2008 12 02 CC MinutesLA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 2, 2008 A special meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 2:45 p.m. by Mayor Adolph. PRESENT: Council Members Henderson, Kirk, Osborne, Sniff, Mayor Adolph ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT - None Stan Ford, Coachella Valley Recreation and Parks District, announced a new catalog is being released with a new name and logo; stated the District has adopted the new name of Desert Recreation District; welcomed new Council Member Franklin, and congratulated Council Member Sniff for his re-election to the City Council. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE OFFICIAL CANVASS OF ELECTION RETURNS FOR THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD NOVEMBER 4, 2008. RESOLUTION NO. 2008-074 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECITING THE FACT OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD ON THE FOURTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2008, DECLARING THE RESULTS AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS PROVIDED BY LAW. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2008-074 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. The City Clerk administered the oath of office to Mayor Adolph, Council Member Franklin, and Council Member Sniff. The Mayor and City Council presented a plaque to outgoing Council Member Osborne for his dedicated service to the City of La Quinta. Police Chief Vigue also presented Council Member Osborne a proclamation from the Police Department in appreciation of his service to the community. Council Member Osborne thanked his family, the City Council, the City Manager and staff for their support during his service. City Council Minutes 2 December 2, 2008 The Special Meeting was adjourned at 2:58 p.m. Mayor Adolph called the regular meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Roll Call PRESENT: Council Members Franklin, Henderson, Kirk, Sniff, Mayor Adolph ABSENT: None CLOSED SESSION 1. Conference with City's real property negotiator, Douglas R. Evans, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 concerning potential terms and conditions of acquisition and/or disposition of real property for the following: Property Owners/Negotiators: APN: 767-220-004 — Turner Development; and APN: 767-220-007 — Palm Desert Development Company, Danavon Horn; APN: 767-220-031 — Coachella Valley Unified School District. 2. Conference with City's legal counsel pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(B) regarding threatened litigation (one matter). 3. Conference with City's real property negotiator, Douglas R. Evans, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 concerning potential terms and conditions of acquisition and/or disposition of real property identified as APN: 600-020-012. Property Owners/Negotiators: Protech Holdings 123, Dave Bigley. Council recessed to the Redevelopment Agency and to Closed Session to and until the hour of 4:00 p.m. 4:00 P.M. Mayor Adolph led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. City Council Minutes 3 December 2, 2008 PUBLIC COMMENT Michael Day, 4381 Janelo Drive, Regional Manager for the Labors International Union of North America, Local 1184 in Thousand Palms, explained the union has been engaged in a struggle with the Drummond Company, which operates Rancho La Quinta Golf Club and Andalusia at Coral Mountain; explained upon filing a petition with the National Labor Relations Board, Local 1184 was certified as the bargaining representative for the workers; and requested the City Council to intervene by asking Rancho La Quinta to bargain fairly with the union, and offer the workers a decent first term contract. Theron Connor, 33465 Foxtail Trail, requested the City Council's support of the workers in Rancho La Quinta Country Club; and stated the workers are not being treated fairly. Albert Gamez, 5554 Evelyn Dr., Banning, requested the support and assistance of the City Council to obtain a labor agreement with Rancho La Quinta. Julio Maroquin, 4457 Rubidoux Avenue, Riverside, depicted the daily routine of the average worker at Rancho La Quinta and the difficulty in meeting the needs of a family based on a $400 per week salary. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Mayor Adolph requested Consent Item No. 6 be taken up separately. ANNOUNCEMENTS - None PRESENTATIONS - None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve the City Council Minutes of November 18, 2008, as submitted. Motion carried by a vote of 4-0-1, Council Member Franklin abstaining. City Council Minutes 4 December 2, 2008 CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED DECEMBER 2, 2008. 2. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A DONATION FROM THE FRIENDS OF THE LA QUINTA SENIOR CENTER. (RESOLUTION NO. 2008- 075) 3. DENIAL OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FILED BY FREDERICK LOVE — DATE OF LOSS: OCTOBER 28, 2008. 4. ACCEPTANCE OF ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH TRACT MAP 31379, LEGACY VILLAS, CENTEX HOMES. 5. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP 32879, GRIFFIN RANCH, MCCOMIC-GRIFFIN, LLC AND GRIFFIN RANCH, LLC. (RESOLUTION NO. 2008-076) 6. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP 32879, GRIFFIN RANCH, MCCOMIC-GRIFFIN, LLC AND GRIFFIN RANCH, LLC. (See separate action below.) 7. APPROVAL OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (PSA) WITH WEC ENGINEERING TO PREPARE THE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COSTS FOR LAGUNA DE LA PAZ SOUND ATTENUATION WALL IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 2008-01. 