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9712-088 (BLDG)
I �' "LICENSED CONTRACTOR.DECLARATION 1 , .1 tiereby'afflrm under penalty of perjury that I:am licensed under provisions of, 3 I- ° : Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3,of;the Business and, C14W ` rµ Professionals Code,�'and my License Is ln.full force and effect. r" ` O � +,� �' License # : Lic. Class Exp. Date r 0A0 74711 A' 1010/90 C:) Z � ate' A Signature of.Contractor _ rU.q OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATIOON W W:� ,�, I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from.the Contractor's NLicense Law for the following reason: I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for { -.-sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). - W I, as owner of the. property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the ,project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ul` O I am exempt under Section ' B&P.C. for this reason rO"N Date Signature of Owner U Q WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION O Z I hereby affirm under penalty"of perjury one of the following declarations: Lin F - Cl -0 (,) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure. for workers' X W LL compensation, a§ provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the 10 _J' Q performance of the work for which this permit is issued. Co Q I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by OU 'Q Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this fi � Z permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier a A Policy No. yy �pp(( �ry��yyqq�� • ob D ;1 XI i4 FUND G'L7^��'+� U.lN7..'&. t)t'r189� 4 J (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). O I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shalAot employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the woers' compensation laws of California, and agre0that"if-1 should become sy Iect to the workers' compensatio�n provlslo sof Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall fort Ith comply with those provisior}S.. V VDate: 1 1 5e7 --Applicant �-_:. e� �l .. -°- " % .i' _.•� t. Warning: Failure to secure Workers'(Co"mpens-ation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1..Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work isperformed under or pursuant to 'any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City. of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a, result of this application• becomes null and void if-, work is not commenced within 180 days from.date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify.:that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply ith,all'City;-and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize"representatives of this City to enter upon /h,above-mentioned pr perty for inspectio • pur oses.nature (Owner/Agent) Date iii f. ! c�b A ") " , 1: � � �,• [ �•,u .y! ,� , - - f! V, PERMIT.#� CONTROL# , t:.BUILNK PERMIT,! ! ° x•, �., , , ; DATE 7�, VALUATION i C*' LOT q tti" nTRACT ,�>I�i�tr JOB SITE ADDRESS J. +E.Td, �?.. SCA )rro APN 769442_009•" ' OWNER.. CONTRACTOR/DESIGNER/ENGINEER C-3 Off. GIRlA.�. I ��iAl?.! 1:�,�i l.,r�.i I.V UC36.. i 34'( i s�1 �:.i'l.. Yui l'. , '•- 1A001N'tA t;r1. 92.253 LA QLJIN'E'A. CA 9i25- jw (760)'77 -2V. (760)'771-2V. 4 ENB[;I6 USE OF PERMIT 50SEa d 1usfiitt'0o1'1" ' `��•' ��p•�-•����-�y { y� /vim.• /�p� ' 1t�'➢,A.:M°A.i;+C►44s,D lw' ST O CO. YISTR�fl..kY 'N s'1"poNG, m:U'i' rq i FJ: -RE?sw 113:1-000-:7,41.000 $1 5ID 1 <` 00 LLI . ,CI,7��'i'�7'�'�?1.. GC)��.F'S�f fC°•4.t��' �Nl'� �r,,,Nr'f,a1:.�:�'� �°3�;� �0 i'f~8`R Is, PERtMUT FFTS D'IjJR±;NOW RECEIPT DATEBY • DA NALED INSPECTOR Y a, INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS j'` MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs " Underground Ducts Forms & Footings •. Ducts _ Slab Grade'.-- :, •,' Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck - Exhaust Fans . OX to Wrap- - F.A,U. Framing - , Compressor Insulation f '•... I Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath � r, •• • Final Final �/� POOLS - SPAS BLOCKWALL APPROVAL Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines . , Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out `'Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans 3.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool. Cover - Sewer Connection -. Encapsulation Gas Piping - Gas Test Appliances. Final COMMENTS: Final- Utilh Notice (Gas) EI—ECT.RICAL APPROVALS. ° Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service ; Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles 7. a G.F.I. wlf7.4 .. Smoke Detectors,,.--.,. Temp. Use of Power r Final Utility Notice (Pett. ,. n Service, Inc. National Evaluatio Participating Members: SBCCI Public Safety BOCA Evaluation Services, Inc. ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc. Testing and Evaluation Services, •Inc. . 4051 West Flossmoor Road .5360 Workman Mill Road 300 Montclair Road, Suite A Country Club Hills, Illinois 60478-5795 Whittier-, California 90601-2299. Birmingham, Alabama 35213-1206 (708) 799-2305 (310) 699-0543 (205) 599-9800 NATIONAL EVALUATION REPORT Report No. NER-405 Reissued April 1, .1995 Copyright ©1995, National Evaluation Services, Inc. -: SIDING, SOFFIT AND LINING BOARDSpplank, Hardiflex, Hardipanel, Harditex baseboard and AND SUBFLOOR PANELS .Hardisoffit. Interior lining boards are identified as Hardi- b k(Ta =red Edge) Hardibacker (Square Edge) and JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 26300 LA ALAMEDA, SUITE 250 MISSION VIEJO, CALIFORNIA 92691 1.0 SUBJECT 1.1 SiDING AND SOFFIT BOARDS 1.1.1 Hardiplank@ 1.1.2 Hardiflex@ 1.1.3 HardipanelT"' 1.1.4. Harditex@ 1.1.5 HardisoffitTM 1.2 LINING BOARDS 1.2.1 Hardibacker@ (Square Edge) 1.2.2 Hardibacker@ (Tapered Edge) 1.2.3 Hardibacker@ (MultilayTM) 1.3 SUBFLOOR PANELS 1.3.1 Compressed Sheet@ 2.0 PROPERTIES FOR WHICH RECOGNITION IS SOUGHT 2.1 Exterior Wall Covering. , 2.2 Structural Performance. 2.3 Noncombustible Construction. 2.4 Fire -resistive Construction. 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 GENERAL The exterior siding and soffit, and interior wet and dry area lining and subfloor boards are single -faced, cellulose fiber - reinforced cement building boards. - . All boards are produced from the same components and differ only in surface treatments and board configurations. The exterior siding and soffit boards are identified as Hardi- ac er p Hardibacker (Multilay). Subfloor panels are. identified as Compressed sheets. The Boards are manufactured by the Hatschek process and cured by high-pressure steam autoclaving. All products are cut.to shape on-site by the score=and-snap method using a special knife available from the manufacturer, a hand guillotine or a handsaw utilizing either a carbide or diamo�id blade. The products have a flame -spread rating of 0 and a smoke -density rating of 5 when tested in accordance with ASTM Test Method E84. The products are classified as noncombustible when tested in accordance with ASTM Test Method E136. The. siding, soffit and interior lining products comply with AS -M Standard Specification C1186 as Grade II, Type A non2sbestos fiber -cement flat sheets. The subfloor panels comply with ASTM Standard Specifica- tion C1186 -as Grade IV, Type A nonasbestos fiber -cement flat sheets. "The interior lining boards also comply with ANSI Al 18.9 as cementtious backer units. 3.2 SIDING AND SOFFIT BOARDS Hardiplank, Hardiflex, Hardipanel, Harditex baseboard and Hardisoffit boards are used as siding on exterior walls and soffits. Hardiplank lap siding is supplied unprimed for subsequent application of an appropriate primer to be covered with an exterbr-grade acrylic, latex, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), semigloss or flat paint or equivalent exterior wall covering. Hard'dlex, Hardipanel and Hardisoffit boards are primed with an opaque acrylic paint to be covered with a high quality, exterior -grade acrylic, latex, PVA, semigloss or flat paint ,or equivalent exterior wall covering. The Harditex baseboard is supplied either primed or unprimed for subsequent application of an. appropriate primer or sealer by the end user as part of an exterior -coating system. Nominal dimensions are noted in Table 1, maximum wind loads in Table 2 and maximum shear values in Table 3. 3.2.1 Hardiplank Lap- Siding General: Lap siding is available in six finish textures: Smooth, Woodgrain, Shingleplank, Roughsawn, Colonial roughsawn and Colonial smooth. The siding is applied horizontally commencing from the bottom cour`e of a wall with minimum it/; inch -wide iaps at the top edge. Vertical joints butt over studs except where the "off -stud splice device" is utilizeJ. When installed on ward -framing members, the siding is fastened either through the overlapping planks with 6d common corrosion-res6tant (galvanized or stainless steel) This report is limited [o the specific product and data and lest reports submitted by the applicant in its applicatio, requesting this report. No independent tests were performed by the National Evaluation Service. Inc. (NES), and NES specifically does not make any warranty, either expressed or implied, as to - .-- r••- -- -. . ,,, ntt in this renort or as to Orn, product covered by this report. This disclaimer includes, brit is not limited to. merchantability. This e 2r if 12 nails at each wood framinrq member or through the top edge of single planks with 1 /,-inch-long corrosion -resistant -roofing nails into each wood -framing member. The lap conceals the fasteners in the previous course. When attached to metal framing members, the siding is fastened either through the overlapping planks with 1 /e -inch -long -No. 8-18 by 0.323 -inch HD S-129, self -drilling, corrosion- rbsistant, ribbed buglehead screws at each metal framing member or through the top edge of single planks with minimum V/4 -inch -long No. 8-18 by 0.375 -inch HD S-12, self -drilling, corrosion -resistant, ribbed Phillips waferhead screws at each metal framing. member. The lap conceals the fasteners in the previous course. Off -stud Splice Device: The vertical joints of the planks shall butt over framing members or between the framing members when an "off -stud splice device' is placed on each plank end. The splice device's bottom lip is placed over the adjacent solid course of planks. The plank is then fastened.to the framing. The abutting plank is positioned and fastened into place ensuring that the lower edges of the two planks align. The metal device is located centrally over the joint. Restrictions on the "off -stud splice device" locations are as follows: ' . • All splices shall be located a minimum of two stud cavities from wall comers. • Successive splices withW the same plank course shall be located no closer than 48.inches from one another. • All splices shall be staggered at minimum 24 -inch intervals when located in the same wall cavity. • Splices shall be at least one stud cavity away from door or window openings. Where a specified level of wind resistance is required, the Hardiplank lap siding is installed on framing members and secured with fasteners described in Table 2. 3.2.2 Hardiflex Siding (Hardipanel Smooth) Hardiflex siding is used as an exterior wall cladding. The siding has a smooth unsanded surface, primed with an opaque acrylic paint to receive a high-quality finish coat of .exterior grade acrylic, latex, PVA, semigloss or flat paint. Dimensions are as noted in Table 1. Fasteners are in• stalled with a minimum 3/, -inch edge distance and a minimum 2 -inch clearance from comers. Joints are fas- tened at abutting sheet edges and optionally protected by HardijointerTM" polyvinyl chloride (PVC) joint treatment, lumber battens or caulked. Where a specked level of wind resistance or shear resis- tance is required, the Hardiflex panel is attached to framing members, appropriately spaced, with fastener types, lengths and spacing described in Table 2 and Table 3. 3.2.3 Hardipanel Siding Hardipanel siding is available in various surface textures including smooth. Dimensions are noted in Table 1. .Fasteners are installed with a minimum 3/. -inch edge distance and a minimum 2 -inch clearance from comers. Joints are fastened at abutting sheet edges and optionally covered by Hardijointer polyvinyl chloride (PVC) joint treatment, lumber battens or caulked. Other installation details are according to Section 3.22. 3.2.4 Harditex Baseboard The Harditex baseboard is for exterior applications to walls and soffits. Dimensions are noted in Table 1. The Harditex Report No.. NER-405 baseboard has a smooth finish and is available with tapered edges on the two long sides for joint treatment or all square edges. The. Harditex baseboard is supplied either sealed or unsealed for the subsequent application of a primer or sealer by the end user as a component in an exterior coating or finish system. Joints shall be sealed with an approved caulking. material specified by the coating manufacturer. Other installation details are in accordance with Section 3.22 Harditex baseboard has been evaluated as an acceptable weather -resistive barrier. Where a specified level of wind resistance or shear resis- tance is required, the Harditex baseboard is attached to framing members, appropriately spaced, with fastener types, lengths and spacing described in Table 2 or. Table 3. 3.2.5 Hardisoffit Board The.Hardisoffit.board is for exterior soffits. The Hardisoffit board has a smooth unsanded surface, primed with an opaque acrylic paint to receive a finish coat of high-quality exterior -grade acrylic, latex, PVA, semigloss or flat paint. Dimensions are noted in Table 1. Hardisoffit board is applied to nominal 2 by 4 framing members spaced up to 24 inches on center with the long panel dimension. perpen- dicular to the framing. Fasteners are installed with a minimum % inch edge distance and minimum 2 -inch clearance from comers. Joints are fastened at abutting sheet edges. The Hardisoffit board is attached to framing .members with fastener types, lengths and spacings described in Table 2. 3.3 LINING BOARDS Hardibacker (Tapered Edge), Hardibacker (Square Edge) and Hardibacker (Multilay) boards are used as wet or dry area lining/backer substrates applied to the interior of buildings. 