04-8394 (SFD)Certificate of Occupancy TM Bunamg SafttY Departmen't p t. to fhe to 00 of the Calfibmia BuI71011AY Thl- of Secdon - ----- is rimft Is S in compliance Wim t6e Code. cerfiffir-bg OW4 at thew fiMle off issunce,- this ; structure: Wa- y regulating building p Movigions of &e Bul'tdl7ng Cade and the vailous ordinances of the Cit consbue-flon and (or us.& BUILDING ADDRESS: - 2#389 CHAR SMATICM" Use.dassfficatbrrw --- Occupancy Grou-p- A-4 ,Owner of W111009. -DESERT EL rBuildin-g peffnft: No..: -044394 Type , of C onstnict Cmn - i Vv --N Land Use ZonwLAR Addlreml&401 Mhr-i11 QUITE G City„ sTl Z-1 R t A QUINTA 92253 By GARY Datp-.;1'2jO9/Q5,