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I Lenity M have read Inn SDDhcal:DA AnC s:au tcaa Int .nlwr..al:on pl.rn n Lore Cl I ap:et 10 ComDty/will all L;21r s ,n un', mynanc.s nbbnp to wdel., Lon suua1on ane a • tut a relnrmalev of }prL.�- - c'.,a (l;trudd:np arse Cala 0, to rola: p Int D. n :C /,"n ,pDl:c s ID, tetter pClitl r of mal:n of fip vaDt Cl:om jlpr.alu,e of Apphcant or Apem ,a 14 eslD fAeeM ItACTORS DtG aRATIOM. 1 traYy efl.al anal I r Iterate seat. e.w.oe a f7apur • Itmnrn+^F'1 ,.et Seoeaee 791301 a D,.ern 110 bet tltel+wea► Bad ►xeroma Coe, sand tq atstat st a kd A.AT and rfls0 I %~ Gate LJt tsatdr ' Date Ctemom _ - _ .. Drtaf R3U1DI11 DER AMIIpf 14rtby a6e. tarot 1 am brm,pl baso MM Cony gelds tiara! 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Bus.nns and holns,o,a Coate Itis Comraclv's lesrnsr lax, eon rof ,plat to an o-ne, of pootny vtio builds all ampwn !heron. and .heales ►utter :'wi l:msill v th.oupfl an own ampoyrn. po.ded fruit aueh ampo.rmerns are not mttuded as ofte,ad for Ttlta M fro.terr, the Dwt:ti gvr —p,.,,nrnl a sold .nein one Yap et conlplahorL fee O.ne •DUitde, will hails Ire Dwbn it Oro.,ng IAP. 1. dud .9 t.,,.td v evina Ip are pwpost a salaJ. P1 t• ,.ns, :It tre p,openy. ofttadus,.ety tom,aChw tlp.al, lreensed nlraClort so Lo anelcl tree prone rci.70K us•nast and 14rtuora Cele are Comuaclexil L,urut La. atoa rot apply b m ower, all popeny .°obuRds 0 p,61" U-Nalin and wtw we.M nuans to va"A pols a tonuatim(t) feGa ftat aetnm Yuato the. ComillnU 1. r•.xe (..J tam r nuao u daL jet _ _ _ _ 'A { P.0 (Aruce Cenduratt) W'- -IRS U•U1114SAIFO4 DECIARA11DN 11,,coy AN—.. It.at I t.a•r a [te°bCale of wnstn, to Sri!'nswe. as a Ire,d.:atr o• asw•rt" Coe.;,^sato^ I^s o,+ace o, it vna:K opy Y:mror iSrt 3;QO tad C.1 1`.." Lt. - Lu-;.anY LM.',d [VVe n IK:eV1 Iwn:s Kd GLMd ro ..Py n bkC .,InjXt Courcy fiwldmp IniK P:o DrDanmr to Coit y t,✓anmrm Dsrr • / / �� A;DI,Um APP, ,CANT -WE (L. F. NI) Robert Nard AC3eeES5 $-636 Bottlebrush C,t a 20v ulParl 7/57 ATtJ21p ' La Quinta, CA 92253 JOeDRESS'SPACC 9��Sas above Cal e1CO1'Vv"1I rr51ATE'lp Bata PAG PRC C $ 52.25 Tw.N RNG SE 5 1R&CT 16.72 LOT MOD I SB TZ CI NAME CraaER rauE IL F. UIJ C0t4l ACT6°.FIRu NAVE Owner/Builder ADD°[SS CCs.. .:Tr S:.TE:L° �'(FF((----•C -nv 1 `NE • IICNC . w ALAN : a IRAs NAPE AO.^,RESS C,7 yy'S: AT E Zlc P.CNE a — -- -- LICNC • . $ 174.42 —, .1i Of Room Addition S/F/D BL ZON I FSB 558 SSB RSB I OFC I --�7Cni ORD • ( I LOT S2 I END SIDE P,ml Appl,LanllAptnl Name APPL/PReaT . 0010 1-18-3 Permit is for 336 Sq. Ft. of Room Addition with fireplace per approved plan and all applicable codes and ordinances. Plan Check Fee $ 52.25 Building Permit Fee 104.50 S.M.I.P. Fee .95 Electric Permit 16.72 6 3 e � — -- -- TOTAL - $ 174.42 —, Valuation 1$13,776.00 -nna Engineers, Inc. NUCLEAR GAGE RE -LA I TIVE COMPACTION FIELD DATA SHEET 1731-A Walter Street Ventura, California 9300: PROJECT: LOCATION: JOB NO.: OWNER OR GRADING CONT -:SAMPLED DEVELOPER: CONTRACTOR: R;lj� BY: cc 0 E U) Z -j Z LOCATION:. DENSITY READING z C: z 0 4) MOISTURE READING 3: ?-' 0) 0 c) 0 ---,2 d E Q 0 TU /A 2 - Ave. T& 2 - 1. 2 Ave. 1 & 2 <7 . 47 7 ?5 2- 13-3- 0 7� ? -22 - N - 11 4-2— 12.1 ------ - r675F7 Wz /375 I5Z-0 P- 6� ell REMARKS: (?211 /A A 7� Signature r, 17uaI.FQ L.f1 ll mvI 1{fV..� _ ...n.. . ..v-v..-vvr Venture, California 93W3 PROJECT: �� f: "' t = LOCATION:. 