05528 (SFD)Building Address 78-555 DOMEBRUSH Villim Firms P.O. BOX 1504 78-105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Address City Zip Tel. Contractor I Same Address No. BUILDING: TYPE CONST. OCC: GRP.; A.P. Number 617^382-015 Legal Description Project Description "D 05528 State Lic. I City I & Classif. 1473969 Lic. # 990 Sq. Ft- 1530 No. Dw. __ Size 153 Stories Units Designer Address Tel. City IZip Stae I Litt# I L 10EINSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby aff'nn drat I am licensed cruder provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000(!, Division 3 of the Busiiness and Professions Cade, and my license is in full force and SIGNATURE DATE OWNS ,BURDEN DECLARATION I hereby affmin that 1 am l ftam the Contractors License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5,1kpsrrss and Prolessia�s Come= Any city, or County which regimes a permit to costr cL alter. i�lR dlawmfslh, or rear any sbnc6ae, prior to its ssualce also requires fie appicarht for such pe®7 m pile a smI sMame r Mat Ives licensed pursuant to the provisbrhs of Me Corrisbr'k License Law. Ch4aftir 9 (comazericirig with Section 7000) of 4visan 3 of the Business and Pafessbs CddA or Mal. he is exeept Merefrom, and the basis for the alleged exerrpfat. Awry ®I - of Seetan 7031.5 by ay applicant for a permit nmjeds the app I m a chop wally omens!come that foe lmardied dntsrs (E500). ❑ 1, as owner of the puopery, or my employees with mages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and theStrmpcbre's trot erLerded w offered for sale_ (Sec. 7044, Busnrss and Processions code_ lhti'"Chntradodhs Lease Law does nal appy to an owner of property who butids or orproves Mercer and wtm dbes such walk himse(IF or thought his own employees. provided that such iare not k4si dkd m offered far sale_ f, however, the boding or improvement is Sold willio one yew of cwt the awroer-buWar wn7 have the burden of proving that he it'd not build or imp we for fie purpose of Sao_-) 0 1, as owner of the properly, am wdlaivdy contracting with licensed contractors to con- struct the project- (Sec 7044. Business and Prufessas Code The Cmtractor's License Law does not a pfy to an owner of prapevy wtm badLt or irmpe I thereon. and who contracts for such projects wit a pwbaclorfa) icasedpasrsr to Me moors License Law.) . ❑ 1 am exempt under Sem------& & P -C. for this reason Date 1117 ! Owner wOR1O3iS COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm that 1 have a aer ifilate of consent to self -insure, or a certificate of Workers Compensation Insurance, or a certified copy thereof_ (sec, 3800, labor Code.) Policy No_ Company ❑ Copy is filed with the c y_ 13 Certified copy is hereby furnished. CE FDFlIc LTE OF EXEMPTION FROM rOR10Bis COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be l i the . 11 is $or one hundred dotars ($100) vatuatiah or less.) I ceRffy that in the Performance of the work far which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any persorn in any Marina so as to became subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of C'alifoma Z` f / .