2008 11 18 CC MinutesLA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 18, 2008 City Clerk Montecino announced that the regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council would not be called to order until the hour of 4:00 p.m. due to lack of quorum. PRESENT: Council Members Henderson, Kirk, Osborne, Sniff, Mayor Adolph ABSENT: None 4:00 P.M. Mayor Adolph led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. CLOSED SESSION -None PUBLIC COMMENT Kenneth Doran, 45-945 La Flor Lane, commented on a contract extension for property management with La Quinta Palms Realty, and encouraged the City Council to receive bids for competitive pricing. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Council Member Osborne requested discussion on Consent No. 11. Council Member Kirk requested discussion on Item Nos. 4 and 9. ANNOUNCEMENTS -None PRESENTATIONS -None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS -None APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Kirk to approve the City Council Minutes of November 4, 2008, as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes 2 November 18, 2008 CONSENT CALENDAR Item No. 2 Council Member Osborne addressed the benchmark of the investment report, and referred to Page 12; and requested the benchmark be included in future reports for better comparison of returns. Item Nn_ 4 Council Member Kirk questioned if was necessary to send staff to the conference in Louisiana. Community Services Director Hylton explained staff receives credential credits from courses offered at the conference. Council Member Kirk further questioned if staff has considered other alternatives to receiving credits and if approval is needed at this meeting. Community Services Director Hylton further explained there are alternatives available, but with less courses given than at the annual conferences; stated staff can gather additional information if desired by the City Council. Council Member Kirk deferred this matter to the City Council. Council Member Henderson stated her appreciation of Council Member Kirk's concerns; however travel expenses have been approved in the current budget, and conveyed her support of training for staff. Council Member Osborne stated some conferences do switch from coast to coast, and since this travel expense is approved in the budget, he has. no problem with supporting the request. Council Member Kirk stated he will support the request, and requested staff to review for other courses. Item No. 9 Council Member Kirk commented on the partnership between the City and Imperial Irrigation District regarding the study and stated the City Council will be receiving information on specific improvements made; stated the payback the City to be received in less than 7 years is well worth the increased cost of improving energy efficiency; and commended staff on the study. Item No. 11 Council Member Osborne addressed the aspect of pedestrian use for the project, and asked about pedestrian access to the lots on the north and south sides of this parcel. Planning Director Johnson explained there was general discussion addressing the pedestrian use to the north, but the build-out condition of the project to the south does not allow for direct pedestrian access. He stated there is a sidewalk along the southern boundary, which allows access at the back of the building. He stated the Planning Commission has requested a modification to the City Council Minutes 3 November 18, 2008 water features, and that it be brought back to them for approval. Council Member Osborne stated the water features should be kept as proposed because they have done well with the water use; and requested the ability for a walkway through the development for pedestrian access. Mayor Adolph agreed with Council Member Osborne regarding the water features; stated if the Planning Commission revises the plans, he would like the matter to be brought back to the City Council. He noted the landscape plans refer to box sizes, and questioned if the developer understands the City's requirement for caliper of trees. Mayor Adolph conveyed concern about the ingress on Washington Street next to Walgreens, and the trash enclosure near the main entrance. Planning Director Johnson stated staff is able to discuss these matters with the developer when final plans are submitted. Mayor Adolph further expressed concern about the mobility of parking, driving patterns, perpendicular parking, and questioned if diagonal parking has been considered to allow traffic flow. Council Member Kirk stated the City Council can presume staff is able to look at these requests, but the Planning Commission has approved the plans and parking may not be reconsidered; and suggested referring this matter back to the Planning Commission or approving the project. Mayor Adolph conveyed concerns about traffic flow in the parking lot and is willing defer to staff's recommendation to prevent any delay of the project. Planning Director Johnson stated different variations of the site drawings have been reviewed and one variation involved one-way traffic; staff has settled with the current design as the number of parking stalls was a key factor; explained the north/south route against Washington Street has one row of parking, and there is a connection to the parking at Walgreens on the south with connections to future development to the north, and there is east/west parking at the rear of the building; and stated staff is comfortable with the design. Council Member Henderson