3.3.1 Hardibacker (Tapered Edge) The Hardibacker tapered -edge undedayment is only intended for interior walls and ceilings including shower and bath aroas: Subsequent finishing using paint, wallpaper or tile is required. The undedayment has a smooth finish with tapered edges on the two long dimensions for joint treat- ment. Dimensions are noted in Table.t. Maximum shear values are noted in Table 3. Accessories include preformed corrosion -resistant metal or PVC external comer moldings. Paint or. Wallpaper Finish: The Hardibacker tapered -edge undedayment is installed with the long dimension either vertical or horizontal to nominal 2 by 4 wood framing members or minimum No. 20 gage (0.0329 - inch) steel framing members, spaced a maximum of 24 inches on center with end joints staggered from adjacent courses in both vertical and horizontal applications. To fasten to wood framing members, minimum 13/e inch -long gypsum wallboard nails or minimum 1 -inch -long No. 8-18 by 0.323 -inch HD HI -LO® S®, self -drilling, corrosion - resistant, ribbed buglehead (or equivalent) screws are used and spaced a maximum of 6 inches on center at all supports. To fasten to metal framing members, minimum 1 -inch -tong No. 8-18 by 0.323 -inch HD S-12, self -drilling, corrosion -resistant, ribbed buglehead (or equivalent) screws are used and spaced a maximum of 6 inches on center at all supports. The fasteners shall be located at least 3/6 inch from board edges, and 2 inches, minimum, from undedayment comers. Undedayments are placed with a minimum % inch clearance from the floor surface. Metal or PVC comer. angles are attached with the above de- scribed nails or screws placed approximately 12 inches on center. w`Report No. NER-405 Page 3 of 12 Since the underlayment has tapered edges, a fjush-joint procedure is permitted. Gypsum wallboard bedding com- pounds, complying with ASTM 6474 and C475, shall be troweled into the joints. Perforated paper tape (or equiva- lent) is embedded into the wet compound and allowed to thoroughly dry. A second coat of bedding compound, approximately 8 inches wide, is then .applied across the joint and allowed to dry. A third coat of topping compound, 10 inches wide, is applied across the joint. internal comers are finished by filling with bedding com- pound, working the joint tape into the. joint, and. applying a second coat of bedding compound. A third coat of topping compound is applied over the area. External comers are treated by filling the joint with bedding compound and allowing it to thoroughly dry. Corrosion - resistant metal or PVC comer angles are then fastened, followed by a second coat of bedding compound. When the second coat is completely dry, a coat of topping compound is also applied. Topping compound is also applied over all fastener heads in intermediate locations. 3.3.12 Tile Finish: The Hardibacker tapered -edge under- layment is installed with the long dimension either vertical or horizontal to nominal 2 by 4 wood -framing members or minimum No. 20 gage (0.0329 -inch) metal framing mem- bers spaced 24 inches on ceQter, maximum, with end joints staggered from adjacent courses in both vertical and horizontal applications. To comply with ANSI A108.11, framing members are spaced 16 inches on center, maxi- mum. To fasten to wood framing members, minimum 11/4- inch-long, '/;inch-long, corrosion -resistant (galvanized or stainless steel) roofing nails, or 1'/, -inch -long No. 8-18 by 0.375 -inch HD HI -LO S, self -drilling, corrosion -resistant, ribbed Phillips waferhead screws are used and spaced a maximum of 6 inches on center at all supports. To fasten to metal framing members, minimum V/4 -inch -long No. 8-18 by 0.375 -inch HD S-12, self -drilling, .corrosion -resistant, ribbed Phillips waferhead screws are.used and spaced a maximum of 6 inches on center at all supports. The fasteners are located at least 3/8 inch from board edges, and 2 inches, minimum, frpm board comers. Comer gaps are filled with a flexible, silicone sealant compatible with fiber -cement under- layments. Underlayments are placed with a minimum'/4- inch clearance from the floor surface. This gap shall be free of adhesive or grout and filled with an approved flexible sealant. On large tiled areas, expansion joints are provided in the walls at 12 feet on center, maximum, and at interior and exterior comers. Since the undedayment has tapered edges, a flush -joint procedure is permitted. The same type of the adhesive or mortar used to set the tiles shall be troweled into joints as a bedding compound. A 2 -inch -wide, high-strength, coated, alkali -resistant, fiberglass reinforcing tape is embedded into the wet compound and allowed to dry thoroughly. Intemal comers are finished by filling with bedding com- pound, working the reinforcing tape into the joint, and applying a second coat of bedding compound and allowing to dry thoroughly. External comers are treated by filling the joint with bedding compound and allowing it to dry thoroughly. Corrosion - resistant metal or PVC comer angles are then fastened in place, followed by a second coat of bedding compound. Bedding compound is also applied over all fastener heads in intermediate locations. Wall tiles complying with ANSI A137.1 are attached to the board with flexible Type I, mastic adhesives complying with ANSI A136.1, or acrylic or latex -modified thinset mortars complying with ANSI A118.4, in _accordance with ANSI A108. The same adhesives can be used to fill and level the sheet joints. 3.3.2 Hardibacker (Square Edge) The Hardibacker square -edge underlayment is only intended for interior walls and floors, including shower and bath areas. Subsequent finishing with tile is required. The square -edge undedayment has a smooth -finished surface and square edges for closely butted joints. Dimensions are noted in Table 1. Maximum shear values are noted in Table 3. Floors: When Hardibacker square -edge under- layment is used on floors, the subfloor assembly shall be designed so that the maximum deflection in a plane, including live and dead loads, is U360 of the span, in accorelar with the applicable code. Expansion joints shall be provided where existing structural joints (building control joints) occur and where changes in direction occur such as in `L" -shaped rooms. Expansion joints shall also be provided at 15 -foot intervals in either direction. Expansion joints shall be placed symmetrically about the center of the floor and shall be carried through to the top of the floor surface. The subfloor is then covered with a minimum 3/32 inch -thick application of flexible latex, acrylic modified thinset or Type I mastic setting material. The Hardibacker square -edge underlayment is then installed and fastened before. the setting materials film over. The underlayment is fastened with 1'/4 -inch -long, corrosion -resistant (galvanized or stainless steel) roofing nails or 1 -inch -long No. 8-18 by 0.323 -inch HD HI -LO S, self -drilling, corrosion -resistant, ribbed Phillips waferhead screws are used. To meet the requirements of ANSI A108.11, minimum 1'/, -inch -long No. 8-18 by 0.375 -inch HD HI -LO S, self -drilling, corrosion -resistant ribbed Phillips waferhead screws are used. Fasteners shall be located a maximum of 6 inches on center at all framing members. The fasteners are located a minimum of, 3/8 inch and a maximum of 3/1 inch from the underlayment edges, and 2 inches minimum, from undedayment comers. Floor tiles complying with ANSI A137.1 are attached to the board with flexible Type I mastic adhesives complying with ANSI A136.1, or acrylic or latex -modified thinset mortars complying with ANSI A118.4, in accordance with ANSI A108. The same adhesives are also used to fill and level the sheet joints. For thinset mortars, the joints shall be reinforced with 2 -inch -wide, high-strength, coated, alkali - resistant, fiberglass reinforcing tape embedded into the wet mortar and allowed to thoroughly dry. Walls: The Hardibacker square -edge boards are installed with the long dimension either vertical or horizon- tal to nominal 2 by 4 wood framing members or minimum No. 20 gage (0.0329 -inch) metal framing members spaced a maximum of 24 inches on center with end joints stag- gered from adjacent courses in both vertical and horizontal applications. To comply with ANSI A108.11, framing members shall be `spaced a maximum of 16 inches on center. To fasten to wood framing members, minimum I'/,- inch-long, '/;inch-long, corrosion -resistant (galvanized or stainless steel) roofing nails or 1'/4 inchdong No. 8-18 by 0.375 HD HI=LO S, self -drilling, corrosion -resistant, ribbed Phillips wafer - head screws are used and spaced a maximum of 6 inches on center at all supports. To fasten to metal framing members, minimum 1 /4 -inch -long No. 8-18 by 0.375 -inch HD, S-12, self -drilling, corrosion -resistant ribbed Phillips waferhead screws are used and spaced a maximum of 6 of,12 Report No. NER-405 inches on center at all supports. The fasteners are located at least'/e inch from board edges and 2 inches, minimum, from board comers. Comer gaps are filled with a silicone sealant compatible with fiber -cement undedayments. Undedayments are placed with a minimum'/4-inch clear- ance from the floor surfaces and above tub edge. This gap shall be free of adhesive or grout and filled with an ap- proved, flexible sealant. On large tiled areas, expansion joints shall be provided in the walls at 12 feet on center maximum, and at interior and exterior comers. Wall tiles complying with ANSI All 37.1 are attached to the undedayment with flexible Type I mastic adhesives comply- ing with ANSI A136.1, or acrylic or latex -modified thinset. mortars complying with ANSI A118.4, in accordance with ANSI A108. The same adhesives are used to fill and level the sheet joints. The joints shall be reinforced with 2 -inch - wide, high-strength, coated, alkali -resistant, fiberglass reinforcing tape embedded into the wet mastic or modified thinset mortar and allowed to dry. thoroughly. 3.3.3 Hardibacker (Multilay) The Hardibacker Multilay underlayment is only intended for interior floors including shower and bath areas. Subsequent finishing with resilient floor coverings or tile is required.. The undedayment face has a smooth (sanded) surface, an opaque acrylic seal coat and square edges for close -butted joints. The face of the sheet is identified for resilient flooring. The reverse side of the undedayment has a smooth (unsanded) surface, is unsealed and has square edges for close -butted joints. The reverse side of the sheet is identified for tile. Dimensions are noted in Table 1. The underlayment shall be installed over a structurally sound subfloor assembly designed to limit the maximum deflection in a plane, including live and dead loads, 1_/360 of the span, in accordance with the applicable code. When the undedayment is installed on existing floor construction, floor finishes and subflooring shall be re- paired, removed and/or replaced as necessary to create a smooth and level surface. The ability of the existing floor structure and subfloor to support -the additional loads of the undedayment and new floor finish shall be substantiated. All alterations shall comply with applicable codes. The undertayment boards are laid in a staggered end joint pattern at right angles.to the subflooring. The sheet joints are offset V. inch from walls and cabinet bases and cut edges turned to the outside,.wherever possible. Resilient Flooring: With the side marked for resilient flooring face up, the Hardibacker Multilay under- layment is . placed over the prepared subflooring and fastened to support framing with either 3d, corrosion - resistant, ring -shank nails, or No. 18 gage, (0.0475 -inch) corrosion -resistant staples with a'/; inch crown, located a maximum of 3 inches on center around the board perime- ter and 6 inches on center. in the field. Fasteners shall be located at least % inch from the undedayment edges and 2 inches, minimum, from underlayment comers. The fastener heads are flush with the surface. For all installa- tions, fasteners shall be of sufficient length to penetrate at least 1 inch into sound subflooring or framing. -- - To minimize the possibility of surface irregularities in the underiayment and fastener heads penetrating through the resilient flooring, the boards shall be installed flush and level. Height variations are treated by filling all joints, gouges and low spots with a water-resistant, cementitious leveling compound recommended by the floor -covering manufacturer. After the compound has dried, filled areas are sanded level to the surrounding subfloor. Prior to the application of the resilient flooring, the prepared surfaces shall be free of dust, grease or other foreign material. Finish floor coverings are installed in accordance with the flooring material manufacturer's published instructions. Instructions shall include application procedures, compati- ble adhesives and recommended accessories. Tile: With the side marked for the face up, follow the additional instructions described in Section of this report. 3.4 SUBFLOOR PANELS Compressed sheet is used as subflooring over complying wood or metal floor joists spaced a maximum of 24 inches on center. The panels have a smooth unsanded surface. Cutouts for plumbing and . electrical shall be oversized. 'Appropriate fire. blocks -are required in accordance with the applicable code. Dimensions are noted in Table 1. The panels are installed over two or more spans, with the long dimension perpendicular to supports. The sheets are fastened to wood framing members by counterstriking minimum No. 10 by 0.350 -inch HD wood screws (or equivalent) spaced a maximum of 12 inches on center at all supports. The sheets are fastened to metal framing members by counterstriking minimum No. 9-18 by 0.350 - inch HD S-12; self -drilling, corrosion -resistant ribbed buglehead (or equivalent) screws spaced a maximum of 6 inches on center.around the sheet perimeter and 12 inches on center at immediate joist locations: For all installations, fasteners shall be of sufficient length to�penetrate at least 1 inch into wood framing members or /,-inch into metal framing members. Holes are drilled in compressed sheet with masonry bit, allowing a 0.04 -inch clearance over diameter of screw to be used. Fasteners are located a minimum of 3/. -inch and a maximum of %finch from sheet edges, and 2 inches minimum from sheet comers.. Fas- tener heads are flush with the. surface. All edges shall be blocked or the panels shall be covered with minimum inch-thick underlayment or 3/, -inch -thick wood grip finish flooring. As an alternative, sheets are field glued in conjunction with mechanical fastening with a structural adhesive (APA/HUD AFG-01 or equivalent) applied to joints. Framing members shall be free of surface moisture, dirt, cement and other foreign materials prior to application of the 'adhesive. Adhesives shall be applied in accordance with the adhesive manufacturer's instructions. The application rate shall be a % inch -diameter bead applied to each joist or blocking member, except two '/; inch -diameter beads are applied where sheets abut on a joist. Installation of the sheets shall be within the time limit designated by the adhesive manu- facturer. Where more than one sheet is used, an effective seal shall be provided between sheets. The bonded surfaces shall be clean and an approved structural adhesive (APA/HUD AGF -01 or equivalent) shall be used. The edges of the sheets to be joined shall be thoroughly cleaned and the dust removed.. A layer of adhesive is 'buttered" to the leading edge of the first installed sheet and the next sheet laid against it ensuring that an adequate film of adhesive is present. The practice of forcing adhesive into the joint after the sheets have been fastened is unacceptable. After the joint is filled, any excess adhesive shall be removed from the surface of the sheet. Use as a diaphragm is beyond the scope of this report. Allowable loads are as follows: -Report No. NER-405 Page 5 of 12 .i' ALLOWABLE UNIFORM LOAD AT A DEFLECTION LIMIT = LJ360 JOIST SPACING PRODUCT. 16 Inches o.c. 24 inches o.c. Compressed Sheet II (/Z and /8 inch thick) 190 psf 105 psf Compressed Sheet II 300 psf 145 psf (/.winch thick) 3.5 FIRE -RESISTIVE ASSEMBLIES 3.5.1 Assembly 1 The nonload-bearing, one-hour, fire -resistive wall assembly consists of minimum 35/8 inch -deep, No. 20 gage (0.0359 - inch), steel "C" studs at 24 inches on center with corre- sponding top and bottom tracks. One layer of 5/, -inch -thick Hardie Type "X" gypsum wallboard, 48 inches wide, is applied vertically to the studs and secured with 1'/4 -inch - long, No. 8-18, Type S, HI -LO buglehead gypsum wall- board screws, spaced 8 inches on center at board edges and 12 inches on center at intermediate framing members. The 5/cinch-thick gypsum board joints and screw heads require treatment consisting of compound followed by tape and a second layer of compound. The opposite face of the wall is covered with one layer of '/2 inch -thick Hardie Super Type "X" gypsum board, followed by one layer of either /4- inch-thick ;inch-thick Hardibacker (Tapered Edge), Hardibacker (Square Edge), or Harditex baseboard. Both boards are applied vertically to framing members with vertical edges staggered 24 inches. The '/Z inch -thick Hardie Super Type "X" gypsum board is fastened to the framing members with 1% -inch -long, No. 8-18, Type S, HI -LO buglehead gypsum .wallboard screws spaced 24 inches on center. The Hardi- backer or Harditex baseboard is fastened through the gypsum wallboard to the framing members with minimum 1 /cinch -long by minimum 0.323 -inch HD HI -LO S or S-12 self -drilling, corrosion -resistant, ribbed buglehead or ribbed Phillips waferhead screws located a maximum of 8 inches on center. Board joints and fasteners require treatment similar to that described in Sections,, and 3.2.4. 