8. APPROVAL OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (PSA) WITH DMC DESIGN GROUP, INC. TO PREPARE THE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COSTS FOR THE VILLAGE ENHANCED PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS AND TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES, PROJECT NO. 2008-04. 9. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 5 FOR ADDITIONAL COST OF $46,151.12 FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AND MODIFICATIONS DURING NIGHT TIME HOURS FOR HIGHWAY 111 IMPROVEMENTS FROM JEFFERSON STREET TO ADAMS STREET, PROJECT NO. 2001-07A, AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE CHANGE ORDER. City Council Minutes 5 December 2, 2008 10. APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH WILLDAN FOR TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES. MOTION — It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Kirk to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended and amended with the exception of Item No. 6 and with Item Nos. 2 and 5 being approved by RESOLUTION NOS. 2008-075 and 2008-076. Motion carried unanimously. Item No. 6 Mayor Adolph stated he understands the need for a continuance for some of the improvements, but cannot support a continuance for the landscape improvements not yet completed in front of the wall by the Mery Griffin home. In response to Council Member Henderson, Public Works Director Jonasson confirmed the Griffin property was not a part of the specific plan. He stated the wall was included in an agreement established for dedication of the right- of-way, but not the landscaping. There was a verbal agreement in concept by Marty Butler to include the landscaping, but it was not specifically tied to the map. Marty Butler, 44180 Ocotillo Drive, stated she understands the Griffin Estate has conceptually approved the landscape plans, which now have to be submitted to the Planning Department. She explained they are also working on drawings for the gates at the primary opening, and as soon as the plans are submitted within the next year, they should be able to complete the improvements. Mayor Adolph requested reassurance that the matter will be addressed and not continually postponed. Mrs. Butler stated she will address the matter further with the Griffin group. Council Member Henderson noted the document under consideration does not have the authority to order landscaping, and suggested Mrs. Butler work with staff on the feasibly of moving forward with something that will address the lack of landscaping in front of the wall. Mayor Adolph concurred, and indicated he would support the continuance. City Council Minutes 6 December 2, 2008 RESOLUTION NO. 2007-077 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, EXTENDING THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP 32879, GRIFFIN RANCH, MCCOMIC-GRIFFIN, LLC AND GRIFFIN RANCH, LLC It was moved by Council Members Kirk/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2008-077, as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION ........... continued 2. 3 CONSIDERATION OF PILLARS OF THE COMMUNITY APPLICATIONS. Community Services Director Hylton presented the staff report. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Kirk to approve the Pillars of the Community applications as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF PROFESSIONAL MARKETING SERVICES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2009/2010. Economic Development Project Manager Casillas presented the staff report. Council Member Sniff stated the Request For Proposal (RFP) process is unnecessary, and suggested directing staff to renegotiate a contract with Kiner Communications. Council Member Kirk agreed Kiner Communication has done a good job, but noted his approval of their contract last year was based on doing an RFP this year. He feels after seven years with one contractor, it is time to move forward with an RFP, and give contractors an opportunity to submit a competitive proposal. Council Member Henderson suggested the possibility of receiving informal proposals from other organizations; stated she has mixed emotions, and is open to either of the two recommendations. She asked if staff would be able to acquire proposals without going through the entire bidding process. Assistant City Manager -Development Services Evans stated staff would need to consult with the City Attorney and review the City's purchasing program. City Council Minutes 7 December 2, 2008 City Attorney Jenson stated the City could review actual contracts from other cities, or move forward with a short list. Council Member Henderson noted marketing contracts vary from city to city, making it difficult to compare, and stated she would support going through the RFP process. Council Member Franklin stated she also supports the bidding process after contracting with the same organization for many years. Mayor Adolph conveyed appreciation for Kiner Communications' work in promoting the City, and support for renegotiating their contract, but stated he will concur with the City Council's desire to obtain requests for proposals. Council Member Sniff stated the City Council is addressing a very dubious cost savings compared to a solid record of performance conducted by Kiner Communication, and suggested continuing the contract with them. Council Member Kirk suggested two Council Members serve on the selection committee and make a recommendation to the City Council for final approval. Council Member Henderson noted the RFP process allows for establishment of a selection committee. City Attorney Jenson advised if more than two Council Members serve on the selection committee, it would then be subject to the Brown Act. Council Member Henderson stated Council Members have served on the selection committee in the past, but over the years, the process of reviewing proposals and interviewing the contractors has been turned over to staff. City Manager Genovese stated staff will develop the RFP, and present it to the City Council for review. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Kirk/Henderson to direct staff to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Professional Marketing Services for Fiscal Year 2009/2010. Motion carried by a vote of 3-2, Mayor Adolph and Council Member Sniff dissenting. City Council Minutes 8 December 2, 2008 4. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2.60, SECTION 2.60.020 (DESIGNATED EMPLOYEES — DISCLOSURE CATEGORIES) OF THE LA QUINTA CHARTER AND MUNICIPAL CODE RELATIVE TO "CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE." City Clerk Montecino presented the staff report. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to take up Ordinance No. 463 by title and number only and waive further reading. Motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 463 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2.60 SECTION 2.60.020 RELATING TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to introduce Ordinance No. 463 on first reading. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Franklin, Henderson, Kirk, Sniff, Mayor Adolph NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None 5. CONSIDERATION OF DESIGN OPTIONS FOR PLACEMENT OF STREET NAME SIGNAGE IN THE COVE AREA. Public Works Director Jonasson presented the staff report, and Principal Engineer McKinney presented various design and color options for the signage. In response to Council Member Henderson, Fire Chief Cooley stated the Fire Department's database includes Calle or Avenida in the legal street name, and if omitted would make it difficult for their dispatcher to find the street when the call comes in. Mayor Adolph inquired about streets with similar names. Chief Cooley explained he reviews street name submissions along with the Building and Safety Department and attempts to not permit repeated street names. City Council Minutes 9 December 2, 2008 Council Member Henderson suggested the possibility of abbreviating Avenida, and Chief Cooley stated they would prefer having the full title and name on the street signs. Assistant Police Chief Gregory also addressed the inquiry, explaining their computer dispatch system is similar, and it would be helpful to have the full street name and title. Council Member Henderson stated the names and titles should be consistent on all the signs. In response to Mayor Adolph, Principal Engineer McKinney explained block numbers can be added to the signs below Calle or Avenida. In response to Council Member Sniff, Principal Engineer McKinney stated the rounded signs are 30 inches wide, and the rectangular signs are 42 inches wide, with both being 9 inches high. Council Member Henderson recommended not using the City Seal because of the detail involved, and stated she does not support the bottom -rounded sign or the use of the promotional logo with the gem. She conveyed support of Option 5 with the quail. Council Member Sniff suggested Option 1 with a rounded top for the La Quinta script, and measurements of 9 X 42 inches; and stated he does not support using the City Seal, quail, or the gem. Council Member Franklin stressed the importance of using reflective signs, and conveyed support for Option 3; stated it is not necessary to include the La Quinta script; suggested including block numbers and not include the rounded top. Mayor Adolph conveyed support for Option 1, and questioned the City logo, quail, or gem being visible; requested La Quinta be printed larger; and stated a preference for blue or green signs with contrasting lettering. Council Member Sniff questioned if there would be sufficient room to include block numbers under the street title. Council Member Henderson asked if the rounded signs can be acquired in 42 inch lengths. Principal Engineer McKinney responded, "Yes," and explained the proposed cost is based on the 30 inch length. Kay Wolff, 77-227 Calle Ensenada, representing the Cove Association, suggested keeping the signs big and clear, and installing them rapidly; stated the only reason for a rounded sign is for the title length; block numbers on the signs would be helpful and painted posts is an unnecessary expense; stated contrast is the key with reflective signs; and she conveyed a City Council Minutes 10 December 2, 2008 preference for brown signs. She also reported that previous Council Member Larry Allen passed away several months ago from a battle with cancer. Council Member Kirk stated there are good elements in each option; and asked about the length of the sign used in the demonstration project. Public Works Director Jonasson stated those signs were 36 inches, and explained the widths vary depending on the street name; and all lettering will be 6 inches on a 9 inch background. Mayor Adolph asked if the signs will be centered, to which Principal Engineer McKinney responded, "Yes." Council Member Kirk stated he concurs with most of the comments about keeping the signs simple; conveyed a preference for Option 1 with rounded signs to include the street title; including the City name is not necessary, and he supports displaying block numbers on the signs. As for color, he prefers not using green, and suggested using white signs with blue lettering for north and south streets, and blue signs with white lettering for east and west streets; prefers the design with the top -rounded, 9 inches high, any color but green, and agrees there is no need for reflective sign posts. He made references about the uncertainty of the nation's economy, and suggested installing only half of the signs at this time with the $100,000 already budgeted, rather than appropriating additional funds from the General Fund. Council Member