stated the traffic will be interesting with a shared driveway and ability to drive from one side to the other, but no walking ability; stated there is an area between the two buildings and appears it opens to Walgreens; and suggested staff discuss this matter further with the developer. Planning Director Johnson explained staff is able to discuss this matter with the developer, but the difficulty is that the adjacent property to the south is a built environment and would need to initiate off-site improvements on private property; staff hopes this project is a success, but there is a difficult situation to enforce off- site development on private property. Council Member Kirk stated he is impressed with the front cover of the rendering, and asked if the Planning Commission was concerned about the view from Washington Street to the west side of the building. Planning Director Johnson City Council Minutes 4 November 18, 2008 stated the matter was a brief point of comment during consideration of the Planning Commission; explained the project sets itself to a quieter and identifying key pedestrian gathering in the project; stated there is a strong emphasis of one building to have an inviting pedestrian linkage from Lake La Quinta. Council Member Kirk stated public comment is great, but sometimes may not generate what should be at the side of the building. Planning Director Johnson explained the current rendering is an upgrade to what was proposed; and there was general discussion by Planning Commission but nothing emphasized on the proposal. Mayor Adolph stated it will have a grass berm and bus stop shelter; and stated he was concerned as well because of the view of the trash enclosure from Washington Street. Council Member Osborne questioned if there are any plans for future development of the property to the south at Walgreens. Planning Director Johnson explained there are entitlements with the properties to the southeast. 7. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED NOVEMBER 18, 2008. 2. RECEIVE AND FILE TREASURER'S REPORT DATED SEPTEMBER 30, 2008. 3. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE & EXPENDITURES REPORT DATED SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 4. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE GOLF & PARKS MANAGER TO ATTEND THE GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA'S INTERNATIONAL GOLF INDUSTRY TRADESHOW AND CONFERENCE TO BE HELD IN NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, FEBRUARY 4-8, 2009. 5. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR, RECREATION SUPERVISOR, AND ONE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSIONER TO ATTEND THE CALIFORNIA PARKS AND RECREATION SOCIETY CONFERENCE IN SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA, MARCH 3-6, 2009. 6. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING CASH DONATIONS FROM RUTAN AND TUCKER, ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, AND NAI CONSULTING, INC. FOR THE EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION BANQUET. (RESOLUTION NO. 2008-072) City Council Minutes 5 November 18, 2008 7. APPROVAL OF SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 462, AMENDING TITLE 11, CHAPTER 11.72 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADD CERTAIN VECTOR-RELATED CONDITIONS TO THE DEFINITION OF "PUBLIC NUISANCE." 8. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH KATZ OKITSU & ASSOCIATES (KOA) TO PREPARE THE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE (PS&E) FOR THE PHASE III HIGHWAY 111 STREET IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 2006-04. 9. ACCEPTANCE OF AN ENERGY EFFICIENCY FEASIBILITY AND GREEN HOUSE GAS EMISSION STUDY PROVIDED BY IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT AND PREPARED BY LINCUS, INC. 10. APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT EXTENSION WITH THE PLANNING CENTER FOR PREPARATION OF THE 2008 LA OUINTA HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE. 11. ACCEPTANCE OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 35559 AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2008-903 FORA 50,000 t SQUARE FOOT RETAIL COMMERCIAL PROJECT ON A 3.8 ACRE PARCEL KNOWN AS THE SHOPPES AT LA QUINTA, LOCATED EAST OF WASHINGTON STREET, WEST OF CALEO BAY ROAD, AND 500 FEET NORTH OF AVENUE 48. APPLICANT: TALBERT DEVELOPMENT, INC. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve the Consent Calendar as amended and with Item No. 6 being approved by RESOLUTION NO. 2008-072. Motion carried unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL (CAFR) REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2008. Finance Director Falconer presented the staff report. Rich Kikuchi, representing Lance, Soll & Lungard, LLP, reviewed the interim audit including internal controls, new auditing standards; and reported on the detailed account analysis. City Council Minutes 6 November 18, 2008 Council Member Osborne stated the financials are very well stated, and thanked staff for their efforts; requested Mr. Kikuchi expound on post employment health benefits. Mr. Kikuchi suggested an actuary be performed and explained the benefits. Council Member Osborne questioned if the City covers the entire cost. Mr. Kikuchi stated he understands the City is on a "pay as you go" plan. Finance Director Falconer explained the PERS system, and stated the number of employees retiring is small. Council Member Osborne referred to Page 134 of the report relating to assessed value attached to