06-2876 (MECH)P.O. BOX 1.504- 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Application Number: C0-6�0.0002876' Property Address: 45305 BIRCHCREST CIR APN: 604-303-001-26 -23995 Application description: MECHANICAL Property Zoning: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Application valuation: 3000 A Architect or Engineer: BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. Lic Class: C2r0 License No.: 596456 Date: Z-0 tractor: OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars (5500).: 1 _ 1 I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or ' improve for the purpose of sale.). 1 _ 1 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractorls) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). I _ 1 I am exempt under Sec. , BAP.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: Lender's Address: LQPERMIT Owner: STOCKMAN ROBERT 45305 BIRCHCREST CIRCLE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-701.1 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 8/02/06 Contractor: J & J INCORPORATED D P.O. BOX 966 PALM DESERT, CA 92260 (760)346-4477 AUG 02 2006 Lic. No.: 596456 ------------------ WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Cade, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier VIRGINIA Policy Number WVS0001918801 I certify that, in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Cod I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. Da a: icant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1 . Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation. of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this county to enter upon t above-mentioned propertfor inspection p rposes. Dater V *' i nature (Applicant or Agent): a LQPERMIT Application Number . . . . . 06-00002876 Permit . . . MECHANICAL Additional desc ... Permit Fee 24.00 Plan Check Fee6.00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation. . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 1/29/07 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00' 1.00 9.0000 EA MECH B/C <=3HP/100K BTU 9.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments REPLACE CONDENSING UNIT WITH 4 TON, 13 SEER UNIT Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ------- - -- ---------- Permit Fee Total 24.00 ---------- ---------- .00. .00 24.00 Plan Check Total 6.00 .00 .00 6.00 Grand Total 30.00 .00 .00 30.00 Bin # City of La Quinta Building & Safety. Division . . P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permit # 1� �-� Project Address: C1716 TACfAV494 Owner's Name: A. P. Number:. Address: Legal Description: City, ST, Zip: r �Z Contractor: �1 Telephone: - z :. Address: �Q �l Project Description: City, ST, Zip: Ole Telephone:vw State Lic. # : Ip Arch., Engr., Designer: I. City Lic. #: Address: City, ST, Zip: - Telephone: State Lic. #: Name of Contact Person: , '-, Construction Type: 5/ " ccupancy: Project type (circle one): New Add'nAlter Repair Demo Sq. Ft.: t'�o #Stories: ` #Units: Telephone # of Contact Person: Estimated Value of Project: APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # Submittal Req'd Rec'd TRACKING. PERMIT FEES Plan Sets Plan Check submitted Item Amount Structural Calcs. Reviewed, ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit Truss Calcs. Called Contact Person Plan Check Balance Energy CAcs. Plans picked up Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted Mechanical Grading plan' 2a° Review, ready for correctionsfissue Electrical Subcontactor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.I. H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:- ''" Review, ready for correctionslissue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue School Fees Total Permit Fees ...CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL:; : (Page I of 4) CF -1R' -.Pro ject Title ,. rj ProjecvAddress 'Documentation Author ._ • Tele ��z�=3:3•x; Com Iiance Method Prescri tive P ( P ) Climate,Zone;; Enforcement Agency Use Only • �lJ3t ✓. ❑ Alternative Component Package Method: (check one) C :. D ..