=-' Date ' Owner NOTICE TO APPLICANT. IF. after maI-g Ms Cie of Exemption you should become subject to Me ttbrkersCompaaafar f of She iabor Code. you must forthwith comply rip such prdv®rs or thsprrmR shatbe R reo*e.M CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby affirm that -1 is a corsbucfion ledung agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is svred fSm 3097. Chit Cite) Lenders Name Lenders Addmers ' This is a building permit when propey filed out, signed and validated, and is subject to expiration if work thereunder is 9syerded for 180 days. I certify that I have read this appfcalion and state Mat the above information is correct I agree to comply Oft aft by and aamy ar ilmmes and state laws relating to building constructior, and hereby adhorfine repreentatives wt aft city to enter the above. mentioned property for inspection purposes. Signature of appiicarft Date Mailing Add. _ City, State, Zip New ❑ Add ❑ Alter ❑ Repair ❑ Demolition ❑ IEstimated Valuation $82,966-00 PERMIT Plan Chk. Dep. Plan Chk. Bal. Const. Mech. Electrical Plumbing S.M.I. Grading Driveway Enc. Infrastructure a 7" Lige—r-ow TOTAL AMOUNT 152.54 �- S 53.5{ 111.61 , 157.503 r 5.8 2G.00 73.7 REMARKS �ry�,�.rx*��C�•� f�`�'itilmff`I'il.t--ijii'prvn .?t �,� ZONE: BY: Minimum Setback Distances: Front Setback from Center Line Rear Setback from Rear Prop. Line Side Street Setback from Center Line Side Setback from Property Line FINAL DATE INSPECTOR 3/16/89 Issued by: Date a Permit Validated by: Validation: CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE NO. ELECTRICAL FEES NO. PLUMBING FEES 1ST FL. SO. FT. ® $ UNITS SLAB GRADE 3 O ROUGH PLUMB. BONDING YARD SPKLR SYSTEM 2ND FL SO. FT. FORMS SEW (R _ PTIC Ai0 ROUGH WIRING. MOBILEHOME SVC. BAR SINK POR. SO. FT. ® GAS (ROUGH) METER LOOP GAR. SO. FT. ® POWER OUTLET ROOF DRAINS GAS (FINAL) TEMP. POLE DRAINAGE PIPING CAR P. I SO. FT. GROUT WATER HEATER WALL SO. FT. FINAL INSP. DRINKING FOUNTAIN. BOND BEAM WATER SYSTEM URINAL SO FT ® LUMBER GR. ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION VALUATION $ FRAMING WATER PIPING NOTE: Not to be used as property tax valuation li FLOOR DRAIN MECHANICAL FEES WATER SOFTENER VENT SYSTEM FAN EVAP.COOL HOOD SIGN WASHER(AUTO)(DISH) APPLIANCE DRYER FIRE ZONE ROOFING GARBAGE DISPOSAL FURNACE UNIT WALL FLOOR SUSPENDED FIREPLACE LAUNDRY TRAY AIR HANDLING UNIT CFM KITCHEN SINK ABSORPTION SYSTEM B.T.U. TEMP USE PERMIT SVC WATER CLOSET' COMPRESSOR HP POLE, TEM/PERM LAVATORY HEATING SYSTEM FORCED GRAVITY AMPERES SERV ENT SHOWER BOILER B.T.U. SO. FT. ® c BATH TUB SO. FT. ® c WATER HEATER MAX. HEATER OUTPUT, B.T.U. SO. FT. RESID ® 1 V4 c SEWAGE DISPOSAL SO.FT.GAR ® V4c HOUSE SEWER GAS PIPING PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE DBL TOTAL FEES MICRO FEE MECH.FEE PL.CK.FEE CONST. FEE ELECT. FEE SMI FEE PLUMB. FEE STRUCTURE PLUMBING I ELECTRICAL HEATING & AIR COND. SOLAR SETBACK GROUND PLUMBINGUNDERGROUND A.C. UNIT COLL. AREA SLAB GRADE 3 O ROUGH PLUMB. BONDING HEATING (ROUGH) STORAGE TANK FORMS SEW (R _ PTIC Ai0 ROUGH WIRING. DUCT WORK ROCK STORAGE FOUND. REINF. GAS (ROUGH) METER LOOP HEATING (FINAL) OTHER APPJEQUIP. REINF. STEEL GAS (FINAL) TEMP. POLE GROUT WATER HEATER SERVICE FINAL INSP. BOND BEAM WATER SYSTEM GRADING cu. yd. $ -Plus-X$-=$ LUMBER GR. FINAL INSP. FRAMING INSP. ROOFING y �p� __/( li REMARKS: VENTILATION FIRE ZONE ROOFING FIREPLACE SPARK ARRESTOR GAR. FIREWALL LATHING LPfW 6 a eQ MESH INSULATIOWSOUND� FINISH GRADING FINAL INSPECTION CERT. OCC. FENCE FINAL l INSPECTOR'S SIGNATOR SIINITIALS GARDEN WALL FINAL Desert Sands Unified School District CERTIFICATION OF PAYMENT �+ OF NOTICE: THIS RE.ICoU�%ig9 � % FACILOI� FEES � BE DUPLICATED, ��, TO: City of La Quinta DATE: �3 — 9 J Department of Community Development 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 This is to certify that�A� T, V '; developer of which is located at — , within this District, has paid school facility fees imposed pursuant to the author' Herat d by overnment de Se tiolt 530 0 i the amount o s 3 0 cly cov ring a