13-0252 (SOL)P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Application Number: 13-00000252 Property Address: 81219 CASPIAN CT APN: 764-280-004-32 -35996 - Application description: SOLAR Property Zoning: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Application valuation: 12456 T4hf 4 4 Q*Z Applicant: Architect: or Engineer: („9} rr*AWMwL tib.. LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT I hereby affirm under penalty.of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of,Dtvision 9 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force ;and effect. License Class: B CIO C46 License No.: 910836 Date:, Contractor OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I herebyaffirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from.the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5; Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that.requires a permit to construct; alter, improve; demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its'issuence, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she incensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License. Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code), or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption..Any violation of. Section 7031,.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicantto.a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars (8,500) 1—) 1, as owner of)the property, or my employees 4with wages es.their sole compensation, will do.the work, and the structure is notintended or offered'for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply town owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who;does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements'are not intended or offered -for sale. If, however,:the building or,improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or'she did'not build or improve. for the purpose of sale:): (_) 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and,Professions Code: The: Contractors' State Llcense.Law does not apply to an owner of. property who builds or Improves thereon, and who contracts' for the projectswitha contractor(s) licensed pursuant to'the Contractors' State License Law,). (_) I am exempt'under Sec. , B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penaltyof perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit.is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C,). Lender's Name: _ Lender's Address: LQPEAMIT Owner: NAVARTIL PAUL 81219 CASPIAN COURT LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Contractor: RENOVA ENERGY CORP 75,181 MEDITERRANEAN A PALM DESERT, CA 92211 (760)568-3413 Lic. No.:.910836 VOICE (760) 777=7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 3/25/13 A i (�A,� w'�' 203 ]L ------------------------------------------------ WORKER'S COMPENSATION, DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: _ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to sett -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,. for the performance oft he work for which this permit is Issued. I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as requ)red,by Section 3700 of the Labor Code; for the performance of the work for which this permit te.issued. My workers' compensation Insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier STATE FUND Policy'Number 9024501-12 _ I certify that, in the performance of. the work for which this permit is issued, 1'.shall not employ any person In any manner so; as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree.that, If I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall. forthwith comply with hose provisions. Date Applicant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION' COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS (8100;000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR'CODE, INTEREST, AND. ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application Is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety'for a permit:subjectto the conditions and restrictions sotPorth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made; each person at whose request and for whose benefit work.is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, Indemnity and hold harmless the City of La Ouinta; its officers,.agents and employees for anyact or omissionrelated to the work being performed' under or following. issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void If work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject ,permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this applicatiomand state that the above Information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of`this county to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. Date: Signature (Applicant or Agent): Application Number . . . . . 13-.00000252 Permit.SOLAR PERMIT Additional desc . Permit Fee . . . . 22.50 Plan Check Fee 5.63 Issue Date . . . Valuation . . 12456 Expiration Date . . 9/21/13 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 1.00 4.5000 EA SOLAR COLLECTOR < 1.000 4.50 1.00 3.0000 EA SOLAR EQUIP MISCELLANEOUS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.00" Permit.. . . ELEC-MISCELLANEOUS Additional.desc . Permit Fee . . . . 22.50 Plan Check Fee 5.63 Issue Date . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 9/21/13 Qty Unit Charge Per. Extension BASE FEE 15.00 1.00 7.5000 EA ELEC PWR APP >1 TO <=10 7.•50 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments 5.2kW SOLAR ARRAY - (16) 327W SUNPOWER PANELS W/ (1) 5,000W SUNPOWER INVERTER [290SF] 2010 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE:. March 25, 2013 2:36`:25 PM AORTEGA ------------------.