2008 01 08 PC MinutesMINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
January 8, 2008 7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at
7:00 p.m. by Chairman Alderson who asked Commissioner
Barrows to lead the flag salute.
B. Present: Commissioners Katie Barrows, Paul Quill, Robert
Wilkinson, and Chairman Ed Alderson. It was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Quill to excuse
Commissioner Engle. Unanimously approved.
C. Staff present: Planning Director Les Johnson, City Attorney
Kathy Jenson, Planning Manager David Sawyer, Principal
Engineer Ed Wimmer, Principal Planner Wallace Nesbit, Planning
Consultant Nicole Criste, and Management Assistant Betty
A. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any changes to the
Minutes of December 11, 2007. There being none, it was
moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Quill to
approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved.
A. Site Development Permit 2007-896; a request of Coachella
Valley Recreation and Park District (CVRPD) for consideration of
Phase 1 development plans (Passive Public Park, Trails, and
Planning Commission Minutes
January 8, 2008
Interpretive Center) for the "Coral Mountain Discovery Park to
be located at the southeast quadrant of Jefferson Street and
Avenue 58.
1. Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked
for the staff report. Planning Director Les Johnson stated
the applicant has requested the application be tabled at
this time and when the applicant is ready, staff will
renotice the project for public hearing.
2. There being no questions of staff, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Quill/Barrows to table Site
Development Permit 2007-896. Unanimously approved.
B. Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report General Plan
Amendment 2006-107 Zone Change 2006-127 Specific Plan
as-nn9 Amendment No. 6. Tentative Tract. Map 33226, site
Development Permit 2006-852 and Development HQreemen~
2006-011; a request of Pacific Santa Fe CorporationlCrowne
Pointe Partners, LLC for consideration of: 1) General Plan
-~mendrnerr~~-0O6-107 a request to amend the La Quinta
General Plan Land Use Element, from Tourist Commercial (TC)
to Resort Mixed Use (RMU) on ±42 acres; 2) Zone Change
2006-127, a request to change the La Quinta Official Zoning
Map, from Tourist Commercial (CT) to Tourist
Commercial/Residential Specific Plan (CT/RSP), on t 42 acres;
3) Specific Plan 83-002, Amendment No. 6, amending the PGA
West Specific Plan to implement development principles and
guidelines fora 290-unit (revised from 292 units) residential
condominium project, with clubhouse building, common pools
and lighted tennis courts; 4) Tentative Tract Map 33226, a
division of t42 acres into 97 residential lots, a 1.35 acre
community center lot, and other common area -lots; 5) Site
Development Permit 2006-852, for site plan and building design
approval for 290 (revised from 292) one, two and three-story
single-family and condominium units, a 7,122 square foot
recreation building with a 32 x 70-foot common pool and 43-
foot, 6-inch clock tower feature, and a private entry gatehouse;
6) Development Agreement 2006-011, consideration of an
Agreement to implement a funding mechanism ensuring
payment to the City of certain fees to financially offset the
conversion of the original hotel/resort site to residential, for the
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January 8, 2008
anticipated potential for lost revenue(s) associated with
development of the Eden Rock project, for the property located
within the PGA West development, generally bounded on the
north and east by the PGA West Stadium Course and
Clubhouse, and on the south and west by PGA Boulevard.
7. Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked
for the staff report. Principal Planner Wallace Nesbit
presented the information contained in the staff report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning Department.
2. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of
staff. Commissioner Quill stated he did not believe the
addition of 292 units would make any kind of impact on
this development when it has already been approved for
5,000 units and this is still so far under what was
originally approved and why any environmental review
was required. Planning Director Les Johnson stated this
Specific Plan Amendment is for the change in land use.
Commissioner Quill asked staff to explain the density
described in the staff report. Staff explained how the
density average was reached. Commissioner Quill
questioned how this project, which is 10% of the overall
density of the project, should be required to pay 40% of
the signal cost at Jefferson Street and Avenue 54.
Also, he would like to go on record that in regard to the
Development Agreement, this document is inequitable as
it relates to other residential property. We call this
community a residential community for the purposes of
developer impact fees. However, we are in addition
extracting a one time mitigation fee for the replacement
of Transient Occupant Tax for the residential project plus
asking for an on-going fee of the residents whether they
are renting their unit or not. If a resident lives in the unit
and it is their home, he does not understand why we
should be charging an on-going fee as well as the one
time developer impact fee.
3. Commissioner Quill stated lastly, he asked if the
landscaping plans would come back to the Commission.
This project appears to be very lush and a large amount
of turf. Staff stated they will be required to go through
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January 8, 2008
the City's landscaping approval process. If the Commission
wants it to come back to them, the project can be conditioned
to come back.
