CC Resolution 2009-006RESOLUTION 2009-006
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California did on the
20" day of January, 2009, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider a City -
initiated request to consider an Addendum (Exhibit A) to the General Plan
Environmental Impact Report SCH #2000091023 ("EIR") that the City certified in
2002, and General Plan Amendment 2008-112, an Amendment to the Circulation
Element of the City of La Quinta General Plan, referred to as the "Project," and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California,
held a duly noticed Public Hearing on the 12t' of November 2008, and continued the
hearing to the 25`" day of November and 9t' day of December 2008, and, on the 9t'
day of December, 2008, the Planning Commission did recommend approval to the City
Council of said Addendum (Exhibit A) to the General Plan Environmental Impact Report
SCH #2000091023 ("EIR"), and General Plan Amendment 2008-112; and
WHEREAS, the General Plan Amendment 2008-1 12 under consideration
will provide four additional roadway sections, identify their locations, and modify the
locations of Multi -Purpose Trails; and
WHEREAS, the Addendum complies with the requirements of the
California Environmental Quality Act and "The Rules to Implement the California
Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (as amended, Resolution 83-68 adopted by the
City Council); and
WHEREAS, an Addendum to the EIR (SCH #2000091023) for
Environmental Assessment 08-602 has been prepared and determined that the General
Plan Amendment does not trigger the need for the preparation of an additional
Environmental Assessment, pursuant to CEQA Guideline 15162 or Public Resources
Code Section 21166, in that the Project does not involve:
1. Substantial changes to the project analyzed in the Environmental Addendum
which would involve new significant effects on the environment or substantially
increase the severity of previously identified impacts;
Resolution 2009-006
Environmental Assessment 2008-602
General Plan Circulation Element
Adopted: January 20, 2009
Page 2
2. Substantial changes with respect to the circumstances under which the project is
being undertaken which would involve new significant effects on the environment
not analyzed in the Environmental Addendum; or
3. New information of substantial importance which would involve new significant
effects on the environment not analyzed in the Environmental Addendum to
substantially increase the severity of previously identified impacts.
WHEREAS, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if
any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said City Council did make the
following findings to justify approval of an Addendum to the EIR (SCH #2000091023)
for Environmental Assessment 08-602:
Finding A - The Addendum to the EIR does not identify substantial changes to the
roadways or multi -use trails analyzed in the EIR which would involve new significant
effects on the environment or substantially increase the severity of previously
identified impacts.
Finding B - No substantial changes have been identified with respect to the
circumstances under which the Amendment is being undertaken which would involve
new significant effects on the environment not analyzed in the EIR, or substantially
increase the severity of previously identified impacts.
Finding C - No new information of substantial importance which would involve new
significant effects on the environment not analyzed in the EIR or substantially increase
the severity of previously identified impacts has been identified.
Finding D - There is no evidence before the City that the Project will have the
potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife
depends in that no significant effects on environmental factors have been identified by
the Environmental Assessment.
Finding E - The Project does not have the potential to achieve short-term
environmental goals, to the disadvantage of long-term environmental goals, as no
significant effects on environmental factors have been identified by the Environmental
Finding F - The Project will not result in impacts which are individually limited or
cumulatively considerable when considering planned or proposed developments, as
Resolution 2009-006
Environmental Assessment 2008-602
General Plan Circulation Element
Adopted: January 20, 2009
Page 3
development patterns in the City will not be significantly affected by the General Plan
Finding G - The City Council has carefully read and considered the EIR certified for
the 2002 General Plan Update Environmental Assessment 08-602 and said
Assessment reflects the independent judgment of the City.
Finding H - The City has, on the basis of substantial evidence, rebutted the
presumption of adverse effect set forth in 14 CAL Code Regulations 753.5(d).
Finding I - The location and custodian of the City's records relating to this project is
the Planning Department located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La
Quinta, California, as follows:
1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the findings of the City
Council in this case;
2. That the City Council does hereby grant approval of Environmental Assessment
2008-602, an Addendum to the General Plan Environmental Impact Report SCH
#2000091023 ("EIR"►, as identified in attached Exhibit A, for the reasons set
forth in this Resolution.
PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La
Quinta City Council, held on this 20`h day of January, 2009, by the following vote, to
AYES: Council Members Franklin, Henderson, Sniff, Mayor Adolph
NOES: None
ABSENT: Council Member Kirk
Resolution 2009-006
Environmental Assessment 2008-602
General Plan Circulation Element
Adopted: January 20, 2009
Page 4
City of La Quinta California
City of La Quinta, California
M. KATHERINE JEN , City Att rney
City of La Quinta, California
Environmental Assessment 2008-602
The City of La Quinta, as lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act,
("CEQA") has prepared this Addendum pursuant to CEQA Guideline 15164. This is an
Addendum to the General Plan Environmental Impact Report SCH #2000091023 ("EIR") that
the City certified in 2002.