-_-------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . BLDG STDS ADMIN (SB1473) 1.00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 45.00 .00 .00 45.00 Plan Check Total 11..26 .00 .00 .11.2`6 Other. Fee Total 1.00 ..00 .00 1.00 Grand Total 57.26 .00 .00 57.26 LQPERMff February 28, 2013 Paul. Navratil Diana Navratil 81219 Caspian Ct La Quinta, CA 92253 Property: 81,219 Caspian. Ct J Account: 015000036904 CONDITIONAL APPROVAL Dear Paul Navratil: We are pleased to inform you that your plans for; installation -of solar panels, received on 02/20/20.13, have been. approved by the Design Review Committee with the following conditions: 7 and 19 (see attached copy). This approval does not constitute consent by the Association for the applicant to encroach, trespass; or build on any property other than 'that of the applicant. This approval is related solely to the items. reserved for approval by the CC80s in accordance with the Design Review Guidelines. The approval does not extend to the quality of work done by your architect, or contractor, or to any structural engineering, soils engineering, or site grading and drainage design., You are urged to obtain the services. of a state licensed professional for consultation as needed. The Design Review Committee is composed of volunteers. As such, it does not review applications to ensure compliance. with building codes, or other local or state laws. Please be advised that this approval does not relieve you from obtaining any necessary building permits from the governmental agencies involved to ensure compliance with these codes. Any violations of these ordinances will be your responsibility to correct. Thank you for your patience in this matter and for complying with the Association's policies and standards. Barky Stem CCAN(, CMCA, AMS General, M ager ' Enclosures cc: - Board of Directors Design Review Committee Trilogy at La.Quints Malntenance Assoc. Riofati.k rallyMa pd by Action Properly Management, Ina 60-750 Trilogy, Pa►lcyray,_LaQuiata, CA 92253-7717 Ptwna 760-777-6059 Fax: (760) 5642474 www.actionlife.coln I K.t1AJl '.Y Iftl, 1.A Y.U11'44A N.V.: 1 .1/Ky M-11 i r ! . (y /� CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Property Address:_0 laic/ Ca5az -) Date Reviewed: 94-- I Q a Conditions Your lAaas leave lee rapproved..provided that meet die items cliec•ked below xud all work is corisisteut.widh die of Approval I r Guidelines. The. patio cover -material mustbe Alumna wood or�odier sine lar wood like construction. Roofing nhaterials.shall match die roof material of die dwelling.. or be o ' n wood lattice. 2 The color of the patio cover matches die home's stucco, accent, fascia or white. 3 a mariner dhat.it Any patio cover'orawniinig IA be instmlled:and attached to the home-:muiistalled in such in does not compromise die integrity, of the water permeability of the home. 4 Due to the patio covers size it must be constructed with variable heiglits or must be constructed in two sections ,with a separation in between 5 Ime. size of the patio cover'is limited to the, size oft he proposed patio slab. _-_ 6 Tlw propose retractable:Vva ig inay 1iot-Wh striped awi ng—'. -It must be --a neutral coloe dial= blends with Aie home. Please subiuit a sample of die fibric. Vt 7 (Main services ofastate licensed professional for consultation. $ Obtain necessary, building permits from die, city of La Quinta, meeting setback requiccments per city codc,and maintain die existinng drairnage. 9 Maintain, positive drainage; in accordance with the Trilogy Design Guidelines (,Section 3.8). 1.0 The screen door must be die color of the house stucco or be black. 11 11-utiderground drainage rs Ws _ e , the drain needs to terrruniate in the.grass:,swale and be Rush with the U111 an ea p ?ed with a. ix)w-up chain aver. Pool, spa, rountain, and air cotidltionung equipment set backs must comply widi City or Ea Quiota codes. AR 12 equipment shall be located, screened, or recessed in a inAnner so m tet not be viewable from any lot ear street wed the noise from Ihe' equipment attenuated for die:adjaceut property owners. fool set backs are 6^ for hardscape and 18" for water linc. 13 1717he color of tic proposed concrete is natural.or a neutral tone. 4 Rear yard may not exceed 709th lna dscape and must have a iihiiiimrq urn of 30% sol'Ispe, measured from die'rear buildirface of wall to the side property lines. 15 Proposed planting meets with the Trilogy Rear Yard Mi iimum.Phuitiug Requiremeuts.'stuhdards and all plants are included on the Revised Approved Plaut List contained in. the Design Guidelines. 16 "f lie proposed wall or ironwork to match the existing, developer retaining wall u1 material, style and color or shall lie die Frazee Paint color specified in the guidrlies. 17 Replace block wall per Shea Homes swidard block.wall specification, if removing any portion of block wall to gain access to rear or side yard (requires ins pection,of rebarbefore cap is installed). 1$ lRefer to Exhibit "F" in the Design Guidelines. (Block Wall Design). x 19 1Wlien work is completed, please submit Notice of Completion,form attached. 20 Imake sure rear yard Property lure puns (markers) rcmauh. during construction (applies to golf course lots only) 21 JAM contractors must meet the Association representative priorto commencing construction. . 22 Resubmit showing drainage flow/plans. 23 See notes on plarhs (if any) 24 Au undepeudent irrigation corhtroIler�musfbe used for the rear yard, it.caiuiot be tied into die front yard, Notes W'1ASS�111TION9TAbCv � l� QjNMRGYCTECTURAI�DRG WnrolCadSnM Of AOWewI EXHIBIT `B' NOTICE OF COMPLETION FORM TRILOGY AT LA QI INTA MAINTENANCE ASSOCIATION Today's Date: I l Tract M. Address Where Work Took Place: Mailing Address: 'Daytime Phone: Evening Phone: Brief Description of Improvement: Lot #: TO: TRILOGY AYLA QUINTA MAINTENANCE ASSOCIATION: Notice is hereby given that the above-described improvement has been completed in accordance with- the Application as submitted to and approved by the. Design Review Committee. Date Work was completed: / / Applicant's Name: (Please Print) Applicant's Signature: Applicant's Name: Applicant's Signature: (Please Print) Copy of required City ,of IA Quinta Building Permit(s) attached. (Do Not Write Below Line. This is to & Completed B}y Design Review`CommA%ee Only) ........................................................ ........................................................ ..................................... ............................. ..................... . Committee Comments: FIAPPROVED F DISAPPROVED E :^Additional work required RETURNED TO APPLICANT/OWN.ER Date:. Staff Signatures: Design Review Committee Member. Design Review Committee:Membcr .Design Review Committee Member N:IASSOCIATIONSUrilogy at La QuintalForrns%bfte.of Completion - Rev 9.11.doc Date Date Date Bina City. Of • L? Quints Btrgft 8r Safety Division P.O Box 1504,78-495'Caife Tampko IA.QWnta, CA 92253 -(760) 777-7012 Buffifi lg Permit -Application and Tracking Sheet !t �j ctAdmd:&m:81219 Caspian Court owna�sName:Paul Navratil FA. Ntunber. address: 81219 Caspian Court Ugd Description: city, sT, zip: La. Quinta, CA 92253 coniracwr. Rehova Energy Corp. tdephone: Ammm- 75181 Mediterranean Ave projectDescri 'Oe;Residential Roof Mounted Sol PV 5.23kW DC city, sT, zip: Palm Desert, CA 92211 5,1 Ifs 1 Telephone 760-568-3413 C sat uc. #: 910836 City i.ic, x,10494.7 , Address: Clty. ST. Zip- Tom: C.onstmcdonType: ,. Oocnpancy: Residential . state Lic. #: Project type (airelo ane): New Addn. Allier Repair Demo Na=ofcon%ap=on: Lea Waki - 760-568-3413. k Ft: 1,775 swrtes:1 #Unity: Tckphonc # ofcombd parson: lea@renovasolar.com thewvowe of Pwj«t: $12,456. APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS UNE p SobmitMl. Beq'd tdee'd TSACioQVG, Ptd FEFS Plan seta Plea Cheek $OmittedR em Amoaat Stmetahli Caiea. Plan check D"It., ^ Trans calea. QUed Coataef Penoa Plaa Cheek adance- �--• We 24 Com Pupa. picked up conatracam Flood plain pian Plans resabmitted., . mccu ileal ^ Giading plea 2"Review, ready for oorreetioner=e Electrical Snboontaetor Lfet, caped caataetpumn Plnptbfng Grant Deed Pians picked up S.dLL H.O.A. Approval Plain raabmit6ed Grading IN 110(15& 3" Review, ready for ewreedow in" Developer Impact Fee ^ Plauslag Approval. Cylted.Cov%ct Pen= A.LP.P. ' .�- Pub. Wks. Appy Date.ef permit itane. wI &hool Ftes Total Permit Fen tom- rehenslve inverf p �'i��W�ensures that"customers r efficiency panels wifh_ 7 t ��� Inverters, maximizing: ��k�RED:UCED I�NST E SERIES THE WORLD'S STANDARD FOR SOLAR' SunPower'' E20 Solar Panels provide today's highest efficiency and performance. Powered by SunPower MaxeonT°" cell technology, 'the E20 series provides panel conversion efficiencies of up to 20.1 %. The E20.'S low voltage temperature coefficient, anti -reflective glass.and exceptional low light performance attributes provide outstanding energy delivery per peak power watt'. SUNPOWER'S HIGH EFFICIENCY ADVANTAGE 20% 15% 10% 5% SERIES SERIES sunpowercorp.com C us SERIES MODEL: SPR-327NE-WHT-D ELECTRICAL S; Lx SX� AMowrea urksb�derd T.p rasawom aicf, �r�oabnre ofu 000w/� AM 1 s ana ax bmp«aAir..,.25 c Peak Power (+5/-3%) Pmax 327 W C611 Efficiency rI 22.5% Panel Efficiency ry 20.1% Rated Voltage VmPP 54,7 V Rated Current I -PP 5.98 A Open Circuit'Voltage Va 64.9 V Short Circuit Current IS, 6.46A Maximum System Voltage UL 600 V Temperature Coefficients Power (P) -0.38%/K Yohago (Voj -176.6mV/K Current (IK) 3.5mA/K NOCT 45e C +/- 2° C Series Fuse'Rating 20A Grounding Positive grounding not required. Efr `:�WECHAN1CAl`DATA'lz 7- Solar Cells 96 SunPower Maxeon'm cells Front Glass High -transmission tempered glass with 800w/ anti -reflective AR coating Junction Box IP -65 rated with 3 bypass diodes — Dimensions- 32.x 155 x 128 mm Output Cables 1000 mm cables / Muhl -Contact (MC4) connectors Frame Anodized:aluminum.alloytype 6063 (black) Weight 41.0 lbs (18;6 kg) TESTEp OPERATING CONDITIONS X�°� 7- 6 i tooaw� 5 4 113 psf 550 kg/m; (5400 Pa), front-(e.g. snow) 800w/ w/specified mounting configurations 2 — (e.g. wind) Impact Resistance Hail: (25 mm),at 51 mph (23 m/s) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Vohage M Current/voltage charocteriiHci.with dependence an Irradiance and module. temperature. TESTEp OPERATING CONDITIONS X�°� Temperature – 40a F to +T85° F (– 40a C to + BY C). Max load 113 psf 550 kg/m; (5400 Pa), front-(e.g. snow) w/specified mounting configurations 50 psf,245'kg/m2 (2400 Pa) front; and back (e.g. wind) Impact Resistance Hail: (25 mm),at 51 mph (23 m/s) �,;.�,WARRANTIES,AND',C'ERTIFICATION�S �.� , Warranties 25 -year limited power warranty l0 -year limited product warranty Certifications Testedto UL 1703. Class C Fire Rating Please read safety cind installation instructions before using this product, visit sunpowercorp.com . for more details. ® 2011 sunPawer Carparaxon. SUNrowot,.+e sunP wer Icgo, end THE wokiirs MNDN+n rOlt'Sam, 'ar.1 MA Soni are ar n.W.W d ftd i6 s u n p owe rco r p.,co m of SunPb Corpowflan in +a US mrd odwr oounNn m, wall. AllAighis Re ved.Speci(kamons bcW d in IN. J.A. ei aro au *d b d,ange wflhwe roxce. Doa'manf #001.65484 RevB /akEN ts1t3ie MINIM I• ��•ii�iiiiiii�l Please read safety cind installation instructions before using this product, visit sunpowercorp.com . for more details. ® 2011 sunPawer Carparaxon. SUNrowot,.+e sunP wer Icgo, end THE wokiirs MNDN+n rOlt'Sam, 'ar.1 MA Soni are ar n.W.W d ftd i6 s u n p owe rco r p.,co m of SunPb Corpowflan in +a US mrd odwr oounNn m, wall. AllAighis Re ved.Speci(kamons bcW d in IN. J.A. ei aro au *d b d,ange wflhwe roxce. Doa'manf #001.65484 RevB /akEN ts1t3ie - - i i' B1ENEFITS _ - Relia77 bly and Robust Desai J P coven track record fo`r a I ity - dN: longevity w _• Wilcti4i Po1I Range; !,v -L, i. ME - SUNPOWER SPR -5000m, -6000m, -7000m and -8000m STRING INVERTERS IT -,4 !tf; .7 th kii 1f M r Moll 7 A th 1 �,Iwi;; rIiKi� UP 1OWN 4 11 String Inverters SPR -5000m SPR -6000m SPR -7000m SPR -8000m SPR -5000m, SPR -6000m, AC Nominal, Power 5000 W 16000 W 7000 W 7680 W 0 240 V SPR-7000mandil"It-8000m 8000 W 0 277 V AC,Max Output Z, Current (0 20OV, 24 A, _21A, 18A 29A,25A,22A 34A,29A,25A N/A,32A,29A Shipping Dimen 61i"O 716.0- UOV, 277V): W x H x D One,hes) 23.5' x 31.0' x AC Nominal 183 -229 V 0 208 V. 183-229VO208V 183�229V@208V N/A 0 208 V Voltaiia Range 211 �264 V 0 240 V 211 - 264 VO 240 V 211 - 264V 0 240 V 211-264VO240V 2"-305V@277V 244 - 305 V 0 277V 244-305V@277V 2"-305VO277V UnitDimensions WxHxDondm) 18.4' x 24.1',x 9.5' At Fraq Range 60 Hk / 59.3 Hz - 60 Hz / 59.3 Hz - 60 Hz /50.3, Hz - 60 Hz /59.3 Hz - 60.5 Hz 60.5 Hz 6U Hz 60.5:Hz Power, Facto. 