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06-1377 (OFC) Title 24
TITLE 24 Energy Conservation Standards Compliance Report (Interior Lighting. Only) ANDALUSIA TEMP. DESIGN CENTER LA QUINTA CITY OF _LA1rTrX BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CO STR CTION Madlin's Job Number: 25415A oject Architect. DA BJ4"K-CRANDELL, INC. `IS 72, U O CAPISTRANO, SUITE 100 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 TELEPHONE (949) 487-2320 0 Mad1in s LL' L�"m enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst Post Office Box 1443 w Palm Springs, CA 92263 Phone 760-322-5004 / 760-323-3644 Fax E-mail: Cmadlin@aol.com Madlin s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst - 760-322-5004 l 323-3644 Fax...... - Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards Compliance Report This proposed project has been reviewed for compliance with the 2005 State of California Energy Conservation Standards, Title 24, by Madlin's Enterprises. The building design described in this compliance report is in conformance with the standards as outlined in the attached compliance forms and documentation. Date: November 2, 2005 Job Number: 25415A Designer's Name: PEKAREK-CRANDELL, INC. Developer's Name: CORAL OPTION 1, LLC. Project Name: ANDALUSIA TEMP. DESIGN CENTER Project Location: ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA Method of Compliance: ENERGYPRO V4 CERTIFIED COMPUTER PROGRAM Certified Energy Analyst Catherine M. Madlin r NR98-90-544 C A 8 E C R98-90-144 Califomia Association of Building Energy ConsulUfft Post Office Box 1443 v, Palm Springs, CA 92263 Madli s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certifred Energy Analyst v 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fay:) . Title 24 Compliance Forms CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 1 of 4) LTG -1-C PROJECT NAME DATE Andalusia Ternp Design Center 11/2/2005 PROJECTADDRESS La Quinta PRINCIPAL DESIGNER - LIGHTING TELEPHONE uilding Peririit.#.,"!- Sparks Construction 760 771-1941 ,7T;Cliecked tiy/ba{s' DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR TELEPHONE Madlins Enterprises (760) 322-5004 EnforoemeritAgenry,-Use GENERAL INFORMATION DATE OF PLANS BUILDING CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA ZONE 75��Ti 5,871 sy.Ft. 15 BUILDING TYPE ® NONRESIDENTIAL ❑ HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL ❑ HOTEL/MOTEL GUEST ROOM ® CONDITIONED SPACES ❑ UNCONDITIONED SPACES ❑ INDOOR & OUTDOOR SIGNS PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION ® NEW CONSTRUCTION ❑ ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION METHODOF LIGHTING ❑ COMPLETE BUILDING ® AREA CATEGORY ® TAILORED ❑ PERFORMANCE COMPLIANC❑ COMMON LIGHTING STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. This certificate applies only to building lighting requirements. The documentation preparer hereby certifies that the documentation . accurate and complete. DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR SIGNATU DATE Catherine M. Madlin CEA 11at2005 The Principal Lighting Designer hereby certifies that the proposed building design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other compliance forms and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the lighting requirements contained in Sections 110,119, 130 through 132, and 146, 148 and 149 of Title 24, Part6. Please Check One: (These sections of the Business