6c JOB NO.: ^S7 — P"- OWNER OR DEVELOPER: j • ' �/ GRADING CONTRACTOR: SAAAPLED BY: VENSITYAEADING MOISTURE REAbING m E CATION: , Ave. -- r 1 2 1 812 �0 Ave. ; 1 2 1812 c • E cl o0 2 2� o uJz Wiz° 0 a U I /7,1rpt. / ' X235 V, 22A 7 57 f - ,. Il'Q [,to t G /ZL 7 5 1,. i COMMUNITY DEVEL PMENT DEPT 1 REMARKS: i k dignature `'` �1FIIEp = = ° vN Desert Sands Unified School District a BERMUDA DUNES r RANCHO MIRAGE 82-879 HIGHWAY 11 1 0 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92,201-5678 • (619) 347.8631 INDIAN WELLS H PALM DESERT �b ,P LA OUINTA 100 INDIO City of La Quinta Department of Community Development 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Lot 54, La Quinta, CA (DCM #1) Gentlemen: The developer of the above referenced has mitigated its Impacts on our overcrowded sch.00ls by payment of the amount of $628 per unit to be applied to the cost of district educational facilities made necessary by such new development. Sincerely, J VL John D. Brooks Assistant Supe.ri.ntendent Business Services JDB/crm •. 7 FORM J-1 W �2S'L GASt� v�>J�1 j Gopynght by the Air Conditioning ► 1 Contractors of America Formerly: National Environmental Systems Contractors Association 1228 17th Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Printed in U.S.A. January, 1968 Plan No. �- Date y J Calculated by ( V4 'P^ " ft WORKSHEET FOR MANUAL J LOAD CALCULATIONS FOR RESIDENTIAL AIR CONDITIONING For: Name- MQ, MQQS (z1 CJI ON*%crzz) Address City and State or Province I 2 1 O' A, Z Z By: Contractor Address , City Winter Design Conditions Outside 35 F Inside F Temperature Difference Degrees )4Z/Cr J M Z (Insert data below only after all heat loss calculations have been completed) Total Heat Loss (Btuh) 2�� (From Line No. 15) Model No. Serial No. Manufactured by Lr -),j .A fix. Rating Data: Input 50 0.0 0 Rtuh Output at Bonnet So ao Btuh Description of Controls S'YAT Summer Design Conditions Outside (D F Inside F North Latitude 35 Degrees Daily Range (Insert data below only after all heat gain calculations have been completed) \ Z Total Heat Gain (Btuh) L1��(From Line No. 20 or 21, if used) J Equipment Capacity Multiplier 1 ' Z Model No. P Serial No. Manufactured by Rating Data: Cooling Capacity 1"iSS�%� Btuh Air Volume Cfm Description of Controls Winter Construction Data (See Table 2) Summer Construction Data (See Table 5 ) Walls and Partitions) �2 Q_1 1Nty �Y'�o a Direction House Faces C: % Windows and Doors M Windows and Doors )> J-.%_ Walls nd Partitions l 0 N S IA L , b D1 A t. i?A QE b S.) v C� cz. Ceilings 1 y d 2 I ►,lsy ��+ p a °� S-3 w Ceilings I d _ .! S 4 L�A T+ 0 a Floors11D--%- LA.- M Floors v 1 S t-nl'� SL,Ng DO NOT WRITE 11 1 Name of Room Entire House 1 V I YC µW 13 2 rAV-11 .� 3 M ASQ j�) 4M rh 5 f3e (Lo4) M 2 Running Ft'Exposed Wall Z -)Z � 3.1 1 3 Room Dimensions, Ft Q LQ 10 (P 1 Z x. 1 ; 1 y 4 Ceiling Ht, Ft Directions Room Faccs ''11 pp) TYPE OF EXPOSURE Const. No HTM Arca or Lgth en Btuh Area or Length Btuh Arca or Length Btuh Area or Length Btuh Area or length Btuh Area or Length Btul Htg Clg Htg Clg Htg7 Clg Htg Clg Htg C1g Htg Clg Htg 5 Gross a Exposed b Walls and c Partitions d 6 Windows a QICA and Glass b L4 �41 i �� s r.K: Li0 ZQjoo >, 1. 7 Windows North and Gla.:. E &��" or NE & NW s.' �j, N. Doors (Clg) South or SE & SR' 8 Other Doors Ol b g5 1 39 9 Net a fie'ZOo ZO$ Exposed b Walls and c Partitions d to Ceilings a I°"Ij] ���Z-3, U(0 f'�0 �20 �u� I �� 1 ��U Z.Ib Z3� L�$ 4Zlp b 11 Floors a �� �lt f 44�� Zoo�� ii "I Z �� Z I 9140 1j4(1') h 12 Ventilation 13 Sub Total Btuh Loss ZS3Z\ 14 Duct Btuh Loss ,1-� ;ZQ� 3 N Q4 2S� t' '? �% s' 10e, 15 Total Btuh Loss 2I »4 16 People (i 300 and Appliances 1200 3 00 1 WO (Q 17 Sensible Btuh Gain (Structure) KAO-7 2442 18 Duct Btuh Gain I lsh 19 Sum of Lines 17 and 18 (Clg) ZLTIg �Z go = 3p 1212 y�-1�1 2 20 Total Btuh Gain (Line 19 x 1.3) 1.3 ;` . Zq�1l. r r 'nuL(q 3449 ` llas ,`' G2Q7 Z 21 Btuh for Air Quantities ��53 a�. �ISS1 %{5s (10ZJ t? ZSz� (l.Zg > JW V AFAMEWN A M .. WAI 2_11� HP16 SERIES HEAT PUMP OUTDOOR UNITS *18,700 to 56,000 Btuh Cooling Capacity *19,900 to 61,000 Btuh Beating Capacity 'ARI Standard 240 Certifed Ratings imUlnOx .rwES DM. ) �` EX USED VYITN EMOVEM 1�1 + DDI.00MV SEw5lE5T[D i - •oq Reliability, Economy and Outstanding Efficiency for Year Round Operation are Featured in Line Of HP16 Series Heat Pumps The Lennox HP16 series heat pump outdoor units consist of seven models ranging from 1-1 /2 thru 5 tons. This family of energy efficient outdoor units have SEER'S of up to 9.8 with a cooling capacity range of 18,700 to 56,000 Btuh and COP ratings of up to 3.1 with heating'capacities of 19,900 to 61,000 Btuh. A variety of matching up-flo, down-flo and horizontal blower powered indoor units, with optional supplemental electric heat, provide selective sizing Amhk and installation versatility. For complete data onindoor units see individual To bulletins. Several refrigerant line sets are available in various lengths, see line kit table for selection. Line sets are optional and must be ordered extra. The HP16 cabinet is heavy gauge galvanized steel with a durable baked -on enamel paint finish. Special paint process protects cabinet against all kinds of weather. Design of cabinet with louvered inlet air panels and horizontal air discharge protects fan, fan motor, compressor and other internal com- ponents from the weather. Heavy duty base support channels elevate unit above mounting surface. Dual outdoor coils provide extra large surface area for highest heat transfer. Coils are protected by rugged steel guards. Automatic defrost control system operates only when required. Compressor 0 crankcase heater and heating -cooling thermostat with emergency heat sub- base and warning lights are furnished as standard. Outdoor units are test operated at the factory to insure proper operation and are shipped ready for installation. Installer has only to locate unit and make refrigerant line and electrical connections to complete installation.--. - NOTE — Specifications, Ratings and Dimensions subject'to�change without notice, ENGINEERING DATA HEAT PUMPS MATCHED REMOTE. SYSTEMS Page 11 July 1, 1983 Supersedes 9-1-82 Typical Applications r: J 1-1 RE SELECTOR *Sound Rating Number in accordance with ARI Standard 270. tRated in accordance with ARI Standard 240 and DOE; At 450 cfm (maximum) indoor air volume per ton of cooling capacity. Cooling Ratings - 95°F outdoor air temperature and 80OF db/67°F wb entering indoor coil air. High Temperature Heating Ratings - 47°F db/43°F wb outdoor air temperature and 70OF db entering indoor coil air. Low Temperature Heating Ratings - 17°F db/15°F wb outdoor air temperature and 70°F db entering indoor coil air. *Heating Seasonal Performance Factor. *Requires field installed check and Expansion Valve Kit (LB•34792BD). Must be ordered extra. tARI Standard 240 Ratings of Lennox Indoor Unit Used a« High Low Total Unit Watts OutdoorUnit Cool. Temp. Temp. o SEER EER Model No. Cap. Htg. Htg. Btuh/ Btu/ High Low�o ; m Up -Flo Down -Flo Horizontal *ARI Std. Cooling Temp. "HSPF C.O.P. Temp. C.O.P. Btuh Cap. Cap. Watt Watt m 270 SRN (bels) Btuh Btuh 1 Phase 3 Phase Htg. Htg. O CP12-26V CPR12-26V 18,700 20,600 11,000 2140 9.30 ---- 2030 7.20 2.95 1604 2.00 31% - HP16-211V /E12Q2 /ES1202 (7.6) CPS12-26V 19,100 19,900 11,000 2140. 9.40 ---- 1955 7.20 3.00 1585 2.00 26% ---- ---- /ES12Q2 CP12-26V CPR12-26V 22,600 25,000 14,000 2630 9.00 ---- 2525 7.40 2.90 2060 2.00 24% ---- /E12Q2 /ES12Q2 H P 16-261 V CPS12-26V 23,400 25,600 14,500 2650 9.30 ---- 2475 7.30 3.00 2095 2.05 25% ---- ---- (7.81- / ES 12Q2 CP12-31V CPR12-31V 24,400 26,000 14,000 2723 9.60 ---- 2478 7.50 3.10 2004 2.05 18% -- /E12Q3 /ES12Q3 CP12-31V 28,800 32,000 18,100 3400 9.10 ---- 3139 7.40 3.00 2599 2.05 22% ---- - - /E12Q3 CPR12-31V CPS12-31V 29,000 31,800 17,800 3380 9.10 ---- 3119 7.40 3.00 2579 2.05 22% ---- HP16-311V /ES1203 /ES12Q3 CP12-41V (8.0) 30,200 32,200 18,200 3410 . 