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 141 IbOor SPM000mi �,Iominal) Inverter Weight w6000m and -70OOm/ Peak Inverter 148 lbs for SPR -8000m E11iciency 96.8% 97.0% 97.1% 96.5% ClitWeighted 95.5%�@ 208 V .95.5% 0 208 V 95.5%,@ 208 V N/A W208 V 1481W for SPR -5000m, Efficiency 9SJX:@ 240 V 95.5% @ 240 V 96.0% @ 240 V 96.0% 0 240 V Shipping Weight -6000-M and -1600m 95.5%4 277 V 1 96.0% 0 277 V 96.0% 0 277 V 96.0% 0 277 V /152 lbs for SPR -8000m Recommended Maximurn OV Power 6250 W 7500 W 8750 W 10000 W Forced Air/ Sealed Module. a STQ Cooling Electronics Enclosure 'Ir DC Input Voltage Range 250 - 600 V 250 - 600'V 250 - 600 V 300 - 600 V Enclosure NEMA3R Peak Power 71rackinip Voltage '50 - 480 V 250 - 480 V 250 - 480 V 300- 480 V Mounting Wall Mount Bracket Standard DC Max. 21A 25A 30A 30A Input Currord Ambient DC Vol" Ripple 4% 4% 4% 4% Temperature Range -13 to +113 *F No. of Fund 4 4 4 4 String Inpuft Power Consurn Opera"IN" me <7W/01 W Topology Low1requency transformer Warranty 10 year limited warranty Fused DC Disconnect Standard; Complies with NEC Standards Compliance: -IEEE -?29,, Configurable, in the field with, integrated grounding kit: Cerfifications IEEE-1547,,UL 1741, Oschical Grounding SunPowers' Solar Panels: DC,circuit positively grounded UL1998,FCC Serengeti*' Solar Panels; DC circuit negatively grounded Part 15A&B SPRrn EFFICIENCY CURVES 18.4" 9.5' 100 95 HOW 4_2 40vd: EE 24.t!,, 80 75 70 0% 10% 20% 30% 46% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% % of rated output power P Aii:f Founded in 1985, SunPower Corp. (Nasdaq: SPWRA, SPWRB) desi ns, manufactures and delivers -the planet's most powerful solar technology. Residential, business,,government and utility customers r5y on the company's. experience and proven results to maximize 4 return on investment. tZ SUNPOWER =d the SUNPOWR I%o ans tiraclaiwits wWistwod tadww4.FSu.Paw Carpoicem. sunpowercorp.com Gluly2010 SLAP�Capwd"w. AR righft msaved. sp=FP�isam induded in ibis daisished am w6led bd.%.wMot H D=,ma#001-16%7Rw*B 9 I WIHWIIITI� W"', 7E "7 K T! =VP27rT -. ��_W [ =1D SiRUMULI EH6IMM January. 20, 2011 UniRac 14.11 Bmadway Boulevard NE Albuqu&que, New Mexico 871.02-1545 TEL: (505) 242-6411 FAX: (505) 242-6412 Attm: Engineering:Department, Re: Engineering Certification for UniRac's SolarMount Code -Complaint Installation Manual 227.3 PZSE, Inc.:Structural Engineers has reviewed UniRac's "SolarMount Code -Complaint Installation Manual 227.3" published October 20.10 and specifically "Part I. Procedure to Determine the Design Wind Load", and 'Tart II: Procedure to Select Rail Span and Rail Type". The procedures are used to determine the calculation of the design wind force, load combinations, applied loading and rail selection. All information, data and analysis contained within the Installation Manual are based on, and comply with the following: 1. 2009 International Building Code, by International Code Council, Inc., 2009 2. 2010 California Building Code, by California Building: Standards Commission, 2011 3. Aluminum Design Manual: Specifications and ("guidelines for Aluminum Structures, by The Aluminum Association, 2005 This letter certifies that the. structural calculations contained within UniRac's "SolarMount Code -Complaint Installation Manual 227:3 are in compliance with the above Codes. If yoq have any questions on the above, do not hesitate to call. Paul. Lacher. SE - President. 8137 Sunset Avenue, Suite 120 + Fair Oaks, (A 95628 • 916.961.3960 • 916.961.3965 f • WOMPlY.tOH SOLARMOUNT 0 PV's most versatile mounting system SolarMount 'is the most versatile PV mounting rail system on the market today. We've engineered installer -friendly components for maximum flexibility, allowing,you to solve virtually any PV mounting challenge. The universal SolarMount: rail system has three options which can be assembled into a. widevariety of PV mounting structures to accommodate any job site. Unirac provides a technica6 support system complete with installation and code compliance documentation, an on=line estimator and design assistance to help you solve the toughest challenges. Bright Thinking in Solar Visit us online. at www.unirac.com SOLARMOUNT® RAIL OPTIONS ATTACHMENT OPTIONS KEY BENEFITS PV's most versatile mounting system Flexible Components Speed Installation of SolarMount® Rail SolarMount" HD HD (heavy duty), rail adds the SolarMount advantage to PV PoleTops•, U-IAs (seeseparate data sheets), and custom applications that require long spans.. MODULE MOUNTING Assembly Sequence Is Your Choice Top Mounting Clamps Ideal for flush mount applica- tions, such as residential rooftops, t where it is most convenient to si. secure footings and rails before installing modules, top mounting clamps, securely grip any point of the module frame, freeing you from the constraints of module. mounting holes. Standoffs Use standoffs whenever flashed Installations are required, on tile roofs, for example. Two- piece aluminum standoff allow precise place- ment of lace-ment,of a flashing over a secured base prior to the installation of the standoff itself. - All standoff types come In tour standard heights: 3, q, 6, and'7 inches. Appropriate flashings are available. Serrated L -feet Standard for ground, mount installations on "residential and commercial rooftops ,use' L -feet "alone above asphalt composition shingles or in conjunction with flat top standoffs. Mount standard or light rails. Configure to either of two rail heights,.one promoting air flow for cooling, the other offering close -to -the -roof aesthetics Strut-in-Tube'Style Legs Quickly set the precise tilt angle required. Styles awavarfable for high profile (1 or'z legs per rail) and low profile installations. Each series offers three leg,lengths to that you can adjust to exactly the tilt angle you want— up to a maximum of 6odegrees—wlthout cutting and'drilling at the job site. Standard SolarMount' Standard rail gives you ultimate flexibility, IncludingFastFoot' bottom mounting. and tilt -up options. ` The FastFoot',r' attachment features Eco -Fasten technology by the. Alpine Snow Guard Company, allowing 5ttachments to metal, concrete and wood decks without con promising the.integrity of the roof. Bottom Mounting Clips Use bottom mounting clips Tile Hook .(standard and Ho rail only) Made from cast aluminum, "the the calk whenever you prefer to attachment provides SolarMount with a preassemble the array using cost-effective solution for barrel or Spanish, module mounting holes. Simply fit the clip into Its rail tile roofs. All required lag bolts and hardware slot over:the mounting bolt for are included. Refer to the.tile hook engineering a secure connection. Adjust the data for max bad capabilities. clip position anywhere along. the rail slot. Maximum flexibility • Flush, high-profile.or low -profile configurations • Roof or ground mount Pitched or flat roof Ease of installation • Installer -friendly components • Minimized penetration with longer attachment spans'than competitive products • Designed withcustomerinput • Grounding and wire management options Completet technical support • Installation and code compliance documentation Online estimator • Person-to-person customer service Core component for Uhirac mounting solutions Three.rail options to accommodate