2009 Proof of Publications - Bids
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of [he United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above-entitled matter. 1 am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulatton,
printed and pub8shed in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, end which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulatton by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non panel, has been pub8shed in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
January 14`", 20`", 2009
All in the year 2009
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that [he
foregoing is true and correct.
No 0773
Protect No. 2006-02
Lago La Quinta and Villas of La Quinta Sound Attenuation Walls
ComVl~le sets of me bldgin9 document-meY be - -
~urchasetl online from Plan Well Enterynse at the
allowing addreas~ www.ocbinc.com and click on
the Plen Well Enterpnae ype in .
I Janu~ltl~ rde~nca 000 A Mtl at tM Le
Oulnte Civic Center In the NorM Confer-
ence Room. Although not mantlalory ala
highly rocommentleq Chet ell potegtie~ blq-
tlars ettentl thla pre-bid coMerenee.
ar tans to mmisn 1n
~~a~~r io !alas any or en mss, an9 to waive any 1r-
regulanbes in ilia bids.
Pursuant to the provisions of Celitomia Labor
Code Section 6707, each bid submittetl in re-
sponse to this Invitation to Bid shall contin, as e
bid item, ads uete sheetingp shonng~ and bracin
or equivalent method, for ifie protection of life anC
limb in trenches and open excavation which shall
coMarm to appp~livable safety orders. ~y listing this
sum, ilia bidtler warrams that ns action does not
convey tort liability to the Ciry, its cronsuhant, and
their employees, agents, and subcensultants
not require me payment of prevailing wages foi
the protect laborers.
Pursuant to Public Contract Cotle Section 22300
for monies earned by the Contractor and withheld
by the O,tyCfq ansufe Ne perbrmance-ot the Con-
trech me onireclor may, at as option, choose b
substitute secunbas meeting the requirements of
said Public Contract Code Section 22300
All bidders shall be licensetl antler the provisions
of Chapter 9 Division 3 of Ne Business and Pro-
fessions Code of the State of Celdomla to do the
type of work centempiated in the project. In ac-
comanca wnh pravislons of California Publro Con-
tract Code Section 3300, the City has tletenninetl
that me General Comractor sha possess a valid
Class A License at the time that tha bid is su?
mittetl Failure to possess the spacmetl license(s)
shall render the bid as non-responsive.
The successful bidtler will be requiretl to furnish e
Labor and Materials bond in the amount equal to
one hundred percent /100%) of the Comract price,
as well as a Faithful Pedortnance Bond in the
amount equal to ono hundred oercent (1150%1 cl
Each bitltler shall submit with Os bid a sttemem
setlln9 forth its a%7Bnence on NB forms inclutletl
in the B1d Proposal.
Telephones will not be avetlaDle to bidtlers. Bid
farms received after the designetetl tlme will not
be accepted. Bidders and their aumonzed agents
are invited to attentl.
No bidtler may wsMtlraw its 6itl for a period of slaty
(60) tlays a0er the date set for the opening of bids.
Approved By. Date
Timothy R. JOnasson: ..,
Pu61ic Works Director/City Engineer
Published Bvv~ Dat.
Veronica Idontecino, M ity Clerk
Publlahetl: 1/td. 1/20/09 ' 'Itl
Dated at Palm Springs, California this ----21", ---day
County of Riverside
Invitation to bid Project No. 2008-10
Fritz Burns Park Tennis Court Resurfacing
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to ar interested in the
above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the city of Palm Springs,
County o[Riveraide, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annezed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non panel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
March 1", 8'", 2009
All in the year 2009
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correck
No 0797
The successful bidder will be regmred to famish a
Labor antl Malenels bond in the amount equal to
one hundred percent 1100%) of the CoMrect pnce,
as well es a Feithfu Perbrmanoa Bond In the
amount equal to one hurMred percent (1b0°k) of
the Contras price.
Each bltltler shall submit wiN ib bb a statement
setgn9 fodh its e~xWpedence ap the fomre included
in the Bid Proposal.
Telephones will not ba available to biddere. Bid
forms received after the designatetl time will not
be acceptetl. Bldtlers and their authonzed a9enb
ere invited to attend.
No bidder may wOhdrew Its bid for a period of sixty
(60) days after me tlate sal for the apening of bids.
q p~,~ gy~ Date:
1Pmothy R. Jonasson, P.E
Public Works Oiredor/City Engineer
Verol~n ca M ntecino, CMC Oate:
Ciry Clerk
Published: 3/1, 31aM9
Dated at Palm Sprioga, California this -9'", -day
PROOF OF PUBLICATION This is space for County Clerk's Filing Stamp
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the Untted States and a resident of N~o'PFJe SECTION 1100
the County aforesatd; I am over the age of eighteen INVRATION TO BID
years, end not a party to or interested in the CRYWIDE u hung LANDSCAPE
abovecntttled matter. I am the principal clerk of a ASSESSMENT DISTmL"f U41
printer of the, DESERT SUN PUBLISHING pggiECT ND. LMC 200&14
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation, SEALED BIDS will be received by Ne CIry of la
)) at the Ofbce of the Oily Clerk located
printed and pub8shed in the city of Palm Springs, y
el 78-485 Calle Tampico, La Dwnta, Celtlomia,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been sz253, anal z:so p.m. on, Fdd~~ey , Aprii to,
Citywide Lighting Landscape Maintenance SErvices Landscape
and LIghting Assessment District 89-1
Project No LMC 2008-14
and read to
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of Famish all necessary egVippmenl, labor, and inci-
enonn landscape lighting
d f
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
h o p
denials as re44uire
maintenance tlubes for median islantls, parkways.
