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13-1023 (PAT)
RiO. BOX 1504 78495'CAILLE TAMPICO -LA- QUINT -A, CALIFORNIA 92253 Application Number: 13�-'00001023' Propwff.A�d"r ss: _8 - 158,1 CHARISMATIC WY- APN: 767-200-959-43 -312.021- AppLicafton description: PATIO CC IVER - RESIDENTIAL Pr.oppty IGrting, LOW DENSITY, RESIDENTIAL Appilqation valLiation: 260-Q App—ficanr permit to filbi s§nve-d smiumimrk vfmw Ke or (j*� (cpqn--nc-.S #n that he or she is e3mmpttharefmmwW;the any vp0lcem for wpmrrn&subi ihm apim iA.10 5�awrreC Ithe pkrop . or rr�v`f A Enjarmeqm and vofic does ea -work hbr=ff or hmarttroughlivar her own i ta sa ulsate. If. Koiww�� I ft 6dbd1'Q-Kbff4 W- fo wis-•WE- pf c :mn-0M—:L-1 dna 17wner Ida( iertltwe ft bwd- 01 i ppfqvC" purow of sale:) I ovxnar of Itm property, am exdusKTtv g whh.limensed 7044. BLjiness-arijjWofa6onj Coder Th-q-Cbfi#idlDfgSidle U 15 -row -m Efiho ega-w7w ;-t raon and vuho:cantiaets for BUILDING &. SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT (eommen_cing with t.", f, ", and etfecL five: hundred m* rovided -01fa ttk :ffhob -W-ma-m-�is Wfttiiry - xv -- - - maw -- he or she did not build or aracturs to cons hid the pfejeft lSk- se Law_ does mm*pW to Wawrwlof prq*ts,vv-h a convactor(s) libenad I Dime. owner. WiSTRUCTICIN UMID NITAWWY fhereby affirm &xW penalty-of*rj!jry that #we is;a cormtrudionlendingagoncv-forTM pGfdmnaw=v-f -thd woft for -which tft 1,W113ftit-=3ued.(Ser.3097,.-C1v. Cj.. 405*14 Waki—c.- — ---- Lwxbw'� Address- Owner: =F EASTMAN 815_87 CHARISMATIC 'WAY LA QUIWAj CA '92253 wmactan VALLEY PATib§ 37897. . . . . . . . . — BERMUDA -DIM29w CA (14 0) 514-4634; Lid.- NQ-. 937611 VOICE (760),777-7,012 --FA-X (760) 777=7011 - . INSPECTIONS (760) 777-71-53: batm 8/14/13 WONCE-RZ COAM1EENSA'neN M=ARATM. i tweby4flirm under pwmkv�cf'porjuw one;of ltwfmlktwirq diect-mvd-ons. Lhmm and voill mairyain;a certificate of consevii to seignsura-foFtworkee cornpansmfian;zas provided *m rm of tse Laiaor Ica*, for: the- perfc-�— of the wo& forww1cii ttiis ocar-m- is t:iruruatree as ,"by Sea 3700 afthe Lbw thane and wW�wcrlceW W Cod% for #wperformaramcf-W work for Which thW permitjiwlwve : W Woricace coral tion SOUTH=1=7 tb . Poucy!N=di u, pmoriffi may miinr:sv Cm to Imsafim and - - slidUld become:4mt qW-- Uh�if I - - - -_4 AkI CdM&-ENSATION+COVEFLAGElS;UNLAWUl,, AND SHALL SUWECT'AN,EMPLOYr=RT6CRIMiNALPENALTHE.AOM_CIVILFINES UPTO-',ONEHUNDRiD'TFH3USAND. PQL1/iR5,ISIMPDOl. IMAcamawmTHE FOR N SIE -TION 3708 OF T+fE LABM COM, NTSIEST, AND ATT'ORNEY'S' FEES; APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGENIENT TRNMfrrANr Appr4iL6ni$*eby'ftii0e,.fothe Duectw of KjUng and Safety -far v iwrmit wbfpmao the cordionsand remtnciiOnss:set fort ti#ca-pp - - for Me owner. and theal)OWK each agrees fo, vM shell Odeinn� and hold ftmlesftheVii :& La QLfts, WqT:ct* We-%=acid-employeesfar any or mission mlatod to MAmtc Ute � q. -aa - - ---. ,performed under or, folJowing issuance nce of tWs l,- : - 2- Any permit issued-as-a;resultofihis.apprwi6m.beborim null, andmaWif workis natcarnmenend. iWittdh 180.da-y-viria-mdais, cif,,Wmranae aUsEch -pewmut;,& rss�boni&FWWW 780 days Will subject: perFpkto,carfcdW6m I cwtify ttm I hays"md4iWW3jiiJ an and xtift Owt tie-abom mformatton ts carrecL i agrewto comply wtih all cirylaii d, 6ounty ordinancrs an -d ':itate' WW s � relam ing to WW* cpnsirucipn, and jwedy auttior ize repretj�—i ve-5 -of fftisto e-n-uporl & t-ar -- the, abovmentoned property for purposes. Date I? Signaure (Appficanit.or Agw-W:, Application :def -1-3-0000102_-3 Penni-t PATIO COVER 2013 Additional desc- P.ermit Pee = _ 95.81 Plan Me& .Fee .00 safie Da€eUa_luat:ion Expiration Date .. 