07-2552 (RPL)P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 c&t!t444" Application Number: 07-00002552 Property Address: 77169 CASA DEL SOL APN: 773-360-015- - - Application description: POOL -RESIDENTIAL Property Zoning: MEDIUM DENSITY RES Application valuation: 36000 Applicant: Architect or Engineer: act - 0A, BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT --------------- --------- -------------------------- LICENSED RACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perju 't t 1':am lice un ovisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section;7000) of Division 3 of the B i s nd'Prof na C e, and'my License is in full force and effect. License Class: "B i No.: 79321`6 Date. _ '_2� � Contractor: IF OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I,am exempt from the Contractor's State License, Law for the " following reason (Sec: 7031.5, Business and Professions.Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolishi or repair anystructure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit -to file a signed.statement-that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter'9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of. the Business and Professions Code)'or that he'or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for thealleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant fora permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not;more than five hundred dollars 185001.:. (_ 1 I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for saWiSec. 7094, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not, apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and7who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the, improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or Improve for the purpose of sale.). (_) 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The.Contractors' State License Law does'not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a•contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_) I am exempt under Sec. , B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of lierjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3091, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: Lender's.Address: LQPE nm VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011. INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 9./19/07 Owner: BURNET_T RESIDENCE Contractor: cj1, FISHER CONSTR IO C, VID P.O. BOX 17720 LA QUINTA, CA 9224 (760)111-2161 �y� �k, 41PA� Lic. No.: 793216: V WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: 1 have and will maintsin.a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the. Labor Code,,for--the performance of the work forwhich this permit is issued. _ I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the wor r which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and, policy number ar Carrier STATE FUND Policy mbar 0009311-2007 _ I certify that, in the performance of: tfu w -for which this permit is. issued, 1 shall not employ any person in any manner to becom bject the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I sho ome su le to t orkers' compensation. provisions of Section 3700 of. the Labor C 1 11 f it com I with those provisions. Date:Applicant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION, COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN'EMPLOY.ER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES,AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS (8100;000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED, FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE; INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the'Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application: 1. Each person upon whose'behaif this application is made, each person at w_ hose.request and for whose benefit work is performed under orpursuant to any issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnif nd hold "harmless the City of Le Ouinta,.its officers, agents and employees for any act or omissio rel ted.to the work being performed. under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Anypermitissued as a result of this applikgructi null and vo' if rk is.not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of cessatio of w 180 days will.subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state thanation' c ct. I ree,to comply with all city and county ordinances.and:state laws relating to eby.a horize representatives of this counnttyrtoenter. upon the above-mentioned proon se . Date: G(� '15 % Signature (Applicant or Agent): Application Number Permit . . . Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . Issue Date . . . . Expiration Date . . . . 07-00002552 BLDG POOL PERMIT 323.50 Plan Check Fee . . 210.28 Valuation . . . . 36000 3/17/08 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 252.00 11.00 6.5000 THOU BLDG 25,001-50,000 71..5.0 Permit . . . MECH PO.O_L Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 26:.00 Plan Check Fee 6.50 Issue Date Valuation 0 Expiration Date . . 3/17/0.8 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.0.0 1.00 11.0000 EA MECH FURNACE >100K 11..00 - ----- Permit . . . ELEC POOL'PERMIT-RES Additional desc . Permit Fee . . . . 45.00 Plan Check Fee 11.25 :Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 3/17/08 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 1.00 30.0000 EA ELEC PRIVATE SWIMMING POOL 30.00 Permit . . PLUMBING Additional desc Permit Fee . . . . 33.00 Plan Check Fee 8.25 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 3/17/08 Qty tin -it Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 2.00 6.0000 EA PLB FIXTURE 12.00, 1.00 3.0000 EA PLB WATER INST/ALT/REP 3.00 1.00 3.0000 EA PLB GAS PIPE 1-4 OUTLETS 3.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments POOL, SPA, ALARMS/BARRIERS SHALL BE IN LQrERMrr Application Number . . . . . 07-00002552 -----------------------------------------------------------------------,------ Special Notes anComments PLACE AT PRE -PLASTER INSPECTION. EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE NOT INCLUDED. Fee summary Charged. Paid Credited Due ---- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 427..50 .00 ---------- ---------- .00 427.50 Plan Check Total 236.28 .00 .00 236.2.8 Grand Total '663.78 .00 .00 663.78 LQrs tWT Bin # City of La- QuInta. Building at Safety Division P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico U Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-70.1 .- Building •Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permit # 2 Project Add -r - f (4 li C C-' Owner's Name: A. P. Num — (O O ( Address: Legal Descrition: L.0 -r t.f-15- -raAcrZ45340 City. ST, Zip: , . Contractor. G — A,�.5� Telephone: Address: I?