9904-196 (AR)LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjuiy, that'1 am licensed under provisions of :-4iBpter.9 (Commencing with 'S.ection'7000) of Division'3 of the Business and Pi6fessionals Code, and my License is in fUll.f6r( eand effect. ..:License# Lic. blass Date 7 72�11 7 7�� - - Signature of Contractor OWNER -BUILDER DECLAR N I, hereby affirm under penalty. of perjury that 1. exempt from the Cdntractoes License Law iorihefollowing reason: 1, as ownd.i'o . f . the property, . . oir—m'y employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not -intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business .& Professionals Code). 1; as OW . ner.-of. the property, am, exclusively contracting 'with licensed Contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code)...::. b am exempt under -Section B&P.C. for this reason Date. ... Signature 'of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby, affirm under penalty of -perjury one .of' the following declarations: -1 have:and..wili maintain &certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, 4s. provided for by Section 3700of the Labor Code, for the Pplor.mance.of -the Work for which this permit is issued. ff I have ano.will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by V 'on performance . 3�00 Of the Labor Code, for the performanof the work for which this pe . rmit is issued: "My workers' compensation insurance carrier A policy no. are: Cahier. 'Policy No. S TAT E PJND 1"11943 Ma 00IM5 section need not be completed. If the. permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). I certify that in theperformance of the.work for which this permit is issued, [..phall not employ any person in' any manneLso as to become subject to the w _�gorkers' compensation laws of Califorgoi;a ree that if I should become sybJect to the vifters' compensatioYr5rWisionsh)f Section 3700 of the Labor Applicant Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Com ensa, ion rage is unlawful and Shall subject an employer tqlcn*minal ties and civil fines up to $100,000, in a addition to:the cost of comp # n, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees.. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of.Building and Safety for a'permit subiect to the 'conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at Whose request and for whose benefit work is -performed under or pursuant to an.Y,permit issued as a result of this.applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify &.:hold wharmless.the City of. La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. .2. Anypermit issued as a respl . t.of this application becomes null and*void-if `-_wbrk.is not commenced' . within 1.80 days from date of issuance of.s'uch `'-permft,.or cessation of Work for 18.0 days will subject permit to cancellation. .1. certify that I have read this application and state th4t the above information is Correct. I agree to comply with al d State laws.,relating to the building rep construction, argd-hereby-aft ize re tatives of this City to enter upon " - I the above -mention I c to urposes. g Signature (Owner/Agent Date PERMIT# BUILDING PERMIT 9"4.196 DATE VALUATION LOT TRACT JOB SE ADDRESS :M-475C.ALLE QUffO APN 769-14MI4 OWNER CONTRACTOR DESIGNER EER OEORGINA Q. Llklm� I-SMIG CONSWMIG SERVICES 51-275 CALLE QUTM 5075.cAw.. Qum LA WNTA CA #2253 LA.QUMfA CA. 92253 - (76 )77i 1-M CBL# 4980 USE OF PERMIT kES;1DEN1'W,ADDM(NN ON, 413 8-F..:GARACiF3 AWITION AWDIMON F31F GARAGOCARPORN 433.1* 3F 1=11t'iATED CM OF CONSTRIUCTION 2 PERMIR FM SUMNtARV PLKN CWX FFE 101:-IlUfi-43y-::11LS X53'+.10 KI " 10 N W, F NTICILVOML M 10 1 0 42) $47.00 ELEC�MCAL TIFF 101-000-42-0" $120.86 -P'LUWtW FEE 101-000419-000 M, 0NQ MOTION FEF RESID 1.03 -1N} $10.73 GRADING M S 2 0. (K) PRWW,PLAN .101-000441-345 $21%.00 .AKU I'N PUHLK"PLAC%3 - RESWIOI-OW-25,5-(W 518,28 SU84MAL CON87RUCTION ANT) P! �AN (1ECA $1,S27.47 LESS PRE -PAID FEES 50.00 TMAL PEMIT FEES DUE NOW $1,527.47 RECEIPT DATE BY DATE FINALED INSPECTOR