BSOL2014-001078-495 CALLE TAMPICO 'Z4D 4 VOICE (760) 777-7125 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7011COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 BUILDING PERMIT Date: .11/13/2014 Application Number: BSOL2014-0010 Owner: Property Address: 49810 RANCHO SAN JULIAN STEPHEN PYLE APN: 602270014 49810 RANCHO SAN JULIEN Application Description: 2.9kW PV SYSTEM - (13) 225W PANELS/(13) INVS/(1) 125A SUB LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Property Zoning: Application Valuation: $18,000.00 T��_R Applicant: LCOMMUNITY II II Contractor: STEPHEN PYLE U PLANET SOLAR INCORPORATED P 0 BOX 716 4 2014 O OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS ROSEBURG, OR 92253 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 A QUINTA PMENT DEPARTMENT (805)692-2700 Llc. No.::LIC-0110555 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my License is,i II force and effect. License Class: License No.: :LIC -0110555 Date: L/ 1 I I "L / ✓1 Contr OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through.his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (_) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_J I am exempt under Sec. . B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: Lender's Address: WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the wortAr which this permit is issued. ave and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and polity number are: Carrier: Policy Number: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to becomes bject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall fort th comply with those provisions. Date: Applicant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT: Application is hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application , the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents, and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result.of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above• mentioned property for inspection purposes. Date: Signature -(Applicant or Agent z; ,DESCRIPTION >' 'yACCOUNT,f, G7 QTY i#�AMOUNV. < '. ,s'trPAIDk. ' PAID DATE BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0006-20306 0 ' $1.00 $0.00 $95.32 "aPAID:BY ``'� "q'METHODE�` t`t .rt RECEIPT # s CHECK #' ; ` CLTD BY QTY A NTk R MOU F� DESCRIPsTION ACCOUNT' QTY` Total Paid forBUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION BSA $1.00 $0.00 ; ,.;� DESCRIPTION `� ,,- ACCOUNT $0.00 AMOUNT PAID BY r` ° ” `t PAID ' F`` PAID DATE PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, FIRST 20 - • 101-0006-42403 $23.83 0 $23.83 ".: PAID`BY $0.00 '` sRECEIP„T#* PAID BY°r. „ z 'k METHOD RECEIP.,T #;- CHECK # £r*' 1 CL7D BY s, �$«' $95.32 $0.00 DESCRIPTION {� ACCOUNT' QTY A NTk R MOU F� DESCRIPsTION ACCOUNT' QTY` "K; AMOUNT' : `PAID, PAID DATE <w $0.00 PAID BY r` ° ” `t § rr METHOD4 ; PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, FIRST 20 PC 101-0000-42606 0 $23.83 $0.00 ".: PAID`BY Y, r *-jMETHOD< '` sRECEIP„T#* r CHECK# -CLTDBY`f, Total Paid forPERMIT ISSUANCE: ret $0.00 TOTALS:00 -DESCRIPTION �.. ' ACCOUNT.' AMOUNTS r 'PAID. PAID DATE PV SYSTEM - MISC EQUIPMENT 101-0000-42403 0 $23:83 $0.00 ' PAID; BY ° „ zMETHOD y, < ' `-RECEIPT # - CHECKCLTD BY . DESCRIPTION' ° ACCOUNT €; a ..QTY+' AMOUNT; ^ jPAID , PAID DATE' r�3 4 PV SYSTEM - MISC EQUIPMENT PC 101-0000-42600 0 $23.83 $0.00 PAID,BY�� : qy 'METHOD ;RECEIPT # CHECK # CITD BY <: Total Paid forELECTRICAL: $95.32 $0.00 DESCRIPTION {� ACCOUNT' QTY A NTk R MOU i k PAID. `. ` PAID`DATE. PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0 $90.57 $0.00 PAID BY r` ° ” `t § rr METHOD4 ; ti RECEIPT # �' CHECK # t CLTD BY. Total Paid forPERMIT ISSUANCE: $90.57 $0.00 TOTALS:00 Description: 2.9kW PV SYSTEM - (13) 225W PANELS/(13) INVS/(1) 125A SUB Type: SOLAR Subtype: Status: APPROVED Applied: 9/2/2014 PJU Approved: 11/5/2014 AOR Parcel No: 602270014 Site Address: 49810 RANCHO SAN JULIAN LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: TR 28964 Block: Lot: 14 Issued: Lot Scl Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: Valuation: $18,000.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 , No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 - r� NOTESr Details: 2.9kW SOLAR ARRAY - (13) 225W SUNPOWER PANELS W/ (13) M210 MICRO -INVERTERS AND (1) 125A SUBPANEL [234SF] NOTE: THIS PV SYSTEM IS IN ADDITION TO AN EXISTING 7.4kW SOLAR ARRAY WITH (1) INVERTER. 2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE. Applied to Approved All 64 CHRONOLOGY HR dCONOLO6Y.TYPE, " STAgN FFANIE ACTION DATE . COMPLETION DATE; - r� NOTESr Applied to Approved All Printed: Thursday, November 13, 2014 3:26:12 PM 1 of 4 CJ sysrcMs ADDITIONAL CHRONOLOGY HR dCONOLO6Y.TYPE, " STAgN FFANIE ACTION DATE . COMPLETION DATE; - r� NOTESr E-MAIL AJ ORTEGA 9/18/2014 9/18/2014 EMAILED STEVE WITH PLANET SOLAR COMMENTS - SEE ATTACHED. E-MAIL AJ ORTEGA 10/7/2014 10/7/2014 PENDING DOCUMENTS RECEIVED INCOMPLETE, REPLIED TO EMAIL REQUESTING ADDITION INFORMATION. �- EMAILED STEVE WITH PLANET SOLAR THAT PREVIOUS E-MAIL AJ ORTEGA 10/9/2014 10/9/2014 COMMENTS HAVEN'T BEEN RESOLVED, COMMENTS STILL REMAIN. REVISED DOCUMENTS RECEIVED, OUTSTANDING ITEMS EXIST, E-MAIL AJ ORTEGA 10/14/2014 .10/14/2014 PLUS NEW ITEMS HAVE BEEN GENERATED PER THE REVISED DOCUMENTS, EMAIL SENT TO STEVE AT PLANET SOLAR. EMAILED STEVE PYLE THAT PLANS HAVE BEEN E-MAIL AJ ORTEGA 11/5/2014 • 11/5/2014 ELECTRONICALLY APPROVED, APPLICANT TO SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT FOR STAMPING AND ISSUING OF PLANS. Printed: Thursday, November 13, 2014 3:26:12 PM 1 of 4 CJ sysrcMs Printed: Thursday, November 13, 2014 3:26:12 PM 2 of 4 - SYSTEMS FINANCIAL INFORMATION :..DESCRIPTION '' � -DESC C »;.� �:b�.:. ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT -7 PAID �' PAID DATE RECEIPT it CHECK # ' METHOD j PAID BY MEET WITH CHRISTIAN AT COUNTER AND CALCULATIONS i A'' tBY cz BSAS SB1413 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $1.00 $0.00 Total Paid forBUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION PROVIDED NOT DESIGNED FOR SIX (6) FEET ON CENTER PUBLIC COUNTER VISIT AJ ORTEGA 11/5/2014 11/5/2014 101-0000-42403 0 $23.83 $0.00 SPACING, WILL COME BACK WITH APPROPRIATE SPACING OR DEFFER SUBMITTAL UNTIL ONSITE INSPECTION. PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, 101-0000-42600 CONDITIONS $23.83 $0.00 CONTACTS. FIRST 20 PC NAMET1'PE ` 'NAME -. < ADDRESSl '- CITY r -STATE. ZIP ; y PHONE ' . FAX i, y ' EMAIL APPLICANT STEPHEN PYLE P O BOX 716 ROSEBURG 0 OR 92253 ( JULIEN PV SYSTEM- MISC 101-0000-426000 $23.83 Printed: Thursday, November 13, 2014 3:26:12 PM 2 of 4 - SYSTEMS FINANCIAL INFORMATION :..DESCRIPTION '' � -DESC C »;.