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9911-101 (PAT)
LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chaptljr.Y3 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date 57 4 12 7 A 08/31/20: Date Signature of Contractor OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code): ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). () I am exempt under Section B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( .) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for. workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ( ) I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier 3 j Hili:2vY13 . Policy No. O;ffi rt.°di'9 (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( ), .l certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the. Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those r&isions.�— cam.... Date: '�!Z � `f Applican1----t.—.—.." Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in Addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for'in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for. a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property forinspection purposes. Signature (Owner/Agent)"'-' '� f ✓� '' Datef �''71 BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT# DATE 1111211 "VALUATION S4,788.00 LOT TRACT JOB SITE %j ADDRESS .5-640 FRANIS.LE W000 COMf APN - OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / ENGINEER A Pr'FrIll ti+7"j3'Yrl� f-,i-3r"'lC�YI I (`l)Nyy ,,nvf T�"�'1Bl�hT rL .\\ 6 4, - .4 l '+ 45-M k.A! Md.L:WOOD CO1,RI T 7301.1 (.CC)UN.tRY CLUE nit_, 4"C.13'1'E F-4 LA, Q[31.NTA. CA 92253 PALM, DEMO' CA 07260 (V0346-4032 0346-4032 a -113I,11 10,14 USE OF PERMIT VA.t10 Pi3RCiMPAT10 II M0.00 11"IF PMINUT FEE RTIVI LAIRY CliNS17RUC110i4 L: t'T' 01-05)0-418-000 !$72.00 Pf..AH ("RF+°`K f f -T 141.40)419-318 146.90 m"OVON FM. , 12i;8.1.) 101-000 -2141 -OW %.)Yt- SY f 4 A1,. 9t41S`#�12(Jt'1`Ef i�! RECEIPT I DATE AND liJ.,AN CHIS K LESS PRE-RAH)'FUS f0TAi,YF,Rh11T FEEN DUE NOW BY 'f ./'v " I DATE FINALED INSPECTOR 411198&00 1..163.0 INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR 'D BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings 1 Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel ? Combustion Air Roof Deck 1 Exhaust Fans OX to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation 1 Vents Fireplace P.L. ] Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall I Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath I Final Final r POOLS - SPAS BLOCKWALL APPROVALS steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam P Approval to Cover I Equipment Location I Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final 1 Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS i Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out ; Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection I Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test I Appliances I Final COMMENTS: Final ) Utility Notice (Gas); ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole I Underground Conduit Rough Wiring ] Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures + Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors i Temp. Use of Power } Final Utility Notice (Perm) r .r N j li - a. rt _ SC ULILE FOR ATTACHED_lATnEE- PATIO STRUCTUVE - 10 PSF - 79 AND 90 NPH v PATER 11AYIMUM COLUITI SPAE"DIC MID FINING SIZE -0R r 8"-ALUIa._bIJY._UAM JfADER t;iwpn SPACVG & FTC. s:r' _a� �u IRB- _ Paa1-. uIAvtr pJy� y,,�Hy ix a 1/7x .Mf WADWIN erc .13/ WADI J x ex 11 w HieOHi � r.3x IFx Olr4t HFAt]FY © �� 'rx dx 11 'GR SIL •C OFA1 AM RUFR,I��u AI1R, ; ECTbt a 2f U.C. OuUm Smw f061w C/U11C1 SPACIHC HC biiw SPACING F00➢IrG :COIIAIMI SPApOC O(JIIH' �Y SCIDrJIF fil' 92E L � >r OF. U.YIC �{ COtlaUrl sPtpvG ODTBL vfAOElt a1 Tl �It IY s^cLcl S C T� :A9 ,rFAOrC 011 9 N rODrO stiff ON Sll�B:♦' N OTC 9lgroissmi �{ y t� �T- -Tiff ir ffA , le tls ! fxA1l 1r-5 IV -r d -1t' or -Ir V -Ir d=26' l0' -V __ 10'x! dd21' . IT -Y w -r d=?r' a * F - tr-d S7 i - r x r A1UJ. cauali r.9 ,/+ Illi S7li-', tr >e { J , W. Fut= xJFxtmc _ 6_�e'x6 YKA2V -� 9'-9• ,d= d- S'-1' F 9 Tr 6'-•1� rd=ir Il' -d 11'-6 d�JC a'* 11 3a-426'4�d�-3�44' '�11' MOST 2 I 0 DF. 9" PW:E 1 • 7 i S:oY. l0' 1'- _ OPT. 3 1& CaIC. 9.,.e 2 ice- r-7 7�-7_ d Lf Y-1� 4 1 d= 9'->f _ 10-T F::f n •k# e'-? !o' n• ! s»x_wi; r -r a• -s a�.r' r-4 t• -t' d -2t g-7 n' -d des �'-� 9•-�P r-24• d �t-�: Q -e' SN�^Y S[.18t OR ABCSCDtirR. IA' 9' t TY6YA49• r_� Y -•P d.3! S'-7 s' -T d�t:r , 8'- d ,�' -' -9 -�'' __ T-7 AIH UQVUM, t=Pf 6• -IP T-7 d -N e_td JS' -IR t=7r A *i 6-11'. fOCIWC RP. LR FOD1�G LIMP MTHORS-U T FiW'I JrS4AT AM WCW0FS Af A(M M011Y 10 SsFEfY STARE OR AGES/.. EAMI WcHOR AM"AFESTWO CO -LIMNS YEIANUN FUMED,- 4•IF OE41AS FIR - LOCH f' COW WOOD F'CA)ER JJ.WT BE SUBSITT.IIFO FOR 5 r 6 AWN. 71 Jr AM. 'BM BGP; OR •� 7k10=R M COW41 SPAM FROM :� : 1` 1 .042 ALUIL FVDER. Y1 6x J2 CA SIEJL C °fAU.HfAD6L—` 1 iR X6 l i' CR rllr NJFT]LS • OPT.. AL1101VATE •6 f IIr RUUl PA'IFL)- snF S<T sli-taf ftp% Sa / !LR1106V SHALL CGNSI51 OF 13" ROOF PANCIS, PLACED PAP,ALLEL TO -W +ue:ERNATE " ArBtHAT_2-2'x> 1/i• STRUCTLi; ATTACHED Y!!Z X10 [!Lr POWP,V1FL3 Tx ��R Will Pam SMS TO RAFTEP.S.rJAX- (�;�` eTA sm�rtaEs dV_T "Er SNAIL GEST OF 19" ROOF lAraCE CIERIY.YG 16' FOR PAN[ . PLACED PERPETIUICULFR ?0 T 1/2' x t/Z" OR It3' FOR �� �. .� Ann. O1L14c x r pm STRUCTURF ARD ATTACHED lY/2 10 SMS i Y. 4' i -4j TO ELOMINC, \ oLATTICE- 01 B X I /2 X 1 '1/2' ® 3 1/2--' ` DfTRH�TE 2-?