PCRES 2001-104PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001-104 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 9 AND TITLE 13 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE. CASE NO. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 2001-070 CITY OF LA QUINTA WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 241h day of July, 2001, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider Zoning Code Amendments in the City of La Quinta; and, WHEREAS, said request has complied with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (as amended), and adopted by the City Council Resolution 83-68, in that the Community Development Director has determined that the project could not have any significant adverse effect on the physical environment; therefore, the project is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061 (b)(3); and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did find the following facts, findings, and reasons to justify the recommendation for approval of said Zoning Code Amendment. 1. The proposed revisions will not adversely affect the planned development of the City as specified by the General Plan for the City of La Quinta because the regulations provide requirements which work in concert with and enhance the community. 2. The proposed Amendment would not be detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the City because the regulations will enhance the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of said Planning Commission in this case; 2. That it does hereby recommend to the City Council approval of Zoning Code Amendment 2001-070 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and as noted in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made part of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this 241h day of July, 2001, by the following vote, to wit: Page 1 AYES: Commissioners Butler, Kirk, Robbins, Tyler, and Chairman Abels NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: IES f BELS, Chairman La Ouinta, California ,dEMgY HE N, Community Development Director City f La inta, California Page 2 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001-104 EXHIBIT "A" CODE AMENDMENTS - ADOPTED ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 2001-070 JULY 24, 2001 REVISE - Section 9.50.090 A.1 As a part of the Building and Safety Department plan check for residences in the RC zone district, the Community Development Department shall review the submitted plans and visit proposed site to ensure that the architectural features of the front elevation of the proposed residence has design features that vary from other residences within two hundred feet on the same street, and cross street if the lot is on a corner. ADD - New Section 9.50.090 B. - Conditional Use Permit Procedure for Affordable Housing. Applications for conditional use permits shall be required for variations of development standards pursuant to Section 9.60.270 (D)(4) for affordable housing units produced in compliance with state or federal housing program implementation. WWWI IN" OEM.. p:\stan\zca 2001-070 exh a.wpd PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001-104 EXHIBIT "A" CODE AMENDMENTS - ADOPTED ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 2001-070 JULY 24, 2001 ADD - SECTION 9.60.030 C.4. - Adjacent to a nonresidential zone or use. The maximum fence height between a residential zone or use and a nonresidential zone or use shall be eight feet. REVISE - SECTION 9.60.030 C.1.c. - Arches or trellises up to nine eight feet in overall height and five feet interior width may be constructed over a gate on a lot provided the arch/trellis is integrated into the fence/gate design. ADD - SECTION 9.60.045 - Barbeques, waterfalls, fountains, fireplaces and similar structures. A. Applicability. Permanently installed freestanding barbeques, waterfalls, fountains, fireplaces and similar structures such as permanently installed tables and benches, etc., may be constructed on a residential lot containing a primary residence. B. Said construction of structures are allowed within the required front, side, or rear setbacks, including adjacent to a property line. In side yard areas, a single clear passageway of five feet wide shall be provided. REVISE - SECTION 9.60.070 B.2. Filtering and Heating equipment. Use of equipment shall comply with the following requirements: a. Mechanical pool equipment such as a pump, filter, or heater, may be located within the required front or rear yard setback areas. The equipment shall be immediately enclosed on at least three sides by a masonry wall with an open side not visible to the street. with the exception of a mcf. b. Mechanical pool equipment may be in an area between the side property line and the residence provided a five-foot side yard, clear of any permanent obstructions is maintained between the side yard property line and any mechanical pool equipment. A five-foot --t obstructions shall be maintained between the side property line a-d-the bdiludir-1g. Pool equipment p:\stan\zca 2001-070 exh a.wpd PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001-104 EXHIBIT "A" CODE AMENDMENTS - ADOPTED ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 2001-070 JULY 24, 2001 c. Where there is no side property line wall, mechanical