any job site Incorporated'into other major product lines mm on UIVIRAC erightlhinking in Solar Bright Thinking in Solar Component Specifications 6o61 -T6 and 6063-T5 • SolarMount.ballast frame 61o5 -T5 aluminum extrusion • SolarMount• rails Mounting clips and clamps • Tilt legs and L -feet • Two-piece standoffs Severe Condition 4 (verysevere) zinc -plated welded steel One-piece standoffs 18=8 stainless steel Fasteners 00UNl IIIIIIIIIII■ No RAC BrightThinking'in Solar Code Compliant The SolarMount® system is PE certified. Call Un'irac for documentation applicable to your building code Warranty SolarMount® is covered by to -year limited product-warrantyand a 5 -year limited finish warranty. For complete warranties, download any SolarMount* installation. manual from ourweb site. Visit us online at www.unirac.com • UNIRAC A HICTI GROUP COMPANY SolarMount Technical Datasheet Pub 110818 -ltd V1.0 August 2011 SolarMount Module Connection Hardware.................................................................. 1 BottomUp Module Clip.................................................................................................1 MidClamp ...................... ........ ............... ................................................... ..................... 2 EndClamp.......:....:........................................................................................................2 SolarMount Beam Connection Hardware:.........................................................:...........3' L-Foot............................................................................................................................3' SolarMountBeams... .............. i .......... ........ a ..................................................... 4 SolarMount Module Connection Hardware Be SolarMount Bottom Up Module Clip Part No. 302000C i 1 T t.r Y TITr' (� • -,.00 Dimensions specified in Inches unless noted • Bottom Up Clip material: One of the following extruded aluminum alloys: 6005-T5, 6105-T5, 6061-T6 • Ultimate tensile: 38ksi, Yield: 35 ksi • Finish: Clear Anodized • Bottom 'Up Clip weight: -0.031 lbs (14g) • Allowable and design loads are: valid when components are assembled with SoiarMount series beams according to authorized UNIRAC documents • Assemblerwith one %"-20 ASTM F693 bolt, one'/4"-20 ASTM F594 serrated flange nut, and one 1/4" flat washer Use anti -seize and tighten to 10 ft -lbs of torque • Resistance factors and safety factors are determined according to part 1 section 9 of the 2005 Aluminum Design Manual and third - party test results from an IAS accredited laboratory • Module,edge must be fully supported by the beam * NOTE ON WASHER: Install washer on bolt head side of assembly. DO NOT Install washer under serrated flange nut Applied Load Direction Average Ultimate Ibs (N) Allowable Load lbs (N) Safety Factor, FS Design Load lbs (N) Resistance Factor, O Tension, Y+ 1566 (6967) 686 (3052) 2.28 1038 (461.5) 0.662 Transverse, Xt 1128 (501.9) 329 (1463) 3.43 497(2213), 0.441 Sliding, 7-±66 (292) 27 (119) 2.44 41 (181) 0.619 SolarMount Mid Clamp Part No. 302101 C, 302101 D,302103C,302104D, 302105D,302106D BETWUN MOOLLIS Y ._I'x Dimensions specified in Inches unless noted SolarMount End Clamp Part No. 302001C, 302002C, 302002D, 302003C, 302003D, 302004C, 302004D, 302005C. 302005i), 302006C,302006D,3020070,302008C,,302008D, 302009C,3020090,302010C,302011C,302012C m _ am Emu am A HILTI GROUP COMPANY • Mid clamp material: One of the following extruded aluminum. alloys: 6005-T5, 6105-T5, 6061-T6 • Ultimate tensile: 38ksi, Yield: 35 ksi • Finish: Clear or DarkAnodized • Mid clamp weight: 0.050 lbs (23g) Allowable and design loads are valid when components are assembled,accordingto authorized UNIRAC documents • Values represent the allowable and design load. capacity of a single. mid clamp assembly when used with a SolarMount series beam to retain a module_in the,direction indicated • Assemble mid clamp with one Unirac'/4%20 T bolt and one'/4"-20 ASTM F594 serrated flange nut• • Use anti -seize and tighten to 10 ft -lbs of torque • Resistance factors and safety factors are determined according to part 1 section.9 of the 2005 Aluminum Design Manual and third - party test results from an IAS accredited laboratory Applied Load Direction Average Ultimate lbs(N)lbs Allowable Load (N) Safety Factor, FS Design Load lbs (N) Resistance Factor, m Tension, Y+ 2020 (8987) 891 (3963) 2.27 1348 (5994) 0.667 Transverse, Zt 520 (2313) 229 (1017) 2.27 1 346 (1539) 0.665 Sliding, Xt 1 1194 (5312) 490 (2179) t 2.44 1 741 (3295) 0.620. -W A Dimensions • End clamp material: One•of the following extruded aluminum alloys: 6005-T5, 6105 -T5,6061' -T6' • Ultimate tensile: 38ksi, Yield: 35 ksi • Finish: Clear or Dark Anodized • End clamp weight: varies based on height: —0.058 lbs (26g) • Allowable and design loads are valid when components are assembled according to authorized UNIRAC documents. Values representthe.allowable and design load capacity of a single end clamp assembly when used with a SolarMount series beam to retain a module In the direction indicated • Assemble with one Univac'/4"-20 T -bolt and one'/4"-20.ASTM F594 serrated flange nut • Use anti -seize and"tighten to 10 ft -lbs of torque • Resistance factors and safety factors are determined according to part 1 section 9 of the 2005 Aluminum Design Manual and third- partytest results from an IAS accredited laboratory • Modules must be installed at least 1.5 in :from either end of a beam Applied Load Direction Average Ultimate lbs (N) Allowable Safety Load Factor,7 lbs (N) FS Design Loads We (N) Resistance Factor, 4) Tension, Y+ 1321 (5876) 529 (2352) 250 800 (3557) 0.605 Transverse, Zt 63 (279) : 1 14 (61) 4.58 21 (92) :0.330 Sliding, Xt 142 (630) 1 52 (231) 1 .2.72 1,9(34,9)1 0.555 SolarMount Beam Connection Hardware SolarMount L -Foot Part No. 304000C, 304000D Dimensions spechled.in inches unless noted so UNIRAC A HILM GROUP COMPANY • L -Foot material: One of the following extruded aluminum alloys: 6005- T5, 6105 -T5,6061 -T6 • Ultimate tensile: 38ksi, Yield: 35 ksi • Finish: Clear or Dark Anodized • L -Foot weight, varies based on height: -0.215 lbs (98g) • Allowable and design loads are valid when components are assembled with SolarMountzedes beams according to authorized' ;o/t UNIRAC documents L -Foot For the beam.to L -Foot connection: • Assemble with one ASTM F593 W-16 hex head screw and one. ASTM F594 Wserrated flange nut • Use anti -seize, and tighten to 30 ft -lbs of torque • Resistance factors and safety factors are determined according to part 1 section 9 of the 2005 Aluminum Design Manual and third -party test results from an IAS accredited laboratory NOTE Loads are given for the L -Foot to beam connection only; be sure to check load limits for -standoff, lag screw, or other attachment method Applied Load Direction Average Ultimate lbs (N) Allowable Load lbs (N) Safety Factor, FS° Design Load lbs (N) Resistance Factor, (1) Sliding, Zt 1766 (7856) 755 (3356) 2.34 1141 (5077) 0.646 Tension, Y+ 1859 (8269) 707 (3144) 2.63 1069 (4755) 0.575 Compression, Y- 3258 (14492) 1325 (5893) 2.46 2004 (8913) 0.615 Traverse, Xt 486 (2162) 213 (949) 2.28 323 (1436) 0.664 VII II �I ! a I RAC A HILTI GROUP COMPANY SolarMount Beams PartNo. 