3.5.2 Assembly 2 The nonload-bearing, one-hour, fire -resistive wall assembly consists of minimum 35/, -inch -deep, No. 25 gage (0.0209 - inch), steel "C" studs at 16 inches on center with corre- sponding top and bottom tracks. One layer of 5/6 -inch -thick Hardie Type ."X" gypsum wallboard, 48 inches wide, is applied vertically to the studs and secured with minimum 1 -inch -long by No. 8-18 Type S HI -LO buglehead gypsum wallboard screws, spaced 8 inches on center at. board edges and 12 inches on center at intermediate framing members. The 5/. -inch -thick gypsum wallboard joints and screw heads require treatment consisting of compound followed by tape and a second layer of compound. The stud cavities are insulated with minimum 3 -inch thick, 3 pcf, unlaced, friction -ft, mineral fiber insulation complying with ASTM C665, Type I. The opposite face of the wall is covered with one layer of /i. -inch -thick Hardibacker (Square Edge) or Hardibacker (Tapered Edge) or Harditex baseboard. The boards are applied vertically to framing members with vertical edges staggered 16 inches. The Hardibacker or Harditex baseboard is fastened through to the framing members with minimum 1 -inch -long No. 8-18 by 0.323 -inch HD self -drilling, corrosion -resistant, Type S HI -LO ribbed buglehead (or equivalent) screws located a maximum of 6 inches on center. Board joints and fasteners require treatment similar to that .described in Sections, or, and using the fiberglass reinforc- ing tape. 3.5.3 Assembly 3 The limited load-bearing, one-hour fire -resistive wall assembly consists of nominal 2 by 4 wood studs at 16 inches on center with two top plates and a single bottom plate. The lesser of 800 pounds per stud or 31 percent of full design load is permitted to be superimposed, provided . . structural consideration for axial, flexural and bearing perpendicular -to -grain stresses are resolved in accordance with Part III of the National Design Specification, 1991 edition, published by the American Forest & Paper Associ- ation. One layer of 5/, -inch -thick Type "X" gypsum wall- board, 48 inches wide, is applied vertically to the studs and secured with minimum 1 /,-inch-long cuphead gypsum wallboard naiL, spaced 7 inches on center at board edges and intermediate framing members. The 5/, -inch -thick gypsum wallboard joints and screw heads require treat- ment consisting of compound followed by tape and a second layer of compound. The stud cavities are insulated with minimum 3 -inch -thick, 3 pcf, unfaced, friction -fit, mineral fiber insulation (complying with ASTM C665, Type 1). The opposite face of the wall is covered with one layer of inch -thick Hardibacker (Square Edge) fber-cement under- layment. The fiber -cement underlayment is applied verti= . tally to framing members with vertical edges staggered 16 inches from the wallboard edges. The Hardibacker under- layment is fastened through to the framing members with minimum 1'/, -inch -long, corrosion -resistant roofing nails located a maximum of 6 inches on center. Board joints and fasteners: require treatment similar to that described in Section 13.2.2. The side of wall clad with Hardibacker underlayment is covered with standard grade ceramic tile, nominal '/4 inch thick. The tiles, any expansion or control .joints, and grout are installed in accordance with ANSI A108.4 when. -Type I organic adhesive is used. or ANSI A108.5 if dry set, acrylic- or latex -modified portland cement mortar is"used. 4.0 INSTALLATION Installation shall comply with this report and a -copy of this report shall be available at all times ..on the jobsite during installation. Additional details are in the applicable manu- facturer's product information sheets issued December 1993. 5.0 IDENTIFICATION All James Hardie Building Products, Inc., Hardiflex and Hardipanel Siding and Soffit Boards; Harditex Baseboards; Hardibacker Lining Boards; Compressed Sheet Sub - flooring; and pallets of Hardiplank Lap Siding shall bear a label identifying the manufacturer's name and telephone number, the product name, and the name of the quality control agency, ETL Testing Laboratories, Inc. (NER- CA429) and this report number (NER-405) for field identifi- cation. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 6.1 The following test reports issued by the Building Research Association of New Zealand (BRANZ) in accordance with ASTM E72, Conducting Strength Test of Panels of Building Construction, Section 9, Trans- verse Load, and Section 14, Racking Load: 9e6of12 ReportASTM No. Date Standard Section S100 June, 1984 9 S101 June, 1984 9 S102 June, 1984 9 S103 June, 1984 9 S104 June, 1984 9 S105 June, 1984 14. S106 June,1984 14 S109 July, 1984 9 5112 August, 1984 14 S113 August, 1984 9 STR122 April, 1985 9 STR123 April, 1985 14 STR127 APnI, 1985 9 STR128 May, 1985 14 STR131 May, 1985 9 STR132 May, 1985 14 6.2 The following. test reports issued by the Building Research Association of New Zealand (BRANZ) in accordance with the weatherability test procedures noted: Report o. Date Procedure MTR658 November, 1983 U.B.C. Standard 32-12 MTR662 November, 1983 Freeze/Thaw MTR709 June, 1984 ICBO Percolation Test MTR723 May, 1984 ASTM 1326, D2616, Test Report No. 8047-87 dated April 6, 1987, issued IC -1201-92 FD -714 MTRT78 June, 1985 NSZ3204; Wet/Dry Building Construction - Section 9, Transverse Load; IC -1270-94 Cycling MTR787 June, 1985 U.B.C. Standard 47-17 T176 June, 1984 ASTM E96 T177 June, 1984 ASTM E96 6.3 Quality control procedural manual signed by James Hardie and Company (November 5, 1993), and ETL IC -1021-88 Testing Laboratories.(November 8, 1993). :. 6.4 Manufacturer's descriptive literature. 6.5 Test Report No. LA 50049-1 dated February 7, 1985, IC -1054-89 issued by United States Testing Company in IC -1055-89 accordance with ASTM E84, Test of Surface Burning IC -1121A-91 Characteristic of Building Materials: 6.6 Test Report No. 8047-87 dated April 6, 1987, issued IC -1201-92 by Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., in accordance with IC -1203-92 ASTM E72, Conducting Strength Tests of Panels for IC -1228-93 Building Construction - Section 9, Transverse Load; IC -1270-94 and Section 14, Racking Load. 6.7 Structural Calculations for "Determination of Wind IC -1110-91 Speed" by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E., in accordance with IC -1120A-91 Section 1205 of the 1988 Standard Building Code. 6.8 The following test reports were issued by Inspection "Transverse • Concepts for Load Tests" of panels: Report No. Date IC -1021-88 May, 1988 IC -1022-88 May,' .1988 iC-1'042-88 February, 1989 IC -1054-89 September, 1989 IC -1055-89 September, 1989 IC -1121A-91 March 20, 1991 IC -1121 B-91 March 20, 1991 IC -1201-92 January 22, 1993 IC -1203-92 January 22, 1993 IC -1228-93 July 2, 1993 IC -1270-94 Apny20, 1994 IC -1271-94 April 20, 1994 Report No. NER-405 6.9 The following test reports were issued by Inspection Concepts for "Racking Tests" of panels: Report No. Date IC -1013-88 January, 1988 IC -1014-88 January, 1988 IC -1030-88 September, 1988 IC -1032-88 September, 1988 IC -1037-88 November, 1988 IC -1038-88 November, 1988 IC -1057-89 September, 1989 IC -1062-89 November ,1989 IC -1100-90 October 30, 1990 IC -11,07-91 January 5, 1991 IC -1108-91 January 6, 1991. IC -1109-91 January 8, 1991 IC -1110-91 January 8, 1991 IC -1120A-91 March 20, 1991 IC -11208,91 , March 20, 1991 IC-1120C=9t March 20, 1991 IC -112013-91 March 20, 1991 IC -1202-92 January 22, 1993 IC -1202-92 January 22, 1993 IC -1237-93 August 5, 1993 IC -1273-94 April 20, 1994 IC -1274-94 April 29, 1994 6.10 The following test reports were issued by Inspection Concepts for "Transverse Load Tests" of planks: ReportNo. Date IC -1020-88 May, 1988 IC -1011-88 January; 1988 IC -1034-88 October, 1988 IC -1035-88 October, 1988 6.11 The following test reports were issued by Southwest Research Institute for "One-hour Fire -resistive Assemblies": Report No. , Date 01-2602-802 01-2602-803 March, 1989 March, 1989 6.12 Structural calculations verifying design values for Tables 2 and 3, prepared by Inspection Concepts dated March 7, 1990, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E. 6.13 Test Report No. IC -1093A-90 dated October 18, 1990, issued by Inspection Concepts in accordance with ASTM E136. 6.14 Test Report No.. L-87-1732 dated October 8, 1987, issued by Smith -Emery Company in accordance with ANSI A118.9-1990. 6.15 Test Report No. 176842 dated September 14, 1990, by United States Testing Company, Inc., in accor- dance with ASTM D1037. 6.16 Test. Report No. 30240-1 dated March 1, 1989, revised March 28, 1991, by Truesdail Laboratories, Inc., in accordance with ASTM G21. 6.17 Test Report No. 30240-2 dated March 1, 1989, revised March 28, 1991, by Truesdail Laboratories in accordance with ASTM G22. 6.18 Report No.- IC -1131-91 dated May 8, 1991, by In- spection Concepts in accordance with ASTM C947, C666 Procedure B, and ANSI -136-1. ]Report No. NER-405 Page 7 of 12 6.19 Report No. 497742 dated March 5, 1990, by ETL Testing Laboratories in accordance with ASTM E84- 89. 6.20 Report No. IC -1039-89 dated January 6, 1989, revised May 11, 1990, by Inspection Concepts on comparative fastener pullout and pull-through results. 6.21 Product information. sheets issued October 1991, by James Hardie Building Products, Inc. 6.22 Structural calculations verifying design values for Tables 2 and 3,.prepared by Inspection Concepts dated October 20, 1993, signed by Ronald 1. Ogawa, P.E. - 6.23 Letter correcting structural calculations for BRANZ Reports S106 and STR128 prepared by Inspection Concepts dated February 14, 1993, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E. 6.24 Letter reviewing "Racking Tests" and 'Transverse Load Tests" for Group III wood species verification for Tables 2 and 3; prepared by Inspection Concepts dated October 14, 1993, signed and sealed by Ronald 1. Ogawa, P.E. 6.25 The following test reports were issued.by'Omega Point Laboratories for "One-hour Fire-resistant Assemblies": Report No. Date 11710-92783 11710-92851 February 13, 1992 September 9, 1992 6.26 Test Report No. 8108A-87 dated May 20, 1987, issued by Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., in accordance with ASTM C725 for flexural strength tests conducted on 12 -inch and, 3/, -inch -thick compressed sheet panels. 6.27 Test Report No.: 81088-87 dated May 26, 1987, issued by Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., in accordance with ASTM E71, Conducting Strength Tests of Panels for Building Construction _ Section 18, concentrated load on'/2 inch and 34 -inch -thick compressed sheet panels. - 6.28 Test Report No. 8108C-87 dated June 24, 1987, issued by Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., in accordance with ASTM E72, Conducting Strength Tests of Panels for Building Construction — Section 9, transverse load on "/2 -inch and 3/4 -inch -thick compressed sheet panels. 6.29 Test Report No. IC -1257-94 dated January 1% 1994, by Inspection Concepts in accordance with ASTM E331 for water penetration of/; inch -thick Hardipanel vertical siding. 6.30 Test Report No. IC -1243-93 dated August 26, 1993, by Inspection Concepts in accordance with ASTM E228 for linear -thermal expansion of '/� inch -thick James Hardie fiber cement products. 7.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The National Evaluation Service finds that the James Hardie building products described in this report comply with, or are an alternative to materials noted in the 1993 BOCA National Building Code, the 1994 Standard Building Code, the 1994 Uniform Building Code and the 1992 CABO One and Two Family Dwelling Code, subject to the following conditions: 7.1 Products are installed in accordance with this report. 7.2 Hardiplank Siding is inst,alled.on exterior walls braced in accordance with: • Section 2305.7 of the BOCA National Building Code • Section 2308.2 of the Standard Building Code • Section 2326.11.3 "and 4 of the Uniform Building Code. • Section R-402.10 of the CABO One and Two Family . Dwelling Code. 7.3 Maximum wind pressures and allowable loads for panel shear walls comply with Tables 2 and 3, respectively. 7.4 Hardie &x - and Hardipanel sidings are acceptable . weather -resistive barriers when joints are covered with 'either lumber battens, Hardijoint PVC joint treatment, or an approved caulking material. Harditex baseboard is an acceptable weather -resistive barrier when joints are sealed with an approved caulking material. 7.5 Compressed sheet of equivalent thickness to Species Group 1 plywood is .an acceptable alternative to plywood subflooring specified in: • Section 2307.3.3 of fie BOCA National Building Code, Table 2307.3.3; • Section 2307.6 of the Standard Building Code, Table 2307.613; • Section 2326.9.2 and Table 23-1-T-1 of the Uniform Building Code. • Section. S-606 and Tat -le No. R -606.1a of the CABO One and Two Family Dwelling Code. 7.6 Use of Compressed Sheet subfloor as a floor dia- phragm is beyond the scope of this report. 7.7 The products are manufactured at the following locations with quality control Inspections by ETL Testing Laboratories, Inc. (NER-OA429): • Fontana, California • Plant City, Florida • Penrose, Auckland, New Zealand • Rose Hill, NSW, Australia • Carole Park, Oueensfand, Australia • Brooklyn, VIC, Australia • Welshpod, WA; Australia 7.8 This report is subject to periodic re=examination. For information on the current status consult the evalua- tion report listing or contact one of the participating members of the NES Table 1 Standard Nominal Plank & Panel Dimensions' _ Plank and panel products are also available in other lengths, widths, and thicknesses by special arrangement- t I -PRODUCT ..LENGTH THICKNESSES: TYPE ..WIDTH (feet) Hardiplank .. '7-1/2,.8, 9-1/2 & 12 inches 12,14 5/16. Hardisoffd 16, 24, 36 & 48 inches * 8,:9 & 10 3/16 & 1/4 Hardiflex 4 feet 8,9 & 10 3/16, 1/4, 5/16 & 3/8 Hardipanel 4 feet 8,9-& 10 1/4 & 5/16 Harditex 4 feet• 8, 9 & 10 1/4, 5/16, 3/8 & 7/16 Hardibacker 2, 2.1/2, 3 & 4 feet 4,5,6,7,8,-9& 10 1/4, 5/16, 3/8 & 7/16 (Square Edge) Hardibacker 4 feet 8,9 & 10 1/4&V16 (Tapered Edge) Hardibacker 4 feet 4 & 8 1/4 & 5/16 (MuI ilayj Compressed Sheet' 4 feet 8, 9 ,10 1/2, 5/8 & 3/4 Plank and panel products are also available in other lengths, widths, and thicknesses by special arrangement- t I Report No. NER-405 Table 2 Page 9 of 12 Maximum Wind Pressure . Hardiflex 3/16 4d common 6 2'X'4 wood 16 20 90 70 Hardisoffit 1-12 in. long .40 80 — 60 70 — 100 70 — Hardipanel 1/4 4d common 8 2 x 4 wood 16 20 90 — Hardiflex 1-12 in. long 40 80 — Hard'dex 60 70 - Hardisofft 24 20 70 — 40 — — Hardipanel 1/4 6d common 6 2 x 4 wood 16 20 120 1003 Hardiflex ' in. long 40 120 4 9004 Harditex 60 110119 904 100 9513 7016 200 8015 70.17 Hardipanel 1/4 No' 11 ga 6 2 x 4 wood 16 20 110 80 Hardiflex 1-1/4 in. long 40 105 80 Harditex galvanized 100 90 70 roofing nal 150 80 70 200 80 — 24 20 80 — 40 80 — 100 70 — Hardipanel 1/4 No. 11 ga. 4'edge 2 x 4 wood 16 20 120 90 Hard Ilex 1-1/4 in. long 12 field 40 120 90 ' Harditex galvanized 100 100 80 roofing nail 200 90 7C Hardipanel 5/16 4d common 8 2 x 4 wood 16 40 110 80 Hardiflex 1-12 in. long 100 90 70 , Harditex 150 80 — 200 70 — 24 20 90 — 40 80 — 60 70 — Hardpanel 5/16 6d common. 