ntains end civic facilities. The
Number 191236; that the notice, of which t ou
relemion basins,
work mvolved is in Me area, of the Lentlsca7pe and
annexed iS a tinted co set in a not smaller
P PY ( tYP 9
Lighang Assessment DistrwN 894 consis
ance and repair of ell kumam facilities,
than non panel, has been pub8shed in each regular en
lantlsrape lighllng, hghang eleddcal systems and
ical A ksting of sties and plans for
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any r
irrigaaon e
each landscape maintenance agrpeas of responsibil-
% $BCOon of
supplementthereof on the following dates, to wi[: mss sp~~cetlonl e^OdRequesl foPeia~
m sr
ril 1
h 25
M Complete sets of Me bitldin99 tlocuments may be
Well Enteryrise at the
arc L
purchased online
__ __--... A rl,r4 nn
---- -- ^- -- --- -- - ~- - 08dad aI n0 C0.5L: V w wn.• ~o ......_._.
blicwarks.or and ick on e ~ on s
All in the ear 2009
y pe m
Biddin8 procatluros are prescdbetl in iha specs
~ B
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the ons
part of seltl Spec flca
poundsand made a
foregoing is true and correct. security, in an amount not less than ten perce
(10%) of the total annual bid dollar amount a
nd conforminu to the prescnbetl bitlding rocetlun
°~ o~
, ----day
California this --2
Dated at Palm Springs a
a~ry ao
, ,
9 _ _ - „awm.,mn the same
of----- April -- -- -------, 2009
ign re
The successful bidder will be requiretl to f~mryish a
punt ( Santo) of the CoMrem Annual emounf me
Telephones utilized for business ppurposes at iha
Cm/ 1flcAiry will not be available to bitlders. Bitl
forms recewed after the tlesignatetl hme well not
ereBCCe dad atlendd the P bfc bid opening agents
(60jdaye aaeY mehdale stet torthe opening of bids.I
BMS 6he11 be submitted only in iha sealetl enve-
lope provided by the City.
Approved ey. Dale'
TimoMy R ,lonflsson, P.E. '
Public Works Dveclor/Cry 1=nginaer
Publishetl By: Date
Veronwe Montecino, City Clerk
Published:3/15, M1N8
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
abovecntitled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and publshed in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non panel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
March 25`", April 1", 2009
All in the year 2009
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this ----2"a, --- day
of----- APr ---- ---------r 2009.
This is space for County Clerk's Filing S[amp
m SECTION 1100
PpOJECT NO~LMC 22008-13 pu'nta (DC ryDat Nei Ofli ~f the CYry Clerkllocated
at 7B4 5 alle Tammiccon, Fr~daya AP II 70,
92253, unlit 2:00 p~ p
end lead fo hpedo meng work as lollowslicly opened
pgyment bond intheramounirepual lpttwenNsirve
percent (25%) of the Contract Annual ~moun(t.
Telephones milizetl for business urpuses at ilia
Crty tacitly will not be available Po bidders. Bitl
forms received eher ilia designated time will not
a e In~,~ted to altlend the putt it c bid opening agents
(60) daysra0el he date set fodr the opening of bids
lope provided ay the Cay y.in the sealed enve-
gpproved Byy' Date'
7lmothy R. Jonasson.P,E.
Public Works DirectorlCiry'Engineer
Published By:
Veromra Montecino, Ciry Clerk
.Yv ,
ComVVlet~ sets of the biddin0 documents ma w
Vurchased online from Plen Well Enterydse a the
following address. www ocbmc.com and click on
thpeePlan Well Enterpn`se ype ink Plans and
¢f the City ofsLe Omnta websbe and can~he tlown-
loaded at no cost go to www.la~cLwn_ta.or
otpublmwo_rks.or~ antl click on t7re"R1d on ~o~s
No 1171
~. SECTION 1100
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of etghteen
years, and not a party to or Interested in the
above~ntitled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and pub8shed in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non panel, has been pub8shed in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
Apri18'", 15'", 2009
All in the year 2009
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is [rue and correct.
Protect No. 2008-12
Cove Street Signage Progrem
45 we
Inca to
Compplete sets of the bklding documents maY be
purohased online from Plan Well Enterprise at the
the Pla gwetlrEess:~ .o ~incrcom and click on
msn m a nme manner ma wm
N insurence. a Cary reserves t
any or ell bids, end to waive any
Pursuant [o the previsions of Celdomla labor
Code Section 8707,, each bid submmetl in re-
sponse to this Invaebon to Bitl shall contain, es e
bid aem, adequate sheennq, shodngi end bracing,
or equivalent method, for ilia prof wn of Ida eM
Ilmb In trenches and open excavation which shall
coMorm to liceble safety orders. t3y listing this
sum, me bidder wartents that its aNOn does not
convey ton Ilabllay to the CM ns consuaants, and
thelremployees, agents, end subconsuaants.
Each bidder shall submit wdh its bid a statement
seging foM its emeriance on me tortes Included
m the Bid Proposal
Telephones will not be available to bidders. Bid
fortes recewed attar the tlesignated time will not
be aaepted. Bidders end men authanzed agents
are invited to adend.
No bklder may wahdrew its bid for a paned of slxry
(fi0) days aner me data set for the opening of bids.
Apppproved By: Date~_
Timom R. JOnaseon~n, E.