and Professions Code are printed in full in the Nonresidential Manual.) ❑ I hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am licensed in the State of California as a civil engineer or electrical engineer, or I am a licensed architect. I affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section 5537.2 or 6737.3 to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed contractor performing this work. ❑ 1 affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document because it pertains to a structure or type of work described as exempt pursuant to Business and Professions Code Sections 5537, 5538 and 6737.1. PRINCIPAL LIGHTING DESIGNER - NAME SIGNATURE Sparks Construction JDATE JUC.# LIGHTING MANDATORY MEASURES Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measures LIGHTING COMPLIANCE FORMS & WORKSHEETS (Check box if worksheet is included) ®LTG -1-C, Parts 1 of 4 and 2 of 4: Certificate of Compliance. Part 1 of 4 and 2 of 4 are required for all submittals 0LTG-1-C, Part 3 of 4: Certificate of Compliance. Part 3 of 4 submittal is required only if Control Credits are claimed ® LTG -1-C, Part 4 of 4: Certificate of Compliance. Part 4 of 4 submittal is required when lighting controls are installed ®LTG -2-C: Interior Lighting Schedule ®LTG -3-C: Portable Lighting Worksheet ©LTG -4-C: Lighting Controls Credit Worksheet 1KLTG-5-C: Interior Lighting Power Allowance ®LTG -6-C: Tailored Method Worksheet ®LTG -7-C: Room Cavity Ratio Worksheet ❑LTG -B -C: Common Lighting Systems Method Worksheet ❑LTG -9-C: Line Voltage Track Lighting Worksheet EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number. 1069 Job Number. 25415A Page:1 of 13 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 2 of 4) LTG -1-C PROJECT NAME DATE Andalusia Temp Design Center I 11/2/2005 INSTALLED INTERIOR LIGHTING POWER FOR CONDITIONED AND UNCONDITIONED SPACES INSTALLED LIGHTING, UNCONDITIONED SPACES (From LTG -2-C) 0 LIGHTING CONTROL CREDIT, UNCONDITIONED SPACES (From LTG -4-C) 0 UNCONDITIONED SPACE ADJUSTED INSTALLED LIGHTING POWER 0 ALLOWED INTERIOR LIGHTING POWER FOR CONDITIONED SPACES COMPLETE BUILDING METHOD (From LTG -S -C) QX AREA CATEGORY METHOD (From LTG -5-C) [X TAILORED METHOD (From LTG -5-C) ALLOWED LIGHTING POWER INSTALLED ALTERNATE COMPLIANCE WATTS PERFORMANCE METHOD F] COMMMON LIGHTING SYSTEM (From LTG -8-C) INSTALLED LIGHTING, CONDITIONED SPACES (From LTG -2-C) 9,146 PORTABLE LIGHTING (From LTG -3-C) 274 LIGHTING CONTROL CREDIT, CONDITIONED SPACES (From LTG -4-C) 304 CONDITIONED SPACE ADJUSTED INSTALLED LIGHTING POWER 9,116 INSTALLED LIGHTING, UNCONDITIONED SPACES (From LTG -2-C) 0 LIGHTING CONTROL CREDIT, UNCONDITIONED SPACES (From LTG -4-C) 0 UNCONDITIONED SPACE ADJUSTED INSTALLED LIGHTING POWER 0 ALLOWED INTERIOR LIGHTING POWER FOR CONDITIONED SPACES COMPLETE BUILDING METHOD (From LTG -S -C) QX AREA CATEGORY METHOD (From LTG -5-C) [X TAILORED METHOD (From LTG -5-C) ALLOWED LIGHTING POWER ALLOWED WATTS 9,234 ALTERNATE COMPLIANCE PERFORMANCE METHOD F] COMMMON LIGHTING SYSTEM (From LTG -8-C) ALLOWED INTERIOR LIGHTING POWER FOR UNCONDITIONED SPACES(From LTG -5-C o MANDATORY INTERIOR AND DAYLIGHTING AUTOMATIC CONTROLS CONTROL LOCATION CONTROL CONTROL TYPE Check If NOTE=TO (Room #) IDENTIFICATION (Auto Time Switch, Dimming, etc.) SPACE CONTROLLED Daytighung s FIELD' tF ENTRY ATS ATS ENTIRE OFFICE SEE PAGE OF FORM LTG -1- OR DIMMERS & OCCUPANY NSOR LOCATIONS. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 3 of 4) LTG -1 -CI PROJECT NAME . DATE Andalusia Temp Design Center 1 11/2/2005 CONTROLS FOR CREDIT IN CONDITIONED AND UNCONDITIONED SPACES CONTROL LOCAT16N Room # or Dw CONTROL IDENTIFICATION CONTROL TYPEUMINAI Occu ant, Da li ht Dimmin tc. F ww ES -CONTROL E I I MINAIR 3 NOTE T Entry/Reception Dimming - Manual Display 3 Gen Dimming - Manual S 2 Display 3 Gen Dimming - Manual ww i Display 3 Gen Dimming - Manual ww 3 Display 3 Gen Dimming - Manual ww 3 Display 3 Gen Dimming - Manual ww 4 Display 3 Gen Dimming - Manual ww 3 Display 3 Rr Display Dimming - Manual FD 1 4 Display 1 Dimming - Manual S 1 Display 1 Dimming - Manual ww 2 Display 1 Dimming - Manual ww 6 Display 1 Dimming - Manual ww 3 Display 2 Dimming - Manual S 2 Display 2 Dimming - Manual ww 3 Display 2 Dimming - Manual ww 5 Laundry / Service Occ Sensor - <= 250 sqft G 2 Laundry Service Occ Sensor - <= 250 scift B 3 RR Occ Sensor - <= 250 sqft C 5 RR Occ Sensor - <= 250 scift B 2 RR Unisex Ooc Sensor - <= 250 scift B 3 EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number. 1069 Job Number. 25415A Page:3 of 13 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 4 of 4) LTG -1-C PROJECT NAME Andalusia Temp Design Center DATE 11/2/2005 Designer: This form is to be used by the designer and attached to the plans. Listed below are all the acceptance tests for lighting systems. The designer is required to check the boxes by all acceptance tests that apply and list all equipment that require an acceptance test. If all equipment of a certain type requires a test, list the equipment description and the number of systems to be tested in parentheses. The NJ number designates the Section in the Appendix of the Nonresidential ACM Manual that describes the test. Also indicate the person responsible for performing the tests (i.e. the installing contractor, design professional or an agent selected by the owner). Since this form will be part of the plans, completion of this section will allow the responsible party to budget for the scope of work appropriately. Building Departments: Before an occupancy permit is granted for a newly constructed building or space, or a new lighting system system serving a building or space is operated for normal use, all control devices serving the building or space shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements for Code Compliance. In addition a Certificate of Acceptance, LTG -1-A, Forms shall be submitted to the building department that: A. Certifies plans, specifications, installation certificates, and operating and maintenance information meet the requirements of 10-103(b) and Title 24 Part 6. Test Description Test Performed By: LTG -2-A: Lighting Control Acceptance Document - Occupancy Sensor Acceptance -Manual Daylight Controls Acceptance - Automatic Time Switch Control Acceptance Equipment requiring acceptance testing Automatic Time Switch ❑ LTG -3-A: Automatic Daylighting Controls Acceptance Document Equipment requiring acceptance testing EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number. 1069 Job Number. 25415A Page:4 of 13 1 INTERIOR LIGHTING SCHEDULE (Part 1 of 2) LTG -2-C PROJECT NAME DATE Andalusia Temp Design Center 11/2/2005 J INSTALLED LIGHTING POWER FOR CONDITIONED SPACES Luminaire Lam s/Ballasts Installed_ Watts C D E F G H I J Name • Type Description �cri M3 r ��i' 333 :3 .