6 2 x 4 wood 16 20 120 100112 Hardiflex 2 in. long 40 120 9011 Harddax 60 110119 8011' • 100 95113 70 "s 200 80 S15 _ 317 Hardipanel 5/16 6d common 6 2 x 4 wood 24 20 110119 so, Hardiflex 2 in. long , 40 100 S -M 80, Harditex 60 90 721 708 100 80 —1s 200 70 — Hardipanel 5/16 6d common 4 2 x 4 wood 16 20 120 10011 Hardiflex 2 in. long 40 120 100'-" Harditex 60 120 904•11 100 •10011.19 8012 200 80120 7017 Hardipanel 5/16 6d common 4 2 x 4 wood 24 20 120 1051 Hardiflex 2 in. long 40 120 95 `•" Harditex -60 110119 90' 100 1006 6016 200 80 n,s 7017 Hardipanel 5/16 6d common 6 edge 2 x 4 wood 16 40 120 90 Hardillex 2 in. long 12 field 100 100 80 ' Harditex 200 90 70 Hardiflex 7/16 No. 11 ga 6 2 x 4 wood 16 20 120 120 Harditex 1-3/4 in. long . 40 120 110 galvanized 60 120 100 roofing nail 100 110 9012 200 10011 80 ° Report No. NER-405 e 10 of 12 Table 2 (Continued) Maximum Wind Pressure pRODUCT PRODUCT FASTENER* FRAME. s TUD BUILD TYPES'. SPACING G. TYP IN THICKNESS E SPACING. TYPE, . (Inches). (Inches) (Feet) FOR EXPOSURE (inches) CATEGORYr B C ardiflex 3/16 Min. No. 8-18 x 1 6 Min. No. 20 ga. 16 20 80 70 ardisoffd in. long Hi -Lo® S® x 3-5/8 in. x 80 — 1:- or S -121x 0.323 1-318 in. metal 60 70 — in.HD ribbed C -stud 100 70 — bugle screws ardipanel 1/4 Min. No. 8-18 x 1 _ 6 Min. No. 20 ga. 16 20 120 90 . Hardiflex in. long Hi -Lo® S® x 3-58 in. x 40 110 90 Harddex or S -121x 0.323 1-3/8 in. metal 60 100 80 in.HD ribbed C -stud 100 90 80 bugle screws 150 90 70 200 80 70 24 20 90 70 40 80 — '100 70 — Mard'dlex 7/16 Min. No. 8-18 x 1 6 Min. No. 20 ga. 16 20 120 120 120, � Harddex in. long Hi -Lo® S® x 3-5/8 in. x 40 60 120 120 110' or S -121x 0.311 1-3/8 in. metal in. HD ribbed -stud 100 120 9012 bugle screws 200 1001: 8012 Hardiplank 5/16 6d common Through 2 x 4 wood 16 20 1302 1201 1002 902 6 in. 2 in. long Overlap 40 60 110, 902 " 7-12 in. 1 2 100 1002 902 9-12 in. 200 902 802 24 20 1002 702 40 902 701 60 802 702 100 802 — . 200 702 — liardiplank 5/16 6d common Through 2 x 4 wood 16 & 24 20 80 — 12 in. 2 in. long Overlap 40 70 — iardiplank 5/16 No. 11 ga Through 2 x 4 wood 16 20 110 90 6 if,. 1-1i4 in. long top edge 40 100 80 _7-12 in. galvanized of plank 100 90 70 :. 8 in. roofing naif 200 80 70 9-12 in. w/os/splice T ardiplank 5116 Min. No. 8-18 x Through Min. No. 16 ga. 16 & 24 20 902 — 6 in. 1-518 in. long Overlap x 3-5/8 in. x 40 802 — 7-12 in. Hi -L& S® or S- 1-3/8 metal 100 702 — . 8'in. in 0.323 in. C -stud 9-12 in. HD ribbed bugle 12 in. screws Hardiplank 5/16 Min. No. 8.18 x Through Min. No. 20 ga. 16 20 120 90 6 in. 1-1/4 in. long top edge x 3-5/8 in. x 40 110 90 7-12 in. Hi -Lo® S® or S- of plank 1-318 metal 60 100' 80 8 in. 121 x 0.375 in. Gstud 100 90 80 9-12 in. HD ribbed phil- 150 90 70 wafer screws 200 80 70 tr Vacies d wW havig a sped5: ga* d 0.42 a geaW- redroed by 10 mph •Ares lte*b* lap 56n9's istaied Wdl ott sw spree. um Bast Wind Speed may be' b 120 no in am replaced by tie 1994 Standard euadrg Code - um Basi Med Speed may be' b 110 milli n area mpAated by ft 1994 Sardad &idrg Code um Bast Med Speed may be iiaeaed b 105 mph in area reglamd by to 19% Standard &MV Cade. um Basic Med Speed may be iroeased b 100 no in area rued by tre 1994 Standard &d6>0 Cade. tm Basi Nyid Speed may be aaeaed b 95 no ii areas replaced by fie 1994 Standard B AkV Cade. W Basi Wind speed may be increased b 90 mph in area m7labd by t» 1994 Standard &idrg t C& Un Basic Wind Speed nay be ioeaed b 80 nph ii area replabd by tie 1994 Standard &&*V Cade: Rn Bast Wind Speed may be 4 aeaed b 70 no in areas mplabd by tie 1994 Standard DjUV Cade. nen Basic Ned speed may be iirseaed b 120 mph in am regJ W by to 1994 U dy., &8drg Code. °The Maornrm Bast Wind Speed may be increased b 110 mph in area n W&W byte 1994 Unimn Bii:bV Coda. 'The Madam Basic W d Speed may be iveased b 100 mph in am m;d&d by tip 199411i3onn &iirg Cade. "The Mmi nm Basic Wind Speed may be •neasbd b 95 no in area repeated by tie 1994 UnIonn B A*q Code. ON Ma):ia m Basic Need Speed may be itreaed b 90 no in areas mp d dby tie 1994 Urd= &A*V Cade. .*The MaA mm Basi:Vkd Speed may be iiceased b 85 no in ams mgAdadbytie 1994 Unil=&OVCode. 9be Maumm Basic Med Speed may to iiaeae It eo mph na=mgA tedbytie 1994 U* m &AinpCade. ON Mwdaw Basi Ned Speed may be iiaeaed b N no in area mpkied by tie 19941iniiorm &idng Cade. E ON Maamm Basic Ned Speed may to iraaased b 120 mph n area repl�d by tie 1993 M National Boifri4 Coda. �. . IN Maunm Basi Ned Speed may be' b 105 mph n area mpAaled by the 1951 BOG National Bu *9 Cade. "The Mamrmr Baic Wnd Speed may be iraeaed b 95 nph in areas mplated by tie 1943 BOG Il 1* &i59 Cade- Report No. NER-405 Table 3 Page 11 of 12 Shear Values Allowable Loads In Pounds Per Lineai Foot For Panel Shear Walls'.2 Hardiflex 3116 4d common 6 2 x 4 wood 16 145 Hardisoffit 1.12 in; long Hardipanel 1/4 .4d common 8 2 x 4 wood 16 & 24 120 Hardiflex 1712 in. long Hardisoffit Hardibacker4 1/4 0.086 in. x 1-3/8 in. 6 2 x 4 wood 16 & 24 140 long gypsum wall board nail Hardipanel 1/4 6d common 6 2 x 4 wood 16 190 t4.arddlex 2 in. long Hardipanel 114 No. 11 ga. 6 2 x 4 wood 16 & 24 180 Hardiflex 1-1/4 in. long Harditex' galvanized Hardibacker4 roofing nail , Hardipanel 1/4 No. 11 ga. 4 edge 2 x 4 wood 16 & 24 265 Hardiflex 1-1/4 in. long 12 field Harditex• galvanized Hardibacker4 roofing nail Hardipanel 1/4 No. 11 ga. 3 edge 2 x 4 wood 16 & 24 Hardiflex 1-1/4 in. long 6 field W/48 in. .295 Harditex' galvanized mid -height Hardibacker4 roofing nail block Hardipanel 5/16 4d common 8 2 x 4 wood 16 & 24 120 Hardiflex 1-12 in. long Hardipanel 5/16 6d common 6 2 x 4 wood 16 200 Hardiflex 2 in. long Hardipanel 5/16 6d common 6 2x 4 woodE24 153 Hardiflex 2 in. long Hardipanel 5/16 6d common 4 2 x 4 wood233 Hardiflex 2 in. long 2 x 4 wood 24 212 Hardipanel 5116 6d common 4 Hardiflex 2 in. long Hardipanel 5116 6d common 6 edge 2 x 4 wood 24 145 Hardiflex 2 in. long 12 field Hardipanel Hardiflex 5/16 No. 11 ga. 6 2 x 4 wood 16 200 1-12 in. long Harditex• galvanized Hardibacker4 roofing nail ` Hardipanel Hardiflex 5116 No. 11 ga. 4 edge 2 x 4 wood 16 280 1-12 in. long 12 field Harditex' galvanized Hardibacker' roofing nail' Hardipanel Hardiflex 5116 No. 11 ga. 3 edge 2 x 4 wood 16 340 Harditex' 1-12 in. long 6 field w/48 -in. Hardibacker4 galvanized . roofing nail mid -height block Hardiflex Hardipanel 7/16 No. 11 ga. 6 2 x 4 wood 16 '280 1-3/4 in. long Harditex' galvanized Hardibacker4 roofing nail -777777 Report Table Shear Values Allowable Loads In Pounds Per Lineal Foot For Panel Shear Walls"A . PRODUCT - .PRODUCT FASTENER FASTENER. . FRAtJIE STUD SHEAR 'TYPE THICKNESS TYPE: SPACING TYPES' SPACING VALUE (inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Plf) `. Hardiflex 3116 Min. No. 8-18 x 1 6 Min. No. 20 16 . 140 °: Hardisoffit in: long Hi -Lo® S°' ga x 3-5/8 in. or S-12ru x 0.323 x 1-318 in. in. HD ribbed metal C -stud bugle screws Hardipanel 1/4 Min. No. 8-18 x 1 6 Min. No. 20 164 24 125 • Hardiflex in. long Hi-LoP S®. ga. x 3-5/8 in. Harditex' or S -121x 0.323 x 1-3/8 in. Hardibadcer4 ` in. HD ribbed metal C -stud bugle screws Hardipanel 5116 Min. No. 8-18 x 1 6 Min. No. 20 16 160 Hardiflex in. long Hi -Lo® S® ga. x 3-5/8 in. Harditex' or S -1 2n x 0.323 x 1-3/8 in. Hardibadcer'. in. HD ribbed metal C -stud bugle screws Harddlex 7/16 Min. No. 8-18 x 1 6 Min. No. 20 16 162 r: Hardipanel in. long Hi -Lo® S® ga. x 3-5/8 in. Harditex' or S-12' x 0.311 x 1-3/8 in. Hardibadcer' in. HO ribbed metal C -stud bugle screws board edges must be supported by framing. Panels are applied with the long dimension parallel to studs. , a maximum height -to -length ratio for construction in this Table is 1-1/2 to 1. ues are for species of wood having a spec gravity of 0.42 or greater. rdnex and Hardibadcer panels are also permitted to be applied with the long dimension perpendicular to studs. Y J'tloN fjwwmm �r L W n ICBG Evaluation Service., Inc. TM A subsidiary corporation of the International Conference of Building Officials EVALUATION REPORT ReportNo. 4285 Copyright © 1993 ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc. August, 1993 Filing Category: FASTENERS—Concrete and Masonry Anchors (066) ITW RAMSET/REO HEAD EPCON SYSTEM CERAMIC 6 EPDXY ANCHORS ITW RAMSET/REO HEAD 1300 NORTH MICHAEL AVENUE WOOD DALE, ILLINOIS 60191-1009 I. Subject: ITW Ramset/Red Head Epcon System Ceramic 6 Epoxy Anchors. II. Description: A. General: The ITW Ramset/Red Head Epcon System Ceramic 6 Epoxy Anchors are stud -type adhesive anchors for use in con- crete and unreinforced brick walls. The anchors consist of a polymer epoxy adhesive and a threaded steel rod, nut and washer or deformed shank reinforcing bars fabricated from ASTM A 615 Grade 60 steel. For installation in unreinforced brick walls, a threaded steel rod, screen tube, steel sleeve, steel plate, nut and washer are used with the epoxy adhesive. The Epcon polymer epoxy adhesive, identified as "Ceramic 6," is con- tained in a cartridge having equal amounts of resin and hardener compo- nents. The dual -component cartridge is used with a hand -powered injec- tor tool and disposable plastic mixing nozzle which mixes the resin and hardener components as they are pumped through the nozzle. Adhesive curing periods are noted in Table No. I. The recommended shelf life of the cartridges is two years when stored at temperatures of 40°F. to 125°F. B. Concrete: 1. General: Anchors are used in normal -weight concrete having various compressive strengths. Installation requirements and allowable tension and shear values are tabulated for various threaded rod sizes in Tables Nos. II through V. Allowable loads and details for installa- tion of reinforcing bars are in Tables Nos. VI through VIII. Allowable values are adjusted in accordance with Figure No.1 based on expected concrete temperatures. Allowable loads for anchors in concrete substrates subjected to com- bined shear and tension forces are determined by the ratio of actual shear to allowable shear plus the ratio of actual tension to allowable tension not exceeding 1.00. 2. Installation: A hole is drilled and cleaned of dust and debris using a nylon brush and a jet of compressed air to accommodate the anchor. Holes for 3/8- and 1/2 -inch threaded studs are drilled 1/16 inch larger than the stud diameter to predetermined depths with hand-held electropneu- matic rotary hammer drills'using carbide -tipped drill bits which comply with ANSI Specification B94-12-1977. Holes for reinforcing bars and 5/8- through 1 -inch threaded studs are drilled 1/8 inch larger than the stud diameter. A mixing nozzle is attached to the Epcon cartridge and the assembly in turn attached to the injector tool. Before application, the epoxy is pumped out of the nozzle until a uniform light gray material is achieved. Holes are filled approximately one-half full with the mixed epoxy and the threaded rods inserted with a rotating motion to the bottom of the hole. 3. Miscellaneous: Finding No. 6 indicates that adhesive anchors can- not be used to resist pull-out forces in overhead and wall installations. This restriction is necessary soley because the adhesive is temperature sensitive. Anchors can be satisfamorily installed in walls and ceilings, pro- vided proper consideration is given to fire conditions. Other installation details remain unchanged. C. Unreinforced Brick Walls: 11. General: Anchors installed in existing unreinforced brick walls with Epson Ceramic 6 Adhesive resist seismic loads only. Existing unreinforced crick walls must have a minimum thick-. ness of 13 inches. Anchors are in stalled in three configurations with each utilizing the adhesives, threaded mod and screen tube. Configuration A, as shown in Figure No. 3 has a straight threaded rod embedded 8 inches into the wall. Configuration B, as shown in Figure No. 4 consists of the threaded rod bent and installed :3 inches into the wall at a 22.5 degree angle. Configuration C uses a through bolt, steel sleeve and a steel plate as shown in Figure No. 5. The threaded rod for Configuralions A and B is a zinc -plated 3/4 -inch -di- ameter ASTM A 307 threaded iod. A 5/8 -inch -diameter ASTM A 307 threaded rod is used in Configuration C. The screen tube is electrogalvanized steel wire cloth formed into a tube with a 15/16 -inch diameter and a 10,ngth of 8 inches, except for Configura- tion B where the tube length is 13 inches. The screen tubes used in Config- uration C have a plastic bottom t:) prevent escape of adhesive and allow through drilling to complete the anchor installation. A 75/8 -inch -long sleeve formes from No. 16 gauge ASTM A 36 steel used in the through bolted condition of Configuration C has an outside diameter of 13/16 inch. A plastic r lug is inserted in the tapered end of the sleeve. The flared end of the sleeve has hexagonal splines to accept a socket extension. A 6 -inch by 6 -inch by 3/8 -inch -thick ASTM A 36 steel plate is located on the back face of the wall at the end of the threaded rod of the through -bolted connectior.. Allowable shear for Configurations A and C is 1,000 pounds. The allow- able tension for Configuration B is 1,200 pounds. Allowable values are for short -duration seismic loads and cannot be increased for short-term loads. The adhesive for the installed anchors must be protected from direct weather exposure. 