0304-212 (AR)LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm.under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date BMC ,'Date ! Signature of Contractor OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044,. Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I am exempt under Section B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,: for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. \(/) I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier pR Men M, Ii:LP1,OV Policy No. 11aI'f;h 409040-2 (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is -for $100.00 or less). ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not eemploy any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions -of Section 3700". of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with,those provisions. .Date: a 714 10, Applicant Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to.$100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a .permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemif & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employ?es� 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void iff' work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such )I permit,'or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellf n1 I certify that I have read this application and state that the above informatip,Qri is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the bu1dingL construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter pon the above-mentioned property'for.insprecpon purposes. •Signature (Owner/Agent) %;1 -�-4 •�-� `� _ Date BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT# --212 DATE VALUATION LOT TRACT $ JOB SITE APN ADDRESS )_amYJKCA.Ii VA1`.IZY OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / EN (NEER IE.LY ,nF 1,GURDE BnY3 MWARDS %%TFrRUC' _0K 79.80: YECA14 VAl..l:.EY 79-920FTWA I)R1VE LA CQUMTA CA 92233 LA Q1.11WfA. 92253 (760j775-7933 CHIR 3212 USE OF PERMIT XU1 1 ENT A1.. ADDInON 56ss,?, xrTAGHZD CA31TA- CUSTOM CONSTRUCTION 563.00 SF ES.TMA"m COST OF CoNsm f -MON ,?A7.20 FXWWT FEN "WARY CONSTRUCTION FEE 101-0001.1418.000 $382.00 PILKH CHECK FEE 101-000-439-318 $309.98 ht1W,MANIC" FFE 101-000-421-000 $33.00 E114CTRICAt FEE .101-000-920-000 $43.39 PLUMBING FIS 101.000-419-000 d l3,R0 ST - W0 MOTION FEA. - RFSID 101-000-241-000 $4.42 GRADING ng 101-000.423-000 $1.3.00 9OB-TOT.A.I.. C09M_U('A ."100 AND :e:'i...Al'C1`C1- 1X33 PRE -PAID PEES $0.00 WSCAl. I''1`'&e"T'FEF.S .DUF1 NOW r IA1' 2 9 FIN1?NC,E .,,_. r oe RECEIPT -" — ASE_ t BY FI INSPECfr .1 'j INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O.K to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation G Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final r BLOCKWALL APPROVAL POOLS - SPAS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final' Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) "COMMENTS: Date 5/27/03 No. 24469 Owner M/M Kelly Plourde Address 79-805 Pecan Valley City La Quinta Zip 92253 Tract # Type Residential Addition CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Desert Sands Unified School District 47950 Dune Palms Road La Quinta, CA 92253 (760) 771-8515 APN # Jurisdiction Permit # Study Area No. of Units 407��FtFAs%Wc) z Q BERMUDA DUNES r Cn RANCHO MIRAGE d INDIAN WELLS PALM DESERT ,y LA OUINTA %INDIO y� 762-023-019 La Quinta 0304-212 1 Lot # No. Street S.F. Lot # No. Street S.F. Unit 1 79805 Pecan Valley 568 Unit 6 Unit 2 Unit 7 Unit 3 Unit 8 Unit 4 Unit 9 Unit 5 Unit 10 Comments Attached Casita At the present time, the Desert Sands Unified School District does not collect fees on garages/carports, covered patios/walkways, residential additions under 500 square feet, detached accessory structures (spaces that do not contain facilities for living, sleeping, cooking, eating or sanitation) or replacement mobile homes. It has been determined that the above-named owner is exempt from paying school fees at this time due to the following reason: EXEMPTION NOT APPLICABLE This certifies that school facility fees imposed pursuant to Education Code Section 17620 and Government Code 65995 Et Seq. in the amount of $2.14 X 568 S.F. or $1,215.52 have been paid for the property listed above and that building permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this square footage in this proposed project may now be issued. Fees Paid By CC/st Bank - Bob Edwards Check No. 68101 Name on the check Telephone 760/775-7933 Funding Residential By Dr. Doris Wilson Superintendent Fee collected /exempted by Sha n McGilvrey $1,215.52 $0.00 / Payment Recd Over/Under Signature NOTICE: Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d)(1), this will serve to notify you that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest the fees or other payment identified above will begin to run from the date on which the building or installation permit for this project is issued, or from the date on which those amounts are paid to the District(s) or to another public entity authorized to collect them on the District('s) behalf, whichever is earlier. NOTICE: This Document NOT VALID if Duplicated Embossed Original - Building Department/Applicant Copy = Applicant/Receipt Copy - Accounting May 15 03 02:18p 'BOB EDWRRDS,CON,STRUTION; 760 775::9093 p.2 _Add DOC: IS i 2002-183463 ` STEWARTTITLE—Rivbtside e4i16 2ee2 0a:0eA Fee:le.eo Page;;:1 of 2 Doe; T Tax Paid `Reeorded.in.Official Records RECORDING REQUESTED BY County of -Riverside ;, ,Gary.L.Oreo - Assessor;CounClehk.& Recorder AND WHEN RECORDED MAII;,,TOr II I Kelly Plourde '.:I II�III°I VIII IIII'IIIIhI�IIII� IIII�III�II III"IIIII�III�I�II Connie Plourde 3935 Cedar View Drive m . • s u IAeE' SRE DA xl POOR' NOCON SMF Misc. . Eagan, MN 55122-1411 A R L COPY f LONG REFUND NCW, A.P.N.: 762-023-019 TRA t/: Oil' Ordei No.: 507196960 Escrow No.: 1.7483 -CM ` t _ GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTIOR(s) DEC". E(s) THAT DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER T AX IS: COUNTY 5489.50 X ] computed on fullivalue of." perty conveyed, or computed on full value less tralue of liens or encumbrances remaining It time of sale, [ unincorporated area; [ X•] City of La' Ouinta , arida', d FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Receipt of which is hereby,ackno,uledged, H. C. Pearch and Laura•Jean Pearch, trustees'of T,he Pearch Living Trust U/A dated 6/6/97 hereby GRANT(S) to Kelly Plourde and Connie Plourde, Husband, and Wife, as Joint -T6:3ants. the following described property in the City of La Qainta, Courity'of Riverside State of California; See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Pearch Living T U/A dated ' 6/6/97 By: x H. C. Pearch, Trustee By:> u a Jean Pe h; Tnistee " • Document Date: February 14,.2 0 02 STATE OF CALIF R1YIA )SS COUNTY OF _ /d t'5;d e Y ) On FP�R�A2y /° �ODo� beforc'Ai personally appeared C CEf /iN6 44a-0 +J personally known to me.(or proved to me on die ba is of satisfacto and acknowledged, to m�, that he/shel&h `execut, the •'sa'riie in his. the person(s) or„thee iqj. upon beha TNlf of:whic a persons) actec WIESS my han a�d official seal. Signature% / a cote) to be the.person(s) whose name(s)`.Ware subscribed to the within instrument :i�,au'thoriied capacit%-(ies) and drat by hislfier/Utcir signature(s) on the instrument AIM the instruinent. ITP.!A L . a"A1G` i"� �'•.�- v _ FF *�i l�.c` 7 s'_o9:c-Ca';famla 6!9 fi4;UHTY -' xr' why yomm Erpnotarial . July 14, 2005 tis area or xial seal. j. t Mail Tax Statements to; SAME,AS ABOVE or. Add ess.,Noted'Below Mai 15.03 02:18p HOB,-EDWRRDS CON$TRUTION 760 775x•90.93 p.3 _ _boa 507196960 r. EXHIBIT "An LEGAL DESCRIPTION• The land referred to he�re' n.is situated` in the :Stare:: of California, County of Riverside, City of:.LA, :QUINTA,. described °as- follows: A CONDOMINIUM;COMPRISED OF: (A) AN UNDIVIDED 1/19TH INTEREST IN'AND;'TO REVISED.LOT 5 OF TRACT 248`01; IN THE CITY OF `LA QUINT, COUNTY. OF RIVERSIDE, STATE•OF•CALIFORNIA, AS PER�MAP RECORDED IN-B.00K 213; PAGE 76 THROUGH -8'1 INCLUSIVE,. OF -MAPS; , IN- THE..:OFFICE 'OF .':THE. COUNTY RECORDER OFISAIt COUNTY, AS -DESCRIBED I.N"DEED RECORDED JUNE 5, 1990 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 206813.'' EXCEPT UNITS B.-490 THROUGHB=508, INCLU.3IV&', AS ----SHOWN ON THE CONDOMINIUM PLAN RECORDED JULY 3 ,. 19,9 01 AS INSTRL' i' i NO. 246381, OF OFFICIAL 'RECORDS. (B)' UNIT 5508 AS SHOWN ON THE CQNDOMIN-IUM-PLAN RECORDED JULY 3, 1990 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 24638'1, OF OFF AL RECORDS. S. IS SUBJECT TO THE DECLUZATION..OF--COVENANTS, CONDITIONS- AND .RESTRICTIONS FOR' ,P.