� �:b�.:. ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT -7 PAID �' PAID DATE RECEIPT it CHECK # ' METHOD j PAID BY µ . r i A'' tBY cz BSAS SB1413 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $1.00 $0.00 Total Paid forBUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION $1.00 $0.00 BSA: PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, 101-0000-42403 0 $23.83 $0.00 FIRST 20 PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, 101-0000-42600 0 $23.83 $0.00 FIRST 20 PC PV SYSTEM - MISC 101-0000-42403 0 $23.83 $0.00 EQUIPMENT PV SYSTEM- MISC 101-0000-426000 $23.83 $0.00 EQUIPMENT PC Total Paid forELECTRICAL: $95.32 $0.00 PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0' $90.57 $0.00 Total Paid for PERMIT ISSUANCE: $90.57 $0.00 Printed: Thursday, November 13, 2014 3:26:12 PM 2 of 4 - SYSTEMS PARFNT PRnwrTC REVIEW TYPE' REVIEWER 4 SENT DATE DUE DATE -r RETURNED. REVIEWS STATUS" w.NOTES - REMARKS , . :CREATED = OWNER „ x SUBDIR z._ v r� DATE w+ NON-STRUCTURAL AJ ORTEGA 9/2/2014 9/1S/2014 9/18/2014 REVISIONS REQUIRED AJ ORTEGA EMAILED STEVE WITH PLANET SOLAR COMMENTS IST REVIEW 0 - COMMENTS -SEE ATTACHED. BSOL2014-0010 - SOLAR PLANS HAVE BEEN ELECTRONICALLY APPROVED, NON-STRUCTURAL AJ ORTEGA 10/30/2014 11/6/2014 11/5/2014 APPROVED APPLICANT TO SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT FOR REDLINED PLAN STAMPING AND ISSUING OF PLANS. Printed: Thursday, November 13, 2014 3:26:12 PM 3 of 4 SYSTEMS BOND Attachment Type , . :CREATED = OWNER ATTACHMENTS DESCRIPTION PATHNAME x SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED BSOL2014-0010 - SOLAR BSOL2014-0010 - SOLAR DOC 9/18/2014 AJ ORTEGA 1ST REVIEW IST REVIEW 0 COMMENTS COMMENTS.pdf BSOL2014-0010 - SOLAR DOC 10/9/2014 AJ ORTEGA SOLAR 1ST REVIEW 1ST REVIEW REDLINED 0 REDLINED PLAN PLAN.pdf BSOL2014-0010 - SOLAR DOC 10/9/2014 AJ ORTEGA SOLAR 2ND REVIEW 2ND REVIEW 0 COMMENTS COMMENTS.pdf BSOL2014-0010 - SOLAR DOC 10/14/2014 AJ ORTEGA SOLAR 3RD REVIEW 3RD REVIEW 0 COMMENTS COMMENTS.pdf Printed: Thursday, November 13, 2014 3:26:12 PM 3 of 4 SYSTEMS Printed: Thursday, November 13, 2014 3:26:12 PM 4 of 4 MWOMSYSTEMS Bin # City of b Quinta ® Building 8L Safety Division Permit '���� 00, �P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico . La Quints,. CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 (� Building Permit Application and"Tracking Sheet Project Address: 1-1Ck g it) S(h,,J '::JS u Av� Owner's Name: A. P. Number: Address: X�-:� Legal Description: City, ST, Zip: L-A, GJ O%A� G�r- Contractor. � l�,A►1�� 5 � L!�/`, Telephone: Address: • ^%'8 2 s N p,4 S ( 0.(7, Project Description: City, ST, Zip: f . R AW 1.2, t Telephone: %G1? ^ ---- State Lic. # :132 --J213 City Lie. #: Arch., Engr., Designer: CA-& 4F kA Address: City., ST, Zip: Gvc hone: :.;::•,;(,;�;; CoTele nstruction Te: Occupancy: project type (circle one): New Add'n .Alter Repair Demo State Lic. #: S t ' :„:;:::;:>a::i`r:::%;<.;<-:.:;; ` '-" <.4 , ::.....•......:.. :.......................:............................. Name of Contact Person: 6Jz-:-V fa- Sq. Ft.: # Stories: # Units: Telephone # of Contact Person: Estimated Value of Project: a ow.�) APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # Submittal Rcq'd Rcc'd TRACKING PERMIT FEES Plan Sets Plan Check submitted q Item Amount Structural Calcs. Reviewed, ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit Truss C21cs. Called Contact Person Plan Check Balance. Title 24 Cates. Plans picked up lit Aq(k4,, Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted Mechanical Grading plan 2°d Review, ready for correctionsfissue Electrical Subcontactor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.I. H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN IiOUSE:- ''d Review, ready for correctionsfissue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue School Fees Total Permit Fees g qIta�lo��f — (dFc, RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICAL LOAD CALCULATIONS Address:_ yq - S 1 Q - r 1„ �. t^ I r, _ Date: -l0 I Z3 I / L Owner: 54e -ye- {'` Lf I Q Prepared by: rnrn! is lZaL.s License No. G13BT,1 General Lighting Load Sq. Ft._ 355 Q X 3 Volt Amps = ((,5520 VA Small Appliance Circuits at 1500 VA each x3Oy O _ VA Laundry (Washing Machine) Circuit 1500 VA I (min. of one) = 1.1- O eD _VA (1) General Load Sub -Total = l lo. O 50 VA First 3,000 VA of Lighting, Small Appliance, Laundry Load at 100% _ - 3.000 VA From 3,001 to 120,000 VA at 35% i 3 OS O X.35 (Table 220.42) _ VA Over 120,000 VA use 25% N 11A X .25 (Table 220.42) _ (7 VA Net Load for Neutral and Feeder Cakulatlons VA Fixed Appliances - If fewer than four units use 100% if four or more use 75% of the nameplate ratma Dishwasher I X 1200 VA Disposal �_ X 600 VA Water Heater X 4500 VA Compactor X 1200 VA Microwave �_ X 1500 VA Clothes Dryer _ X 5,0000 VA Range (kW) X 1000 =— Oven (kW) 3X X 1000 = Range (kW) X 1000 = --, Oven (kW) __80" X 1000 = �— (2) Subtotal u1500 x (100%a) OR (75%) = 33'7 VA Sub -Totals of (1) and (2) of General Loads = I V , ` L4 Z VA Amolvinar Demand Factors (Services Z 100A) f220.82 Le First 10,000 VA x 1Cfo% = 10.000 VA Remainder at 40% A 61 y Z _ 3-7 1 VA (A) Total of General Loads = 10, 311 VA Heating or Air Conditioning -List type and VA at 100% (220.82(C)) Heating Units (3 or less) _ VA X 65% _ Heating Units (4 or more) = VA X 40% O VA = A/C Unit = q g o o VA D VA X 100% _ A/C Unit =-q[300 VA �&OOVA x 100% - Heat Pump _ .� - L1 PSO O VA VA X 100% = b VA (B) Sub -Total of Demand and Heatlna/Cooling Loads = q (0 0 (7 VA Spare 20A x 240 volts (Future) = 4800 VA = q 5 0 O VA GRAND TOTAL - (Add Sub -Totals Aland (B)) = ZW,77.7 VA Total Volt Amps Z N, 7 7 7 Divided by 240 Volts _ I 0 3 Amps p Rev 10/03/12 Service Size t'15 Grounding Electrode Conductor_ •'TAW rr.0_0� `Irngtric Roof Azimuth Tool Address: 49810 rANCHO SAN JULIAN �; i Find __Aiimu[h Tool F ._ _ ✓r �,. 