2. Installation: The anchors are installed in 1 -inch -diameter holes drilled into mortar joints with sta idard rotary drill bits for use in concrete or masonry and a rotary drill or rotary hammer drill used in the "rotation only" mode. The hole is drilled perpendicular to the wall face to an 8 inch depth for Configuration A and through the wall for Configuration C. The hole for the Configuration B anclor is installed at the angle and embed- ment described in Section II C 1 using a guide which is either hand held or attached to the drill. The holes are cleaned with oil -free compressed air and a nylon brush. The mixed adhesive is injected into the screen tube until completely full. The tube is then placed into the dilled hole, the threaded rod of Configura- tions A and B orthe steel sleeve cf Configuration C slowly pushed into the screen tube and rotated continu>ausly, forcing the adhesive through the screen and into the hole. The adhesive must be cured at the temperature and time periods noted in Table No. I before load application in Configura- tions A and B or before continuing installation of the Configuration C Evaluation reports of ICBG Evaluation Service, Inc., are issued solely to provide information to Class A members of ICB0, utilizing the code upon which the report is based. Evaluation reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any otherattributes not specifically addressed noras an endorsement or recommen- dation for use of the subject report. This report is based upon independent tests or other technical data submitted by the applicant. The ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc., technical staf%has reviewed the test results and/or other data, but does not possess test facilities to make an independent verification. There is no warranty by ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc., express or implied, as to any "Finding" or other matter in the report or as to any product covered by the report. This disclaimer ineludes, but is not limited to, merchantability. Page 1 of 6 Page 2 of 6 anchor. After the adhesive is cured in Configuration C, a 5/8 -inch -diameter hole is drilled with a standard rotary drill bit through the plastic plug in the end of the steel sleeve. The 5/8 -inch threaded rod is inserted through the hole and attached to the opposite side of the wall with the metal plate and nut. 3. Miscellaneous: Acceptability is contingent on the following a. Approval by the design engineer. b. Installation under special inspection in accordance with Section I I D of the code. c. Only seismic loads are imposed on anchors. d. Configurations A and C for seismic shear loads: (1) Allowable load is applicable only where in-place shear tests indicate a minimum mortar strength of 50 psi net. (2) Twenty-five percent of anchors are tested by a special inspector using a calibrated -torque wrench set at a minimum torque of 60 foot pounds. Steel sleeves for anchors in Configuration C are tested prior to installation of threaded rods. (3) Anchors installed in accordance with Configuration A and C have a minimum edge distance and spacing of 16 inches. e. Configuration B for seismic tension loads: (1) Allowable load is applicable only where in-place mortar shear tests indicate a minimum ultimate strength of 50 psi net. (2) Five percent of anchors are tested with a minimum of two tests required. Where the wall thickness varies, at least one test is performed on an anchor which has the least embedment. Tests indicate that bolts can sustain a tensile load of 3,000 pounds for a five-minute.period with an allowable 10 percent deviation. Tests are under the supervision of the project engineer or an approved testing laboratory. As a minimum, the test report includes: (a) Test location(s). (b) Brick/mortar condition. (c) Bolt movement/elongation. (d) Embedment depth. (e) Applied load The project engineer and contractor must submit the test report to the local building department with a statement of compliance with this report. (3) Twenty percent of installed anchors are tested by a special inspector using a torque -calibrated wrench to a minimum torque of 60 foot pounds. (4) Configuration B anchors have a minimum edge distance and spac- ing of 16 inches. D. Special Inspection: Adhesive anchor installations require special inspection in accordance with Section 306 of the code. The special inspec- tor records the drill bit compliance with ANSI 894.12-1977; hole depth and cleanliness; product description, including product name, rod diame ter and length; adhesive expiration date; and verification of anchor instal- lation with the manufacturer's published instructions and this report. E. Identification: The Epcon Ceramic 6 Epoxy Anchors are identified by labels on the packaging indicating the manufacturer's name, product name, material type, serial number traceable to production date, length and diameter of the threaded rod. IN. Evidence Submitted: Descriptive details and results of tension, shear and creep tests. Report No. 4285 Findings IV. Findings: That ITW Ramset/Read Head Epcon System Ceramic 6 Epoxy Anchors described in this report comply with the 1991 Uniform Building Code, subject to the following conditions: 1. The anchors are installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and this report. 2. Anchors are installed in holes and substrates predrilled with a carbide -tipped masonry drill manufactured within the range of the maximum and minimum drill -tip dimensions of ANSI Stand- ard B94.12-1977 for the allowable values set forth in this report. 3. Special inspection in accordance with Section II D is provided for all anchor installations. 4. Calculations and details showing compliance with this report are submitted to the local building official for approval. 5. Anchors are not used to support fire -resistive construction. 6. Anchors are not used to resist tension forces in ceiling or wall installations except as noted in this report. 7.. Anchors are not subjected to vibratory or shock loads, such as supports for reciprocating engines or crane rails. 8. Adhesive anchors in unreinforced brick walls resist seismic forces only. 1992 Supplement to the U.B.C.: This report is unaffected by the supple- ment. This report is subject to re-examination in two years. TABLE NO. I—MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDED CURE TIME FOR EPCON EPDXY ANCHORS MINIMUM CONCRETE TEMPERATURE (°F.) INITIAL SET TIME' (Hours) CURE TIMEZ (Hours) 40 3.0 48 50 2.0 36 60 1.5 24 68 1.0 24 90 1.0 24 IAnchors are to be undisturbed during the initial set time. ZCure time required prior to application of allowable (design) tensile and shear loads. TABLE NO. II—REDUCTION FACTORS FOR REDUCED SPACING AND EDGE DISTANCES FOR THREADED ROD INSTALLED IN CONCRETE WITH EPCON ADHESIVE1,2,3. TENSION CAPACITY SHEAR CAPACITY Spacing (S) and Factor Spacing (S) and Factor Edge Distance (m)' (F,) Edge Distance (m) Direction of Load (F,.) S,,,;,,=0.50S 0.7 m,,,;,,=0.67m toward edge 0.50 not toward edge 0.60 m,,,;,,=0.50m 0.7 nt,,,;,,=0.50m toward edge 0.25 not toward edge 0.40 Smin=O.SOS toward edge 0.60 not toward edge 1.00 (Linear interpolation is allowed for edge distances which fall between 0.50m, 0.67m and 1.00m, and anchor spacing which falls between 0.50S and LOOS. 2Load reduction factors should be combined where applicable. In the case where three or more anchors are used, spacing reduction factors must be combined (multiplied). Where two or more edge distances affect performance, edge reduction factors must be combined. When a group of anchors is affected by both reduced spacing and reduced edge distances, the edge and spacing reduc- tion factors must be combined. ;See Figure No. 2 for design example 4 r Page 3 of 6 Report No. 4285 TABLE NO. 111 -SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS FOR INSTALLATION OF THREADED ROD IN CONCRETE WITH EPCON EPDXY ADHESIVE TABLE NO. IV -ALLOWABLE TENSILE LOADS FOR THREADED ROD INSTALLED IN NORMAL -WEIGHT CONCRETE WITH EPCON EPDXY ADHESIVE (Pounds) -.2,3,4,5,6,7 PROPERTY- 3/6 1/2 ROD DIAMETER (Inch) 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 MIN. EMBED. Tensile stress area of rod (in.2) 0.0775 0.142 0.226 0.334 0.462 0.606 Ah Nominal area of rod (in.2) 0.1042 0.1867 0.2935 0.424f. 0.5798 0.7589 BD Nom. bit diameter hole size (in.) 7/16 9/16 3/4 7/8 1 11/8 E Min. anchor embed. hole depth (in.) 33/8 41/2 55/8 63/4 77/8 9 T Max. tightening torque (ft. -lbs.) 18 135 6,120 80 160 1220 330 H Min. base material thickness (in.) 51/2 161/2 5,385 73/4 9 1 101/2 12 TABLE NO. IV -ALLOWABLE TENSILE LOADS FOR THREADED ROD INSTALLED IN NORMAL -WEIGHT CONCRETE WITH EPCON EPDXY ADHESIVE (Pounds) -.2,3,4,5,6,7 I Allowable load must be the lesser of bond or steel strength. The steel strength values in the table are in accordance with Ttble No. 27-A of the Uniform Building Code and Table No. 27-10-D of the U.B.C. Standards. 2The allowable tension capacities based on bond strength reflect the higher short-term test values obtained. Allowable loads based on bond strength may not be increased for duration of load. 3The tabulated values are for anchors installed at the specified spacing (S) and edge (m) distances. Spacing and edge distances may be reduced in accordance with Table No. 11. Linear interpolation may be used for intermediate spacings. 4The tabulated values are for anchors installed in concrete having the designated compressive strength at the time of instalation. 5EPCON anchors experience a reduction in tensile and shearcapacity with increased ambient temperatures. The load factors noted in Figure No. 1 must be applied to the values noted in the table above when the anchors are installed in locations where the.ambient temperatures may exceed 85°F. 6Special inspection in accordance with Section 306 (a) 2 and 14 of the code must be provided for all anchor installations. 7The anchors cannot be used to resist pullout forces in overhead and wall installations, unless proper consideration is given to fire conditions. TABLE NO. V -ALLOWABLE SHEAR LOADS FOR THREADED ROD INSTALLED IN NORMAL -WEIGHT CONCRETE WITH EPCON EPDXY ADHESIVE (Pounds) 1,2,3,4,5,6 ANCHOR DESIGNATION MIN. EMBED. DEPTH E (Inches) SPACING S (Inches) EDGE DIST. m (Inches) TENSILE LOAD BASED ON BOND SHE/Rt LOAD BASED ON STEEL STRENGTH A307 A193 Gr. B (SAE 10181 (SAE 4140) SS 304 EPCON 3/8 MIN. EMBED. 5 33/8 STRENGTH TENSILE LOAD BASED ON STEEL STRENGTH 1,500 1,040 2,290 A307 A193 Gr. B 41/2 ANCHOR DEPTH E SPACING S EDGE DIST. DESIGNATION (Inches) (Inches) m (Inches) f'c= 2,000 f'c= 3,500 f'c= 6,000 (SAE 10/8p (SAE 4140) SS 304 EPCON 3/8 33/8 5 33/8 1,655 2,140 2,655 2,080 4,580 1,670 6,120 41/2 41/2 41/2 - 2,650 - 77/8 5,385 7,575 EPCON 1/2 41/2 63/4 41/2 2,825 3,625 3,475 3,730 8,210 2,990 11,600 6 6 6 - 4,350 - EPCON 5/8 55/8 81/2 55/8 4,190 5,720 6,050 5,870 12,910 4,700 71/2 71/2 71/2 - 7,365 - EPCON 3/4 63/4 101/4 63/4 7,415 8,215 8,440 8,490 18,680 6,790 9 9 9 - 9,715 - EPCON 7/8 77/8 113/4 77/8 8,815 9,430 10,255 11,600 25,510 - 9,280 101/2 101/2 101/2 - 12,800 - --TT,21 EPCON 1 9 131/2 9 10,825 11,400 15,180 33,390 12,140 12 12 12 - 15,760 - I Allowable load must be the lesser of bond or steel strength. The steel strength values in the table are in accordance with Ttble No. 27-A of the Uniform Building Code and Table No. 27-10-D of the U.B.C. Standards. 2The allowable tension capacities based on bond strength reflect the higher short-term test values obtained. Allowable loads based on bond strength may not be increased for duration of load. 3The tabulated values are for anchors installed at the specified spacing (S) and edge (m) distances. Spacing and edge distances may be reduced in accordance with Table No. 11. Linear interpolation may be used for intermediate spacings. 4The tabulated values are for anchors installed in concrete having the designated compressive strength at the time of instalation. 5EPCON anchors experience a reduction in tensile and shearcapacity with increased ambient temperatures. The load factors noted in Figure No. 1 must be applied to the values noted in the table above when the anchors are installed in locations where the.ambient temperatures may exceed 85°F. 6Special inspection in accordance with Section 306 (a) 2 and 14 of the code must be provided for all anchor installations. 7The anchors cannot be used to resist pullout forces in overhead and wall installations, unless proper consideration is given to fire conditions. TABLE NO. V -ALLOWABLE SHEAR LOADS FOR THREADED ROD INSTALLED IN NORMAL -WEIGHT CONCRETE WITH EPCON EPDXY ADHESIVE (Pounds) 1,2,3,4,5,6 ANCHOR DESIGNATION MIN. EMBED. DEPTH E (Inches) SPACING S (Inches) EDGE DIST. m (Inches) SHEAR LOAD BASED ON CONCRETE STRENGTH f'c= 2,000 f'c= 3,500 ' f'c= 6,000 SHE/Rt LOAD BASED ON STEEL STRENGTH A307 A193 Gr. B (SAE 10181 (SAE 4140) SS 304 EPCON 3/8 33/8 5 33/8 1,270 1,500 1,500 1,040 2,290 1,040 EPCON 1/2 41/2 63/4 41/2 2,200 2,200 2,650 1,870 4,110 1,870 EPCON 5/8 55/8 81/2 55/8 13,290 4,115 4,270 2,940 6,460 2,940 EPCON 3/4 63/4 101/4 63/4 3,995 5,085 6,120 4,250 9,340 4,250 EPCON 7/8 77/8 113/4 77/8 5,385 7,575 8,140 5,800 12,760 5,800 EPCON 1 9 131/2 9 6,310 9,505 11,600 7,590 16,700 7,590 I Allowable load must be the lesser of concrete or steel strength. The steel strength values in the table are in accordance with'I'able' No. 27-A of the Uniform Building Code and Tables Nos. 27-10-D and 27=10-P of the U.B.C. Standards. 2The tabulated values are for anchors installed at the specified spacing (S) and edge (m) distances. Spacing and edge distances may be reduced in accordance with Table No. I1.. Linear interpolation may be used for intermediate spacings. 3The tabulated values are for anchors installed in concrete having the designated compressive strength at the time of installation. 'Special inspection in accordance with Section 306 (a) 2 and 14 of the code must be provided for all anchor installations- 5EPCON anchors experience a reduction in tensile and shear capacity with increased ambient temperatures. The load factors noted in Figure No. I must be applied to the values noted in the table above when the anchors are installed in locations where the ambient temperatures may exceed 85°F. 6Allowable loads based on bond strength may not be increased for duration of load. Page 4 of 6 V, TABLE NO. Vl—REDUCTION FACTORS FOR REDUCED SPACING AND EDGE DISTANCES FOR REINFORCING BAR INSTALLED IN CONCRETE WITH EPCON ADHESIVEI,2,3 TENSION CAPACITY SHEAR CAPACITY Spacing No. 4 Spacing 1 No. 6 Ah, and Ege Factor and Factor 0.31 0.44 Distance (m) (F,) Distance (m) Direction of load (F„) 5,,,;,,=0.505 0.5 mmin=0.67m toward edge 0.50 55/8 63/4 No. 6 not toward edge 0.60 mn,i„=0.50m 0.7 m,;,in=0.50m toward edge 0.25 not toward edge 0.40 Smin=0.50S toward edge 0.5 not toward edge 0.5 'Linear interpolation is allowed for edge distances which fall between 0.50m, 0.67m and 1.00m, and anchor spacing which falls between 0.505 and LOOS. '-Load reduction factors should be combined where applicable. In the case where three or more anchors are used, spacing reduction factors must be combined (multiplied). Where two or more edge distances affect performance, edge reduction factors must be combined. When a group of anchors is affected by both reduced spacing and reduced edge distances, the edge and spacing reduc- tion factors must be combined. 3See Figure No. 2 for similar design example with threaded rod Report No. 4285 TABLE NO. VII—SPECIFICATION AND INSTALLATION DETAILS FOR REINFORCING BAR INSTALLED IN CONCRETE WITH EPCON ADHESIVE d Rebar Size No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 1 No. 6 Ah, Nominal area of rebar (in.'-) 0.11 0.20 0.31 0.44 d„ Nominal bit diameter hole size (in.) 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 E Minimum anchor embedment (in.) 33/8 4' 55/8 63/4 TABLE NO. VIII—ALLOWABLE LOADS FOR ASTM A 615 GRADE 60 REINFORCING BAR INSTALLED IN NORMAL -WEIGHT CONCRETE WITH EPCON ADHESIVE (Pounds)1,2,3,4 REBAR SIZE MINIMUM . EMBEDMENT DEPTH E (Inches) SPACING S(Inches) EDGE DISTANCE m (Inches) CONCRETE STRENGTH r', = Tensions 2,500 psi Shear No. 3 33/8 5 33/8 1,895 1,565 No. 4 41/2 63/4 41/2 2,825 2,430 No. 5 55/8 81/2 55/8 3,540 3,880 No. 6 63/4 101/4 63/4 7,190 5,110 'The tabulated values are for rebar installed in concrete having the designated compressive strengih or higher at the time of installation. 2The tabulated values are for anchors installed at the specified spacing (S) and edge (m) distances. Spacing and edge distances may be reduced in accordance with Table No. VI. Linear interpolation may be used for intermediate spacings. 3The anchors cannot be used to resist tension forces in overhead and wall installations unless proper consideration is given to fire conditions. 4The allowable load values may not be increased for short-term wind or seismic loading. 