4. Commissioner Quill questioned why the Ramona Band of
Indians was requesting a tribal monitor be required as
they seem to be so far removed from the area. Staff
stated the City has been receiving more and more letters
from interested tribes outside the Coachella Valley.
They are able to comment on the EIR, but the SB 18
comment period has already been closed before receipt
of their letter. This does not preclude them from making
comment on the DEIR and staff will respond through the
CEQA process. Planning Consultant Criste stated letters
are being received from tribes where there has been
some historical interest and the Ramona tribe has
requested monitoring.
5. Commissioner Wilkinson asked what type of variable
there was along the north perimeter for grading where
the Manor units are located; how much lower could the
grading be reduced. Staff stated it appears from a
preliminary review, the units are placed slightly below
the existing grade on the upper slope that slopes down
to the golf cart path. The amount of dirt that could be
removed would need to be determined at a later date
when the final engineering is done.
6. Chairman Alderson asked about the grading plan and dirt
import. Given that staff is recommending the northerly
portion be lowered to lessen the impact, the dirt would
not be needed if the grading consideration could be
made. He also stated the site slopes 12-15 feet from
the north to the south in grade with the center being
depressed from the edges nine feet which is the
equivalent of one story of a house. What takes the
center condominiums or cluster homes to the same
elevation with the third story tower, would be the same
height as the building. The houses that are impacted by
the site are 1,100 to 1,300 feet away with the
exception of the houses on the north end and the
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January 8, 2008
applicant has lowered the units to one story. If you look
at the direction the houses adjacent to the project face,
none of them look into this site.
7. Chairman Alderson asked if the applicant would like to
address the Commission. Mr. Mark Rockwell, CEO of
Pacific Santa Fe Corporation, gave a presentation on the
overall project and introduced Gil Martinez, GMA
International, who gave a more detailed report on the
8. There being no questions of the applicant, Chairman
Alderson asked if there was any other public comment.
Mr. James Cox, 55-914 Brae Burn, has been working on
this project for the last two and half years with the staff
and the applicant. They have made numerous
suggestions regarding what they would like to see and
would like to expand upon what they have discussed
with the developer and staff. One of their main
problems is the density issue. They have talked with the
developer on numerous occasions about reducing the
density. During one discussion they asked the developer
to substitute the Courtyard units for the Village units.
After that meeting they were lead to believe there would
be some changes. They found this did not pencil out for
the developer. They met again and the developer stated
he would try to make this change. The other issue is the
rental units. They would like a minimum 30-day rental
as is common in other developments in La Quinta. The
developer initially agreed with this but when he read the
Development Agreement it called for the annual fee to
the City by each unit owner to be credited with a TOT.
The developer was not happy as this amount of money
would have to be added to the Association dues which
did not help the marketability. They would like to see
the annual fee changed to give the City revenue but not
be a TOT. He presented this to the City and was told
they would have to discuss this with the developer. To
date they have had no reduction in the density or the
rental time frame.
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January 8, 2008
9. Ms. Vicki Merchant 79-768 Arnold Palmer, stated she is
a full time resident and represents some of the 850
people who signed a petition objecting the project. She
attended most of the meetings presented by the
developer and was told this project would consist of full-
time residents. In looking at the recommendations being
presented, that is not the case. The City is clearly
asking for TOT or annual costs. This would encourage
rentals for the homeowners to off-set these costs. They
are confused why the City would promote such a project
as a TOT facility or "quasi hotel". The grant deed clearly
precludes the use of this property as a hotel or other
TOT facility. A "quasi hotel" would harm their property
values. 290 units that could be purchased for short
term rentals for investment capital would do
environmental affects such as security infractions, using
their golf courses, private pools in their residential areas
without any right to do so. The project will only have
one swimming pool but states it will have two pools.
This is not sufficient for 290 units. It will encourage
them to come into their residential areas and use their
pools and other facilities. Everyone keeps talking about
the 5000 homes that were part of the original PGA West
Specific Plan. That included what is now SilverRock,
Mountain View Country Club and the surrounding area
that is still owned by KSL. That was part of the 5,000
homes. When KSL sold that property that reduced the
density; part of that land was sold off. Staff stated that
was incorrect. She re-iterated they would not like this to
go forward as proposed and they do not want the short-
term rentals.
10. Commissioner Quill asked that the issue of TOT and
rental time frame be explained. City Attorney Kathy
Jenson clarified the Development Agreement would
allow rentals for less than 30-days. Ms. Merchant
stated there is no specific time in the report, but there is
an amount that could be assessed and is the
recommendation of staff to assess each unit. She
believes that it is S 1,400 per unit a year and this would
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encourage the property owners to rent their units out to
get back their money paid to the City.