pool equipment may be in a side yard of five feet or less only if a recorded easement in perpetuity exists for the subject property to use the adjacent side yard of the abutting property for access and a minimum five feet distance between the equipment and adjacent obstruction (i.e. building wall) is provided. ADD - SECTION 9.60.075 GROUND MOUNTED MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. Use of equipment shall comply with the following requirements: a. Ground mounted mechanical equipment such as air conditioner condensing units, water softeners, etc. may be located within the rear yard areas. For lots of 5,000 square feet or less, said equipment can be in front yard if there is a wall around the yard or it is screened by a masonry wall. b. Where there is no side property line wall, mechanical equipment may be in an area between the side property line and the residence provided a five-foot side yard, clear of any permanent obstructions is maintained between the side yard property line and any mechanical equipment. C. Mechanical equipment may be in a side yard of five feet or less only if a recorded easement in perpetuity exists for the subject property to use the adjacent side yard of the abutting property for access and a minimum five feet distance between the equipment and adjacent obstruction (i.e. building wall) is provided. ADD - SECTION 9.60.160 OUTDOOR LIGHTING 3. All exterior lighting shall be located and directed so as not to shine directly on adjacent properties or streets and shall comply with Section 9.100.150 (Outdoor Lighting). p:\stan\zca 2001-070 exh a.wpd PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001-104 EXHIBIT "A" CODE AMENDMENTS - ADOPTED ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 2001-070 JULY 24, 2001 REVISE - SECTION 9.60.240 E.1. boundaiffies shall cornply with (fences and wal At intersections or corners of the following public or private streets, alleys, or driveways, the height of shrubs, planting, and other visual obstructions (such as boulders, etc.) shall be limited to a maximum height of 30 inches within the following triangular areas described in subsections L and ii.: L At a corner, the area formed on two sides by the straight portions of the intersection of the back of street curb or edge of pavement. The third side of the triangle is formed by drawing a line that is tangent to the intersection of the two closest property lines and creates a triangle of approximately equal length sides with the curbs or edge of pavement. ii. Between two points located on and five feet distant from the point of intersection of an ultimate street or alley right- _ of -way on one hand and the edge of a driveway or another alley right-of-way on the other if parkway width is less than 12-feet wide. iii. For purposes of this Code, "point of intersection" shall mean the intersection of the prolongation of the street curbs or edge of pavement, excluding any curved portion joining the two lines. iv. Trees may be planted within this triangular area provided the bottom of the canopy (leafy branches) of the tree is at least four feet above finish grade of the street adjacent to the tree. However, trees shall not be planted in such numbers that their trunks create a visibility obstruction for vehicles or pedestrians. REVISE - SECTION 9.60.250 E. - Requirements for approval. Any approving action shall include those conditions and requirements deemed by the decision - making authority to be necessary or advisable to protect the public safety and the general welfare, together with a $1000.00 cash deposit gtiarantees , . that the structures and facilities will be removed or made consistent with applicable zoning regulations within 90 days after the expiration of the permit or discontinuation of the use the permit is approved for. p:\stan\zca 2001-070 exh a.wpd PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001-104 EXHIBIT "A" CODE AMENDMENTS - ADOPTED ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 2001-070 JULY 24, 2001 REVISE - SECTION 9.60.300 1.1. A two-story house shall not be constructed adjacent to or abutting a lot line of an existing single -story home constructed in a prior phase of the same subdivision. tirtless proof can 'jed showhig that a two story tinit VV83 proposed Fo. the lot by thee REVISE - SECTION 9.65.030(A) 1. Setbacks. Setback criteria shall be determined based on the existing site conditions and surroundings, in conjunction with the guidelines and the proposed project characteristics. er Along La Forida and Celle Estevdo, between Avenida Bermudas and pedestrian accesi&-. a. Setbacks along front, side and rear property lines are not required; however, any setback provided must be made wide or deep enough to be usable space, such as for pedestrian access to side -loading commercial space, stairwells, or through -access between front and rear of the building(s). m Arcades, trellises, awnings und siiiila- architectural beatments are exempt frorn setback 1eqdiiernents, but nitist be designed to acrenttlat-e arehitee'ture- Upper floois ol bulludings shall be designed to be set behind the -ve a tenaeed effect. his reduces the appearance of mass to the strde' w. e, allows f oi upper f loor outdooi areas b. Projects with any retail commercial components shall maintain a minimum