310132C, 31.0132C -B, 3101680, 310168C -B, 310168D '31.0208C, 310208C -B, 310240C, 310240C -B, 310240D, 410144M, 410168M, 4102041VI, 410240M Properties Units SolarMount SolarMount HD Beam Height in '2.5 3.0 Approximate Weight (per linear ft) plf 0.811 1.271 Total Cross Sectional Area Int 0.676 1.059 Section Modulus (X -Axis) In 0.353 0.898 Section Modulus (Y-A)is) in 0.113 0.221 Moment of Inertia (kAxis) in 0.464 1.450 Moment of Inertia (Y -Ms) in* 0.044 0.267 Radius of Gyration (X-A)ds) in 0.289 1.170 Radius of Gyration (Y -Axis) in 0.254 0:502 SLOT FORT -BOLT OR 4" HEX HEAD SCREW 2X SLOT FOR BOTTOM CLIP SLOT FOR HEX BOLT .387– .750 Y 4 =rX. SolarMount Beam SLOT FOR OR 1.728--+� %" HEX; HEAD�SCREW SLOT' FOR BOTTOM CLIP 3.000 T. SLOT FOR 1.385 HEX BOLT 1.207 Y 1.8.75 —� X SolarMount HD Beam Dimensions specified in Inchewunless noted ick Mount PV Your'Solution in Mountin roducts Solar e 1120 e Conduit e HVAC e Custom Flat Tile Mount Specifications' All Patents Pending 5/16'-18x_1' Machine. Bolt (Stainless Steel) For Rack Attachment 5/16' ID Fender Washer (Stainless Steel) Pull-out (withdrawal) capacities (lbs) in typical lumber Machine Bolt specifications:- 5/16" x 2" (2 each per Mount) 5/16" Toggle (2 each per Mount) Minimum repetitive pull out testing exceeded 1000 lbs in each: 1/2" plywood 1/2" OSB (oriented strand board) "* Note: To maintain waterproofing of substrate it is important. to make sure the Peel and Stick Flashing is properly placed over the Mount Base, and under the course of paper above: If the paper above does not reach due to layout, place an ad- ditional piece of roofing paper over the Peel and Stick and un- der the next course of paper above, (See instructions page 4.) Know Your Roof It is a, good Idea to do,a thorough roof evaluation prior to your project installation. At this time you should do a layout on the roof confirming everything on the. drawing will.flt as itis intended. Any irregularities should be noted now, so that you can deal with them simply on install day. The quality of the roofing should be determined so that any repairs or replacement can happen before or iniconjunction with the installation. Remove a tile and see what is underneath. On a tile roof it is importantto know as much as possible about: the manufacturer of the tile, the size of thetile,age of tile, type of substrate (plywood ororiented strand _board [OSB]): the rafter size and spacing, age ofroof structure;, who roofed it, who built it, etc.. Photos should be taken of all of thesoof variables and associated with the job file for any futurereference either short term or long. If the roofing manufacturer is known, itis then easyto obtain the written manufacturer'silnstallaton instructionsfor the roofing materials:you are dealing with. Typically the the roof manufacturer puts a,stamp+of some.sorton the back of each tile:,This stamp can be defined by roofing yard, or by little on-line surfing. The 'manufacturer's instructions will spell out exactiy.what does and does not, void the warranty of their roofing product. Officially, the roofing manufacturer's,instructions supersede our Instructions,. as our product is weaving into theirs. Itis also important to have their instructions in the job file, for any future reference. Product .Selection The Quick Mount Flat Tile Mount is intended, to fit within most flattile roof systems, but not all: Specifically itls,stzed to flt.within a standard 12" wide x 17" tall, flat concrete tile roof system of either standard weighbor lightweight: To confirm that the Quick Mount Flat Tile Mount profile will match,your roof, it best Wmeasure an,existing roof tile. The "exposed" surface width (exposed surface not including left side gutter) should.measure between 10 3/4" and 12" wide. The height should measure 17" +/- 1/2'. [If it turns out the roof files are a non-standard size and the Quick ',Mount Flat Tile Mount does not fit, the alternative method is to use a Quick Mount Curved Tile Mount instead. In this case, follow the directions for the Quick Mount Curved Tile Mountand omit the step pertaining to the bending of the flashing. (Coming Soon: Curved Tile Instructional video at www. quickinountpv.com/tech.php) 1- 'Exposure 1.0 3/4"to 12" 1 Ilr 177. 116 II Ik={I -sf di777-77' F}"' 17777-7474!111- nth hl+ii l_, IL V� �l �k'T. .. a. I. n.iN.- Bottom Edge View of Flat Tile Product Includes The units are -sold in 12 packs. Each 12 pack includes the mount- ing hardware, the mount, the substrate waterproofing, and the flashing to install 12 mounts,vrith written instructions. Alternative Attachment Methods The Flat Tile Mount comes with two alternative raftertess methods Of attachment: Toggle installation or Lag screw installations The choice of which,to use, is based on the substrate. If the substrate Is Oriented Strand'Board,.use the toggle bolt method. If the sub- strate is '%" plywood or greater, use the -4 each lag bolts into the decking. Of course,,if, there is a rafter at the'location of the mount it Is advised to use a longer lag bolt and anchor into the rafter itself when available. It is also possible to install blocks between the rafters and then iag,into the blocks. Height extensions are not for use with this,product. Customtengths can be ordered. Toggle Instructions: Waterproofing 1. Drill'/: (19mm) diameter hole. On,a the roof it is actually the building paper below the files that is waterproof. The files are 2. Hold the metal channel flat alongside plastic straps and considered water resistant. It is, assumed that water will travel under the tiles. The