2009 01 27 PC MinutesMINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
January 27, 2009 7:05 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:05
p.m. by Chairman Ed Alderson who led the flag salute.
B. Present: Commissioners Katie Barrows, Paul Quill, Mark Weber, Robert
Wilkinson, and Chairman Ed Alderson.
C. Staff present: Planning Director Les Johnson, Planning Manager David
Sawyer, Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston, Principal Engineer Ed
Wimmer Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and Executive Secretary Carolyn
III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Chairman Alderson requested the
inclusion of the following two items under Commissioner Items:
1. A report on the Council meeting of January 20, 2009, and
2. An update of the California League of Cities Conference (Planning
It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Weber to approve the
agenda as amended. Unanimously approved.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of January
13, 2009, and added a correction including his statements on reduction of the
application size. There being no further changes, or corrections, it was moved
and seconded by Commissioners Wilkinson/Weber to approve the minutes with
that correction. Unanimously approved.
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Planning Commission Minutes
January 27, 2009
A. Environmental Assessme
m Amendment 2008-
i 16 Zone Change 2008-136, and Tentative Tract Map 31434; a request
by Monroe Dates for consideration of a request to subdivide ±30.26
acres into 94 single-family residences located at the northeast corner of
Monroe Street and Avenue 61.
Chairman Alderson introduced the applications and stated, for the record,
he was a resident of the Trilogy development located next to the project
being discussed.
He then opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the staff report, a copy of which
is on file in the Planning Department. He did note the Public Works
Department distributed a memo to the Planning Commission regarding
Condition 22 (i) for the Tract Map. A copy of this memo is on file in the
Planning Department.
Chairman Alderson asked staff about the requirements for the traffic
signal. Public Works Department staff explained what the changes were.
Commissioner Weber expressed concerns about the similarity between
the original conditions, the changes involved in the Public Works memo,
and bonding. Principal Engineer Wimmer explained there was a bond
required and explained the circumstances behind the funding of the signal
and the need to change the condition.
Commissioner Weber asked if Lot 15, which borders Lot 21 in Trilogy,
was the only lot which was even in grade with its neighboring
development. Staff indicated it was.
Commissioner Weber asked for confirmation that there was no entry
landscape design submitted. Staff confirmed that. Commissioner Weber
noted that was one of the general directions given by the Planning
Commission in 2005.
Commissioner Weber commented on the school bus turnout and asked if
it was still considered a necessity since this was no longer afamily-type
development. Staff said they received CVUSD confirmation that it was
no longer needed.
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January 27, 2009
Commissioner Weber asked if a bus stop might still be needed since this
would now be senior housing and might require bus service. Discussion
followed regarding transportation availability and it was stated a bus
turnout is not needed.
Commissioner Quill commented there was no amenity package for the
senior community and asked about compliance with City standards.
Planning Director Johnson said all City standards would apply. He
commented the amenities package would be included in the Site
Development Permit.
Commissioner Quill commented the approval of landscaping is done by
the ALRC and Planning Director and read the conditions about the final
landscape plans. Planning Director Johnson explained the procedures
involved in approving the landscaping.
Commissioner Quill said the previous Tentative Tract Map had some
traffic calming conditions and asked why they were no longer included.
Staff explained the full layout and the reasoning behind it as well as
responding this was a much improved design that didn't need those
types of traffic calming features.
Commissioner Quill was concerned about the elimination of the bus
turnout and the difference in fees collected if the development does not
become an active adult community. Planning Director Johnson then
explained the assessment procedures.
Commissioner Quill said the community was being approved as an active
adult (55+) community which under State Department of Real Estate
law had certain restrictions and explained some of them. He wanted to
know what would prevent this Tentative Tract Map from changing from
an active adult to a regular development. Planning Director Johnson said
the development had been submitted, to the City, as an active adult map.
The City does not have the ability to restrict the age on the Tentative
Tract Map. The key is the applicant's representation and the City's
review and approval as represented by the applicant.
Commissioner Quill asked if the Planning Commission had any jurisdiction
over the CC & R's and if there would be the opportunity to place a
restriction on this development that it remain an adult community.
Assistant City Attorney Houston said among other things that would be
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Planning Commission Minutes
January 27, 2009
correct. He then explained attorney involvement in the review of CC &
R's and the fact they are typically reviewed with respect for certain
obligations such as those included in a condition of approval.