property. Council Member Sniff stated assessed values have gone up enormously, and questioned if property values are coming down and if homes will be reevaluated. Mr. Kikuchi confirmed property values are expected to be reassessed. Council Member Sniff questioned what other cities in the Valley the firm has conducted audits. Mr. Kikuchi stated they have not audited any other cities in the Valley, and explained the closest city to the Valley they have provided audit services for is the City of Banning. Council Member Sniff questioned if there are any suggestions from the auditors for changes of significant benefit. Mr. Kikuchi stated auditors render opinions only if there is a significant issue. Council Member Henderson conveyed support for funding post-retirement health benefits in advance, and questioned the two figures used for the City's contribution and the outstanding liability amount. Finance Director Falconer confirmed there are three retired employees at this time at approximately 5100 per month for a total of 53,200 annually. Council Member Henderson stated she has no problem with a separate fund, and questioned the cost of an actuarial study. Mr. Kikuchi stated the cost is approximately 55,000, and only suggested a study as a conservative approach. Council Member Henderson questioned if the City's commitment to the contribution has an end. Finance Director Falconer stated the commitment remains until the employee opts out or passes away, as it is a lifetime benefit. Council Member Henderson stated she does not recommend an actuary study at this time, but will support conducting the study in the future as more employees retire. City Manager Genovese stated staff could make an annual contribution in a restricted fund, and explained the challenge is not putting money away for the future as staff can do things on our own. Council Member Henderson commended the auditors, staff, and the Finance Director. City Council Minutes 7 November 18, 2008 Council Member Kirk thanked staff and the auditors for their good work; stated the City does pay as you go and in the past have been unfunded; and questioned if the 5100 per month amount is an administrative fee from PERS. Finance Director Falconer explained the amount began at 519 and was tied to the cost of living of the premium with cost sharing; over the years the amount has increased based on the CPI to the current amount; and stated it has been in existence for over 40 years, and the City is bound to the requirement. Council Member Kirk stated he would like to obtain an actuary study in the future, and questioned if there is a provision to opt out; and questioned if the City is mandated to conduct an actuary study. Mr. Kikuchi stated he does not have the resources to know if the study is necessary. Finance Director Falconer agreed the study should be conducted and explained GASB 45 allows an exemption for cities with less than 100 employees. Council Member Kirk noted a management's discussion was not provided for the Redevelopment Agency report, and questioned if it is needed. Finance Director Falconer explained the City Council, Redevelopment Agency and Financing Authority are included in the CAFR, and staff's understanding is the management discussion is not required as long as the entities are included in the CAFR. Mr. Kikuchi stated the Management Discussion & Analysis (MD&A) in the CAFR includes all three component units (City Council, Redevelopment Agency, and Financing Authority, but it is supposed to have a separate discussion for the Redevelopment Agency; and explained many cities do not include it, and it is noted as such in the report. Mayor Adolph questioned why a summation of the audit was not provided. Finance Director Falconer stated that is management's responsibility, and a summation with bullet points will be provided next year for the City Council's review. Council Member Osborne stated the General Fund increased 57.8 million, which mostly came from monies not spent verses the actual amounts; stated 56.9 million of the 57.8 million is the difference between the final budget and the actual amount that has been spent. Finance Director Falconer explained most of the 57.8 million was expenditure under what was budgeted, with 52.5 million acarry-over, making the net 55 million. Council Member Osborne addressed the 15% difference between expended and budgeted amounts; advised the City Council to continue reviewing the budget process to prevent over and under budgeting of particular departments; and stated the City has done a tremendous job for the community with 547 million of unreserved funds and over 512 billion of appraised value; and thanked the City Manager and staff for a great job over the years. City Council Minutes 8 November 18, 2008 Council Member Sniff stated staff has done an exemplary job and should be extremely proud, but not overly confident as the economy is treacherous; and stated most cities would be jealous of our position. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Osborne to approve, receive, and file the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the year ended June 30, 2008. Motion carried unanimously. 2. CONSIDERATION OF A SUPPLEMENTAL MARKETING AGREEMENT WITH THE BOB HOPE CHRYSLER CLASSIC. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Sniff, Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans explained the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic has provided information relating to activity in the community, but there is no statistica- information or guarantee depicting an increase of retail patronage; explained 60% of the visitors attending the event travel from out of town and 40°k reside in the community. Council Member Sniff questioned what the complete cost will be for the City. Community Services Director Hylton explained the additional costs for SilverRock Resort preparation include 5116,000 for golf course improvement, $80,000 for the parking lot, and 5100,000 for the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic contract, with a total of 5398,000, including the 5104,000 for the marketing supplemental. Council Member Osborne confirmed 90% of the 5104,000 has been budgeted in police and fire services; and questioned what is the amount needed from the General Fund. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans explained 58,400 will be appropriated from the General Fund and 52,100 from AB 939 account. Council Member Osborne stated the City has yet to see the benefit from the marketing program, but with the actual cost for the City, it is an excellent investment. In response to Mayor Adolph, Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans confirmed the supplemental agreement does not supersede the previous agreement. Mayor Adolph questioned when promoting the move of all courses to La Quinta, they wilt promote filling hotels and bed and breakfast. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans confirmed and explained the marketing cooperative will fulfill the desire to marketing the hotels as well as the Village. Mayor Adolph questioned if the special events will also be held in the City in the future. Assistant City Manager- Development Services Evans stated the goal of the La Quinta Resort is to City Council Minutes 9 November 18, 2008 move everything into La Quinta provided the Resort can accommodate the events. Mayor Adolph stated Bermuda Dunes will be replaced by the La Quinta Dunes course, and questioned what happened to the La Quinta Country Club. Scott Easton, Bob Hope Chrysler Classic, stated there may have been a misprint and confirmed the La Quinta Country Club is in the rotation for next year; and stated the Classic is excited to work with the City. Mayor Adolph stated the PGA requirements are expensive to accommodate for the event, and encouraged staff to ensure recuperation of costs as much as possible. Council Member Sniff requested staff develop a plan to measure the tangible value of this program via a report; and stated he will support this program because of the potential benefit to the City. Council Member Henderson stated many of the investment returns may not be quantifiable; knew there would be the opportunity for the City to contribute to the activity; stated ironically the Business Improvement District assessment for the Palm Springs Desert Resort Communities Convention and Visitors Authority was approved and the City will be able to see a significant amount of promotional funds kept by the City; stated the City may have a serious commitment to marketing for the businesses in the community as patrons will be visiting the City and using our services; stated this is a useful way of advertising our community without the use of public funds; and the fact that this is a one-year contract indicates staff was prepared to gather information before negotiating a second contract. Council Member Kirk questioned what amount was budgeted last year to improve parking compared to the 580,000 this year. Community Services Director Hylton stated she does not have that information but can provide it to the City Council. Council Member Kirk stated the City pays 5100,000 every year and the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic only pays 550,000 once, and suggested to negotiate and report with alternative uses of the parking area; addressed the costs paid last year relating to police services compared to this year; compare this to the marketing budget which is not quantifiable and the City of La Quinta is well worth the expense. Council Member Henderson questioned how much ground cover and other requirements are included in the 580,000 for parking improvements. Community Services Director Hylton explained the ground is covered all year long to keep down PM10 issues; stated the parking for the artists from the La Quinta Arts Foundation event will be moved to the site; and further explained the ground cover is used not just for the week of the Classic City Council Minutes 10 November 18, 2008 event, but also for PM10. Mayor Adolph questioned if the root system of the grass planted needs to be reseeded. Community Services Director Hylton explained rye grass was planted and will need to be reseeded as it does not hold up during the summer months. Leslie Locken, 78-100 Main Street, addressed concerns of business patronage and stated there is a tremendous increase of patronage of businesses in Old Town during the tennis tournament held in Indian Wells and anticipates an increase from visitors attending the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic; and reported on programs implemented to drive traffic to Old Town for the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic event. Council Member Sniff stated this event takes place during the season and only covers five days; and stated there is quantifiable measurement of marketing due to the sales tax report. Council Member Kirk suggested staff return with alternative uses for the parking lot. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Osborne/Kirk to approve a Supplemental Marketing Agreement for 2009 with the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic in an amount not to exceed S 104,150; and appropriate 52,100 in AB 939 funds for recycling services and 58,400 from the General Fund for waste services and authorize the City Manager to sign the Agreement subject to any minor final revisions approved by the City Manager and the City Attorney; direct staff to review future alternative uses for the parking lot to reduce the annual maintenance costs; and request staff to prepare an annual financial report of hosting the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic event in the City. Motion carried unanimously. 3. CONSIDERATION OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REQUEST TO EXTEND LEASE OF LIBRARY SPACE. Economic Development Project Manager Powell presented the staff report. Council Member Sniff questioned if additional identification signage is possible for the Chamber of Commerce office. Economic Development Project Manager Powell explained there is currently a sign on the building facing Calle Tampico. David Archer, 81-900 Mountain View Lane, stated the sign on the building has thin letters, and is not easily seen. City Council Minutes 1 1 November 18, 2008 Council Member Sniff suggested signage on the west side of building may be helpful. Council Member Kirk stated additional signage is a good idea, but his only concern is that the sign not be too excessive as it will be temporary. Council Member Henderson stated she has been approached at City Hall for the location of the Chamber of Commerce office; stated a map has been developed to hand out to the public from the reception desk; and if the three-year extension is approved, she would support additional signage that is not permanent. Council Member Kirk stated this may be something for our Village sign program. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans explained a temporary footing and a sign can be installed. Mayor Adolph stated the City Council dealt with this issue three years ago, and questioned what the Chamber of Commerce is doing to relocate. Mr. Archer stated the Chamber of Commerce has obtained land that was willed as park and recreation and if not used for that purpose, it can be utilized by the Chamber as long as a conference room is available for parks and recreation use; explained a joint venture with the La Quinta Arts Foundation; and reported the Chamber is partnering with the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic to promote businesses in the City. Mayor Adolph stated a Celtic event was held in the new area of the Library and the room was rearranged to accommodate the event; and questioned if staff will be providing set-up services for future events or incur any labor costs. Community Services Director Hylton stated this matter has been discussed with the Librarian and explained the area was developed to hold scheduled events once a month; stated the set-up was not as much effort as it seemed; and further explained staff did not expect the tremendous amount of people that attended the event. Council Member Osborne stated there has been better activity and representation of the Chamber of Commerce recently and commended their efforts. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Kirk/Sniff to approve athree- year extension to the Lease Agreement between the City of La Quinta and the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce for office space within the La Quinta Public Library, and authorize the City Manager to execute the Lease Agreement. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes 12 November 18, 2008 STUDY SESSION -None REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS CVAG Transportation Committee -Council Member Kirk reported there is some risk to transportation funding due to the State budget issues and the Executive and Transportation Committees may hold a joint meeting to review the most recent information from the State; stated CVAG may be on the hook for additional funding for the I-10 interchange; explained the Transportation Project Prioritization Study (TPPS) is utilized to rank the prioritization of transportation projects and the Committee is moving forward with a recommendation to the Executive Committee, and the added Highway 82 South as a regional project with a recommendation by Desert Hot Springs to add Highway 62. Public Safety Committee -Council Member Kirk report presentation were received with no action items. Friends of Desert Mountains -Council member Kirk reported the committee is looking for an Executive Director. Chamber of Commerce Workshop -Council Member Henderson reported five board members were in attendance and recommended the meetings be held monthly. League of California Cities - Council Member Henderson reported a General Meeting was held in Perris, and announced the State Board Meeting will be held Thursday -Saturday along with the conference preceding; stated she has been appointed by the President of the League to Chair the Revenue and Taxation Committee; reported the League is implementing a process to fill the 2nd Vice President and have nominated Robin Lowe, City of Hemet, for the position. Palm Springs Desert Resort Communities Convention & Visitors Authority -Council Member Henderson reported the Business Improvement District assessment was approved by the Board of Supervisors and the first year will be a collection of six months; stated the U.S. Tour Operators