MUP 0203-190a� Shjning Brighter Than P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (7 60) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 September 18, 2002 RAM Development 75161 Sego Lane, Suite F-3 Palm Desert, CA 92211 RE: Minor Use Permit 2002-363; Construction trailer —6 3 P.4Y The Quarry - Lot 22, TR 27728 - Gentlemen,.- The entlemen: The Community Development Department has reviewed your application for the above referenced Minor Use Permit. The request for a construction trailer at the above referenced site is approved in accordance with the following conditions: GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. Install one 2A1OBC fire extinguisher inside the trailer by the front exit door.. 2. Any temporary lighting shall be directed away from surrounding residential properties and properly shielded. 3. No set-up of the trailer shall be permitted until a grading, or building permit is issued. Obtain a building permit including an.electrical permit for temporary power. 4. This approval is for location of a construction office trailer only; it does not allow establishment of any fencing, equipment storage/staging areas, etc. 5. If there will be parking on the lot, a suitable parking area must be established - compacted base, gravel aggregate or similar. 6.. One 2' x 3' trailer -mounted sign shall be placed close to the front door, displaying a 24-hour emergency phone number (minimum 1 " high letters) which emergency personnel may call in case problems arise that need prompt attention. The sign shall include any temporary address, and may include the company name for the purpose of identification. 7. Restroom facilities shall be provided as may be required. 8. The applicant/developer agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta from any legal claim or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this project. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel at its r C:\Wrk \Letters\MUP\mu 2002363.w d 9P P P i sole discretion. 9. Approval of Minor Use Permit 2002-363 shall be in effect 15 days from the date of this letter, unless appealed pursuant to Section 9.200.120. Regardless, this approval will expire one year from the date of this letter. An extension may be applied for by filing a written request to the Community Development. Director, pursuant to Section 9.200.080.D. of the La Quinta Zoning Code. The City may impose additional conditions to this application to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission provided the necessary paperwork and filing fee of $175.00 are filed with this office, within 15 days of the date of this approval letter. If you have any questions, please contact me at 760-777-7069. Very truly yours, JERRY. HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR w Z4- Wallace H. Nesbit Associate Planner c: Building and Safety '–Fire Marshal— Code Compliance C:\Wrkgrp\Letters\MUP\mup2002363.wpd REGISTERED INSPECTOR'S WEEKLY REPORT JON TANDY 37630 Medjool Ave. Palm Desert, CA 92211 Office (760) 772-7192 Fax (760) 772-7193 Pager (760) 776-3338 TYPE OF INSPECTION PERFORMED 0 REINFORCED CONCRETE UCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY 0 POST TENSIONED CONCRETE ASPHALT 0 REINFORCED MASONRY 0 FIRE PROOFING O 0 HER LdZ44' JOB LOCATION�ry j 3 � i LA (�-� REPORT SEQUENCE NO. TYPE STRUC,jURE �T PERMIT N � TE DAY OF WEEK MATERIAL DESCRIPTION A — fLT1 _ Sb 0 ARCHI_ TE r ' w_ INevcLT HRS. CHARGED �( ENGIi1/NEE/E``R ,Cp1i/CI�J•�•'N• ASSISTANTS HRS. CHARGED INSPECTION GENERAL DATE CONTRACTOR SUB / (� CONTRACTOR(i(,/ � C% S��- s . t b3at.AQ It4 q f 40, US Bc,►w.s aln-� &e-,/ (A--I-C- .