•p N co `� °r'm� 3�x V N �o°� 3U3. .'O m RR � 3�� may m v dm cn r -3 z .a3 - N m 3 � x'.z_ v N nl _ Yes No B Elecw Compal Fluorescent Triple 4 Pin CFTR26W/GX24 -3 26 1.0 28.0 X 1571 4,396 C w Compact Fluorescent Triple 4 Pin Elec Cf 49 26 1.0 28.0 X_. 54 1,512 F Elec 4 ft Fluorescent T8 Energy Savings 32T 3 30 1.0 79.0 X 6 _ 474 FD 50w Recessed Incandescent FD oW 50 50.0 X 4 200 G (1) 4 ft Fluorescent T8 Energy Savings Elec FKTB 1 30 1.01 29.0 X 6 174 S S 4Dw Surface Mount Incandescent 1 4W 4 9 5----20-0 LICL (1) 14w Linear Fluorescent T5 Elec14 F14T5 14 1.0 18.0 X 5 90 28CL (1) 28w Linear Fluorescent T5 Elec 28 1.0 30.0 X 10 300 WW 50w Recessed Incandescent WW 50 50.0 X 36_1 00 PAGE TOTAL[ 9,146 BUILDING TOTAL (sum of all pages) [ 9,146 PORTABLE LIGHTING (From LTG -3-C) C 274 CONTROL CREDIT (From LTG4Z) C 304 ADJUSTED ACTUAL WATTS C 9,116 ' EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number. 1069 Job Number. 25415A Pages of 13 I INTERIOR LIGHTING SCHEDULE (Part 2 of 2) LTG -2-C PROJECT NAME DATE Andalusia Temp Desiqn Center 11/2/2005 INSTALLED LIGHTING POWER FOR UNCONDITIONED SPACES 771 Luminaire Lam s/Ballasts Installed Watts C D E F G H I J Name Type Description �m v3 cdc 333 5 cr m `� ° M. 3mz cdc 3m3 ��v m `� ° c 3-o �m� m O fD0 �m Vest No r Z 3. � �°3 H x m d PAGE TOTAL L BUILDING TOTAL (sum of all pages) C CONTROL CREDIT (From LTG.") C ADJUSTED ACTUAL WATTS E ,i t i i EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 1069 Job Number. 25415A Page6 of 13 PORTABLE LIGHTING WORKSHEET LTG -3-C PROJECT NAME Andalusia Temp Design Center DATE 11/2/2005 TABLE 1 - PORTABLE LIGHTING NOT SHOWN ON PLANS FOR OFFICE_ AREAS >250 SQUARE FEET A B C D ROOM # DEFAULT OR ZONE ID /s R) AREA (SF) TOTAL WATTS (BX C)_ Offir& Areas >250 sf 0.2 1,372 274 PORTABLE LIGHTING Description LUMIN. # OF WATTS PER FIXT. FIXTURE TASK AREA (SF) # OF TASK AREAS TOTAL AREA (SF) (D x E) TOTAL WATTS (C x E) TOTAL 1,372 274 TABLE 2 - PORTABLE LIGHTING SHOWN ON PLANS FOR OFFICE AREAS >250 SQUARE FEET BUILDING SUMMARY BUILDING TOTAL TOTAL AREA (SF) (FROM TABLES 1+2+3) 1,372 A B C D E F G ROOM # OR ZONE ID PORTABLE LIGHTING Description LUMIN. # OF WATTS PER FIXT. FIXTURE TASK AREA (SF) # OF TASK AREAS TOTAL AREA (SF) (D x E) TOTAL WATTS (C x E) TOTAL 0 0 ROOM # TOTAL AREA OR ZONE ID (SF) TOTAL 0 Designer needs to provide detailed documentation that the lighting level provided by the overhead lighting meets the needs of the space. The details include luminaire types and mounting relative to work areas. locations BUILDING SUMMARY - PORTABLE LIGHTING BUILDING SUMMARY BUILDING TOTAL TOTAL AREA (SF) (FROM TABLES 1+2+3) 1,372 TOTAL WATTS 274 EnergyPfo 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number. 1069 Job Number. 25415A Page:7 of 13 LIGHTING CONTROLS CREDIT WORKSHEET (Part 1 of 2) LTG -4-C 'ONTROL CREDITS FOR CONDITIONED SPACES PROJECT NAME DATE Andalusia Temp Design Center 11/2/2005 A B C D E F I G H I J ROOM # ZONE ID CONDITIONED AREAS LIGHTING CONTROL DESCRIPTION PLAN REF. ROOM AREA (SF) _ DAYLIGHTING WATTS OF CONTROL LIGHTING LIGHTING ADJUST. FACTOR' CONTROL CREDIT WATTS (HX I) WINDOW WALL RATIO' GLAZING VLT SKYLIGHT EFFECTIVE APERTURE Entry/Reception Dimming - Manual WW 222 150 0.10 _ 15 Display 3 Gen Dimming - Manual S 761 80 0.10 8 Display 3 Gen Dimming - Manual WW 761 50 0.10 _ 5 Display 3 Gen Dimming - Manual WW 7611 150 0.10 15 Display 3 Gen Dimming - Manual WW 761 150 0.10 15 Display 3 Gen Dimming - Manual WW 761 200 0.10 