Publw works DireclodCiry Engineer
Publishetl Byy. Date:
Veronica J Montea~~Cny Clerk
Puhilahetl: Ole, O/15/09
Dated at Pelm Springs, California this -15th, ---day
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of [he United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I em over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above~entitled matter. 1 am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and pubOshed in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non parcel, has been pubOshed in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
April Br", 15`", 2009
All in the year 2009
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
No 1170 SECTION 1100
Project No. 2008-17
FY 08109
Slurry Seal end Restriping Progrem
T1v CFALED BIDS will he received ~Y. Me City Of
Com77late sets of Me blddlr~9documents maY be
urehased online Irom Plan Well Enterpdse et the
~MIeoPla~WelE erpnse hyo peMnk~ and click on
Each bidder shall submit with Os bid a e
Bening forth Its ezpenenoe on Me forms
in Me 91tl Proposal.
Mel^epho~n giv~laaerthe tlesl9 ate bfim
(soj d ys aMei Me date sac krdMe openi 9 ~ bbs
Approvetl By: Date:
TImoMY R. Jonasso~,~E: - .
Public Works Dlrectar/C'M ~n9~neer
Published By: Data:
VeronlcaJ Montecm-o,Z`h$S. City CIeM
Published: q19. 4115/09
Dated at Palm Springs, California this --15`", -day
Invitation or Bids
County of Riverside
[ am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and pubOshed in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type no[ smaller
than non panel, has been pubOshed in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
April 22n0, 29'", 2009
This is space for CounTy ClerKs Filing Stamp
~NO 1567 ~-- CITV OF lA GUIMA
per PruDlic Contract sCode Section 72300. ed funds
... _i_~~....e vll incnf"flCa ra'
All in the year 2009
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this --29`", ---day
of----- April -- -------, 2009
a re
Ouinta es an aaoniou"~ ~~~~~~--~
The term of the contract shall be for one (11 Year
i wlih two eddltional one year renewal options.
Compplete spectllcetions may De obtainetl from t e
981ndPng~' Le OulntaryCA epedment 7&495 Calla
ate eroniw notation
Ciry Clerk
_ ...___.. .,~..,. snoma
No 1596
ProleM No. 2006-15
Horseshoe Road Drainage Improvements
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States end a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above~ntitled matter. I am the principal clerk of e
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and pubOshed in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by [he
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non panel, has been pubOshed in each regular
end entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
April 22"", 29th, 2009
All in the year 2009
I certify (or declare) under penaky of pert ury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this --29th, --day
more Imarmeuon.
lopatlons and limka ~s
Complete sets of me bitldingg documems may De
pCurohased oNlne from Plan Pell Emerydse at the
ihleoPlanWePlE ery^~ec~and click on
Bidding procetlures are prescnDed in the Pro)ecl
Specdlca0ons. Bids shell be executed upon the
farms bound and made a part of sold SpeGlica~
tall to emer mto the same,
a Umel manner me bonds
oncnin.~ nn m wssve anvhe
es wen as a rainnw
amount equal to one
Each bidtler shall subma with Its bid a statement
settlnyy forth its ezpedence on the forms Included
in iheBld Proposal.
Telephones will not Da available to bitlders. Bltl
forms received seer Me tlesipp~a~ed time will rrot
be ecceDted. Bldtlers and their authonzed egems
are Invited to ettentl.
(60) days aei Me tlat eet foltlme o0ening of bids.
A proved By: Date:
TPmothy R Jonesso-~E-
Publlc Works Olrector/City ~nglneer
Publishetl BY: Oate:
Veronica J. Montec n- T oZ`FTC.Z:iry Clerk
Publlahed: 422, U29/09
no i)la8
Project 2006-04
Highway 111 -phase III Street Improvements
Point Happy Way to West City Limits
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over [he age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above~ndtled matter. I am [he principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in [he city of Pelm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1958. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which [he
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non panel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on [he following dates, [o wit:
May 6`", 13'", 2009
All in the year 2009
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury [hat the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated a[ Palm Springs, California this ----13`", ---day
of------ MBY -_ -----------r 2009
This FroJeq shall lie completed wimin 8a work•i
Ing days from the tlate epecllied In the Notlce to
Proceed. Time for the wmmencement and'com-
pieuon of mework is impoAant,end is to Ce ofthe,
essence of the Contrad. The successful bidder
shoultl plan to omer any longg lead ame equippmenC-
ttemsimmetliatelytollowing'NWCe otAward'. i
OCom Isle sets of me bidtling tlacumems ma be
following eEdlresa'%~b/nc.iom e~rMSC ick on
me Plan Well Enrerpnse hypedink.
r manner me bon
he Ciry reserves 1
ana to waive arty
Each gbidtler shall aubma with ile bid a states
~~ Ne B E p~aeo~Pedence on the forms inGr
Telephones will not be available to bidtlere.
forms. received alter the desipp~a~ed time will
be accspletl. Bitlders and Ihelr aumodzed ag
are invited to attend, ,
No bidder may withdrew he bid far a penod of t
(all) tlaya soar Me date sal for the ooeninn m r
MProved Bv: Date:
?uapmj R_Jonesson, P.E. -^ „
I , y, .,,, _. _:~ :..
