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PCRES 2001-122
RESOLUTION 2001-122 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING AN ADDENDUM TO ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 96-328, FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2001-709, TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A 23,184 S.F. BUILDING LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF DUNE PALMS ROAD, APPROXIMATELY 600 FEET SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 111 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 96-328 BART RINKER WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 251h day of September, 2001, hold a duly -noticed Public Hearing to consider adoption of an addendum to Environmental Assessment 96-328, for Specific Plan 96- 028, Amendment #2 and Site Development Permit 2001-709; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 41h day of February, 1997, certify a Mitigated Negative Declaration as determined under Environmental Assessment 96-328, prepared for Specific Plan 96-028 and related applications as set forth in said Mitigated Negative Declaration; and, WHEREAS, said Addendum complies with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" as amended, Resolution 83-63, in that the Community Development Director has conducted an Initial Study, and has determined that none of the circumstances set forth in Public Resources Code 21 166 have been shown to exist; and, WHEREAS, a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact was certified for EA 96-328, by Resolution No. 97-05, prepared for SP 96-028, CUP 96-029, SDP 96-590, and TPM 28422, for Lapis Energy Organization; and, WHEREAS, the proposed project is on Parcel 2 of TPM 28422; and, WHEREAS, the La Quinta Planning Commission did find the following facts to justify certification of said Addendum: 1. The proposed project will not have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, as the addendum prepared for the Revised Project did not identify any significant impacts. 2. The proposed project will not have the potential to achieve short term goals to the disadvantage of long-term goals, as the addendum prepared for this Revised Project did not identify any significant impacts with regard to this issue, and existing development on the SP 96-028 site has complied with most mitigation measures incorporated with EA 96-328. Planning Commission Resolution 2001-122 Addendum to EA 96-328 September 25, 2001 3. The proposed Revised Project will not have impacts which are individually limited but cumulatively considerable when considering planned or proposed development in the immediate vicinity, as those impacts identified for biology, geotechnical, hydrology, and cultural resources were mitigated to the extent feasible with regard to this issue. 4. The proposed Revised Project will not have environmental effects that will adversely affect human, either directly or indirectly, as the addendum prepared for this Revised Project did not identify any significant impact with regard to the public health, safety, or general welfare. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitutes the findings of the Planning Commission in this case; 2. That it does hereby affirm the environmental determination and recommend to the City Council certification of an Addendum to EA 96-328 for Specific Plan 96-028, Amendment #2 and Site Development Permit 2001-709. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 25`h day of September, 2001, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Kirk, Robbins, Tyler, and Chairman Abels NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ,YACQUES ABELS, Chairmar City f La Quinta, California I_r M16 HERMP�N, Community Development Director La Quiflta, California ADDENDUM TO CITY OF LA QUINTA ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT #96-328 (CEQA GUIDELINE 15164) FOR SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 96-028 #2 AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2001-709 FOR PROPOSED 23,184 S.F. COMMERCIAL RETAIL BUILDING IN THE DUNE PALMS CENTER PROJECT Presented to the Planning Commission September 25, 2001 Planning Commission Resolution 2001- C:\W rkgrp\Casedocs\SP028#2\addea328. wpd The City of La Quinta, as lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act, Public Resources Code section 21000, et seq. ("CEQA") has prepared this Addendum pursuant to CEQA Guideline 15164. This is an Addendum to Environmental Assessment #96-328 (EA 96-328), certified on February 4, 1997, by the La Quinta City Council for Lapis Energy Organization. The purpose of this Addendum is to document a modification of a portion of the project, which will be implemented through the following land use approvals: SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 96-028 #2 AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2001-709 These are collectively referred to as "the Revised Project." All mitigation measures included in EA 96-028 are incorporated into this document by reference. The Revised Project consists of a 23,184 s.f. retail commercial building proposal on Parcel 2 1±1.9 acres), which would replace the existing approval for that parcel. The current approval is for 3 buildings totaling 11 ,010 s.f. These buildings were to include automotive repair and service uses. The proposed building will house auto -related services and sales of auto accessories. The City has determined that the Revised Project will be consistent with the intensity of development and character of the adjacent commercial properties, and will be consistent with the goals, policies, and objectives of the City's General Plan and Specific Plan 96-028, approved by the City in 1997. The Revised Project does not propose any significant change to the land uses proposed in Specific Plan 96-028, Amended #1. The Specific Plan currently allows for approximately 106,000 s.f. of commercial use on 8.2 acres (net). The approvals requested as part of this amendment are: 11 Specific Plan Amendment to change the site layout, building siting and design, and total building area associated with Parcel 2 of PM 28422, along with revising the plan's figures and making updates based on existing conditions; 2) Site Development Permit to allow construction of a 23,184 s.f, retail commercial building on Parcel 2 of PM 28422, within Specific Plan 96-028 as amended (Dune Palms Center)• The City has compared the impacts identified in the Environmental Checklist prepared for the Revised Project with those impacts analyzed in the adopted EA 96-328 and finds as follows: CAW rkgrp\Casedocs\SP028#2\addea328.wpd Aesthetics - Impacts no greater than previously analyzed. The proposed 23,184 s.f building will create additional lighting impacts similar to those associated with the currently approved buildings totaling 11,010 s.f. The photometric analysis submitted indicates that the average foot- candle reading is 3.01 on the east side parking area and 2.67 on the west (Dune Palms Road) side, with a maximum reading of 7.2 and minimum of 1.0. The zoning code specifies average illumination of between 1.0 and 2.0 foot-candles at parking area finish grade, and maximum average light to minimum light ratio of 3:1 . The applicant proposes a light pole height of 31 feet. The light fixtures will be shielded, recessed lamp shoe - box fixtures. A revised lighting plan will be submitted to ensure that lighting improvements are consistent with City requirements. Land Use and Planning - Impacts no greater than previously analyzed. The development of the approved Specific Plan will result in a loss of habitat for the Coachella Valley Fringe Toed Lizard (CVFTL). However, this site is in an area approved for mitigation under an existing 10A permit, pursuant to the Federal Endangered Species Act. The mitigation fee has been paid, and initial grading of the site was already completed in 1998. Air Quality - Impacts no greater than previously analyzed. The Coachella Valley has in the past been a non -attainment area for PM10 (particulate matter of 10 microns or smaller). In order to control PM10, the City has imposed standards and requirements on development to control dust. This project will be required to comply with the PM10 Fugitive Dust Control Plan (FDCP) currently approved for the entire Specific Plan area. Noise - Impacts no greater than previously analyzed. Development of the site will create construction noise impacts of a short-term (temporary) nature. The City requires adherence to construction hour limitations during noise - sensitive hours. Geology & Soils - Impacts no greater than previously analyzed. The site is not located in any Earthquake Fault zones as designated by the State but is mapped in Ground Shaking Zone IV meaning seismic events can cause damage to building under certain occurrences. Impacts involving potential seismic activity also relate to possible risk associated with upset of hazardous substances (i.e. fuels and auto - related chemicals and wastes) and potential for upset/explosion/fire. The project will be required to adhere to seismic reinforcement and other requirements as called for by the UBC. Transportation/Traffic Impacts no greater than those previously analyzed. Development of the project requires 77 parking spaces at 1 space per 300 s.f. This was the same standard applied to this site in the original approval, and is the Zoning Code standard applicable to this