9.25 ---- 3035 7.50 3.10 2650 2.10 22% -- - -- /E1203 CPR12-41V---- 30,200 32,200 18,100 3445 9.10 ---- 3070 7.50 3.05 2549 2.05 22% ---- /ES12Q4 CPR12-41V /ES12Q4 CPS12-41/46V 35,200 35,800 19,600 4115 9.10 8.60 3636 7.55 2.90 2928 1.95 23% ---- HP16-411V CPR12-46V /ES1204 (Use SEER) ' /E12Q4 HP16-413V 1 (Use EER)CP12-41V 35,200 35,800 19,600 4053 9.30 8.70 3584 7.55 2.95 2875 2.00 23% ---- 18 21 /E12Q3 CP12-46V I 35,000 36,000 19,800 4140 9.00 8.50 3661 I 7.60 2.90 2953 1.95 I 23% ---- ----t /E12Q4 42,000 38,000 21,000 4347 9.00 8.85 4250 6.70 2.60 3180 1.95 21% ---- •CH16-51FF SEER) CPR12-46V CPS12-41/46V; (Use 41,500 42,500 26,000 5048 8.70 8.20 4488 7.60 2.75 3696 2.05 24% --- HP16-413V /E12Q4 /ES12Q4 (Use EER) CP12-46V (8.2) 41,500 42,500 26,200 5093 8.70 8.10 4533 7.60 2.75. 3741 2.05 24% ---- ---- /E12Q4 1 HP16-511V 46,500 49,500 29,500 5570 9.00 8.35 1 4363 8.05 1 3.00 3835 1 2.30 22% 11 •CH16-51FF (Use SEER) CP12-51V CPR12-51V i HP16-513 45,500 50,000 30,200 5614 8.80 8.10 4939 7.85 2.95 3988 2.20 20% -- (Use EER /E12Q4 /E12Q4 46,500 49,500 29,800 5570 9.00 8.30 4872 8.05 3.00 3844 2.30 20% ---- ---- CH16-65V (8.2) HP16-651V 55,500 59,500 34,400 6789 8.15 8.20 6005 7.40 2.90 4715 2.15 22% ---- ---- CH16-65V (Use SEER) CP12-65V CPR12-65V HP16-653V (Use EER) 55,500 62,500 37,600 7177 8.05 7.75 6340 7.50 2.90 5032 2.20 23% ---- (8.2) /E1205 • /E12Q5 *Sound Rating Number in accordance with ARI Standard 270. tRated in accordance with ARI Standard 240 and DOE; At 450 cfm (maximum) indoor air volume per ton of cooling capacity. Cooling Ratings - 95°F outdoor air temperature and 80OF db/67°F wb entering indoor coil air. High Temperature Heating Ratings - 47°F db/43°F wb outdoor air temperature and 70OF db entering indoor coil air. Low Temperature Heating Ratings - 17°F db/15°F wb outdoor air temperature and 70°F db entering indoor coil air. *Heating Seasonal Performance Factor. *Requires field installed check and Expansion Valve Kit (LB•34792BD). Must be ordered extra. _.�-...-.•-._---e+v�-e---....-..� -. .....r.... ....�..ws.. ':r :. •' .. _, ..•::r:.::.a. .e':a: _._ _�%SG�YTE3^�-"•,�:..:.tl::.�'- -- '- - .... .. ..-- __ - _ SPECIFICATIONS Model No. HP16-211V •HP16-261V HP16-311V HP16-411V HP16-413V HP16-461V HP16-463V HP16-511V HP16-513V HP16-651V HP16-653V Outdoor Coil Net face area (sq. ft.) 6.67 6.67 8.00 10.11 10.11 12.9 12.9 Tube diam. (in.) 318. 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 No. of rows 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 Fins per inch 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Outdoor Fan Diameter (in.) 18 20 20 22 24 24 24 No. of blades 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Motor hp 1/10 1/5 1/5 1/4 1/3 1/3 1/3 Cfm (factory setting) 1750 2400 2900 3100 3800 3600 3800 Rpm (factory setting) 1085 1115 1040 830 830 840 810 Watts (factory setting) 135 205 305 285 395 370 425 Refrigerant -22 (charge furnished) 7 lbs. 14 oz. 8 lbs. 7 oz. 9 lbs. 4 oz. 11 lbs. 0 oz. 12 lbs. 4 oz. 14 lbs. 4 oz. 19 lbs. 8 oz. Liquid line connection (sweat) 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8. 3/8 3/8 1/2 Vapor line connection (sweat) 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 7/8 7/8 1-1/8 Shipping weight (lbs.) 245 250 275 322 333 403 411 Number of packages 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ELECTRICAL DATA Model Number HP16-211V HP16-261V HP16-311V HP16-411V HP16-413V Line voltage data 208/230V 60hz/1ph. 208/230V 60hz/lph. 208/230V 60hz/1ph. . 