event will be at the Marriott the first week of December 2008 and stated the City will have the opportunity to display information for the City of La Quinta; and explained the event has partnered with Amore' and Hogs Breath Restaurants along with the La Quinta Resort and Embassy Suites. Santa Rosa/San Jacinto National Monument Advisory Committee - Council Member Henderson reported Jim Foote participated in the hiking activity in the City Council Minutes 13 November 18, 2008 Cove and had additional comments on the signage for the hiking map; and stated both the hiking and star gazing events went well. Coachella Valley Conservation Commission -Council Member Sniff reported the Commission is conducting housekeeping issues. Energy & Environmental Committee - Council Member Sniff stated speakers presented information on AB 32 and SB 375 and requested an executive summary be provided to the City Council; and stated these matters could be extremely important to the City. CVAG Homelessness Committee -Council Member Osborne reported the City will receive a letter requesting the 5102,000 funding; and has forwarded agendas to Kristy Franklin. Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport Authority -Council Member Osborne stated the Air Show was a great success, and commended Riverside County staff and the Economic Development Agency (EDA) for an outstanding job; and noted the EDA's main function is to produce the air show and enforcement for the hangars is under the Riverside County jurisdiction. Energy Consumers' Advisory Committee -Council Member Osborne reported the Board (IID) approved the Imperial Irrigation District's budget and it will be presented at the Committee's meeting of December 1; stated the City Council may wish to appoint a new representative on December 2; and expressed his concern of there being no formula included in IID's budget for funding reserves. CVWD Joint Water Policy Committee -Mayor Adolph reported on the tiered rating; and stated there is one final meeting to be held on December 1 to consider the new system and implementation in the Valley. Mayor Adolph reported he and the Mayors of Coachella and Palm Springs were invited to speak before the Women Realtors of the Coachella Valley.. All other reports were noted and filed. DEPARTMENT REPORTS 3-B. JANUARY 6, 2009, CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING. City Clerk Montecino presented the staff report. City Council Minutes 14 November 18, 2008 Council Member Henderson suggested cancelling the meeting for the holiday. Council Member Kirk agreed and would support the motion to cancel. Mayor Adolph agreed to canceling both meetings. Council Member Sniff agreed to the cancellation unless City business needed to be addressed. The City Council concurred to cancel the January 6, 2009 City Council and Redevelopment Agency meetings. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS -None Council Member Osborne questioned the status of the two-story building in Old Town with a hole dug. Public Works Director Jonasson reported the permit expired on November 13, 2008 and staff is following up with the developer; and reported the bonding is current. Council Member Sniff announced November 18, 2008 is his anniversary date of completing 22 years of serving on the City Council. Council recessed to the Redevelopment Agency meeting. Council reconvened and recessed to and until 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT -None PRESENTATIONS -None PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING PROPOSALS AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT APPLICATIONS TO RIVERSIDE COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2009/2010. City Council Minutes 15 November 18, 2008 Planning Director Johnson presented the staff report. Council Member Kirk recussed himself from this item due to a potential conflict of interest because the speed tables addressed in this item are within 500 feet of his residence. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 7:08 p.m. Jim Ducatte, Gerald R. Ford Boys and Girls Club, stated have been involved with the program since its inception and conveyed his appreciation for the City's support; stated this matter becomes more important due to the current economy and more families are looking to the organization for scholarship funding; and thanked the City Council for providing for the music scholarship program. In response to Council Member Osborne, Mr. Ducatte confirmed families are made aware the funding is provided by the City of La Quinta. There being no additional requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:10 p.m. In response to Council Member Henderson, Public Works Director Jonasson explained the design for the public works portion of the project will be reviewed in three or four months and the project is anticipated to be completed in spring 2009; and confirmed it will be completed outside of the season. RESOLUTION NO. 2008-073 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING PROPOSALS AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT APPLICATIONS FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2009/2010. It was moved by Council Members Osborne/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2008-073 as submitted. Motion carried 4-0-1, Kirk abstaining. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Osborne/Henderson to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes 16 November 18, 2008 Respect Ily subm VERONICA J. M2~ City of La Quifita,