` ':. ;', ,D (Alternative) Package C and Package D choices require HERS rater field verification and/or diagnostic testing (see CF -1 R page 3) For Package D Alternative see Appendix B Table 151-C Footnotes 7-14'. GENERAL INFORMATION. Total -Conditioned Floor Area (CFA) fe Average Ceiling Height: ft Max,''irm Allowed West Facing Fenestration Products Per Table 151-B or 151-C=�,(3%:X CFA) ftZ Maximum Allowed Total Fenestration Products Per. Table 151-B or 151-C __: (20% X CFA) ft ✓ CI Building. Type: (check one or -more) ..:� gle Family Multifamily 'Addition Alteration (If adding fenestration fill out WS -411, Fenestration Maximum Allowed Area Worksheet and see Section 8.3.2 for Additions and 8.3.3 for Alterations.) Number of Stories: Number of Dwelling Units: Floor Construction Type: Slab/Raised Floor (circle one or both) . :Front Orientation:. North / South / East / West / All Orientations (inpui frogt orientation in -degrees from True North and circle one): ✓ O RADIANT BARRIER (required in climate zones 2,4,8-15 OPAQUE SURFACES INCLUDING OPAQUE DOORS Component Type.(Wall, Roof, Floor, Slab Edge, Doors Frame Type (Wood or Metal) Assembly.U- factor (for Cavity Continuous wood, metal. insulation Insulation frame and mass R -Value R -Value assemblies)' Joint Appendix'.'... IV , Reference's. Roof Radiant -Barrier Location/Comments Installed (attic, garage, Yes or No typical, etc. 1) See Jomt Appendix 1V in Section IV.Z, 1V.3 and IVA, which is the basis for the U -factor criterion. U -factors can not eitceed prescriptive. value to show equivalence to R -values. Afo �e :March 2005 tl 0 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL." (Page 2 of 4) CF -1R • ':Pro ect':Title... T e FENESTRATION PRODUCTS -- U -FACTOR AND SHGC ✓ ❑ FENESTRATION MAXIMUM ALLOWED AREA WORKSHEETWS=4R—ritustf6e included for New Construction, Additions and Alterations. Fenestration #/Type/Pos. (Front, Left, Orien- Rear,.Right, tation, . ' S li ht N, S,.E, Wt Area U -factor W) Source SHGC° Exterior ShadinglOverhangsb' SHGC ✓ box if WS -3R is '`Source5 included ❑ t) JKylipts are.now inciuded in west -facing fenestration area it the skylights are tilted to the west or tilted in any direction When the pitch is less than 1:12. See § 151(f)3C and in Section 3.2.3 of the Residential Manual 2)' Enter values in this column are either NFRC Rated value or from Standards default Table 116A. '3), Indicate source either from NFRC or Table 116A, 4). Entec.yalues in this column from NFRC or from Standards Default Table 116B or adjusted SHGC from WS -3R. 5) Indicate source either from NFRC.or. Table I I6B. 6). Shading -Devices are defined in Table 3-3 in the Residential Manual and see WS -3R to calculate Exterior Shading devices. 7) 'See Section 3.2A in. the Residential Manual. HVXt SYSTEMS Heating Equipment Minimum Distribution Type and Capacity Efficiency Type and Location Duct or Piping . Thermostat Configuration furnace heat pump,boiler, etc. AFUE or HSPF ducts attic, etc. R -Value Type (split or package) Colma. 1• Cooling Equipment Type and Capacity A/C, heat pump, eva . cooling) Minimum Efficiency Duct Location Duct Thermostat Configuration SEER or EER attic etc. R -Value . Type (split or packa, e March 2005 e CERTIFICATE OF: COMPLIANCE: RESID ATIAL.:.(Page 3 of 4 CF -IR , <i?rpjecl Title41kg L `, - Date (g SEALED DUCTS and TXVs (or Alternative Measures) A signed, CF -4R Form must be. provided to the building department for.each'home for which the following. are uired. c VK Alternative to Sealed Ducts and Refrigerant Charge /TXVs (See Package•D Alternative Package Features for Project•Climate Zone in the RM Appendix B Table 151-C, Footnotes 7-14. . or idditiohs and alterations, duct systems that are not documented to have been previously. 