ten -foot landscaped setback from any RVL, RL or RMH zoned properties. c. No utility equipment shall be allowed above ground in the right-of- way. Such equipment shall be integrated into the footprint of the proposed building. REVISE - SECTION 9.65.030 (A) 3. Parking. Parking area requirements for permitted uses shall be determined by staff as set forth in Chapter 9.150 of the zoning code, with the following consideration: a. All current parking regulations shall be applicable, such as required number of stalls, space and aisle dimensions, location of parking areas, etc. However, in the VC zoning district, variations to any parking p:\stan\zca 2001-070 exh a.wpd PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001-104 EXHIBIT "A" CODE AMENDMENTS - ADOPTED ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 2001-070 JULY 24, 2001 standards can be approved. REVISE - SECTION 9.65.040 D. Village Use Permit Requirements. All new development proposals in the Village Commercial District shall be required to file an application for a village use permit. A "new development proposal" is defined as any of the following: new building construction proposed for vacant property or associated with demolition and reconstruction of an existing building. Village use permits shall be subject to review by the planning commission as a public hearing. 2. Any change of use exceeding fifty petcent ot rno-e of the building Floor a -ea of the miginally peimitted use, and 3. Any expansieniaddition to an existing use compiosing a twenty five E. Any development proposal in the VC zoning district without prior Village Use Permit approval determined as not meeting the criteria in subsection D of this section shall be subject to review by the Community Development Director size changes, plant on locations, color and stucco textuie changes-. Subsection D of this section, vvh'rh constitutes a change of five �nt to twenty-five pei cent foi any approved oi existing building aiea, any exteiloi agehiteetural modification not deteirnined to be a minor Mallon. 3. Majoi deviations shall be processed undei the site development piocess, as set forth under Sect ort 9.210.010. 1. Administrative approval may be given by the Community Development Department for any building additions and/or exterior building, architectural design and site modifications that are determined by the Community Development Director to implement the concepts set forth in the "Village at La Quinta Design Guidelines". The Community Development Director may refer the project to the Planning Commission. p:\stan\zca 2001-070 exh a.wpd PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001-104 EXHIBIT "A" CODE AMENDMENTS - ADOPTED ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 2001-070 JULY 24, 2001 2. Additions and exterior building and site modifications that do not fall under subsection 1 above shall be approved the Planning Commission as a public hearing under the Village Use Permit process. REVISE - SECTION 9.65.040 & G. Appeals, Amendments and Time Extensions. Appeals, amendments and time extensions relating to Village use permits shall be reviewed pursuant to Chapter 9.200 of this title... REVISE - Table 9-11 of Section 9.150.060 - Minimum off-street parking requirement for homes with four or more bedrooms. Same as above but with 3 spaces per unit in a garage. One garage space of the three spaces may be provided in tandem. Existing lots of 6,000 square feet or less, lots zoned RC (Cove Residential), and affordable housing projects are exempt. REVISE - Section 9.150.080 B.1. - Regular Space Dimensions. All parking spaces up to the minimum required shall be designated for regular vehicle parking. Regular vehicle spaces shall have the following minimum dimensions: width ten nine feet; length seventeen feet plus two feet overhang: where curbs are not provided, a minimum length of nineteen feet is required. REVISE - Section 9.150.080 B.7. - Space Marking. With tile exception of single Farnily detached, single family attached and duplex , All parking spaces in a residential or nonresidential parking lot shall be clearly marked with white or yellow paint or other easily distinguished material with each space marking consisting of a double four inch wide hairpin stripe, twelve inches on -center. "gle or double ("hairpin" style) _ ADD - SECTION 9.160.100 Prohibited Signs. 24. Translucent or transparent signs on internally illuminated awnings so that they allow light to shine through the letters of the copy. p:\stan\zca 9.160.100 .wpd PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001-104 EXHIBIT "A" CODE AMENDMENTS - ADOPTED ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 2001-070 JULY 24, 2001 REVISE - Section 9.200.110 D. - Noticing Requirements. The lead agency shall provide a review period of not less than 20 calendar days Not less them for projects requiring an environmental assessment. The lead agency shall provide a review period of not less than 10 calendar days Not less than 10 calendai days for projects not requiring environmental review. The City shall: DELETE- SECTION 13.12.170 - Recordation of Conditions of Approval. Within 30 days of the appi ova' of -tentative tract map, the city cleik shall submit Fui iecoidation against the p[operty to which they apply. p:\stan\zca 9.200.110 D.wpd