20 Display 3 Gen Dimming - Manual WW 761 150 0.10 15 Display 3 Fir Display Dimming - Manual FD 80 200 0.10 20 Display 1 Dimming - Manual S 275 40 0.10 4 Display 1 Dimming - Manual WW 275 100 0.10 10 Display 1 Dimming - Manual WW 275 300 0.10 30 Display 1 Dimming - Manual WW 275 150 0.10 15 Display 2 Dimming - Manual S 290 80 0.10 8 Display 2 Dimming - Man, —WW 290 150 0.10 15 Display 2 Dimming - Manual WW 290 250 0.10 25 Laundry ervice OccSensor sgft <— G 100 58 0.20 12 Laundry I Service Occ Sensorqft <-250 B 100 84 0.20 17 RR Occ Sensor ft- <=250 C 122 140 0.20 28 RR Occ Sensor - <= 250 s ft B 122 1 56 0.20 RR Unisex Occ Sensory - <= 250scift B 70 84 0,20 17 1) From Equation 146-A 2) From Table 146-A PAGE TOTAL [ 304 BUILDING TOTAL 304 Enter in LTG -2-C: Lighting Control Credit - ; EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 1069 Job Number. 25415A PageS of 13 INTERIOR LIGHTING POWER ALLOWANCE - LTG -5-C PROJECT NAME Andalusia Temp Design Center DATE 11/2/2005 ALLOWED LIGHTING POWER (Choose One Method) COMPLETE BUILDING METHOD - CONDITIONED SPACES ALLOWED WATTS BUILDING CATEGORY (From Section 146 Table 146-B) WATTS PER SF COMPLETE BLDG. AREA ALLOWED WATTS AREA CATEGORY METHOD - CONDITIONED SPACES AREA CATEGORY (From Section 146 Table 146-C) WATTS PER SF AREA (SF) ALLOWED WATTS Retail Sales Wholesale 1.70 1,003 1,705 Kitchen Food Preparation 1.60 382 611 Lobby, Main Entry 1.50 222 333 Office 1.20 2,305 2,766 WATTS Laund TOTAL UNCONDITIONED SPACES ALLOWED WATTS 6-CF� (From LTG -5-C and LTG-) 100 90 Corridor/Restroom/Support 0.60 453 272 4 465 4,465 AREA PAGE TOTAL BUILDING TOTAL 5 777 5,777 WATTS TAILOREDT OD - CONDITIONED SPACES TOTAL ALLOWED WATTS 3,457 (From LTG -6-C or from computer run.) UNCONDITIONED SPACES Complete Building and Area Catagory Methods Category (From Section 146 Table 146 -B&C) WATTS PER SF AREA (SF) ALLOWED WATTS PAGE TOTAL BUILDING TOTAL nl D AREA C� WATTS TAILORED METHOD - UNCONDITIONED SPACES TOTAL UNCONDITIONED SPACES ALLOWED WATTS 6-CF� (From LTG -5-C and LTG-) 0 n Pro 4. User Number. 1069 Job Number. 25415A Page:9 of 13 [TAILORED METHOD WORKSHEET (Part 1 of 3) LTG -6-C I NAME Andalusia TemD Design .Center DATE _ 11/2/2 [TAILORED LPD SUMMARY Separate Tailored Method Worksheets must be filled out for conditioned and unconditioned spaces. 1. Watts for Illuminance Categories (from Tailored LPD Total below) > F 1,6871 watts 2. Watts for Display Lighting 1,644 + 126 + 70+1 1,77] Watts Wall Display Floor Display OmamentaUSpecial Very Valuable Display Effects Display 4. Total Allowed Watts (lines 1+2) 3,457 watts EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 1069 Job Number. 25415A Page: 10 of 13 TAILORED METHOD WORKSHEET (Part 2 of 3) LTG -6-C PROJECT NAME DATE Andalusia Temp Design Center 11/2/2005 A B C D E F G H I J K LIGHTING DESCRIPTION Mtg. Hgt Mtg. Hgt. Factor* ALLOTTED WATTS DESIGN WATTS ALLLOWED WATTS Min. F or J) SPACE AREA (fe LPD — ALLOTTED WATTS (C x D x E) LUMIN. CODE QTY. WATTS/ LUMIN. DESIGN WATTS H x I Display 3 Fir Display 13.5 1.051 80 1.50 126 FD 4 50.0 200 126 *From fable 146-E TOTAL SPACE AREA 1,406 FT TOTAL L 126 ••From table 146-0 Column 4 EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number. 1069 Job Number. 