• X 6 I/7 HFADEPS, OR r O.C. OR 2 1 Y 4 li o" L`? Er O.C: w NOTES: ZO its .Ulm C>71U� SipEP HB N/u• vao IU' I. THIS STR',1CTURe NAT' NOT BE 911 OSEE W" �y� . COLUMN h% 6VI F l _ /LI.Oh0. ' SPIE[ REQ tp er.0 rPERI LATTICE at r 2. FOR G=ff1i+R: dIOTcS SEE 7NC $35003 Slit. I -9F 16 AND 2 OE 16. t14, ;.il 3. FOR PL1ERNAT[AVE ATIACHrJEENT OF RAFTERS �{ F 1 - SEE �E@C •C} or DOC. 110. 3smi SHf. 3 Or 56. ��, b I 4. TOR SkTrY STARE A•ID ASESC0 AYCHOR DETAIL � FUR o l PR , 'TlO' S- SEE DIM. NO. 35C+D3 Siff. I1 of LLL Rir cl•kr (�" + SPACIM FOR Ur TO i6' PRDI T110 kil 33R Ltd, HEADER MrRRVIC - 40% OF COLUMN L OF C•3W]JF; S'ACM FCR 17'-20• PROJECIION. 10 ren 1 ,� o t CPT 3 1/1' Cc1V$VIB2�` ��, RQ1rCT�t L fi OE_�llx! PER U.R.C. 1991 EDITION. UP. - SEE NO i�d J �� � �f 1 [J' T}IRU YD' PBtLIEe POtJC T. FOR RAt-H? MCIER, HEADER TO -ZFP.'hTE OP. D'AC- $003 ��'.I%1AGUNA—TYPE .OPEN f caLauM ccN11, R;�ETt T17 HEADER.AoOLUNH rt+2 or' 1s �s�� LATTICE STRUCTURE 5!'lfCE loG4 ons FA? DPE1J taTTiCE AWNINGS FOOTINC OR SLAB ArW.,rl. SEE DAV. NO. 3-`1l7, SF!Ts s, 7. A'JD a or B- \Y'i DATE x QROIEfSS�,"-"IJ1�LUMAA 1Gz.�rot,ra�.rp. L¢i `c��p9�lFvMCS i� • --- — -_— I4551 0elos ibk. Sut� 3S: elatt'016 PROLIUCIS INC- 7 HG d9ui• '' »: w- os CITY OF LA �� •1 ------� --- C Q U I N TA �Er 1 7 1 -- ��TBZ71' .D. rs, EV.ALUAIICfi REPLI�TI ITa. 2E21P '?,• X21 7f -._.. ----- •,1ATUdTP•D UIFIRT Pro SINut -3 NG &SAFETY DEPT• sf�`rY- "' 1A•at.Ai0P9-1DfrtormV& snin_ rt; Pf CA131 s -s1-91 c< L•,a: 3m9rJ �' _ ``� ' °• �t Dress, �� g�, � r . cJd,, 1 e e7� �y1 lJa�f' s d aF t�� .. �6°Yis.°"c �' 4. •► n�PIDHLIM 'I • . !10. �• �' 111/A91 .Z r1r�t r'."�•.. •:-'�, ! f 1NN , • wee s LL • s�,rF1 f G. n , ��, %I 23M. R °' pfAllllWl 4 ibZ67 ' `, • 0 v O. GIIALLWk i ,.or .DATE�'�t\:"�,taaV IvESTI S I ON ALERT (REVERSE DEEP AND SHALLOW ENDS ON POOL) ,ADD CONCRETE ONC ETE A S SHOWN M SIT & SPIN SPA VERTICAL FINISHDECK�,' DECK ;w :: g s>`h VENEER :'`:'"^ PATIO COVER BY SDC RESIDENCE 0 AQUASWITCH CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION GATBY E CRESTA GOLD BOULDERS NOT TO EXCEED 24" AIRPIPE �-- R6'-6" R676 •1 ,i. I 4, G/E ir-*,)11 R7'L BENCH 19'-6" I P/L CONTRACTOR cannot assume responsibility for GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS damage to curbs. sidewalks, driveways, cement SIZE 14X28 slabs, sewers, lawns.trees, fences, retaining walls. sprinklers. telephone lines or shrubs. AREA 331 PERIMETER 76 When access is made through a neighbor's DEPTH 3X5 property it is understood that od, the owner. TILE CHOICE CE GROUP 3 have that neighbor's permission and assume full . RBB. 9'®+18" COPING CANTILEVER DA _ signature POOL CAPACITY9,600.GALS PUMP CAPACITY 103 GPM MOTOR HP sTA,grrE.5 MOTO"Pm m •• "P FILTER STA RITE 300 SQ FT 102 GPM HEATER LAARS 250 BTL SUCTION LINES 2 " RETURN LINES 2 " SKIMM6 MODEERICA. ..CHECK VALVE YES. GASL'INE BY SDC FT. 125 POOL LIGHT 400. W .CLOCK ELECTRICAL BY.:.SDC FT, 200 AUTO .Mmmm'm PLASTER COLOR WHITE DECK BY 'SDC SQ. 1979 DECK TYPE SLT FLASH NTRL GRY STEP TT.