208/230V 60hz/1ph. 208/230V 60hz/3ph Compressor Rated load amps 9.7 11.5 14.7 17.9 12.5 Power factor .95 .96 .95 .94 .89 Locked rotor amps 48.0 54.0 65.0 83.5 66.0 Outdoor Coil Fan Motor Full load amps 0.70 1.3 1.5 2.0 2.0 Locked rotor amps 1.0 3.5 3.5 4.0 4.0 'Oec.maximum fuse or circuit breaker size (amps) 20 25 30 40 30 'Minimum circuit ampacity 1 12.8 15.7 19.8 24.4 17.6 refer to National Electrical Code manual to determine wire. fuse and disconnect size requirements. NOTE - Extremes of operating range are plus 10% and minus 5% of line voltage. ELECTRICAL DATA Model Number HP16-461V HP16-463V HP16-511V HP16-513V HP16-651V HP16-653V Line voltage data 208/230V 60hz/lph. 208/230V 60hz/3ph 208/230V 60hz/lph 208/230V 60hz/3ph 208/230V 60hz/lph 208/230V 60hz/3ph Compressor Rated load amps 21.5 13.7 25.6 15.9 28.0 19.0 Power factor 1 .96 .88 .96 .90 .97 .90 Locked rotor amps 95.4 82.0 116.0 92.0 142.0 107.0 Outdoor Coil Fan Motor Full load amps 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2:5 2.5 Locked rotor amps 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 Rec.maximum fuse or circuit breaker size (amps) 50 30 60 1 35 60 45 'Minimum circuit ampacity 11 29.4 19.6 34.5 1 22.4 1 37.5 1 26.3 'Refer to National Electrical Code manual to determine wire, fuse and disconnect size requirements. NOTE - Extremes of operating range are plus 10% and minus 5% of line voltage. FIELD WIRING �'------9 r------- B r------------ LENNOX DISCONNECT' 1DISCONNECT LENNOX i A -Two or Three wire power (see Electrical Table) THERMOSTAT i SWITCH i I SWITCH�{���{������ OPTIONAL (furnished) (BY OTHERS) : 1(BY OTHERS), AUXILIARY B - Two or Three wire power (size to heater capacity) ee___-_-- ELECTRIC 1 HEATER UNIT- C -Two wire power (size to indoor coil blower motor) E A r____-__ ; I OPTIONAL J D - Two wire low voltage (18 ga. minimum) OUTDOOR THERMOSTAT I F E - Eight wire low voltage (18 ga. minimum) with Electric Heat - Ten wire low voltage with Optional Outdoor Thermostat r --' C F - Four wire low voltage (18 ga. minimum) E- IDISCONNECT I OUTDOOR SWITCH (BY OTHERS) G - Three Wire low voltage (18 ga. minimum) UNIT I G LENNOX INDOOR UNIT - field wiring not furnished - NOTE - A# wiring to conform to NEC and local electrical codes. -14-- s 40 RATINGS NOTE - To determine Sensible Capacity, Leaving Wet Bulb and Dry Bulb temperatures not shown in the cooling table see Miscellaneous Engineering Data section, Page 9. HP16-511V-513V COOLING CAPACITY WITH CP12-51V OR CPR12-51V INDOOR COIL UNIT Enter. Wet Bulb (°F) Total Air Vol. (cfml Outdoor Air Temperature Entering Outdoor Coil 1°F) 85 95 105 115 Total Cool Cap. (Btuh) Comp. Motor Watts Input Sensible To Total Ratio Total Cool Ca (Btuh) Comp. Motor Watts Input Sensible Total To Total Cool Ratio lb (O Ca Dry Bulb (OF) (Btuh) 76 80 j4-7-76 Sensible Comp. To Total Motor Watts Ratio lb (O Input 76 Bulb (OF) 80 84 Total Cool Ca (Btuh) Comp. Motor Watts Input Sensible To Total Ratio lb (OF) 7 Bulb 184 76 80 84 lb (O Bulb 184 7 76 80 84 Indoor Coil 1600 46,900 4050 .80 .92 1.00 44,300 4380 .82 .95 1.00 41,700 4690 .84 .98 1.00 38,900 4960 .88 1.00 1.00 63 1800 47,900 4080 .83 .96 1.00 45,400 4420 .85 .99 1.00 42,600 4740 .88 1.00 1.00 40,100 5030 .92 1.00 1.00 Motor 2000 48,600 4110 .86 1.00 1.00 46,300 4460 .89 1.00 1.00 43,800 4800 .92 1.00 1.00 41,200 5090 .96 1.00 1.00 Watts 1600 50,000 4160 .62 .74 .85 47,200 4500 .63 .76 .88 44,200 4820 .65 .78 .91 41,200 5090 .67 .81 .95 67 1800 50,900 4180 .64 .77 .90 47,900 4530 .66 .79 ,93 44,900 4850 .68 .82 .96 41,800 5120 .70 .86 1.00 1940 2000 51,500 4210 .66 .80 .94 48,500 4560 .68 .83 .97 45,400 4880 .70 .86 1.00 42,300 5150 .73 .90 1.00 1600 53,500 4270 .46 .57 .68 50,400 4630 .47 .59 .70 47,200 4960 .47 .60 .73 44,000 5240 .48 .62 .76 71 1800 54,300 4300 .47 .59 .72 51,100 4660 .48 .61 .74 47,900 4990 .49 .63 .76 44,500 5T, .50 .65 .8fl 2000 54,900 4320 .48 .61 .75 51,700 4680 .49 .63 .77 48,400 5010 .50 .65 .80 44,900 5300 .51 .67 ..84 NU It: - Heating capacities inctuae the effect or aerrost cycles