Henderson stated she would go along with Option 1 without the quail, and supports putting Calle or Avenida in the top -rounded area and the block numbers to the side or vice versa. She sees no prudent reason not to move forward with the entire project, noting there is economy of scale in purchasing materials and in installation when doing the whole project; and she feels doing the project in phases is not acceptable. She prefers the signs be the same color in all directions; stated there is a standardization for using green, but she likes blue as well; and suggested moving Calle or Avenida where the La Quinta script is located and print the block numbers where Calle or Avenida is currently shown, using 6 inch letters for the street name. Council Member Sniff conveyed a preference for Option 1 with the width adjusted to accommodate the number of letters in the street name, and include Calle or Avenida and block numbers; and stated he is partial to green signs with white lettering. He questioned the timeframe for installation of the signs. Public Works Director Jonasson explained the formal bid process entails three months. Council Member Henderson asked if the City is obligated to go out to bid for this project. City Attorney Jenson stated she has not had the opportunity to review this matter, and questioned what has been done in the past relating to street signs. City Council Minutes 11 December 2, 2008 Council Member Sniff conveyed support for 9-inch signs, and a horizontal width to extend to the length of the name, and agreed reflective poles are not necessary. He suggested staff be directed to begin the normal bid process, and the amount of time that takes could address Council Member Kirk's concerns related to the funding. Council Member Franklin conveyed support for Option 1, with green signs and white lettering, the street title and name on one line, and remove the La Quinta script out of the top round and insert the block numbers instead. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Franklin to direct staff to proceed with replacing the existing street name signs in the Cove area with Sign Option No. 1, in green 9-inch-high signs with white 6-inch- high lettering, removing La Quinta from the top round area and inserting the block numbers, and proceeding with the entire project. In response to Council Member Kirk, City Manager Genovese confirmed an appropriation would need to be included in the motion. Council Member Henderson stated she could amend the motion to include the appropriation of $215,000 from the General Fund Reserves. Mayor Adolph stated he is sensitive to Council Member Kirk's concerns about the funding, but feels at this time the City is financially able to appropriate the needed funds. Public Works Director Jonasson noted the appropriation can be addressed when the project is brought back at the time of award the contract. Council Member Kirk stated he would support staff's suggestion to consider the appropriation along with the award of contract. Council Member Henderson concurred with including the approval of the appropriation at the time of the award of the contract and amended the motion. In response to Council Member Sniff, Council Member Henderson confirmed the sign height is 9 inches high with 6 inch lettering. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Franklin to direct staff to proceed with replacing the existing street name signs in the Cove area with Sign Option No. 1, in green 9-inch-high signs with white 6-inch- high lettering, removing La Quinta from the top round area and inserting the block numbers, proceeding with the entire project, and consider an appropriation of funds at the time of award of the contract. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes 12 December 2, 2008 6. CONSIDERATION OF CITY COUNCIL REORGANIZATION. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Kirk/Franklin to select Council Member Henderson to serve as Mayor Pro Tempore. Motion carried 4-0-1, Sniff abstaining. 7. CONSIDERATION OF CITY COUNCIL STANDING COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS. In response to Mayor Adolph, Council Member Franklin confirmed she is comfortable taking the appointments previously assigned to Council Member Osborne. Council Member Henderson distributed a memo to the City Council regarding the appointment to the Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District (CVMVCD) Board; and stated the original appointment was to be for a brief term; stated the main activities will be to hire an Executive Director and an attorney for operations, which have never been a problem. She recommended appointing a member of the community for the position, and nominated Bob Cox, who has attended most of the meetings and is aware of the issues addressed by the Board. Mayor Adolph noted the appointment does not require an elected official to be designated to the Board. City Attorney announced extra copies of the memo are available for public review in the City Clerk Department. Council Member Kirk stated he would support Council Member Henderson's recommendation to appoint a citizen as long as it is first offered to the City Council. Furthermore, he understands when the Council is appointing a citizen from the community to a committee that it is generally opened up to the public to apply for the appointment. Mayor Adolph asked if there would be a problem making a direct appointment. City Attorney Jenson stated the appointment is at the City Council's discretion. Mayor Adolph asked if any of the Council Members wish to serve on the Board. Council Member Sniff stated he is aware of some interest from the community in serving on the Board. Council Member Henderson noted City Council Minutes 13 December 2, 2008 Mr. Cox is the only member of the