2009 01 29 HPC MinutesMINUTES
A Regular meeting held in the Study Session Room
at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
January 29, 2009
This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by
Chairwoman Puente at 3:00 p.m. who asked for the roll call.
A. Roll Call.
Commissioners Redmon
and Chairwoman Puente
Sharp, Wilbur, Wright,
Planning Manager David Sawyer, Principal Planner
Stan Sawa, Consulting Planner Nicole CYiste (Terra
Nova Planningl, and Secretary Monika Radeva.
A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wilbur/Sharp to
approve the minutes of December 18, 2008, as submitted.
Unanimously approved.
A. Historical/Archaeological Resources Survev Report for the Dune Palms
Specific Plan
Applicant: La Quinta Redevelopment Agency
Consultant: CRM TECH (Michael Hogan, Principal)
Location: South Side of Highway 111, Approximately 350 Feet
East of Dune Palms Road.
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Historic Preservation Commission
January 29, 2009
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in
the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department.
Commissioner Redmon asked what "auto related commercial" referred
to. Staff replied it referred to a car dealership.
Planning Manager Sawyer explained the project consisted of two
phases. The first portion along Highway 111 was to be a high-end
automobile dealership. The second portion was to be ± 200-unit
multi-family affordable housing project.
Commissioner Wilbur asked staff about the likeliness of this project
moving forward in light of the current market and economic
Planning Manager Sawyer replied the applicant for the auto dealership
project had exhibited strong interest and there had not been hesitance
indicating otherwise.
Commissioner Redmon asked if the multi-family affordable housing
project was going to be similar to the Coachella Valley Housing
Coalition affordable housing project. Planning Manager Sawyer replied
it was a Redevelopment Agency (RDA) project.
Commissioner Sharp asked if the auto dealership and the affordable
housing project were one continuous project. Staff replied there was
going to be a pedestrian path connecting them.
Commissioner Sharp expressed his concern about the bright lights of
the dealership being a nuisance to the tenants of the development at
night. Planning Director Sawyer replied the RDA staff would address
concerns of this type and explained the reason the was chosen.
Commissioner Wright said he was pleased that the grading activity
was going to be monitored.
Chairwoman Puente asked what remains were found on site. Staff
replied there were some shells, animal bones, and other fragments.
Chairwoman Puente inquired if the remains were historically
significant. Staff replied they were significant mostly in the fact that
they were human remains.
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Historic Preservation Commission
January 29, 2009
Commissioner Sharp asked what "grubbing" and "mano" meant. Staff
replied that "grubbing" meant scraping off the top layer of shrubs and
ground cover and "mano" meant the grinding bowl for a pounding
There being no further comments it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Wright/Redmon to approve Minute Motion 2009-001
accepting the Historical/Archaeological Resources Survey Report for
the Dune Palms Specific Plan as recommended by staff. Unanimously
B. Phase I Historical/Archaeological Resources Survey Report for the
Travertine Acquisition for Shea Homes Trilogy at La Quinta
Applicant: Shea Homes, Inc.
Consultant: CRM TECH (Michael Hogan and Bai "Tom" Tang,
Location: On the East Side of the CVWD Dike #4 between Avenue
60 and Avenue 62.
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in
the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department.
Representing the applicant were Ulrich Sauerbrey, Project Manager for
Community Development for Shea Homes, Inc. and Jeff Davies,
Community Development Manager for Shea Homes, Inc.
Commissioner Redmon asked staff if the recommendations on page 15
regarding the Travertine acquisition for Shea Homes were incorporated
within staff's recommendations. Staff replied they were.
Commissioner Wright asked if there would be public access to the
mountains behind Travertine. Mr. Sauerbrey replied there would not
be any public access to the mountains from this site because it would
be restricted by CVWD. Mr. Sauerbrey explained the County Parks
District had a parks master plan, with a trail system, identifying an
access point from Avenue 62 just a little to the south of this particular
project site. He said the applicant was working with the Parks District
on the trail funding based on an agreement with the County from
There being no further comments it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Redmon/Sharp to approve Minute Motion 2009-002
accepting the Phase I Historical/Archaeological Resources Survey
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Historic Preservation Commission
January 29, 2009
Report for the Travertine Acquisition for Shea Homes Trilogy at La
Quinta recommended by staff. Unanimously approved.
C. Phase II Cultural Resources Testing and Evaluation of CA-RIV-1339
The Travertine Protect Tract 35996
Applicant: Shea Homes, Inc.