in the temperature range wnere tney occur. HP16-511V-513V HEATING PERFORMANCE at 1800 cfm Indoor Coil Air Volume (CP12-51V & CPR12-51V) *Outdoor Temperature (Degree F) Compressor Motor Watts Input Total Output (Btuh) 65 4640 Air Temperature Entering Outdoor Coil (°F) 60 4425 59,700 65 4218 45 25 4000 5 47 -15 49,700 Indoor Indoor Coil Unit Air Volume Total Comp. Total Comp. NOTE - All values are gross capacities and do not include indoor coil blower motor heat deduction. Comp. Total Comp. Total Comp. Model (cfm) HP16-511V-513V HEAT PUMP OUTDOOR UNIT HEATING CAPACITY Motor NU It: - Heating capacities inctuae the effect or aerrost cycles in the temperature range wnere tney occur. HP16-511V-513V HEATING PERFORMANCE at 1800 cfm Indoor Coil Air Volume (CP12-51V & CPR12-51V) *Outdoor Temperature (Degree F) Compressor Motor Watts Input Total Output (Btuh) 65 4640 Air Temperature Entering Outdoor Coil (°F) 60 4425 59,700 65 4218 45 25 4000 5 47 -15 49,700 Indoor Indoor Coil Unit Air Volume Total Comp. Total Comp. Total Comp. Total Comp. Total Comp. Model (cfm) Heating- Motor Heating Motor Heating Motor Heating Motor Heating Motor No. 76F db Capacity Watts Capacity Watts Capacity Watts Capacity Watts Capacity Watts 16,700 -15 (Btuh) Input (Btuh) Input (Btuh) Input (Btuh) Input (Btuh) Input CP 12-5V CPR12-51V 1600 62,400 4755 47,400 3860 33,300 3075 24,100 2605 13,500 1940 1800 63,400 4640 48 000 3790 33,700 3060 24,400 2590 13,700 1930 2000 64,300 4540 48,500 3735 34,200 3050 24,800 2580 13,900 1920 NU It: - Heating capacities inctuae the effect or aerrost cycles in the temperature range wnere tney occur. HP16-511V-513V HEATING PERFORMANCE at 1800 cfm Indoor Coil Air Volume (CP12-51V & CPR12-51V) *Outdoor Temperature (Degree F) Compressor Motor Watts Input Total Output (Btuh) 65 4640 63,400 60 4425 59,700 55 4218 56,000 50 4000 52,000 47 3880 49,700 45 3790 48,000 40 3580 44,000 35 3380 39,900 30 3185' 36,000 25 3060 33,700 20 2935 31,400 17 2860 30,000 15 2780 28,800 10 2720 26,800 5 2590 24,400 0 2460 22,100 -5 2300 19,500 -10 2115 16,700 -15 1930 13,700 -20 1825 10,500 'Outdoor ternparature at 70% relative humidity Indoor temperature at 700. n 0 Z `") L�LSL�VL�1./, E12 SERIES F O - DO N FLO FURNACES 13,000 to 102,400 Btuh Electric Heating Capacity Add -On Cooling —1-112 thru 5 Nominal Tons • Several Sizes Available • Attractive Cabinet ' • Complete Service Access • Baked -On Paint Finish • Direct Drive Blower U " • Large Air Filter • Factory Installed Controls • Durable Electric Heat Elements • Circuit Breakers • Optional Additive Coils For Cooling & Heat Pump Applications Versatile Electric Furnaces Feature Maximum Efficiency, Application Flexibility and Operational Dependability. The Lennox E12 model electric furnaces have been designed for up - floor down-flo installation in a recreation or family room, basement, utility room, alcove or closet. Versatile units are applicable to heat- ing only, heating -cooling or heat pump applications. Several models and sizes are available with a wide range of heating capacities. The field additive optional "slide -in" coil, C12 up-flo and CR12. down-flo, installs internal to the cabinet (up stream from the electric heat elements) and is specially matched to the unit for efficient air delivery and maximum capacity. Up-flo or down-flo air pattern is easily obtained by rotating the cabinet to the desired position and inserting the corresponding coil. For up-flo applications return air cabinets are available for installation on either side of the furnace. The E12 and matching return air (up-flo) cabinets are trim and attractive looking with a durable electro -bonded automobile like is paint finish. Complete front service access is provided in cabinet. Quiet operating direct drive blowers