CC Resolution 2009-015 Ticket Distribution PolicyRESOLUTION NO. 2009-015
WHEREAS, on January 20, 2009, the La Quinta City Council adopted
Resolution No. 2009-005, adopting a Ticket Distribution Policy; and
WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend Section 4 of the Policy to add
paragraph 4.p., relating to the promotion of intergovernmental relationships; and
WHEREAS, from time to time the City of La Quinta (the "City") receives
event tickets and/or passes from public and private entities and individuals; and
WHEREAS, such tickets and/or passes are public resources; and
WHEREAS, the City desires to use such tickets and/or passes to further
governmental and public purposes, such as the promotion of City businesses,
resources, programs, and facilities; and
WHEREAS, the furtherance of governmental and public purposes may require
the distribution of said tickets and/or passes to "public officials," as that term is
defined by Government Code section 82048 and Fair Political Practices
Commission Regulation 18701; and
WHEREAS, the City desires to amend this Policy to allow, on occasion,
distribution of a ticket to a spouse or specifically designated non-spouse for the
purpose of accompanying the official to aPolicy-approved function if the Agency
Head determines that attendance of that person will facilitate and encourage the
participation of public officials at events where there is a governmental or public
purpose; and
WHEREAS, Fair Political Practices Commission Regulation 18944.1,
subdivision Ic- requires that any distribution of tickets and/or passes to, or at the
behest of, City officials must be made pursuant to a duly adopted written policy if
such distribution is made under Fair Political Practices Commission Regulation
18944.1, subdivision (b)(2); and
WHEREAS, Fair Political Practices Commission Regulation 18944.1,
subdivision (b-121 pertains to the City's receipt of equal or greater value in
exchange for the distribution of a ticket and/or pass to its officials.
Resolution 2009-075
Amended Tk:ket Distdbution Policy
Adopted: March 17, 2009
Page 2
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
La Quinta, California, that the City of La Quinta hereby adopts the following
amended Ticket Distribution Policy:
City of La Quinta Ticket Distribution Policy
1. Definitions.
a. "City" shall mean and refer to the City of La Quinta.
b. "City Official" shall mean and refer to the City's "public
officials", as that term is defined by Government Code section
82048 and Fair Political Practices Commission Regulation
c. "FPPC" shall mean and refer to the California Fair Political
Practices Commission.
d. "Policy" shall mean and refer to this Ticket Distribution Policy.
e. "Ticket" or "ticket" shall mean and refer to a "ticket or pass" as
that term is defined in FPPC Regulation 18944.1, as amended
from time to time, but which currently defines a "ticket or pass"
as admission to a facility, event, show, or performance for an
entertainment, amusement, recreational, or similar purpose.
2. Purpose of Policy. The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that all
tickets the City receives from public and private entities and individuals are
distributed in furtherance of governmental and/or public purposes.
3. Limitation. This Policy shall only apply to the City's distribution of
tickets to, or at the behest of, a City Official or to a spouse or designated non-
spouse who's attendance encourages the participation of the City Official.
4. Ticket Distribution Public Purposes. The City may accomplish one or
more of the following governmental and/or public purposes through the distribution
of tickets to, or at the behest of, a City Official or to a spouse or designated non-
spouse who's attendance encourages the participation of the City Official. The
following list is illustrative rather than exhaustive:
a. Promotion of business activity within the City.
Resolution 2009-0t5
Amended Ticket Distd6ution Polley
Adopted: March 17, 2009
Page 3
b. Promotion of City-owned businesses.
c. Promotion of community resources available to City residents,
including charitable and nonprofit organization resources.
d. Promotion of City resources available to City residents.
e. Promotion of community programs available to City residents,
including charitable and nonprofit organization programs.
f. Promotion of City-run, sponsored or supported community
g. Promotion of private facilities available for City resident use,
including charitable and nonprofit organization facilities.
h. Promotion of City facilities available for City resident use.
i. Promotion of City growth and development.
j. Promotion of the City-owned Silver Rock Resort.
k. Promotion of the Bob Hope Classic to the extent any portion of
the events comprising the Bob Hope Classic occurs within or
adjacent to the City's boundaries and may benefit City
businesses and/or the City's reputation.
Promotion of City tourism on a local, state, national or
worldwide scale.
m. Promotion of City recognition, visibility, and/or profile on a local,
state, national or worldwide scale.
n. Promotion of open government by City Official appearances,
participation and/or availability at business and/or community
o. Increasing public exposure to, and awareness of, the various
the public recreational, cultural, and education facilities available
to the public within the City of La Quinta, including, but not
limited to, the public recreational facilities located at SilverRock
Resort, the La Quinta Library, the La Quinta Museum, the Senior
Center, the Civil Center Campus, and the La Quinta parks.
Resolution 2009-015
Amended Tieket Distdbutlon Policy
Adopted: March 17. 2009
Page 4
p. Promoting the improvement of intergovernmental relations by
encouraging the members of the City Council and the City Staff
to attend functions and events with the public officials of other
entities, thereby fostering an open dialogue and better
understanding of intergovernmental issues.
5. Additional Ticket Distribution Public Purposes Related to the Bob Hope
Classic. Participation by City Officials in the ticketed events and activities hosted
by the Bob Hope Classic is important to provide an opportunity for City leaders to
be involved in the City's largest special event. By attending the week long
activities, included ticketed activities, City Officials have the ability to meet and
greet residents and visitors to the City. Moreover, City Officials are accountable
for the funding and support that the City contributes to the Bob Hope Classic, and
therefore attendance at ticketed events is necessary for City Officials to provide
suggested improvements to the Bob Hope Classic Board of Directors and City staff
that will enhance and improve the overall event and its economic and public impact
on the City.
6. Public Purpose Requirement. The distribution of any ticket by the City
to, or at the behest of, a City official shall accomplish a governmental and/or public
7. Transfer Prohibition. The transfer by any City Official of any ticket
distributed to such City Official pursuant to this Policy to any other person, except
to members of the City Official's immediate family for their personal use, is
prohibited. If a City Official is provided a ticket for use by a spouse or designated
non-spouse, that ticket must be used by the designated party; if it is not, it must
be returned to the City.
8. Website Posting. This Policy shall be posted on the City website in a
prominent fashion.
9. Website Disclosure. The distribution of a ticket or tickets pursuant to
this Policy shall be posted on the City website in a prominent fashion within thirty
(30) days after the ticket distribution. Such posting shall use FPPC California Form
802 or such alternate form as from time to time the FPPC may designate.
10. Designation of Agency Head. For the purpose of implementing this
policy, and completing and posting the FPPC California Form 802, the City
Manager or his designee shall be the "Agency Head."
PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta
City Council held on this 17th day of March, 2009, by the following vote, to wit:
Resolution 2009-075
Amended Tieket Distribution Polley
Adopted: March 17, 2009
Page 5
AYES: Council Members Franklin, Kirk, Sniff, Mayor Pio Tem Henderson
NOES: None
ABSENT: Mayor Adolph
City of L Uinta, California
(City Seaq
. KATHERINE JEN N, City Attorney
City of La Quinta, California
City of La Quinta, California