'sealed as confirmed through field verification and diagnostic testing in accordance.with procedures in the Residential ACM Manual and duct systems with more than 40 linear feet in unconditioned s "aces shall meet the requirements of Section 150 m and duct insulation requirements of Package D. WAXER HEATING SYS'FlKMS Distribution T e Number in System Sealed Ducts all climate zones nstaller testingand certification and HERS Metfeld verification required.) ❑ TXVs, readily accessible (clin}ate zones 2 and 8-15 only) Standby'. Loss % Installer testing and certification and HERS Rater field .verification r 'uired. ,,:. t❑ ❑ Refrigerant Charge (climate zones 2 and 8-15 only) (Installer testing and certification and HERS Rater field verification required.) c VK Alternative to Sealed Ducts and Refrigerant Charge /TXVs (See Package•D Alternative Package Features for Project•Climate Zone in the RM Appendix B Table 151-C, Footnotes 7-14. . or idditiohs and alterations, duct systems that are not documented to have been previously. 'sealed as confirmed through field verification and diagnostic testing in accordance.with procedures in the Residential ACM Manual and duct systems with more than 40 linear feet in unconditioned s "aces shall meet the requirements of Section 150 m and duct insulation requirements of Package D. WAXER HEATING SYS'FlKMS -Svstems servinv sinele dwellini: units Water Heater Type/Fuel Type Distribution T e Number in System Check box if system meets criteria of a "Standard" system. Standard system is one gas-fired water heater per ❑ "dwelling unit. If the water heater is a storage type, 50 gallons is the,max imum capacity and recirculation system is Standby'. Loss % not allowed. Check box when using Pre_approvedAlternative Water Heating table, Table 5-4 in Chapter 5 in the Residential Manual.No-watetheating calculations are required, and the system complies automatically. Check box.if system does not meet criteria of "Standard" system, and does not comply with the Preapproved ❑ Alternative Water Heating table, In this case, the Performance Method must be used and must be included in the submittal: ❑ Check box to verify that a time control is required for a recirculating system pump for a system serving multiple units -Svstems servinv sinele dwellini: units Water Heater Type/Fuel Type Distribution T e Number in System Rated Input' (kw or Btu/hr(gallons) . . Tank Capacity . Energy Factor' or Thermal: Efficiency- Standby'. Loss % Tank External Insulation . R -Value Svstem'servints multiple dwelling units 'Water Heater Type Distribution T e Number in System Rated Input, (kW or Btuflx Tank Capacity allons Energy Factor' or ''Thermal Efficienc Standby Loss % Tank External Insulation R -Value 1. For small gas storage water heaters (rated inputs of less than or equal to 75,000Btu/hr), electric resistance, and heat . pump water heaters, list Energy Factor: For large gas storage water heaters (rated input of greater than 75,000 Btu/iv), list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency, Thermal Efficiency and Standby. Loss. For instantaneous gas water ,.heaters, list Rated Input and Thermal Efficiencies. :zpipe pi' tilatiotr`(ki(ciien lines'?3/4 inches) All hot water pipes from the heating.source to the kitcHen.fixtures that are 1/4 inches or, greater.in diameter shall be thermally insulated as specified by Section 150.