2008 11 25 CC MinutesLA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPING REVIEW COMMITTEE (ALRC) HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION (HPC) INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD (IAB) COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 25, 2008 A special joint meeting of the La Quinta City Council/Commissions/ Board/Committees was called to order at the hour of 5:00 p.m. by Mayor Adolph, who led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Henderson, Kirk, Osborne, Sniff, Mayor Adolph ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT - None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed STUDY SESSION Chairman Alderson called the joint Planning Commission and Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee meeting to order. PRESENT: Planning Commissioners Barrows, Quill, Weber, Wilkinson, and Chairman Alderson; and ALRC Members Arnold, Fitzpatrick, and Rooker ABSENT: Planning Commissioner Barrows 1-A. DISCUSSION OF MATTERS OF JOINT INTEREST TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL, PLANNING COMMISSION, AND ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPING REVIEW COMMITTEE INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WATER CONSERVATION AND LANDSCAPING, WHITEWATER CHANNEL TRAIL, DESIGN GUIDELINES, AND TURF USAGE. Chairman Alderson stated Commissioner Barrows is not able to attend the meeting; and explained each Commissioner will review items for discussion. Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 2 November 25, 2008 Commissioner Weber reviewed energy conservation and green sustainability; and stated the Planning Commission has taken action to this effect; explained the City has partnered with regional organizations toward conservation; and questioned the City Council what direction is being considered regarding water conservation. Council Member Kirk stated he spoke with Commissioner Barrows regarding this matter and questioned if a development necessitates a water feature; in response, she conveyed her concern of water waste; Council Member Kirk conveyed his opinion to cherish the resource of water and capture it in the design with an architectural feature. Council Member Sniff concurred with the comments made regarding water features as long as there is no waste; and addressed the flagrant waste of water running down the streets and suggested implementing a fine for the water waste. Commissioner Weber, attended meeting held by the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) who addressed this issue of water conservation; conveyed his agreement with Council Member Sniff's comments, and suggested a regional effort be established to address water runoff. Council Member Henderson addressed the question posed by Commissioner Weber; stated water features are not a flagrant use of water and explained an ordinance has been established to address water waste for water features; stated the City cannot wait to address water runoff by going regional as there is a need to start locally with a City program. Chairman Alderson stated the Planning Commission has taken a hard line toward water conservation in landscaping for proposed projects; many of the runoff water problems can be attributed to faulty equipment; stated lakes and ponds retain water and have little evaporation; stated the Planning Commission needs guidelines from the City Council in reviewing water features. Mayor Adolph stated the City Council's concern is the water runoff and is hopeful to establish a fine for violators; and conveyed his support of establishing a requirement of installing an insta-hot valve in new developments. Commissioner Quill stated the Planning Commission is requesting direction from the City Council regarding architectural features; addressed the amount of energy wasted by elaborate high-powered fountains compared to an energy efficient water feature; stated water has been omitted in modern Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 3 November 25, 2008 development; and the City should be setting the example in using water ethically Commissioner Wilkinson suggested the City create incentives to utilize controllers or re -usable water. Council Member Osborne stated the City has worked with the community by promoting the installation of smart irrigation controller for residents; there is a challenge on a commercial standpoint of what is the appropriate number of water features for public; use of artificial turf has done well; and the question is determining the smart use for commercial development. Mayor Adolph stated the new homes in Trilogy will be built with solar use. Council Member Henderson stated Commissioner Wilkinson makes a good point regarding the amount of energy used to pump water in a feature; suggested a subcommittee be established with two members of the City Council and two members of the Planning Commission to review proposed water features. Commissioner Quill stated the developer sells homes with a major water feature and then leaves the cost with the buyers and homeowners association. Mayor Adolph stated the Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee (ALRC) should be sensitive to the use of water features when reviewing proposed projects, with additional review by the City Council. Chairman Alderson stated the ALRC would like to address the issue of water use. Commissioner Rooker conveyed his concern of the demand from the City Council of not allowing additional water or turf in new developments; stated he is relieved to hear the discussion this evening and understands the direction of the City Council regarding these issues. Mayor Adolph stated there must be a balance to the use of water and turf. Commissioner Fitzpatrick stated the CVWD utilized reclaimed water for irrigation in the west end of the Valley but is not that familiar about the use. Council Member Henderson stated there is not enough residential waste water available to provide enough reclaimed water for the east end of the Valley. Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 4 November 25, 2008 Council Member Kirk stated there is a problem with supply and demand due to the seasonal resident changes during the year and water use. Council Member Kirk recommended the City Council direct staff to develop a policy on the use of water and turf in conjunction of our water conservancy ordinance. Council Member Osborne questioned how the City is going to monitor the amount of waste for runoff water. Council Member Kirk stated the City initiated an incentive program a year ago to remove turf and irrigation, and establishing a phone number to call and report runoff waste water; and suggested staff work with Steve Robbins, General Manager at Imperial Irrigation District and report on the status of the nuisance water program. Council Member Sniff stated all issues that have been discussed are subjective; water features have an important role and suggested to maximize the effect of the feature aesthetically and balance the amount of water use. Commissioner Quill addressed turf on parkways that is watered and serves for aesthetic purposes only, compared to areas that has a purpose such as a recreational use. Council Member Sniff stated the community should be able to use turf effectively and judiciously without over use of water. Chairman Alderson memorialized the discussion and reviewed the issues discussed. Council Member Kirk suggested a policy be drafted by the ALRC and Planning Commission for consideration of the City Council. Commissioner Quill stated the City Council has done a magnificent job addressing trails; encouraged the promotion of pedestrian and bicycle access in the City along with safe routes to schools; and stated the City is doing the right thing in addressing these issues. Planning Director Johnson stated Community Services Director Hylton and he met with staff from the City of Indio who have progressed ahead of the City of La Quinta's plans by initiating a study, and is willing to partner with the City for a Class I trail; staff is interested in working with them; explained Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 5 November 25, 2008 there are some complications with bridges; and stated the City is a destination for the communities to the east. Mayor Adolph addressed financing in the partnership with the City of Indio for Class I trails and questioned if they are serious about the project. Planning Director Johnson stated they are serious at the staff level, and explained there is a lot of Federal funding available to establish trails. Council Member Osborne quested if staff has discussed a release of liability for the City with CVWD. Planning Director Johnson explained the process has not progressed to that point as of yet. Commissioner Quill stated he has spoken with Mr. Robbins who stated he does not want to be an inhibitor of the trails; explained there is precedence already established regarding trails; addressed the comment made regarding available funding; and stated the problem is getting the planning completed. Council Member Sniff questioned at which edge of the channel the trail will be located. Commissioner Quill explained it will be located within the right of way of the channel. Council Member Sniff stated the trail will have access problems and getting people past the traffic at the bridges. Chairman Alderson questioned if there is an entity that can design and coordinate the approval of the project. Commissioner Quill explained there will be multiple entities that will need to work together. Commissioner Weber stated someone needs to take charge and motivate entities to bring the plan into fruition. Council Member Henderson stated she will support trails as the next generation will utilize them; and stated the trails will not be used during extremely hot weather. Council Member Kirk stated he does not see people walking to shop at Costco, but you do see many bicycling and walking; and questioned if the Planning Commission or Community Services Department have addressed retaining hikers on our own trails instead of traveling to other areas in the Valley. Commissioner Wilkinson stated some have already utilized the trail at the channel. Commissioner Quill stated his wife led hikes on Trails Day at the top of the Cove and disagrees there are no 'bump and grind' trails in the City as there Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 6 November 25, 2008 is a trail behind the homes going to Eisenhower peak that is similar to a stair stepper. Council Member Henderson stated the Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy has been waiting to plug-in trails into their plan. Commissioner Wilkinson stated the development pressure is off regarding annexation to the east; and questioned if the fee and redevelopment issues have been resolved; stated he took the initiative to meet with the County and received conflicting answers from the County and the City where both are saying they are willing to work on the issue but the other entity is not; stated both entities are willing to share capital improvement costs but the issue has died out; stated there needs to be some effort to move the issue forward and address a plan with balanced services; and questioned if there is a way the City can initiate discussion with the County. Council Member Sniff has received communication from the County that they will make no effort to share any aspect of the annexation with the City. Council Member Henderson explained the City's position and stated a project was nearing Planning Commission review but was held due to the question of an established fee; explained an application for annexation needs to come before the City Council for review of feasibility of the fee; stated she would prefer to see annexation addressed as 'annexation into the sphere of influence, Vista Santa Rosa'; and