6tap Satellite n !1� '-TITLE PAGE& NOT bbroid CALIFORNIA CODES: 1 . • . -1� PI � �• ,Y a���i.rT -y 2013 CALIF. PLUMBING CODE 2013 CALIF. ENERGY CODE2013 CALIF. RESIDENTIAL CODE 2013 CALIF. MECHANICAL •. .q V�2013 CALIF. ELECTRICAL CODE I �; f PYLE, STEVE ice, =�,-'!-MaP Aau CZOtcGoagte Mrugny C=4 TamcfUceir@portamaperra l Latitude: Azi49810 RANCHO SAN JULIAN �_ T Longitude: much (true): r ( save share i LA QUINTA +:.A 92253 -JUNCTION BOX & CONDUIT RACEWAYS PHOTOVOLTAIC REQUIREMENTS nccT,xianccxat 4asx.e�s PER CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE ARTICLE 690 of OF 31' R1 Nammin 1. THE AC/DC CIRCUIT WILL BE LABELED EVERY 19 ON PV CONDUIT INCLIDING JUNCTION f BOX, AT TURNS AND ABOVE OR BELOW 1 PENETRATIONS WITH WHITE bun IM: SOLAR mnrrT AC SOLAR PV SYSTEM LETTERING ON RED REFLECTIVE WEATHER ' RESISTANT BACKGROUND MATERIAL aEAlE an:STfOCFR LOCATED SUITABLE FOR THE ENVIROMENT WITH Ev91Y ro•vaEMT aMAT , DURABLE ADHESIVE COMPLYING WITH UL -969 STANDARDS. FONT: ARAIL 3/8- NOWBOLD-LETTERING IN ALL CAPITALS. 2. WARNING SIGNS: TO BE ARAIL FONT MINIMUM 3/8- NON SOLD LETTERING, ALL . AC DISCONNECT$ + CAPITOLS BACKGROU D M ADE WEATHER RING ON RED .,, e.� _ ___ «• •. _ __ RESISTANT MATERIAL [THIN .NEL - ---- - --------- P_HOTOVOf6TATC FOUTPMFNT� (13) SUNPOWER SPR-225-BLK-U PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES. (13) M210 -84-240-S12 AC microinverters TOTAL SYSTEM KW: 9.99 , MODULES AT 16 DEG. TILT, (37) MODULES @ AZIMUTH: 140 DEG. MODULES SIZE: (13) SUNPOWER SPR-225-BLK-U PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES. (225W) 65.04 x 38.66 x 1.57 in (1652 x 982 x 40 mm) 39.5 +/-0.5 lbs (21.2 kg) LISTED BY UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES FOR ELECTRICAL AND FIRE SAFETY (CLASS C FIRE RATING). 1. NOTE: NO DISCHARGE OF ANY POLLUTANTS TO ANY STORM DRAIN SYSTEM. 2. THIS PROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2013 CBC, CMC, CPC & CEC. 3. ALL MODULES SHALL COMPLY WITH U.L. 1703 4. ALL INVERTERS SHALL COMPLY WITH U.L. 1741. 1. ONE (1) 9.99KW ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED BY 1. LOCAL UTILITY PROVIDER SHALL BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO USE CONTRACTOR, PLANET SOLAR INC. -AND ACTIVATION OF ANY SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC INSTALLATION. ' 2. SYSTEM IS MADE UP OF (13) SUNPOWER SPR-22S-BLK-U 2. NO SHEET METAL OR TECH SCREWS SHALL BE USED TO PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES. & (13) M210 -84-240-S12 AC microinverters GROUND DISCONNECT ENCLOSURE WITH TN -PLATED ALUMINUM (240) AC MICRO -INVERTERS. ALL MODULES MOUNTED TO UNIRAC LUGS. GROUNDING/GROUND BAR KITS SHALL BE RAILS AND TILE-TRAC ATTACHEMENTS. USED. 3. ALL EXTERIOR CONDUIT, FITTINGS AND BOXES SHALL BE U.L. , 3. ROOF IS: CONCRETE TILE. WITH 16 DEG. TILT. LISTED RAIN TIGHT & SHALL BE APPROVED FOR WET 4. ALL ELECTRICAL WIRING AND CONDUIT SHALL BE PER SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM. S. PROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2013 CBC WHICH ADOPTS THE 2013 IBC, THE 2013 UMC, THE 2013 UOC &THE 2011 NEC. 6. ROOF COVERAGE SHALL BE DESIGNED, INSTALLED & MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE ' WITH THIS CODE. THE MANAFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS &SHALL SERVICE �, ^ �� THE BUILDING AND/OR �Canip 0 Q/p�, fl� CC 7. THE CONTRACTOR, PLAN 5 § , (�' (o�( ail 1F 1- r + C CONFIRM THE I RMS AND N O PROVE L FIRE SMOKE ALARMS AND RBON ALARM PRIOR TO SCHEDU G FINA ' INSPECTION OF THE (PV) S M. PLANET SOLAR SHALL ARRANGE ACCESS FO THE INSPECTOR AT THE TIME O FINAL INS OR PROVIDEDA COMPLETED / T3Y THE OWNER CONFIRMING STA SMOKE & CARBON MONOXID FARM LOCATIONS PER (NEC 314.15x) 4. ADEQUATE SPACING SHALL BE MAINTAINED BETWEEN ANY PLUMBING VENTS EXTENDING THROUGH THE ROOF AND UNDERSIDE OF THE PV PANELS. 5. SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM ROOF TO BOTTOM OF PV MODULES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4". 6. GROUNDING BUSHING ARE REQUIRED AROUND PRE -PUNCHED CONCETRIC KNOCKOUTS ON THE DC SIDE OF THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM (NEC 250.97) �. ACK-FED CIRCUIT BREAKERS MUST BEAT THE OPPOSITEv - ND OF THE BUSBAR FROM THE MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER OR 0 T, AIN LUGS SUPPLYING CURRENT FROM THE UTILITIES., 8. CONDUCTORS EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT SHALL BE LISTED SUNLIGHT RESISTANT. 9. N BUILDINGS, PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL SHALL BE COVERFp B THE SOLAR ARRAY. 10. SMOKE AND CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS REQUIRED BY CRGq R314 & R315 ` CA Contractors License No. PlanetSolar Planet Solar PYLE, STEVE Drawn By: Francisco Rosas 73820 DINAH SHORE DR. Sin Palm Desert CA 92211 49810 RANCHO SAN JULIAN Date: 8/28/2014 PV�0 If�tSIALIr�i'iCJN & DESIGN LA QUINTA CA 92253 Ca I ornia (cense # S •Expiration Date www.planetsolar.com 938313 _ B,C-46 7/31/2014 Scale: NTS SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION PV -0 TITLE PAGE & WARNING LABELS & GENERAL NOTES s PV -1 SITE PLAN PV -2 ELECTRICAL PV -3 ROOF LAYOUT & STATIC LOAD TEST PV -4 CUTSHEETS(MICROINVERTER/MODULES/GROUNDING) PV -5 CUTSHEETS (ATTACHMENTS / ROOF TRAC RAILS) - ---- - --------- P_HOTOVOf6TATC FOUTPMFNT� (13) SUNPOWER SPR-225-BLK-U PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES. (13) M210 -84-240-S12 AC microinverters TOTAL SYSTEM KW: 9.99 , MODULES AT 16 DEG. TILT, (37) MODULES @ AZIMUTH: 140 DEG. MODULES SIZE: (13) SUNPOWER SPR-225-BLK-U PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES. (225W) 65.04 x 38.66 x 1.57 in (1652 x 982 x 40 mm) 39.5 +/-0.5 lbs (21.2 kg) LISTED BY UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES FOR ELECTRICAL AND FIRE SAFETY (CLASS C FIRE RATING). 1. NOTE: NO DISCHARGE OF ANY POLLUTANTS TO ANY STORM DRAIN SYSTEM. 2. THIS PROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2013 CBC, CMC, CPC & CEC. 3. ALL MODULES SHALL COMPLY WITH U.L. 1703 4. ALL INVERTERS SHALL COMPLY WITH U.L. 1741. 