Chairman Alderson asked if the plans had been approved by the Fire
Department. Principal Planner Sawa stated they had reviewed them and
they did have some concerns which were mitigated.
Chairman Alderson asked about bonding for the street improvements. He
wanted to know what type of security the neighborhood had to make
sure these improvements were completed in a timely manner. Planning
Director Johnson responded historically security is done at the time of the
final map. He then explained the procedures in requiring security.
Chairman Alderson asked if the dirt would be imported or exported and
how much. Applicant's representative, Chris Bergh, MDS Consulting, 78-
900 Avenue 47, Suite 208, La Quinta, introduced himself and responded
30,000 yards would be imported.
Chairman Alderson echoed Commissioner Quill's concerns about this
remaining an active adult community. Assistant City Attorney Houston
said a conditional of approval has to have a nexus to the development
that's being proposed and the land use. He was not aware of any
authority that would allow the imposition of that as a condition.
However, since it was a concern to the Commissioners he suggested
they could ask the applicant, on the record, whether it was their intention
to develop this project as an active adult complex. This would not
provide full legal protection for the City, but the response would at least
be on the record.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
There being no further questions of the staff, Chairman Alderson asked if
the applicant would like to address the Commission.
Mr. Craig Knight, 1387 Ambassador Way, Salt Lake City, Utah,
introduced himself and stated, for the record, that this would be an
active adult community. He then offered to answer any questions the
Commissioners might have.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked about the intention of including sidewalks.
The applicant responded that would be addressed under landscaping and
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Planning Commission Minutes
January 27, 2009
would be added at a later date. Applicant's representative, Mr. Bergh,
said the sidewalks would only be located in the retention basin.
Commissioner Wilkinson said there was parking on both sides of the
street and that was an unsafe choice without sidewalks. There was then
discussion about where the residents would have to go to walk safely.
Mr. Knight explained the plans they had regarding the streets/sidewalks.
Commissioner Barrows was also concerned, and asked the applicant to
explain about the amenity features for this community. Mr. Knight
explained what features were included.
Commissioner Weber asked about the Condition 85 (now Condition 80)
hard surface walking path and other amenities such as the gazebo. Mr.
Knight said that would be handled by the landscape designer. He then
discussed the access to the top of the retention basin and how it loops
around leaving a lot of possibilities for use.
Commissioner Weber said he liked the idea of the Washingtonian Fan
Palms being incorporated into the project and asked they held any
significance for the applicant. Mr. Knight responded they were of no
significance to him, but their retention had been requested by the
Planning Department. This was predicated on the fact they would be
able to preserve the trees. Mr. Knight was concerned that if they were
moved they might not survive. He then went into detail about the age
and maintenance of the trees; ending by saying there were only ten left.
Chairman Alderson concurred with Commissioner Weber's concerns.
Commissioner Weber brought up the subject of walkways, trails and the
Class I and II Bike Trails; as well as the use of the frontage along Monroe.
He was also concerned about sustainable communities, and their access
to mass transit; i.e., senior bus stops. The applicant then explained
there was only a ten foot landscape strip available for use as a bus
Commissioner Weber then commented on the use of cars in the future
and the reduction of emissions. He went on to comment about mass
transit and his concerns. Mr. Knight was in concurrence with the
Commissioner's views and commented on residents using bicycles.
Commissioner Quill had concerns about the sideyard setbacks for three
lots which have sideyards adjacent to Trilogy and that the new houses
would be too close to the Trilogy project. He made several suggestions
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January 27, 2009
on how to change the cul-de-sac to maximize the lots and be in better
harmony with the Trilogy development. He went on to explain his
concerns on various conditions due to the rear and side yard setbacks. He
asked staff to clarify what the setbacks were; which staff did.
Chairman Alderson suggested the applicant work with staff to see if
there was a way to modify the dimensions of the lots. Staff responded it
would have to be included as a condition and explained the modifications
would be a bigger challenge for Lots 24 and 25; which was followed by
discussion of the height differences in those two lots.
Chairman Alderson commented on the curvilinear design having a more
calming affect and used the Trilogy street dimensions as an example.
Chairman Alderson asked if there was any public comment.
Ms. Joan Coombs 81800 Eagle Claw, La Quinta, introduced herself and
expressed her concern about the condition of the date palm trees. She
said she understood about the expense to the applicant, but thought they
should at least be kept watered. They are an eyesore and a hazard and
was surprised the Fire Department had not said anything. In addition,
she commented on the elevation and asked if the applicant was going to
bring in fill dirt. She added her concern about the possibility of the lights
shining down into the homes in the Trilogy development.
