PCRES 2002-113RESOLUTION 2002-113 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING CERTIFICATION OF AN ADDENDUM (EA 2002-461) TO ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 99-389, FOR AN AMENDMENT TO TENTATIVE TRACT 29323, FOR A SUBDIVISION OF 381 LOTS ON 127 ACRES, LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF FRED WARING DRIVE AND JEFFERSON STREET ADDENDUM TO ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 99-389 CORNERSTONE DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 15`h day of February, 2000, certify a Mitigated Negative Declaration as determined under Environmental Assessment 99-389, prepared for Specific Plan 99-040 and Tentative Tract 29323, as set forth in said Mitigated Negative Declaration; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 2"a day of July, 2002, hold a duly -noticed Public Hearing to certify an addendum to Environmental Assessment 99-389, for Amendment #1 of Tentative Tract 29323; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 26`h day of November, 2002, hold a duly -noticed Public Hearing to consider adoption of a second addendum (EA 2002-461) to Environmental Assessment 99-389, for Tentative Tract 29323, Amendment #2; and, WHEREAS, said Addendum complies with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" as amended, Resolution 83-63, in that the Community Development Director has conducted an Initial Study (EA 2002-461), and has determined that none of the circumstances set forth in Public Resources Code 21166 have been shown to exist; and, WHEREAS, a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact was certified for EA 99-389, by Resolution No. 2000-12, prepared for Specific Plan 99-040 and Tentative Tract Map 29323; and, WHEREAS, the La Quinta Planning Commission did find the following facts to justify a recommendation to certify said Addendum: The Revised Project will not have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, as the addendum prepared for the Revised Project did not identify any significant impacts beyond the existing project approval. 2. The Revised Project will not have the potential to achieve short term goals to the disadvantage of long-term goals, as the addendum prepared for this Revised Project did not identify any significant impacts with regard to this issue. Planning Commission Resolution 2002-113 Addendum to EA 99-389 November 26, 2002 3. The Revised Project will not have impacts which are individually limited but cumulatively considerable when considering planned or proposed development in the immediate vicinity, as those impacts identified for geologic, water, air quality, biology, hydrology, noise, utility systems and cultural resources were addressed as part of prior environmental review, with no significant new impacts being identified with the Revised Project. 4. The Revised Project will not have environmental effects that will adversely affect humans, either directly or indirectly, as the addendum prepared for this Revised Project did not identify any significant impact with regard to the public health, safety, or general welfare. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitutes the findings of the Planning Commission in this case; 2. That it does hereby affirm the environmental determination and recommends to the City Council certification of an Addendum (EA 2002-461 ) to EA 99-389 for Tentative Tract 29323, Amendment #2. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this 261h day of November, 2002, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS ABELS, KIRK, ROBBINS, TYLER, AND CHAIRMAN BUTLER NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE RI HARD BU LER, Chairman City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: IY HEIMAN, Community Development Director of La Quinta, California ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2002-461: ADDENDUM TO CITY OF LA QUINTA ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT #99-389 PRIOR ADDENDUM UNDER ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT #02-446 (CEQA GUIDELINE 15164) TENTATIVE TRACT 29323, AMENDED #2 Presented to the Planning Commission for Recommendation Planning Commission Resolution 2002- 113 November 26, 2002 P: \TT29323 #2\eadocs\adden389 #2. wpd The City of La Quinta, as lead agency under the California Environmental. Quality Act, Public Resources Code section 21000, et seq. ("CEQA") has prepared this Addendum pursuant to CEQA Guideline 15164. This is an Addendum to the original Environmental Assessment #99-389, certified on February 15, 2000, by the La Quinta City Council for Wade Ellis. A prior Addendum was also certified on July 2, 2002, for the repeal of the original Specific plan and design modification to the original tract layout. The purpose of this Addendum is to document a modification of a portion of the project, which will be implemented through the following subdivision approval: TENTATIVE TRACT 29323, AMENDED #2 This case is referred to as "the Revised Project." All mitigation measures included in EA 99-389 and EA 02-446 are incorporated into this document by reference. The Revised Project consists of a 381 lot single family subdivision proposal, adding 10 acres, for a new project area of t 127 acres, which would replace the existing approval for 349 lots on 117 acres. The original project area under the Specific Plan was approved for 379 lots, so the proposed revision essentially reduces the original density, as approved in 2000, from 3.24 to 3.0 units/acre. The City has determined that the Revised Project will be consistent with the intensity of development and character of the adjacent residential properties, and will be consistent with the goals, policies, and objectives of the City's General Plan, as approved in March 2002. The Revised Project does not propose any change to the land use as approved in the prior actions. The currently approved map allows for 349 lots on 117 acres (2.98 units/acre). The approvals requested as part of the Revised Project are: 1) An amendment to the existing approved tentative map, which would revise the project to include a 10 acre parcel and increase the density over the current approved map by 0.02 units/acre. The City has compared the impacts identified in the Environmental Checklist prepared for the Revised Project with those