1. ONE (1) 9.99KW ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED BY 1. LOCAL UTILITY PROVIDER SHALL BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO USE CONTRACTOR, PLANET SOLAR INC. -AND ACTIVATION OF ANY SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC INSTALLATION. ' 2. SYSTEM IS MADE UP OF (13) SUNPOWER SPR-22S-BLK-U 2. NO SHEET METAL OR TECH SCREWS SHALL BE USED TO PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES. & (13) M210 -84-240-S12 AC microinverters GROUND DISCONNECT ENCLOSURE WITH TN -PLATED ALUMINUM (240) AC MICRO -INVERTERS. ALL MODULES MOUNTED TO UNIRAC LUGS. GROUNDING/GROUND BAR KITS SHALL BE RAILS AND TILE-TRAC ATTACHEMENTS. USED. 3. ALL EXTERIOR CONDUIT, FITTINGS AND BOXES SHALL BE U.L. , 3. ROOF IS: CONCRETE TILE. WITH 16 DEG. TILT. LISTED RAIN TIGHT & SHALL BE APPROVED FOR WET 4. ALL ELECTRICAL WIRING AND CONDUIT SHALL BE PER SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM. S. PROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2013 CBC WHICH ADOPTS THE 2013 IBC, THE 2013 UMC, THE 2013 UOC &THE 2011 NEC. 6. ROOF COVERAGE SHALL BE DESIGNED, INSTALLED & MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE ' WITH THIS CODE. THE MANAFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS &SHALL SERVICE �, ^ �� THE BUILDING AND/OR �Canip 0 Q/p�, fl� CC 7. THE CONTRACTOR, PLAN 5 § , (�' (o�( ail 1F 1- r + C CONFIRM THE I RMS AND N O PROVE L FIRE SMOKE ALARMS AND RBON ALARM PRIOR TO SCHEDU G FINA ' INSPECTION OF THE (PV) S M. PLANET SOLAR SHALL ARRANGE ACCESS FO THE INSPECTOR AT THE TIME O FINAL INS OR PROVIDEDA COMPLETED / T3Y THE OWNER CONFIRMING STA SMOKE & CARBON MONOXID FARM LOCATIONS PER (NEC 314.15x) 4. ADEQUATE SPACING SHALL BE MAINTAINED BETWEEN ANY PLUMBING VENTS EXTENDING THROUGH THE ROOF AND UNDERSIDE OF THE PV PANELS. 5. SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM ROOF TO BOTTOM OF PV MODULES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4". 6. GROUNDING BUSHING ARE REQUIRED AROUND PRE -PUNCHED CONCETRIC KNOCKOUTS ON THE DC SIDE OF THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM (NEC 250.97) �. ACK-FED CIRCUIT BREAKERS MUST BEAT THE OPPOSITEv - ND OF THE BUSBAR FROM THE MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER OR 0 T, AIN LUGS SUPPLYING CURRENT FROM THE UTILITIES., 8. CONDUCTORS EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT SHALL BE LISTED SUNLIGHT RESISTANT. 9. N BUILDINGS, PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL SHALL BE COVERFp B THE SOLAR ARRAY. 10. SMOKE AND CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS REQUIRED BY CRGq R314 & R315 ` CA Contractors License No. PlanetSolar Planet Solar PYLE, STEVE Drawn By: Francisco Rosas 73820 DINAH SHORE DR. Sin Palm Desert CA 92211 49810 RANCHO SAN JULIAN Date: 8/28/2014 PV�0 If�tSIALIr�i'iCJN & DESIGN LA QUINTA CA 92253 Ca I ornia (cense # S •Expiration Date www.planetsolar.com 938313 _ B,C-46 7/31/2014 Scale: NTS AZIMUTH: 180 DEGREES ROOF SLOPE: 16 DEG. ROOF COMPOSITION: CONCRETE S TILE This is a 2.92kW/DC Solar Electric System using (13) SUNPOWER SPR-225-BLK-U PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES MODULES GRID INTERTIED VIA (13) M210 -84-240-S12 AC microinverters ALL CIRCUITS TO BE RAN IN ATTIC OF DWELLING ALL EMT CONDUIT TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH DWELLING. SOLAR MODULES NOT TO EXCEED 18" ABOVE SURFACE. THIS PROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2010 CALIFORNIA BULDING CODE, WHICH ADOPTS THE 2009 IBC AND 2008 NEC. NEW SOLAR - , ;' . � � � ' • � � - ... solar panel Max AC Operating Current: 14.3A = .� A _ USING 15 A BREAKER - ��FT- Operating AC Voltage: 240V 1) SUNPOWER SPR -7000M k�IE �(G QU �� EXISTING SOLAR SYSTEM ATTACHMENT POIN MAIN SERVICE(200A) s� _' 61'39" Max AC Operating Current: 36.25A - - . At Disconect ��` 72" OC MAX- - --• - n = USING 40A BREAKER _ EATON DG223URB Operating AC Voltage: 240V - , f BY - 60 AMP NEMA 3R RAIN (33) SUNPOWER SPR-225-BLK-UI DATE TOTAL FOR BOTH SYSTEM 50.55 PROOF �-31.42"-►� All work shown on this drawing set shall be installed by undersigned California contractor. - .,, ... : CA Contractors License No. PYLE, STEVE 4 - Drawn By: Francisco Rosas Planet SolarPla.; ' t Solar 73820 DINAH SHORE DR. Signed': "' - Date: 8/27/2014 Fes, r 49810 RANCHO SAN JULIAN PV=1 �,`�� M0� �, " Palm Desert, CA 92211 LA UINTA CA 92253 Q Ca I Ex iration Date Scale: NTS' www.ptanetsolar.comp . ' 938313 �lass.. 7/31/2014 0 • .POOL (1} -box SOLAREXISTING PV SYSTEP,- AZIMUTH :180 DEGREES , . (13) SUNPOWER SPR-225-BLK-U ROOF SLOPE: 16 DEG. ROOF COMPOSITION: CONSTRUCTION S -TILE. This is a 7.42k1N/DC Solar Electric System � - x - •- � (13) M210 -84-240-S12 ,using (33). SUNPOWER SPR-225-BLK-U' _ - - . r AC microinverters PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES MODULES GRID INTERTIED VIA (1) SUNPOWER SPR-70MM DRIVEWAY Max AC Operating Current: 36.25A With a 40A Breaker. Operating AC Voltage: 240V r C PANEL OUTSIDE " 125A SUB -PANEL ❑ IN GARAGE o '' _ Sunpower 225 NEW SOLAR - , ;' . � � � ' • � � - ... solar panel Max AC Operating Current: 14.3A = .� A _ USING 15 A BREAKER - ��FT- Operating AC Voltage: 240V 1) SUNPOWER SPR -7000M k�IE �(G QU �� EXISTING SOLAR SYSTEM ATTACHMENT POIN MAIN SERVICE(200A) s� _' 61'39" Max AC Operating Current: 36.25A - - . At Disconect ��` 72" OC MAX- - --• - n = USING 40A BREAKER _ EATON DG223URB Operating AC Voltage: 240V - , f BY - 60 AMP NEMA 3R RAIN (33) SUNPOWER SPR-225-BLK-UI DATE TOTAL FOR BOTH SYSTEM 50.55 PROOF �-31.42"-►� All work shown on this drawing set shall be installed by undersigned California contractor. - .,, ... : CA Contractors License No. PYLE, STEVE 4 - Drawn By: Francisco Rosas Planet SolarPla.; ' t Solar 73820 DINAH SHORE DR. Signed': "' - Date: 8/27/2014 Fes, r 49810 RANCHO SAN JULIAN PV=1 �,`�� M0� �, " Palm Desert, CA 92211 LA UINTA CA 92253 Q Ca I Ex iration Date Scale: NTS' www.ptanetsolar.comp . ' 938313 �lass.. 7/31/2014 SUNPOWER MODULES EXISTING SOLAR SYSTEM (33) SPR-225-BLK-U Max AC Operating Current: 36.25A Operating AC Voltage: 240V --------------- ------ parlers JT-if--� luvrrter'; Inf Swtl)wwer(33) SPR-21WAK-U S�RIIR?Vi1:R (L) 11111"p1'/ER SP Vw Vntp - 41Av fsc - S.07A IMP - 5.49A I tlxinq ASHRAL• I ligh TV011WAIWO DatA anti Roof Temperrtor'. arfjusimrtrts. AmiNert IPmt raauv!-441C Table 3i0.15(BX3Xc)r 3.5.12 Whes off roof >17 1C ternperafure hxreAse Lftectt" tentperatucr - f41C+ 17,C -611C TAW 330.15(BX2)(a), 90'C temp. (niutnn at 61.65'C - bS cortrctN)n la(tor TAhk 310.15ft3ka), 4.6tondocturs - .W corrcclfon (xtor .. S1f1....._...__ Vma): - Vac x x nrodlAas x (T -M,?) .4a.