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and~e~resident of -
the County aforesaid; I am over [he age of eighteen
years, and no[ a party to or interested in the
above~endtled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adf udged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, Stale of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; the[ the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type no[ smaller
than non portal, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
Apri129'", May 6'", 2009
All in the year 2009
[ certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this --9'", -- day
of---_-~ MaY - ------------, 2009
Sign re
Protect No. 2007-04
Village Wayfinding Sign Program
SEALED BIDB will be receNetl byaythe City of W
Qui78d196ry~elle TaDOmpico~ PO Boxlerk l~ tom'
oninTliuntlaymieMay~2/724089urnelt wW h~imel
they will be publicly opened and reatl for perform-
ing work as follows:
The orolect enrtNe,a,.r u:...:.:.:.._ __.:___... ..
eah~~bfonhr as elxsedence on ~Ne ,corms int lC UdeG
. m NeEitl ProposaP
I Telephones will not be available to bitldem. Bid
~~ forms received after Ne designated time will not
be accepted. Bitlders and then authorfzetl agents
PROOF OF PUBLICATION This is space for County Clerk's Filing Stamp
County of Riverside
Invitation to Bid
Project No. 2008-11
FY 08/09 Slurry Seal and Restriping Program
at Terss le
umil 2:00 P.M. s
Gulnta California, 92253,
Supertor Court of the County of Riverside, State of ,
June }2, 2009 at which dme they will be publN
opened and reed for pedonning work as fo ows:
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case me Droject consists of famishing antl epDMi
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the awr seal and restriping on varlcus street pav
men~s within me city of La Guinta, antl ell oN
annexed is a rioted co set in t e not smaller
P PY ( YP items and tacllaies necessary and incidental
than Bon oriel has been ublished in each re ular
P , P 8 complete the im77rovements as requlretl Dy tl
project specdicatlons, and other provisions of n
and entire issue of said newspaper sod not in any contract. The work includes, but Is not limited
cleanin of streets to receive slurrryry seal and pay
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: pmg, as directed b the Clry Engineer
mem str
n' project work antl incidemal Items to complete t
pro)ect shall De pedonned in accordance with t
antl om
ect sperAfications contained herein
, 2009
June 6 ,
orowsions of the contract. All the above tasks a
All in the year 2009 Tnis project shell be comppleted within 30 working
days from. me date specHled In the Nodce to Pro-
teed. Time for the commencement and comple-
I certify (or declare) under penalty of pert ury that the lion of Ne work is important and is to be of the es
sence of the Contract ~'he successful bitlder
foregoing is true and correct. should plan to order any long lead dme equipment
items immetlielely following ouce of Awa
Springs, California this -15 , --- day
Dated at Palm Complate sets of me biddinpp~documents ma9 be
ppurchased online from Plan WelfEnterynse at the
_ m arW click on
E e
l rpdse hypedi
of----- June -- ---, 2009
Biddingg procedures are Drescdbad In the Project
e execu
Specifications. Bids sha
'` forms bound ant made a pert of said SpeciOCa-
Bid becudry in en amount not less then ten
__ . .
percent (10%) of the total bitl tlollar amount antl
...-_-- _ __- -~_~-___~ confanningg to the prescdbetl bidding procetlurea
is required tc be subminetl with each bid, es e
guaranty to be fodefled should the bidder, i1
awarded the condor[, fail to enter iota the Same,
or fails to famish in a timely manner MB bonds
anNOr proof of insurance. The Chy reserves the
right to relecl any or all bitls, and to waive any ir-
Pursuant to Public Contred Code Section 22300.
for monies earned by Ina Condadar end wahheld
by the City to ensure the pedonnance of the Con-
tract, the Contrecor may, at its option, choose to
substlMe securities meeting the requirements of
saitl Public Contred Cotle Section 22300.
' All bi0tlere shall be licensed muter the provisions
of Chapter 9 Division 3 of the Business antl Pro-
fessions Cale of the State of Cal9omia to do the
type of work contemplated in the protect. , In ec-
coMance with provisions of California ublic Con-
. trect Cade Section 3300, the CiN has determined
that the Ganarel Contractor shoo possess a valid
No 2967
Project NO.2008-17
calle Tampico and Washington Street
Reconstruct Left Turn Pocket
Washington Street and Avenida La Fonda
Construct U-Turn pocket
Avenida Nuestra and Washington Street
Construct Golf Cart Access
County of Riverside
I am a cttizen of the Untted States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above~ndtled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and pub8shed in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non panel, has been pub8shed in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and no[ in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
July 10`", 15`b, 2009
All in the year 2009
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that [he
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this --15`b, -day
of------ July - --------, 2009
-_-_ -_---"--- -----_--------'"---A
~Si e
Dletion of me wmM Is important, entl is to De IN me
;essence of the Contract. The successful bidtler
should plan M order any bn99le~d time equiGGmem
1 Gems Immedlatety following'NMke of Awaro'.
j A pre-bid -conferonce Is acheduletl for
j 10:00 em Tuesday July 41, 4008 In the
OuNre Clryr Hall~ixeted at 78485 aCelle
j Tampico, lw Oulnte, CA.
Complete sets of the bitldin9g documents me be.
Upumhasetl online from Plan WeN Enrerpnsa at Ore
iolkaving address: www.acbinc.com end click on
the Plan Well EMerpnse hypedink
Iro me same,
er Me bonds
I anaor proof or msurence. me ury reserves Me
egulent es~int Ihta b ds II bide, tied to waive em/ ir-
i The.Ciry of La.OuIMa has edoptetl a local coMrec-
- ~ tar preference of 2% on Mis pp-rorojeMTn eccoMence
with Ciry of Le OuiMa fiasolulion No. 2005.096.
Local Contracor is deflnetl in Section 1110 (In-
stmmion to &tltlers) of the project specifications.
j Pursuant to the provisions of Califomla Labor
Code Secton 6707, each Did submitted in re-
sponse to Mls InNtatbn to Bid shall contain, as a
bltl hem, adequate sheeting, shoring aM braNng,
or e7uivelent meMOtl, for tfle protection of Ida and
Ilmb In trenches and open exravatlon which shall
I coMOrm to liceble safety amen:. ~y listing this
sum, Me bidder wartants at Rs action does not
' convey ton IieNliry to the City, its cansulmnts, and
j their employees, agents, aM sub-consuhents.