impacts analyzed in the adopted EA 99-389 and finds as follows: P:\TT29323#2\eadocs\adden389#2.wpd Water - Impacts no greater than previously analyzed. The Revised Project will create drainage impacts similar to those identified for the original proposal under EA 99-389 and EA 02-446. As such, the map provides for several smaller retention areas, interconnected through a linear facility traversing the site northwest to southeast. Biology - Impacts greater than previously analyzed. The development of the Revised Project will result in a similar loss of habitat for the Coachella Valley Fringe Toed Lizard (CVFTL). A bio study of the entire new site indicates a significant loss of mesquite hummock and CV Milk -Vetch habitat. A focused survey for Giant Sand Treader Cricket still must be undertaken. Cultural Resources - Impacts no greater than previously analyzed. The project proponent shall submit for review and approval , a comprehensive Phase II archaeological investigation. An archaeological monitor shall be on site during any grubbing, earth moving or excavation activities. This is required mitigation as originally stipulated in EA 99- 389. Phase I shall be required for the additional 10 acre site. Air Quality - Impacts no greater than previously analyzed. The Coachella Valley has in the past been a non -attainment area for PM 10 (particulate matter of 10 microns or smaller), and is currently in danger of losing it's attainment status. In order to control PM 10, the City has imposed standards and requirements on development to control dust. This project will be required to comply with the PM 10 Fugitive Dust Control Plan (FDCP) currently approved for the entire project area. Noise - Impacts not significantly greater than previously analyzed. Development of the site will create construction noise impacts of a short- term nature. New long term impacts relate to roadway noise by addition of 10 acres fronting on Jefferson Street. A new/revised acoustic study will be required to address the effects of such noise on the Revised Project. Geology & Soils - Impacts no greater than previously analyzed. The site is not located in any Earthquake Fault zones as designated by the State but is mapped in Ground Shaking Zone IV meaning seismic events can cause damage to building under certain occurrences. Impacts involving potential seismic activity also relate to possible risk associated with upset of hazardous substances (i.e. fuels and auto - related chemicals and wastes) and potential for upset/explosion/fire. The project will be required to adhere to seismic reinforcement and other requirements as called for by the UBC. Transportation/Traffic - Impacts similar to those previously analyzed. Development of the Revised Project adds 2 lots to the original unit count of 379. A similar impact in generated traffic can be anticipated. P:\TT29323#2\eadocs\adden389#2. wpd The City finds that consideration of the Revised Project does not call for the preparation of a subsequent EA pursuant to CEQA Guideline 15162 or Public Resources Code Section 21166, in that the Revised Project does not involve: 1) substantial changes to the project analyzed in the EA which would involve new significant effects on the environment or substantially increase the severity of previously identified impacts; 2) substantial changes with respect to the circumstances under which the project is being undertaken, which would involve new significant effects on the environment not analyzed in the EA; or 3) new information of substantial importance which would involve new significant effects on the environment not analyzed in the EA, or substantially increase the severity of previously identified impacts. EA 99-389 and EA 02-446 have been incorporated with this addendum. A copy of the complete EA documents are attached. EARLIER ANALYSES USED 1. City of La Quinta General Plan; Adopted 3/20/02. 2. Environmental Assessment 99-389, certified 2/15/200 3. Environmental Assessment 02-446, certified 7/02/02 4. South Coast Air Quality Management District; CEQA Handbook, April 1993. 5. Final Coachella Valley PM10 State Implementation Plan; June 2002. 6. Biological Resources Assessment for Cornerstone; James W. Cornett, 1 1 /14/02. 7. Coachella Valley Fringe -Toed Lizard Habitat Conservation Plan; June 1985. 8. Riverside County Congestion Management Plan; 1992. P: \TT29323#2\eadocs\adden389#2. wpd The following mitigation is recommended, based on the Revised Project review (final wording as included in the conditions of approval for the project may be subject to change). Mitigation measures adopted as part of prior analyses under this project are incorporated by reference, and are found in those analyses. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES: A. The project proponent shall confer with the United States Department of Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) to assess measures for the offset of habitat loss to the Coachella Valley milk vetch plant species. Such offsets shall include consideration of a maintenance program of the species within the proposed project landscaping, along with a remedial hummock habitat, within protected areas of common area landscaping within the development. This shall be done during landscape plan preparation, with written findings/recommendations from USFWS to be submitted and incorporated with the project landscape plans as may be appropriate. The plans as proposed shall be subject to review by the ALRC as part of the overall common area landscaping plans submitted for final approval. CULTURAL RESOURCES: A. A Phase I archaeological survey shall be required for the additional 10 acres along Jefferson Street. This may be done in conjunction with monitoring on the original site as required, but no grading on this portion may commence until clearance has been given from the Community Development Department. NOISE: A. A revised acoustic analysis shall be prepared to include assessment of the impacts of roadway noise from Jefferson Street on the project residents. The revised report shall address the proposed site in its entirety, and shall be reviewed and accepted by Community Development prior to issuance of any building permits, other than for approved model units within a City -approved model complex. P:\TT29323#2\eadocs\adden389#2. wpd