%IX a 10 - 485 VPC Requirt`d Ampachy is V*Atttr of (CUrnlefl tit Nf C 2011690.8(8X2Xa) and (b)k ILnax - Isc Y sstrings x 1.56 (fw 690.8(AX1) and (2)) Tillers - 5.e7A x 1,56 - 9.1372 A iinaa a 5.87A x, 2 x L% s-18.3144 A OR 2. IAiriq ASI IRAs IU21t Temperature Oata and Roof TerMrtrature Arl)usinirnts (T 31.0.15(8)(2XcIl, Rtguirled Atnpxky 90deg Rating OI Caxhrctur (T-310.16) U x 90d V. Temp Correction Factor (r-310.16) x Co,dtltt ria Factor (T•310.1s(B)(2HA)) - 40A x tri x BO -20 EA AC 514E.- (140TE, there .rrr (x2) conduit runs) lm;t:, - RNA -36.46 A (Per 6qD.8(AX3)) lnra:c - (7 00M/ 210 VAC -19.17 A ) x 1.25 =.36.46 A Requited Ampri,[O is grratr:r of (MrNied Iry NEC 2011690.8(8XIXa) aiw (b)): 1. Require(I Ampacity > Irrurx x 1.25 OR' 29 A it 1.25 - 36.25 A (Nr 690,8(0X1)) I. Usniq ASHRAE Nigtr Teniperttune (arta and Roa1'rrnHseraturr Ad)usinrents (T-310.15(fIXIXc)), Requi s. -A "city - 9tkkg Kiting of rorWuctm (T•310.16) x 90dr9 Temp Corwtfon Factor (T -3I0.16) - 75A x .65 -48.75A (6 AWG) , �^ So that, Oerate Am1wity > Cuntionous Gurtnt .............,,.- 48.75 A > 36.25A And, Derate Anlpacdy • Ovrrcul'irM fim*e Rating ............- 3625 A > AO A » ON Plaxhrwm (XW R4tkV > Ovitod Ampaclty 36.25A > 40 A >> OK ", M OCr11 < (1XJ% it Busl)ar Rating) - Mohr CB Rating (Per 70:5.12(DX2)) (1•runs) x ( 40 A each) - If6/t- r (6) # 10THWN•2- Sri Melt, 90dey RathV of Cvndrrstlw(T-310.16) > R ON ! eglrhrd AlnpacnY (1) -6 Gn 20.0 A > 10.08 Aa Or (01.0 ANI-,) w/bare copper ' 16) #10 THWN-2 (3) K6THWN-2 -} (1) =8 Gn (1) r`S Gn ` (3) 46 TH1rVN-2 - f in 3/•#" EMIT conduit in 3/4" EMT conduit (1) 48 Gn �• 4 in 3/4" EMT conduit j (1) SUNPOWER SPR -7000M >> DCI NEW � 125A NEW SOLAR SYSTEM 1 Max AC Operating Current: 14.3A j LjeAj Sub -panel Operating AC VoRage: 240V f� �- .•�• r A '`-• r-�� ti� rte./' �._ r. (13) SUNPOWER SPR -225 -SU( -U - t._ (13) M210 -84-240-S32 AC microinvetters0 AC microinverters-AC microinverters Nominal output current: 0.88A Nominal volbge: 240VAC Maximum units per branch: 13 q p ' S{{ Plane,'ola& ---------- - ----- - ------ -- --- --- --- -- - --` �-{40A ------------------------ - - - - --------____.-__-_-___--- i (3) 10 2 WIRE SIZING # (1) )-Box CALCULATIONS i (1) #8 Grid - AC SIDE: in 3/4" EMT conduit Using ASHRAE High Temperature Data and Roof Temperature adjustments. Continuous Current = Imax x 1.25 = .88 A x Number- of Modules x 1.2S = x A Ambient Temperature = 4414C =.88AX13=11.44A_ Table 310.15(8)(3)(c), 3.5-12 inches off roof =17'C temperature increase .88 A X 13 X 1.25 = 14.3 A Effective temperature = 44i`C + 17sC = 61"C Table 310.15(B)(2)(a), 90+C temp.(THWN-2) Derate Ampacity = 90deg Rating of Conductor (T-310.16) x 90de (T-310.16) x Conduit Fill Factor (T -310.15(8)(2)(a) column at 61-654C = .65 correction factor = 40 A x .65 x .80 = 20.8 A (use 10 AWG) So that, Derate Ampacity > Continuous Current Table 310.15(8)(3)(a), +6 conductors = .80 correction factor 20.8 A > 14.3 A >> OK CCPD CB (15A) PER STRING 200A, 2 pole, rnainsetvice breaker(busbars rated for 200A) Downsize the main breaker from 200A to 175A 200 A -175 A :z; 25A 40A +25A = GSA Ln;;li;er, tYpr �Ultler-rl-unulet Y:I YiSe (1 al 'alit, _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 AC DISCONNECT EATON(OG22(URS) 30 AMP NEMA 3R RAIN PROOF --� ITA E 10Fr L"Q tl NPTT BUILDING & SAPS g Temp Cr err ED- �� ER GF UNO DATE _ BY `�i1L'.'3�i -t Ii x.�j S' .d.,.. .>•--.-..:s 1. + "��. � 'z X91 w: �� >:...- )t' r ,,t .. !.. 1 :f. .� __ - - - i � •'L.�-�1�L'. . 1 �iYY9 '� SQA air'=-"v.�s�...�Yi.�. :.1 � � ..�iJ ..... .. ... .. r. �.. 1 . CA Contractors License No. Planet Solar 73820 DINAH SHORE DR. Palm Desert, CA 92211 www.planetsolar.corn �Df"a4VIl PYLE, STEVE j Sign Date: lCL/�t� 49810 RANCHO SAN JULIAN Cal if rSnia1_Icense . _ icenseclass LA QUINTA CA 92253 E.:pitation Date 933313 6,C-46 7/311201.1 60A 175A 2 pale, mainse(vice breaker(busbam rated for 200A) 0. Date: 8/27/2014 PV=2 rev. 10/1.0/2014 Scale: NTS . Pros, Existing 2" x 4" rafter (spaced @ 16" O.C.) Concrete S -Tile ENLARGED PARTIAL ROOF PLAN DETAIL ProSolar TILE-TRAC standoff (spaced up to 72" O.C.) �ir—.,�rt-225 BLK-U PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES 61.39 x 41.18 x 1.18 In (1559 x 1046 x 30 mm) 41.0 Its (18.6 kg) / 2.1 Ibs per sq. R. /— SOLAR MODULE MOUNTING DETAIL 2" x 4" Rafters, 16" O.C. 5/16" X 3 1/2" SS lag screw 19011 Pfanet Solar Ir i!45"tALilaTiQN t>, DESIGN Photovol Rail (2.5" deep channel) ProSolar TileTrac with 6" standoff (spaced 72" O.C.) CA Contractors License No. Planet Solar 73820 DINAH SHORE DR. Palm Desert, CA 92211 www.planetsolar.com VINCI & ASSOCIATES Struc turAl I ingi veers CUNT. Pmtsulonal Solar Products, Inc. 1551 S. Rose Ave., Oxnard, CA 93033 Tel: 805-486-4700 Subject: Static load test results for the following: Mounting System Maxlmum Frame Maximum Fmme Load Equivalent Wind Speed ea Length* (in.) Width' (in.) pbs/ftj (mph)" Roonrace 65(77") 40 50 125(100' TESTSETUP (as shown in attached drawingdetail): Three modules, as specified above, were bolted to 136'x1.5'x2.5" Professional Solar Products (PSP) patented RoofTraca support rails using an assembly of 5/16' Stainless Steel (SS) bolls, SS lock washers and proprietary PSP aluminum clamps and inserts, The Rooflrac-1 support rail was attached to the PSP RoofTta& structural nttachntent device with 3/8' SS hardware at four attachment points. The setup was attacher) to 2'x6' wooden rafters using 5/16" x 3.1/2- SS lag bolts. The attachment spans consisted of 48- front to rear with structural attachments spaced 72' on center. TEST PROCEDURE (as shown In attached drawing detain: The test set up was lop loaded to 50 Ib/It=. The setup remained loaded for an approximate period of 30 minutes. The maximum deflection and any signs of permanent deformation were recorded. The test setup was then inverted and loaded to simulate the uplift condition. The test set up was re -loaded to 50 Ib/ft2. The setup remained loaded lot an approximate period of 30 minutes. The maximum deflection and any signs of permanent deformation were recorded. TEST RESULTS: The maximum top load deflection was recorded at 0.313', with no permanent deformation. The maximum uplift deflection was recorded at 0.250'. with no permanent deformation. This document certifies the Rooffrac$ mounting system used with the modules• as specified above, withstands the stated static pressure load, equivalent to the slated wind speeds`*. The