2008 11 25 PC MinutesMINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
November 25, 2008 7:04 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:04
p.m. by Chairman Ed Alderson who asked Commissioner Wilkinson to
lead the flag salute.
B. Present: Commissioners Katie Barrows, Paul Quill, Mark Weber, Robert
Wilkinson, and Chairman Ed Alderson.
C. Staff present: Planning Director Les Johnson, Planning Manager David
Sawyer, City Attorney Kathy Jenson, and Executive Secretary Carolyn
A. Continued -Conditional Use Permit 2008-114; a request of La Quinta
Farmers Market/Bazaar for consideration of an Outdoor Market, located at
77-880 Calle Tampico; Benjamin Franklin Elementary School in the La
Quinta Village.
Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
Planning Manager David Sawyer advised the Commissioners that the
applicant had requested a withdrawal of this item. Staff explained the
circumstances of the withdrawal.
The Commissioners unanimously voted to remove the item from the
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Planning Commission Minutes
November 25, 2008
B. Continued -Environmental Assessment 2008-602 and General Plan
Amendment 2008-1 12; a request for consideration of an Amendment of
the La Quinta General Plan Circulation Element, Amending Exhibit 3.3
Street Cross Sections - City Streets, Exhibit 3.5 City Roadway
Classifications, and Exhibit 3.10 the Multi-Purpose Trails Map located
Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
Planning Manager David Sawyer presented the information contained in
the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department.
The staff report requested the item be continued to the December 9,
2008, Planning Commission Meeting.
There being no further questions of staff, and since the City was the
applicant there was no further comment from applicant representatives.
Chairman Alderson then asked if there was any public comment.
There being no further questions, or public comment, Chairman Alderson
closed the public participation portion of the meeting and opened the
matter for Commission discussion.
Chairman Alderson asked if the continuation allowed staff a sufficient
amount of time to prepare and present the item at the next meeting.
Planning Director Johnson replied this was a staff item and the amount of
time was sufficient.
There was no further discussion, and it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Wilkinson/Barrows to approve continuation of this item
until the December 9, 2008, meeting. Unanimously approved.
C. Final Landscape Plans 2008-042; a request by Malaga Estates for
consideration of perimeter wall design located on the southwest corner of
Avenue 60 and Madison Street.
Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
Planning Manager David Sawyer presented the information contained in
the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department.
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Planning Commission Minutes
November 25, 2008
Chairman Alderson asked about materials used for the cap. Staff provided
the information and added there would also be pilasters.
Chairman Alderson asked if Condition Number 30 was in reference to
seismic joints. Planning Manager Sawyer replied he did not have the
specifics from the Building and Safety Department but thought that was
what they were for.
Chairman Alderson asked if the exhibits represented what was going to
be built. Staff replied the walls would be similar in character but would
not have the the work as shown in the illustration.
There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Alderson asked if
there were any applicant representatives or comments.
There being no applicant comments Chairman Alderson asked if there
was any public comment.
There being no further questions, or public comment, Chairman Alderson
closed the public participation portion of the meeting and opened the
matter for Commission discussion.
Commissioner Weber said he had an opportunity to visit the site,
thought the design was really nice, and he would support it.
Commissioner Barrows had a question about the water feature and if
there was a condition on the extent of the water feature. Planning
Director Johnson replied that previously the Commission had requested
elimination of the water feature. When the application was presented to
Council they overturned the condition and the applicant was allowed to
put in the water feature. Commissioner Barrows said she did recall that.
Commissioner Quill said it was a very pretty wall and he commented on
the consideration of turf and turf at the curb.
Commissioner Wilkinson said it was a great looking wall.
There was no further discussion, and it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Quill/Wilkinson to approve Minute Motion 2008-020
accepting the proposed design of the perimeter walls for Final Landscape
Plans 2008-042 as submitted. AYES: Commissioners Quill, Weber,
Wilkinson, and Chairman Alderson. NOES: Commissioner Barrows
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Planning Commission Minutes
November 25, 2008
A. Chairman Alderson gave a report on the City Council Meeting of
November 18, 2008 and commented on some of the items Council was
concerned about; such as, tree sizes (caliper) and pedestrian linkage.
Commissioner Barrows asked about the possibility of imposing conditions
on projects. Planning Director Johnson replied staff and the Commission
need to be more cognizant of pedestrian linkages, including adjacent
vacant property. This assists staff in working on pedestrian/vehicular
linkages when property is developed.
Commissioner Barrows asked if this was something that was
incorporated into the City's design guidelines. Staff replied there were
only Village and Highway 1 1 1 Design Guidelines. It was added this can
be addressed through the General Plan and it will be looked at more
closely in the future.