use. Q\Wrkgrp\Casedocs\SP028#2\addea328.wpd The City finds that consideration of the Revised Project does not call for the preparation of a subsequent EA pursuant to CEQA Guideline 15162 or Public Resources Code Section 21166, in that the Revised Project does not involve: 1) substantial changes to the project analyzed in the EA which would involve new significant effects on the environment or substantially increase the severity of previously identified impacts; 2) substantial changes with respect to the circumstances under which the project is being undertaken, which would involve new significant effects on the environment not analyzed in the EA; or 3) new information of substantial importance which would involve new significant effects on the environment not analyzed in the EA, or substantially increase the severity of previously identified impacts. EA 96-328 has been incorporated with this addendum. A copy of the complete EA document is attached. C:\Wrkgrp\Casedocs\SP028k2\addea328.wpd ATTACHMENT #2 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM Environmental Assessment No. 96-328 Case No's. SP 96-028, CUP 96-029, TPM 28422, SDP 96-590 Date: September 11, 1996 L Name of Proponent: Lapis Energy Organization Address: 135 Saxony Road/P.O. Box 231310 Encinitas, CA 92024 Phone: 619-942-2762 (John Gabbard, Rep.) Agency Requiring Checklist: City of La Quinta Project Name (if applicable): Specific Plan 96-028, Conditional Use Permit 96-029, Tentative Parcel Map 28422 and Site Development Permit (Plot Plan) 96-590, for construction of an approximately 81.757 square foot auto -oriented retail and mini -storage complex, at the southeast comer of Highway 111 and Dune Palms Road. CITY OF LA QUINTA Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 ckkt.328 II. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED: The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact" or "Potentially Significant Unless Mitigated," as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. Land Use and Planning X Transportation/Circulation Public Services Population and Housing Biological Resources Utilities X Earth Resources Energy and Mineral Resources X Aesthetics Water Risk of Upset and Human Health X Cultural Resources Au Quality Noise Recreation Mandatory Findings of Significance III. DETERMINATION. On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect(s) on the environment, but at least, 1) one effect has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards; and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets, if the effect is a `potentially significant impact" or "potentially significant unless mitigated". An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. Signature J/v 4 IUA, -,�C- Date Seotember 11, 1996 Printed Name and Title Wallace Nesbit Associate Planner 0 PocmdWY pcmw y Signirw L Luc TEav Sipd'wu UW. Sigvfi t N. 1¢ ... Mitigc¢d Impca hpcu 3.1. LAND USE AND PLANNING. Would the project: a) Conflict with general plan designation or zoning? (source N(s): X b) Conflict with applicable environmental plats or policies adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project? c) Affect agricultural resources or operations (e.g. impact to soils or farmlands, or impacts from incompatible land uses)? X d) Disrupt or divide the physical arrangemem of an established community (including a low-income or minority community)? X 3.2. POPULATION AND HOUSING. Would the project: a) Cumulatively exceed official regional or local population projections? X b) Induce substantial growth in an area either directly or indirectly (e.g. through projects in an undeveloped area or extension of major infrastructure)? X c) Displace existing housing, especially affordable housing? X 33. EARTH AND GEOLOGY. Would the project result in or expose people to potential impacts involving: a) Fault rupture? X b) Seismic ground shaking X c) Seismic ground failure, including liquefaction? 7C d) Sciche, tsunami, or volcanic hazard? X e) I nndsbdes or mudflows? X f) Erosion, changes in topography or unstable soil conditions from excavation, grading or fill? X g) Subsidence of the land? X iri PeuetiWy Powtidl� Sipif , Lu, Rat ripiGoei Uduc Sipir�rae, No Impcn Miripc¢C I�oa IoWoc, h) Expansive soils? X I) Unique geologic or physical features? X 3.4. WATER. Would the project result in: a) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rare and amount of surface runoff? X b) Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding? X c) Discharge into surface waters or other alteration of surface water quality (e.g. temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? X d) Changes in the amount of surface water in any water may? e) Changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements? X f) Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations or through substantial loss of groundwater recharge capability? X g) Altered direction or rate of flow of groundwater? X h) Impacts to groundwater quality? X 3.5. AIR QUALITY. Would the project: a) Violate any air quality standard, or contribute to any existing or projected air quality violation? X b) Expose sensitive receptors to pollutants? X c) Alter air movement, moisture or temperature, or cause any change in climate? X d) Create objectionable odors? X iv PeuotiWr - PmauWY Siq�Ifim, Lw rSao Sipiliru Impcn � ga Sinuc MiCtiBe¢E Impcn � Ne Imga 3.6. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION. Would the project result in: a) Increased vehicle trips or traffic congestion? x b) Hazards to safety from design features (e.g. sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g. farm equipment)? x c) Inadequate emergency access or access to nearby uses? x d) Insufficient parking capacity on site or off site? x e) Hazards or barriers for pedestrians or bicyclists? x f) Conflicts with adopted policies supporting alternative transportation (e.g. bus turnouts, bicycle racks)? x g) Rail, waterborne or air traffic impacts? x 3.7. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the project result in impacts to: a) Fndangered, threatened or rare species or their habitats (including but not limited to plants, fish, insects, animals, and birds? x b) Locally designated species (e.g. heritage trees)? x c) )..)tally designated natural communities, (e.g. oak forest, coastal habitat, etc.)? x d) Wetland habitat (e.g. marsh, riparian and vernal pool)? x e) Wildlife dispersal or migration corridors? x 3.8. ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES. Would the project: a) Conflict with adopted energy conservation plans? x b) Use non-renewable resources in a wasteful and inefficient manner? x v P..uWy P..m ' sipi ' L. TL sipJm' Imp�n UN sipJmt MGipxa Imrya N. t."w 3.9. RISK OF UPSEVHUNIAN HEALTH. Would the proposal involve: a) A risk of accidental explosion or release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to: oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation)? X b) Possible interference with an emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? X c) The creation of any health hazard or potential health hazards? ?C d) Exposure of people to existing sources of potential health hazards? X e) Increased fire hazard in areas with flammable brush, grass, or trees? X 3.10. NOISE. Would the proposal result in: a) Increases in existing noise levels? X b) Exposure of people to severe noise levels? 3.11. PUBLIC SERVICES. Would the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered government services in any of the following areas: a) Fire protection? 7C b) Police protection? X c) Schools? X d) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? e) Other governmental services? 3.12. UT LnUS. Would the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substannal alternations to the following utilities: a) Power or natural gas? X b) Communications systems? X c) Local or regional water treatment or distribution facilities? X Vi P.. , PamtiJ1Y Sipufoec Lm lLae Si�m� Udcu Sipiline� Ne Imp." Mirigcu0 1p¢Y Im�a X d) Sewer or septic tanks? X e) Storm water drainage? X f) Solid waste disposal? 3.13. AESTHETICS. Would the proposal: a) Affect a scenic vista or scenic highway? X b) Have a demonstrable negative aesthetic effect? X c) Create light or glare? X 3.14. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal: a) Disturb paleontological resources? X b) Disturb archaeological resources? X c) Affect historical resources? X d) Have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? X e) Restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? X 3.15. RECREATION. Would the proposal: a) Increase the demand for neighborhood or regional parks or other recreational facilities? X b) Affect existing recreational opportunities? X vii PoteatiWy peuauWr si'ificam 1.11. siw'.' Ualav sLgdfimm Ye Impact Mitigated Impact Impam 4. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE. a) Does the project have the Potential to degrade the quality of the environmental, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a raze or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? X b) Does the project have the potential to achieve short- term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? c) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? ('Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects). d) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? EARLIER ANALYSES. X K, X Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, one or more effects have been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration. Section 15063(c)(3)(D). In this case a discussion should identify the following on attached sheets: a) Earlier analyses used. Identify earlier analyses and state where they are available for review. b) Impacts adequately addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist were within the scope of and adequately analyzed by the earlier document. c) Mitigation measures. For effects that are "potentially signifcam" or "potentially significant unless mitigated," describe the mitigation measures which were incorporated or refined from the earlier document and the extent to which they address site -specific conditions for the project. VM INITIAL STUDY - ADDENDUM FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 96-328 Prepared for: LAPIS ENERGY ORGANIZATION SPECIFIC PLAN 496-028 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 496-029 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT #96-590 Prepared by: Community Development Department City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 September 24, 1996 Amended October 22, 1996; January 10, 1997 EA96328.wpd 2 Section 1 2 3 4 E TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 3 1.1 Project Overview 3 1.2 Purpose of Initial Study 3 1.3 Background of Environmental Review 3 1.4 Summary of Preliminary Environmental Review 4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 4 2.1 Project Location and Environmental Setting 4 2.2 Physical Characteristics 4 2.3 Operational Characteristics 5 2.4 Objectives 5 2.5 Discretionary Actions 5 2.6 Related Projects 5 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 6 3.1 Land Use and Planning 6 3.2 Population and Housing 7 3.3 Earth Resources 7 3.4 Water 8 3.5 Air Quality 9 3.6 Transportation/Circulation 11 3.7 Biological Resources 12 3.8 Energy and Mineral Resources 13 3.9 Risk of Upset/Human Health 13 3.10 Noise 14 3.11 Public Services 14 3.12 Utilities 15 3.13 Aesthetics 15 3.14 Cultural Resources 16 3.15 Recreation 17 MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE 17 EARLIER ANALYSIS 18 EA96328.wpd SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 PROJECT OVERVIEW The City of La Quints is the Lead Agency for project review, as defined by Section 21067 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). A Lead Agency is the public agency which has the principal responsibility for carrying out or approving a project which may have a significant effect upon the environment. The City of La Quints as the Lead Agency, has the authority to oversee the environmental review and to make a decision on the proposal. 1.2 PURPOSE OF THE INITIAL STUDY As part of the environmental review for the proposed project, the City of La Quinta Community Development Department has prepared this Initial Study. This document provides a basis for detemtinirtg the nature and scope of the subsequent environmental review for the amendment. The purposes of the Initial Study, as stated in Section 15063 of the CEQA Guidelines, include the following: To provide the City with information to use as the basis for deciding whether to prepare an environmental impact report (EIR) or a negative declaration for a project: To enable the applicant or the City of La Quinta to modify the project, mitigating adverse impacts before an EIR is prepared thereby enabling the project to qualify for a mitigated negative declaration of environmental impact To assist in the preparation of an Ea should one be required, by focusing the analysis on those issues that will be adversely impacted by the proposed project; To facilitate environmental review early in the design of the project: To provide documentation for the findings in a negative declaration that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment; To eliminate unnecessary EIR's; and To determine whether a previously prepared EIR could be used with the project. 1.3 BACKGROUND OF ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed Lapis Energy project was deemed subject to the environmental review requirements of CEQA in light of the potential project impacts. The Environmental Officer for the Community Development Department prepared this Initial Studv and addendum for review and certification by the Planning Commission and City Council for the City of La Quinta. EA96328.wpd 0 1.4 SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT This Initial Study checklist indicates certain potential for significant environmental impacts. As a result, specific mitigation measures have been incorporated, and a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact will be recommended for this project. Mitigation measures Proposed for each issue area are underlined within the discussion and are summarized in the Mitigation Monitoring Program attached to this addendum, Any changes made by the applicant to the project as a result of this assessment , design review or other reason, which would necessitate changes to this addendum, are shown in italics as part of the issue area which any such changes may affect. SECTION 2: PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 PROJECT LOCATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING The City of La Quinta is a 31.18 square mile municipality located in the southwestern portion of the Coachella Valley. The City is bounded on the west by the City of Indian Wells, on the east by the City of Indio and Riverside County, on the north by Riverside County, and federal and county lands to the south. The City of La Quinta was incorporated in May, 1982. The proposed project consists of 8.05 net acres (10.29 gross), at the southeast comer of Dune Palms Road and Highway Ill. The applicants have submitted a specific plan application (SP 96-028), tentative parcel map (TPM 28422), conditional use permit (CUP 96-029) and site development permit (SDP/PP 96-590). The site is relatively flat, with minimal vegetation due to previous rough grading having occurred. A biological study, geotechnical report, hydrology analysis and cultural resources survey have all been submitted with the proposed project. The project has been through several revisions since it's original submittal on 8130196: most of these have been related to architectural modifications and site plan revisions which do not change the project components to any significant degree. 2.2 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Revisions to the project since its original submittal date of 8/30/96 incorporates the following uses: • Compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling facility on .75 net acres for the Desert Sands Unified School District; • Mini -storage on approximately 4.0 net acres, showing overall building area totaling 63,800 square feet, which includes a 3, 037 square foot on -site manager's quarters/office building; • A lubrication and auto center on 1.7 acres, showing a total building area of 11,010 square feet; • A 2.500 square foot food mart/fueling station on 1.55 net acres, plus an 800 square foot equipment building. The applicant has revised the project plans several times to incorporate staff comments and concerns regarding on -site circulation, access and architecture. The project was continued by the Planning Commission at their November 12, 1996 meeting, again due to concerns over the architectural proposal and site plan provisions. At present, the project self -storage has been changed to 63,800 square feet, and may incorporate both indoor and outdoor RV storage. The foodmart/fueling facility remains at 2,500 square feet on a 1.55 net acre parcel. This parcel also houses an 800 s.f utility and equipment/restroom structure. The EA96328.wpd revised specific plan document now indicates that a 500 sf pizza restaurant will be part of this facility, which would change the required parking. Currently, parking for the project exceeds City requirements (see Section 3.6), and inclusion of the restaurant should not be an issue. Parcel 2, which incorporates the auto retaillservice uses. has changed in size only slightly from 11,034 to 11.010 square feet. The major changes involve the architecture, building configurations and siting for these uses. 2.3 OPERATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS Prior to formal submittal, the project went through a preliminary development review process in May of 1996. The north 'h of the overall site is located in the M/RC (Mixed/Regional Commercial) land use designation, which requires a specific plan to be filed for project proposals. A Conditional Use Permit is required for both the mini-mart/fueling station located on Parcel 1, and the auto lubrication and repair uses on Parcel 2. The southerly '/: is designated CP (Commercial Park), and zoned CP, which permits the self -storage use proposed on Parcel.3, subject to approval of a Site Development Permit. The CNG facility on Parcel 4 is considered as an auto service station under the zoning, and also requires the Conditional Use Permit; a Parcel Map and Site Development Permit applications have also been submitted. As set forth by the La Quinta Zoning Code, all of the applications are being considered conjunctively. 