2./1.0/14 Qty Unit Charge Per enson 1.00 95 _.81.0-0EA NLIEC .PATIO COVER, STD --- -- Cal Notes and- Qcamments - - - -- - PATIO CdVfM_ 50:3 SQ FT DIORAAWOOD, .BP,TIQ COVER :2010 CAL`SFOR-RTA BFB IMING COFDES.: other Fees _. _ :_ _: _ ._ EM,,DG $TDS ADMIN C B1473) 1.00 _ FLAN CEEC&; 'PATT0 94 a 318 -COVER _ STRONG MOTION (SKI) - RES .90 Fee summazy Charged Paid Credited Due_ ------------------- peri:€ dee Toil,95._8:I .66 -0',0' 95. '83 Plan. Check Total. : 0'0; : _Q0 0.0 .40 Other'Fee Total 98'.88 ..00 .0!0 9 .88 dram 'dotal 39..9 6:6 IQltif��- - QW of l ai QuInta Perm(t#' R ��dax ig� y,;TB 9S Calfs+TampVcal U .Q# hU; ,, IG.4922-5'3 �- I(740) 777-71DII I ill ' `�'2 BUIdNi g'�Pierm It Aimplicait bm alms' ! �adhqrShoot l,tD'r sTi Zipi,1,— �- l el-- - - -`�' - ! �1au Vilephditet6!D', j ; I— �6! deft A. P:'Mmber: - - - Addram: � 'Lgg�l x�cactli alk., _:C S. � C'-, :'J-. �Pltlrl�tgr' � r _ rA�dd�esstl � Tf'E�f v� �f'. I�°UR,�00t:�D08���U1o111 l,tD'r sTi Zipi,1,— �- l el-- - - -`�' - ! �1au Vilephditet6!D', j ; I— �6! : Atdptiisei , 'I'alepHattos, mM---- �Co�ndt tmAInn"Ti Vw: 4 rAnc'yt Frgwtypc!(1oit!ale pno)s ,actin, Addrn: M ,tee lopalr: Demo - --. - WOO df, Coplaot,Pbtleptl; 9. .�. 5 3 K. `�; 9bo te .at �Ifi+Uillls: Told plione iq f OOa44lE'eGeoml - _ BatlmAteilViYlide olfll'iigjcc4ii � -- APPLIQA NIV.1i DO NOIr 14MNIM9 13", 11141191 MME 7splip1114I �di $ae'ii I1• P,thV11';P�G&3-... i1'lsilt t�dtA � 0lbn Cltee�isullmlOkfed `�titlitl! iNi►ioutit� �StrAdrarn�l NICi;: RevtewoQ Ireftdyilbrioor rdpilpllll hiili-�i�ladNh)a6J dBOtl • 'ty;GAaitraleil li � C edi�ogtsgG'IParabnl � `P,lpn�CiiedNil#illknce:, I'iNtlel7MfCJtillh, � F1yltJblplClGdf1'ttl1- :'i �eI18dCUGli011i . Fl000jowo plan,ltlutis!liesiiGirolDlnd I dNeatl;Fal — 1oo'NoIng pt. 41 - -- -- 11 '',RietiIWj rendtgn copgacllbne/I�spa .; -- 1�1ratHcdl s0hop"Oola t, lot Ca1lbdlf7bgtaat.Perecp - IEIltlt blii� !�t36eii�Doedl �1gna�plGltcilpp, .: - - 91h4lti, !HSG Arg 901 O�latta're ttbaitkted fdiia!i4tng IaTV ! OWSEi- 40 Reyien +ieady, ifot Corceotl'onsligeue A.11velclpdtl lnpplgtfl?i p !P14TWog Alpprovpl e116diCldn�act peneon ;I�a�;l!;P; lPetii�iNlNR 'A.tiptr �1�ete+dtpenmQcllesux, I�dhodl�lReesi — 'Tow hParwi Feu HomEOWNERs AssoctATioN J61Y 3]., 2!0131 Jeff ', coonllieiEostman 82587 fiArsmatlnv6y LaIA41.0% iCA S2253i Wi.Akhlftdoril A00rovoll �De:,6riM _r, ancl� Ms. Eastman: Aeaoardl ands tommlItteedhave rEiv'llewe,,d!theorc-hiltoaurgiI a,ppkratIoA,Vdu 9AM IttedliforAh, e, Ii, ristaillation;,of,'!"4-pgrades,,to,thI e,lbackyatill dream icifyouiellh, ome;:pleose'be advised your re'questi iwas: approved., once yoo lb, eve icom, pleted your pr9ject Ip.1ease contact !DeseM Monagemen t, !for a firiall, 100ectlon., 1,Shoul 10youi !have ainy;questions, please ferrel free,toicontact ime ; iat 71604862,4202:0rMbi em,mill at !dba�atpideseitm,atiiago,mentjcom, 4 5ihmcerel; iAn Onrid ,j U& Baca, CCAMI" Assmclatlon'MOn, ager 00 behAIfofR9nehoS6ntana HomeowmersAssoclMidn Bbard POBOX, 7i9l III Ran6ho, MlOgge,,-CA, 922.70 Tok (76Q)i8O2�,,,j2()2jFooc i(76 ),186242, 10 Em! III: abacaPdesedmanagpipqntjcomi Eastman. Resid'eryce a087 C tyar-lits- maut. Way La- Quintal CA' 92-25 std 3 - PmooAlurnawoOd Patio Co -Ver Driveway OTTY OF LA QUI ITA. BUILDING &SAFETY DEPT: APPROVED FOR - R CONST-ZCTION r) f--� �--M-f �-n