total of square feet of () r sidential or ( ) industrial/commercial development and that building permits for this footage in this development may now be issued by your jurisdiction. jobb 0 6, &Wm-�—g for DESERT SA46S UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT White - Building Department • Yellow - Facilities Planning • Pink - Accounting • Gold - Developer (10)-37 Of R7 V M4t*9. Esq Dear Developer/Landscapers OFFICE OF AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER AND WEIGHTS & MEASURES 4080 LEMON STREET, ROOM 19 RIVERSIDE. CALIFORNIA 92501 1714) 787.2561 E. LEON SPAUGY COMMISSIONER JAMES O. WALLACE ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER CLEMENT BENVENISTE SEALER Prior to delivery to the Coachella Valley, the following plants/landscaping material should be "free from" the insects/diseases listed. Plants, landscaping material, appliances, insects and diseases, other than those listed, are also applicable to quar- antine laws and regulations. Citrus Nursery Stock/Citrus Plants; free fran Red, Yellow, and Purple Scale, Tristeza Complex, Woolly Whitefly , and Comstock Mealybug. Euonymus species; free from Red, Yellow, and Purple Scale and Comstock Mealybug. Grape (Vinifera); insects and diseases. Olive trees; Olive knot and Red, Yellow, and Purple Scale. Palm trees, genus Phoenix; Prohibited. Please contact Agricultural Commissioner's Office. Psidium (Guava); Woolly Whitefly. Soil, plants and landscaping material with roots contaminated with Ozonium Root Rot; Prohibited. Please contact Agricultural Ccmnissioner's Office. Hydrilla, viable forms and appliances associated with; Prohibited. Please contact Agricultural Commissioner's Office. Certain plants/landscaping material from Tulare County and portions of Kern County; Pro- hibited. Please contact. Agricultural Commissioner's Office. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions on laws and regulations governing the Coachella Valley, please do not hesitate to call our office. The telephone number for our district office in the Coachella Valley is (619) 342-8291. Yours truly, E n Spaugy Agricultural Commissioner. ELS/jh 7/15/87 A,-Z'!M a•�' 7 -4r9. fie% DATE DEVELOPER'S MlE s ADDRESS: OI f Ir E Of AGRICUL I URAL COMMISSIONER A, Iu WLIGI ITS b. MEASURES 49-613 Ilwy 86, Suite 11-12 'Conchelin, CA 9ZZ36 619-342-8291 E. LEON SPAUGv COMMISPO.. M )AMES O WALLACE ASS:S.ANI 1:1)NIMISSIOW. CLEMENt 13f.`VENIS1E SL+LEn CASE U). 61 n S 020-6,4 '.YELEPI 1014E t (71V) 99-t— 314C • 'MLS'AWmJL Dear Uevelopers Q,,�/,r,„� 4s After reviewing your landscaping plans, all plant material listed is riot in violation of quarantine laws governvig the Coachella Valley. If substitutions do occur and they differ frun plant material listed, this office must be notified iimr-diately. Thank you for protecting and preserving the Coachella Valley's pest -free envirom ent. _ k/ _ Agricultura aliui.ssiolier' Tice ccs Indio and Riverside office a U Z 0 U W V) 0 Z R0 W � L COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 'O" P°'ical No. I ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES — — PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM Applicant: Submit this form with four copies of a scaled plot plan (1-20 scale) drawn to County speculations as indicated on the attached check list A non-refundable filing fee (see below) is required when the application Is submitted. Check must be made payable to the County of Riverside. Approval of this application shall remain valid for a period not to exceed one year from date of approval. VERIFY ITEMS IN SECTION A FROM BUILDING 8 SAFETY APPLICATION BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION LOG'* Agent. Contractor, Contact Person Phone Address 8 Phone ,v t r- ,✓. 