- r AI -' �� -�7 &Q.ik A---Wr i0 �dv� R 7r + wt-It.J ore iW esS � d D COPY SENT TO CLIENT O CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE 0 PAGE OF CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE 'HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. SPECIFICATIONS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. SIAjgqREGISTERffi INSPECTOR 1 -o DATE 0REPO. T REGISTER NUMBER -w NBC®R ILI REGISTERED INSPECTOR'S WEEKLY REPORT JON TANDY 37630 Medjool Ave. Palm Desert, CA 92211 Office (760) 772-7192 Fax (760) 772-7193 Pager (760) 776-3338 TYPE OF INSPECTION PERFORMED ❑REINFORCED CONCRETE RUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY ❑ S �� ❑ POST TENSIONED CONCRETE ❑ ASPHALT `OTHER ❑ REINFORCED MASONRY ❑ FIRE PROOFING /" JOB LOCATION— REPORT SEOUENCE NO. TV E Of STRUCTURE FIE>�► --� - obs �S' • PERMIT N0.- - ___, _ DA E 1 13((�. DAY OF WEEK MATERIAL DESCRIPTION /� ARC?KT' /.g� INYTOR NRS. CHARGED 0 L C:A�t K•J1 ` ON 1 T- ENGINEER sv� ASSISTANTS HRS. CHARGED INSPECTION DATE GENERAL + CONTRACTOR 1' SUB CONTRACTOR , yy /'+ p up, i T- I .S t w egiAiC V. TV �a s A -1TA c c C.t> `%OA q Co V-, p LQ� f P. UALU-3 QAA-e t -w rt S Ass o-c� qC I l �- �� �K�r t -a -C) Lj 4�;�pj(u& brAk LACA AwUlk s s 1 .�L9 Ptk coon -A ' ► 1 COPY SENT TO CLIENT O CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE O PAGE OF CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED TO THE BEST OF MV KNOWLEDGE ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. SPECIFICATIONS. AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. SI NA, RE OF REGISTERED INSP OR I ����7� ATE Off REPORT REGISTER NUMBER Foum MOIFMEOE=ftmlmll llllmllml llImmllmllm =ROMEO, EM M-10111 limmomm. EM OMNI M-IIIIIMEEEM ImIl p,f-,olllmlmmm, EM Iml mosommmmmm,imi malmosimm NMI MMOMEMEM MAIMI ME mllmllm M-imi lllmmllmllm Mlimi I MEMEMMIME mmmlIlWllmmml s: SSEMU ggOn nate: 0 Hod Date: (I] 'it - 1�, -lip MMOMENIEM NMI HIROMINEM vmv�= -., =110IMEIREMrSO I�ww '' RIUMEREMPIRIMI M EMMIMMEOEMMIMI = I MOMMEMEMMIMI = MRMMEEEMMIMI�= MEMMEEEMMIMI�m MOMMEMEMMIMI M MOMMENEMMIMI M MEMMEEEMMIMI�m *Materials and weldments conform to plans and specifications and RISC, and AWS D1.1 REGISTERED INSPECTOR'S WEEKLY REPORT JON TANDY 37630 Medjool Ave. Palm Desert, CA 92211 Office (760) 772-7192 Fax (760) 772-7193 Pager (760) 776-3338 TYPE OF INSPECTION PERFORMED ❑ REINFORCED CONCRETE 9XTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY ❑ POST TENSIONED CONCRETE ❑ ASPHALTpTHER ❑ REINFORCED MASONRY ❑ FIRE PROOFING O }, ;p ✓, // �W/' 4r JOB LOCATION Q (J/� [AJC Iv V (:� REPORT SEOUENCE NO. TYPE O SME -- - PERMITNQ.-123 j P 1 00 N_3 V DAY OF WEEK MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ARCHITECT INSPECTOR' MRS. CHARGED E-? _ I- T ENGINEER O ' • PP A•SSISISTANTS HRS. CHARGED INSPECTION DATE GENERAL CONTRACTOR A Kk SUB CONTRACTOR N g, o� e ' UCJ 51( 1-42- pS e.c.