The purpose of this Addendum is to document certain changes to the General Plan which will be
implemented through General Plan Amendment 2008-112. The City proposes to amend the
General Plan Circulation Element as follows:
I . Amend Exhibit 3.3, Street Cross Sections — City Streets
2. Amend Exhibit 3.5, City Roadway Classifications, and
3. Amend Exhibit 3.10, Multi -Purpose Trails Map
The amendments are proposed to make the following changes to the General Plan's Circulation
1. Exhibit 3.3: Identify four additional street cross sections for Modified Secondary
Arterial — A (a 96 foot right of way, with a 12 foot raised median, one 20 foot wide
lane in each direction, and a 22 foot parkway on each side); Modified Secondary
Arterial — B (an 88 foot right of way, with a 12 foot raised median, one 20 foot wide
lane in each direction, and an 18 foot parkway on each side); Modified Secondary
Arterial — C (an 88 foot right of way, with a 12 foot raised median, two 13 foot wide
lanes in each direction, and a 12 foot parkway on each side); and Modified Collector
Street (a 74 foot right of way, with a 12 foot median, one 20 foot wide lane in each
direction, and an 11 foot parkway on each side); on Exhibit 3.3. The cross sections
are shown in Exhibit A.
2. Exhibit 3.5: Re-classify Madison Street, between Avenue 60 and Avenue 62, from its
current Secondary Arterial to a Modified Secondary Arterial — A; Re-classify Monroe
Street, between Avenue 60 and Avenue 62, from its current Secondary Arterial to a
Modified Secondary Arterial — C; Re-classify Jefferson Street, between Avenue 58
and Avenue 62, from its current Secondary Arterial to a Modified Secondary Arterial
— B; Re-classify Avenue 62, between Madison and Monroe Streets, from its current
Secondary Arterial to a Modified Collector Street. The changes in roadway
classifications are shown in Exhibit B.
3. Exhibit 3.10: Extend the multi -purpose trail designation on Madison Street from
Avenue 58 to Avenue 64; extend the multi -purpose trail on Jefferson Street from
Avenue 60 to Avenue 62; remove the multi -purpose trail occurring west of Jefferson
Street, in an east -west direction, in the southern -most portion of the City; straighten
the location of the multi -purpose trail extending south from Jefferson, and remove the
multi -purpose trail on Avenue 60 west of Madison Street to the levee. The changes to
the multi -use trail system are shown in Exhibit C.
The modifications to the street cross sections and roadway classifications in all cases result in a
downgrading of these roadways, as development limitations and anticipated future traffic will
not require four travel lanes for the roadways being reclassified.
The modifications will result in less land disturbance than originally analyzed in the General
Plan EIR, insofar as the modified roadways, when built out, will be of narrower width than
originally planned.
The modifications to the multi -purpose trail system correct changes to the trail system resulting
from the City' desire to expand the multi -use trail system in the southwestern portion of the City,
and eliminate dead-end trails which would not have practical use. The trails will all occur within
the parkways of General Plan roadways, and would have no more physical impact on the
environment than the build out of the General Plan roadways, which was previously analyzed in
the General Plan EIR.
The City has compared the impacts of the Amendment with those impacts analyzed in the EIR
and finds as follows:
than those previously
analyzed. The downgraded
roadways will result in less
paved areas, and less visual
impacts on the environment.
The anticipated lower traffic
levels will also result in less
light and glare than
originally anticipated.
Agriculture Resources -
Not applicable
Hazards and Hazardous
Materials - Impacts no
greater than those
previously analyzed. The
hazards associated with
roadway spills and
accidents will be reduced
somewhat by the lower
number of vehicle trips on
the downgraded roadways.
The multi -use trails will
continue to have no
impacts associated with
hazards or hazardous
Hydrology and Water
Quality - Impacts lower
than those previously
analyzed. The reduction in
the amount of paved area
for each of the
downgraded streets will
result in less land covered
by impervious surfaces,
and will facilitate
percolation of surface
water. The design of the
streets, including storm
water control, will still be
required to meet City and
NPDES requirements, as
would have been required
in the original analysis.
Public Services
Impacts equivalent to
those previously analyzed.
The downgrading of the
streets is resulting from
lower numbers of trips.
The roadways will still be
constructed, and will still
provide access for police
and fire vehicles. The
changes in the multi -use
trail system will have no
impact on public services.
Recreation - Impacts no
greater than those
previously analyzed. The
roadway downgrades will
have no impact on
recreational facilities. The
additions being made to
the multi -purpose trail
system will increase
recreational opportunities
for residents in the
southwestern part of the
City, and represents a
beneficial impact.