Marianne Mellin, 81400 Eagle Claw, La Quinta, introduced herself and
commented on the clean-up, last year, of the shrubbery along the wall.
She was excited to hear this was going to be a 55 + development but
was concerned about the large drop behind her wall. However, that
would not be such a concern if the homes were kept to one story. She
also voiced her concern about the speed limit remaining at 20 or 25 mph
to keep down the noise levels. Other than that she thought it was a very
good project and was supportive.
Barbara Irwin, 60-440 Juniper Lane, La Quinta, introduced herself and
asked if these homes were going to be restricted to one story as this was
a major concern to her. Staff responded the applicant had not submitted
the house plans yet, but traditionally age-restricted developments were
usually one story. Ms. Irwin expressed her concerns about the possibility
of the development being sold and, if it was not conditioned, the new
owner could build the two story homes.
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Planning Commission Minutes
January 27, 2009
Ed Coombs 81800 Eagle Claw, La Quinta, introduced himself and said as
long as it was built as presented, he would be in favor of it. He asked if
there were any designs on security and if there was going to be a
homeowners' association. Chairman Alderson responded there would be
a homeowners' association.
Mr. Coombs was very concerned about the fact there were no definite
plans to look at and only a definition of the number of units per acre, but
nothing else. He commented there was no information about the
amenities and said the application was too vague.
Mike Robinson, 61-304 Topaz Drive, La Quinta, introduced himself and
said he was a retired professional planner, with over 30 years of
experience, and agreed with Commissioner Quill's comments on the
increase of setbacks. Secondly, since his wife had become disabled, was
more sensitive to handicap issues and suggested the applicant consider
installation of sidewalks and anon-traditional curb design. He pointed out
this is an age-restricted community and there are no features for
handicap accessibility.
Chairman Alderson said a lot of the questions will be answered when the
Commission reviews the forthcoming building elevations, house designs
and landscape plans. Staff responded that some of them would be, the
issues relating to the sidewalks, the number of stories, height, and the
yard setbacks were certainly within the Commissions' purview.
Commissioner Quill expressed his concern that the Commission impose
conditions on the map in case the applicant was to sell the development.
Chairman Alderson agreed.
Mr. Knight said he was on the record as proposing this development as a
55+ adult community; which the Commission could add as a condition.
He said they could accommodate the request for the specific type of
curbing, but they did have a problem with the side yard setbacks on the
two lots. He asked if they could work with the Planning Department to
change the lots. He discussed the original grading plan and the request
by Public Works to change it. He explained the current situation with the
trees and how he had accommodated all previous conditions imposed
upon the trees and their maintenance. He said if another line of date palm
trees needed to be taken out he would accommodate that, as they are
willing to make further changes
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January 27, 2009
Staff asked Mr. Knight if he would object to the requirement of adding a
condition restricting the project to 55+. Mr. Knight said he would not
object and asked that it be added.
Commissioner Wilkinson also expressed his concerns about Lots 24, 25,
and 54, as well as the sidewalks and rolled curbs. He explained what
would happen if the curbs were laid out prior to the landscaping. He said
he understood a Tentative Tract Map did leave some questions
unanswered. He had no conditions he would like applied other than the
55+ age group requirement.
Commissioner Quill wanted to add conditions this be an age-restricted
community, as defined by the California Department of Real Estate, the
requirement for single story residences, the addition of four foot
(minimum) sidewalks, and the use of a wedge curb design. He explained
his reasons for each condition. In addition he wanted to condition Lots
24, 25, and 54 to have minimum side yard setbacks of 20 feet When
adjacent to Trilogy.
Commissioner Barrows supported his comments and added her own
question about the sidewalks, and asked if the setback requirements
would be altered because of the Zone Change. Staff explained the
changes that would occur because of the Zone Change application.
Commissioner Weber recapped the previously mentioned concerns of the
trees, elevations, curb/gutter, single-story issue, the age restriction issue,
and the design of the dead end at Lot 54.
Discussion followed about Lot 54 and what had originally been intended
for that area.
Discussion then followed regarding the reduction of green house
emissions and State Law SB 375. Most specifically, the lack of public
transportation provisions from a senior development which is not close to
Commissioner Barrows had a concern about access to Monroe Street and
the sidewalk crossings. Staff explained the proposal for sidewalks and
pointed out the current and future locations.