(j) 2,_A `9i -!500)2W', Residential Compliance Forms March 2005 4 I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL '(Page 4 of 4) CF -1R `Projec# ate °Title . µx. ,D _27 -0(o SPECIAL FEATURES NOT REQUIRING HERS VERIFICATION (add extra sheets if necessaryl Indicate which special features are part of this project. The list below.only represents special features relevant to the rirescrintive method - v" Feature Required Forms if applicable). Descri tion ❑ Metal Framed Walls CF -IR CF -6R part 6 of 12- ❑ Radiant Barriers CF -1R ❑ Exterior Shades WS4R ❑ Cool Roof N/A; Attach CRRC Label to Forms. ,Dedicated Hydronic Heating Performance Calculation S stem Required; Attach Run to Forms. ' ❑ Combined Hydronic System Performance Calculation , Required; Attach Run to Forms. ❑ 'Gas Cooling Performance Calculation Required. ❑ : Buried Ducts N/A; Indicate on building plans. ❑ .Kitchen Pipe Insulation See Section 5.6.2 Distribution Systems in Residential Manual. :0Dwelling Multiple Water Heaters Per See Table 5-13 or use Unit Performance Calculation and attach Run to Forms. ❑ Central Water Heating System Performance Calculation and • ; Serving Multiple Dwellings attach Run to Forms. ❑ ' Non=NAECA Large Water CF -IR Heater See Table 5-13 or use ❑' Indirect Water Heater Performance Calculation and attach Run to Forms See Table 5-13 or use ❑ Instantaneous Gas Water Heater Performance Calculation and attach Run to Forms See Table 5-13 or use ❑ Solar Water Heating System Performance Calculation and attach Run to Forms 1.0 1 Wood Stove Boiler Performance Calculation and attach Run to Forms SPECIAL FEATURES REQUIRING HERS RATER VERIFICATION (add extra sheets if necessary) Indicate to the HERS Rater which credits are part of this project and need .verificatinn_ . ✓ .-Feature ' . Required Forms if applicable) Description' Duct Sealing CF -6R part 4 of 12 ❑ Refrigerant Charge CF -6R part 5 of 12 13 •Thermostatic Ex ansion Valve CF -6R part 6 of 12- Y &D 19 , 2006 Dear 0,5TOMOK Quality Verification Services' A DiAsion of Synergy Companies RE:.y 5'3 GS" K6 I e Cff K�Srt Cl Jq. Quality Verification Services2 has successfully performed a duct test, seal and verification project at the above address. QVS2 Performed the initial duct test verification which meat the Title 24 standard The data was captured and uploaded using the Enalasys system and platform. We have received verification that the system passed the standards for compliance with Title 24 code and you will receive a copy of the CF -6R and the CF -4R certification forms If you have any questions, please free to call our. office. Sincerely, David Price General Manager Rachel Clary Administrator Synergy Companies QVS2 28436 Satellite St., Hayward, CA 94545 Phone 510 259-1700 Fax 510 259-1715 DavidPrioe@Synergyc�,ompames.org ,AC ERTI F[C AT 9, 0 F'F1 EL-D';,VER IFICATION",&VIAG TIC ,,.T- T G- -Trojed'Address tiB ui ljdvv;Name 45305 Birchcrest Cir La Quinta CA 92253 062876 D MCSUPMY.Ducr'LO4���, �URFACVARIERAWD P.-VALUVI -Pm fic.'efiE&Aff.3 L "I. -'Su ' I- ddct' fi6i,'ECrei� Wi —PP Y-'- ,, Sw 'V" El"Yes) ri7Na,J�AA'eq a7rf Utw- fi ed No',, Yee, .,Z] N6" tbe�'requij*en ion IH A'.2 Y966 isis 6nUildh —-P- ,�y ea O Na ;Ductsi2eg'duct qyeM,layout and',bc4tionI,�of supply & return'Agietelra mat --b Ite, dujcvVMm design.,* �- Lw bfi r tj n edia 6 -"'Yeq.tjD.r2l.l : is a.'Pe Ra ie';Dpwff�. RURTW;UU42TS'OW TM CEUJWG :COMMTANCE CIREDJTr- Yea ng DUCTS-CCMVUAWCE,CP.EDIT-'--' 'IbI.Y-si, No',, -i J�D' bY& i� Ra R;6.0 ka faat ev4l �- Lw bfi r tj n edia 6 Ddd - Attici 2e eni '<'co :!.Di§E r,�, r "'A r6' rea ,-b o b t. Q, o o tr. .. 0. 0 b -[I Ot��, —13 11"h 0.r o o I -M b b ;0-1! b T b 0 1 b by r. 0 13 0 13;' UP - -t' 7T 0 I 13;g"N� Jlajr ac,-,, res mm es rEorm "0 RURTW;UU42TS'OW TM CEUJWG :COMMTANCE CIREDJTr- Yea ng DUCTS-CCMVUAWCE,CP.EDIT-'--' 'IbI.Y-si, No',, -i J�D' bY& i� ka faat ev4l r tj n edia 6 CERTIFICATE O'F R[LLD, VER IR (CATION. & DIAGNOST[C -TRSUNG (Va e 1 --of &) CF 4R P roj mi. Add ress 45305 Birchcrest Cir La Quinta. CA 92253 Builder Name_ , Builder Contact Installing Contractor Telephoner'- Plan Number, HERS Rales Home Enalas s Telephone 760-768-3228 Sample GrouNumber 1 2 Compl ianee Metbod Prean i , i ve 1600 Cl i matsZone 15 Certifying SignatureSpmpleHou�Number. (Electronically signed) Pass ifLealcsgePercentpge: bola [.140 x j (Li'ne# l;)•J- (Linew2)]] 2726 Firm