2.4 OBJECTIVES The objective of this project is to develop an auto -based commercial center and accompanying small warehouse/storage use, to service not only La Quinta residents but also facilitate operations at the DSUSD educational service center immediately south of the site. 2.5 DISCRETIONARY ACTIONS A discretionary action is an action taken by a government agency (for this project. the government agency is the Citv of La Quinta) that calls for the exercise of judgment in deciding whether to approve a project. The proposed Home Depot project will require discretionary approval from the Planning Commission and -City Council for the following: • Certification of the Environmental Assessment for the project; • Approval of the Specific Plan and Use Permit applications for the fueling operations; • Approval of a Site Development Permit(s) for the self -storage use.. 2.6 RELATED PROJECTS There are no related projects to this proposal under review at present. A previous application for the DSUSD Educational Services Center was approved by the City Council on July 11, 1995 with a total of 164,000 square feet proposed for development on 24.5 acres. The project is well under construction, and is intended to be provided fueling services by development of the Lapis project. Previous environmental documentation consists of a Negative Declaration adopted for the project (EA 95-300). EA96328.wpd SECTION 3: ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS This section analyzes potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed project. CEQA issue areas are evaluated in this addendum as contained in the Initial Study Checklist. Under each checklist item, the environmental setting is discussed, including a description of conditions as the presently exist within the City and the areas affected by the proposed project. Thresholds for significance are defined either by standards adopted by responsible or trustee agencies or by referring to criteria in CEQA, Appendix G. 3.1 LAND USE AND PLANNING Regional Environmental Setting The City of La Quinta is located in the Coachella Valley, in the eastern portion of Riverside County. The Valley is abundant with both plant and animal life. Topographical relief ranges from 237 feet below mean sea level (msl) to about 2,000 feet above msl. The Valley is surrounded by the San Jacinto Mountains, the Santa Rosa Mountains, the Orocopia Mountains, and the San Bemardino Mountain Range. The San Andreas fault transects the northeastern edge of the Valley. Local Environmental Setting The subject site is vacant, but has been partially disturbed in the past. The overall project uses as proposed are consistent with the General Plan and zoning currently in effect; however, a conditional use permit is required for the refueling and auto repair operations proposed. The storage use has been located as a buffer use between the auto -based retail uses and the DSUSD CNG vehicle refueling site. A - Less Than Significant Impact. The project does not propose uses inconsistent with the current or future land uses contemplated for the project area, but the applicable land use policies for the M/RC and CP categories indicate that the primary concern would be with Policies 2-3.1.1 and 2-3.2.1, which essentially call for uses drawing from a regional trade area. The types of projects referred to under these policies are consistent with the project type being proposed on this site, in that the uses do cater to a regional market, primarily relating to the proposed automotive service uses which are predicated on alternative fueled vehicles. The project is not in close proximity to any designated residential uses, although a small trailer. park (30 spaces) is located about 400 feet east of the site. All properties bordering the site are designated for regional commercial type use. A conditional use permit is required to ensure that the project maintains compatibility with adjacent and surrounding land uses. Specific conditions related to the establishment and operation of the project will be incorporated into the approval conditions to ensure compatibility with surrounding uses; however, the proposed specific plan provides for some variation to development standards of the zoning code, due to provisions of the site plan. These variations are necessary to achieve other objectives, both for the project and in meeting the requirements of staff. Most of the variations relate to setback reductions to allow staggered building faces. The applicant has also requested that a larger caretaker unit be permitted as part of the specific plan. as the zoning code allows a maximum of 600 square feet. None of the variations create any Physical impact, and do not conflict with any other provisions of the zoning code. B, C, D - No Impact. The proposal will have no conflicts with any environmental policies or plans in effect which would apply to the project. Operation of the project will encourage and facilitate maintenance and conversion of cleaner burning alternative fuel vehicles (AFV's), and provide a source for obtaining such fuels, thereby furthering and expanding AFV use and alternative fuel availability. EA96328.wpd 3.2 POPULATION AND HOUSING Regional Environmental Setting The City's population as of January, 1996 is estimated by the State Department of Finance to be 18,046 persons. In addition to permanent residents, the City has approximately 9,300 seasonal residents who spend three to six months in the City (WDL Economic Overview; 1996 Ed.). It is estimated that 30% of all housing units in the City are used by seasonal residents. The average occupancy is 2.85 persons per occupied unit (1990 Census). Local Environmental Setting The site is designated Mixed Regional Commercial (M/RC) and Commercial Park (CP) on the City's General Plan Land Use Policy Diagram. The areas surrounding the project are similarly designated; no residential land use designations are assigned to other properties in the area. To the east lies the City of Indio. which designates Neighborhood Commercial in their General Plan along Highway 111 at Jefferson Street (Indio General Plan 2020. October 1993). A - No Impact. The project does not involve a housing component beyond the individual caretaker's unit for the self storage. Development of the project site as proposed is consistent with the land use designation set forth in the La Quinta General Plan. The proposal itself will not exceed any current growth forecasts currently available to or used by the City, nor will it cause any change in anticipated growth patterns or numbers, based on the build out scenarios in the General Plan. B, C - Less Than Significant Impact. The project development may induce growth in the 1 I I corridor area, due to extension and upgrade of existing infrastructure in the site vicinity. It is not anticipated to stimulate residential development significantly, as the commercial nature of the project would indicate that an adequate population base exists to support this use. There will be negligible effects on affordable housing demand from employees attempting to locate in proximity to the site, as there is currently little available housing of this type within one mile of the project. However, the City has acquired three sites specifically targeted for affordable housing development. one of which is an approximately 40 acre site at the northwest comer of Jefferson and 48th Avenue. This site is less than '/. mile from the project area, and the City is currently entering into a development agreement with a potential developer. There is also substantial residential inventory in the northerly residential areas of the City and more affordable single family units in the Cove area (Source: EA 92-241; LQGP). 3.3 EARTH RESOURCES Regional Environmental Setting The City of La Quinta has a varied topography, from gently sloping alluvial fans, steep hillside, to relatively flat desert floor. The alluvial soils that make up most of the City's soil types are underlain by igneous - metamorphic rock, as seen in outcrops in the Santa Rosa Mountains and the Coral Reef Mountains. Soils on the Valley floor are made up of very fine grain unconsolidated silty sands. Local Environmental Setting The site is approximately 60 feet above sea level, and consists of Myoma series soils. This soil type has rapid permeability is commonly used for homesites and other urban uses. While it can be used in development of croplands, it is not considered as prime agricultural soil as classified by the State. The site is located within a Ground shaking Zone 4. referenced as a moderate level of shaking activity. There are no active faults in the EA96328.wpd N area (EA 92-241; LQMEA). A - No Impart. The project will not present any additional exposure to geologic hazards associated with fault rupture, as no faults have been identified on or in proximity to the site. The existing physical conditions in the area will not be changed in a manner which would create any impacts beyond those associated with development of the site in accordance with the General Plan. B - Potentially Significant Unless Mitigated. The project is located in a Ground shaking Zone 4, associated with moderate impacts from seismic activity. Impacts involving potential seismic activity also relate to possible risk associated with upset of hazardous substances (i.e. fuels and auto -related chemicals and wastes) and potential for upset/explosion/fire. The project will be required to adhere to seismic reinforcement and other requirements as called for by the LTBC C,D,E - No Impact. Although the site is identified as susceptible to moderate Ground shaking impact, the soil characteristics indicate that ground failure due to such activity is negligible, based on its use in urbanized development. The site is not identified as subject to liquefaction potential, and there is no potential for seiche, tsunami or volcanic activity. The site is level and not subject to slide or mudflow impacts. The Whitewater Channel does not affect the property during drainage flows (LQMEA; EA 92-241; site history). F - Less Than Significant Impact. There will be some change in surface features due to project grading. Such changes will affect stability of the site as the natural substructure is modified. Soil erosion potential will be affected due to loosening and movement of soil material during development. Standard erosion control and soil management methods as identified in soil reports and addressed in grading plans required for the site will ensure that such impacts will not be significant. Submittal of a dust control plan as required (see Air Quality) will aid in wind erosion reduction. G, H, I - No Impact. The site is not identified as being subject to subsidence or having soils which are expansive. There are no unique geologic or physical features on the site with respect to Earth issues (LQMEA; site survey), however, significant potential for archaeologic/cultural resources has been determined (refer to Section 3.14). 