Pursuant to SeMlon 1770, el. seq of Me CalNor-
nla Labor Cade, ttre successful bidder shell pay
not less than Me prevailing rate of per diem wagqes
as detanninetl D iha Dlrectar of Me Califomrs De-
rpeiaz are avai ablesfro u elaCailfom'~e Deperlment
of Industrial Relatlons' IMemet web site at
. j http7/www.dicce.gov.
Pursuant to Public ContreM Cotle Seceon 22300
for monies earned by Me Contractor and withheld
by the C~'ty to ensure Me pedormance of the Cory
I trail, the Comractor may, at its apbon choose to
I subs8ture eeari0es meeung the requirements of
said Public Conhact Cotle Section 22300.
All bidders shall he Ilcensetl untler the provisions
of Chapter9 DNislon 3 of me Business end Pro-
~ fessions Code of ma Slate of Celifoormoila to do Me
~r~de ce wl*th prWl6lons of (ailbmia Public Cam
I tract Coda Sedron 3300, the CIry has determindtl
Mat the Generel Canirector she0 possess a valid
, Clus A (Oanarel Englneedng Contractor
Llcenw ~et Ne time Met the bid B submM
Failure to possess me speclfletl license(e) shell
rentler the Uitl as non-responsive.: -
The suaeastul bitltler will be required m IuMlsh e
Labor end Materials bond In Me amount equal to
one hundred percent 100%) of Me COMreM pdce,
as well e8 a Feithfu Performance BoM In )Ule
amount equal m one hundred percent 1t10% of
Me Conlreq Price.,
Each bitltler shell aubm0 wiM Its Did a statement
sebin9 forth Ib expedance on the forms included
in the Bitl Proposal.
Telephones will not be evallable M bitlders. Bid
'tones received attar Ore designated time will not
ba accepted. Bidtlers end then authorized agents
are invited to attend. ,
No bidtler may wiOMrew tts bW for a peda0 of sixty
(80) days after the date set forme opening of bids.
Aoorovetl BY: Date:
Imom9 R. Jonesson, P.E.
Publlo Works Director/Ciry Engineer
Published By: ~ Date:
Veronica MoMecirro, CMC
city cledr
Publlehed: 7/10, 7/15/09 r~
Celle Tampko entl Washington Sheet:
Reconstruq Lea Tum Pocket
,I,~ WashingroCons~U-Nm POCke~FOnda:
Avenitla Nueatra and Washington Street:
Constmcl Golf Can Axese
SEALED BIDS :II ba recalved fry Me CaY of Le
~.. ~ , a e nau.e.a e.e ran, rre,,..,...w.,
Protect NO.2009-16A
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above~ntitled matter. I am [he principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the city of Pelm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non panel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and no[ in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
August 21°`, 27`", 2009
All in [he year 2009
1 certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated et Palm Springs, California this ---27th, ---day
of--__-_- Au --• ~ -_-------_--_---> 2009
a neat antl presentaole conaa¢
bone 3000 eriu4000 for more
This protect shall be completetl within 45 work-
ing tlays from the tlate specified in the Notice to
I Proceetl. Time for the commencement antl com-
~ pletion of the work is important, and is to be of the
I essence of the Contract. The successful bitltler
should plan to order any longg lead time equippment
items immatliately tollowing'NOtice of Awam'.
i sets of [he bitltlinp tlocuments may be
d online from Plan Well Enterprise at the
atldress: www.ocbinc.com antl click on
fNell Enterprise hyperlink.
rrocedures are prescribed in the Project
Lions. Bids shall be executed upon the
and and matle a part of seitl SpeGfica~
tl security in an amount not less Than ten
10%) of the total bid tlollar amount ant
igg to the Drescribatl bidtling procedure:
3tl to be submitted with each bid, as e
to be forfeited snoultl the Didtler, it
the contract, fail to enter into the same
o furnish in a timely manner the bond:
'oof of insurance The Ciry reserves the
sject any or all bitls, antl to waive any it
ss in the bitls.
of La Ouinta has adoptetl a local contac
Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300
for monies earnetl by the Contractor and withheld
by the Ciry to ensure the performanra of the Con-
tract, the Contractor may, at its option, choose to
substitute securities meeting the requirements of
saitl Public Contract Cotle Section 22300.
The successful bitltler will be require
Labor antl Materials bond in the an
one huntlretl percent (100 %) of the 1
as well as a Faithful Performance
amount equal to one huntlretl pert
the Contract price.
Each bitltler shall submit with its bitl a statement
setting forth its experience on the forms includetl
in the Bitl Proposal.
Telephones will not be available to bidders. Bitl
forms receivetl aher the tlesignatetl time will not
be acceptetl. Bitlders and then authorized agents
are invited to altered.
No bitltler may withtlraw its bitl for a perlotl of sixty
(60) tlays after the date set for the opening of bids.
Approvetl By: Date:
Timothy R, yonasson, P.E. '
Public Works Director/Ciry Engineer
Published By: Date:
Veronica Montecino, CMC
City Clerk
Publiahed: 9/21, &27N9
No 3657
Project No. 2009-17
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in [he
above~ntjtled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed end published in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non panel, has been publshed in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
August 20`", 27'", 2009
All in the year 2009
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that [he
foregoing is true and correct.
snoul0 planto omer any longg lead time equipoment
~, items immediately followin0 Tlotice of Awa.d"
' Works con/eren
i Nall loeatetl at
Complete sets of the bidding tlocuments m
purchased online from Plan Well Enteprse
following address: www.ocbinacom and c4
the Plan Well Enterprise hyperlink.
~ as
i rat
reserves I
waive any
The successful bidder will be required to furnish
tabor and Materials (bond in the amount equal ti
asewell as epFa thfuf PedoonanceCBond~tio the
amount equal to one hundred percent (100 0) o
the Contract price.
