATrl �jaw:,� s ! f11 �r \/V -WAY CITY OF. LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVE® FOR CONSTRUCTION DATF//' W Ol0 BY KY --XooP ,A*?AQ£ uow rrz- aslf S�- C�oS A�/� ►p A- LA OUlaT;4,,-