11. Mr. Gary Dolenga, 55-457 Oak Hill, stated he was
discouraged about speaking because he was told the
City had already made up their minds. They have been
full time residents and are pleased with the development
theme of one story, single-story homes for PGA West.
The residential building code for PGA West since the
1990's, which governs the 1,700 acres surrounding the
40 acre project states the purpose of the theme is to
provide for the continuing development of low density
neighborhoods, 2-4 units per acre, with open space and
minor uses supporting golf. Over 1,000 single family
houses have been built on this code. This 40 acre high
density, multi-level proposal is being jammed into the
middle of their 1,700 acre project and dilutes the theme
of what has been going on here for the last 15 years.
We have it on good authority asingle-family one story
project would be viable. The developer states it is not
viable; however no documentation has been provided to
substantiate this statement. If the City continues to
allow the developer to violate the grant deed restrictions
regarding a TOT facility on this site, they believe a
boutique hotel, which would also violate the grant deed,
would be a better and more viable alternative. A hotel
would have better security and guest control while
limiting the number of guests per room and would not
give automatic access to PGA West neighborhoods and
would provide amenities for the guests. As taxpayers
they are confused why the City would approve a "quasi
hotel" which would compete with the hotel and condo
project proposed for the SilverRock project. As they
understand the SilverRock project is not financially self
sustaining and approval of a competitive project next
door is a questionable decision at best.
12. Mr. Richard Stenton, 80-706 Spanish Bay, stated this
piece is the center point of PGA West and a hotel would
be a wonderful project to have at this location. If you
are going to change the zoning you should follow the
guidelines when this City formed the residential specific
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January 8, 2008
plan in the 1990's which was 2-4 units per acre. In
discussing this with the developer, he has indicated the
density should be reduced. The developer has told them
this project is less dense than the hotel. If they had a
hotel it would allow more amenities for the residents and
the guests they didn't want at their house could stay at
the hotel. As a developer he understands the balancing
act that is needed between the developer and the City.
But in this project where TOT is required the City and the
developer are getting what they want and it is changing
the overall character of what the residents want at PGA
West. It is not their problem that the economics do not
work and the density needs to be reduced. He has read
the SEIR and provided comments. He does not believe
the SEIR is complete as proposed and there are
alternatives where the SEIR points to mitigation measures
for density, traffic and parking. Staff has done a good
job in reducing the height on the northern units. They
have also indicated the parking requirements that must be
complied with is parking in the driveways. His concern is
the 128 units in the middle of this project. That is a
tremendous volume where there is no golf cart parking.
If you have people with two cars and guests that is a lot
of traffic in that courtyard. The height and parking areas
need to be evaluated. The 128 units at the center of the
project with no golf cart parking there will be a lot of
traffic in the center focal point in the courtyard. If you
approve this project you are diluting what was approved
in 1996 and allowing something to come into the prime
area of PGA West which will not be in character and will
cause harmony with the rest of the community.
13. Mr. Richard Mills, 81-600 Tiburon Drive, stated he did
not have the ability to debate the technicalities of this
project and he does not live close to where this project
is proposed, but this project is not compatible with PGA
West. They were told that the site line would not affect
anyone who lives there and now they find it will affect
30 homes. It should not affect one house. The City
should not be driven by revenue problems
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14. Commissioner Quill asked if they were aware this site
was designated as a 1,000 room six story hotel. Mr.
Mills stated he is not interested in what was designated
20 years ago. Times change, we change and the whole
development has changed. PGA West is a single family
residential community and it is just that simple. We
need to be looking at the aesthetics and how much this
means to the core people of PGA West.
15. Mr. Jim Murphy, 54-580 Riviera, stated their concern is
PGA Boulevard which is the primary entrance to the
entire development. This street affects the value and
look of their property. Their concern is that now due to
the changes made by the City over the years, this is the
only street accessible to the property for its
development. Therefore, for a period of about two to
five years, the tremendous amount of construction
traffic that will have to go down this street, that was
not built to handle this type of traffic, they would like to
request a deposit be made to the association so that at
the completion of the project the street is returned to its
original condition.
16. Ms. Christine Deniel 79-860 Pecan Valley, stated she
serves as the Chair for La Quinta Investment Advisory
Board, and basically the paradine of the City has
changed. Since the time PGA West was designed she
does not care how many rooms the hotel was to have;
change has taken place and the City and the City no
longer has a budget or financial problem. It has changed
from relying on building permits and TOT to relying on
sales tax. For the first time in the year of 2007 we have
had a surplus budget and every request in the budget
was granted. The City does not need the money from
the TOT. Therefore, the purpose of this Commission
should be to satisfy the residents and voters of the City
and not the outside developer who wants to make a
profit on a property. We need to keep the look and
ambiance of PGA West which is single family homes,
one story.
