00017014 (RPL)APPLICANT NAME (L, F, MI) -E +� Box 5!R3 CITYICOM M U N ITYISTATEIZI P PAI M br-RFRT CA 9P26000110 JOB SITE ADDRESSISPACE 1 CCIACHELIA CITY/CO M M U N ITYISTATEIZI P L.A MUTNTA CA 922530000 BOK PAG PRC C TWN RNG SE S 410 01n 7 000 0n TRACT LOT MOD SS 00 9 &` 100114 1 1013 TRACT NAME 1 OWNER NAME (L,F,MI)PHONE N Cl N A 140 -ME, OWNERS RS €iSC1E 42 CONTRACTOR -FIRM NAME LICNC N WATSON—HAMILTON 3211445, ADDRESS BOX 1593 CITY/COM M U N ITYISTATEIZI P P LM DESERT CA 922600000 PHONE # BLD . IN R I FI TE 1 �1 a1•��l���i3tl� 1 ARCIENG FIRM NAME LICNC # ADDRESS CITY/COMMUNITY/STATE/ZIP PLAN N PLANS EXAMINER APPROVE DATE USE OF PERMIT - BL ZON FSB SSB _ SSB RSB / OFC UO R1 0101 010 pin 010 COUNTER L.U.T. INA ZONE ORD # LOT SZ END SIDE 00013 APPLIPRMT # PS I ICT I ON FE.E $3, 09 DATE I 26825 682r PLUMBING FEF $4.00 FEE : $14.00' FC". R CAL FEE $2. t5o FEE $18,00>: $0.3S $0.33 CSIM $0.35 SMI F E: w , $ 0 .31.5 / TOTAL FEE CA CK X NC COUNTER :I. / COUNTER L.U.T. T R U C T u t A L. c BUILDING P E R K I'r TOTAL PERMIT LCUST TS $03120 CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE: (NOTE:: Not to be used as property valuation) Description FCC Group Type Stl Et bate ValuaTion PRIMARY Mise 329 M M 500 $10.00 $5000 `C onastruction Fee based on Total Actuasl. Valuation of $5000 ist $*0.50 1.ELECTRICAL FEE' COMPUTATIONS * Pt?rMit Fee (if applicable) SWIMMING POOL-PrIvate: N Commercial: Y Service Chanae R/Ci PLUMBING FEE COMPUTATIONS * Permit Fete= (if appl::i.cr:blei FIXTURES -Bar 5inki 0 Drinking Fntn: 0 FIr 1Draint 1 4 of -Water NeaTeral 1 0 of Drains on Roofs 00 GAS PIPING, SYSTEM -1 to 5 AutleTS11 6 or, Moro OuTletizs 0 Inistallat:ion of Watery Piping anti/or Water Treatment Eguip:l i S" I FErz: SMI F! FORM 284-208 (11.81) I" €CTOR FEE $3, 09 FEE: $15.00 FEE: $4.00 FEE : $2,50 FEEL $2. t5o FEE $2.50 $0.3S $0.33 NO. J OPERATION DATE INSPECR'OR NO. OPERATION t DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS ' 1 Set Back 33 Ventilation System 2 Ftgs & Frms 34 Plenums 8 Ducts 2A Slab Grade 35 Furnace Comport. 3 Steel 36 Inlets 8 Outlets 4 Grout Blocks 37 Combustion Air 5 Bond Beams 38 Compressor 6 Roof Deck 39 Appl. Clearance 7 Framing 40 Fire Damper 8 Vents 41 Smoke Detection Device 9 Garage Fire Wall 42 Commercial Hood 10 Fireplace P. L. C] 43 Final loA Fireplace T.O. OP'N NO. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION nr V C /! / t / �Cf ` SEWAGE SYSTEM SIZE & LOCATION 11 Exterior Lath 12 Internal Lath 12A Drywall 13 Finish Grade INSULATION Thick R Value 7A Walls (Batts) 12B Ceiling (Botts) 12C Ceiling (Blown) 14 Final PLUMBING APPROVALS 15 Ground Plumb 16 Water Piping 17 Rough Plumb 18 Vents 19 Sewage Disposal 20 Sewer 21 Water Heater 22 Water Softener 23 Water Service 24 Gas Test 25 Final Tank Pit L.Line REAR Of PROPERTY LINE ELECTRICAL APPROVALS P/L a 6 P/ 26 Power Pole 27 Conduit 28 Service Entrance 29 Wiring 29A Grounding Wire 29B Bonding 30 Fixtures 31 Service 32 Final STREET NAME cni T'! 7." -,P�ENT _ . �!, . P wlopAo 0100' (,::'.A. #%Off FOOD ES"'A 'AGE DISF3SAL A *C6 404 4AM44F _S' -TRAILER PARK MOTE!_ /..PT., FT O. LEACH LINE 7C S'_VV-_R VVATE�n'-'L'li ".This is te. -:p F. WAT__E��FRZ­�PLY SERVING THIS INSTALLATION. MUST BE FROM AN APPRO'V�ED SOURCE Date-- R!''.;:5* Y �i L) i� nit-) A L T F," #k YEAR� A P OVA do POWt FOR tie EngIII- "OTWY RIVERSID SPS or E Co. HEALTH DEPT. v, ux the ineer. Eng to or CA A PL -RMI T THE MEN T GF FjjS HEAVEPART. L T� PRIOR Ir® UPANCY ORIL , Installed Pletelr arcuiad edge q et paved�tmal7csrr,],nlmum 4' e, non -slip finish, drain awayp from ool, shall be co?" to finalnpp.