- SPA T:SPA SPECS. SIZE " `DESIGNER. 7 RAISED YES +18 LITE 100' WATTS RANDY/EV RI LEVEL SEATS 2.2" 24"27" . DATE DAM.WALL STACKED DAMWALL TOP` " 7-6-99 `SPILLWAY SIZE 3" X 12" WIDE REVISED SPILLWAY XXOPEN 9-20-99 --7--# E S 4 UPER LOWER ME MICHAEL ARCIERI Address: 45-040 RAMBLE WOOD CT QW LA QUINTA .TRACT Loi# Apodsoff DBCAT ACCESS . cR BLOCK WALLGATE � T DAI LA DESER-r TEMECfILA DTE: LAND ARE S ONLY N 73-011 COUNTRY 28910 RANCHO „_ = I CLUB DR. STE F-4 CALIFORNIA RD. 1/8 —11 SCALEpALM DESERT CA. STE 206 E AND FURNITURE 192260 TEMECULA CA. N FOR ILLUSTRATION ; (760).:346-4o3z 92590 (909)67.6 -SWIM ARE NOT INCLUDED.: ' # A- • 7 7 STAdQn WATERFAI l W /ROCKY MOUNTAIN QUARTZ WA• ERL„" A Cao FOR CASCADE ' NW'., n2 ... aS'IOP OF DAM ALL 'fir"'.,'.,ski WATERLINE :: ;: <; .. aa 18 WIDE :SPA DAM WALL # r; IvESTI S I ON ALERT (REVERSE DEEP AND SHALLOW ENDS ON POOL) ,ADD CONCRETE ONC ETE A S SHOWN M SIT & SPIN SPA VERTICAL FINISHDECK�,' DECK ;w :: g s>`h VENEER :'`:'"^ PATIO COVER BY SDC RESIDENCE 0 AQUASWITCH CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION GATBY E CRESTA GOLD BOULDERS NOT TO EXCEED 24" AIRPIPE �-- R6'-6" R676 •1 ,i. I 4, G/E ir-*,)11 R7'L BENCH 19'-6" I P/L CONTRACTOR cannot assume responsibility for GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS damage to curbs. sidewalks, driveways, cement SIZE 14X28 slabs, sewers, lawns.trees, fences, retaining walls. sprinklers. telephone lines or shrubs. AREA 331 PERIMETER 76 When access is made through a neighbor's DEPTH 3X5 property it is understood that od, the owner. TILE CHOICE CE GROUP 3 have that neighbor's permission and assume full . RBB. 9'®+18" COPING CANTILEVER DA _ signature POOL CAPACITY9,600.GALS PUMP CAPACITY 103 GPM MOTOR HP sTA,grrE.5 MOTO"Pm m •• "P FILTER STA RITE 300 SQ FT 102 GPM HEATER LAARS 250 BTL SUCTION LINES 2 " RETURN LINES 2 " SKIMM6 MODEERICA. ..CHECK VALVE YES. GASL'INE BY SDC FT. 125 POOL LIGHT 400. W .CLOCK ELECTRICAL BY.:.SDC FT, 200 AUTO .Mmmm'm PLASTER COLOR WHITE DECK BY 'SDC SQ. 1979 DECK TYPE SLT FLASH NTRL GRY STEP TT.- SPA T:SPA SPECS. SIZE " `DESIGNER. 7 RAISED YES +18 LITE 100' WATTS RANDY/EV RI LEVEL SEATS 2.2" 24"27" . DATE DAM.WALL STACKED DAMWALL TOP` " 7-6-99 `SPILLWAY SIZE 3" X 12" WIDE REVISED SPILLWAY XXOPEN 9-20-99 --7--# E S 4 UPER LOWER ME MICHAEL ARCIERI Address: 45-040 RAMBLE WOOD CT QW LA QUINTA .TRACT Loi# Apodsoff DBCAT ACCESS . cR BLOCK WALLGATE � T DAI LA DESER-r TEMECfILA DTE: LAND ARE S ONLY N 73-011 COUNTRY 28910 RANCHO „_ = I CLUB DR. STE F-4 CALIFORNIA RD. 1/8 —11 SCALEpALM DESERT CA. STE 206 E AND FURNITURE 192260 TEMECULA CA. N FOR ILLUSTRATION ; (760).:346-4o3z 92590 (909)67.6 -SWIM ARE NOT INCLUDED.: ' # A- • 7 7