•G.A. jIEST AES.IDENT.IAL PROJECT, .RIVERSIDE COUNTY, -CALIFORNIA;'.12ECORDED�•-AUGUST 3, 1990 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 288874, IN THE•i•OFFICE OE THE`COUNTY RECORDER _ __.._QF_.SAID _COITNrY; AND ANY AMENDMENTS .OR `SIJPPL;EMENTS :;THERETO ( "THE DECLARATION." ),.' AND_ THE DECLARATION" AND `i>NY 'AME15DMENTS OR... _. - - SUPPLEMENTS ,T.HERE TO ARE INCORPORATED HEIZEIN AND'MADE A PART HEREOF BY.THI'S REFERENCE. ALSO EXCEPT AND RESERVING TO.THE 1.GRANTOR ALL. OIL AND GAS, HYDROCARBON�AND OTHER MINERAL RIGHTS BELOW 50.0 FEET BENEATH THE SURFACE .OF SAID LAND., WITHOUT 'RIGHT..OF SURFACE ENTRY. End of Legal Description I�IIIIUIIII�II�VI�IIIIMVIIIII�IIIIIWIIIII �.`�°eE268 o I f 's'aw Title 24�Re ort for: i . p i Pecan Valley I La ta,. Ca 92253 I . i I Project.,.:Designer: I, Robert A. Pitchford, Design '& Drafting 41-62,51 Eclectic; #An 2 ` i Pa1m.Desert;� Ca -92260 (760) 346=28'56 .Report Prepared= By: TimScott H, & H Air Conditioning 74-9.q,2 Joni Drive #20: Palm: -Desert, CA 92260-2:043 (76.6)� 340`=3088 Job. -Number: Date: 7/15/03 The EnergyPro computer program has been used to perform the calculations summarized in this compliance report. This program has approval and is authorized by the California Energy Commission for use with both the Residential'and-NonreSidential 2001'130ilding Energy Efficiency Standards. This program developed'by,,EnergySoft; LLC (415) 883-5900. EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft Job Number: User Number: 5533 TABLE���OF CONTE�N�TS Cover Page 1 Table of. Contents 2 Form CF'1'yR Certificate of ,Compliance 3 :.P Form MF -1 R Mandatory Measures ,C-h.ecklist-. 6 Form C-2RsComputer. Method Summary 8 HVAC System and-coolin Loads Summa 12 Y 9.� g.-- ry Room Load Summary. .13 Room Heating'Peak Loads 14 Room Cooling Peak Loads 15 HVAC Equipment Specifications 17 i I I EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft Job -Number. User Number: 5533 Certificate of C Ice: Residential ,,., Mr.. & Mrs. Kelly Plourde ProjeCt Title 79-805 Pecan Valley La..Quinta rolec ress H & H Air Conditioning (760_) 340=3088 ocumen a ion A—uthor 1 a ep one Computer Performance • 15 . (Pa.rt. 1 of 2) CF -1 R 7/15/03 Building Permit 9— Plan7.CfFeWl Date Field ec a e GENERAL INFORMATION Frame Type Total Conditioned Floor Area`_ 568 ft2 Average Ceiling Height: 8.5 ft Total Conditioned Slab Area: 568 ft2 Building Type: Exterior Roof (check one or more) Wood ® Single Family. Detached ❑ Addition ❑ Single Family Attached ❑ Existing Building ❑ Multi -Family ❑ Existing Plus Addition Front Orientation: (Northeast) .30 deg Floor. Construction Type: Slab Floor Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 Number of Stories: 1 ❑ Raised Floor Sell�ll�f:�A�a��111�1+Yo1�_�1U]. Component Type Frame Type Const. Assembly Uryalue Location/Comments (attic, garage, typical, etc.) R-38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) Wood 0.028 Exterior Roof R-19 Wall (W.19:2x6.16) Wood 0:065 Exterior Wall , Slab On Grade n/a 0.756 Covered Slab w/R-0.0 Perimeter Insulation Slab On Grade n/a 0.756 Exposed Slab MR -0.0 Perimeter Insulation FENESTRATION ❑ X❑ Shadina Devices Type Orientation Area Fenestration Exterior Overhang Side Fins (SF) U -Factor SHGC Shading Yes / No Yes / No Front (Northeast) 16.5 0.42" 0.35. Bug`Screen ❑ X❑ ❑ X❑ Front (Northeast) 24.0 0.62 0.38 Bug -.Screen ❑ X❑ ❑ X❑ Left (Southeast) 64.0 0.62 0.38 Bug Screen ❑ X❑ ❑ x❑ Left (Southeast) 8.0 0.42 0.35 Bug Screen ❑ X❑ ❑ x❑ Rear (Southwest) 16.0 0.42 0.35 Bug Screen ❑ X❑ ❑ ❑X Right (Northwest) 4.0, A. 0.35 Bug Screen ❑X❑ ❑X❑ Right (Northwest) 9.2 0.72 0.59 Bug Screen ❑ X❑ ❑X❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ El 1:1 Q 1:1 1:1 El Run Initiation Time: 07/15/03 13:28:37 Run"Code: 1058300917 F EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5533 Job Number: Page:3 of 20 Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Part 2 of 2) CF -1 R Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Plourde: �" y'. 