5The anchors experience a reduction in tensile capacity with increased ambient temperatures. The load factors noted in Figure No. I must be applied to the values noted in the above table when the anchors are installed in locations where the concrete temperature may exceed 76-F. Percent of Allowable Load oU i5 1UU 125 150 175 200 225 Temperature (°F.) FIGURE NO. 1—CONCRETE TEMPERATURE SENSITIVITY LOAD FACTOR FOR EPCON ANCHORS Design Example Determine the tension and shear capacity of four 1 -inch threaded studs installed near a corner of a concrete stab using the EPCON System. The anchors are embedded 12 inches (E = 12") and are spaced 12 inches on center (S =12") with an edge distance =:)f 6 inches. Concrete: hardrock, f 'c _ 3500 psi. Threaded studs: A 193 Grade B steel, fw = 125,000 psi. The allowable tension values listed in Table No. IV for 1 -inch anchors installed at an embedment of 12 inches, require an edge distance of 12 inches and anchor spacing of 12 inches. Table No. II allows reductions up to 50 percent in both the spacing and edge distances, provided that the allowable values are reduced by the listed reduction factors. Bolt No.1 is affected by two reduced edge distances and must be reduced by the combined reduction factors as follows: MI = mz = 6" use F,m = 0.7 (Table No. II) F„=0.7x0.7=0.49 P, = 15,760 lbs. x 0.49 = 7,722 lbs. 4l Bolts Nos. 2 and 3 are affected by one reduced edge distance and must be reduced as follows: S,=12” M, = m2 = 6" use F,m = 0.7 (Table No. II) F,z=F,3=0.7 M , = 6" Pz = P3 = 15,760 lbs. x 0.7 = 11,032 lbs. Bolt No. 4 is not affected by edge distances, therefore: P,= 15,760 M2 = 6" S6 12" The allowable shear values listed in Table No. V for 1 -inch anchors are based on an embedment of 9 inches, an edge distance of 9 inches, and spacing of 13'12 inches. Table No. II allows reductions up to 50 percent in both the spacing and edge distances, provided that the allowable values are reduced by the listed reduction factors. Linear interpolation may be used for intermediate spacing or edge distances. Bolt No. 1 is affected -by two edge distances and reduced spacing, and must be reduced by the combined reduction factors as follows: Shear reduction factor for reduced edge distance: MI = mz = 6" use F. = 0.5 (Table No. ll) Shear reduction factor for reduced spacing: Sz = 12" S = 131/2" Smin = 63/4' . interpolate for reduced spacing: F., = f Sz-(S-Smin) (1:0-F„)� + F„ ` (S - SmiJ F.,=0.31 +0.6=0.91 Total shear reduction factor for Bolt No. 1: F,,, = Fes,,, x F„,,, x F., = 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.91 = 0.228 Shear capacity for Bolt No. 1: V, = 9,505 lbs. x 0.228 = 2,162 lbs. Bolt Nos. 2 and 3 are affected by one edge distance and reduced spacing, and must be reduced by the combined reduction factors as follows: Shear reduction factor for -educed edge distance: M1 = mz = 6" use F,,,, = 0.5 (Table No. II) Shear reduction factor for -educed spacing. Same as for Bolt No. 1: F,, = Fez = 0.91 Total shear reduction factor. foo Bolt No. 2 or 3 (load direction toward free edge): Fn = F., . x F„sz = 0.5 x 0.91 = 0.455 Vz = V3 = 9,505 lbs. x 0.455 = 4,324 lbs. Total shear reduction factor for Bolt No. 2 or 3 (load direction parallel to free edge): Fn=F„„=0.6 Vz = V3 = 9,505 lbs. x 0-6 = 5,703 lbs. Shear capacity for Bolt No. 4: use full capacity. Note: The values shown above are valid for individual anchors. For multiple anchor attachments, the engineer must evaluate the actual. application to determine how these values should be used. FIGURE NO. 2—REDUCTION FACTOR DESIGN EXAMPLE Page 6 of 6 Report No. 4285 FIGURE NO. 3—CONFIGURATION A FIGURE NO. 4—CONFIGURATION B FIGURE NO. 5—CONFIGURATION C Aug -07-97 03:44P APA — TSD r 253 565-7265 P_02 !National Evaluation Service', Inc. Participating Members: SBCCi Public Safety BOCA Evaluation Services, Inc. ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc. Testing and E.raluatlon Services; Int. . 4051 West Flossmoor Road 53W Workman Mill Road Wo Mvrtclak Road. Suite A Country Club Hills. Illinois 60478.5795 Whittier: California 90601-22% Sirtninyham. Alabama 352131206 (706) 798-2305 1310) 699.0543 (235) 599.9500 NATIONAL EVALUATION REPORT Report No. NER-108 Copyright 0 1997 National Evaluation Services, Inc. ,Reissued April 1, 1997 STANDARDS FOR STRUCTURAL -VSE PANELS . APA - The Engineered Wood Association. POST OFFICE BOX 11700 TACOMA, WASHINGTON 98411-0700 1.0 SUBJECT Standards for Structural -Use Panels 2.0 PROPERTIES FOR WHICH EVALUATION IS SOUGHT Product Performance and Installation Requirements tor: 2.1 Wall Sheathing 2.1 Floor Sheathing 2.3 Roof Sheathing ' 2.4 Siding 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 Product Performance Standards 3.1.1 Genera!: APA - The Engineered Wood Association is an agency that promulgates the following standards as published in the "Performance Standards and Policies for Structural -Use Panels", PRP -108 (February,. 1994): • Sturd-I-Floor Standard e Sheathing Standard e Siding Standard The U.S. Department of Commerce promulgates Voluntary Product Standard PS 2.92 'Performance Standard for Wood - eased Structural -Use Panels'. Panels evaluated under this report comply with either APA PfiP-108 or DOC PS 2-92 requirements, or both. Although the structural performance requirements or DOC PS 2-92 and APA PRP -108 are the saint~ the panel identification stamp shall include the standard(s) to which the panel was tested. 3.1.2 APA Rated Sturd-1-Floor standard covers thicknesses from 19132 through 1.118 inch 115.08 through 28.56 mml. Face ply (if veneer) and the ply adjacent to the face (if veneer) shall meet the applicable -requirements of DOC PS 1.95 for underlayment grade. Veneer faces are touchsanded and the backs are unsanded, touch -sanded-, or textured. . 3.1.3 APA Rated Sheathing standard identifies subfloor span ratings of 16, 20, 24, 32 and 48 inches (406.4, 508, 609.6, 812.8 and 1219.2 mm) and roof !pan ratings of 16, 20, 24, 32, 40, 48. 54 and 60 inches (406.4, 508, 609.6. 812.8, 1016, 1219.2, 1371.6, 'and 1524 rrm), or wall span ratings of 16 or 24 inches (406.4 or 609.E mm)- The span rating is determined on the basis of the resu'ts of performance tests as' noted in Section 3.1.5. APA Rated Sheathing/Ceiling Deck has one face textured. APA Rated Wall Bracing has a wall span rating of 16 or 24 inches 1406.4 or 609.6 mm). 3.1.4 APA Rated Siding standard identifies span ratings (maximum stud spacings) of 16 and '24 inches (406.4 and 609-6 mm). Panels are composed entirely of veneer, of combinations of veneer and reconstituted wood or entirely of reconstituted .,wood, except that hardboard siding is not included. The span -rating is determined on the basis of results of performance tests as noted in Section 3.1.5. 3.1.5 Performance Requlrsments Structural Performance: 'Structural -use panels meet performance requirements established by . APA for concentrated, impact, and. uniform loads for the end use, span on the grade mark Panels are tested dry, wetted and redried and, for certain loading conditions, tested wet. Load test requirements are given in APA PAP -108. Roof spans and live loads shall not exceed those given in Table No. 3 and dead loads not to exceed 10 psi (480 Pal. The live load for floor .panels shall not exceed 100 psi (4800 Pal with a dead load not to exceed 10 psi 1480 Pa), except the Sturd-I-Floor panel, with a span rating of 48 inches (1219.2 mm) on center, Js limited to a total floor load of 65 psi (3120 Pa). Panel Durability: The performance standard requires evaluation of the resin bonding system. Exterior -type plywood in U.S. Department of Commerce Voluntary Product Standard PS 1-95 is designed to be permanently exposed in outdoor applications. Siding panels are identified as Exterior. Other panels.are identified as Exposures 1 or 2 and are not intended for permanent exposure to wealtrer. Exposure 1 or 2 panels are designed to be used for _-oof sheathing, subflooring, this report is !(mired to she specific product and data and test reports sub"Wrsed by she applicant in Its application requesting this ►epnrt. No Independent taws .vete performed by the National Evaluation Service, Inc. (NES), and NES specifically dots nor ma4r any warranty, tither expressed or toWlied, as to any)haling or usher mailer in this reporr or as to any product cowered by this report. This disclaimer includes, but Is not limited to, merchantability. This report is also soNect to the llmltadon listed herein. Page 1 of 6 M Aug -07-97 03:44P APA - TSO 253 565-7265 P.03 Page 2 of a Report No. NER-108 combination subtloor-undertayment, or wall sheathing and shall overed with an approved roof covering or exterior wall ring. Panels identified as Exposure 1 are designed to be used for root sheathing where exposed on the underside such .as on eaves. 3.1.6 Compositlon Veneer: Veneer used in structural -use panels meets the applicable requirements of DOC PS 1-95. Veneer not meeting the requirements of DOC PS 1-95 is designed to be used, provided the panels meet the applicable performance. requirements. Wneer is used through -out the all -veneer panels and for face and back plies or inner layers in composite panels. Reconstituted Wood: Panels composed entirely of reconstituted wood are waferboard, oriented strandboard or other wood -based panels. The panels are manufactured to meet the performance requirements given in APA PRP -108. 3.1.7 Panels 3:1.7.1 Size: Panels are generally produced in nominal sizes of 4 feet by .8 feet. 0.2 m by 2.4 m). Length and width tolerances are +0, -1/8 inch (+0. -3.18 mm). Tongue -and -groove Joints: When panels have tongue - and -groove joints, the joints are on the 8 foot (2-4 mi sides. 4 foot (1.2 m) ends, or both. Shiplep edges: When siding panels have shiplap edges. the edges occur on the 8, 9, or 10 foot (2.4, 2.7 or 3 �,. (O cdes. The joint K typically cut approximately one-half way ugh the thickness and when installed tatter expansion occurs), provides a 3/8 inch (9.53 mm) lap. 4.0 INSTALLATION 4.1 General The Structural -Use -Panels shall be installed in accordance with this report and the applicable code. All panels used for floors and roofs shall be installed aver two or more spans, with the long dimension perpendicular to supports. spaced in accordance with the span rating. Where the strong panel direction is not parallel to the long dimension, or where the span rating.applies to either direction, panels shall be so identified and shall be installed accordingly. A % inch (12.7 mm) gap shall be provided between the panel . and concrete or masonry walls. Cutouts for plumbing and electrical shall be oversized. Firestopping is required in accordance with the applicable code. Framing members shall properly align with the panel surface. Square -edged panels used for floors shall be covered with one o1 the following: minimum 114 inch (6.35 mm) or thicker underlayment; or minimum 1-112 inches (38.10 mml of cellular or lightweight concrete; or 3/4 inch 119.05 mm) wood strip finish flooring; Or the edges shall be supported with blocking. Fasteners shall be located 3/8 inch (9.53 mm) from panel . edges. Supported panel joints shall occur approximately along the Centerline of framing with a minimum: bearing of % inch. (12.7 mm). 4.2 Sturd-1-Floor. . Panel end pints shall'be staggered. Ring- or screw -shank nails are used to attach Sturd-1-Floor panels Ior supports -- 60 for thicknesses through 3/4 inch (19.05 mm? and 8d for greater thicknesses. Nails are spaced a maximum of 6 inches (152.4 mm) on center along panel. edges and 12 inches 1304.8 mm) on center along intermediate supports except -that for 48 inch (1219.2 mm) spans the maximum spacing shall be 6 inches (152.4 mm) along intermediate supports. Sturdy -Floor parcels having nonveneer faces and intended for u;e under nontextile- ;..r2silient flooring shall be covered with 1114 inch 16.35 mml minimum thickness underlayment- If panels are field glued with an adhesive meeting APA Specification AFG-01 applied to joists and tongue and groove edges, nails may be spaced a maximum cf 12 inches 1304.8 mm) along all bearings for panels 314 inches (19.05 mm) or less, and 6 inches (152.4 mm) fur thicker panels. Framing shall be free of surface moisture, dirt. ::ernent, and other foreign materials prior to application of thr adhesive. Adhesives shall be applied in accordance with the adhesive. manufacturer's instructions. The application rate shall be -1/4 inch (6.35 mm) diameter beads applied to each . joist or blocking member, except two 1/4 inch (3.35 mm) diameter beads shall be applied .where panels abut on a joist. Installation .of the panels shall be within the time limit designated by the adhesive manufacturer Where diaphragm --� action is required, the nail size and spacing shall be as set forth in Table 1. If panels are square edged arid.resilient Ilorr covering is to be applied directly, panel edges shall be supported by 2 inch 150.8 mm) lumber blocking. Where panels are covered with.a. 114 inch (6.35 mm) minimum thickness underlayment or have tongue -and -groove edges, blocking is nor required except if required by Table 1. 4.3 Sheathing 4.3.1 Wall Sheathing and Floor Panels: ?anels used for wall sheathing are permitted to be installed with the long panel dimension either perpendicular or parallel to studs. Panels - rated for wall spans shall be installed over studs spaced no farther apart than the span rating. When panels rated for roof spans are used for wall sheathing, the mapcimum stud spacing is 16 inches (406.4 mml for panels with Ratings of 16 and 20 inches (406.4 and 508 mml, and 24 inches (609.6 mml for 24 inch 1609.6 mml and greater span rating. Panels used for wall sheathing are an alternate to the plywood sheathing specified in the code for wall bracing. The panels a:e considered water- repellent panel sheathing as defined in the Standard Building code and the Uniform Building Code. The panels shall be covered by an exterior wall covering complying with the appropriate code, as noted in Section Wall and floor panels % inch (12.7 mm) and less in th-ckness are fastened with 6d common nails; 8d nails are used for thicker panels. Nails are spaced 6 inches 0 52.4 mm) on venter at panel edges Aug -07-97 O3:44P APA - TSO Report No. NER- 108 p supported by framing and 12 inches (304.8 mm) on center at 1 'i ;" other Supports. A 5 inch (152.4 mml on center spacing shall be used when supports are spaced 48 inches 11219.2 mm) oil `.. center. 4.3.2 Draftstapping: When panels are used as Draftstopping material, the minimum thickness of the panel shall be 3/8 inch (9.53 mm). 4.3.3 Roof Sheathing: Allowable live loads for panels used _ for root sheathing with long panel dimension across supports are given in Table 3. Use panel edge clips at unsupported edges- if required by Table No. 3. Allowable live loads for panels fur root sheathing applied with the long parcel diniensiori parallel to supports are given in Table No. 4. Aoof panels shalt be lastened with Bd common.nails n spaced 5 inches 1152.4 mm) on center at panel edges supported by framing and 12 inches (304.8 mml are center at other supports. Fastener schedule applies when Douglas -Fir or Southern -Pine roof framing spaced 24 inches (609.6 mm) on center is used in one or two story construction, when the basic wind speed is 70 MPH 0 12 kin/hr) maximum in areas using the Uniform Building Code or 80 MPH (128 kmlhr) maxirnurn for areas using the BOCA National Building Code or Standard Building Cade. Nails shall be spaced 6 inches (152.4 (TIMI on center at all supports within 4 feet 11.2 m) of ridges, eaves and gable ends and at pane( supports, when the basic wind speed is greater than 70 MPH (1 12 krn/lu) and no greater than 100 MPH (160 km/hr) in areas using the Uniform Building code, or basic wind speed is greater than 80 MPH 0 28 km/hr), but not greater than 1.10 MPH (176 kmlhr). in areas using the BOCA ( National Building Code or the Standard Building Code. Staples used fur attaching rated sheathing to framing shall be as approved for plywood of the same thickness. 