community that has attended the Board meetings. Mayor Adolph asked if the City Council could rescind an appointment after it is made. City Attorney Jenson explained the appointment can not be rescinded against the person's wishes, and once appointed, the appointee serves on a separate organization and represents the entire District for the term appointed; and stated an appointee will generally step down if requested, but there is no legal basis for removal, and the City Council would have to go through an extended process to remove the appointment. Council Member Kirk suggested allowing members of the community to submit applications, and consider an appointment at the next meeting. Council Member Henderson explained she will be attending the Board meeting in December, but cannot attend the January meeting unless she is re -appointed. City Attorney Jenson explained the appointment is for a two or four-year term, but an appointee could resign after one month. Council Member Henderson stated she is currently serving as Vice -Chairperson, and has made it very clear to the District that she is not interested in pursuing the Chairperson seat. Council Member Kirk requested staff advertise the opening and receive applications for the City Council to consider on the next agenda. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Kirk/Sniff to direct staff to open and advertise for applications for appointment to the Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District (CVMVCD) and submit for the City Council's consideration at the December 16, 2008 meeting. Council Member Kirk moved to approve the other City Council appointments submitted by staff with Council Member Franklin appointed to the previous committee appointments assigned to Council Member Osborne. Council Member Henderson requested the following committees be removed from the list: Riverside County Library Zone Advisory Board; Riverside County Free Library System Advisory Committee; and School Ad Hoc Committee. She also noted the San Jacinto Santa Rosa National Monument Advisory Committee is a Federal appointment. Council Member Kirk suggested the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership also be removed as the City does not have an appointed representative this year. City Council Minutes 14 December 2, 2008 Council Member Kirk amended the motion to include the removal of the committees mentioned. Community Services Director Hylton stated staff has received a letter from the County Librarian requesting an appointment to the Riverside County Free Library System Advisory Committee. Barbara Bowie, Desert Zone Manager for the Riverside County Library System, explained the origination of the Zone Advisory Board, and stated the Board has not met in over two years. Council Member Henderson requested the County submit a letter for appointment when it is necessary for the Board to meet. MOTION — It was moved by Council Members Kirk/Sniff to approve the City Council appointments as submitted, with Council Member Franklin accepting the appointments previously assigned to Council Member Osborne; and removing Coachella Valley Economic Partnership, Riverside County Child Safety Commission, School Ad Hoc Committee, Committees appointed by staff, and the Riverside County Library Zone Advisory Board. Motion carried unanimously. 8. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE SITE DEVELOPMENT MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH FOURTH QUARTER PROPERTIES XLII, AS SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO 111 VENTURE, LLC. Public Works Director Jonasson presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Sniff, City Attorney Jenson explained this matter came forward because a transaction occurred on the property, and this agreement, which has an obligation, is still recorded on the property even though a letter released the obligation and the bonds. She further explained the obligation could interfere with the sale of the property. In response to Mayor Adolph, Public Works Director Jonasson explained the property consists of all parcels fronting Highway 1 1 1, including The Coffee Bean at Adams Street, but nothing behind it; the agreement does not include the parcels fronting Adams Street, only Lots 10, 11 and 12, and that is where the developer chose to make the obligation to the two outstanding conditions of the bike path and perimeter improvements. City Manager Genovese explained the condition has been applied inconsistently to the developers along the storm channel. City Attorney Jenson stated the condition was imposed on the parcels on the west side of the property, and explained the requirement is not a fee but a condition of approval, which City Council Minutes 15 December 2, 2008 was carried forward by a $28,000 bond; subsequently a subdivision agreement was terminated and replaced with the maintenance agreement, which was recorded against the property. In response to Mayor Adolph, City Manager Genovese explained an applicant would not have been required to pay money, but rather required to acquire a bond or letter of credit that is still active. City Attorney Jenson explained a letter was inadvertently issued releasing the bonds, and the proposed amendment is viewed as a clean-up issue. Mayor Adolph inquired about possible repercussions should the City Council not approve the amendment. City Attorney Jenson explained it is the City Council's discretion to take action. Public Works Director Jonasson further explained the development at Madison Square at Dune Palms and Highway 1 1 1 is conditioned to include the construction of the bike path. In response to Council Member Sniff, City Attorney Jenson confirmed Alternative No. 1 in the staff report would eliminate the requirement. Council Member Kirk