3.4 WATER Regional Environmental Setting Groundwater resources in the La Quinta area consist of a system of large aquifers (porous layer of rock material) and groundwater basins separated by bedrock or layers of soil that trap or retain groundwater. Water supplies are also augmented with surface water from the Colorado River transported via the Coachella Canal and stored at Lake Cahuilla. Percolation from the tributaries of the Whitewater River flowing into La Quinta from the Santa Rosa Mountains provide a natural source of groundwater replenishment. Artificial recharging of groundwater will be a requirement in the near future. Local Environmental Setting The vicinity of the proposed project is protected from design storms by the Whitewater Channel flood control facility and other improvements. The site is level and incorporates well drained soils. The site is designated EA96328.wpd 0 Zone X on the federal Flood Insurance Rate Maps in effect for the area, subject to 500 year flood events, and is generally surrounded by lands susceptible to 100 year events with average depths of less than 1 foot (CVWD comments: LQMEA). A - Less Than Significant Impact. Current runoff rates will be increased due to pad, building and hardscape area development. The runoff produced by development of this site will be detained on -site via a series of linear basins, which fall to a retention basin at the southwesterly portion of the site. The project will be required to prepare a final drainage plan and comply with NPDES permit requirements as enforced by the Public Works Department. B through H - No Impact. The area is currently protected from flood impacts by existing flood control facilities, specifically the Whitewater and La Quinta Evacuation Channels. No surface waters or other streams exist which could be affected, and ground water resource quantity and quality will not be significantly impacted. Compliance with NPDES requirements attached to the project permitting will ensure that storm water runoff associated with the project's development will not create any measurable impact to water quality, quantity or hazards. 3.5 AIR QUALITY Regional Environmental Setting The Coachella Valley is under the jurisdiction of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), and is located in the Southeast Desert Air Basin (SEDAB). SEDAB has a distinctly different air pollution problem than the South Coast Air Basin (SOCAB). Currently, the SEDAB does not meet federal standards for ozone, carbon monoxide, or particulate matter. Local Environmental Setting The City is located in the Coachella Valley, which has an and climate, characterized by hot summers, mild winters, infrequent and low annual rainfall, and low humidity. Variations in rainfall, temperatures, and localized winds occur throughout the Valley due to the presence of the surrounding mountains. Air quality conditions are closely tied to the prevailing winds of the region. In the Coachella Valley, the standards for PM 10 are frequently exceeded. PM 10 is particulate matter 10 microns or less in diameter that become suspended in the air primarily due to winds, grading activity, and by vehicles on unpaved roads. The Valley is currently designated by the EPA as a serious non -attainment area for PM 10, however SCAQMD anticipates that recent data will show that the Valley has been in attainment over the last three years. Based on this, SCAQMD is in the process of preparing a PM 10 Maintenance Plan in order to have the area redesignated to attainment status. A - Less Than Significant Impact Based on the SCAQMD CEQA Air Quality Handbook, the project is not anticipated to create any significant air quality impact. Based on the significance thresholds established by SCAQMD, this project's total emissions [construction (short term) + mobile (long term traffic) + area source (stationary)] are well below those standards set for the SEDAB. The project's total PM 10 emissions, for which the SEDAB (Coachella Valley) is designated as a serious non -attainment area, are only estimated to be 2.3% of the emission standard for that pollutant. Carbon Monoxide emissions (CO) are 54% of the CO standard and constitute the highest percentage by category. EA96328.wpd 10 TOTAL EMISSIONS (LBS./DAY ROG NOX CO PM10 Estimated Project Emissions 34.3 15.5 296.8 3.4 SEDAB Threshold 75.0 100.0 550.0 150.0 % Difference 45.7 15.5 54.0 2.3 However, to be in conformancewith the General Plan, the project must also comply with General Plan policies regarding its development in order to mitigate these impacts to the full extent feasible. This would make the project consistent with the General Plan, for which overriding considerations have been adopted. Several policies promote the concept of pedestrian accessability and alternative travel modes, which assist in both air quality and circulation impact mitigation (Policies 9-2.1.2, 9-2.1.3, 94.1.4). Policy 9-2.1.4 requires the City to discourage design in retaiUcommercial uses which aggravate air quality, such as drive -through windows and circuitous circulation. The project includes what is referred to as a "fast food" pizza restaurant, which could, at some future time, incorporate a drive -through design, particularly with the service lane design along the west elevation of the mini -mart building. Conditions attached to the project will prohibit establishment or conversion of existing approved uses to a drive through use unless the appropriate applications are filed at the time any such use mayproposed in conjunction with a specific plan amendment. As part of the design review process, staff directed the applicant to minimize on -site traffic conflicts, specifically the parking and circulation layouts, which help to reduce air quality impacts. Several areas throughout the project were redesigned, due not only to circulation, traffic safety and air quality issues but also in relation to potential cultural resource impacts (refer to Sections 3.14, 3.6). These redesign issues have been well addressed by the applicant. Revisions to date do not significantly affect any of these issues. Short term (construction -related) impacts will result primarily from grading activities, which will generate fugitive dust. Prior to any soil disturbance or grading activity ies) the developer shall secure approval of a Fsrgitive Dust Control Plan (FDCP) The plan shall address allyTOyosed development areas as well as those areas which may be disturbed by activity but scheduled for later development The FDCP shall be submitted with any cleanng_grading_ or other site activity reouest which will disturb_ or is related to development of the UIR B, C - No Impact The proposed project will not expose sensitive receptors to pollutants. The La Quinta High School is the nearest non-residential sensitive receptor, and is located just over %, mile from the site. Residential receptor areas exist to the north (Westward Ho area) and east (I I I Trailer Park) of the site. Construction - related air quality impacts will occur primarily from grading activities and other soil disturbances. The required FDCP will address these short-term construction impacts. Long tern impacts from roadway emissions due to cumulative impacts of growth in accordance with the La Quinta General Plan were considered in the EIR document. The project has no potential to effect any climatological change. D - Less Than Significant Impact. The proposed uses are commercial/retail in nature, and will have no known _ manufacturing or processing on the site, beyond minor operations related to vehicular maintenance and repair. This could include activities such as auto body and painting , which require processes relating to paint mixing or color matching, which can be considered odor producing. These types of vehicular equipment related uses, inclusive of refueling operations, do have potential for objectionable and possibly unhealthful odors. Such EA96328.wpd 11 facilities are required to file for applicable operations permitting and comply with County, State and regionaU federal standards (refer also to Section 3.9). 