PCRES 1999-022PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 99-022 RESOLUTIDN OF' Tlli: PLANNING CoM\IlStilo\ of 1"III'. CIT\' t)F LA QIIINTA. CALIFQRNIA COM>11iNDIN(i ST7iN'ART N'(N)11:\RD Pt 1R I11~ THREE 5'IiARS OF SIiRVICIi AS A PL:\NNIN(1 CO>I\IIti51t)NFR ST~IAI~kftT 1c~00D~kfZD WHEREAS. Stcw~n K'oodard hu smttl as a rttetnhcr of Us 1'lanntrtg C,xmm~sxm of dte City n(V Quirtu sirtct his app,inrrcn m July. 1996. try dnliuung hu umc and sks~vxm to tlse hettrnrcm nt V Quitw: ard, WHERFaS. during Mr. K'cx,danl's term ssxrc of the mapr gmrrntng decuxms of the Commission have included the Tuning. Code Update. Village Spaific PAn l'pdatc. Approval nt the SuWivioon Rtgulmiom Update. Htke Route Plan. Recrntiorul \'chr'k Regubtiorss, highway I11 Deign Guitklircs: ant N'HERI~.:\ti. durng Nr. Waxfanl's teen uxrc nt the nu{or dcseleyxrcnt aeesxrgslishmentx base been the review anJ teconvrcrdation to tlst Ciry Courcd fur approval .•r The Quarry Rarcaunrul Hudding. {'GA Nest S' Course Atttrrtdrtrn, V Quits Ihxcl Eapamion. V Quttua Autu Mall. Ikmtc Dc{x•t, $t. Frarcis o! Assisi Church E:paroKm. I~gk Hardware. an! The Tradition developmcn: ard. N'hFRFAS, his score of fairms that hu hern tktrotwrated m all his Juttn has been an in0ucrce for uwnl growth. cnvtrottmcnul cnrcerm, and the rutunl pn,gms Inr the developntcn of the Cny of l~ Qutttu as well as hu dnlication to the public welfare, sMmW he appro{,riamlg con,mrnxmtnl: and NOK'. TI IF'-.REPORIS, HE R RLSOL\'ED by the Planning Ccxnmusaxt of the Cm of La Quinu. Califnrnu that due u, the artxwm of ttme ant ercrgy that has hscn dev,xed t.. Ox: City of L~ Qumta M Mc Waxlanl. this Rev,luuun shall he recorded as pan of the ~dli: ul Mitutes of the Planning Gxnmission 6>r thts ntctmg. PASSED, APPRO\'EU. an1 AIX)PFI:D at a regular nreung ~4 tlr I .+ t hum-, Planning Commission, hell un this 9th day of March. 1999. hr the following sixc. i•• w ~~ AYES: Cottunissiarcrs Ahcls, hark. Hutlcr, Rot+htm, ant Clu trnun T~Icr NOES' Norc ABSENT: Norc ABST Norc JA QUFS /ELS, utttmiuiorcr l 1 RK. Cornmiuiorcr - ROBERT Tl LER. Clutrtnan ATTEST: ERRY •RMAN otnmtstury Developtrctd Director \~%