mounting system performed as expected. Sincerely. James R. Vinci. S.E. This Engin-ring report verifies that Vinci a Associates has provided intra emteni observation for load testing as de%maibed in this repurt. T hu fesuhs of Ibis Toad lest rellect actual delleglor values ane are generalry accepted as the Int ustri standard for testing module mounting syStFms. Vinci P .Associotes does nor field check installations at verity that the, mounting system i3 installed as doScribod In thts engineering town. Sir rcluml atlaChmenl. Lag holl attachment should be installed using the proper pilot We for optimum strength. A. 5/16' lag bolt requires a It is Ilia responsibility of the installer to irr,'uru 0 proliv allachmurt is inodo to the structural ocrilbct 01 the root Fauuie to w.or ly attach to structure may result in damage to equipment. personal inpnyor property• damage. Thu purposed Iuck:ng system may be installod On any fool maximum al 74 trgt a xpg grade wltnptd furiher analysxt. Racking can he installed at any location un the toot. Racking shall be installedin or brocHngwllh a 5/15' diameter screw at each Fast I latmn. Screws shag have minimum of 2 tib penetration into homing member fi minimum or T perielratlorl into fnammg mcmbei la rate 3. (Zone 31s defined us Vic oppropmately 4%0' SQaate gl e3d) Comer of 01C rot t %* office (toes not express an op rim ,ns to the land hearing characteristics or the structure the mounting system/modules are being installed on. ICC acCre0lledtatrofatoryt 5leas1PJCturalattachmentsmanufaC(utedbyPfofesSionalSolapfoduc15 (including. but not hotiteo to Faum,:O.1116faer. and Fomniach') con be mlcicnanped rlth this system. ClU'li with local Utriklinx UCpalhnelii or All) for silt, ;.powtc rC(rlilfemeat5. Modules measpring within stated specifications and tested to LL1703. at nruiva'ent, ate includW In this engineering ' *Wind loading, values relative l0 defioH load va'ues Ixsmg wind toad exposure (125 mph for 5•x12 roof pitch of less: 100 with tot greater than 5/12 rout pitch) and govt factor ecefffvent'expd uro C' as denied in for, 2012;I11C) /201 ijCbC). For 77'x 40' module, equivalent wind speed central to 100 m ph. '"Modulo IetCO: 64 6".% 39.4'x "'Est. snow load rating of 25th/h based on 2.0 safety factor. (15lb1112 for 77' x 40' mudulet 1337 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd, $to 114 • Thousand Oaks, CA X9'1762 Page 1 of 2 Module Area = 18 fty each Imo— /2 --.I Appfox 20• in. la— ovq,hmV Total module (45 lbs ea.) and rail (12 lbs ea.) weight: 159 lbs Number of attachments: 4 ea Weight/ attachment point: 40 IDS Area: 54 ft2 Distributed weight: 2.95 IN ft2 I 40' 2.710 Ibs 1 51} psf P 5/16' Stainless Top Load Deflection: 0.313" Steel Hex boll ✓'�~� 2,7101bs 1 5/16° Stainless Steel 1 i0 psf, 1 j. ---� Lock Washer r r =1 Aluminum ProSolar _ 1 Inter -Module Clamp j iii Aluminum ProSolar Up lift Deflection: 0.250" c j Rail out 2-1/2' Aluminum ProSolar ttRoofTrac@ Support Rai( '�-- _ 3/8" Stainless Steel Hex ij Bolt and Flat Washer ! . Aluminum ProSolar patented Ij FastJack@ Roof Attachment' 1 g d' P. t _ 5/16" Stainless Steel Lag Bolt and Flat Washer C � iib tH,tco mbuclurnl allachmems marroactuwa by Professional sa ar Pimlico (induct ig FaStracko. TdCTiac4 and FOonUaCkx) can be iolmchangod ivilh this sysTem, Professional Solar ProductsRoofTrec' Paterint6.j60.491 Photovoltaic mounting system RT -6 Page 2 of 2 RoofTraca Solar Modules Static load test illustration RT -6 PV -3 M210 M_lGR01NVERITER r�31ef phase The Enphase Energy Microinverter System improves energy harvest, increases reliability, and dramatically simplifies design, installation and management of solar power systems. The Enphase System includes the microinverter, the Envoy Communications Gateway, and Enlighten, Enphase's monitoring and analysis software. Maximum energy production PRODUCTIVE - Resilient to dust, debris and shading Performance monitoring per module 1 System availability greater RELIABLE than99.8% No single point of system failure Quick and simple design, installation SMART and management 2417 monitoring and analysis SAFE[_Low voltage DC - Reduced fire risk netSolar. iI'4MAU.1'�tiPON 8*DESIGN M210 — MICROINVERTER TECHNICAL DATA PHOTOVOLTAIC ele<jonlly wilh the roof end delivers a total panel conversion efficiency Comm _Wane MODU "€S 240 W H ROIN exceptional lowlight pedormonce olnibutes provide outslondirg energy VE 62V '62V tw,d JCA �a 1'K1p •410V Peak poorer tracking voltage M210 M_lGR01NVERITER r�31ef phase The Enphase Energy Microinverter System improves energy harvest, increases reliability, and dramatically simplifies design, installation and management of solar power systems. The Enphase System includes the microinverter, the Envoy Communications Gateway, and Enlighten, Enphase's monitoring and analysis software. Maximum energy production PRODUCTIVE - Resilient to dust, debris and shading Performance monitoring per module 1 System availability greater RELIABLE than99.8% No single point of system failure Quick and simple design, installation SMART and management 2417 monitoring and analysis SAFE[_Low voltage DC - Reduced fire risk netSolar. iI'4MAU.1'�tiPON 8*DESIGN M210 — MICROINVERTER TECHNICAL DATA PHOTOVOLTAIC ele<jonlly wilh the roof end delivers a total panel conversion efficiency Comm _Wane MODU "€S 240 W 240 W exceptional lowlight pedormonce olnibutes provide outslondirg energy Maximum input DC voltage 62V '62V tw,d JCA �a 1'K1p •410V Peak poorer tracking voltage 31V - 50V 31V - 50V �. ele<jonlly wilh the roof end delivers a total panel conversion efficiency Comm _Wane Recommended input power (STC) 240 W 240 W exceptional lowlight pedormonce olnibutes provide outslondirg energy Maximum input DC voltage 62V '62V tw,d JCA �a 1'K1p •410V Peak poorer tracking voltage 31V - 50V 31V - 50V ` Min./Max, start voltage 38V/62V 38V/62V PediVs'aes/pact 65 170+ 225 Max. DC shod circuit current 12A 12A 4B5V Max, input current 10A 10A - lB/A v. yrrr, r AT.