�cval. 41'1 iAl AM 12, AJt ........... �'V HILOI SPA CRAB UILS I so -n K1 fjat"La (Typ). U&Fr C ppt+Ava! 04 f these Plans by the Department of Fii County does not relieve the Engin. Health of Riverside eer or Architect of the res onsi�igtY for the Dilribp,�, IVY. int or Architectural des NO URIT A. BENCH B. AIR INDUCTION HOLES & MANIFOLD C. STEPS GENERAL: These spas are constructed with vacuum formed sheet acrylic reinforced with chopped fiberglass and polyester resin. The HILO is equipped with molded air induction chambers. The spa is required to be plumbed with IAPMO listed materials, pool fittings, etc. CAPACITY: gallons RIVERSIDE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DIVISION OF ENVIRONI4ENTAL HEALTH 3575 Eleventh Street Mall P. U. Box 1370 Riverside, CA 92502 April 21, 1982 WOUTE-T-0 La Quinta Homeowner's Association #2 �H Ferri 9- Candeleria Circle Dt Qu -- inta, CA 92253 e Gentlemen: \� BTS—_ The Department of Health of Riverside County has reviewed and approved 1 sets) of swimming pool plans which were submitted in your name. The following infor- mation was taken from the plans on file with this Department: Owner: La Quinta HOA #2 DBA: Location: Engineer: IAMPO Reg. No.: 1050 Contractor: Hamilton Approval of the plans by this Department does not relieve the engineer of the responsibility for the engineering design; the pools must be constructed accord- ing to the plans on file in this Department and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the State Department of Public Health, as outlined in Title 17, Group 6 of the California Administrative Code. We call to your attention Section 7796 of the California Administrative Code, which reads in part as follows: "There shall be provided completely around every swimming pool a clear, unobstructed, paved walk or deck not fess than k feet wide, extending from the pool side edge or lip of the coping of the pool." Building permits must be obtained from the Building Department having jurisdic- tion. Final inspection of the pools must be requested of and made by this Department prior to occupancy. cc: Dist. 14 Sanitarian file Contractor Riv. Co. Dept. Bldg. DOH SAN:014 (New 8/81) & Safety Very truly yours, D. R. BOLING, R.S. Deputy Director of Health -for Erre nmental Health 11 Paul Begley, R.S. E vironmentzl Health Services Manager n,T p.rrifF r' APPLICANT NAME (L, F, MI) i7 I a. CITYICOMMUNITYISTATEIZIPDESERT g PALM CA 00000 JOB SITE ADDRESSISPACE A1".r)AMWIA-1014 DR CITYICOMMUNITYISTATEIZIP I 92P5 l BOK PAG PRG C TWN RNG SE S TRACT LOT MOD 0,1976 fit I IS TRACT NAME ' OWNER NAME (L,F,MI)PHONE # ti a - L!) CONTRACTOR :FIRM NAME LICNC # MATFIMN—MAIJ11,2 ADDRESS 1 ,0;i CITYICOMMUNITYISTATEIZIP PAI M w r PHONE# - BLDG. INSPECTOR- � FIN AL DATE RENG FIRM NAME LICNC # 1ADORESS CITYICOMMUNITYISTATEIZIP t , ,PLAN 9p EXAMINER APPROVE DATE USE OF PERMIT ' Kl BL ZON FSBSSB SSB RSB OFC ZONE ORD# LOT SZ END SIDE '.n FORM 28a•208 (1181) INSPECTOR - D NO. OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR NO. OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS 1 Set Back 33 Ventilation System 2 Ftgs 8 Frms 34 Plenums 8 Ducts 2A Slab Grade 35 Furnace Comport. 3 Steel 36 Inlets 8 Outlets 4 Grout Blocks 37 Combustion Air 5 Bond Beams 38 Compressor 6 Roof Deck 39 Appl. Clearance 7 Framing 40 Fire Damper 8 Vents 41 Smoke Detection Device 9 Garage Fire Wall 42 Commercial Hood 10 Fireplace P. L. 43 Final IDA Fireplace T. 0. FI ADDITIONAL INFORMATION , _ SEWAGE SYSTEM SIZE & LOCATION 11 Exterior Lath 12 Internal Lath 12A Drywall 13 Finish Grade INSULATION Thick R Value 7A Walls (Batts) 12B Ceiling (Batts) 12C Ceiling (Blown) 14 Final PLUMBING APPROVALS 15 Ground Plumb 16 Water Piping 17 Rough Plumb 18 Vents 19 Sewage Disposal 20 Sewer 21 Water Heater 22 Water Softener 23 Water Service 24 Gas Test 25 Final Tank Pit L.Line REAR OF PROPERTY LINE PSL P/ ELECTRICAL APPROVALS 26 Power Pole 27 Conduit 28 Service Entrance 29 Wiring 29A Grounding Wire 29B Bonding 30 Fixtures 31 Service 32 Final STREET NAME