Eachgbidder shall submit with its bitl a statement
inethe Bld PratposaPerience on the forms inclutletl
Telephones will not be available to bitlders. Bid
forms received aaer me tlesignatetl tlme will not
be accepted. Bidders antl then authodzetl agents
are invaetl to attend.
No bidtler may withtlraw its bitl for a pedotl of sixty
(60) tlays a0er me date setlor me opening of bitls.
roved By:
T mpothy R. Jonasson, P.E. Date:
Public Works Director/City Engineer
Published By: Date:
Veronica Montecino, CMC
City Clerk
Publlahoa: 8/20, 927!09
Dated at Palm Springs, California this ---27th, ---day
Jo 3fi72 ~_ -- _.____- ,.-.-_--.._._
SECTION 0011 00
Project No.s 2008-03 and 2007-08
La Quinta Fire Station #32 and Phase 1 Corporate Yard Improvements
County of Riverside
1 am a citizen "of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
aboveentitled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; [hat the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non pariel, has been published in each regular
end entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
August 19'b, 26'", 2009
All in the year 2009
1 certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that [he
foregoing is true and correct.
' Pro act No's 2008-03 and 2007.08
Le Ou~nta Fira Slatlon X32 and Phase 1
Corporate Yard Improvements
SEALED BIDS will be received by the Ci of la
Ouinta (Ciryl et the Office of the C!N Clerk50o4atLe
at 78.495 Celle Tampim, P.O 9
i Ouinta, Califompia, 92253, until 2:00 p;m. on
', theyrwal be publicry opened anE readat whwh time
Tha work to be pedormetl consists of an approxi-
mately 7,500 square foot, one-story Fire Station
located at 78-171 Avenue 52 end associated site
work. Also included am Coryorele Vard covered
parking shuctures antl asWGatetl site work. The
project will be tlivided into 13 prime package num-
bers as follows:
1. General Building
2. Site Utilities
3. Site Work
4. Electrical -
5. -Heating antl Air Conditioning
6, Plumbing
7. Casework
8, Fire Spripnpkler -
°90! Dr~eIl~Lath end Plaster, Painting
11. Floonng ,
12. Compressed Natural Gas
' 13. Solar Electnc ~.: -' -
All project work'entlrinctitlentalaems to complete
' the prpjeilshall be ppedonned in accordance with
'~, the plans, spec!fice,ions, and other provisions of
the contract. All the above improvements are to be
constructed in a workmanlike manner, leaving the
entire project in a neat antl presentable condition.
Peter to Sectlon3000 within these epecifi-
eetlons for more Information.
j This project shall be completed within 300 con-
! secut!ve calentlar days from the date specified in
the Notice to Proceed. Time for the commence-
I ment antl completion of me work is important, and
. is to be of the essence of the Contract. The suc-
cessful bidtlars shoultl plan to, ortler any long leatl
time eppuipment items immetliately following °NO-
! lice of Awam'.
'. A p9grabld conference will be held Monde9,
p jhough l oo~menidatoryC~t la lhlggC lynrecorn~
i mended that all potential bidtlere etlentl.
1 Complete sets of the bidtlin9 documents ma9 be
purchased online from Plan Well Enterprise at the
following adtlreas: www.ocbihacom antl click on
~ the Plan Well Enteryrise hypenink.
! Bidding procedures are prescribetl in the Project
Specif!cat!ons. Bitls shall be exedutetl upon the
~~ rn,a,a nnnnd and matle a Dail of said Soecifica-
This pro)act is sublact to Section 1770, 1773,
1773.1 et. seq., of tF!e California Labor Code antl
,therefore the requ!rement to pay the prevailing
wage rate tloes apply.
Pursuant to Public Contract Cotle Secton 22300
for monies earned b~ the Prime Contracors and
withheltl by the Ciry o ensure the performance of
the Contrect(s), the Prime Contractors may, at
their option, choose to substitute securities meet-
ing the requirements of saitl Public Contract Code
Section 22300. -
All bitltlers shall be licensed under the provisions
of Chapter 9, Division 3 of the Business and Pro-
fessions Cotle Of the State of California to do the
type of work contemplated in the portion of the
project the are bitlding In accordance w!th provi-
sions of Cyalifornia Public Contract Cotle Section
3300, the Prime Contractors shall possess valid
Conirector Llcanae(sl to pe onn tlesiretl /
scoped work at the timetihat the bitl is submittetl.
Failure to possess the specifietl license(s) shall
render the bid as non-responsive.
The successful bitltlerfs) will be requiretl to furnish
a Labor antl Materials Lbond In the amount equal to
one huntlretl percent f100 %) of the Contract price,
as well es a Falthfu Pedortnenca Bond in the
amount equal to one huntlred percent (1b0%) of
the Contract puce. Each bldtler shall submit w!th
its bitl a statement setting forth its experience on
the forms included in the Bid Proposal.
Telephones will not be available to bidtlars. Bid
forms receivetl attar the tlesignaletl time will not
be acceptetl. Bidders and the!r authorized agents
ere invited to etlentl. '
No Ditltler may withdraw hs bid for a period of sixty
(fi0) tlays attar the datesei for the opening of bitls.