noted the letter of credit should not have been released, and conveyed opposition to removing the condition as there is an application on file and was approved with the condition of the path. Council Member Henderson asked if the condition has been removed. City Attorney Jenson stated the condition has not been removed or changed. Council Member Henderson conveyed understanding as to how this could have happened, and stated she is doubtful the bike path will ever be completed because of the complexities involved. She conveyed support for those advocating the improvement, but noted there are grants available for trails and paths and this project would require a large grant. She does not want to hinder the City's ability to condition projects as we go through the approval process but noted the City has submitted a letter concurring that Thomas Enterprises is released from obligation to construct the bike path, and the developer would win if pursued in litigation against the City. She stated she would support releasing the condition. Council Member Franklin stated she has no problem with releasing the condition as there is inconsistencies with other developers. Mayor Adolph stated he also has no problem with releasing the condition, but conveyed concern about setting a precedence. City Council Minutes 16 December 2, 2008 MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve Amendment No. 1 (Alternate 1) to the Site Development Maintenance Agreement with Fourth Quarter Properties XLII, as Successor in Interest to 111 Venture, LLC, subject to any minor revisions deemed necessary by the City Attorney, and authorize the City Manager to sign the Amendment. Motion carried by a vote of 4-1-0, Kirk dissenting. STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF DESIGN CONCEPTS FOR NEW FIRE STATION NO. 32 AND THE CORPORATE YARD. Building & Safety Director Hartung presented the staff report Mr. Wayne Holtan, representing Dominy & Associates, reviewed the architectural site designs and floor plans. Mayor Adolph inquired about the square footage of the facility. Mr. Holtan stated the facility is approximately 7,500 square feet. Building & Safety Director Hartung confirmed the facility is not substantially smaller as previously anticipated because of the number of elements needed that could not be incorporated into a smaller facility. In response to Council Member Kirk, Mr. Holtan explained the top floor of the tower is proposed to be closed; and the facility was designed to have access to Avenue 52, which allows the apparatus to get out on the existing curb cut. Council Member Kirk conveyed support for the tower, but does not feel it is depicted as Spanish Colonial, and questioned what the architect is trying to achieve with the design. Mr. Holtan explained the design is an attempt to replicate a Spanish style look and bring elements of that into a modern building; and stated the design is a work in progress that can be modified to accommodate the City Council's preferences. In response to Mayor Adolph, Building & Safety Director Hartung explained staff is requesting direction to pursue any one of the schemes presented. Mayor Adolph asked if Francis Hack Lane will become a dead-end street and vacated at the west end when the facility is built. Public Works Director Jonasson explained staff is investigating abandonment of the street and considering utilizing the area for parking until a determination is made. Mayor Adolph conveyed concern about the general public having access to the area, and suggested a locking gate for staff access. City Council Minutes 17 December 2, 2008 Council Member Henderson conveyed preference for a traditional design to fit into the neighborhood; and agreed the design of the tower needs additional work. Council Member Kirk voiced agreement that Scheme B is more appropriate for the area, with design improvements to the tower; conveyed concern about the massive the roof, suggested the use of stacked tiles to give the roof some dimension, and agreed with Council Member Henderson that solar panels are an option. He voiced support for accommodating the request by American Medical Response (AMR) as long as it does not affect the functionality of the site; and stated it is not necessary to obtain LEED certification at this point because of the cost, as long as it is a highly energy efficient project. Mayor Adolph noted use of a Mansard roof would work for solar panels. Mr. Holtan stated they are proposing covered secured parking for the firefighters, and the roofs for the vehicular and equipment parking for the corporate yard would be in a slope design with stacked tiles. Council Member Henderson conveyed agreement with not pursuing LEED certification; and stated the temporary facility used to accommodate AMR should be pleasing to the site. Building & Safety Director Hartung explained AMR has indicated they will utilize a trailer similarly used for office space. Council Member Henderson stated she needs something more definitive from AMR before she can approve a temporary structure. Council Member Franklin stated she also support Scheme B, but is not pleased with the design of the tower. Mr. Holtan stated this is not the first design of the tower, and there will be several options to implement as the project progresses. Council Member Sniff conveyed support for Scheme B, no LEED certification, and stated he likes the tower design. Mr. Holtan stated the facility will be designed to LEED requirements, but without pursuing the certification. Mayor Adolph stated he likes the contemporary design, but Scheme B is more appropriate for the community; and he agrees the design of the tower needs improvement. City Council Minutes 18 December 2, 2008 DEPARTMENT REPORTS Barbara Bowie, Desert Zone Manager for the Riverside County Library System, presented the library report, and gave an update on proposed programs. Council Member Henderson suggested the library staff communicate with the Chamber of Commerce to promote events throughout the community. Council recessed to and until 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT — None PRESENTATIONS — None PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION REGARDING TENTATIVE MAP 36058-4 (RA 2008-005), A REVERSION TO ACREAGE TO CONSOLIDATE PARCEL MAP 34855. APPLICANT: STANTEC CONSULTING, INC., FOR STAMKO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. Principal Planner McKinney presented the staff report. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 7:08 p.m. Chris Clarke, 2205 N. Poinsettia, Manhattan Beach, congratulated newly elected Council Member Franklin. She stated the request for reversion to acreage is something she had not expected to do, and thanked staff for their assistance. There being no additional requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:09 p.m. Council Member Henderson stated she feels the pain of the applicant, and is hopeful times will change in her favor. City Council Minutes 19 December 2, 2008 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-078 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TENTATIVE MAP 36058-R, A REVERSION TO ACREAGE TO CONSOLIDATE PARCEL MAP 34855. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2008-078 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Chamber of Commerce Workshop/Information Exchange Committee - Council Member Henderson reported the second monthly meeting was held, and there is one more meeting left for the year. She spoke about events in the City, and stated the Chamber is interested in receiving a schedule of activities to promote local businesses; discussed new businesses including The Soup Plantation; stated the membership drive is very active; and stated the Chamber staff will be meeting with Community Services Director Hylton to discuss the BizNet Expo. League of California Cities - Council Member Henderson reported the Riverside Division meeting was held two weeks ago, and stated Robin Lowe, City of Hemet, was elected as Second Vice President of the League of California Cities Board; stated the Board adopted four goals for the year; explained discussions surrounding the legitimate right of the League being involved with the protection of Redevelopment Agency funds; stated the League has forged a relationship with the California Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and works closely with the League on ballot measures; stated the CRA will be filing a law suit and the League will be involved; stated the four goals include protect funding for vital community services, tax increment and sales tax and local investments; explained capital improvement projects that are shelf -ready will be funded first; further reported "sustainable communities is the catch word of the day as cities are struggling to meet mandated requirements, and addressed the need for reform of the Regional Housing Needs Assessment; addressed the need for reform of the State's budget and fiscal system; and stated there is a question on the need for a constitutional convention; shared information about the CRA Board which is made up of staff and no elected officials; stated she desires to be more involved with the CRA. Council Member Kirk thanked Council Member Henderson for her influence and involvement toward the League and being protective of redevelopment agency funds during the past two years. He supports her efforts with the League, and requested she continue to be in contact with the CRA. City Council Minutes 20 December 2, 2008 Council Member Henderson stated she was appointed as Chairperson of the Budget Committee; and will be looking forward to meeting with John Shirery. Mayor Adolph questioned a statement made by the Governor at the League meeting regarding redevelopment agency funds. Council Member Kirk stated he felt the Governor side-stepped the issue, and indicated he was a great supporter of the cities. Mayor Adolph stated he understood him to say that the State had taken Redevelopment Agency funds, but would not do it again. Council Member Henderson noted general fund monies and redevelopment agency funds were both included initially when Proposition A was drafted, but the Governor would not sign it until protection of the redevelopment agency funds was removed; a letter from the Governor was then included in the ballot book that stated redevelopment agency funds were not included because they are protected by the constitution. She explained the taking of redevelopment agency funds is a triple flip to apply to schools, and the cities will not be repaid; and stated there is discussion about making it permanent and a five-year shift, which is why there is talk about pursuing litigation. Council Member Sniff stated he understands the Legislature called a special meeting to deal with the $9 billion shortfall, and will take money from wherever it is available. Council Member Henderson stated she believes if the State comes after General Fund monies, they will come for big money with no intention of paying it back. CVAG Executive Committee - Mayor Adolph reported two lawsuits have been resolved; the Board is dealing with issues of five interchanges, including Jefferson Street, but will not be funded until 2011 and completed by 2014; conveyed concern because of the rising costs of materials; received first half -year report which depicts a comparison between TUMF and Measure A funds. City Manager Genovese stated staff will be bringing a report to the City Council in late January or early February 2009. Council Member Henderson asked if the City is opening the concern