25415A Page:11 of 13 ROOM CAVITY RATIO WORKSHEET (RCR>=3.5) LTG -7 -CI ECT NAME Andalusia Temp Design Center DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR DATE PLAN CHECK Blf r'''1:fit- jjj it j A B C D E F Room Name Task/Activity Description Room Length (L) (ft) Room Width (W) ft Room Cavity Height (H) (ft) Room Cay. Ratio 5xHx(L+W) /(LxW) Display 3 Gen 29.0 29.0 11.0 3.79 Display 3 Flr Display Display_Sales Feature 29.0 29.0 11.0 3.79 Display 1 15.5 18.0 7.5 4.50 Display 2 16.0 17.0 7.5 4.55 A B C D E F Room Name Task/Activity Description Room Area (A) (so Room Perimeter (P) (ft) Room Cavity Height (H) (ft) Room Cay. Ratio 2.5 x H x P /A 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number. 1069 Job Number. 25415A Page: 12 of 13 LIGHTING MANDATORY MEASURES LTG -MM PROJECT NAME DATE Andalusia Temp Design Center 11/2/2005 DESCRIPTION Designer Enforcement 0 131(d)1 For every floor, all interior lighting systems shall be equipped with a separate automatic control to shut off the lighting. This automatic control shall meet the requirements of Section 119 and may be an occupancy sensor, automatic time switch, or other device capable of automatically shutting off the lighting. a 131(d)2 Override for Building Lighting Shut-off: The automatic building shut-off system is provided with a manual, accessible override switch in sight of the lights. The area of override is not to exceed 5,000 square feet. ❑X 119(h) Automatic Control Devices Certified: All automatic control devices specified are certified, all alternate equipment shall be certified and installed as directed by the manufacturer. a111 Fluorescent Ballast and Luminaires Certified: All fluorescent fixtures specified for the project are certified and listed in the Directory. All installed fixtures shall be certified. 132 Tandem 1Mring for One and Three Lamp Fluorescent Fixtures: All one and three lamp fluorescent fixtures are tandem wired with two lamp ballasts where required by Standards Section 132; or all one and three lamp fluorescent fixtures are specified with electronic high -frequency ballasts and are exempt from tandem wiring requirements. ❑X 131(a) Individual Room/Area Controls: Each room and area in this building is equipped with a separate switch or occupancy sensor device for each area with floor -to -ceiling walls. RX 131(b) Uniform Reduction for Individual Rooms: All rooms and areas greater than 100 square feet and more than 0.8 watts per square foot of lighting load shall be controlled with bi-level switching for uniform reduction of lighting within the room. X❑ 131(c) Daylight Area Control: All rooms with windows and skylights that are greater than 250 square feet and that allow for the effective use of daylight in the area shall have 50% of the lamps in each daylit area controlled by a separate switch; or the effective use of daylight cannot be accomplished because the windows are continuously shaded by a building on the adjacent lot. Diagram of shading during different times of the year is included on plans. © 131(e) Display Lighting. Display lighting shall be separately switched on circuits that are 20 amps or less. EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number. 1069 Job Number. 