-� Z.. Project Descriptions City, ST, Zip, Tel Vhone: - State Lia # : (, 0 - 2 7 7 93 Z 14o City Lia #.-/t? Arch., Engr., 3esigner Address: 4Z ! . C c-bkl City; ST, Zip: PA'4,rA i✓/2�' Telephone: — t2&57 State Lia #: % ¢ ., Name of Con Person: Construction Type:. Occupancy - Pmject type (circle one) N Add'n Atter Repair Demo, Sq. Ft: # Stories # Units: Telephone # • Contact Person: — 6 C,,,!5-/7 Estimated Value o� Pmject: �, D O C7 APPLICANT: DO NOT. WRITE BELOW THIS LINE d submitt I Req'd Reed TRACIONG . PERhhffr FEES Plan set Plan Check submitted1 Item Amount StMCtM IGlca. Reviewed, ready.forcorrections Pian Che&Dgwdt Truis ca. Called Contact Person Pian check Balance Energy Its., Plans picked. up . Construction Mood plan Plaus+resubmitted Mechanical Grading an 2" Review, ready for'eorrectioullssue Electrical $ubcon't3 for ust Called Contact Person Pliisabing Grant D Plans picked tip S.hu ILOA. proval Plans resubmitted Grading IN ROU Eg- 30 Review, ready for eorreetions/issue Developer impact Fee Planning proval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub. W4Appr Date of permit issue School Feet Total Permit Fees GENERAL NOTES: I.- ALL V40RK GALLED FOR IN THE5E PLAN5 5HA1_L BE E ..UTErD WITH FX'-RE HF_ r_ONCEw ZN FDR C,RAI=TSMIAi SIP AND 5AFET'r IN PULL AGCORVANGE 1 WITH THE ADC)FTFO r_cuES rANL7 oRDINANGfR5 OF I"HE JJRI5DICTION IN HH164 IF IS BEING C.ON571:4JGTED. ?_.- ALL r�RK, HHETHE P, 5PEGIFICALLY GALLED FOR OR ROT, SHA -1- BF 60N!5TRL;GTfP L1lwiDER THE LATEST EUITION OF THE VNIFCRM E VILDINS CODE A5 Ai-C) ID HY THE LOCAL C<7VEF2X' iN6 A&ENG'r. 3.- ALL EXTERIOR FLATHO RK 5HALL HAVE A P051TIVE 5LDFIE AfNAY FROM Ti-E BUILDIN5 (1% MIN) 4.- THE C- ENER.4L CONTRACTOR AJ_L Tf 0U6HIL" FAMILIAR17F ff m5EL F kq]TH TH15 00C.JMENT5 FPRIOR TO FROGEEDIN6 KITH ANr GONSTRUC.t'IDN AND SMALL REPORT ANY DISC-REPANC-Y TO THE IDE5161NER i PRIOR TO rSOMMENG1NO ANY WORr,. St CVLD ANY PEVIA71ON BE MADE F kola THESE PLANS KITHCUT THE HRIT7EN C N5ENT FPCM THF_ DEr515NER TFiL 01-INFR/G0NTi AC-.0R ASSIJEvf_ ALL Rr7SRONSIJ31LITY FOR 5LJGH (DEVIATION. 5.- THE GENERf4_ CCNTRAGTOR SHALL 5 IT//�_p��y-y�-�GCPIES,��OF SHhOf'��171k�'yA-.INIW- OF ALL 1-�l M)FA C i URFE? ITENS ( IA-,. �rf'"1L INr T5, TR F-jr.7ES,E r6) TO 14E OFS16NER F09, REV IEEK- AN O AFPROVAL. F RIOR lU FABRIC.ATICN. TfE 6EN1ERAL (',0NTRA(,70R WILL BE Ri=FOWzjlE31_F 1"O PROVIDE AI '.0)ATF TIMt= FOR RFV[Fri (10 HORKINS PA-45) OF `)Lem( 1 H*P I EMIT. rip r+It-R#- A5 SLCo REVIEW _`i+ A NOT ArRrr , - , WIA(, t -rW- 60%TRLk,'_ I ION F S;--HffUJI-F b VI'jl T'! H ' THE PL` 1(L"W-w C* EN6:NEE III. ;N hio v%AY AL I FYIArl_�-5 r-+_ CADNTRAb.C.7cjRci Rr-z00%4c3II151L1r" IN RLEsAR * TO C,00L C_CyM�L !A.WI _, aAFFtY OR T+,Okc lk�IN T- ALL S1J13-G0NT9ZACfT0R5 SHALL V 151 T THE JOB 51 Y F Al T-HIIN .24 HOUR5 PRI OR TO C1OMM1 NC INlCa KORK, THE S(Je C<,GNTRAGTOR SHALL HE PT5PONESEi3LE FOR REVIEININ6 RELATED TRADE, 5 1J3- 5L4PFAGE PREPARATION( AND 51 ALL RFPORT ANY NON-GONFORMIN6 P[5CREPANGY TO TI Fw N�RAAL GON[TRA,TEXE6 T ION CAP WOyRrC�EBYSUB-GO ��I � TOR -UI 1A�NY OF C R EVIC.7UE5 `RApE'5 NOR<. _- THE ONI AGREES TO HIOLU HARMLE55, INDF"-NIFY, I AW DEFEND THE PE516NER, HIS EMPLOYEE5, AND ENI&INEER-15A6AIN5r ANY ANP ALL_ LIABIL11 Y, CLAIM DAMAOFS AND 605T5 OF Di=FEN5E AR�51Wi CUT OE= T+E FP_5;: 5 OR OMI55101�, OR. NF6LIe'ENT ROTS CAUSED BY THe MODIFICATIONS TO THE PE-_46N5 AK+ ) 5 G FICsATrG+&. �. ANY CHANOF, MODIF]cGA.TION OR ALTERATION CV` HE5F_ PLANS 5H ALL PE AT THE 50 _E RE51C OF THE PLER-Sm MA<INJC OR [',z,JSINC THE SAME AND 5HOU'L.D E3E P VIEY4E_D BY THE L)E5lE7NER OF RECORD �::OR E G IVF MITT kgIT-i THESE PL_AN1 . 