•� ti/ StEL�7, A e�NAN� �- C.• F• it COPY SENT TO CLIENT O CONTI 0 ON NEXT PAGE O PAGE OF CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. SPECIFICATIONS. AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. XATrEf REGISTERED INSP OR0X0.61 q7.� DATEI OF IREPORT REGISTER NUMBER 15:44 _ 9098890455 KNWP TAF / 1/4" 7VK STI.. 5T11F ft 1/4V � AT � Sim OF Y EB W 12- 57L. RIDFE BEAM 8_ + 17'-4 5/4") a, vawr�Mi4 PACE 02 -Mir- 3w1cf- �-rt��• it's A'V e0tclf 1510S of V*A. NOSO- _ s �-- — 4-3/4"0 T5 1/4" THK. 5TL. STff 1' AT VCef'14 0l=^MS vi9 hili�bw�D� tf STS-- z.T'ti{. Tt 's AT BTW moss (T.OB.= + 16'-4 11411) l: YpI�ALI FRAMIN AIL A Custom RCide.� For. ISB. G D U A N E and N A N C Y d A C O a S J 58-632 darrfei,d Drive ' The Quarry Lo Ouinto. ColifomFa 92253 a® � aqo� pPa w, nge -Toollclonucs G REASON: °CL,A+RIFICATION" 90- C305i/ Exp. 3-31-04 a di 4— o o � SHEET lz1:du1Ybl9Y 11:14 7F97tl2y7b4D0 24 STUD WAIL W/ 3/8' PLYWOOp- 2x6 P.T. 501.E PLATE W/ 5/e'6 x 12' A.B.'s FLAT WORK Q WEC-P SGi;MED SEE ARCH'L 1 1- NS CONT. 0 TOP FiN154 GRAVE WATER PROOFING PER ARCH SPECS 8' GONG_ SOCK 5TEM WALL .+/ s 5 BENT Rl;BAfL ®Ib' OL. EACH WAY AT FACE OF WALL 2' GLR 2-,+5 GONTA TOP d Sam 44 SLAB DdvLel-S a 2q' 24' OL, 12' • ` / KlVfirr 1 RINU 44% A 16' OL. AT CENTER OF WALL 0 4' U.M. SLAB paw THUG U 1-�5 GONT m PREpR1LL 5/8'm x 6' DTE' TOP a NTT. BOLES CLEAN OUT THOROMMY FOR 04 POKU.5 6 16' OL. DGERW w/ 51MPUM 'SET' 12' EPDXY AKPIOR 5Y5TB4 IM 1080 95279 INSTALL PER MANUF. SPECS SPECS, 'SPELIAL_@1.5PEGTION RF4211REV A Custom .Residenee-For'" DSU--A'N"R and N A N_C7 Y' J A C:.0�8:,S 58^632 B*nfvild' DFivs—,The ouorry,,. Lo Quinta. Califamio 92253 jcxcolbs Y �Sff -uul, (REASON: "CLAIRIFICATION" 03/04/2003 16:03 9898890455 0 vilsvotj �rttl j&W,-khjL% Q 1 ®ee— wIISd ibcl -A�e gfit t,5 rgw� srt"f. bo : A Cvctom Residence For:. N E and N A N C Y J A C 0 8 5 58-632 5ereesizi Dmo • The Ovany Le Q-'nta. Colifornia 22253 G cSA((:Df—r(B C S REASON: FISAg:> *44aCop.. "CLARIFICATION' KNAPP Tri 6th PAGE 02 I �. 6 FOIL VWT;ML 1';I- " S . S iralll. VI OI71Ylar1 GYYOI /W'JV{rv'VJ 1 V. JOVVY� KWIC) 02/28/2003 14:57 9098890455 ■ ■ A 214 x 6'-0 U2' LONG SLOT cur P4TO TI -0 o� r°�' ------------..�.--- O w KNAPP TANG PAGE 02 01 ,q1bi� QWPLAFA e*A. JOL-C it) RIME SEAM RE12ESSED ORAPERY CPr=N to HALL r 4 an kb 6' $TA®V GRADE 6 E Q0 XXK APRJANCE %wm BASE PER 26IA6J —J TQN . IcaT - NOTE SAt� � of 80TP. �2��`ltCh@n %mom fo be a=FzC M ON A A NKXK-L P BASS Fr E FAN S A Custom Residence ror; % 1pt •t�c�ta�� D U A N E ,Intl N A N C Y J A C O S S 58-632 Bonfelid Dlvs + The 4a,orry Lo Ouinto. Cofffornio 92253 jaco]Ds Yr- C�9Arr=47G m 0�q REASON: Aksa 'L DOMr "CLAIRIFI CATION" 03 09:53 9098890455 KNAPP TANG PAGE 02 r co!s-- ms A Custom Residence for: DUAN Eond N A N C Y J A C 0 85 58-632 Sanf ild Drive • The Quarry Lo Ouinta. California 92253 jcxco]D.s zCs0An-T (a)mc(s REASON: Rr=QUEsT Nb�l� 1ad4�o�1 "CLAIRIFICATION" Col E a C2 �O MI Mgr 31 03 08:15a RRM Devehopment r760l 348-13U3JU F.l 1016 KNAPP & TANG STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, INC. 408 So. Stoddard Ave,. San Bernardino, CA. 92401 . Phone: (909) M-0115 Fax: (909) 889-0455 Email: knappae@4ol.com March 28, 2003 To: Building & Safety Department La