tiles are slide channelthrough predrilled hole. With one hand; there for aesthetics, thermal absorbtion, and to protect the building paper from U.V. and the pull ring so' metal channel rests flush behind 6S6 elements. It imperative to follow standard roofing practices with the paper. The Peel and sheathing. Slide plastic cap along straps with other Stick Flashing that we provide needs to go over our Mounting Base Plate with 1" minimum hand until flange of cap is flush with roof decking. sticking to the roof paper below1he mount. On the.top side of the mount, the Peel and Stick 3. Place thumbs between straps. Push thumbs' side to must extend under the existing lap in the=paper course directly above the mount. In the com- sidei snapping otf.straps level with flange of cap. mon occurrence that the paper is too far up the roof to reach, you must supply and install 4. Prepare Base Plate as per instructions pg'A photo 4 another piece of building paper (usually 30 Ib) under the row of paper above, and over the 5. Place Base. Plate over flange, insert Bolt and tighten top 2. Inches of Peel' and Stick"Flashing. This paper should be wider'than the Peel and Stick until snug against, roof deck OSB, then stop. Flashing, and either stapled down or nailed. If a baton board is in the,way, pry it up and slip the paper under the baton. How Many Mounts Per Module? IBC There are two questions that must be asked'when adding anything to a roof. International S 1. Can the roof /`building / foundation handle the.additional load? `� National Building �� 2. What is to keep the new load,from`blowing away? (ung . code state Itis assumed that a licensed solar Installer can answer these questions: If he Contractors Building Association Code / she can't, he % she will' need to°find somebody'+thatt.an. A,licensed;:engineer is the easiest solution. Some -of the racking manufacturers have guides to cal- c Asphalt culating a code compliant install as well. Many variables must be considered . Roofing International �n and determined to corn lete.the calculation. The spacing between mounts has Manufacturers P P 9 A H J Residential the variables of strength of tail, distance between parallel rails, cantilever of Association code modules over rails, pull out strength of mount, slope of roof, height of roof, wind Authority zone, roof type,structural integrety of roof framing, etc. The .only in the sheet Metal & Having National variables above that we can provide is pull.out:strength and shear of mount. We Jurisdiction Fire providestructural testreports on all of ourmounts as needed. You will need to do q Air Conditioning Protection Q the calculation of variables as you are the only one who knows them all. .7 Contractors' Association a 7 . National OSHA Z Further Resources Association In the process of all the research we have done, we came up,with what, we call � International the 'V1lheel of Accountability". It is a graphical look:at the many official entities code that govern how waterproofing should be done. At our site you can click ,Q council on any wedge of the wheel and get the'code snippets that pertain.to that entity's Cs focus on roof penetrations. �G��'% Underwriters C Laboratories Please donThesitate to use it to your advantage. And of course. If you have any feed backpro or cor, et us have it. Take photo's of your jobs using'Quick Mount UL Products and, submit them, to us, we'll, put them up in our web gallery. Submit them to lnfo@quickmountpv.com Subject - Gallery Photo Racking of Choice (Not Included), 5/16" ID x 1 1/4" OD Sealing Washer Cast Aluminum � Base Plate / I 511x3.5"x0.5" 5/16"-18 Toggles PROPERTY OF QUICK MOUNT PV . ALL RIGHTS OF DESIGN OR INVENTION ARE RESERVED 5/16-18 x 1" SS Machine Bolt X5/16" ID Fender -Washer EPDM Rubber Counter Flashing 1 1/411 x 5 1/2" Aluminum Post Aluminum Flashing 0.375" 1" � 5/16"-18 x 2" TAP Bolts for OSB Substrate 5/16"-18 x 1" Grade 8 Bolt 1.5" 5.3" 16.75" 1.75" H 6.250" T<a-- � 10.625 lywood Attachment Method: -t -Lag Screws,1 /4 x 1 1 /2" through Base Knock -out Holes uIc k PV1 FLAT TILE "RAFTERLESS" MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS Tools required to install (see.list on -specifics- Remove Tile at location of Mount. Measure tion page). Up 6 5/8"'to center of Mount. Mark paper, then measure 5 1/2"'from exposed edge, of adjoining right tile to center of mount, and mark paper. Use the Base Plate as a template to mark the drilling of the top and bottom holes. Remove Base Plate, drill 3/4" hole through deck. In- sert toggles bolts per Toggle Instructions (see page 2). Insert Machine Bolt under Base Plate in hex slot so threads point upward. Place Base Plate over Toggles and secure with 2 ea 5116" x 1 1/2" Machine Bolts into Toggles. Carefully clean the building paper & press the Peel and Stick firmly around Base and paper. Work from the center out removing any air pockets. (* below,'" page 1) Insert Post through Flashing and. secure to Base threads. Add Sealant at Post, to Flash- ing joint. For Questions Call 925-687-6686 Slide on EPDM Counter.Flashing, www.quickmountpv.com 4 With wedge still in place on the leading edge of tiles above, lift left side tile and set Alumi- num Flashing into place. You are now ready for the rack of your choice. Follow all of the directions of the rack manufacturer as well as the module manufacturer. All Roofing manufacturers' written instruc- tions must also be followed by anyone modifying a roof system. Please consult the roof manufacturers' specs and instructions prior to touching the roof. . - * Make sure the Peel and Stick is firmly ad- hered and that all air bubbles are pushed out. C(uick Mount PVm info@quickmountpv.com Wiley Electronics LLC Washer, Electrical Equipment Bond WEER Patent Pending INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS For Unirac Solar,Mount only Please read carefully before. installing. WEEB-UMC WEEBL-6.7 WEEB Bonding Jumper -6.7 c ON us Products are tested to UL 467 3098177 UL standard for safety grounding and bonding equipment Document Number 104-0404-000010-011 Wiley Electronics LLC. 2006-20090 —All Rights Reserved WEEB COMPATIBILITY The WEEB family of products can be used to bond anodized aluminum, galvanized steel, steel and other electrically conductive metal structures. Standard Top Down Clamps The WEEBs used for bonding the PV modules to the mounting rails are compatible with various cross-sections of module frames. The