1O VFRWF GONNlEGTION POINT FOR POKER TELEPHONE ANO SATV 5Y5T-1:_x15 PRIOR TO' C.pN5TPRUGTIONI ^FRPROXIMIATIF ONLY LOr-A.TIONS INVIC-A =1 r-:OR r TRAN5FORMER LOCATIONS, ETC. II.- COMPLY KITH ALI- UTILI-FY COt-PANY REQUIREMENTS_ PROVIDE ALL RELATE=P GO1NF.V75, FPU[_L BO74E-E5 P,NP P_ I5 RS1 12-• GOi AC_T0R 5HAL L VERaF'` AGTUAI_ 17El"14 AV LOCATION OE= ALL RX15TINI6 UTIL ITIE5 PRIOR TO 6011 5TRJGTION„. GALL UNDER61IROLlNP SFRVIG� ALERT (Tau- F-FEE 800-642-2444) I3-PRIOR TCi TRENLA-IlI , C °DINe, EEC AVATIN6, PRILL11 . PIPE P SHINC7. P'._A1NT1NO TREES D1 i145 ' FEh16E POST HOLE5 ETC. THEW V^ L U PPLY INFORMATION OIL L_OGATE AND MARK ANY' UNDERGROUND FA6ILITIE5. 14= DELETED 15.- BUILDIN6 AVP -55 SHALL BE PROVIDED ON THE FRALDNO IN 50CCH PpSITION AS TO BE PLAINLY VISIBLE END LF-61:6LE FRO"M THE 5TRE ET FEES SEGTION 502. SITE FLAN NOTES: I^xARNIN5 - PLAINT M^TERIAL LI!57F_P HA1' O€2 MAY NOT LAVE BEEN (APPROVED BY THE A6RIG0L7URAL C OF MISSIONIER'S QFFIGE, LANDS AFF-D A EA5 INIDICrATEL] BALL 01._-- PROVIDED VV .; !1DVFRACaE AUTOMATIC IRR[ 6ATIONI 1,11 AN APPROVED BACK FL.ON DEVIGE. TEMPORARY TOILET5 5i !ALL DE PROVIDED 13Y THE 6ENERAL GpNTRAGTOR FOR ALL TRAPE5 LNTIL THE GOMPLIFTION OF THE HORK. ALL T'RADE5 5H^LL AT ALL -[FREES KEEP THE i'RIEMISE5 FREE FROM ACGUI"$JL_AT10N OF r aTET M^TERIAL5 OR RUB113156­1 CAL6ED BY T1`'F WORK- NiO UTILITY RENGHff5 PARALLEL TO A FOOTING AND LEPER TI-[AN I6" SHA.LL BE LOCATED AITHIN A, D15TANCE OF 4'-0" CJF A BLJILDIN& FOOTING. UTILITY 7RENCHE-5 PERF P4PI IJI_AR TO A F-DOTIN6 SHALL BE A MININrUH OF 4`-0" OEFF ANI? THE FASTLIRSED SOIL 5I'ALL BF G0111PAGTr-0 A17HIN A 4'-0" IASTANGE OF ANY F OOTI N6 OR L:NV =R A GONGRETlr 5LP43. ALL PROPERTY LINE5, E 5EMENT5 AND MiLDIN65 BOTH FX15TINO AND F-P-01'05FP, ARE 5HOHN ON TH15 S1TE f-1.AN1. THE I VELOPER/GONTRACTOF,/OHNF-R 15 'ZESPONSIBLE FOR THE VEiZ1F=1GATION OF EX15TINO CAARB (OR E>DOE CF 5TREET PAVIN5 IF NO CURB EXIST), LOCATION FROM THE PROPFRTY LINE(S) WITH THE PUBLIC HORK5 DEPARTMENT - NOTES: POOL, 5PA, RETAIN&IN5 MALLS ANP 5ARDEN WALLS REQJIEIE SEPARATE PERMIT "ORIVEKAY AFPROAGH R♦ QUIRE A, PARATE PERM17 ANP 1NSFJ;_-GT[ON FROM GITf OF 1,-A. GtUINTA PURL I G WC?RK5 T lIEPARTMENIT" NOTE: THE PERV;r::LOFjER/GONTP-AGTOWOH` F-P IS PESPONISIBLE FOR T6-EE VERIFICATION OF FXISTIN(3 CURBS (OR EDGE OF 5712EET PAVING 1F NO GURE35 EX157) FROM PROPERTY LIME(S) FAITH THE FUDL.IG WORK5 DEPARTMENT. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: if ❑rly HaQ0F6, 015OREPAWIL-5 Or C0111155IGN5 appa3� r the arawh3.;, spor.l; it atlarr or attrer cOntro L doufflwit_, the 60ER. L CXNTi<}4i: r0R shall not!Fy the de54- r in wrltlrq of 5�xh error or cm[sslan. In the event that tha 6FW.RA_ CONTRACTOR ?arts to glue such notice wfore 6onshructivn and/or hkrlcatlon or the Hark, THE C ,& GON- TRAGTOR HILL EE HELD RffPG61113LE to Lbe result of cry errors, dE5- crepa► ar omi5sion!, a and ft co5l. & redll` lr the sane, I 1 REFERENCE CODES ALL G0N5T F?,LX_T10K COMPLY WITH UNIFORM 5JILDM CODE Z01 UE�G) UNIFORM M ECHMIC.J+4L CODE (2001 UMG) UNIFOW F LLMUN6 CON (200I LFr,) NATIONELEGTRIGA,L GCS =041E(.) TnLE 24, PART 2, +LIFOINA AUMI IST TIME GODS E 71GAP Col1LIAWE RE6"Ti0 a EAR6r COWkWATIOH RW ATIONS 2005 AIR 6{7F{79TI IND G4 ` AND CONDEMSN& COL LHrr. 10 BE CK COfJGREM PAV- -Cb0 CrI TABOVE xO�V OF PAD �FK� 31 =1U{1 1� 111 kfT.1l . SFTRAdK MINIMUI I A t.