Enalasys Corp ALTE.RATTONS: Duct Sydeni anNor HVAC E44 ipmem id sage-0ut HUM P ravider CBPCA Street Address: 0 Camoillo AveCalexico Bnim Tested LeakagePbur in CPM from CRbR`"Pt+e-Test ofB:ie�tingD,uciSys m Prior lo Duct 3yetem A Rumion a nd/or Equipmeni Cha ngo-Qut. City�tate/Lip:- CA 92231 Copies to: BUiLDLR, HERS PRCYiDLR AND.BUTLDTNC:DEPARTMLNT,. HEIRS RATER CDMPLIANCE STATEMENT T c house was: IK O -Tea Led te ❑ Appmyod.as'part ofsample [�slinS, but was not tested As theBRm iater providigg diagnosticteetingand field venf ation l be.rtify >batthefiouse.identified on this form complies with the diagnostic tested comp I ranee requi reraerris as checloed on -.ib is Corm. The HBRS• rater ,moat cbeck a nd.v�eri f�; that the near distribution system is fully ducted and oorrectiepe is usedbefot" CR4R'may.De reieased on ewiy tested buildingg TbeHBRS Wei must not reel-- tbeCF-4R until a properly completed andsigned`CF�iR has1ek'n received for t rTesample:A tested buildings. ❑ The i nab I ler bas provided a copy ofCF-6R (I nsta l lation; Certr frcate) ❑ New Disiribution system Js fully ducte&(i.e,, does not use bur(ding cavities aeplenLLrre or 'Isifarm returns in lieu ofdamis). ❑ New systema when cloth backed, rubber ad hcsiye duct laps is;ins tal led, mastic and draw bands am used in combinatiort with cloth backed, rubber adhesive Amt lapc.lo seal kale al -duct connections. V r NITMTir M REQ RRlE1MLNTS FOR DUCT -LEAK v, P,aoewes far fell &iAatro,e a,od diag;eostie tesff)4 Of air Duct D,iagnes tic Leakage Testing Resul Is are aLw1able ie,4A Cil$ Appe,tdix R GQ 3. NEW CONSTRU+✓ ON: DuclPresauri2alion TestResulls(CM(t25Pa) Measured. Vef 'es I Bntcr Thud Leakage Flow in CPM: 2 Fan,Plow: Calculated(Nominal: *`0 Cool in&4',❑'HeaSing)or ieO.Measure:d Entcr,Total Pan PI&4I inCFM: 1600 ✓ 3 Pass ifLealcsgePercentpge: bola [.140 x j (Li'ne# l;)•J- (Linew2)]] ❑'Page ❑ mil ALTE.RATTONS: Duct Sydeni anNor HVAC E44 ipmem id sage-0ut 4 Bnim Tested LeakagePbur in CPM from CRbR`"Pt+e-Test ofB:ie�tingD,uciSys m Prior lo Duct 3yetem A Rumion a nd/or Equipmeni Cha ngo-Qut. 5 Sn1w Tested Lealc &&F low in CFM:,Fival Test of,Ntur Duct'Syslem or Altered Diuct3yatem for Duct System Alteration and/or, u' merit Chan a-Oui., 150 b Snte,r Redudion in jeakRge for Altered Duct System f (Li.ne1Y:4) -Minna (Line* 5)] (Only if Applirsble) 7 Bnter Teemed Leakage Flow in CFMtoOuvide (Only ifApplicable) +/ ✓ 8144x $niiieNewDuct.System.-Paw IfLeft gePemen tage,: b6 �6 ineir'S / Lineir'2 ❑,Pass ❑Fail 'TEST' OR YLRTFEMCA7TON STANDARDS: For Al tered,UUetSpstemn andlor,AYAC ZVIu rnaot Cbange-Odt Use.oue of the folbwi tour Test or Vei lfleatiou Staudzrdsf4reOrliauoe% " 10,► Paw ifLeak*ge.P,erceniage:5 15% j144 x j 150 (Line*"J) ' 1600 (Linett:2)]j 9.4 fiS.Pass ❑Fail i4 Pass if Leakage to Outside,Perceniage :% I0% f,144A; j (Line W 7) / (Line.*2.)D 0 Pase ❑ Fail IT Pass.ifT eabgeRedu;r tion: PercentageZ 6O% jI40x j (Lineitb) /:_ (Line i*A)J) and Wrifcation b' Smake'7'estandsfisual In tion s 13 Fail [12, . Pasel f Seal i n of.a all Accwibiei Leab and fifer ification b Smolop, Tesl'and Visual l n ion ❑ Pass '. ❑ Fail, P* if O,,ue of Lines'#9 tbrougb 9,12 puss tX Pass q Fail Re9dext;al April 2005 ;CFVR jmtAddreei. i der �ra ft*-, 45305 Birchcrest CirLa Quinta CA 92253 'Outdoor Unit Mslae B u i I de r,,Co n tmt TeJ�P�ori Plan Number, H2RD048SO6B_ tbol i n4 `IMS Rater :Teleplfone- :Sam pleGro!Lp.,Nurnber.,, Home Enalasys 360-768-3228 L I CornplianceMetbod(Pt*emriptio-)f 15 eA,!Xl nglign6turd, 08/18/0 ;Cert, 6 �iD6ie` ''SampleHoumNumber,� (ElectronicalI'y signed 2726 ,rider Enalasys Corp ­­--`CBPCA 250 Cam ilio Ave Calexico CA 92231 to: AUMPKIk, HERS, le HEM rater, [AIAC EISTATTEREP ,CF:6R` L -r VALOR RA L jr R res a, � J rAppe ' .RlEFRTGERANT— Ven fication Eor Required ntbar 6 fit vzop in, va 14&.