4.3.4 Diaphragm Construction: When used in diaphragm construction, structural -use panels are assigned the values in Table 1. Diaphragm dimension ratios permitted in the code fur plywdod apply to structural use panels. The unblocked values shown also apply to panels having longue-and-groo ve joints along .the longitudinal edges. except as noted below. One and one eighth inch 11-1/8 inch, 28.58 mm) APA struetural•use panels fastened with 8d ring or screw -shank nails or loo common nails are assigned the values for 10d common (tails and 19132 inch (15.08 mm) mictimum nominal panel thickness in Table 1: Where blocked values are required for 1-3/32 or 1-1/8 inch (27.78 or 28.58 mm) tongue -and - grooved panels, 1 inch by 318 inch (25.4 by 9.53 mm) crown by No. 16 gauge staples shall be driven through the tongue - and -groove edges 318 inch (9.53 mm) frurn the joint and driven so as to penetrate the tongue as illustrated in Figure 1. Staples shall be spaced at one-half of the boundary nail spacing for Case 1 and 2, Table No. 1, and at one-third the boundary nail spacing for Case 3 through 6, Table 1. 4.3.5 Sheer Walls: When used in shear walls, APA Rated Sheathing is assigned the values in Table 2 except that the allowable shear for APA Rated Wall Bracing panels applied directly to studs in accordance, with the above nail schedule shall be 180 pit (2626.2 N/m) regardless of panel thickness. Diaphragm dimension ratios permitted in the code for plywood apply to structural -use panels. 253 565-7265 P.O4 Page 3 of 8 For purposes of determining seismic forces for design, the values of K and Rw given in the appli= able code for plywood shall apply to structural -use panels, for buildings not more than three stories in height with stud wall framing using siding, sheathing or Sturd-1-Floor panels for shear walls and diaphragms for lateral force system. 4.4 . Siding .. 4.4.1 Genet lc When siding is applied directly to studs, the studs shall be spaced no farther apart than the span rating included in the grade mark on the parcel. All veneer -faced siding panels 'with a span rating of 15 or 24 1406.4 or 609.6 mm) on center are permitted to be applied over studs spaced 24 inches 1609.6 mm) on center when applied with face grain horizontal or over nailable sheathing.-:)ther.siding panels with a span rating of 16 or 24 inches (406.4 or 609.6 mm) ort center.are permitted to be applied over studs spaced 24 inches (609.6 mm) on center when applied over nailable sheathing. Nailable sheathing shall be nominal 1 inch (25.4 mm) boards or structural -use panels of thickness permitted in the applicable code for plywood sheathing to whish the siding is directly attached. -Fastener, for attaching siding shall be: noxi staining bux, .siding or casing nails. For panels % inch (127 nim) think or less. use 6d nails, and 8d for thicker panels. For 3/8 inch (9.53 mm) and thinner lap siding, use 6d nails, and 8d for thicker lap Siding. 4.4.2 Panel Siding: Panel siding i-, designed to be applied without building paper either direily to !taming or over sheathing, provided all siding joints occur over framing'and are protected with a continuous wood batt, approved caulking, flashing, vertical or horizontal shiplalps, or otherwise made waterproof. Where grooved siding is applied horizontally directly to traming-building paper shall be installed behind the siding, ire accordance with the applicable code. Siding shall be fastened directly to framing in accordance with plywood provisions'o1 the code. When siding K inch (12.7 mm) or less in thickness is installed over loam sheathing up to 1 inch (25.4 mm) in . thickness, the siding sha.11 be fastened with Sd. galvanized box roils_ Siding greater Fran tri inch 112.7 mm) in thickness applied over foam Sheathing shall be fastened with 10d galvanized box nails. The foars sheathing shalt conform to the code. Panel siding applied directly to studs, spaced in accordance with the span rating and fastened with 6d galvanited box nails or equivalent, spaced 6 inches 1152.4 mm) on center at panel edges and 12 inches 1304.8 mm) :)n center at intermediate Studs, is ail alternative to the plywood sheathing construction specified in the code for wall bracing. Shear values for all -veneer panel siding shall be as given in Table 2 for siding applied directly to studs or over % or 5/8 inch (12.7 mm or 15.88 mm) gypsum sheathing. Thickness at point of nailing at panel edges determines applicable values. All veneer panel siding identified as APA 303 applied over maximum 1 inch (25.4 mm) thick foce"m sheathing, as described above, on studs spaced either 16 or 24 inches 1406.4 or 609.6 mm) on center with K inch (12.7 mml gypsum wallboard installed on the interior is an alternate to the plywood sheathing construction specified it the code for wall bracing. Aug -07-97 03:45P APA - TSO Page 4 of a For use as roof sheathing with the underside exposed, the Towable spans for all -veneer siding identified as '303' shall onform to Table 5. 4.4.3 lop Siding: lap siding is applied either directly to framing or over nailable sheathing as defined above. When instatted either directly to framing of over boards, building paper (weather -resistive barrier) is required to. be installed over the framing'in accordance with the applicable code. Vertical end joints shall be either caulked or otherwise installed in accordahce with recommendations of the manufacturer. Siding joints, it staggered, are allowed to occur away from studs when nailable sheathing is used. When lap siding is installed over nailable sheathing, nails shall be spaced 8 inches t203.2 mm) on center along the bottom edge. If siding is wider than 12 ..inches (304.8 mm), afso nail. siding to intermediate studs with nails spaced 8 inches (203.2.mm) on center. 5.0 IDENTIFICATION The Structural -Use Panels shall be identified in accordance with the National Evaluation Service report or individual model code agency evaluation report that specifically evaluates the panels. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 6.1 APA Research Report 135-0 titled 'Test Methods and Performance Requirements for Floor and Roof Sheathing'. - 6.2 Calculations of plywood section properties and allowable loads - 3 APA Specification and Policy for Structural -Use Panel Sheathing - 6.4 Perfomiance Standards and-' Policies4or•.Structural-Use . Panels, APA PRP -108; February 1994. 6:5 Tests and.Cajculatians for Racking Shear Values. 6.6 Calculations jor Rated Siding Usedas Roof Sheathing. 6-7 Calculations for Wind Resistance - 6.8 APA Research. Report 148 - Structural Performance of Wood -Based Siding. 6.9 AFA Research Report 149 - Dimensional Performance of Wood -Based Siding. 6.10 APA Lap.Siding Installation Guide, dated July 1987. 6.11 Calculations on the recommended foot snow loads for APA rated sheathing 54132 and 60148 and Sturd-l- Floor 48 o.c. and 24.o.c.: sealed by John R. Trssell, PE. 6.12 APA technical note number N375A .titled "Design Capacities of APA Performance -Rated Structural -Use Panels', dated September, 1991. 6.13 APA Report No. T88-16 titled `Design Values for Structural Panel Products', prepared by Michael R. O'Halloran and Edward G. Elias, dated May 1988. 6.14 U.S. Department of Commerce Voluntary product Standard PS 2-95, dated March 1996- 6.15 Calculations for fastener spacing on foot sheathing, dated December 29, 1993, prepared and sealed by William Baker, PE. 253 565-7265 P.05 Report No. NER-lou 7.0 CONDITIONS OF _USE . . The National.Evaluation Service Committee finds that the APA EWA Standards for Structural -Use Panels described it) this.• report are acceptable alternative materials to those specified in. the 1996 BOCA National Building Code, the 1994 Standard. Building Code with 199511996 Revisions. and the 1994 Uniform Building Code with 1996 Accumulative Supplement, and the .1995 CABO One and Two Family Dwelling Code, subject to the following conditions: 7.1 Structural -Use Panels developed in accordance with the procedure • described in this report shall be evaluated in a current National Evaluatiun Service Report or individual report of a participating member. Span ratings and toad capacities are based on untreated panels or.plywood panels treated only with preservatives in accordance with AWPA Standards C9, C22, or C29. Structural performance characteristics of FRTW panels are outside the scope of .this report and require evaluation in accordance with the applicable code.. - 7.3 This report is subject to re-examination on a periodic basis. For information an the current status of this report, contact one of the participating members of the NES. Aug -07-97 03:45P APA.- TSO 253 565-7265 P-06 Ropori No. NEW 1158 C& -N TABLE 1 • COMMENpED SHEAR (POUNDS PER FOOT] FOR HORIZONTAL APA STRUCTURAL -USE PANEL DIAPHRAGMS Pape 5 at 8 RE WITH FRAMING OF DOUGLAS FIR, LARCH OR SOUTHERN PINE' FOR WIND OR SEISMIC LOADING$ - Bloeked Diophrogms Unblocked Diaphragms Nail Spacing (in.) at diaphragm boundaries (all costa) at continuous Nails Spaced 6' man. panel odges parolfel to of supported edges= load (Costs 3 dr 4) and of all panel edges 1 - (Cases 5 6 6)s - unblocked ockeedd Minimum Minimum Minimum . 6 4 2-1/23.23 edges or Nail Nominal Nominal Nail Spacing (in.) continuous joints All other configurations Penetration Panel' Widtli_PI. g of other poral edges parallel (Costs 2, 3, . Panel Grade Common Nail Sise in Framing (inches) Thickness (inch) Frorriii Member -- 6 6 4 3 to load) APA bdr 1=1/4 5/16 2 3 185 210 250 280 375 420 .420 475' 165 185 175 140 STRUC'TURAL1 RATED SHEATHING, 2 270 360 530 600 240 180 EXPIorEXT 8d 1-1/2 3/8 3 300 400 600- 675 265 200 2 320 425 640 /303 285 215 lod 1-5/8 15/32 . 3 360. 480 720 820 320. 240 APA 5/16 2 170 225 335 380 150 110 RATED SHEATHING, 3 190 250 380 430 170 -_ 125 5TVRD-I-FLOOR bd 1•1/4 2 185 250- 375 470 165 125 EXP 1, EXP 2 or EXT 3/8 3 210 280 420 475 185 140 2 240 .320 480 545 215 160 3/8 3 270 360 540 6.10 740 180 8d '• 1/? 7716 2.'. 3 .255 285 340 380 505 570 57.5 645 230 -255 1IU 190 2 210 360 __530 600 740- 180 15/32 3 300 400 600 -. 675.. 265 200- - 2 290 385 575 6553 255 990 15/32. 3 325 430 650 735 290 215 I Od 1-518. - 2 - 320 425 640 I30'285 — -- -- 215 19!32. 3 360 480 720 820 320 240 - ' For framing of other species: (o) Find specific gravity for ipeciss of lumber 'm AF&PA Notional o9sign Specification, (b) find shear value from sable lot nail site, and for for of than or equal to 0 42 but'Iess than 0.49, Structural I panels fiegordless of actual grade), jc) multiply value found in Ib) by ' 0.92 species with specific gravity greaser or multiply by 0.65 for species with o Specific gravity less than 0.42. I Space nols 12 inches o.c, alone intermediate framing members 16 inches o-16. when Supports ore spiced 48 inches o.c►. ' Framing of pond edges shall its, 34neh nominal at wider, and nails shall be Staggered where nails aro spaced 2 inches a.t-. or 2-1/2 .nches o.C.. and whwrn 10d roils having penetration info framing of more than 1-5/8 inches ars spaced 3 inches o.c. Enteptien: Unless otherwise required, 2.irdt nominal framing is permitted to be used wh.nre lull nailing surface width is pvmlable and nails nrn stagemed. - ' Use minimum 8d common noils for roof sheathing. s Shw• panels shall be not less`than 4 fees by 8 feet, e.cept of boundaries and changes in framing. Wood strudurof panels less than 12 inches wide shall. be bl.d ed, • 51 units: 1 in = 25.4 mm, 1 ply — 14.59 Wm, 1 h = 0.3 m. tald LAIL 11f.Law, Tilliniqu f.,lttlttt) rrrrrr►, ==� r r r r�=�== z -s, �rrrrrrrrN lots Ems III III A9ra-07-97 03:46P APA - TSD 253 565-7265 - P-07 Pegs 6 at ® Report No. IVER-109 yt s' 1'r''� TABLE 2 ALLOWABLE SHEAR {POUNDS PER FOOT) FOR APA STRUCTURAL -USE PANEL SHEAR WALLS WITH FRAMING OF DOUGLAS FIR. LARCH. OR SOUTHERN PINE FOR WIND OR SEISMIC LOADING'"-? _ -Panel Applied Over 1/2' Panels Applied Direct to Framing aFS/ll' Gypsum Sheathing . Minimum 'Minimum - - — Nominal Panel Thickness Nail Penehafilon in Framing Nail Size (common W galvanized Nail Spacing - panel edges at (in.) Nail Size (Common or gal"nizod Nail Spacing at panel edgK ¢n.) 4 200 4 300 A 4 • 3 23 Panel Grade (inch). (incites) boil) 6d_ 3 23 390 510 box) ed APA STRUCTURAL 5/16 1.1/4 200 -300. 390 510 RATED SHEATHING EXP 1 or EXT 3/8 y-- 230' 360' 460' 610' 7/16 255' 395` 505'- 670' 1.1/2 8d 10d 280 430 550-1 730 15/32. 290:.4"30 550 730 15/32 .1.5/8 10d 340 510 665) 870 350 340 450 510. 450 APA RATED SHEATHING, EXP' 1, EXP 2 or EXT - APA RATED SIDING EXT° 5/16 I,1/4 6d 180 200' 270 300 8d A W 270 350 3/8 2�300 :390 510 3/8 220` 320' 410' 530' - - 240' 350' 450' 585' 7/16 1-1/2 ad 104 20 380 440' 640 15/32. 260 380 490 640 15/32 310 460 600' 770 - - — - 1-5/8 10d - - 340 510 665 870 19/32 Nail Size Noil Size (galvanized (galvanized casing) cosingl 1.1/4 • 6d APA RATED SIDING -EXT° 5/16 140 210. 275 360 3d 140' .710 775 :460 1'.1/2 8d 3/8 - 160 240 310 410 10d 1E0 240 3103 alis ' Far fronur,g ul ochedes , spe: (al Find specific gravity for species of lumbar m the AFEPA Noliorwl Design Spihcification:'(b1 find shear value frim tabla far nail lira, and far $tructurol I panels (regardless of octuol 4,449), (c) multiply, value found in (b) by 0.82 for specie: will, aP.Oic gra+sty of g:eotev thon a, eaaol ton 47 but loss hhnn _ 0.49, ar multiply by 0.55 for species void, a specific gravity less than 0.42: s All panel edges backed with 7 -inch nominal av wridm framing: Install panels either horizontally or vertically. Spam nails 6 inches o.c. along i.termediate humins members luh 3/8arKh and 7/16-inch'ponels' arwdlled on duds spaced 24 inches v.c. Fvrvlher conditions and ponel tl,"nnases, space nils, - 2 imhe•. V.L. vu mtnanadiale supports. I sraming at panel adg- shall be 3 6¢h mrninal or wider and nails shall be stog9cmd where axils are synced 2. inches o.c., and -hers 10d pads hawing penetration info framing of more tthonl -5/8 inches am spaced 3 inches o.c. Exception: Unless'orherwise required, 2 -inch nominal framing is permitted to used -where full noilinp.surfoca widifh is available and nails are staggered. ' Shears are pwakilled to be inotosed fo volues shown for IS/32-inch sheothirhg with sums nailing, provided (1) studs Hare spaced a moaimvA of 16 inches o.c nr 12) if ponels nra append with long dimvrniorh across studs. ' The valves are for shon•bme loads due to wird or eoAgvake and must be reduced by 25 pevaent for normal loading.. " Nl_venee, panel. - Shear panels sholl be not less than 4 feel by 8 feel, except at boundaries and changes in fra . ing. Wood structural panels less t harp 12 inches wide shali he blodkod. • SI units: 1 in - 25.4 mm, I ft - 0.3 m,'1 pit = 14.59 Wm. Aug -07-97. 03:46P APA -_TSO Report No. iim 108 253 565-7265 P. 08 -- - Pave 7 of 6 TABLE 3 ALLOWABLE UNIFORM ROOF LIVE LOADS FOR APA RATED SHEATHING AND APA RATED STURD-1-FLOOR-WITH LONG DIMENSION. PERPENDICULAR TO SUPPORTS'-' APA RATED SHEATHING - - - . APA RATED SHEATHING/CEILING DECK Roof_ .._...Maximum Floor' Span Allowable Live Loads (psf) _ (Inches) Span Rating With Without Spacing of Supports Canter-to•Center (inittes) Edge Maximum Roof/floor Span PaneLThickness (inch) - _..__ Edge _ Support' Support 12 16 20 24 42 140 48 54 60 . Span", (inches) --'_.5/16 12/0 12 12 30 16/0 5/16,3/8 16 16 70 30 0 . 20/0 5/16,3/8 20 20 -.4-76. :50 30 0 24/0 3/8,7/16,1/2 24 204 190 100 60 30 0 24/16. 7/16,1/2 24 24 190' 100- 65 40 16 32/16 15/32,1/2,5/8 32 28 325 180 120 70 30 16" 40/20 9/16, 19132, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8 40 32 305 205 130 60 30 203•6 48/24 23/32,3/4,7/8 - 48 36 - - 280 175 95 45 35 ,24 54/32 7/8,1 54 40 - - - 245 130 '75 50 35 32 60/32 7/8,1 60 40 - - 305 165 100 70 50 35 ., J..?5 32 60/48. 7/8,1,1-1/8 60 48 305 165 100 70 . 50 48° APA RATED STURD-I-FLOOR Roof Floor' " A- Maximum Span Allowable live Loads (psf) k (inches) With Without Spacing of Supports'Center-to-Center (4khes) Maximum Spon Rating Panel Thickness (inch) Edge 'Edge• — --- - - - - Support Support '1Z 16, 20 24.. 