City Attorney Jenson added this is much better done at the map stage
when you are taking care of the property aspects; rather than at the
design stage, by requiring a condition of approval, even if there is nothing
on the parcel other than to insure we are getting future reciprocal
Chairman Alderson gave some additional examples of things Council was
concerned about and added that the Council does look at the Planning
Commission rulings.
Commissioner Quill commented on the Council concerns about pedestrian
access and referenced the recent JC Penney discussion and the
Commission's efforts.
B. Chairman Alderson noted Commissioner Quill was scheduled to report
back on the December 2, 2008, Council meeting.
C. The possibility of cancellation of the December 23, 2008, Planning
Commission meeting was discussed and unanimously approved.
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Planning Commission Minutes
November 25, 2008
D. Commissioner Quill gave a Community Trails Alliance presentation. He
thanked the Commission and staff for the opportunity to make his
presentation. The Commissioners then had the opportunity to ask him
E. Chairman Alderson added an item referencing the Public Works' CIP
reports and requested the Commissioners receive the quarterly reports of
Residential/Commercial Activities from the Planning Department. Staff
responded they would be e-mailed to the Commissioners and any updates
will automatically be sent to them.
Planning Director Johnson presented information on the resolution of Appeal
2008-002 for Standard Pacific Homes.
He stated, upon further discussion with legal counsel on both sides, it was
decided there was some allowance for relief on the timing and the applicant
would be allowed to continue to finalize their map. He then explained the history
and layout of the project.
Planning Director Johnson gave an update on the Griffin Ranch PM-10 issue.
He referenced the tact that the Commission had concerns about dust issues and
stated staff had a meeting with Griffin Ranch personnel and conducted site
visits. It was determined that Griffin Ranch was adhering to the PM-10
conditions as stated by the Commission. They have put down a sealer
treatment and it has solidified the dirt. Griffin Ranch has even gone to the point
of adding windbreaks, in parts of the project, to aid in dust control. Since the
meeting, Griffin Ranch personnel had approached two of the adjoining property
owners to see if there was a way to alleviate some of the additional dust
problems. The Planning Department, as the Public Works, feels Griffin Ranch is
definitely adhering to their PM 10 provisions.
He encouraged the Commissioners to go out and see the efforts Griffin Ranch
had gone through to eliminate dust problems. He did, however, state one of
staff's concerns was regarding the condition of additional planting which would
require the soil be tilled and it would be 60 to 90 days before the plants mature.
This would actually create an additional dust problem.
Staff ensured there will be regular inspections and stated they have also
contacted AQMD, who has identified they have no citations or issues or
violations identified with Griffin Ranch.
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Planning Commission Minutes
November 25, 2008
Staff said they would like to present consideration of relief of the planting
condition, as a Business Item, at the next Commission meeting.
Commissioner Wilkinson said he went out and visited the site, and concurred
with staff, that the applicant has done everything asked of them and more;
including meeting with the homeowners, and President of the Homeowners'
Association, who were satisfied with their efforts.
Commissioner Quill had not reviewed the site and couldn't comment.
Commissioner Weber suggested the Commissioners go out and look at the site.
Commissioner Barrows said she appreciated the efforts the applicant had made.
Chairman Alderson had a question about where the dust was coming from, if
not from Griffin Ranch. Staff provided information on the contributing factors
to the dust problem; including the fact there was a race track on the Griffin
Estate which was currently being utilized as an alfalfa field. The applicant had
asked the Estate Manager to consider some topical treatments to hold down the
Planning Director Johnson said he could not speak to the long-standing history
of the dust problems, only what was happening today and the fact the applicant
was doing the job and doing it well.
Chairman Alderson thanked staff for their due diligence. He gave some
background on the Site Development Permit application and the condition which
was added. He said considering the applicant has proven to staff and the
Commission that they have done what was requested of them. This was
handled through chemical treatment and there was no need for the seeding, so
the Commission would be rescinding that condition of approval. He asked staff
if the Commission could take official action tonight.
Staff suggested it be brought back, for consideration, as a Business Item.
Chairman Alderson said he had pushed hard for the seeding, but after staff's
update, he concurred it would be unwise to open up the soil fora 60 or 90 day
growth period.
The Commissioners concurred with staff's suggestion to bring the item back,
for deliberation, at the next meeting.
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Planning Commission Minutes
November 25, 2008
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Weber/Wilkinson to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the
next regular meeting to be held on December 9, 2008. This regular meeting was
adjourned at 8:19 p.m. on November 25, 2008.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn alker, Executive Secretary
City of La Quinta, California
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