addressed piece -mailing annexations. Mayor Adolph stated 85 property owners approached the City and conveyed their desire to sign a petition for annexation into the City. Commissioner Wilkinson stated annexing the entire area of Vista Santa Rosa is not feasible; and questioned if the City has determined a controlled growth for services in a step-by-step fashion. Council Member Henderson stated the County Redevelopment Agency still exists and is a problem; conversations have been held with the County and have received the same answer and explained the City is continuing on the assumption that the County is not interested in sharing revenue. Council Member Osborne stated both the City and County want to work with each other to address the issue, but there are no funds between the two organizations. Chairman Alderson questioned if the City were to have a particular rate structure per unit, is staff willing to review an application for annexation. Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 7 November 25, 2008 Council Member Henderson explained the application would need to go through the process with Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) and explained the difference of the property needing to go through an election for annexation. Commissioner Wilkinson questioned if there are any plans for continued discussion with the County for funding. Council Member Osborne stated the Cities of Indio and Coachella have formed a new group to look at development in the east and stated the City and Riverside County should step in as well and be involved with the group. Commissioner Rooker addressed procedural process of landscaping plans. Planning Director Johnson explained final landscape plans are returned to the Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee (ALRC) prior to the Director's approval and stated the process evolved from comments and questions made due to a lack of specificity; staff is revisiting the procedure to address some issues that occur earlier in the process and prior to submittal to the CVWD. Commissioner Rooker suggested minor changes be approved by the Planning Director instead of resubmitted to the ALRC upon review of the Planning Commission. Chairman Alderson stated if the applicant is having a difficult problem staff has the right to resubmit to the Planning Commission for further review. Commissioner Fitzpatrick stated the ALRC should review projects in the conceptual stage and frequently does not see what every one else sees regarding final plans and renderings. Commissioner Rooker stated each applicant has a list of items to provide for review, and suggested scaled drawings and street elevations be submitted as it would be helpful when reviewing proposed projects. In response to Mayor Adolph, Planning Director Johnson explained the applicant is not required to submit models or renderings of all elevations; however, staff is updating the site development application; some applicants do submit more detailed maps and elevations; and stated staff is continuing to request additional information to enable the Committee to make an informed decision. Joint City Council/Commission Meeting S November 25, 2008 Mayor Adolph stated it seems the ALRC is notifying staff of the information needed to make an intelligent determination and it is up to the applicant to submit what is needed to make that determination. Planning Director Johnson agreed and stated it has been a challenge to provide complete information to the Commission Members. Council Member Kirk stated he shares in the enthusiasm of having two qualified architects on the Committee and contributing to the community; addressed how much detail should be submitted by applicants and suggested to direct staff to work with the ALRC to develop a system to identify the amount of information needed for review of projects, and bring back to the City Council for review; and stated the current economic situation enables the City to address these type of issues. Chairman Alderson stated the Commission is used to seeing rubber-stamped plans and stated the ALRC have carefully reviewed the plans; and suggested instead of requiring colored, conceptual plans, should request photographs of the proposed sites. Commissioner Wilkinson commended the staff of the Planning Department. Council Member Henderson stated it is important to hear the last comment again regarding the commendable staff of the Planning Department. Chairman Alderson adjourned the joint Planning Commission and Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee meeting. Mayor Adolph recessed the City Council meeting. Mayor Adolph reconvened the City Council meeting at 6:32 p.m. Chairperson Puente called the Historic Preservation Commission meeting to order. PRESENT: Commissioners Redmon, Sharp, Wilbur, Wright, and Chairperson Puente ABSENT: None 1-B. DISCUSSION OF MATTERS OF JOINT INTEREST TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO A LA QUINTA HISTORICAL POINTS OF INTEREST BROCHURE AND THE UPCOMING STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION CONFERENCE. Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 9 November 25, 2008 Chairperson Puente stated the Commission would like to discuss two points, first a brochure" of historical highlights of the community, and the upcoming State Historic Preservation Conference; and stated the brochure would be beneficial to promote the historical landmarks in the City. Mayor Adolph stated staff has created the Art Map and can incorporate historic sites. Council Member Henderson questioned if there is any merit to include historical sites on the Art Map. Commissioner Redmon stated the Commission has specifically discussed identifying historic sites and providing information of each site and possibly merging all aspects of art, trails, etc. on the map. Commissioner Sharp stated he has not seen the trail maps and stated all the maps should be artistically coordinated and when put together have a book for reference; and suggested to indicate whether the historic site no longer exists or may not be accessible. Commissioner Wright stated the Commission has been discussing this matter for many years and does not wish to duplicate any current publications; and stated there is plenty of room to add information on the map. Commissioner Sharp questioned what happens when things change. Council Member Henderson stated the map could be used by publishing it with the historic sites; and requested to be notified when revisions are made as she has some changes to submit. In response to Council Member Sniff, Commissioner Redmon stated there are approximately 12 historic sites in the City. Commissioner Wright stated the Commission is continuing with the plaque process to identify the sites; and suggested staffprovide a list for the Commissions review and approval of the City Council. Council Member Sniff stated part of the problem is almost all of the historic locations have been modified from their original state. Commissioner Wright agreed with Council Member Sniff's comments; and stated that creating a list is a start and won't cost the City much. Council Member Kirk stated the easy solution is to update the Art Map; conveyed concerns of creating a walking map for historic site; and suggested the Commission review the feasibility of including historic sites on the map Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 10 November 25, 2008 and forward a recommendation to the City Council, as the cost between updating the map and making a new one would be close. Council Member Henderson suggested creating a walking map for historical sites. Council Member Kirk stated the trails map does not provide the information and direction to viewing the historic sites; and suggested the Commission decide on the objective and who will be the reader and user of the map; and submit to the City Council for a decision. Council Member Sniff suggested providing an informational sheet of historic sites with a description and their history. Commissioner Wright stated the Commission will review the information on historical sites in the City, compile a map design, and provide a recommendation for the City Council's consideration. Commissioner Redmon stated the Commission will be able to utilize much of the information provided in the Historic Contact Statement. Commissioner Redmon addressed the State Historic Preservation Conference which will be held in Palm Springs next year and pointed out the cost savings of being held locally; conveyed the Commission's desire to be able to interface with the attendees and State Commissioners; and requested additional funds be allocated for members to be more involved. Council Member Sniff conveyed his support of the Commission's request. Commissioner Wright stated commissioners must prioritize their attendance of events at the conference due to budget constraints. Council Member Henderson suggested the Commission work with staff and compile a reasonable budget to include special events at the conference. Commissioner Sharp explained the members would like to put pressure on the organization to allow members become more involved with the State conference. Council Member Henderson agreed on that point, and suggested the members contact the organization to obtain information of becoming more involved. Commissioner Wilbur stated the State conferences do provide information but the members receive it late which makes it difficult to make reservations for the events. Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 11 November 25, 2008 Council Member Kirk suggested a member be designated to contact the State to obtain information. Chairperson Puente questioned if there is a possibility to provide a welcome letter from the City of la Quinta. Mayor Adolph suggested staff draft a letter for signature. Chairperson Puente adjourned the Historic Preservation Commission meeting. Mayor Adolph recessed the City Council meeting. Mayor Adolph reconvened the City Council meeting. Chairman Ross called the Investment Advisory Board meeting to order. PRESENT: Board Members Deniel, Moulin, Park, Rassi, and Chairman Ross ABSENT: None 1-C. DISCUSSION OF MATTERS OF JOINT INTEREST TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD. Chairman Ross introduced the Board Members. Member Deniel thanked Council Member Osborne for his service on the City Council and his work with the Board, and congratulated Mayor Adolph and Council Member Sniff on their re-election, and welcomed Council Member Elect Franklin. Chairman Ross reported the investments are currently appropriate despite the economic situation. Mayor Adolph stated the safety of our securities is important, as it is stated in our mission statement. Chairman Ross stated the order of the priorities of the policy are safety, principle, liquidity and yield should not change given the current environment; and stated yield is still the best investment even though they are very low rates. Mayor Adolph questioned if promoting more investments with Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) Chairman Ross stated the Board has increased the investment amount in LAIF which was approved and follows the same policy of safety, principle, liquidity and yield. Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 12 November 25, 2008 Council Member Osborne questioned the average age of investment in LAIF. Finance Director Falconer stated it is 60 days, and historically speaking, their current yield is 2.7% and the City's is 2.67%. Council Member Osborne stated the current investments of US Treasuries and LAIF are the best options. Council Member Osborne questioned why the benchmark was removed from the investment policy. Member Deniel explained the Board decided to include comparable rates instead of a benchmark and stated there is a lag of adjustment making the Treasurer subject to criticism; and stated the benchmark is only a comparison and not a goal; and explained how the policy was streamlined. Chairman Ross presented an update on the 2008-2009 Work Plan which included a review of government sponsored enterprises and LAIF and a look at Section 2.75 of the Municipal Code; reviewed the content of the monthly Treasurer's report; and chose to review the Treasurer's report. Member Deniel stated the monthly Treasurer's report has grown over the years and the Board is currently reviewing it to streamline it. Chairman Ross stated the Board will be reviewing Section 2.70 of the Municipal Code in January 2009, regarding the qualifications desired of applicants to the Board; and explained experience in securities may be more beneficial rather than experience in real estate. Council Member Sniff stated we are going through a most unusual experience nationally with the failure of a few financial institutions; and requested the opinion of the Board of what the effect of borrowed money will have on the dollar. Member Deniel stated it will create inflation. Council Member Sniff questioned if any of the members have ever seen someone get out of debt by getting further in debt; and stated the taxpayers will be paying for the debt. Chairman Ross stated it will be up to the citizens to take an entrepreneur approach to stimulate the economy. Member Park stated it is more of a global issue than it has ever been before; stated if the global economy turns down, we will have a serious issue; and referenced an article in the local newspaper regarding the City of Palm Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 13 November 25, 2005 Desert stimulating solar power use by providing loans to help stimulate business. Council Member Sniff questioned if the City should become involved in mortgage loans and support those in foreclosure. Member Deniel stated the Board has not addressed those issues and can discuss it at the next meeting. Council Member Henderson stated she is unsure exactly where the City Council will end up on some of the issues of energy, and explained the rate of return for making the conversion to solar energy is not feasible within the Imperial Irrigation District; and stated the City has promoted other types of conservation programs in the community. Mayor Adolph stated the City has approached businesses in the Village to assist with improvements. Council Member Henderson stated the City has just approved a large marketing plan. Council Member Osborne stated there are many opportunities to promote business through the plan. Member Denial requested a proclamation be sent to the media promoting the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic with La Quinta as the host City instead of Palm Desert or Palm Springs. Chairman Ross questioned if the City Council is aware of an incubator program for space that could be leased for below market rates to help start up businesses. Council Member Osborne explained there are quite a bit of programs available in the Economic Development Plan to help businesses. Chairman Ross questioned what more can the Board do for the City Council. Council Member Sniff suggested the Board be creative which could be valuable to the City. Mayor Adolph suggested keeping in mind we are a conservative City Council. Council Member Henderson stated she is very pleased with the efforts of the Board and their completion of addressing all aspects in the ordinance. Council Member Osborne stated the City Council had a number of questions to the auditor regarding the annual audit and received neutral comments; and stated it would nice to have comments included with the report. Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 14 November 25, 2008 Chairman Ross commended staff for the healthy financial situation of the City. Council Member Sniff stated the commendation is due to the combined efforts of the Finance Director and the City Manager. Council Member Kirk suggested an investigation of other communities and how they are utilizing auditors, and provide a survey with advice of standards to be provided beyond a standard performance. Council Member Henderson questioned if staff could bring in a performance audit. City Manager Genovese stated criteria would need to be established to review performance; and explained performance audits are conducted by tests which will confirm that staff is conforming. Member Daniel suggested making a written request for specific services. Council Member Kirk suggested staff make adjustments to the contract with the auditing services. Finance Director Falconer explained there was a problem in the past where auditors were reviewing both management and financial status; and explained it is customary for auditors to include a clause stating they do not render an opinion on the information compiled; and further stated it is inappropriate to make an opinion on management. Council Member Osborne stated the City Council would not ask the auditor to give an opinion as to the accuracy of the amounts; and explained the City Council is looking for an opinion regarding the manner of the City's financial growth from the auditor. Chairman Ross stated the Board is looking at a consultancy to provide services after the audit. Chairman Ross adjourned the Investment Advisory Board meeting. Mayor Adolph recessed the City Council meeting. Mayor Adolph reconvened the City Council meeting. Chairman Leidner called the Community Services Commission meeting to order. PRESENT: Commissioners Biegel, Brodsky, Darroch, Fitzpatrick, Gassman, Quill, and Chairman Leidner ABSENT: None Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 15 November 25, 2008 1-D. DISCUSSION OF MATTERS OF JOINT INTEREST TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION. Chairman Leidner congratulated Mayor Adolph and Council Member Sniff for their re-election, and welcomed Council Member Elect Franklin, and thanked Council