Approved By: Date:
Tom Hartungg
Director of f3uiltling and Safety -
Published By: Date:
Veronica Montecina, ity lark
~ PuDllehed: aH 9, &26/09
ewaroetl the contrail, fail to enter mto the same,
or fails to furnish in a timely manner the bonds
antllor proof of insurance. a City reserves the
right to_ retail any or ell bids, and to waive any ir-
Dated at PNIm Springs, California this --26`D, --day
Project No. 2008-02
Traffic Signal Improvements at Avenue 52
and Desert Club Drive
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; 1 am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above-entitled matter. 1 am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of [he County of Riverside, Sete of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of whtch the
annexed is a printed copy (se[ in type not smaller
than non parcel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
October 2nd, 9t", 2009
All in the year 2009
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this --13th, ---day
at------ Octobe • - -- -------- -, 2009
'• nature
This project shall he completed within 40 work•
---- In9 days, excluding equlpmant procure-
ment bme from the date specified in the Notice
to Proceetl. Time for fha commencement antl
completion of the work is imOOdant, and is to be of
the essence of the Contract The successful bitl-
tler shoultl plan to ortler any remaining e~uipmant
or other incidental items immediately olllowing
-- 'Notice of Awartl`.
A re-bid conierenee Is scheduled for
10:00 A.M., Tuesday, October 13, 2009 In
the Publle Works conference room et Cily
of la Ouinta, City Nall loeatetl et 75-4955
Celle Tampico, P.O. Box 1504, La Ouinta, Califor-
nia 92253.
Complete sets of the bitltling documents may be
putt asetl online from Plan Well Enterprise at the
following etldress: www.ocbinocom and click on
the Plan Well Enterprise hypenink.
Bitltling procetlures are prescribed in the Protect
•3pecihcabons. Bitls shall be executed upon the
.forms bountl and made a pan of said Specifica-
tions. Bid security in an amount not less than ten
,percent (10%) of the total bid tlollar amount and
conformingg to the prescdbatl bidtling Drocedures
is requiretl to be submidetl with each bid, as a
guaranty to ba forfeited should the bitltler, if
awartled the contract, fail to enter into the same,
or fails to furnish in a timely manner the bontls
anNor proof of insurance. Tha Ciry reserves the
right to reieM any or all blds, antl to waive any irv
The Ciry of La Ouinta has adopted a local contreo
for preference of 2% on this protect in accordance
with Ciry of La Quints Resolution No. 2006-023.
Local contractor is tlefined in Section 1110 (In-
struction to Bidders) of the project specifications.
The Local Contractor Preference Statement pre-
sented in Section 1260 must he completetl and
submitted with the bid in accordance with the im
stmctions defined in Section 1110.
Pursuant to the provisions of California Labor
Cotla Section fi7 7, each bid submitted in re-
sponse to this Invitation to Bitl shall contain, as a
ofd item, atlequate sheeting, shoring, and bracing,
or equivalent method, for t e protecfionof Itle antl
limb in trenches and open excavafion which shalt
conform to apppplicable safety orders. fly listing Nis
sum, the bitltler warrants that its action does not
convey tort liability tome Cilv, its consultants, end
their employees, agents, and sub-consultants.
Pursuant to Section 1770, et. seq., of the Califor-
nia Labor Coda, the successful bidder shall pay
not less Nan the prevailing rate of per diem wages
as tleterminetl by the Director of me California e-
panmenl of Industrial Relations. These wage
rates era available from the California Department
' of IndusMal Relations' Internet web site at
~ htlp://www.tlir ca.gov.
Pursuant to Public Contract Cotla Section 22300,
far monies earned by the Contractor antl withheld
by the City to ensure the performance of the Con-
tract, the Contractor may, al its ophon, choose to
substitute securities meeting the requirements of
saitl Public Contract Cotla Section 22300.
SEALED BIDS will be received by the Clty of La
Ouinta (City) at the Office of the City Clerk ocatetl
at 76-495 Celle Tampico, P.Q. Sox 1504, La
Quints, California 92253, until 2:00 P.M. on
Tuestlay, October 20, 2009 at which time
they wilt be Publicly opened end read for perform-
ingworkas ollows:
Tha successful bitltler will De requiretl to furnish a
labor and Materials bontl in the amount equal to
one huntlred percent (100%) of the Contract price,
as well as a Faithful Performance Bond, in the
amount equal to one hundretl percent (100%) of
the Contract price.
No 4499
County of Riverside
Project No. 2008-04A
CDBG Project No. 4.LQ.04-08 & 4.LQ.06-09
Phase 1 Village Enhanced Pedestrian
Crossing and Traffic Calming Devices
1 am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above~ntitled matter. 1 am [he principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non pariel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
October lot", 21", 2009
All in the year 2009
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated a[ Pelm Springs, California this ---21'r, -- day
of---__--- Oc er __ __-----------_______~ 2009
agpo end 4aao for more
A rabid conference la scheduled for
70:00 A.M., Thuretley, October 22, 2909 In
the Public Works conference room M City
of La Ouinte City Hall located a1 78195 Celle
Tampico, P.(S. Box 1504, La Ouinta. Caldornia
92253. ,
Compplete sets of the bitltling tlocuments may be
purchasetl online from Plan Well Enteryrise et the
following agtlress: www.octiinc.com antl click on
the Plan Well Enteryrise hyperiink.
or fails to furnish in a timelyy manner the bor
and/or proof of insurence. Tha City reserves I
right to, reject any or all bitls, and to waive any
In re- I
Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300 ~
for monies earned by the Contrector and withheld '
by the Ciry to ensure the pedortnance of the Con-
tract the ontractor may, at ns option, choose to
substitute securities meeting the requirements of
saitl Public Contrail Cotle Section 22300.
Each bitltler shall submit with its bid a statement
setling forth its experience on the forms inclutletl
in the 6itl Proposal.
Telephones will not be available to bitldem. Bid
forms received after the tlesignatetl time will not
be accepted. Bitltlere antl their authorized agents
ere invitetl to attend.
No bitltler may withdraw its bid far a period of sixty
(60) tlays attar the date set for the opening of bids.