3.6 TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION Regional Environmental Setting The existing circulation system is a combination of early roadwork constructed by Riverside County and new and resurfaced roadways since incorporation of the City in 1982. Key roadways include State Highway 111, Washington Street, Jefferson Street, Fred Waring Drive, Miles Avenue and 50th Avenue. Traffic volumes in La Quinta experience seasonal variation; late winter/early spring months represent the peak tourist season. Local Environmental Setting The project has direct frontage on two major City thoroughfares; Highway 111 and Dune Palms Road. The traffic study prepared for the Jefferson Plaza/Home Depot project indicates that existing average daily traffic (ADT) counts on Highway 1 I 1 are 34,941. Current geometries for Highway I I I along the project frontage consists of four travel lanes with painted median and no curb/gutter; Dune Palms Road is currently under improvement as part of the development requirements for the DSUSD educational services center. (Traffic Impact Analysis; Jefferson Plaza, O'Rourke Engineering, June 11, 1996; Site Survey). The La Quinta General Plan establishes a minimum Level of Service (LOS) "D" for all intersections during A.M. or P.M. peak hours without adequate mitigation. LOS is a hierarchical classification of qualitative measures of traffic flow, ranging from A (free flow) to F (unacceptable saturation). A - Less Than Significant Impact. The project will unquestionably create increased trips and congestion; however, the roadway capacities as designed for Highway 111, Dune Palms Road and other major thoroughfares in the area will be able to absorb this additional traffic. Based on the square footage breakdown and use assignments supplied by the applicant, it has been estimated that approximately 2,535 average daily trips (ADT) can be assigned to this project. This number is considered conservative_ in that the two highest trip generating uses, the convenience store/gas station (1,780 ADT) and fast food (350 ADT; calculated as drive through use as it is housed in the convenience store structure) will attract the majority of their trips as multi - destination trips; that is, traffic that is already on the road for other purposes. These uses do not operate as trip generators, but more as trip attractors for vehicles ultimately bound for another destination. In consideration of this, it is anticipated that traffic actually generated by this project will not exceed 1,500 ADT. The applicant will be required to dedicate and install all improvements as deemed necessary by the Public Works Department in accordance with the conditions of approval for the project and any development agreement(s). B - Potentially Significant Unless Mitigated. The project incorporates two driveway locations along Dune Palms Road and one along Highway 111. Signalization of the Dune Palms Road/Highway 111 intersection will help to significantly reduce traffic safety impacts from this development. The site plan shows less than 250 feet between the intersection and the two access points at the northern Dune Palms Road access and the Highway 111 access. The General Plan Circulation Element policies (3-3.1.1 through 3-3.1.4) specifically dictate the reduction of curb cuts along arterial roadways, especially where parcels have minimal frontage distances; specifically, that a minimum of 250 feet from end of ultimate curb return locations shall be maintained for any arterial access (Policy 3-3.1.3). The Highway I I I access would be better situated as a shared driveway with the easterly adjacent property. The parcels fronting along Highway 1 I 1 in this area are only about 330 feet wide, which makes maintaining the 250 foot spacing difficult if each parcel is permitted individual access points to Highway 1 11. This Highway 111 access point should be modified, as it is anticipated to potentially create intersection congestion and affect downstream traffic (i.e., traffic heading out of the intersection as EA96328.wpd 12 opposed to heading in) on Highway l 11. The applicant modified the Highway III access point slightly as part of the redesign efforts directed by staff. The access has been reduced from 40 feet in width to 28 feet and placed farther along the easterly boundary. This creates a 220 foot spacing when determined based on the General Plan policy for driveway spacing. However, the policy indicates that the 250 foot standard is to be applied "where feasible ". The northerly Dune Palms Road access now meets the 250 foot standard relative to the Highway 111 intersection, but there are 225 feet between the two access points on Dune Palms, primarily due to staffs request to shift the southerly Dune Palms access farther north, to line up the reciprocal access easement into the easterly adjacent parcel. The General Plan policies are intended to be advisory and allow some degree offlembility. The feasibility of obtaining compliance with the 250 foot spacing standard is directly dependant upon the easterly property owner agreeing to participate in a shared access point with the subject property for Highway II L The applicant has been cooperative in attempting to effectuate an agreement to resolve this issue, but to date there has been no progress. The feasibility of meeting the driveway spacing standard is greatly compromised in consideration of the preceding factors. The City will condition the project to continue to mrrsue a shared access arrangement with the adjacent easterly prooertlfthe issue cannot be resolved the project conditions will reflect that development ofthe project may continue in conformance with the site plan as conditionally approved Any modifications necessary and directly related to achieving a shared access situation shall be reviewed by City sta,L'Kfor compliance with apylicable conditions and City standards. Traffic safety improvements as typically required of new development will also provide reductions in traffic hazard impacts, commensurate with development of the site, and should improve the overall safety level of the intersection and adjacent roadways in general. C - Less Than Significant Impact. The project as mitigated will not impede or restrict emergency access requirements, and provides for adequate access to surrounding uses. The applicant has redesigned the project to provide a direct reciprocal access to the easterly property boundary. This is an important component, as the easterly property will be permitted, at most, only one access point onto Highway 111, which will have to be severely restricted as to its location on the site. D Through G - No Impact. The project provides for parking areas which exceed the City's parking requirements. Based on the latest footage numbers submitted, the project overall requires 90 spaces while providing 117, including 5 handicap; therefore, no parking impacts will be created by the proposal which were not addressed and provided for in the specific plan. The applicant has reduced some parking areas in order to improve circulation, increase landscaping area and improve siting of facilities. Further staff recommendations to improve the on -site circulation of the latest revision will reduce some of the parking provided but those revisions will be required to maintain a minimum of 90 spaces. The project is not required to provide for alternative transportation infrastructure, or to submit a TDM plan as the total number of employees does not meet the 100 person threshold. No comments from Sunline Transit were received on the project as to its impact on transit services. The site is not proximate to, nor is it affected by, water, air or rail traffic. 3.7 BIOLOGICAL Regional Environmental Setting The City of La Quinta hes within the Colorado Desert. Two ecosystems are found within the City; the Sonoran Desert Scrub and the Desert Transition. The disturbed environments within the City are classified as urban or agricultural. A discussion of these ecosystems is found in the LQMEA. EA96328.wpd 13 Local Environmental Setting The subject area is vacant, with fairly level terrain and minimal vegetation. The native vegetation is desert scrub, but the majority of the site has previously been disturbed in recent history. There are no riparian/wetland habitats or streambeds on the site, and there are minimal mesquite dune sands associated with the parcel (Biological Assessment for Lapis Energy Organization, Tom Dodson and Associates. June 1996). The LQMEA identifies the entire site as within the Coachella Valley Fringe -Toed Lizard habitat area, for which a federal l0A permit was obtained pursuant to adoption of the CVFTL Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP). A through E - No Impact. According to the biological assessment prepared by Tom Dodson and Associates, the site has been predominantly disturbed by previous activities, primarily related to vehicles traversing the site and construction activities associated with the DSUSD educational operations facility along 48th Avenue and Dune Palms, directly south of this site. There is negligible potential for wildlife habitat to exist on the site. Mitigation fees will be conditioned to be paid for the CVFTL prior to any land disturbance or grading permits being issued for the site. There are no significant or otherwise predominant tree stands or other vegetation on the site. No wetland areas are shown to be on or traverse the site, and the location of the site adjacent to two major roads and an ongoing construction project precludes any potential migration of wildlife. 