Chairman Alderson reiterated the concerns on curbing and asked if a
rolled curb would be considered handicap accessible. Public Works
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Engineer Wimmer said the handicap accessibility is at the intersections
and the rolled curbs do not meet the conditions of being handicap
Commissioner Quill suggested adding a four foot area that might be able
to accommodate mass transit in the deceleration lane.
There being no further questions, or public comment, Chairman Alderson
closed the public participation portion of the meeting and opened the
matter for Commission discussion.
There was no further discussion and it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Quill to approve Resolution 2009-002
recommending approval of Environmental Assessment 2008-597 as
submitted. Unanimously approved.
There was no further discussion and it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Quill to approve Resolution 2009-003
recommending approval of General Plan Amendment 2008-116 as
submitted. Unanimously approved.
There was no further discussion and it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Wilkinson to approve Resolution 2009-004
recommending approval of Zone Change 2008-136 as submitted.
Unanimously approved.
There was no further discussion and it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Quill/Barrows to approve Resolution 2009-005
recommending approval of Tentative Tract Map 31434 with the following
amended or added conditions of approval:
1. (As recommended by the Public Works Director) replace Condition
22.A. 2) i) with the following: "Install traffic signal interconnection
and loop detection conduit and pull boxes for future traffic signal
installations at Avenue 60 and 62 along the project frontage."
2. Add a condition stating all structures in the project shall be limited
to one story in height.
3. Add a condition stating minimum four foot wide sidewalks shall be
provided adjacent to the street curbs, except in areas adjacent to
the retention basin where the required walking pathways are
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January 27, 2009
4. Add a condition stating Lots 24, 25, and 54 shall provided a
minimum 20 foot interior side yard setback on the side adjacent to
the project boundary.
5. Add a condition requiring rolled, or similar curb, shall be used
throughout the project.
6. Add a condition, as requested by the applicant, which requires the
applicant sign an agreement stating the project shall be age-
restricted to 55 years and older as defined by the State
Department of Real Estate. Said age-restriction shall be included
in the Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC and R's) with
the CC and R's reviewed and approved by the City Attorney prior
to final approval of the Final Map by the City Council.
Unanimously approved
A. Chairman Alderson reported on the City Council Meeting of January 20,
2009, including the details on the Silverrock presentation as previously
reviewed by the Planning Commission. Discussion followed regarding the
Council's approval and the Planning Commission's recommendations for
the project; as well as comments on the Circulation Element.
Commissioner Quill asked about the funding for the Silverrock Clubhouse.
Staff explained the funding mechanism.
Planning Director Johnson also explained the Coachella Valley Water
District's concerns and issues with the Canal.
B. Discussion of the upcoming Planning Commissioners' Institute. Planning
Director Johnson commented on the budget and the need to be fiscally
conservative on expenses.
C. Chairman Alderson noted Commissioner Barrows was scheduled to report
back on the February 3, 2009, Council meeting.
D. Planning Director Johnson said the tentative Joint ALRC/PC meeting date
was scheduled for March 10, 2009. Staff would be presenting agenda
items at the February 24, 2009, meeting.
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January 27, 2009
E. Commissioner Weber asked about State Legislation and asked for more
information on its impacts on City planning. Staff responded they would
provide the Commissioners with information on SB 375. In addition, the
Commission could set aside time, at a future meeting, to further discuss
the matter. Staff would also check to see if there was any local training
available, on AB 32, and report back to the Commission.
Commissioner Barrows commented the Coachella Valley Association of
Governments (CVAG) might be presenting a workshop on AB 32. She
gave a brief synopsis of what AB 32 was and said currently there is no
funding for the implementation of the program.
Discussion followed on these two bills and staff promised to gather
information and devote some time, at a future meeting, to discuss this
F. Commissioner Quill commented on the La Quinta Resort Scoping Meeting
and the magnitude of the La Quinta Resort Plan. He asked when it would
be coming to the Commission. Staff explained the Resort's future plans
and the process the City would be following. The project would not be
expected until late summer or early fall before it would even be
considered. Staff only has preliminary information at this time.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Barrows/Wilkinson to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the
next regular meeting to be held on February 10, 2009. This regular meeting was
adjourned at 9:07 p.m. on January 27, 2009.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Iker, Executive Secretary
City of La Quinta, California
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