7i� Owner Phone Mailing Address City State Zip job Property Address Legal Description Prop.(��Mr�Tta�t Lopas 11 A,vC Lot Size ' Water Agency M" Use of PermA P/P, CU, etc.` 4 (X N, n/i Other Dwelling, MH Site Prep, etc. Date Signature of Applicant CATEGORY: REV CODE FEE. CATEGORY: REV CODE FEE ❑SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL 1238 < ❑ SITE EVALUATION UPON REQUEST 7349 $42.00 ❑ MULTIPLE PARCELS WITHIN SAME (NO PLOT PLAN) LAND DIVISION ❑ SEWER/SEPTIC VERIFICATION 7348 $11.00 a. 1 at 4 Parcels (Each) 1238 $45.00 (Less than 1 year) b. Each Parcel after 4 7344 $16.00 ❑ PRELIMINARY ELECTIVE 7352 $45.00 ❑ Rereview (2nd review same parcel) 7344 $16.00 EVALUATION (Attach DOH SAN 53) ❑ Site Evaluation in Conjunction with ❑ HOLDING TANK 7351 $45.00 Critical Area 7346 $86.00 ❑ ALTERNATIVE/EXPERIMENTAL 7345 $13200 ❑ Site Evaluation Lot Less than SYSTEM 10,000 Sq. Ft. 7347 $86.00 INITIAL DATE n Holding Tank Agreements Completed ❑ Yes Le�o/� Certification of Existing S.D. System Required ❑ Yes )No I WQCB Clearance required. (Attach Form ❑ Yes Nd3 0 DOH SAN 007, Santa Ana Region Only) Sills Percolation Report Required. ❑ Yes �No Special Feasibility Boring Report Required. ❑ Yes Detailed Contour Plot Plans Required (1 to 5 R interval) ❑ Yes / Other ❑ Yes /No Staff Specialist Lot Inspection Required 13 Yes S No Lot Inspection Date Soils boring report by Project Date Soils Map Page Sol Type n A Approved by Dale 3- LEY No. of Systems Tire of System(.) No. Dwelling Units(! (1) Septic Tank Soll Rate G_ room/Sand ❑ Holding Tank ❑ ExWft Bedrooms , '9' Mew ❑ Replacement /tint . /. % W�' ('% GW . —Gal (2) leech Line Sq. Ft Sidewall allowance install Line(s) ft brig ft wide with Leech Bed sq. ft ♦ om trench area ft rock/sq. R/ min. irliBsro bebw�`or ►ea Per running tL Leechtines/bed special design for slope: (3) Pit Diameter No. PAs Pit Below Seepage Pit Total Depth Applicable f ! — n ! N/A ��Overbnxden factors (� O Max. Allowable Depth No. 2 System 1 REMARKS -"O 1 ff -- " /1 U This application is PPROVED�NIED'for the category checked in SECTION B above, regarding the design of a subsurface disposal system as Indicated on the accompahlp o�'iTp al n, using the requirements set forth in SECTION C above. A building permit is necessary for the installation of the above -designed system. No construction is permitted in the required reserved 100% expansion area. X1I Septic tank and sewer lines must be 50' minimum from any wells Leach lines must be 100' minimum from any wells, including expanse � �y 5 �{ / -, Seepage be (3 pits must 150' minimum from any wells, including expansidn ar Signature of Health Official - J' f �. ''. ." t .� 3` %- f Date--,— C 'e 9�g � � • RECEIPT NO. Issued By r ..r if / % Date �- •C 1 DISTRICT: ❑ Riverside, ❑ Indio ❑ Hemet q Perris ❑ Rancho Calif. ❑ Blythe DOH SAN 122 (Rev. 5/88) DISTRIBUTION: WHfTE - Office file YELLOW - Applicant PINK - Bldg. Dept GOLDENROD - Plans/Records l`. ak i•v„ P y �r i 'it., ' RECEIPT NO. T Issued By Date — — DISTRICT: ❑ Riverside, ❑ Indio ❑ Hemet q Perris ❑ Rancho Calif. .❑ Blythe DOH SAN 122 (Rev. 5/88) DISTRIBUTION: WHITE - Office file YELLOW - Applicant PINK - Bldg. Dept GOLDENROD - Plans/Records h '�`""�'�'' '` •,,"�"•:"' , - - '' Atlsessors Parcel No. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE:'DEPARTMEHT OF HEALTH ��' ENVIRONMENTALIHEALTHISERVICES PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM Applicant: Submit this form with four copies of a scaled plot plan (1-20 scale) drawn to County speculations as in icated on the attached check list. A non-refundable filing fee (see below) is required when the application is submitted. Check must be made payable to the County of Riverside. Approval of this application shall remain valid for a period not to exceed one year from( date of approval. Q VERIFY ITEMS IN SECTION A FROM BUILDING 8 SAFETY APPLICATION BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION LOG'* Z Q U° Agent, Contractor, Contact Person 61/3 f=,�kiiv/, /l Phone 1Y)635-356.1 Address 8 Phone Z,«v.1%,i /t//s 6x3c/r- 1-/ IL Owner Phone Mailing Address 5.4. -i T l City State Zip Job Property Address Legal Description Prop �6 %1 f 4r✓ r�b 5 S n tC1r_�,,L_ 40 tK ?/ n Lot Size ter Agent 11"" Use of Permit P/P, CU, etc. 0 evn Other svfx 16� , V cv (� Dwelling, H S eti Prep, etc. Signature of Applicant Date CATEGORY: REV CODE FEE CATEGORY: REV CODE FEE SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL 1238 $4a 5 ❑ SITE EVALUATION UPON REQUEST 7349 $42.00 O MULTIPLE PARCELS WITHIN SAME (NO PLOT PLAN) 2 LAND DIVISION ❑ SEWER/SEPTIC VERIFICATION 7348 $11.00 p a. 1 et 4 Parcels (Each) 1238 $45.00 (Less than 1 year) U b. Each Parcel after 4 7344 $16.00 ❑ PRELIMINARY ELECTIVE 7352 $45.00 ,W ❑ Rereview (2nd review same parcel) 7344 $16.00 EVALUATION (Attach DOH SAN 53) co ❑ Site Evaluation in Conjunction with *$86.00 ❑ HOLDING TANK 7351 $45.00 Crftical Area 7346 ❑ ALTERNATIVE/EXPERIMENTAL 7345 $13200 ❑ Site Evaluation Lot Less than SYSTEM 10,000 Sq. Ft. 7347 $86.00 I MAL DATE Holding Tank Agreements Completed ❑ Yes .0 Certification of Existing S.D. System Required ❑ Yes p�No WQCB Clearance required. (Attach Form ❑ Yes N DOH SAN 007, Santa na Region Only) Sails Percolation Report Required. ❑ Yes No Special Feasibility Boring Report Required. ❑ Yes No Detailed Contour Plot Plans Required (1 to 5 it, interval) ❑ Yes Other ❑ Yes Staff Specialist Lot Inspection Required ❑ Yes ,Q No Lot inspection Date Soils boring report by Project Data Soils Map PageSOA Type Approved by ��- Data 3_- LEY U No. of Systems of Systema) No. Dwelling Unita(l) (1) Septic Tank Soil Rate Grease/Sand Z ❑ Ing Tank ❑ Existing ' Bedrooms,*ixture-Units.. Q ❑ Replacertrerrt 3 Q �/l/h • /�! A A, 7 / aGf Get r . Gal . fJ U.1 (2) Leach Line Sq. Ft Sidewall allowance Install Line(s) R long R wide with Leach Bed eq. R trench area ft rock/ sq. R min. below drefilines or per running It. NA Leachlines/bed special design for slope: (3) Pit Diameter No. Pita Pit BeleW Seeps Pit Total Depth Other: Applicable �� . � •Q=b' " l mom) 1n / . Max. Ali le D�pth N/A r lector Q No. 2 System REMARKS: 4 This application is PROVED IED'for the category checked in SECTION B above, regarding the design of a subsurface disposal system as indicated !9 on the accompan pot an, using the requirements set forth in SECTION C above. A building permit is necessary for the installation of the Oabove -designed system. No construction is permitted in the required reserved 100% expansion area. U 1 Septic tank and sewer tines must be 50' minimum from any weltsQ/ / Q ficl r!,A/ _, Leach lines must be 100' minimum from any wells, including expansio res �/ S ��I (3 Seepage pits mis) be 5500'minim-•u�m- from any wells, including /e ansi h ar 3r Signature of Has Official Date r RECEIPT NO. T Issued By Date — — DISTRICT: ❑ Riverside, ❑ Indio ❑ Hemet q Perris ❑ Rancho Calif. .❑ Blythe DOH SAN 122 (Rev. 5/88) DISTRIBUTION: WHITE - Office file YELLOW - Applicant PINK - Bldg. Dept GOLDENROD - Plans/Records h