�kD5GAF'E F HINIHJM (1),Rdl% I � F-6- f76.5 I Law■ UndergroundAlert all. TOLL FREE 1-800 WORKINGTWO BEFORE YOU DIG 4• I AIR CAOt0TaH1E;l6 GOMPFM55OR 10, SETBACK ANI7 C.ON A561w COIL LHIT. TO HE ON COME_,- PAR - TOP OF PhD 4K 3' FC+OTm. MIA4I"*4 hI rm, 9a UTILITIES NOTE VErRIFY C,0NNIEOTI(^ POINTS FPR PC)k,tE✓R TELEPHONE AND GAT V SY5TIFM15 PRIOR TO G0N57-RiJ6TI0N APPROXIMATE ONLY LOGATIOW;�, INPIC,A7ED FOR TRAN5P0f2MFR L_06A7I0NE5, ETC. COMPLY Pg1TH ALL LJT.IITY COMPANY RECUIREMENTS. PROVIDE ALL fdFLATED GONPLdT5, FULL 13 XF.5 AID RISERS. GDN7RAGTOR 5HALL VERIFY ACTUAL E?EPTH ARZ> LOCA.T SON DP= ALL- EX15TINO OTILITIES PRIOiZ TO 60N5TFZJC:T[0N... CALL UJ DFR6RCLND 15ERV16E ALL RT (TOLD. FREE F)--642 2444) PRIOR TO TRE:INCHIN6, ' .r 1 llG, E GAVA%T1A1C;,. DRILLINCi, PIFE PU53HIN10, FLAK-4 - e TEPEE, 016C INEr PENCE 1=05T HOLES ETC_ T-HE r NILL SUPPLY INFORN'ATION OR I_06ATE A.N17 MAC ANY UN12ER6RCXND FAGIL_ITIFS, I0' SETBACK I 5' HT. ELOCA KAIL X 5' M E3L= M44 UTIL ITIEy5 L"T ION {�7,16F6; > % HIHIN�R•1(I) % r — Hlhatl-llIM (1) ONE-- R' W SETBACK � f f ti r GARAGE..," Iry r, r �i M1F11K1Fi (I) O1E % � l67.16;r6) r r 120' SETS' c84 K w i t HCFIIMJM (!) ONE 96 - p� - v \� LOCATION of A F1',MTr_kLY LA D5GAPE 1 ILLr J B31L.DM AT7E� N.M; GLfi+1�i Y E: f1 G WALL 9.Ib0020, 'J'iELE q-P t SPA _ ' �� r {- 1 , � #-+IINI!•1JM (i) Dim �G ' C CO � I -` MINI" (I) OW % � EHN�iINt1M (I) 20` SET13ACKI +� + �I� l ar I -- - S'X _MDC(WaL -- -- - # - - MINIMUM {IjONE 51Ai, 3-=NkL F)10 � EGLIPMENT + MINI>v1UM N O1,E % #s6,o2F6} N1N1r (1) ONE % • �r -0" 0 U) SHEETINDEX SITE !Jf LOCATION - T_ N' LU I � " CALLIE 60N z z VICINITY MAP N 0 T T 0 C,ALE ■ A. I SITE Fes! AN A.2 DIMENSION PLAN A.3 FLOOR PLAIN A,4 ELEVATIONS A.5 SECTIONS A.S ROOF PLAIN E. I ELECTRICAL FLAN I , I MECHANICAL FLAN SN STRUCTURAL NOTES SN 1 STRU T. NOTES AND TABLES S.1 FOUNDATION PLAN S-2 ROOF FRAMING PLAIN SD. I FOUNDATION DETAILS SD.2 ROOF FRAMING DETAILS Sm SHEAR MAX DETAIL SSW I STEEL SHEAR STRONG WALL T.24 TITLE 24 1U SITE PLAID SCALIE, 1 18"=1'-0" GENERAL INFORMATION O FIR : SONNY and FAT &URt&= 2=7 121th AVESF. 5NOH�)HIF-YH, AA ';R 2qh 425.40 3133 LEGAL_ DESCRIPTION: LOT NO. IS TFkCT: 2&401q A.P.N.:-36O-DI5 PROJECT ADDRESS: 6A5A DEL 50L FLORF5 OF MONTAgA LA allINT,A, r A ZONE: R1 OCCUPANCY: SIN&LE FAMILY rrnT V NON - RATED AREA TABULATIONS: TOTAL SITE: 13,46D 5G, FT, MAIN RESIDENCE: 2,b-71 50. FT. ATTACHED CASITA 524 5G. FT. ATTACHED POOL BATH 6:2 50. FT. TOTAL LIVING AREA 3,262 50. FT. GARAGE: ID`19 50. F=L MECHANICAL ROOMS 45 5G?- F-T. TOTAL FOOTPRINT: 4,386 50. Fr_ COVERED PATIO/VERANDA 500 59- rT_ ■ 36 ACH 'ECTURE Gi0jI` 1NC R nEaur$CRuRE - cESIGI+ LAND P1dV%NDWx � RGE SEPTIEN DES IGW 1PR N=AL 74-854 VE IE WAY SUITE #5 PALM 17 i SERT. CA 92260 (760) 340-3528'rd (760) 34C-3726 Fax E-MAUL : glsgnoup2k l an1_cam E-MA-I]_ . kW4rCMFp2kI agol.Com CHAUS D. GARAND "CHIrr-CT 74454 VEL3E WAY 5UITF A5 PALM DESERT, CA 92263 (760 J 340-352M Tel- (760) 340-37a FwL REVISION ` BY f I SKEET 'rITLE: SITE PLAN DRAWN 6.L.5. GH_E0KED OATF MARCH 2K7 s C A L F AS NOTED J D 13 NO. L007-09 SHEErT $ ` L Mtn- RE REN- . 1 r 1' . F3R ITMINF,c S IRI TC I55u 'E Or LU;L0I*61- �1-5