A7provetl BY: Date:
Tmothy R. yonasson, P.E.
City Engineer
Published B : Date:
Veronica J. y ontecino, CMC
City Clerk
dub: 10n4, 21/09
t. ~,
Project No. 2008-16
Federal Air Project No. CML 5433 (009)
Hwy 111 Traffic Signal Interconnect and Control
Equipment Replacement Project.
P~®®F ®~ PU/B~ LICATI®N This is sp ectl Control Equipment Replacement ProJ-
/2015.5.C.C.P Qu n~EDCBIDS will be receivetl by the Ciro of La
( ty~at the Office of the CiN clew f.,,._._.
Smpa of work:
County of Riverside
1 am a citizen of the United States and a resident of All project work antl incidental items to complete
the project shall be performed in accordance with
the plans, specifications, antl other
the County aforesaid; 1 am over the age of eighteen p
ons of
~be constro t. All the above improvements are to
-- pctefd in.e~tV6rkmaimike manner, leaving
Rye entire ro act i
years, and not a party to or interested in the n a neat and reseniable contli-
tion. peter to settlona f~oo
above~ntitled matter. 1 am the principal clerk of a ,
on ana
00 for more information.
P This project is to be corn letetl within 45 ivarking'
tlays from the date speoifietl in the Notic
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation, e
o Pro-
. Time for commencement and completion of
and i
printed and published to the city of Palm Springs, ,
s b ba of the essence
the ConhacL
plan to order an l
m ~¢I
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been on
quipment ttems
immediately followi
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the ng Notice of Awaro'.
a mantlator
Su erior Court of the Coun of Riversid Stale of
P ty e' P
d conference well be
10:00 oem alrnnt~e aClty oft~er 26, 2009 at
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case conference Boom
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the .
s me
farm bltltlere o/ protect raqulrementa aatl'.
'abco B
actors of sub
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller U
contrecting and ma-
well also provltle pao o
than non portal, has been published in each regular p
or U
antl •Dees subcontractors to meet and m-~
use thems
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any e
ves to me Prime contras-,
supplement thereof on the following dates, t0 wit: Complete sets of the bidding documents may be
~tl online from Plan Well Enter
m sr
October 15 , 2] , 2009 p
se at the
the Pla 9WeIItlE er7~B Fyp ~j~-wand click on,
comormin td the -- a, amount an
All in the year 2009 is requires fo be submitietltl bih tling procedure
guaranty to be fodeitetl should ache bid, as
awartled the contract, fails to enter into the sans
1 certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the or fails fo furnish in a time)yy manner the bond:
anNOr proof of insurance. Tha City reserves thr
foregoing iS true end correct. reguieneesein he b Os II bitls, antl to waive any it
Dated et Palm Springs, California this ---21°`, ----day code sadwriha7 pprovisions. of_Califomia labor
sppnse to this nvgr'~',~eaclio itl submi0etl in re-
- --~~ -..,,we,e soaerm shorin ~ and bn
of--------- Octobe ------ --------~---------, 2009 or equivalent methotl, for the qq
limb m trenches and open exceve~on n of IiM1
conform to eoplivable which
sum, (he bitls safetry~jv, orders. gy listiry
ConVe tort Iiabili warrants "ryryaf its action tloe
their employees, a tenLS and • its consultants
g subconsultants
______________ _ _~_-___________-_-____ Pursuant to provisions of the Labor Cdtle Sep
--------------- 1770, et. se
$1 Ure for of the Department of Industrial Relatha D
ascenained the prevailing rate of per tliem we
of the locality in which the Work is to be perton
and applicable to the work to be done.
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1P1[2®®~' ®F PUBLICA'Il'I®1V
County of Riverside
1 am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County atoresaid; 1 am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested In the
above~entitled matter. 1 am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type no[ smaller
than non panel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
December 23r°, 30'", 2009
All in the year 2009
T certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this --30t" ----day
of--------- Decerobk~-~--*-------------_--_, 2009
No 5516 ~
Project NO.2008-16
FeDERAL Aid Project No. CML 5433 (009)
-Highway 111 Traffic Signal Interconnect
antl Control Equipment .Replacement Project
This apt
SEALED 8105 will be received by the CiN of V
Scope of work:
I so provitle-ad opponbniry for UDBEs antl DBEs
~ subcontractors to meat antl introduce themselves
. to the Prime Contractors.
Complete sets of the biddin9documents may be
urchased online from Plan Well Enterprise at the
~ollowing atldress: www.orbinc.com and click on
the Plan Well Enteprise hypetlink.
Bitltling procedures Ole prescribed in the Project
Specifications. Bids shall be executetl upon the
forms bound and matle a oen of said 5cecifica~
or rails to mmisn in a timely manner the bontls
and/or proof of insurance. The Ciry reserves the
right to reject any br all bids, antl to waive any in
I regulantles in the bids.
Pursuant to the previsions of California Labor
Cotle Section 6707, each bid submi0etl in re-
sponse to this Invitation to Bid shall wntain, as a
bitl item, title oats sheeting, shoringg antl bracin
or equiv0lent methoQ for the pmtect~on of life antl
.limb in tmnchasaM opeoezcavation'whichshall
conform to-e~~licable safety orders- ~yiisting this - ' - ~ - "
sum, the bitlder wAnants That its action does not
convey tort liability to the Ciry its consultants, and
their employees, agents, and sob-consultants.'
Pureuant to orovisions of the Labor Code Section
Bitlders shall promptly notity the Ciry, in wdting,
about all the classifications of labor not listed ~n
the prevailing wage tletenninations but necessary
For the performance of the Work, before bitls are
any a
to the