25415A Pagel3 of 13 Madlin-'s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst v 760-322-5004 l 323-3644 (fax) .. T T ... Addendums and Notes Madlin is enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst v' 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 Fax Post Office Box 1443 v' Palm Springs, CA 92263-1443 W Cmadlin@aol.com ....... Title 24 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Nonresidential Manual Excerpt — Lighting Shut-off Controls Shut -Off Controls §131(4) The Standards require that HRR ts�6n -fl� r of a&uii'g becontrolled by a separate automatic contf6l d jo4bbr ntro �oint wltiple point control systems). The s im06tic shut-off are: • A t must be continuously lit, such as hotel lobbies and 24- hour, 365 day per year grocery stores where lights are never turned off. • Security or emergency egress lighting that must be continuously on, provided it does not exceed 0.5 W/fig and the area is controlled by switches accessible only to authorized personnel (the security or egress area must be documented on the plans). • Corridors, guest rooms, and lodging quarters of high-rise residen ' buildings or hotel/motels. The shut-off control need not be a single control, but a 'n upx��r i switches, occupancy sensors, or other automatic oI'*,ee .1 A. Automatic Time Switches and B. 0c-cuMf&-fin s). � When an occupant-,. requirement, it must Ot the automatic shut-off with manufacturer's instructions Au t�C ti�swifbhes with programmable solid state perpetual calendar con I can also be used to meet the shut-off requirement. These devi are typically available with multiple channels of control, and may also be used to meet the mechanical system automatic time switch control requirements. Madlin' enterprises - Title 24 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Nonresidential Manual Excerpt — Lighting Shut-off Controls To Enclosed Areas or Floors if Multipoint Control Mein Panel Box �c Ili ���►�� _ tch for . Enclosed Space 000 sf Timed Manual Override. Manual Switch and Override are only one device. Figure 5-4 — Timed Manual Override b � � A.'Automatic Time Switches §999(c) Automatic time switch so lied I ocks, are programmable ire eau I hut- f the lights according to pre - d s e to on the hours of operation of the building. The ve capability to store two separate daily programs (for eekends). To prevent losing the time of day and the schedules, the time switch must contain back-up power for at least 10 hours during power interruption. Most building automation systems can meet these requirements, provided they are certified to the Energy Commission. MadlinY s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst Iv 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 Fax Post Office Box 1443 w Palm Springs, CA 92263-1443 W Cmadlin@aol.com ... V ... Title 24 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Lighting Controls in Enclosed Spaces (b) Multi;Level Lighting Controls. The general lighting of any enclosed space 100 square feet or larger in which the connected lighting load exceeds 0.8watts per square foot, and that has more than one light source (luminaire), shall have multi-level lighting controls. A multi-level lighting control is a lighting control that reduces lighting power by either continuous dimming, stepped dimming, or stepped switching whil Zia r�sonably uniform level of illuminance throughout the area controlled. Multilevel controlshall have p that is between 50% and 70% of design lighting power and at least one ep %thm o othan 35°l0 of full rated lighting system power (this control step could --1co eting i -level control). A reasonably uniform level of illuminance in an area shall be a��by an oll 2. c ivnkt n luminaires, alternate luminaires, and alternate rows of luminaires. EMI N to Section 131(b): Lights in corridors.