Qulnta, CA Re: The Jacobs Residence The Quarry Country Club La Quinta, CA On March 26, 2003,1 performed a field inspection on the subject residence. The following corrections were made: At mechanical room #3, provide Simpson "SS1.5" stud straps at notched studs (three places). At mechanical room ##2 (west wall) cuts have been made at the base of the plywood shear to accommodate plumbing penetrations. This wall has minimal lateral loading, and could function with piaster shear alone, and therefore Is ok with cuts at the base. The entry tower roof has hip beams hung from other hip beams at the peak using Simpson sloped Hangers per our structural detail 10153.7. This detail, and installation are structurally appropriate. The 18" Simpson "Strong Wall" at the front of the golf cart garage has a 4" diameter hole rut through it for installation of a light fixture. This hole is 3" or 4" off center of the shear panel. The location of the hole in the panel will not diminish the structural capabilities of the "Strong Wall". Once the aforementioned repairs are made the structure will be in compliance with -our plans, and the house should be ready for installation of finishes - Respectfully Respectfully submitted, rtESS1 e Leonard C.Kna -. Pp Engineer of Record . J.� Z0 39dd A3Q WV8 06VW M76i2209L PZ:60 600Z/I0/b0 A4 REGISTERED INSPECTOR'S WEEKLY REPORT, JON TANDY 37630 Medjool Ave. Palm Desert, CA 92211 Office (760) 772-7192 Fax (760) 772-7193 Pager (760) 776-3336 TYPE OF INSPECTION PERFORMED ❑ REINFORCED CONCRETE TRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY O /` div` ❑ POST TENSIONED CONCRETE O ASPHALT 14r6THER O REINFORCED MASONRY O FIRE PROOFING //� JOB LOCATION REPORT SEQUENCE NO. TVPV'URE OAO3 DJ DAY OF WEEK MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ARCHITECT HRS. CHARGED �ENGINEER �cP ASSISTANTS HRS. CHARGED INSPECTION DATE GENERAL CONTRACTOR �(n SUB /p , CONTRACTOR - C its l 1, e o Wo to T`4 - l3 0 CAL COPY SENT TO CLIENT 0 CONTIN ED ON NEXT PAGE O PAGE OF CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED TO THE BEST OF MV KNOWLEDGE ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. SPECIFICATIONS. AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. IG ATUR OF REGISTERED SPECTOR C rc o ! aoz lq DAT6F OF REIPORT REGISTER NUMRFR I r'-- ---- -- --- - - - -- -- x. f�I j CAs5 TO FZ.AM (nP), Retv�ove exe��t_�w�t� 4 A Custom ResidenceFor,. DUAN Eand PIA NCY,JAC08S 58-632 6onfeiLd Drive " The Ouctry La Quintn. Colifcynic 9=3 Do 1JeT G� Y' -�a f' �c..a►r�cr� . �r 1MAI D, tM"raI-T �ao C iacoibs 7s jq COT adSrte' O's Mar 31 03 09:15a RAM Development [7601 346-8833 p.l KNAPP & TANG STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, INC. 1**%I408 So. Stoddard Ave, San Bernardino, CA 92401 Phone: (909) 889-0115 Fax: (909) 889-0455 Email: knappae@aol.com March 28, 2003 :$? FJ4096W To: Building & Safety Department La Quinta, CA Re: The Jacobs Residence The Quarry Country Club La Quinta, CA On March 26, 2003, 1 performed a field inspection on the subject residence. The following corrections were made: At mechanical room #3, provide Simpson "SS1.5" stud straps at notched studs (three places). At mechanical room #2 (west wall) cuts have been made at the base of the plywood