350635 (SFD)BUILDING PERMIT 4 r PERMIT NO. 350635 +-,!1, CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE v_ 1ST FL., Sao SQ. FT. 4 '• _ 2ND FL. SQ. FT. FOR. �EEl,,% SQ. FT. . �J GAR. "TTa SQ. FT. CAR P. SQ. FT. WALL, SQ. FT. SQ. FT. @ ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION VALUATION NOTE: Not to be used as property tax valuation DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & SAFETY_ COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, NO. I ELECTRICAL FEES ow UNITS r L MOBILEHOME SVC. POWER OUTLET SWIM POOL, PVT FIELD OFFICE NO. PLUMBING FEES YARD SPKLR SYSTEM BAR SINK ROOF DRAINS DRAINAGE PIPING DRINKING FOUNTAIN URINAL WATER PIPING FLOOR DRAIN PERMITNO.- ] 350635 MECHANICAL FEES Job Address " SWIM POOL, COMM Owner WATER SOFTENER Community �� l� 7. QL:i /`s �T '/A,- q Valuation �� VENT SYSTEXX❑ FAN ❑ EVAP. COOL XO HOOD % O SIGN F.C. / WASHER IA OI (DISH) MH Permit Fee $ Micro Film Fee Cop $ APPLIANCE %C❑ DRYER Use of Permit ` / C7 Legal Description© Parcel No. Use No. k.by %y a 7� zpZ�. S Set Backs Lot Siz!J, �' R / �t[� Zane Grp Type Unit �Mech. Fee ' DbI $ �% GARBAGE DISPOSAL d r, Electrical Fee Dbl $ Q FURNACE ❑ UNIT ❑ WALL ❑ FLOOR ❑ SUSPENDED Plumbing Fee - Dbl $ 3 Q Bond Amt. Plan No. $ LAUNDRY TRAY Final Dote &r to Inspector AIR HANDLING UNIT CFM -Demol. Fee $ IDLE METER Const. Lender Branch "I certify that in the performance of the work o which this permit Is issued 1 shall not employ any person in any monner so as to become subject to the workmen's com- - pensotion laws of California." Address /i yyss City Zip Owner Signature �! .�rj Builder Signature KITCHEN SINK Mileage Fee $ Witness Fee $ ABSORPTION SYSTEM 0 B.T.U._ TEMP USE PERMIT SVC Tel. Zip D el 2 Lt WATER CLOSET d U J COMPRESSO 0 HP City• •',/) /�j Zip !T ( .� 'As 7" ry POLE, TEMP/PERM Received by LAVATORY Contractor Tel. t HEATINGSYSTEM >C0 FORCED ❑ GRAVITY Trees required AMPERES SERV ENT Address SHOWER Workers' Comp. yes ❑ no ❑, BOILER B.T.U. SQ. FT. 8 a BATH TUB SQ. FT. Ga a WATER HEATER a O SQ. FT. RES ID Oa 1'/.a -7 SEWAGE DISPOSAL 0 SQ. FT. GAR Y,a ,3 a7 HOUSE SEWER GAS PIPING PERMIT FEE y PERMIT FEE 3. PERMIT FEE �Q Q DBL. I TOTAL FE ]MOS. MM. FEE • MICRO FEE MECH. FEE '- PL. C FEE CONST. FEE ELECT. FEE - SMI FEE FEE PLUMB. FEE PERMITNO.- ] 350635 Supp. Permit Job Address " Space Zip Owner Community �� l� 7. QL:i /`s �T '/A,- q Valuation �� Dote a��- Dist. / / Off. 4z F.C. / MH Permit Fee $ Micro Film Fee Cop $ Use of Permit ` / C7 Legal Description© Parcel No. Use No. k.by %y a 7� zpZ�. S Set Backs Lot Siz!J, �' R / �t[� Zane Grp Type Unit �Mech. Fee ' DbI $ �% PLA .Ck. Fee D $ / Construction Fee Dbl $ �a- Electrical Fee Dbl $ Q SMI fee $ Plumbing Fee - Dbl $ 3 Q Bond Amt. Plan No. $ Plan Checker �i Final Dote &r to Inspector Sp. Insp. Fee $ -Demol. Fee $ Const. Lender Branch "I certify that in the performance of the work o which this permit Is issued 1 shall not employ any person in any monner so as to become subject to the workmen's com- - pensotion laws of California." Address /i yyss City Zip Owner Signature �! .�rj Builder Signature Registr. Fee $ Mileage Fee $ Witness Fee $ Reinsp. Fee $ OwneilLrAgefif Tel. Zip D el 2 Lt Total Fees $ J Add—, (l / t / q ! _ 0 l'? i �, ! Po (s C� City• •',/) /�j Zip !T ( .� 'As 7" ry M.O. ❑ N.C. ❑ Cash [} Received by Contractor Tel. t License .# Trees required Sewage System ,a Address City Zip Workers' Comp. yes ❑ no ❑, T LL P Of!hTHIS PERMIT SHALL BECOME VOID IF WORK IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS. CESSATION OF verified by: .Sewer Distrix -WORK FOR 120 DA�C�IT TO BECOME VOID. - .. I HEREBY AG L NECTION WITH THIS PERMIT WILL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE F ( WITH THE LAWS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY AND THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE INDIVIDUAL WHO PREPARED THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS HAS DONE SO IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 5541 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE OF THE STATE OF Form 284.2081Rev. 4,771 ©s CALIFORNIA. b 78-105 .CALLE'� ESTADO - LA, QUI NTA, .CALIF0kN'1A .92253 y'- (619) 564-2246 November 28, 1983 Mr. Claytcn Mitchell,, REO Coordinator`' Weyerhaeuser, tPrtgage Ccq:)any P. O. Box 54089 Los Angeles, California 90054 RE: Property Located at 54-725 Avenida Ramirez., la Quinta CA 92253 Dear Mr. Mitchell: Attached please find..a copy of the-'Certif Cate of Occupancy issued to Mr. D. R: Pike this date. .The final inspection 'as ,coi�leted: Wednesday, November 23, "1983, and everything: was found to -'be in order'. If there is anything eise we can., assist you with"plea do,.not hesitate to contact this office: Very truly yours,` COMMUNITY- DEVELOPMENT' DEPARTMENT insua Building Official.— PC:dmv. Encl: Copy of Cer-tifeate of Occppancy MIKE' r- " -- m m 0., 10� Nil OF ]a It I M tij n af Ut tn� This Certificate issue ments'otSe ti6n:306,of the Uniform Building! pursuant�to the require c d F I Code ce'riifying °fhat at the time'of issuance this"itruclure*was-IIII compliance .with the various ordinances of, the C1 t y.regulatina buildi' n g construction se. 'IF For, the For:. -2t BUILDING. ADDRESS 54-725 AVENIDA RAMIREZ, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 , Use Classification SINGLE FAMILY. -RESIDENCE Bldg. Permit No. 'R�-3 Use Group Type Construction V Fire Zone, 3 Zone, RESIDENTIAL AVENIDA RAMMZ -P 54-;-725'° Owner of, Building D. R. PIKE Address Y IA City 92253 - QUWM,-, CA By$ AP -40M Dais. 'NOVEMBER 28, 1983, PHIL CX)GGINS Building Official 3 POST IN A CON-SVICUOUS PLACE Mal . ,e.• ' .. of < a t. +ry. c'.i r+ .i r {'ty�, � �-•'� _ � {,,,�y�'�� 5�,'* w' �-e ^ �„�s� ��' � m� Mw.•�+y+r+ R- n4e� �+�� �g`�,r^�� a"3irti T RD RN MEMORANDUM 4 diTy-LA`_aUINTA To: ' ' Bookkeeper 0/. From: it Coggins, Building .Official .i,,;a`)�,� Date: November 28, 1983 Subject: REQUEST FOR -REFUND FROM•BOND POSTED'TO ASSURE',COMPLETION OF WORK AS DETERM1NED NECESSARY FROM SPECIAL INSPECTION OF HOUSE OWNED BY D.-• R PIKE On June 7,-.1983, a special Inspection was requested fora house located at 54-725 Avenida Ramirez :in Lai°Quifita-clue2to the facts that the house had been closed for scare`time. After the inspection °was :made,, we issued a list of items which had to'be coapleted in order -to dive the owner, D. R.. Pike, a Certificate of Occupancy. In order to ccoplete the, items required by the,k6cial inspection, Mr. Pike requi`red-the•use of electricity for:which.we authorized Tirp�erial Irrigation District to... -turn on same.• -!Therefore, in order`to assure that all the work required would be�completed,r we requested that Mfr. Pike post a $500.00 bond with the City-. " All the work is•now completed and,we have-issued'a Certificate of Occupancy to Mr.. -Pike.; therefore, this is,a request to have a refund check made out to Mr. D. R.-' Pike in-the'ramount of $500.00. PC:dmv >Weyerha.e"er Mortgage Company Post:Office Boz- 54089 Lose geles California 90054 . . (21'3)' 704-8822° September 20, 1983 Mr. Phil Coggins:. Community Development Department City of'r La Qiiinta 78=105 .Calle,: Estado La Quinta,.Ca'. 92253 Subj ect.: Special Inspection at' 54,-.725 Avenido Ramirez:, La 'Quinta', Ca.. 92253 Dear Mr. Coggins, Per our :conversation last.week.concerning,item #2, 'carpets must. be installed in:.all ':areas where.°tackless .strips are in p,lac:e' , :you have agreed to ;delete this requirement for ob- taining .a Certificate of 0cc.lpar"c' y subject to.'. all tackless strips;being removed. All . other, items on the inspection will still. ,be required in:order to obtain a Certifcate-of Occupancy: Please sign and return .original to me. I agree -to the . foregoing':' �.2 .. Ph dg ns DcAte Thank you'for your assistance in this.matter. Sincerely_, Clayton Mi chi" REO Coordinator CM:km RECEIWE13 CC: Dave 'Posley. SEP 2 3 1983 City epi La Ouinta LQ AL ENDER