� M�kj 6 it r i i 14 WOE6350933 Attic 'Outdoor Unit Mslae York `.Outdoor,UnitModeJ ;' H2RD048SO6B_ tbol i n4 is, providid! fjor,' e�pr liri--ab Da W6 t V6i (11 Cal'on i 08/15/06 'Da W8 e R 4 rligefs Rt da 6 1 ai iom�, IX Yez'f' 11 No rig iyMmand if on Wlbe sWi fid a �Areril led.- yinmaatk­­ 'equ .RlEFRTGERANT— Ven fication Eor Required ntbar 6 fit vzop in, va 14&.� M�kj 6 it r i i 14 WOE6350933 Attic 'Outdoor Unit Mslae York `.Outdoor,UnitModeJ ;' H2RD048SO6B_ tbol i n4 .ll:t - - . -- . - Da W6 t V6i (11 Cal'on i 08/15/06 'Da W8 e R 4 rligefs Rt da 6 1 ai iom�, 12/30/99 12/30/99 S�ndsrdChsrce,.Measurernani(outdaar err drbulf5 55 ot- 'Mieffj'ft I eman'dfacti ezv shouldbe i hital r n6e kw it Ati� ";aa M -i n iro- Allernati 1-4 NOW" use tbe 6 ir dr IS W°[r ,raterih a I I " LL r miriifigiMikerantC argeugin thiSlandar4M6th pperidVV , "A" tCP6RV nAo'l ati6n Cexti f6djf)b­ _ p rrigeran_tda,- rge0Yx.N6'z. , ,,i fni 260S CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING {Palae4of8} CF4R I Project Address Builders Name 45305 Birchcrest La Quinta CA 92253 1 062876 Copies to: BUMDLR, FWRS PROVIDER AND BUTLDTNC DEPARTMENT Measured Temperatures 3 upply(rator leaving) air dry-bulb temperature (7iuly, db) °P Return (evaporator entering) air dry-bulb tem rature(Treturn, db) °P Return ( rator entering) air wet -bulb temperature (Treturn, wb) °g Evaporabrsaturationtempe,rature(Teem rabr, sat) °P auction line temperature (Tsuction, db) °P Condenser (entering) air dry-bulb to rature(Teondenser, db) . °P 3uzerheat Cha rkeMethod Calculations for.RefrikerantCharae Actual Superheat = Tsuction, db— Twaporator, sat °g Target Superheat (from Table RD -2) °P Actual Superheat — Target 3uperheat (Systemyassesifbei'weev.-S and +5,F) °B Temperature3plitMethod.Calculations for Adequate Airfbw" 'Wi1MeAod Caiexiafio,¢ w*wl,eeoessary"&quak Ai fiow&redd is faker¢ Actual Temperature Split = T retur n, db Teupply, db a. Yes °R Target Temperature Split(from TableRD3) °R Actual Temperature Split Target Temperature 41 it (System passes i f between -3'F and +3`P or, upon remeasurement if between -3°P and -1 n¢e0nven4eR! do,exnee,efed 3mndardCharge Measurement Summary: SyAe.mshalI pass both ref rigerantohargeand'sdequateairflow calculation criteria from the same measurements. Ifcorrective.actions weretaloerr,both criteria m ust be remeasured and recalculated ❑ Yes 1 0 No system Passes AlternstiveC.harke Measurement (outdoor air dro-bulb belove55 °P) Note: Tha.systern should be installed and charged in accordance with the,manufacturer'eepmifrcationsand installer verification shall bedoaumented on CP -6R before Mart ng th is procedure.. if outdoor air dry-bulb is 55'P or above, ratershall use fheStandard ChargsNkwureProcedure P,oeeduv farDefernei,e w'Refrikera of CRar:ee iamtklkoe Al1e•,e dive MeAod are auailabk ix RACW Apo ed,'x RD3. 1 a. Yes I [7 No A mpy of GF -6R (7es1a4&fjo)t Certifkeafe} "kras bees prow dad, w,TA refrigerad tkrarge n¢e0nven4eR! do,exnee,efed Weigh—In, Char i ng Method for Ref ri erantQar e Actual Ii uidlinelength: ft; Man ufacturer's Sia ndard.l i aid I i ne length: ft Difference(Actual —Standard): ft Man ufacturer'scorredion (ounces per foot) x diffuencz in length ounces remove. ounces) Alternative Charge Measurennentaummary:, System shall paseboth ref rigerantchargeandadequateairflow calculation criteria from ,thesarre measurements. If correcti,reactions weretaken, both criteria must be remeasured and recalculated. 0 Yea 10 No sieve Passes Re9de,e1ia! Cbmpka ace Fornes Aprif 2WS N TI �SCF_44W a match Builder 45305 -Birchcrest Cir. La Quinta CA 92253 m dequair Telephone'Pla6,Numb6rl ,HER3 Rater C�qe Ennlasys :Sam pl6G up-Numbeu �Pailw, 08/18/06;De, 2726 (Electronically signe .Pimm.., 'HRM:Vr6%ridpr Enalasys Corp ...... :­ CBPCA 250 Ca mpillo Ave ^, Calexico CA 92231 zSR_ A ---T- 9 Rv CO MPLIX NiC F,',g identifiedon Me f6rm'&ihipli&,: - on Ib isform- r.6=* I iiilSrft&i 4 0,The installer 'ATRFLOWYERMCAlIONA plena X 0 ?RBCI I tt 14 'n6 noago Van Flo,.W,,Linin g:P b4e CAIkILLLre 1166d %,D iagnoeho Pan:%oQUsingTj6nim PiiiuL-Le6m;q16ifigt_ YRRCT'3,' Da gn�_ek Pan %P16,k4jUsi ng F -"Measured P. iwt4miik,, cfrhA6n O Yea- No Measured a Ir flour mater than the crlyer I n Talyle R� 2"El ----- ------ - ­ CAPACTr.Y,., Paedioes lei =J &paalvze RF3 1, ,.