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17. Mr. Howard Culver, 55-501 Southern Hills, stated his
first issue is the story poles to address the visual and
aesthetic concerns of the City and personnel. It is
imperative that instead of the story poles, to show the
site line there should be ropes strung between the poles
with flags dangling from them so everyone around the
project could see the impact and comment on it. The
second issue is the time piece on the project. Everyone
has a time piece on their person. They do not need a
time piece in that project to tell the time. Furthermore,
they do not need a time piece that is four stories tall and
obliterates everything. The defining visual feature of
PGA West should be Coral Mountain. The clock tower
should go.
18. Mr. Gary Murphy, 80-068 Medinah, stated most
everything has already been said, but there is one point
that is critical. We have a hotel being proposed by
Lowes, obviously is going forward, that would not go
forward if the City had not given them assurance that
the zoning would be changed at PGA West. This is just
one example of how they, the residents at PGA West,
have been addressed at the end of the process instead
of the beginning. Since they cannot be a part of the
beginning of this process and are now here tonight, he
would implore the Commission to use their sensitivity
and respect their community and help them with their
sincere wishes to keep PGA West as it is now.
19. Ms. Janet Hamilton 55-575 Oak Hill, stated she is within
the 500 foot radius of this development. Her request to
the Commission is that before they plop this
development in the middle of their community would you
please see what they have done by approving the
monstrosities at Jefferson Street and Avenue 52. She
lives at PGA West, but is a member of the Hideaway,
and when you have two story buildings of a different
style, sticking up within a few feet it can and will be
atrocious. Go to the Hideaway and look at it.
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20. Mr. Chuck Gauther 54-799 Riveria, stated there are two
issues that have not been raised. One is that the
elevations are about 20 feet above the elevation of the
street and he does not understand how they can build
this on a pile of dirt that is much higher than any other
level in the whole project. At a minimum it should be
lowered to street level and probably more aesthetically
to the level of the homes that exist at the 18`" hole of
the Stadium Course. Second, he does not understand
where the Tuscany style comes from. It is so foreign to
what exists at PGA West and does not fit nor does the
color fit with their community.
21. City Attorney Kathy Jenson clarified that regarding the
comment that was made that Lowe Enterprises had been
assured this zone change would take place, she has
been involved with the Lowe negotiations since the
beginning to the bitter end and this topic was never
raised and they never even made a request or inquiry
with regard to a zone change. There has been no
assurance given to Lowe in regard to this property.
22. Commissioner Quill stated that in regard to the reduction
in the size of the hotel, there is nothing in the
documents that he read that ever indicated that this has
been reduced from 1,000 rooms to anything less than
that. Planning Director Les Johnson stated that is true.
There is no official change that has occurred from that
Specific Plan change or subsequent plot plan application.
23. Mr. Richard Zeilenga, legal counsel for the applicant,
stated he would like to address some of the issues
addressed by the public comments. Most of the issues
raised are views, architectural compatibility, building
height, traffic, density, rental issues, and the issue he
would like to discuss, the concessions that have already
been made. The real question is whether these issues
are relevant to the project based on the evidence
presented. First the EIR concludes there are no
significant visual impacts. The Commission noted the
distances between some of the residents and the
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elements of this project are quite far and in some
instances more than three football fields in length. The
second point is that there is no impact to any scenic
highways or image corridors in the City. The third point
is that the project enhances an existing dirt lot. Some of
those who spoke have noted the dirt lot has been there
for a long time and they do not like it. This project
addresses the dirt lot by enhancing the visual impact. He
then went through slides showing what exists and what
it would look like with the development built. Finally
mountain views are preserved and the visual photos
confirm it does not impact the views. You will note that
in the photos, the clock tower is not visible. In regard to
architectural compatibility or the building height point, the
City's General Plan governs development in the City. It
currently envisions a 1,000 foot hotel. The existing hotel
that is approved and could be built. The rendering they
are showing is what they would see and the impact it
would have on the project. This impact on the mountains
is far more substantial than anything we are talking about
with this residential project. So, in terms of what the
General Plan shows now, it is a substantial improvement
in terms of preserving the mountain views from the
Stadium Clubhouse at PGA West. He realizes some
people believe the hotel is not real because there is a
deed restriction that prohibits the hotel. However, the
City believes it is real because they insist they sign a
Development Agreement requiring them to paY
substantial TOT mitigation as if it were going to be a
hotel site. Therefore, it is real to them. The next point is
the clock tower and it is much lower than the planned six
story hotel. The clock tower is well removed from the
project borders. The three story village homes are much
lower than the six story hotel. The element referred tears
the third story is really a small component that app
on four corners of the structure and is not visible from
golf course. The three story elements is only 12.5 of the
total roof area and therefore very small. Lastly, the three
story village homes are the same as or lower than the
two story manor homes. They are lower because of the
pad elevations. The two story manor homes rooftop
elevations are between 524 and 527 feet. The three
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January 8, 2008
story village home rooftop elevation is between 524 and
526, which appears to be one foot less than the two
story manor units. This is because the center area of the
project site is lower than where the manor homes are
located. With respect to the building heights, concerns
have been expressed, but are they justified. In light of
what could be built according to the General Plan they
are not. The next point is traffic; there was an enlarged
traffic study scope required by the City including six
study intersections. A conservative 20% upward
adjustment was made in the numbers because the counts
were taken in May, which is considered outside the prime
season. Compared to the planned hotel use it is massively
less. The General Plan assumed the hotel would generate
10,488 average daily trips. The Eden Rock project
generates 1,711 average daily trips or 8,770 few daily
trips for an 83% reduction. The conclusion is that all the
study area intersections will operate at acceptable levels
of service with mitigation only needed at Jefferson Street
and Avenue 54 and additional trips are reduced by 83%.