of whether to pay the difference of what has been paid and what has not been paid. City Manager Genovese stated it is part of a lengthy discussion, and will be addressed in the report prepared for the City Council at the beginning of the year. SunLine Transit Agency - Mayor Adolph stated the Board will be meeting tomorrow and he will be missing the closed session portion as he will be attending the Holiday Open House at City Hall. C.V.W.D. Joint Water Policy Committee - Mayor Adolph reported the tiered rate system anticipated to take effect in May 2009, will give credit for water conservation; stated there will be a form for questions regarding the billing amount; City Council Minutes 21 December 2, 2008 and explained the bill will indicate whether or not the customer is conserving or wasting water. All other reports were noted and filed. DEPARTMENT REPORTS — (See Page 18.) MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS Council Member Sniff requested the City Council's support in closing City Hall on December 26, 2008, and January 2, 2009, to enable employees to have a four -day weekend during the holidays. Council Member Henderson questioned this being an appropriate time for paid days off given the current economy. Council Member Sniff noted employees' salaries are already budgeted. Council Member Henderson stated there probably will not be much work done, and would like to hear from the other Council Members. Council Member Kirk asked about potential cost savings in closing the facilities. City Manager Genovese stated it is unknown if there would be any cost savings, and would have to conduct some analysis. In response to Council Member Sniff, Assistant City Manager -Management Services Plumlee explained vacation accruals begin at 10 days and increase one day for each year of service, and employees receive 12 paid holidays. He confirmed City Hall is closed one-half day on Christmas Eve and one-half day on New Year's Eve. Council Member Kirk agreed with Council Member Sniff that the amount paid to employees is already budgeted, but conveyed concern about giving an added benefit during the current economic situation. Council Member Franklin expressed concern about setting precedence for future years. Mayor Adolph noted the Council has been doing this for years, and the precedent has already been set. Council Member Henderson stated she has seen progressive years during her service and the City is in a strong financial condition, but there is a need to be more prudent during this time. Council Member Sniff noted the amount has already been budgeted. Council Member Kirk noted some employees use vacation time to City Council Minutes 22 December 2, 2008 take time off during the holidays, which reduces the liability on our books, and if the time off is not granted, the City will pay for it in the future. Council Member Sniff expressed high regard for the employees. Council Member Henderson agreed with Council Member Sniff that the City has a nice, decent, hard-working staff. Council Member Franklin asked if this is the City Council's decision or just a discussion. City Manager Genovese explained staff would need to meet and confer with the Employee Association for concurrence then bring it back to City Council for approval. In response to Council Member Kirk, City Manager Genovese stated staff currently receives a half -day off for Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve as part of the Memorandum of Understanding. Council Member Henderson stated it would be easy to approve the time off and the City can afford it, but there are times to review funds especially in the current economy; and at some point we must tighten the purse strings. Mayor Adolph conveyed agreement with the statements made by Council Member Sniff; stated the City has done well financially, and there is no additional cost; stated it is a good thing to show appreciation for the employees by giving the time off, and questioned how much of the public will be coming in to conduct business. The City Council concurred to direct staff to meet and confer with the Employees Association, and bring this matter back at the next meeting. Mayor Adolph stated he has learned that the courses will be closed to golf carts at the SilverRock Resort, and questioned what effect it will have on the amount of rounds played. Council Member Henderson explained the memo regarding items of interests stated the closure applied to the grass area only in preparation for the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic event. City Manager Genovese stated staff will report back on this matter. City Council Minutes 23 December 2, 2008 Mayor Adolph addressed the flooding on Jefferson Street at Avenue 52, and questioned when the drainage will be tied into the SilverRock Resort. Public Works Director Jonasson explained the drainage improvement is proposed in Phase II of the SilverRock Resort project, and stated staff is able to move the project forward as a capital improvement project at the City Council's discretion. Council Member Henderson suggested purchasing another pump dedicated to the SilverRock Resort area. City Manager Genovese stated funding is available to purchase a pump, and requested the City Council allow staff to review the second phase of SilverRock Resort regarding drainage improvements. Council recessed to the Redevelopment Agency meeting and to Closed Session as delineated on Page 1. The City Council meeting was reconvened with no decisions being made in Closed Session which require reporting pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.1 (Brown Act). ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Adolph adjourn the meeting. Motion carried upon consensus. su VERONICA J *ONTECINO, City Clerk City of La Qumta, California