✓tU MOREERAIRt-36ND, ONM 0 ;,Yw: a match ly O -N_— l 6 Por -""lit' co 66W m dequair ONo" 41 -Pass �Pailw, 31 r. 11 _kY n -a' OIJg-- c -iliezo ingallMi a a cit indica on;.te Per 66b ckfk,� is '0 =Yea ono ing Ji Inalallada in: idin, e,CP*' ,.✓tU MOREERAIRt-36ND, ONM 0 ;,Yw: a match 0 Yea* O -N_— l 6 Por -""lit' co 66W J3 }O da, ONo" 41 MS -R' (21e` I N -Pass �Pailw, MS -R' (21e` C ERTI PIC ATE'O PI ELW;,YER I FICATIONWObNOST1C,,,TESTINd- iae& 8�� �c F -4 45305 Birchcrest Cir La Quinta CA 92253 E fi ie r. r ee i ita 0' f -Witild ButldeiContaci ney. PIanHNumber AMS Rater 'Sample Gi,64;Nurnbd'. 13;N6 Home Enalasys .760-768-3228 08f18/06 --Nis 'El N6'.' (Electronically signed) 2726 i r 6 Enalasys Corp CBPCA . ... ...... — trmV Ism, 250 Cam ilio Ave Calexico CA 92231 Copies to: VUrLD.ElR.1TWRS YSOViD-11M AND R . Mks-RATLtRCONiPGI`ANCE STATE , MaLlil all Ll LP*IU Vr�11MMUU11- LII,1JQU&1- KW*11L1L1t t O . -- giimm oLdd-bIripI IB nm re Kulmml EY'S"e) nm I copy,'�f CF -41k: (I nm I latio n Cerd ficate) TAWIVA MT DRAW' Ikewy; ',4-Metbad an 'Witt R;1hredeUf'-' "0 is form oompliea H, E.RS 2RATER".EONIPLIAN G-19 .,STATEMEN Y-*: i *helioze' pt'6v'4 . aff'Lp rt sa m UZI qg;11;1d vos;?.not Ve eAsAhe HEM `inter ' Y! epro'idjn 'd*i'�n6sti,,I�elihgand,., fie•ld'v6'riflaston,Ll,&rLify,iOl'Atthe botiae&ntifi&'onibiifc>fr6'corfip withtiiedragnoklotested co la nim--pe,q'Lm remenli`w diduk6n thist&rrb',sl C�NI1NTMTlM P ,F tl*b ..... .iNFI.'IRATTUN .. U p ;4J�MA jj' YeSU46� S' ai kii @"So Pa )L Be measured b' Rater': E fi ie r. r ee i ita 0' f -Witild envelope, ge 13;N6 'Caledlaidd: fer vau/cf 61, is qual to-orl6wer.1h an the, fan l�t- 'El N6'.' t -Y Jsa�paffs; I Nei. H, E.RS 2RATER".EONIPLIAN G-19 .,STATEMEN Y-*: i *helioze' pt'6v'4 . aff'Lp rt sa m UZI qg;11;1d vos;?.not Ve eAsAhe HEM `inter ' Y! epro'idjn 'd*i'�n6sti,,I�elihgand,., fie•ld'v6'riflaston,Ll,&rLify,iOl'Atthe botiae&ntifi&'onibiifc>fr6'corfip withtiiedragnoklotested co la nim--pe,q'Lm remenli`w diduk6n thist&rrb',sl C�NI1NTMTlM P ,F tl*b ..... .iNFI.'IRATTUN .. U p ;4J�MA jj' YeSU46� S' ai kii @"So Pa )L Be measured b' Rater': envelope, ge 'El N6'.' 2 K166 UNos 09.1h 'e a W no greaw,06-n'.abow n on: "Cbeck tb ie I&- "YW .' Af;n7eaauredburldmg rnfiltratron (CFM( Slop' than; A ,: O'Ym [],No't Jvwtilatw4re4i4 �chkktbiiba , I ye - sjf M* @'.'so p# islei '.4ban, the c hA& .:':4!,, Yes "'EJYO-� I niiA led and :u house ppmarevgr6i vfhan mrnus5 Psseal.wrtfia :61I at fans W CFA El 11, floor joist cavity j insulation installed I an An 4o,:ena, 16"LLni f �,proier,t'Addreasi e,N8 ' Builder ,Name .45305 Birchcrest Cir La.Quinta CA 92253 :-JI-i -' �El7 ;Builder,Contar-t Tekpbofie' P-lamMinbul, O 13 0' Home Enalasys --760-768-3228 .1 f9ignature,- Da -08/16/061 16� ',98mPl6,H6dae-rN0mber .,(Electronically signed)' -0-11 2726 P i r m.-, Enalasys Corp unifo,riblyfuliAi-ce'rifT W&1641d.�J6 4&botLorn.and front 10 -back H E.M T r&v i de rC B 0 C A 3 Ir eet Address: 4 'Calexico 250 Campillo Ave ti.CA 92231 ,PR 1,-Ai,fie: HER.34aw, pr6l4idi ng, d4noki�i ng a nalie" I i verification; it ' US ;otitii-X;HiivQ4a ityin eta Ilation"of 1. ACM; AppmJX; R'6e --b 7belokr `may be. cb fir'sL':Ihrmb6xe2also z,lh'4"'X' beck YdAs ign. e- LL Hding(Ve.' X Theb�ilai f ra�&.66figtr YA'at the Muse"id6ntif i6d'on tb is far m complies; on -proboo sad n, theReatdeniral f the B Oxw �`-Che4c ."NA"'o n ly j i f tb' 6-1 item, i i not pR. n176 f .Ole iono mmol,e'Wi, ki inv.' ui 'Deg" - rip-, .. .... 