shear to accommodate plumbing penetrations. This wall has minimal lateral loading, and could function with plaster shear alone, and therefore is ok with cuts at the base. The entry tower roof has hip beams hung from other hip beams at the peak using Simpson sloped Hangers per our structural detail 10/S3.7. This detail, and installation are structurally appropriate. The 18" Simpson "Strong Wall" at the front of the golf cart garage has a 4" diameter hole cut through it for installation of a light fixture. This hole is 3" or 4" off center of the shear panel. The location of the hole in the panel will not diminish the structural capabilities of the "Strong Wall". Once the aforementioned repairs are made the structure will be in compliance with our plans, and the house should be ready for installation of finishes. Respectfully submit O� Leonard C. Knapp< Engineer of Record 05/08/02 17:01 FAX 203 546 6003 WATERWORKS PURCH 2 001/003 A-11AGH MLN7 ;I I CA m< m M 0 r 0 m T.P',4 S' oq qbC S'07 T. F. gal o =� 6 a PNra ohs Vim$ 5 � a9 as a -CD K Q Y N 7 a z � � r n i UOI J@WH 1.U1 a-4 1 l Irl,-Ifilfil•S�ri G17Q7�CT�TT Rec.s.,ived: 5/ 8/02 2:27PM; 203 546 6003 -> SOUTHWEST GROUP; 05/08/02 17:01 FAX 203 546 6003 WATERWORKS PURCH I .T .± r or masons to Choose Americh i . ree differen ` series of �lhiripools: Builder, Luxury and Platinum er 60 differnt bathtub sizes and styles er 20 different shower bases sizes 4 er 30 trim fgnishes • l nllmited colc)r,selectilorl • Tyr®e chases of 19t s lips. low profile, rotary and jumbo stylips. • �us#cam pumR location 6tvallable variety of optionai accE.ssories pprp�ved Dy: ` Pi4etropplitan Dade County Florida, #93-1101!. 34 1 City of San Francisco. 800A 77-1 C'ay of os Angeles, i RR 4415 and M 82413;t state of wism nsin, 90-04 0202—F Board of Sate Exarnlner:s of Plurnbersi and Gas Fllte rs The Commonwealth of Masskchusetts StGte of Ohio Plumbing A.dvl�itry Board The New York Clty Advi:s f Board under Approval No. 3:li05 Gky� of Chicago Page 2 Listed! By: EI�Grlcol & P m6ing B33} EleGrique & Plomberie LPG �5q 0 2741 3112 Bathwu -. Shower Bases In calttpiiunce with ANSI 7124.1 - 1995 ANSI Al 12.19.7 - 1957 ANSI Al 12.19.8 - 1987 ASTM 1=462 - 79 (85) ericUP a p*pprote Flendq North Hollywood. CA • 8181982-1711 FAX: 81&9n-2764 Charlotte, NC - 7o46SS-3075 FAX: 7041588-3166 E-mail_ >Id@ amerlch.com 16002/003 &7 98 AMWIch TOTAL P.Q1 ti FROM : Feiro Engineering, Inc. FAX NO. : 760 346-2548 May. 01 2002 07:12AM P2 41-625 Eclectic Street, Suite CG1 P-O. Box 1-2980 Palm Desert, Ca. 92255 (760) 34& 8015 (760) 346-2548 Fax fi:irneearthhnk-net Fe ro April 30, 2002 City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA. 92263 RE_ Pad Certification, Lot 22, Tract 27728 (The Quarry) This letter will serve to state that we have field checked the pad elevations for the above project and found them to be as follows: Field check elevation: 147.6 (High) 146.5 (Low) The pad slopes at approximately 1 % grade from southwest to northeast in accordance with the approved Rough Grading Plan for Tract No. 27728. If you have questions or if I may be of further assistance please feel free to contact me at the above numbers. 5i er ly, Ronald K. Feiro President RCE 52260 gN M.) 0',G c� rI❑.G52260 } � 2