3.8 ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES Regional Environmental Setting La Quinta contains both areas of insignificant and significant Mineral Aggregate Resources Areas (SMARA), as designated by the State Department of Conservation. There are no known oil resources in the City. Energy resources used in the City come from the Imperial Irrigation District and Southern California Gas Company. Local Environmental Setting The site does not lie within an identified area sensitive to mineral resources. Soils within the site consist of Myoma fine sand; these soils are well -drained and permeable, and can be used for agricultural uses. There is no immediate history that the site has been utilized for any specific purpose in the recent past. A, B - No Impact The proposed project has no potential to impact energy or mineral resources in any manner which could be considered wasteful. The project will eventually facilitate a wider use of alternative fuels in the Coachella Valley by providing for servicing and repair for vehicles and equipment which operate on such fuels. Construction of the project will be required to meet State energy standards as typically enforced by the Building and Safety Deparonent, and to comply with conservation policies as established in the La Quinta General Plan. 3.9 RISK OF UPSET/HUMAN HEALTH Regional Environmental Setting Although large scale, hazardous waste generating employment is not yet located within La Quinta, the existence of chemicals utilized in dry cleaning operations, agricultural operations, restaurant kitchen cleaning, landscape irrigation and exposure to large scale electrical facilities may post significant threats to various sectors of the population. Currently, there are no hazardous disposal waste sites located in Riverside County; transportation of such materials out of and through La Quinta takes place. Local Environmental Setting The project site is vacant and has not been used for any type of manufacturing in the past. A - Less Than Significant Impact. There is limited potential risk of explosion and/or release of hazardous EA96328.wpd 14 substances due to the project. The automotive uses will have on -site storage and sales of certain amounts of chemical compounds in various packaging (i.e., lubricants, batteries, metallics, fuels, etc.), and other potentially hazardous materials. Storage and inventory of potentially hazardous products are regulated by State and Federal legislation, and will also be subject to Fire and Health Department standards as in effect and applicable at the time. B Through E - No Impact. The project does not have any potential to interfere with emergency response or create any health hazards. The site is not in an area susceptible to increased fire hazards relative to brush, grass or trees, as minimal or no susceptible vegetation exists in the immediate area. 3.10 NOISE Regional Environmental Setting Noise levels in the City are created by a variety of sources in and near the City. The major sources include vehicular noise on City streets and Highway 111, and temporary construction noises. The ambient noise levels are dominated by vehicular noise along the Highway and major arterials, but can be impacted by aircraft noise from Bermuda Dunes, usually of a short duration. Local Environmental Setting Primary noise sources in the subject area are associated with vehicle traffic. The property is vacant and therefore not a current source of noise. The site is currently impacted by construction activity at the DSUSD facility to the immediate south of the site. A - Less Than Significant Impact. Increases in noise levels are anticipated due to the proposal, though not expected to be significant. Roadway noise will increase as traffic volumes increase. The majority of the traffic volume in this area is related to other projects and pass through trips. Most of the project's on -site uses will be operational during daytime and early evening hours. There are no designated residential areas that are within proximity to the project so as to be impacted by operational noise associated with the proposed uses. An existing trailer park across from the site, approximately 400 feet to the east, will be the most impacted from this development, primarily from traffic noise. However, the park is within 200 feet of Highway 111 and currently absorbs a significant amount of existing traffic noise. It is not anticipated that the additional volumes attributable to this site's development will create any significant increases in noise levels from this source. The potential noise impacts from operational sources are primarily related to the vehicle repair and servicing uses. The noise impacts from these uses will be minimal, as these uses generally are enclosed facing to the east (no perimeter wall is shown on the plans along the easterly boundary), and eventual development of the adjacent easterly parcel will further buffer any potential noise impacts from this project. Irregardless, the anticipated noise levels are not expected to impact existing land uses in the immediate area. B - No Impact Minimal noise impacts are anticipated due to development of this project. The on -site uses are not considered as typically being a source of extreme or severe noise levels to surrounding uses. The related nature of the automotive uses indicates that similar noise sources on -site will be experienced. These uses are adequately separated from the self storage use on the southerly portion of the property. 3.11 PUBLIC SERVICES Regional Environmental Setting Law enforcement services are provided to the City through a contract with the Riverside County Sheriff's Department. Fire protection service is provided to the City by Riverside County Fire Department. The Fire FA96328.wpd 15 Department administers two stations in the City; Station 432 on Frances Hack Lane, and Station #70, at the intersection of Madison Street and Avenue 54. Paramedic services are provided by Springs Ambulance Service. Health care services are provided in the City through JFK Memorial Hospital in Indio, and the Eisenhower Immediate Care Clinic located in the One -Eleven La Quinta Shopping Center. Local Environmental Selling Riverside County Fire Station 432 and Station #70 are located approximately 4 %, miles south of the project site; Station #31 is located in Bermuda Dunes on 42nd Avenue and Adams Street, approximately 2 %2 miles north of the project site. The Sheriffs office maintains a check -in facility in the City's EOC. Other governmental services in La Quinta are provided by City staff at the Civic Center. A through E - No Impact. The project will not impact public services, based upon the comments received. All necessary public services can be provided to the project without compromising any existing levels of public service. The proponents will have to pay school fees as established by Desert Sands Unified School District for commercial projects. Recommendations from other agencies will be considered as part of project review. 3.12 UTILITIES Regional Environmental Setting The City of La Quinta is served by the Imperial Irrigation District (1113) for electrical power supply and the Southern California Gas Company (SCG) for natural gas service. General Telephone Exchange (GTE) provides telephone services for the City. Continental Cablevision services the area for cable television service. The Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) provides water and sewer service to the City. CVWD obtains its water from underground aquifers and from the Colorado River. The City's stormwater drainage system is administered by CVWD, which maintains and operates a comprehensive system to collect and transport flows through the City. The City is served by Waste Management of the Desert for solid waste disposal. Nonhazardous, mixed municipal solid waste is taken to three landfills within the Coachella Valley. Local Environmental Setting The subject site is undeveloped at present. Street and flood control improvements have been partially completed, along with sewer and water line extensions being in place. Some utility tnurk extensions and connections will be necessary to develop the property. CVWD has provided the applicant with a "will serve" letter for the project. A through F - No Impact. The proposed project will require some degree of alteration to existing facilities; however, the responses received from the responsible purveyors do not present any significant concerns to indicate that major new systems or retrofitting will be necessary to serve the project. 