5-4- , manuFacturer.s. ii-' -,,.name, material *denlic ifi ation �'inmlR iled;r-YBI",'anFdlf6r,� i I Ij niubtbn: "mi n i m um we p quam. foot and minimum indes.' - . ' 2 41An n Certificate, ,(a'Rsi�rkAbythein Ilercer certifying fhat ilie i hei I iii6nmeed. alft t applicable red uir6ments as a pep i6MihIbeHi bQ tft�-Iv 3,( cw -, � �z �--d ki1�V 2MS El 11, floor joist cavity j insulation installed I an An 4o,:ena, 16"LLni f .f.yea. e,N8 NAI :-JI-i -' �El7 `13 Yes. O 13 0' -L-- -riid L NK WAUS- —.J -0-11 �.4 r-1 10 unifo,riblyfuliAi-ce'rifT W&1641d.�J6 4&botLorn.and front 10 -back �y- .�,7 P16 gape; Yes, No I -0 • -N A& 6i, mojri�'Ibkl 0%"6f the I6tL'9irfaM a r6, over j5, NK, Q 'Yei El -,M 'Hard to k66a,kwi 68,vilies, a' kb-�' as;;corner channels, wall `� I riteab ai one 'ankbdi 1 II'd t!Wabot�ier OL1 nKI w to pr6j.R-Vil =r �".S j6 j I I 'S "' &ej" P filled Nk 0 vI d stcariliegca5l r�16oe mPa to rovidean.. a i ttO ten ve �r f,,N&4 �NA:� �--d ki1�V 2MS a C ERTtFIC ATED F F1 EU D."YER tFICATIOW& DIAGNOSTIC,s, 6 r. s) C - F -4 R' '.:Builders_T ES T I N G,,-,,( p gige _45305 Birchcrest,La Quints CA 92253 ................. .... 062876" ,47ROOMET MG- VREPARAu(m 'WR N& 'Ilk 1,17al tis� �yl�s, N& 'N 4e 0 0 >r--YVin. _P'6r;moreAhanA0%. Arol 'of the batt surfscea resi,�- E3 t ;All drafistoj�an`dhardcoveracaulkedor ,,Yes No Win conlaa-,-W ,.Yes.. r -A I I rebem, ligbifi�wres.lCaulairliglit and. m, I M'l u , eilh� a-gasl(Jetpr caulk bet' A ra (h '�,Yejz: 4W -s IA4i , nk an ingi�' I • used 21 u reS, co ve red. -..z -A ­ ca 7,v No ,NA: J '11, G.: tM8F�ML14, r�j E ive'ven t?,D r eva Oel; for b I o iw n �'i n su` 16 ti o a i mg i n n d-' freo�Ven t i Is t 6 n, area: ........ /Trisidati6n' 6 1 W n eAer 819 .uni rm Comet Yes; ,No NX 1 0 0 13 -NAaKnee vrallsinsila f r bbwn insulation srea'ofe6ve vent'� <_, No rea LL n ,e p aiio Yea NAFA �j ,Tent 17.1 1 1 NA ' MCM LUN LA 19 NE" 11f.1111111M, 'N 4e 0 0 >r--YVin. _P'6r;moreAhanA0%. Arol 'of the batt surfscea resi,�- Win conlaa-,-W ,.Yes.. 'El El El z; light fi t �,Yei?. I NA`.'�p used 21 u reS, co ve red. -..z No ,NA: J ,,V.t'R 00 FICETLIN G.: tM8F�ML14, r�j ........ /Trisidati6n' 6 1 W n eAer 819 .uni rm Comet Yes; ,No NX 1 0 13 srea'ofe6ve vent'� <_, No NKA "Aldic"Iscupm ifiqulated'l NA ' 'ReoassedligbifiAturescoftreW , Yes .No NA KInsiblion n uJ6 Vis. 1p, prop U., "iijria.R" ue 4 - ',Loose -f i 1 1.,nh i nersl, OW insulation rneeiapvwcsda we wafir_tuftr'i rniin i in up, tweiifivarid: t)i i&nem 'wi 13 `F 13 re prA etsrgel� Mariu�ctur is Yes ;No _m,qwrermnt. V 777=- ands. r e fo 6 t) - T (po &. Ma ri'ifkturer's minimum requrred settIM"All Unew, -(i riafO)aNirnber of da �lyvsince ter,�!a_ P!AusOoAbe'mnmfiaqurer a minimurnihw.11:glini?LLbti6n,tbicknea?.I fOeHERS' raw', d6iz not ver re: time of,insullati6qand if 1 6 Insidstion.liss been fi n, r6rif� n at tbi"t i We?. �,N6 Nh place 10fin seven.dapthe,tbi n L 'Min imumjeq , , ; e� meAnetaf 11on, kis112hob 'o ati iktli nj'nlf lh'ej n0ilili&,bas beeii, inz, "' ;place fob seven d ��orongeut e, n wasNallb6greffW,jbafi;o( equal to 06 AL JAN -08-99 FRI 16:38 WESTERN INSULATION FAX NO, 9096868786 WESTERN INSULATION, INC. 4211 Latham Street, Riverside, California. 92501 (909) 686-8960 (909) 686-8786 Fax INSULATION CERTIFICATE P. 04 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT INSULATION HAS BEEN INSTALLED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CURRENT ENERGY REGULATION, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, TITLE 24, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE BUILDING LOCATED AT: TRACT/ PHASE: DESERT PRIDE TRACT #:23995 LOT#: 26 d2 SITE ADDRESS: 45-305 BIRCHCREST CIRCLE, LA QUINTA , CA EXTERIOR WALLS: MANUFACTURER: JOHNS -MANVILLE THICKNESS: 3 5/8" R -VALUE: R-13 CEILINGS : BATTS BLOW MANUFACTURER: GREENSTONE IND. THICKNESS: 10.3 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: INCO HOMES CORP. LICENSE NUMBER: BY: TITLE: DATE. R -VALUE: R-38 INSULATION CONTRACTOR: WESTERN INSULATION, INC. LICENSE NUMBER: 481278 BY: ' 1 TITLE: Production M nager DATE: JANUARY 8,1999