•—srve.vat Or Maximum output power 21OW 21OW z Nominal output current 1.00A .88A Nominal voltage/range 2.08V/183V279V 24OV121IV264V a;:als .. _ Extended voltage/range 208V/179V-232V 240V/206V-269V .o?snv/x Nominal frequency/range 60.0159.3-60.5 60.0/59.3-60.5 z Extended frequency range 60.0/59.2-60.6 60.0/ -:d . - Power Factor :•0.95 :0.95 • Maximum units per branch 18 13 ,4cyr-neve — -_ -- � Peak inverter efficiency 960% 96.0% CEC weighted efficiency 95.5% 95.5% SW2451g/mrp400Fal boo wdbud•agwd Nominal MPP tracking 99.6% 99.6% IMli n Pn, t?63 Min6 3 holm di(Aa Ora ors 37 ;155 n 12B 0m) Operation temperature range AVC to 65'C •40'C to -6YC 0owcoN6 Night time power consumption 3OmW 30mW ' Dimensions (WxhlxD) 8" x 5.25' -1.25" ^, ' y Weight a 4.4 lbs 4Dimefw.M Cooling Natural Convection • No Fans Enclosure environmental rating Outdoor • NEMA 6 v i —\ "i Y 11 Communication Power line r: Warranty 15 Years Monitoring Free lifetime monitoring via Enlightenf r Compliance UL1741AEE11547 I FCC Part 15 Class Enphase Energy, Inc. - 1420 N. McDowell Blvd. Petaluma, CA 94954 Phone: 877-'797.4743 Fax: 70'1.763.0784 CA Contractors License No. Planet Solar 73820 DINAH SHORE DR. Palm Desert, CA 92211• www.planetsolar.com BHRTS Val fflem" SlnPowera' Solar Poneh are the most efficient photovolloic panels on The market today. Aftctl a Design r Unique design combines high effidenry rind a sleek, block appearance to blend degontly, with the ref. More Power Quo panels produce more power in the some amount of spoce--up to 50% 1 more than convenlional designs and 100% more Ihon thin film sribr pones. r Reliable and Robust Design Proven nblerials, tempered front glow,. The Su*weP 223 Soler Pool prwides a rerohrtia ary aombnation and o slurdy anodized home olbw of high elficiency and altractive, sir appearance. Nli:ing 72 back• pone) to opetmle relioWy in multiple contact solar cells and a black backsheet, the SunPow•er 225 Wends - mounting cold'tgumlions. w so mare 4 kill • � � x' solar electric technology worldwide. Our hgheffkiency color cells B generate up to 50'a more power than conven;ionol sabot cells. - 142.00006 Rev OS Our high-performance sol ponds, roof tiles and traders deliver rN .w j significantly more energy than competing "Ms. *11,www.0ph o cam — y , SPR-22ULK•U S®° ele<jonlly wilh the roof end delivers a total panel conversion efficiency tx ` _Wane d 18.1 %. the pool's reduced vohogetemperairre coefficient and exceptional lowlight pedormonce olnibutes provide outslondirg energy r delivery per peak power wan. tw,d JCA �a 1'K1p •410V _ Sr4Aa e/s WO Bf.iaxy AAmita0t up to lwie to Pawn - 'r ,.�' r - IhiafLir Cameroamt Slnralwi IaaN;d ^ _ _ PediVs'aes/pact 65 170+ 225 avr E9i giy 9.0% 13% Is Y. 4B5V c �A IFdwolf%lvb9. ~81901 12(13111t2nli t y I SAm Grtu+(mr 1< —. - lB/A v. yrrr, r AT.•—srve.vat Or %D About Wow —vlu r yLrpadr:Cc2!:em z SunPoweidesgns manu6ckaesanddeliveishi, Ifamonce 7mw� w so mare 4 kill • � � x' solar electric technology worldwide. Our hgheffkiency color cells B generate up to 50'a more power than conven;ionol sabot cells. - 142.00006 Rev OS Our high-performance sol ponds, roof tiles and traders deliver rN .w j significantly more energy than competing "Ms. *11,www.0ph o cam — y , SPR-22ULK•U S®° I EkatrkalData tx ` _Wane I EkatrkalData _Wane r tw,d JCA �a 1'K1p •410V 40 } itd cane D 547A IaaN;d ^ _ _ avr 1 0�'Cn�rulxg is 4B5V c �A y I SAm Grtu+(mr 1< —. - lB/A v. yrrr, r AT.•—srve.vat Or %D —vlu r yLrpadr:Cc2!:em t t A 7mw� Pa.d _ .. _ a;:als .. _ o to m 30 ao so 60 • % rkw .o?snv/x } P4 , cur*0j 35=Alc r e Cots o vr"—^6M }n•n nim. 1 eAxr 46-e.y?=e -:d . - -®d.:d/..,r,.n. - • Tested r)paatag WndrAons ,4cyr-neve — -_ -- � <D'Ib^IBS'1149'Cm•85"Q t _ "nicd Data V 113 ps15S010/n f5e00 Pa has • a p vuw, i 5abarW,t y lea lxd SW2451g/mrp400Fal boo wdbud•agwd -frontsass IrgAewlwsan taapeai g6ss ioomr P.esdnnre I4o1 I m 12 nm1a5?oO p3 a/sl ' IMli n Pn, t?63 Min6 3 holm di(Aa Ora ors 37 ;155 n 12B 0m) Wananfks or d Cert 6mfia s .^� 0owcoN6 %."Am 23 in 6W pwo waranty' frame Anodized oWmituma'aytype 6WlitWI 10yevGm'LLdprodua"rocanty wigbr 33.Ilbs.1150so ^, Certk4ons ImWtoUi1703,class Cfire ta,g �. T 4Dimefw.M f t R•s } i —\ "i Y 11 4r's tl• t r: j ref .a v j 1 f ro ll lr�! mMM •i ' . � c•rd,u .� _ sR — r 1 lir .^ I ukutrottiluosurtn•uroPtstatt�ftoNttannrcrlot+S�Toctu3at+crl�l�roouct. Yat serpa•raptyes 6 duets i r,r in, eaaw+r•w,•,.,:..�„a»,r�.s.,I.r..wrMN,. sunpowercorp.cor0 i trM.W,1�rvG,wa.4•J.h•Jk.ly,n. �n1+f. I,Prwvrj••. Jou •1•: 1<.. PV -4 ;V y: r il r lib Tcs,d , 4•S�� lbs iijt sW, New 95,146,029 �aII Tile Roof Stn-rtctiiral Attachrrrent NEW STAINLESS STEEL TILE FLASHING • 11k petaled Tdllms0 CAMeld euros for o shuduml ("I (offer annertion orilb opti(eal 001111,11111 sll d 10 ft 906h. Desig'a rmlh IA Ilk best 601ring SONS III Ik Ildesiry. TileTrac' for s curve RkTrac° for j%it concrete tle contrite file (6r]TaQThreaded Stud) • ,44"TaU776aded Sind) nfo on our olor.com 11t191F1M F6011.1814 � r , Benefits of Tile Trac • Easiest end lowest cost waterproof file roof • Includes Stainless Steel lila flashing and attachment ' Stainless Steel log bolt • Over 15 years of industry preferred single kg • Aluminum and Stainless Steel corn is for bolt design maximum corrosion resistance and strergih • 3'd party lab waterproof and load teded • large roof surface contact area evenly • Compression sealed of underloyment and top: distributes load ' 0.676 1.059 Section Modulus (X -Axis) in' 0.353. 0.898 Section Modulus (Y -Axis) ;V y: r il r lib Tcs,d , 4•S�� lbs iijt sW, New 95,146,029 �aII Tile Roof Stn-rtctiiral Attachrrrent NEW STAINLESS STEEL TILE FLASHING • 11k petaled Tdllms0 CAMeld euros for o shuduml ("I (offer annertion orilb opti(eal 001111,11111 sll d 10 ft 906h. Desig'a rmlh IA Ilk best 601ring SONS III Ik Ildesiry. TileTrac' for s curve RkTrac° for j%it concrete tle contrite file (6r]TaQThreaded Stud) • ,44"TaU776aded Sind) nfo on our olor.com 11t191F1M F6011.1814 � r , Benefits of Tile Trac • Easiest end lowest cost waterproof file roof • Includes Stainless Steel lila flashing and attachment ' Stainless Steel log bolt • Over 15 years of industry preferred single kg • Aluminum and Stainless Steel corn is for bolt design maximum corrosion resistance and strergih • 3'd party lab waterproof and load teded • large roof surface contact area evenly • Compression sealed of underloyment and top: distributes load of file 0.676 The TileTiacr Design Structurolly attaches to roof rafter and allows the roil attachment stud to be located at the strongest point of the file (the crown) where water does not now. Without TileTrac' - With TileTrac" voter Flo••s Highpoiny wn in the valley GOYn _ Sealed m top of e1e d 1 T _Z o!