32 40 . d8 � b0 Span (inches) 16 oc 19/32, 5/8, 21 /32 24 24 • 185 100 65 40 16" 20 oc - 19/32,5/8,3/4 24 oc 11/16,23/32, 3/4 32 7/8,1 32 32- 270 150 100 .60 -30 48 36 - 240 160 100 50 30 25 - 48 40 295 "185 100 60 40 '2056 24 32 oc - ..48 oc 1.3/32,1-1/8 60 48 - - - 290 160 100 65 50 40 'The allowable five loads were determined using 'o deod'lood of 10 psi. If the dood tood exceeds 10 psf then d+. livor load %Moll bo reduced acco,dingly. 48" ' Applied to panels 24 inches or wider. s Tonam-and-groove edges, panel edge Clips (one midway between each .svppon, excepi MIO equally ipaced between suppmfs 48 inches on center), lumber blocking, or other. Only lumber blocking will solis(y blocked diaphragm regvieemonh of Table No. 1, except os noted in Section 3.2.3. ' T..enty-four inches for )/24ndi poml■. % Is permitted to be used over froming of 24 inches on center where 3/4 -inch wood strip flooring is installed of right anglecto joist. , ' • Is permitted to be used over framing spaced 24 inches on coder for floors where 1-1/2 inches of cellular or (ighttgight concrete is applied over the panels. ' Live load not to exceed 100 psf, dead load not to eueed 10 psi, except as rioted - Total load not to exceed 65 psi. • St units: 1 in - 25.4 mm, 1 it = 0.3 m, 1 psi - 48"Pa Aug -07-97 03=47P APA - TSD 253 565-7265 pgw a o1 8 Report No. NIER-106 TABLE 4 ALLOWABLE UNIFORM ROOF LOADS (psf) FOR APA RATED SHEATHING WITH LONG DIMENSION PARALLEL -0 SUPPORTS' (Nonvemisrr, Composite and 5-P(y/5•Lawr Plywood Panels Unless Orherwiso Nord) Panel Grode APA STRUCTURAL RATED SHEATHING ..._- --- APA RATED SHEATHING Thickness (in.) Span. Rating Maximum Span (in.) load as Maxim -um Span Live Total 30 45' 50' 7/16. 15/32 _ .112 24/0,24/16 32/16 24 - 24-- 20 35' d0' 70 90 - 40. -- - -- 20 32/ 16 40/20 48/24 2410, 24/16 - - 24 24 19/32,5/8 23/32. 3/4 ?/161 15/32' 60 100.- 00:APA 24- --- -16 — 50 25 32116 _ - 24/0,32/16 ""'10 .. - •-- 24 24 1/27 19/32 5/8 23/32,31470, 25 40' 45' ------ 30 --- 503 553 65' 40/20 - 32/)6.40/20 48/24 74 24 60' Far 4-ply'plywvud morked Ps, l, redvt:a ktnd by 15psf. 3 composite Panels must be.l 9/32 loch of tivcker, 'Foe composite and 4 -ply panels, reduce loud by 15 pTf. ' Edpes shall be blocked with lumber ar othrr. opprv.rad type of edge support j1 un.ts: I in - 25:4 non., 1 h ..0.3 m, I nif 48 Po - TABLE 5 ALLOWABLE SPANS FOR APA RATED 303 PLYWOOD SIDING USED AS ROOF SHEATHING' Minimum Nominal Thickness (inches). Species Group No. Maximum Span (inches) 15132 1 24 15/23. 2. 3, a 16 - -- - 19/32 1 32 19/32 2. 3 4 .. 24 23/32 1, 7, 3, 4 32 1-1/8 1. 2, 3, 4 48 ' Plywood continuovs over two or -vie spans. lona dimension across supports. Uniform Innd deflection Innis is 1/240 of the ipM under Irrc loud. live I -A :opocity of maximum span fur all listed canstrueLan n 30 pst. J 51 vnits:.1 in = 2S.4 ren -.1 psl -- 0 Pa _ V r 3/8' x No. 16 youde staple FIGURE 1 DETAIL OF STAPLE IN TONGUE -AND -GROOVE JOINT OF STURD-t-FLOOR 48 cc (1 in = 7S.4 nen) ---% t"`' 'T�' •fhi: dro..rny v Ivr dfusti i•tK-P—poses only. 11 rs nvt versdod for use as u cVAslrurtion dncurnent foo the ovrpma of fabncalw" yr erection J.,,oh se "' ICBG Evaluation Service Inc. com m _ / n Asubsidiary corpor-ationofthe International Conference of Building Officials 1985' TM EVALUATION REPORT Report No. 4255 Copyright m 19e8 ]COO Evaluation Service: Inc. June, 1988 Fling Category: ROOF, WALL AND FLOOR PANELS—Wood PELICAN STURDI-ROOF PANELS PELICAN SPRUCE MILLS, LTD. 11553 -154th STREET EDMONTON, ALBERTA T5M 3N7 CANADA I. Subject: Pelican Sturdi-Roof Panels. II. Description: A. General: The panels are oriented strand boards using reconstituted wood and are an alternate to ANSI A208.1 (U. B.C. Standard No. 25-25). Panels are gefierally produced in a nominal size cf 4 feet by 8 feet, with length and width tolerances of +0. -'/:i inch. When installed with the long dimension parallel to the supports the ,ha -inch and thicker Sturdi- Roof roof sheathing panels are designed to span a maximum of 24 inches on center. ., The panels may be used for shear wall construction as noted in `I'abie No. 1. B. Performance Requirements: 1. Structural Performance: Sturdi- Roof panels meet the structural -use panel requirements established by the American Plywood Association for concentrated, impact and uniform loads for the end use spar: on the trademark. The allowable dead and live loads for the roof sheathing panels are noted in Tables Nos. III and IV. 2. Physical Properties: Sturdi-Roof panels are evaluated for linear expansion. 3. Panel Durability: Sturdi-Roof panels utilize a phenolic -based bond- ing system orequivalent and are evaluated for bonding durability. Panels are identified as Exposure I and are not intended for permanent exposure. They may be used for roof sheathing or subflooring. When used as roof sheath- ing. they must be covered with suitable roof covering complying with the code. Panels may be used for roof sheathing where exposed on the underside such as on eaves. C. Installations The panels are ,placed with machine direction (face grain) at right angles to the direction of span of the main supports. spaced in accordance with Table No. IV. The machine direction is the long panel dimension unless otherwise marked on the panel. Edges of panels must be supported by tongue -and -groove joints or by 2 -inch by 4 -inch blocking connected to the main supports with approved fasteners. The panels are nailed at all bearings in accordance with the plywood requirements noted in. Table No. 25-Q. of the code. Panels intended for use under nontextile resilient flooring must be covered with '/—inch minimum thickness under- layrnent. Where panels are covered With a '/.,-inch minimum thickness underlayment withjoints offset or 1 'h_ -inches of lightweight concrete or }/.,- inch wood strip flooring, or panels have tongue -and -groove edges. block- ing is not required except if required in paragraph II -D. . Roof sheathing panels must be installed with the machine direction (long dimension, face grain) to the supports in accordance with Table No. IV, or parallel to the supports in accordance .yith Table No. Ill. The panels are installed in accordance with the plywood requirements noted in Table No. 25-Q of the code. Panels should be spaced with '!g-inc& Baps at edge and end joints. D. Diaphragm Construction: When used in diaphragm construction, Sturdi-Roof pa.-iels are assigned the -alues noted in Table No. IL The unblocked values shown also apply tc panels having tongue -and -groove Jci:tis along the longitudinal edges. E. Stair "dreads: Pelican 1'!g -inch APA -Rated Sturd-I-Floor panels may be used for stair treads spanning a maxinum of 42 inches between stringers. The panels must be supported at both front and back by a full-length 1 -inch (nominal) wood board or =1 -inch plywood riser fastened with nails and structural adhesives. Structural adhesives must comply with U.B.C. Stan- dard No. 1-5-19, Part III (APA Specifiation AFG-01). The treads must be glued and nailed to the front riser with Ed finish nails spaced a maximum of 12 inches on center. The back riser must extend down flush with or past the bottom of the tread and must be glued and nailed to the.treads through the center of the tread with 8d box nails ;paced a maximum of 6 inches on center. As an alternate to the above construction. 1 -inch Sturdi-Step may be substituted for the I'!g-inch Sturd-I-Fibor for treads and 19/32 -inch panels may be substituted for the wood board or plvwood risers: Clear span between stringers shall not exceed 45 riches, and fasteners and adhesives shall be as above. The nosing must not extend bevond the riser more than it/.,; inch. The panel meets the 300 -pound cmcentraie'd load requirement speci- fied in Table No. 23-A. Item 5, in the oode. F Identification: Each panel is identified by a stamp of the American Plywood' Association (NER-QA397)-tidicating APA Se ies panel, trade name and span rating. See Figure No. I for typical stamps. 111. Evidence Submitted: Structural calculations. test reports and speci- fications have been submitted. Findings IV. Findings: That Pelican Sturdi-Roof panels described in this. re- port are alternates to the plywood parcels specified in the 1985 Uniform Building Code, subject to the folloWng conditions: 1. Panel construction and instal2ation comply with this report. 2. The panels are manufactured in facilities located in Edson and Drayton Valley, Alberta. Canada, with quality control inspec- tions by the American Plywo-)d Association. This report is subject to re-examination in one year. Evaluation reports of ICBG Evaluation Service, Inc., .sre issued solely to provide information to Class A member-- of ICBG, utilizing the code upon which the report is based. Evaluation reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed noras an endorsement or recommendation for use of the subject report. This reprrt is based upon independent tests or other technical data submitted by th. applicant. The ICBO Evaluatio-t Service, Inc., technical staff has reviewed the test resuits and/or other data, but does not possess test facilities to make an independent verification. There is no -iar;anty by ICBG Evaluation Service, Inc., express or implied, as to any "Finding" or other matter in the report or as to any product covered by the report. This disclaimer includes, but is not limited to merchantabili: y. Page 1 of 3 J Frage 2 of 3 Report No;4255 1 • : TABLE NO. I —ALLOWABLE SHEAR (POUNDS PER FOOT) FOR PELICAN STURDI-ROOF SHEAR WALLS WI FRAMING OF DOUGLAS FIR, LARCH OR SOUTHERN PINE FOR WIND OR SEISMIC LOADINGt•z5.6 MINIMUM - NOMINAL PANEL. THICKNESS Inches MINIMUM NAIL PENETRATION IN FRAMING Inches PANELS APPLIED DIRECT TO FRAMING PANELS APPLIED OVER 112- GYPSUM SHEATHING Nails Size (Common or Galvanized Box Neils Spacing at Panel Edges P Inches g Nell Size (Common or Galvanized Box Nell Spacing at Panel Edges (Inches 6, 4 3 1 ' 23 6 4 3 23 3/6 11/4 6d .200 300 390 '410 8d 200 300 390 510 3/8 11/2 8d 2304 260' 460' 5104 IOd 280 430 5503 730 3/te 255' 3954 505' 670' 1s/32. 280 430 550 1 730 1s/3z 1% 10d 340 510 6653 870 — - — — — IFor framing of other species: (a) Find species group of lumber in Table No. 25-17-J of U.B.C. Standards. (b) find shear %Mug from table for nail sire. (c) multiply this value by 0.82 for Lumbcr Group III or 0.65 for Lumber Group IV. 2AII panel edges backed with 2 -inch nominal or wider framing. Install panels either horizontally or t erticalh•. Space nails 6 inches o.c. along inermediate framing members for 3/s -inch and 7/16 -inch panels installed on studs spaced 24 inches o.c. For other conditions and panel thicknesses. space nail=_ 12 inches o.c. on intermediate supports. 3Framing at adjoining panel edges shall be 3 -inch nominal or wider and nails shall be staggered where nails are spaced 2 inches o.c.. and where 10d nails having penetration into framing of more than 1318 inches are spaced 3 inches o.c. 4Shears may be increased to values shown for lshz-inch sheathing with same nailing. provided (I ) studs are spaced a maximum of 16 inches.n.c or (2) if panels are applied with long dimension across studs. SThe values are for short -time loads due to wind or earthquake and must be reduced by 25 percent for normal loading. 6Maximurn diaphragm dimension ratios are as noted in Table No. 25-1 for plywood. TABLE NO. II—ALLOWABLE SHEAR (POUNDS PER FOOT) FOR HORIZONTAL PELICAN STURDI-ROOF CIAPHRAGMS WITH FRAMING OF DOUGLAS FIR, LARCH OR SOUTHERN PINE' FOR WIND OR SEISMIC LOADING4 IFor framing of other species: (a) Find species group of lumber in Tab Ic No. 25-.17 -1 of U. B. C. Standards. (b) find shear value from table for nail s zc, (c) multiply value i by 0.82 for Lumber Group III or 0.65 for Lumber Group IV. 2Space nails 12 inches o.c. along intermediate framing members (6 inches o.c. when supports are spaced 48 inches o.c.) 3Framing at adjoining panel edges shall be staggered where nails are spaced 2 inches o.c. or 21.'z inches o.c.. and where lod nails having penetration into framing of more than is/s inches are spaced 3 inches o.c. 'Maximum diaphragm dimension ratios are as' noted in Table No. 25-1 for plywood. MERE I IN MEM IIIH R►.►:�� ■. NOTE: FRAMING MAY BE LOCATED IN EITHER DIRECTION FOR BLOCKED DIAPHRAGMS __ BLOCKED DIAPHRAGMS ! UNBLOCKED DIAPHRAGMS ! Nail Spacing (In.) at Diaphragm I r Nails Spaced 6' Mex. at Boundaries (All Cases) at Support Ed eat Continuous Panel Edges Parallel to Load (Cases 3 and 4) and at all I Case 1 (No ' MINIMUM MINIMUM MINIMUM Panel Edges Cases 5 and 6 2 I Unblocked ' NAIL NOMINAL I NOMINAL 6 4. 21;23 1 '23 ( Edgea or All Other COMMON PENETRATION IN FRAMING PANEL THICKNESS ! WIDTH OF FRAMING Continuous Configurations Nail S Zn In.) at Other Panel Edges `' Joints Parallel . (Cases 2.3, 4. NAIL SIZE Inches Inches) MEMBER 6 1 6 4. 1 3 to Load 5 and 6 2 185 250 375 420 165 125 6d (1/i /x . 3 ' : 210 280 420 475- 185 140 2 270 360 530 600 240 180 8d I1/, 3/e 3 300 I 400 600 675 265 200 2 320 425 640 7303 285 215 10d 15/6 1`132 3 360 480 7'_0 I 820 320 240 IFor framing of other species: (a) Find species group of lumber in Tab Ic No. 25-.17 -1 of U. B. C. Standards. (b) find shear value from table for nail s zc, (c) multiply value i by 0.82 for Lumber Group III or 0.65 for Lumber Group IV. 2Space nails 12 inches o.c. along intermediate framing members (6 inches o.c. when supports are spaced 48 inches o.c.) 3Framing at adjoining panel edges shall be staggered where nails are spaced 2 inches o.c. or 21.'z inches o.c.. and where lod nails having penetration into framing of more than is/s inches are spaced 3 inches o.c. 'Maximum diaphragm dimension ratios are as' noted in Table No. 25-1 for plywood. MERE I IN MEM IIIH R►.►:�� ■. NOTE: FRAMING MAY BE LOCATED IN EITHER DIRECTION FOR BLOCKED DIAPHRAGMS __ Page'3 of 3 l Report No. 4255 TABLE NO. IIF—ALLOWABLE UNIFORM ROOF LOADS FOR PELICAN STURDI-ROOF CONTINUOUS OVER TWO OR MORE SPANS AND LONG DIMENSION PARALLEL TO SUPPORTS' THICKNESS ' Inches SPAN RATING MAXIMUM SPAN Inches LOAD AT MAXIMUM SPAN s Live Total 7/16 24i16 - • 24 20 30 . 13/32 32/16 24 35 45 Ih 32/16 24 40. 50 3/s 40/20 24 70 80 3/4 48/24 90 100 IUniform load deflection limitations: 1!180 of span under live load plus dead load. 1/240 under live load only. Edges shall be blocked with lumber or Other approved type of edge supports. r TABLE NO. IV—ALLOWABLE UNIFORM ROOF LIVE LOADS FOR PELICAN STURDI-ROOF WITH LONG DIMENSION PERPENDICULAR TO SUPPORTS' APA -RATED SHEATHNG - .ROOF FLOOR Maximum Span (Inchesi 1 Allowable Live Loads s With Edge Su rte I Without Edge Support ! Spacing of Supports Center -to -Center Inches ) S n RatingPanel Thickness 'Maximum San inches Roof/FloorSpan' i (inches) 12 16 20 24 32 40i I 48 24/0 I 3/x 14 20 ( 190 100 60 30 0 24 16 /if, � '_4 _-i 190 100 65 40 16 32/16 •`132.1!_ 32 28 325 180 12070 30 163 40/20 3/8 40 32 I — 305 205 1130 60 3a 20=' 48/24 311 48 36 I - — 280 175 95 45 35 24 . 'The allowable spans were determined urine a dead load of 10 psf. If the dead load exceeds 10 psf then the liv'e'load should be reduced accordingly. 3Toneue-and-groove edges. panel edee clips (one between each support, except two between supports 48 inches on center). lumber bltxkine. or other. Only lumber blocking will satisfy blocked diaphragm requirements of Table No. II. 3%iay be used over framing of 24 inches on center where 3i, -inch wood strip Mooring is installed at riehi angles to joist. - AMay be used over framing of 24 inches on center for floors where 11/2 inches of cellular or lightweight concrete is applied over the panels. APA SERIES N-112 APA SERIES U-207 STURDI-STEP _ STURDI-ROOF STAIR TREAD- 32/16 15/32 INCH 1 INCH SIZED FOR SPACING EXPOSURE 1 EXPOSURE 1 ®398® X398® NER-QA397, ICBO ES -4255 NER-OA397 ICBO =S-4255 '';J FIGURE NO.1