Air Quality - Impacts less
than those previously
analyzed. The downgrading
of the roadways is a result of
anticipated lower numbers of
vehicle trips in this area of
the City. Therefore, there
will be lower emissions from
vehicles in this area of the
City. The reduction in
impacts will apply to vehicle
emissions, and greenhouse
gas emissions. The
modifications to the multi-
use trails increases
opportunities for the use of
non -motorized transportation
in this area of the City, and
could also aid in reducing air
emissions, including
greenhouse gas emissions.
Land Use & Planning -
Impacts no greater than
those previously analyzed.
The Amendment is the
result of project approvals
in this area of the City
which have generated
fewer trips than were
originally anticipated for
this area. The
downgrading of the streets
will still accommodate
any and all future projects
in this area, as they have
been considered in the
downgrading process. In
addition, this area of the
City abuts the Santa Rosa
Mountains, and limited
development is possible to
the south, in
unincorporated Riverside
The addition of multi -use
trails in this area of the
City is consistent with the
General Plan's goals for a
City-wide trail system,
and the lowering of the
dependence on the
automobile. The addition
of the trails will therefore
have no impact on Land
Use and Planning.
Impacts less than those
previously analyzed. The
General Plan EIR and its
associated traffic impact
analysis made
assumptions for
development in this
portion of the City which
have proven to be greater
than the development
which has or will occur in
this area. As a result, trips
generated by existing and
proposed development
will be reduced from that
originally analyzed in the
General Plan EIR. The
roadway re -classifications
correspond to these
reduced trips, and are
sufficient to meet General
Plan Level of Service
requirements of LOS D.
The multi -use trail
amendments will increase
circulation opportunities
for non -motorized
vehicles in the City,
thereby providing a
beneficial impact by
providing an added
opportunity to lower
motorized vehicle trips.
Biological Resources
Impacts equivalent to those
previously analyzed. The
roadway classifications will
require land disturbance for
built out of the streets.
However, the area to be built
out will be reduced by the
proposed Amendment.
Landscaped parkways will
still provide habitat for
adapted species, and the City
will still require the
preparation of biological
resource studies as needed as
individual projects are
proposed for development,
and as the streets are
widened to their ultimate
right of way.
Geology and Soils -
Impacts equivalent to those
previously analyzed. The
City will still require the
preparation of site -specific
soil analysis for the build out
of the street system, as it
would have under the
General Plan EIR. These
studies will provide
recommendations, if
necessary, for the structural
construction of the streets to
assure the minimum amount
of damage in an earthquake.
These analyses will assure
that impacts associated with
seismic conditions or soil
conditions are reduced to
less than significant levels.
Impacts no greater than
those previously analyzed.
The area to be disturbed
for the construction of the
downgraded roadways, or
for the multi -use trails,
will be equivalent to or
less than that originally
analyzed. The City will
continue to require the
preparation of cultural
resource surveys for
project as they are
proposed, and for the
ultimate widening of the
roadways. These studies
will determined whether
construction will impact
cultural resources, and
what mitigation measures
are required, if any, to
assure that impacts to
these resources are less
Noise - Impacts less than
those previously analyzed.
The downgrading of the
roadways is the result of
anticipated lower numbers
of vehicle trips. Vehicle
trips are the primary
generators of noise in the
City. Therefore, fewer
trips will result in lower
noise levels. As this area
of the City was anticipated
to have noise levels below
the City's General Plan
standard of 65 dBA
CNEL, impacts in this
area of the City will
continue to be less than
Mineral Resources - Not
Utilities and Service
Systems - Impacts
equivalent to those
previously analyzed. The
downgraded roadways
will still require lighting,
and will still be the
location of area water and
sewer lines. The
downgraded roadways
will all have adequate
rights -of -way to
accommodate utility lines,
and will continue to serve
as a path for these lines, as
originally analyzed.
Population and Housing
- Impacts less than those
previously analyzed. The
downgraded roadways are
the result of lower than
expected residential unit
counts in this area of the
City. Therefore, the area
of the Amendment, the
southwestern portion of
the City, will have less
population than was
considered in the General
Plan FIR. Further, the
rights -of -way are all
proposed to occur in the
same location as was
previously analyzed, and
will therefore not impact
an existing population or
existing housing units.
The City finds that consideration of the Amendment does not call for the preparation of a
subsequent EIR pursuant to CEQA Guideline 15162 or Public Resources Code Section 21166, in
that the Amendment does not involve:
1) substantial changes to the roadways or multi -use trails analyzed in the EIR which would
involve new significant effects on the environment or substantially increase the severity of
previously identified impacts;
2) substantial changes with respect to the circumstances under which the Amendment is being
undertaken which would involve new significant effects on the environment not analyzed
in the EIR, or substantially increase the severity of previously identified impacts; or
3) new information of substantial importance which would involve new significant effects on
the environment not analyzed in the EIR which would substantially increase the severity of
previously identified impacts.