3.13 AESTHETICS Local Environmental Setting The City of La Quinta is partially located within a desert valley cove. There are hillsides to the west and south of the City. Views of the desert and surrounding mountains are visible on clear days throughout most of the City. Views of the Santa Rosa and Coral Reef Mountains exist to the south and west. EA96328.wpd 16 A, B - Less Than Significant Impact. The project will have limited impact on scenic vistas, as there are no scenic viewsheds identified in the LQMEA. The height of the proposed structures may block some view lines, but the impact will be minimal, as most residential views in the area do not originate within a close proximity of the project and therefore have extended line of sight perspectives. The primary concern is with impact due to the buildings'. visibility from Highway 111. With the exception of the storage office/manager's unit, structures are one story, ranging between 17 and 23.5 feet from ground to roof line; roof peaks on the lube facility and retail/repair buildings are 24.5 and 27.3 feet, respectively. The storage office/manager unit is two- story, and is 23.5 feet at its highest point. The general mass of the project is maintained at a low profile, and the architectural treatment will be required to incorporate a low -contrasting color scheme which will soften the visual impact of the structures against the mountain backdrop along Highway 111. C - Potentially Significant Unless Mitigated. As a commercial project the proposal will create additional light and glare. The City has adopted a "Dark Sky" ordinance which regulates lighting types and shielding characteristics. The developer originally submitted a preliminary fighting plan for the project. but as of the last revision had not submitted a revised landscape and lighting plan. A revised landscape and lighting plan will be conditioned for review, to bg consistent with the Outdoor Light Control provisions of the Zoning Code for height shielding and lighting type Pursuant to approvals by the Planning Commission and Ciry Council, 3.14 CULTURAL RESOURCES Regional Environmental Setting The most likely locations of prehistoric cultural resources in the La Quints area are along the foothills. The settling of the La Quinta area has been chronicled by the La Quinta Historical Society in several publications and museum exhibits. There are 13 designated historical structures and sites recorded on the California Historic Resources Inventory. These resources are listed in the La Quinta General Plan. Local Environmental Setting The proposal is located along Highway 111, a developing urbanized commercial area. No historic structures exist in the immediate area. The site is generally barren of any significant vegetation. A cultural resource assessment (CRA) was required to be submitted with the development applications. The report indicated that the area has a high degree of archaeologic sensitivity, and that significant cultural resources are likely to exist on the site. Archaeological testing accomplished pursuant to the assessment discovered significant subsurface prehistoric cultural deposits (Cultural Resource Assessment Report: Phase II; Archaeological Testing and Site Evaluation, CA-RIV-5832 on Lapis Energy Property; June 1996). A,B - Potentially Significant Unless Mitigated. Significant cultural resources will be impacted due to the proposal. The applicant has completed both Phase I and H investigations for the site, which resulted in the discovery ofstgnicant artifacts. Two options for mitigation were explored; in place preservation of the site and 100%salvage of the remaining artifacts. After meetings with the applicant, it was determined that the salvage option was preferred by both staffand the applicant, who also agreed to redesign the impacted area in response to this and other site planning issues of the project. The project's cultural resource assessment was reviewed by the City's Historic Preservation Commission on September 19, 1996. The recommendation was made to require that the applicant carry through with the salvage excavation procedure. As of the date ofthe latest revision (1/10197), the applicant has completed most of the mitigation activities prescribed by the archaeological report, but a final report and grading monitoring have yet to be undertaken. Prior to issuance of grading Permit or any earth disturbance the applicant shall have prepared and obtained approval from the Community Development Department for a Phase III archaeological mitigation program EA96328.wpd 17 for CA-RIV-5832 The program shall be prepared by qualified archaeologist and shall include provisions for strictly controlled archaeological monitories and data recovery, including research and field methods lab analysis methodoloU Native American consultation and monitoring curation procedures report preparation and disposition of artifacts and records The final report shall be submitted to the Community Development Department C Through E - The cultural resources survey did not identify any historic resources on the site. Development of the project has no potential to affect cultural values beyond those which may be addressed by cultural resource monitoring, and no existing religious uses are associated with the site. 3.15 RECREATION Local Environmental Setting The City of La Quinta has adopted Parks and Recreation Master Plan that assesses the existing resources and facilities and the future needs of the City. The City contains approximately 28.7 acres of developed parkland for Quimby Act purposes. There are also bike and equestrian pathways and trails within the City and designated pedestrian hiking trails. A, B - No Impact. The proposed project will not affect demand for recreational facilities or existing recreation. While the project will attract additional customer base from within La Quinta and other communities, it is not likely that the project will attract a significant number of new residents beyond those which may relocate for employment purposes. This project is not anticipated to employ more than 50 persons, probably less; the applicant submitted an initial figure indicating that no more than 21 employees would be on -site at any time. SECTION 4: MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE The Initial Study for the Lapis Energy project identified potentially significant impacts associated with the project, as summarized in the areas of Earth Resources, Transportation/Circulation, Aesthetics and Cultural Resources. The following findings can be made regarding the mandatory findings of significance set forth in Section 15065 of the CEQA Guidelines and based on the results of this environmental assessment: a) The proposed Specific Plan and related applications will not have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, as the project in question will not be developed in any manner inconsistent with the General Plan and other current City standards. The project does have the potential to eliminate an important example of California prehistory; however, extensive investigations of the site have identified the existence of cultural resources and required mitigation alternatives. The applicant has agreed to implementing the necessary mitigation prior to site development activities and is in concurrence with project conditions relating to this. b) The proposed Specific Plan and related applications will not have the potential to achieve short term goals. to the disadvantage of long term environmental goals, as the proposed project will not significantly alter the types or intensity of the commercial uses already contemplated in the General Plan. EA96328.wpd IN c) The proposed Specific Plan and related applications will not have impacts which are individually limited but cumulatively considerable when considering planned or proposed development in the immediate vicinity, in that the proposed project, whether approved or not, is a consistent representation of the project type to be proposed for the site as long as the current General Plan land use and zoning designations are applicable, and the impacts as identified in the Initial Study will remain similar to subsequent projects. d) The proposed Specific Plan and related applications will not have environmental effects that will adversely affect humans, either directly or indirectly, as the project contemplates uses similar to those already assessed under ultimate development of the La Quinta General Plan, and which were addressed in the EIR previously certified for the General Plan. SECTION 5: EARLIER ANALYSES A. Earlier Analyses Used. The following documents were used and/or referred to in the preparation of this assessment: • La Quinta General Plan Update; October 1992 • La Quinta Master Environmental Assessment; October 1992 • SCAQMD CEQA Air Quality Handbook, April 1993 • Cultural Resource Assessment Report: Phase II; Archaeological Testing and Site Evaluation, CA-RIV- 5832 on Lapis Energy Property; June 1996 • Biological Assessment for Lapis Energy Organization, Tom Dodson and Associates. June 1996 • Traffic Impact Analysis; Jefferson Plaza, O'Rourke Engineering, June 11, 1996 • Environmental Assessment 92-241; prepared for Specific Plan 92-022 and Plot Plan 92490. These and various other documents on file with the Community Development Department were used in the preparation of this Initial Study, B. Impacts Adequately Addressed. The following potentially significant impacts identified in the checklist were determined as adequately addressed by the previously listed document ♦ Earth Resources ♦ Transportation/Circulation ♦ Aesthetics ♦ Cultural Resources C. Mitigation Measures. Mitigation measures are discussed in this addendum where underlined. A Mitigation Monitoring Plan (MMP) has been prepared for the project that will become a part of the conditions of approval attached to the project approvals and permit. EA96328.wpd Prepared by: Wallace H. Nesbit Associate Planner Date: 19 EA96328.wpd vi :cn zzo -' d �Wa �ND C7 o ma viul a W < a. z 0zz zt w W G U tLu A zm rd. 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