To sum up, they ask are the traffic concerns justified;
how could they be. PGA Boulevard was constructed
assuming there was going to be a 1,000 room hotel and
100,000 square feet of commercial development that is
not going to happen. Now they are proposing something
that is radically less than a six story 1,000 room hotel.
They believe this is an improvement over what the
General Plan assumes for traffic. On density it is less than
the General Plan's planned hotel use. The impacts are
less than what was proposed both in terms of car trips,
mountain views and noise. It helps meet the City's
General Plan housing goals to have diversified housing
products. This offers a better housing project for PGA
West. It offers those that want to down-size to move to
a different product within PGA West, but stay with their
friends and not have the maintenance and expense. The
housing density has been reduced to accommodate the
HOA demands. They started with a project consisting of
310 units and have gone down to 290 units. There have
already been repeated efforts to work with the HOA in
regard to density. CEQA, with respect to density, states
that where you have other ways of reducing an impact
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on traffic, or views, you should not drop density for the
sake of dropping density. Public Resources Code
21159.26 provides that with respect to a project that
includes a housing development the public agency may
not reduce the proposed number of housing units as a
mitigation measure or project alternative for a particular
significant affect on the environment if it determines that
there is another feasible specific mitigation measure or
project alternative that would provide a comparable level
of mitigation. They believe staff has done a good job of
demonstrating other mitigation that can reduce impacts
or there are no impacts for which density should be
reduced. The Commission does have general discretion
planning authority in regard to density. But in the
context of CEQA, when someone says reduce density for
the sake of reducing density, this provision suggests that
is not appropriate with respect to CEQA mitigation. In
staff's presentation, they suggest the second story of the
manor units along the golf course on the north side. He
supposes staff was concerned about the line of site from
the golf course looking north to the south. What they
have demonstrated is that the residences are so far away
there really isn't any impact. That eliminates another 17
units and not financially viable to this project and they are
opposed. In regard to the rental and the concerns
raised, currently, there are 375 rentals at PGA West or
15%. If you take 15% of the 290 you would have 43
rentals at Eden Rock. They believe Eden Rock would be
better regulated because they would have an on-site
manager to handle any problems. Fourth, the rentals
would provide revenue to the City which has been
expressed as being an important point. Fifth they would
be willing to accept similar regulations as are currently
imposed on PGA West and it is his understanding there
are no regulations on any unit at PGA West. In regard to
concessions to the HOAs as addressed in a letter to the
City by Mr. Cox. He states they have met with the
applicant and it has not produced any tangible results.
Concessions have been made repeatedly. First they have
reduced the density by 30%; the perimeter wall has been
changed to their satisfaction; gatehouse changes to the
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January 8, 2008
entry drive was changed to meet their concerns; they
added a third entry lane; the golf cart paths were
reoriented to their requests; they have granted HOA
review and input in regard to the landscaping; and finally
they reduced the pad elevation of the Manor homes on
the north side. With regard to the continuance
suggestion, they do not believe there is any viable reason
for a continuance. In the overall scheme of tract
development 292 homes is not a large project.
24. Commissioner Quill stated it was suggested by some of
those who spoke that the zoning was changed in the
1990's to require single family homes; he is not aware
of any change. Planning Director Les Johnson stated he
is not aware of any change requiring single family
dwellings and there is no document that he is aware of
that requires the units must be single family.
25. Mr. Richard Olson, 54-591 Riviera stated he came to
this meeting with an open mind. He is now against the
project as he believes the applicant's attorney has talked
down to the residents and was insulting to their
26. Mr. Cox stated he has a document provided by the City
when Eagle Bend was being built and they were
advocating a two story product. He read a comment
from the document.