� Til ��� to mum assembly Sea6d a( /� structurally urderkyment Rafter attached to the raker f Installation stepsfor both s -curve and f tat concrete tile* g. � '� R3�r� I � i/r r• e •� � r Sit? LWig I1hits dtall; elItems! 1010. SIR 7banner ftits 4PipalF61 Slip i:IhigaekerrmitSWnderlrammestdf tBeldyidle�ea6p19adat aalk metss,laateitrib as9a. Alai a reform pact a it 911 alae J, f X 3/16 hole ` ►� Ilse0woess w&,A t Step 4: Stall 16eWIlereal kbNoll 03/16' Slip S:Iaarthlg6ohaodlrodeAragl W? 6.U1II/rsate,nvditlog Fair ad UWBoll &Iowe PHI MIfilm We 9kfieirol"Bell 6;4fresliMO* sol�d.Dorslatati�sa lf2stdactdaoldtbu ole" lie [after (min sellar to IN lose. shad ud g dory tides y. r- Step [ Abu W4Ilebass bierod, Stile itupto* Stu tkpirethlie 4toiit 9h map lies Step t.fhigal/Tarm 01hadto8e HM.R ibfttomepaimmvodaiermmmdiefl!.faRmfik ad ashied311oufneerotagh. 018ii601mde,69dm hlife. set ork 5laiaup urrogsoameeWA%0fit lk. sida9twww.prosolorsorn6&3s OProfcssional Solar Products, Inc. Mar. 201 I. •file leu•is 3 registered ir3denink and covered under Pat. 15.746.029 ' CA Contractors License No. PlanetSb lar Planet Solar 73820 DINAR SHORE DR. - INSi`ALIATION & DESIGN Palm Desert, CA 92211 www.planetsolar.com isW ofAbea".gZo BURNDYO WEE BTM Washer Electrical Equipment Bond The WEEB1gwasher line of products is designed to band solar PV modules to mounting structures and create an electrical path to ground, VVEEB" washers eliminate the need for older, more cash grounding methods and greatly reduce the amount of labor and materials used in installations. The innovative WEEB"' washer design removes the need to run ground ware to each individual module and eliminates , the need for surface preparation on anodized aluminum components To install, WEER"' washers are placed between PV modules and mounhng rails at damping points or at bolted connections. When a*seize is applied and the hardware is tightened doer) to the appropriate torque spec, the WEEK" washers' specialized teeth embed into anodized aluminum, galvanized steel, or any electrically conductive metal to establish a gas tight electrical connection, ® 1*4i it Material: 304 stainless steel �3 ETL Listed to UL 467 UL Rewngized to Subject Standard 2703 T Outdoor rated i1 • 9'( 4j Memo; VaRi- 1� �aw1V a91 Customer Service Department 7 Aviation Park Drive 4- Londonderry NH 03053 — 1-800-3464175 tntertdc 1.6031647-5299(International) • 4004188 Approximate Weight (per linear ft) hNU r� BE L t. in' 0.676 1.059 Section Modulus (X -Axis) in' 0.353. 0.898 Section Modulus (Y -Axis) W 0.113 0.221 Moment of Inertia (X -Axis) in, 0.464 - 1.450 Moment of Inertia (Y -Axis) - in" 0.044. 0.267 Radius of Gyration (X -Axis) in 0.289 1.170 Radius of Gyration (Y -Axis) in 0.254 0.502 o(sbdN boli; Shp Ig.login dreadedswimlydfile adworm Stop 11: Mad MusWmatIran Ski A• Sop ItFogel tatmill Inv AadIF hapaP mod lOVt. epd mm 3/a'Age llldldadl WAe sedan AraAd snit at 9? $000 W(omem 3/e•AW/roiM l4skmn 9/16' mtAies ant tigdoo mill StMihss Steel Rasing liadlidl tmfil s<met 'No( recommended for dly or dote lies. — OProfcssional Solar Products, Inc. Mar. 201 I. •file leu•is 3 registered ir3denink and covered under Pat. 15.746.029 ' CA Contractors License No. PlanetSb lar Planet Solar 73820 DINAR SHORE DR. - INSi`ALIATION & DESIGN Palm Desert, CA 92211 www.planetsolar.com isW ofAbea".gZo BURNDYO WEE BTM Washer Electrical Equipment Bond The WEEB1gwasher line of products is designed to band solar PV modules to mounting structures and create an electrical path to ground, VVEEB" washers eliminate the need for older, more cash grounding methods and greatly reduce the amount of labor and materials used in installations. The innovative WEEB"' washer design removes the need to run ground ware to each individual module and eliminates , the need for surface preparation on anodized aluminum components To install, WEER"' washers are placed between PV modules and mounhng rails at damping points or at bolted connections. When a*seize is applied and the hardware is tightened doer) to the appropriate torque spec, the WEEK" washers' specialized teeth embed into anodized aluminum, galvanized steel, or any electrically conductive metal to establish a gas tight electrical connection, ® 1*4i it Material: 304 stainless steel �3 ETL Listed to UL 467 UL Rewngized to Subject Standard 2703 T Outdoor rated i1 • 9'( 4j Memo; VaRi- 1� �aw1V a91 Customer Service Department 7 Aviation Park Drive 4- Londonderry NH 03053 — 1-800-3464175 tntertdc 1.6031647-5299(International) • 4004188 Approximate Weight (per linear ft) hNU � © 2012 BURNDY LLC WVWN.WRI .C.COM BE L t. in' moo 00 an U N A A NILTI GROUP COMPANY SOLARMOUNT Beams Part No. 310132C, 310132C-8, 310168C, 310168C-8, 310168D 310208C,310208C-8,310240C,31024OC-8,310240D, 410144M• 410168M, 410204M, 410240M Properties Units SOLARMOUNT SOLARMOUNT HD Beam Height in 2.5 3.0 Approximate Weight (per linear ft) plf 0.811 1.271 Total Cross Sectional Area in' 0.676 1.059 Section Modulus (X -Axis) in' 0.353. 0.898 Section Modulus (Y -Axis) W 0.113 0.221 Moment of Inertia (X -Axis) in, 0.464 - 1.450 Moment of Inertia (Y -Axis) - in" 0.044. 0.267 Radius of Gyration (X -Axis) in 0.289 1.170 Radius of Gyration (Y -Axis) in 0.254 0.502 - malts are extruded using mese aluminum alloys: 6005 -TS. 6105-75. 6061-T6 ^»AltlgYkr W t7 :OLARMOUNT Beam Connoction Hardware Y„N �++ soumrou»r L -F” T •� �,,, 9w N.p on+OwJrw n�L �^»W I1 •,Hn en„ huM JmlgK. ]MMD wlm.'..q.muw�ui..m+uM.ma } • 1 � m•w.+T.a,r.wmm,m:o.n . [fin. cxn+M SpwFUWN]v4ma r¢mgbuUvu9C 1 � MM"h'N �ba�rSpWYk • t9+ bOanvn m>N`m"w.mo. 1 M�.n. NT.nwV.s ": Sr9f+nn•:.» u M19, � � Y.a PSrufVY >:9errx9,fmP •NM.aw 9Nom Avv,• n.MYi.an�narrr.vm,a A•N• �� .µ�a+9awsa W,un b vp+ W N r e i' maw.w.nm , .�'- .i,". Y.epu ufi9,N561 T551J]101 ]Y ,u,IJmn 06b N.+r. .,.rn...MM+w IR91R091 10]IJu9, ]W .�(•TLI OS]5 eall�IdlMlirll+= • ••.e. wa.a.•.,_�.r w�rtw Y. Y1,�9]I n31 �; }.6 (tion, M,9wt i Ngm�W b+sw M.iryn.m.�Jr JR T-WLT ON 1.]2e••�+1 m+ f6 >nm,•19 ;SCR ,mAD�fly mm FOR T.a OR Y. NB NE1D SCAflV . m.- eptw.•n.aem +v'v+ws'•I.T•tl• curp r..� f ✓ _a„•.,w,wc,�.... :.sod. wr]wam l.mo • � 1.716 ,..+9.a.,M1 ,o..pr,...•.e,'�iu` fi-HeI BOLT - SLoi fOa 1.185 urne.saiw•nwf ova., I •t1-Mp BOLT ' 750 }.7 ,Y .. 9.+... •.r...a..rn.9 SOLARMean OUNT BSOLAMIOUNT NO Damm 6•e. YN eq Is wN s • .. a u,,�mi wwn � ne. ,n 9•m PV=5