Consultant: Michael Brandman Associates (Michael Dice, Principal
Location: On the East Side of the CVWD Dike # 4 between Avenue
60 and Avenue 62
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in
the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department.
Commissioner Sharp asked staff about the human remains found
outside the property lines and who had decided not to remove them.
Staff replied the archaeologist determined that he had gone outside
the applicant's property line and did not have the authority to remove
the remains.
Commissioner Redmon asked why the cremation site was reported if it
was outside the property lines. Staff replied the archaeologist felt it
was best to report it since it had been discovered. He said sometimes
grading goes off-site and this way the site would be left undisturbed
and protected.
Commissioner Wright commented on the on-site/off-site monitoring
and the protection it provided.
Commissioner Redmon asked for clarification on who the artifacts, if
any found, would be given to. Staff replied the artifacts would first be
given to the tribe and if they were not interested, they would be then
passed on to the City.
Commissioner Sharp said his understanding was that artifacts were
given directly to the La Quinta Museum.
Commissioner Wright explained that until a few years ago the tribal
members were not involved at all and all recovered artifacts were sent
to Riverside. This was not because the tribe members were not
interested, but because they did not have the facilities or expertise to
care properly for the artifacts or monitor the site.
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Historic Preservation Commission
January 29, 2009
Planning Manager Sawyer said his experience was that the remains
were always returned to the tribes.
Commissioner Redmon expressed her concern was that if all remains
were returned to the tribe those would also include the pottery and
other artifacts in addition to human and cremation remains that would
possibly end up in a storage facility versus being displayed at the La
Quinta Museum. She wanted to make sure they were handled
Planning Manager Sawyer replied this instance would not set a
precedent as each case would be handled on an individual basis
through a consultation between the City and the tribal members if
Commissioner Wright said he was pleased that the tribe was involved
in the process.
Chairwoman Puente asked why the cremation remains were
considered special and unique. Mr. Sauerbrey replied his
understanding was the remains had a historical significance in the
tribal history.
Discussion about the remains and their historical significance followed.
Commissioner Wright said Shea Homes had a good track record of
being very sensitive to historically significant sites and artifacts.
There being no further comments it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Wright/Redmon to approve Minute Motion 2009-003
accepting the Phase II Cultural Resource Testing and Evaluation of CA-
RIV-1339 the Travertine Project Tract 35996 as recommended by
staff with the revision to Section 3-D, Amendment 2, that the artifacts
would be distributed to the tribal members and not the City.
Unanimously approved.
D. Paleontological Resources Assessment Report for The Travertine
Acquisition for Shea Homes Trilogy at La Quinta
Applicant: Shea Homes, Inc.
Consultant: CRM TECH (Michael Hogan and Bai "Tom" Tang,
Location: On the East Side of the CVWD Dike #4 between Avenue
60 and Avenue 62
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Historic Preservation Commission
January 29, 2009
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in
the staff report a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department.
There being no questions or comments it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Wilbur/Redmon to approve Minute Motion 2009-004
accepting the Paleontological Resources Assessment Report for the
Travertine Acquisition for Shea Homes Trilogy at La Quinta as
recommended by staff. Unanimously approved.
Conference Updated
Planning Manager Sawyer said the Historic Preservation Conference was
scheduled for April 16 through 19, 2009. He noted the budget allocated by the
City was conservative and extended over registration fees and gas
reimbursement, but hotel stays and other travel arrangement were not included.
He mentioned that a city staff member would also be attending the conference
and he encouraged the Commissioners to carpool if possible.
Discussion followed regarding events included at the Conference and Planning
Manager Sawyer encouraged the Commissioners to be fiscally conservative.
A. Update on curation of City artifacts
Planning Manager Sawyer said previously the City planned to store artifacts
at the La Quinta Museum, but due to lack of available space they will be
relocated to City Hall under supervision of the Planning Department.
Commissioner Wilbur asked if the La Quinta Museum would be able to use
the artifacts. Planning Manager Sawyer replied the artifacts would be
available for use by the Museum.
Discussion followed regarding the La Quinta Museum.
B. Quarterly Attendance Report
Planning Manager Sawyer reminded the Commissioners that there were only
two unexcused absences allowed per fiscal year.
Commissioners then discussed their Ethics Training.
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Historic Preservation Commission
January 29, 2009
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Wright/Sharp to adjourn this Meeting of the Historic
Preservation Commission to the next Regular Meeting to be held on February
19, 2009. This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was
adjourned at 3:55 p.m. Unanimously approved.
Submitted by:
Monika Radeva
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