27. Mr. Audrey Mattey, 80-895 Weiskopf stated she resents
the fact that as she ages she will want a smaller place.
She just retired and moved here to PGA West. It is
condescending to think that their concerns are not
justified. Compared to the rest of PGA West this is a
higher density and higher elevation and to say it will not
affect their homes is wrong. It is better than a hotel,
but it is the better of two evils. They want to keep their
character; what PGA West is - a place of single family
single-story homes. Why do they need to change it.
Also, he said he would be willing to have a 30-day rental
minimum so they could be just like the rest of PGA
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January 8, 2008
West. If they want to be just like them, then build single
family, single story homes.
28. Mr. Rick Zeilenga stated that in regard to the document
that Mr. Cox presented, it is his understanding that it
applies to Planning Area I which does not apply to their
29. There being no further public comment, Chairman
Alderson closed the public hearing and asked for
Commission discussion. Commissioner Quill stated he
was the construction manager for the Landmark Land
Company and Sunrise Company when PGA West was
first built. At that time they built duplex, four-plex and
six-plex condominium units throughout the ed build ng
Stadium Course. The only reason they stopp
condos was due to a HOA litigation that occurred
throughout the State. They then built single-family
homes. There were also some eight-plex, two story
units built on some of the courses. In regard to
architectural compatibility, there is none within the
overall PGA West. It started with contemporary, then
moved to a more Spanish theme as time changed. This
Tuscan look is a little better than the new contemporary
look that could be there. This project is so much less
impacted from an environmental stand point than
anything else that could go there. He cannot see any
issues with regard to traffic. He sees no problem with
this project and believes it will enhance the blight of the
core of PGA West. In regard to their approval of the
Codorniz project he hopes they approve a lot more of
those projects. With the type of development that is
having to occur due to green building concerns there will
be more density and it will be an issue to be addressed
in the future.
30. Commissioner Barrows stated she would have concerns
about the density and height of the project as proposed
not because density is a problem, but with respect to
the surrounding neighbors. She appreciates the General
Plan designation allows for a hotel, but a hotel versus a
residential project are different in terms of their impact
Planning Commission Minutes
January 8, 2008
on the neighborhood. While she is not willing to suggest
the project is completely inappropriate, she agrees there
is room for density because of the impacts on our
environment and our need to utilize it more efficiency.
She would however, still like to see some modifications.
She is concerned that although they are looking at
density and walkability, she sees little else that reflects
concern for our environment. The landscaping is much
too lush and even though PGA West has that theme, the
City is trying to make changes to address water
concerns. Irrigation plans need to be addressed to
provide no turf options and would like to see the amount
of turf reduced. We are in a crisis situation in regard to
water and we need to be concerned about the impacts to
the environment. In particular in regard to some of the
elevations, she finds it to be a little complicated. It looks
too complicated. The duplexes for the Manor homes the
front elevation needs work. She agrees with the
comments made about the clock tower. The mountains
are the monument and view and having a clock tower
sticking up does not add anything and she would like to
see it eliminated. She would like to see some reduction
in the elevations. Possibly removing the third story which
would help to eliminate some of the busyness of the
project. She would like to see some of the height issues
addressed. While she appreciates the concessions that
have been made, more could be done.
31. Commissioner Wilkinson asked if the Manor Homes
would be reduced by two feet. Mr. Zeilinga stated it
could be reduced by two feet. Commissioner Wilkinson
asked about the time limitation on the rentals. City
Attorney Kathy Jenson states the Development
Agreement does not put a 30-day limitation on the
rentals. It is anticipated that it will do short-term rentals
because that is what is subject to the TOT. The deed
restriction is irrelevant to the City's consideration. It is
envisioned there would be short-term rentals.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked In regard to traffic and
the amount of space for vehicles in the courtyard area
and people being able to get in and out of the driveway.
Are there any provisions to allow for additional parking.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 8, 2008
Planning Director Les Johnson stated there have been
discussions with the developer on this issue and there
may be some potential for the developer to allow on-
street parking. It is a tight area and they have tried to
add as much as possible as they have gone through the
process with the project. Commissioner Wilkinson asked
how they could address the grade issue. Planning
Manager Les Johnson stated it is up to the Commission.
If the Commission wishes they can condition the
applicant to go lower as long as the utilities and storm
water flows adequately.
32. Chairman Alderson stated he was in favor of the two
foot grade lowering as long as it allows the site to drain
properly. The elevation change would probably be a
benefit to the site line. There appears to be three main
issues. Lowering the clock tower four feet has been
agreed to. Staff stated they had added this into the
conditions. Chairman Alderson stated that as far as the
site lines, the three story units will not be visible from
the perimeter when the site is lowered. When you
analyze the views from 1000 feet away, the houses
behind them are the same height and no issue. The
architecture mix is not a problem; it is a community unto
itself. He asked if the landscaping plans could be
brought back at a later date as well as the guardhouse.