following are examples of module frames that are compatible. Notice that the WEEB teeth are positioned completely under the edge of the module frame. The WEEB-UMC is only compatible with module frames that have -a reinforcing box structure, as illustrated below. The following is an example of a module frame that is incompatible with the WEEB. The WEEB teeth are positioned only partially under the edge of the module due to the lip on the top edge of the module frame.. Not.Compatible Wiley Electronics LLC. 2006-2009© — All Rights Reserved'. Top Down Clamps for Lipped Modules The following are a few variations of lipped solar modules mounted with inverted U-shaped clamps. The low -lipped module requires use of the WEEB-DMC instead of the WEEB-UMC. Notice that the force which the inverted U-shaped clamp exerts is inline with the WEEB teeth. pis ��P �f Low -Lipped Module WEEB-UMC is not compatible with high lipped modules. The WEEB teeth are not in line with the force of the inverted U-shaped clamps, with the result that the WEEB teeth do not embed properly. High -Lipped Module Wiley Electronics LLC. 2006-20090 — All Rights Reserved 93 SYSTEM OVERVIEW Use WEEB-UMC to bond solar modules to module mounting rail Use WEEB Bonding Use one WEEBL-6.7assembly Jumper to electrically per rail to connect system to connect mechanically equipment ground conductor spliced rails Important notes: . 1. Use -general purpose anti -seize -compound on fastener threads when installing WEEBs. . 2. WEEBs are intended for SINGLE USE ONLY. Functionality will not be guaranteed if' reused. Wiley Electronics LLC. 2006-2009® —All Rights Reserved O 0 WEEB-UMC ASSEMBLY Mid -Clam Pre -assemble WEEB-UMC to mid - clamp assembly as shown. Pre - assembling WEEB-UMC to mid - clamp assembly will contain the small individual parts, reducing the possibility of losing parts during installation. Wiley Electronics LLC:. 2006-2009© —All Rights Reserved O Spring retention tabs hold. WEEB-UMC and coir) i+l.�rnr.�ccemhly Drop in T -bolt and snap WEEB-UMC on to mounting ,rail Slightly lift solar module and slide WEEB-UMC and mid - clamp assembly into position. WEEB teeth will automatically be aligned under the edge of the module when mid clamp assembly is correctly installed. Important note: To correctly install mid -clamp assembly, ensure that the T - bolt is perpendicular to the ,mounting rail and both sides of the solar modules are completely positioned against the mid clamp. Refer to WEEB compatibility page for illustrations. Wiley Electronics LLC. 2006-20090 —All Rights Reserved Important note: WEEBs are for SINGLE USE ONLY! Do not torque fasteners down if position of solar modules is not finalized, Only slighty tighten fasteners to keep modules in place. then position of solar nodules are finalized, irque fasteners to 10 -lb / 13.5 N -m using m.neral purpose anti- .ize compound on ireads d Wiley Electronics LLC. 2006-2009© — All Rights Reserved WEEB-UMC LAYOUT EVEN NUMBER OF MODULES IN ROW X DENOTES PLACES TO INSTALL WEEB-UMC CXR=4X1 WEEB-UMC NEEDED = C X R = 4 X 1= 4 ODD NUMBER OF MODULES IN ROW X DENOTES PLACES TO INSTALL WEEB-UMC CXR = 5 X 1 WEEB-UMC NEEDED = [C+1] X R = [5+1] X 1 = 6 Note:. When replacing a single faulty module, also remove the adjacent module which contacts the same WEEBs as the faulty module. This will ensure that there are never ungrounded modules in the array. Wiley Electronics LLC. 2006-20090 —All Rights Reserved O WEEBLUG ASSEMBLY WEEB teeth towards rail Slide bolt to desired position and slip bolt through WEEB-6.7 WEEB-6.7 Install WEEBL-6.7 assembly and torque fasteners to 10 ft- Ib / 13.5N -m using general purpose anti -seize compound on threads Important note: WEEB-6.7 that sits -under the WEEBLug is for single use only.. Ensure position is correct before tightening down. Wiley Electronics LLC. 2006-20090 — All Rights Reserved MM Wiley Electronics LLC. 2006-2009© — All Rights Reserved UMC SPLICE KIT ASSEMBLY 09 The flexible WEEB Bonding Jumper can be mounted in different ways shown below. [►TA:l T --due fasteners to t-Ib/13.5N-m ig general 3ose anti seize ipound on threads WEEB Bonding Jumper I U14UV ids4en010 .to 10 ft-lb/13.5N-m using general purpose anti seize compound on threads Route WEEB Bonding Jumper as shown above if edge of solar module lands between two spliced rails. Wiley Electronics LLC. 2006-20090 —All Rights Reserved. 10 " :��.r Product Data Sheet DU221 RB SWITCH NOT FUSIBLE GD 240V 30A 2P NEMA3R by Schneider electric List Price $177.00 USD Availability Stock Item: This Item Is normally,stocked In our distribution facility, Technical Characteristics Number of Poles 2 -Pole Ten�i ail Type Lugs Type of Duty, General Duty Maximum Voltage Rating 240VAC Wire Size #14 to *-B—.AW-- G—(Ai!C—u)� Action Single Throw Ampere Rating 30A, Approvals UL,Listed File Number E1875 Enclosure Rating NEMA'3R Enclosure Type Rainproof and"Sleet/los proof (Indoor/Outdoor) Factory Installed Neutral No Disconnect Type Non -Fusible Mounting Type- Surface. Shipping and Ordering Category 00106 - Safety Switch, General Duty, 30 - 200 Amp, NEMA311 Discount Schedule GTIN 00785901490340 Package:Quantity I Weight 4.62 lbs: Availabilityode 6 Stock Item: This item Is normally stocked in our distribution facility. Returnability Y 6ountry-od-0-rigin ---- - ---- -- --- ------------- MX As,standards, specifications, and designs change from time to time, please ask for confirmation of the.information given in this document. Generated: 11/1712011 17:02:58 ®,2011 Schneider Electric: MI rights reserved. Schneider Vi Electric ACCAcme Cable Clips ACME Cable Clips simplify wire management and create a cleaner aesthetic to solar PV arrays. The clips are made of corrosion resistant stainless steel and are designed to prevent damage to cable insu- lation. The easy to install and remove design only requires a flat head screwdriver and can :be reused, unlike zip ties. The universal design fits most modules and can hold one or two wires. • Made with corrosion resistant 300 series stainless steel • Dual wire compartments • Special tab for easy installation and removal with flat -head screwdriver • Designed to prevent damage to cable insulation • Sized for USE -2 cable (5-5.4mm) or PV cable (6.8-7.2mm) ACC Holds: 1 to, 2 USE -2 wires or 1 PV wire DC Power Systems (800) 96T-6917 . www.dcpower-systems.com I_«Ia,T1 Holds: 1 to 2 PV wires Contact us at 845.247.4708 www.we-lic.com .i