have sufficient capacity to handle cooling and heat pump air volume requirements. Motors are variable speed and resiliently mounted. Efficient hammock style fiberglass air filters do not have to be relocated to satisfy any of the return air options. Nichrome heating elements give long service life and efficient heating operation. Factory installed circuit breakers are accessible external to the cabinet and eliminates the need for an external disconnect in many areas. Thermostat is optional and must be ordered extra. Units have been rated and tested according to Department of Energy (D.O.E.) test procedures and Federal Trade Commission (F.T.C.) labeling regulations in the Lennox Research Laboratory. Furnaces are U.L. Listed. In addition, units and components within are bonded for grounding to meet safety standards for servicing required by U.L. and N.E.C. Blower performance data is from unit tests conducted in the Lennox Laboratory air test chamber. Each unit is test operated at the factory and shipped assembled (except for DX coil) with all controls mounted and prewired. Installer has only to mount thermostat, make duct and electrical connections. ENGINEERING DATA HEATING UNITS ELECTRIC Page 1 April 1, 1980 Supersedes 10-15-79 O E120 Series Up -Flo (With optional field installed up-flo coil) Typical Applications i I - Q i NOTE —Specifications, Ratings and Dimensions subject to change without notice. Up-flo Installation Installation rn air c Down-flo Installation SPECIFICATIONS Model No. E12Q2-05 E1202.10 E1202-15 E112Q3-10 E12Q3-15 E121113-20 E1204-15 E12Q4-20 E121124-25 E12Q545 E12Q5-20 'E1205-25 E12Q5-30 Blower wheel nominal diam. x width (in.) 10 x 7 10 x 8 10 x 8 12 x 12 Blower motor hp 114 113 112 314 Net free filter area (sq. ft.) 5.3 6.3 7.8 8.7 Filter cut size (in.) 30 x 26 x 1 40 x 26 x 1 44 x 26 x 1 50 x 26 x 1 Tons of cooling that can be added 1-112 or 2 2-112 or 3 3,21-1/2 or 4 4 or 5 Shipping weight (lbs.) 121 131 158 199 Number of packages in shipment 1 1 1 1 Electrical characteristics 100% 208-240vI60hz/1 phase tOptional Return Air Cabinet (Up -Flo only) Model No. RA10-16-49 RA10-16-53 Shipping weight (Ibs.) 54 56 tOptional Additive Coils Model No, Up -Flo C12-420 C12-525, CP12-630 C12-630 C12-840, C12-1120 Down -Flo CR12-420 CR12-525, CR12-63ON CR12-630 CR12-840, CR12-1120 I tDown-Flo Additive Base (Optional) LB-34695BA I LB-34695BB LB-34695BC LB-34695BD fj tMust be ordered extra. ELECTRIC HEAT RATINGS Model Number tOut ut Btuh tA.F.U.E. E12Q2-05 16,000 100% E12122-10 30,000 100% E12Q2-15 45,000 100% E12Q3-10 31,000 100% E12123-15 46,000 100% E12Q3-20 61,000 100% E12Q4-15 46,000 100% E12Q4-20 61,000 100% E12Q4-25 76,000 100% E12Q5-15 47,000 100% E12Q5-20 61,000 100% E12Q5-25 76,000 100% E12Q5-30 91,000 100% tAnnual Fuel Utilization Efficiency based on D.O.E. test procedures and ac- cording to F.T.C. labeling regulations. m • DIMENSION (inches) FIELD WIRING RETURN AIR CABINET (For Up -Flo Models) , Model No. RA10.16-49 RA10-16-53 A 49 53 LENNOX 14 RETURN AIR B 14 16 THERMOSTAT OPENING B (not furnished) LENNOX A 26-118 is ELECTRIC — FURNACE n OPTIONAL OUTDOOR THERMOSTAT A—Two wire power for each circuit required. (not furnished) See Electrical Data table. B —Two wire low voltage (not furnished) — 18 ga. minimum. NOTE — All wiring must conform to NEC and local electrical codes. O A -----1 �122-va IN dill'. – I 9 RETURN AIR I I KNOCKOUT l (both sides) L—` -------t 1.112 NOTE — Return air cabinet shipped knocked down and must be field assembled. 