City Attorney Kathy Jenson stated yes, it could be
added as a conditioned.
33. Commissioner Quill suggested a condition be added that
the grades be dropped as significantly as is feasible in
the north perimeter from an engineering standpoint and
remove the clock tower. He agrees the landscape plans
should be brought back to the Commission for approval.
Staff asked if they were asking for them in the
preliminary stage or final. Commissioner Quill stated not
the irrigation, but the plant location and palette and
anything related to landscape use at full construction
drawing scale.
34. Chairman Alderson stated the water uses should also be
reduced in regard to water conservation concerns.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 8, 2008
35. Commissioner Barrows asked for clarification on staff's
recommendation on which units should be reduced in
height. Staff clarified they were recommending the third
story be eliminated from the units relative to the
perimeter of the site where they may be more visible.
Commissioner Barrows stated that in regard to the view
to the north the elevations should be broken up to
provide a view corridor.
36. Commissioner Quill stated he does not support the
reduction in density. The site can be lowered
significantly, especially in the area of the 18`h hole and
probably more than two feet.
37. Commissioner Barrows stated she would like to see the
third story removed. Planning Manager Les Johnson
stated removing the third story of the Village units and
the second story of the Manor units was for discussion
not a recommendation. The discussion on the third
story of the Village units is the removal of the loft unit
within the Village. It is a loft unit and would reduce the
unit count. However, with the Manor units, he counts
13 units, so there are already two units identified to
bring the count down to 290. There is a remainder of
13 units that would be affected by a reduction of height
per the discussion in the Analysis Section. The Village
unit height reduction affects the number of bedrooms,
and not the total units.
38. Commissioner Quill stated he supported eliminating the
two units adjacent to the existing homes. Staff stated
that within each cluster of 16 Village units, there are
four units that have a loft unit. Commissioner Quill
stated they are pop-up units then. Commissioner Quill
asked if a condition could be added to require this
project to exceed Title 24 requirements to make it a
more efficient project. There is a lot of passive energy
control items added, but could they push it to a higher
level. City Attorney Kathy Jenson stated we do not
have a policy so it is hard, but the Commission could
Planning Commission Minutes
January 8, 2008
impose conditions to provide direction for the developer
to increase its energy efficiency. She would recommend
they work with staff to incorporate feasible measures to
reduce any aspect the Commission determines should be
39. Commissioner Barrows stated she would like to see that
all turf adjacent to the roadways be removed. Staff
stated the no turf option was not identified because
there are no single family units in this project. Separation
of turf along the roadways could be required instead of a
no turf option.
40. Commissioner Quill stated he believes this project will
have a problem meeting the new water requirements as
they are now adopted. Turf has to have more than one
use and cannot be wasted flowing out onto the street.
41. Chairman Alderson stated he would not want the
elevation to exceed to the point that it requires dirt to be
42. Commissioner Quill stated he would like to see it
exported to allow the height to be reduced. If it could
be dropped six feet, then they should do so.
43. There being no further discussion, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Quill/Wilkinson to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 2008-001
recommending approval of General Plan Amendment
2006-107 as recommended.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Quill, Wilkinson, and
Chairman Alderson. NOES: Commissioner Barrows.
ABSENT: Commissioner Engle. ABSTAIN: None.
44. There being no further discussion, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners QuiIIJWilkinson to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 2008-002
recommending approval of Zone Change 2006-127 as
Planning Commission Minutes
January 8, 2008
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Quill, Wilkinson, and
Chairman Alderson. NOES: Commissioner Barrows.
ABSENT: Commissioner Engle. ABSTAIN: None.
45. There being no further discussion, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Quill/Wilkinson to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 2008-003
recommending approval of Specific Plan 83-002,
Amendment No. 6, as recommended and amended:
a. Condition added: The grade elevation shall be
reduced as much as possible along the northern
b. Condition added: The landscaping shall be in
accordance with new CVWD and City Ordinance
and brought back to the Commission for review
and approval with a note that there shall be
minimum turf on surface sidewalks.
d. Condition added: The clock tower lowered to 33
feet or not higher than the three story units.
e. Condition added: The applicant shall work with
staff to attempt to exceed the minimum Title 24
requirements to enhance any energy efficiency
elements that are possible.
f. Condition added: The Guardhouse shall be
brought back to the Commission.
g. Condition added: Architectural enhancement shall
be added to the Manor duplex units and brought
back for Commission approval.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Quill, Wilkinson, and
Chairman Alderson. NOES: Commissioner Barrows.