Member Osborne for his service. Chairman Leidner stated the commission is fully aware the flow of revenue will change in the next years; although the Commission is focused to addressing items in the Master Plan; encouraged the City Council to continue reviewing and acquire property for a new sports facility; and explained the overuse of the current field at La Quinta Park. Council Member Sniff stated the City is already looking into the matter; and explained the challenge is to find 40 acres within the City limits. Mayor Adolph stated staff is working with Colonel Mitchell Paige Elementary School to utilize their areas and a lighting system. Chairman Leidner addressed the use of Quimby fees and Measure K funds for improvements at the sports, complex; and encouraged the City Council to work with the school district. Mayor Adolph stated the time for providing the improvements conflicts with the District's schedule. Chairman Leidner offered the help of the Commission. Council Member Osborne questioned if improvements to the Sports Complex have been scheduled and coordinated with the District. Community Services Director Hylton explained the current Sports Complex is scheduled to be reviewed by the City Council which includes scheduling the improvements during the summer months through a coordinated effort with the District. Member Quill explained the first signs were installed on the trails in the Cove; stated the Commission is working to get signs on the trails located on Bureau of Land Management property; explained the trails will be better defined; is hopeful in advocating for family health and requested the City Council to fund opportunities for fitness and health in the Master Plan. Council Member Henderson addressed pool activities at Lake Cahuilla and doesn't understand why we don't utilize it more; suggested a family pool day and a teen dance at the area; and questioned if the Commission has discussed holding a trout fishing event once a year. Community Services Director Hylton explained the issue was discussed but it would be necessary to appropriate additional funding due to the change of requirements by the County. Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 16 November 25, 2008 Council Member Kirk questioned if there has been any discussion to deter those traveling from La Quinta to Palm Springs to utilize 'bump and grind' trails. Commissioner Quill explained the Cahuilla overlook trail is a good trail for a strenuous workout, but Mr. Foote is hesitant to identify it as an existing trail as it is not currently an approved trail by the Bureau of Land Management and Multispecies Habitat Conservation Plan. Commissioner Gassman stated it is a pleasure to see the City continue to support the arts in the community. Commissioner Brodsky emphasized the Commission is very aware of the financial condition, and voted to deny a fireworks show to enable better use of the funds. Council Member Osborne questioned if the Commission has looked into adding new items to display under the Arts in Public Places program. Commissioner Gassman stated the Commission has addressed displaying additional art pieces at the museum, City Hall, and is working with developers as new businesses development; reiterated the Commission is aware of the economy and is careful in its review so the Commission is not being extravagant. Commissioner Brodsky stated the City Council included the purchase of an art piece at the Arts Festival last year, and questioned if it will be budgeted for next year. Council Member Henderson confirmed the purchase will be included in next year's budget. Mayor Adolph stated the City Council stopped funding the purchase a few years ago because of a lack of space, but we now have more room with the expansion of City Hall. Council Member Sniff stated the amount requested is not that substantial and it is designated in a separate fund. Chairman Leidner addressed the desire for bike and hike trails and the Commission's support of establishing trails at the Whitewater Channel; stated the Commission also supports the City Council's direction to staff to consider a dog park facility. Mayor Adolph stated the City Council has received comments from residents in the north area of La Quinta regarding the dog park in Pioneer Park being too small. Commissioner Gassman stated that park will be utilized more as Eisenhower Medical Center is built. Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 17 November 25, 2008 Commissioner Fitzpatrick explained she is one of the newest members and still learning; stated she recently reviewed the budget; stated the Commission Members have had their differences and explained she is more of a realist; overall there is a good balance to the Commission. Commissioner Darroch stated her input relates to family use of the City facilities. Mayor Adolph stated the Commission is one of the more important Commissions in the City as it directly interfaces with the community; stated it is a pleasure to see commission members attend community functions. Commissioner Quill questioned if there is any direction to be given to the Commission by the Council. Council Member Sniff suggested the Commission be creative and take some joy and enthusiasm to come up with some ideas. Council Member Kirk stated the financial events happening in the world are generally negative, but we live in a wonderful place; commended the Commission for helping to shape and correct the recreational aspect of the community; and stated the City Council will make the difficult decisions regarding finances. Council Member Sniff stated the City is fortunate to have a superb Director of Community Services. Chairman Leidner adjourned the Community Services Commission meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Adolph adjourned the City Council meeting upon consensus. 7eroni fully submit ca J. M tecino, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California