0 0 DIMENSIONS (inches) UP-FLO MODELS B 1-9196 Plenum and Outlet duct 0 inch 9-9196 m Plenum and warm air -to-17-718 ELECTRICAL 53 Floor INLET 21-114 C SUPPLY AIR 31-114 C OPENING -1------T 24-118 1-1116 D 14 ---� I I 18 �26-918 I ELECTRICAL 14 ELECTRIC INLETS F = - (Both Sides) DIMENSIONS (inches) UP-FLO MODELS B D RETURN AIR FILTER I OPENING i �� -j-c- (Both Sides) I .!,h$ L - ---------J 2 2 22G I �2-318 L F -01 FE`E *Bottom Return Air Knockout CONDENSATE DRAIN KNOCKOUT DOWN-FLO MODELS U. L. INSTALLATION CLEARANCES Cabinet HEAT aa�m �� Plenum and Outlet duct 0 inch on blower/coil units m Plenum and warm air ELEM EL_EME S QfDS�GGIDC7 duct within 3 ft. of cabinet 53 Floor "Combustible 21-114 -----Z---�-- 31-114 C 14-118 -1------T 24-118 I D 14 14 I I 18 I ISLOWER I 11 14 21 BLOWER F 2-518 3-518 2-518 2-518 :SUCTION (Va 5-112 ' 10-112 13 H LINE 21-118 ` 22 J A LIQUID K j 10-318 ---� K 2 2-3116 UNE - 1 4-314 L 4-718. 4-718 5-1/8 -• 0 7 r -- ---------I NAL H\ \OPTIO% % C12 COIL 22 m 2-o- W`IField Installed D RETURN AIR FILTER I OPENING i �� -j-c- (Both Sides) I .!,h$ L - ---------J 2 2 22G I �2-318 L F -01 FE`E *Bottom Return Air Knockout CONDENSATE DRAIN KNOCKOUT DOWN-FLO MODELS U. L. INSTALLATION CLEARANCES Cabinet 0 inch Plenum and Outlet duct 0 inch on blower/coil units A Plenum and warm air 1 inch duct within 3 ft. of cabinet 53 Floor "Combustible "When unit is installed in the down-flo position with electric heat on a combustible floor the optional down-flo base is required. Model No. E12Q2-05 E12Q2-10 E12Q2-15 E12Q3-10 E12Q3-15 E12Q3-20 E12Q4-15 E12Q4-20 E12Q4-25 E12Q5-15 E12Q5-20 E12Q5-25 E12Q5-30 A 49 1 49 53 53 B 16-114 21-114 26-114 31-114 C 14-118 19-118 24-118 29-118 D 14 14 18 18 E 11 14 21 26 F 2-518 3-518 2-518 2-518 G 5-112 7 10-112 13 H 21-118 21-118 24-11116 22 J 7-114 9-718 j 10-318 j 14 K 2 2-3116 1 4-314 1 4-314 Model E12Q2-05 E12Q2-10 E12Q2-15 E12Q3-10 E12Q3-15 E12Q3-20 _ E12Q4-15 E12Q4-20 E12Q4-25 E12Q5-15 EE12(15-20No. E12Q5-25 E72Q5-30 A 11 49 49 53 53 B 16-114 21-114 26-114 31-1/4 C 14-118 19-118 24-118 29-118 D 11 14 21 26 E 2-518 3-518 2-518 2-518 F 20 20 23-13116 18-118 G 7 9-114 11-1/4 12-1/2 H 2 2-3116 4-314 4-314 J 21-1/2 21-112 23-11116 22-3116 K 2-114 2-114 2-1122-112 L 4-718. 4-718 5-1/8 5-118 NOTE—When installing unit on a combustible floor an additive base is required. Make opening in the floor 15-518 in. x 20-1/8 in. for LB-34695BA base (E12Q2 series) -21-3/8 in. x 20-118 in. for LB-34695BB base (El 203 series) —26-318 in. x 20-1/8 in. for LB-34695BC base 1E12Q4 series) -31-318 in. x 20-118 in. for LB- 34695BD base (E1205 series). E 24 22 ' D RETURN AIR KNOCKOUT 1 � I E 18 26-918 B FILTER 0 OPTIONAL J I CR12 COIL If Field Installe A ; 'LIQUID LINE . 718 K L 1110 1 CONDENSATE :SUCTION (Vapor) I iIER'�, DRAIN I LINE IBELECTRICAL i BLOWER j INLETS I I' (Both Sides) I I ELECTRIC mar- HEAT HE Q ELEMENTS II 1-1116 I X17 -718—+i 1-111opening.111 -C� 1-1116 f-- 'Bottom Supply Air opening. SHADED BLOCKS Table A (USE TO CALCULATE SHADED AND UNSHADED GLASS AREAS.) 1. Direction which window faces. Z 9 lv I) B. Capacity Multiplier, from Table 7 1 •. Z C. Equipment Standard ARI Capacity Rating, 3 13,C; 3 3 Minimum required, (Line A) x (Line B) D. Capacity of Equipment Selected, not less. "Entire than Line C, Enter in House" column, Line 21 E. Adjustment Factor (Line D)-1-- (Line A), "HTM" �j 3 % 2. Total window area, sq ft. 3. Width of window, ft. 4. Shaded area per foot of over- hang from Table B-1, sq ft. 5. Width of overhang, ft. 6. Total area of shaded glass, sq ft. (Line 4) x (Line 5). - 7.. Total area of unshaded glass, sq ft. (Line 2) —(Line 6). Table B (Use to Determine Adjustment Factor) A. Total Btuh Gain, from Line 20 Z 9 lv I) B. Capacity Multiplier, from Table 7 1 •. Z C. Equipment Standard ARI Capacity Rating, 3 13,C; 3 3 Minimum required, (Line A) x (Line B) D. Capacity of Equipment Selected, not less. "Entire than Line C, Enter in House" column, Line 21 E. Adjustment Factor (Line D)-1-- (Line A), "HTM" �j 3 % Enter in column, Line 21