ABSENT: Commissioner Engle. ABSTAIN: None.
46. There being no further discussion, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners QuilllWilkinson to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 2008-004
recommending approval of Tentative Tract Map 33226
as recommended and amended:
Planning Commission Minutes
January 8, 2008
a. Condition added: The grade elevation shall be
reduced as much as possible along the northern
b. Condition added: The landscaping shall be in
accordance with new CVWD and City Ordinance
and brought back to the Commission for review
and approval with a note that there shall be
minimum turf on surface sidewalks.
c. Condition added: The clock tower eliminated or
significantly lowered to 33 feet or not higher than
the three story units.
d. Condition added: The applicant shall work with
staff to attempt to exceed the minimum Title 24
requirements to enhance any energy efficiency
elements that are possible.
e. Condition added: The Guardhouse shall be brought
back to the Commission.
f. Condition added: Architectural enhancement shall
be added to the Manor duplex units.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Quill, Wilkinson, and
Chairman Alderson. NOES: Commissioner Barrows.
ABSENT: Commissioner Engle. ABSTAIN: None.
47. There being no further discussion, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners QuiIIlWilkinson to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 2008-005
recommending approval of Site Development Permit
2006-852 as recommended and amended:
a. Condition added: The grade elevation shall be
reduced as much as possible along the northern
b. Condition added: The landscaping shall be in
accordance with new CVWD and City Ordinance
and brought back to the Commission for review
and approval with a note that there shall be
minimum turf on surface sidewalks.
d. Condition added: The clock tower eliminated or
significantly lowered to 33 feet or not higher than
the three story units.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 8, 2008
e. Condition added: The applicant shall work with
staff to attempt to exceed the minimum Title 24
requirements to enhance any energy efficiency
elements that are possible.
f. Condition added: The Guardhouse shall be brought
back to the Commission.
g. Condition added: Architectural enhancement shall
be added to the Manor duplex units.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Quill, Wilkinson, and
Chairman Alderson. NOES: Commissioner Barrows.
ABSENT: Commissioner Engle. ABSTAIN: None.
48. There being no further discussion, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Quill/Wilkinson to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 2008-006
recommending approval of Development Agreement
2006-011 as recommended.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Quill, Wilkinson,
and Chairman Alderson. NOES: None. ABSENT:
Commissioner Engle. ABSTAIN: None.
Chairman Alderson recessed the Commission at 10:24 P.M. and
reconvened at 10:37 p.m.
A. Consideration of a Schematic Design Packacae for the SilverRock
Clubhouse; a request of the City's Redevelopment Agency for
consideration of schematic design package for the SilverRock
Resort Clubhouse.
1 . Chairman Alderson asked for the staff report. Assistant
City Manager Doug Evans presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in
the Planning Department.
2. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of
staff. Commissioner Quill asked if it would be canal
water. Staff stated it will start, but not sure if it will be
Planning Commission Minutes
January 8, 2008
self contained or part of the irrigation system. The
challenge is that if you want clear water you have to
move it and to move it you will use more electricity.
3. Commissioner Barrows asked if there was the potential
for solar hot water. Staff is looking for any options
where solar could be used. Commissioner Barrows
asked about incorporating a rock element in the lake
design to tie into the mountain landscape and sort of dry
wash concept. Maybe some of the area could give the
feel of a water area, but have a rock element that might
give the visual affect. Staff stated they were looking at
all options to create the look without using water.
4. Commissioner Wilkinson asked if there was a synthetic
material that could be used on the timbers to not require
as much maintenance. Staff stated this design requires
the use of real wood to create the effect wanted.
5. Commissioner Quill asked that the lake be multi-
functional and somehow a part of the system that is fed
through the canal. The more water storage you have
the better. Staff stated we do have backup water
systems, but intend to use canal water for the most
6. Chairman Alderson asked the time schedule for the
project. Staff stated they were anticipating opening in
late 2009 or early 2010.
7. There being no public comment, the public participation
was closed and open for Commission discussion.
8. There being no further discussion, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Quill/Barrows to adopt
Minute Motion 2008-001 recommending approval of the
schematic Design for the SilverRock Clubhouse.
Unanimously approved.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 8, 2008
a. Staff informed the Commissioners about the Planner's Institute
and asked for the Commissioners to inform staff as soon as
possible if they were going to attend.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Wilkinson to adjourn this regular meeting of the
Planning Commission to a regular meeting to be held on January 22, 2008.
This regular meeting was adjourned at 1 1:14 p.m. on January 8, 2008.
Respectfully submitted,
iL?z~T ~ t
Betty S r, Management Ass~stan
City of La Quinta, California