7/15/03 Project Title a e HVAC SYSTEMS Note: Input Hydronic or Combined Hydronic data under. Water Heating Systems, except Design Heating Load. Distribution _ ` Heating Equipment Minimum Type and Duct or Type (furnace, heat Efficiency Location Piping Thermostat Location / pump, etc.) (AFUE%HSRF) (ducts; attic, etc.) �R-Value Type Comments Split Heat Pump 7.30 HSPF Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback HVAC -1 Cooling Equipment Minimum Duct Type (air conditioner, Efficiency Location Duct Thermostat Location / heat pump, evap. cooling) (SEER) (attic, etc.) R=Value Type Comments Split Heat Pump 12.0�SEER Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback HVAC -1 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Rated 1 Tank EnergyFact.1 1 External Water Heater Water Heater Distribution # in Input Cap. or Recovery Standby Tank Insul. System Name Type Type Syst. Btu/hr (gal) Efficiency' Loss (%) R -Value A.O. Smith FSG -30-222 Small.Gas Standard 1 32,000 . 30 0.57 n/a 12 I For small gas storage (rated inputs of less than or equal to 75,000 Btu/hr), electric resistance and tieat pump water heaters, list energy factor. For large gas storage water heaters (rated input of greater than 75,000-Btu/hr), list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency and Standby Loss. For instantaneous gas water heaters, list Rated Input and Recovery Efficiency. REMARKS This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them: This: certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. The undersigned recognize that compliance using-duct'sealirig and TXV's requires installer testing and certification and field verification by an approved HERS rater. Designer or Owner (per Business & Professions Code) Documentation Author Name: Name: Tim Scott Title/Firm: Robert A. Pitchford, Design & Drafting Title/Firm: H & H Air Conditioning., Address: 41-625 Eclectic; #A-2 Palm Desert, Ca 92260 Telephone: (760) 346 6 Lic. #: 0 (signa (date) Enforcenfent Agency Name: Title/Firm: Address: Telephone: Address: 74=991 Joni Drive #20 Palm Desert, CA 92260-2043 Telephone: (7 0) 340-3088 (d OZ (signature) (da e) Run Initiation Time: 07/15/03 13:28:37 Run.Code: 1058300917 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5533 Job Number: ' PageA of 20 �p Certificate of Compliance CF -1 R (Addendum) Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Plourde ;. 7/15/03 Project Title f Date Special Features and Modeling Assumpti6n's. The local enforcement agency should'pay I spec,!al attention to,the.items, sp,q'qif!qd in'this cheic'klist. These items require special written justification and documentation', and special verification ,tob6;usje-d With the perforrh6rice.approacK. The local enforcement agency determines'the adeg'"cy-of the-j4stif*icati6-n'i',and -may :reject a b61ld-ir-g"di"r design that 6therwAsie complies UaaQu UI I LIU 0 U4UO%,Y vi LIU aJJU%, a JUati I 1%,aUVIIaJIU UVVUI I OUU1 III Ltwu. Plan Field 01requi The DHW System "A.0. Smith FSG -30-222" Energy Factor&below 58 .= 0.570. An Yes"an ka-12 Ekte'rnal: Blanket. The HVAC System "HVAC -1" must meet all C]Ed'Criteriiior a ZonallyCortrolled system serving I only * . Sleeping Areas. HERS Required Verification These features must be,confirmed and/or testedtby a certified HERS rater, under the supervision of -a'k-CEC approved HERS provider. The HERS rater must document the field verification a6d;diadhostic,testing of these measures onla form Cl ---*'6R. Plan I Field The HVA(; 5ystem --HVAE;-l'* includes Utfl§e—ra--nf- Charge and,Airf-low Credit (or a.1xv). A certiflea H1 --K5 rater must provide verifification of the TXV, or measure the Refrigera'nt Charge and"Airflo %W Run 1nitiation'TJrnq., 07115/03 13:28,37 Ru n- Code: A 04-300917 :nergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User.Number.5533Job Number Page: 5 of 20 Run 1nitiation'TJrnq., 07115/03 13:28,37 Ru n- Code: A 04-300917 :nergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User.Number.5533Job Number Page: 5 of 20 Mandatory Measures -Checklist Residential ' (Page 1 of 2) MF -1 R NOTE: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards rnus(contain these rheasures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (') may be superseded by more stringentcompliance requirements Iisteftri the'Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by alPpaities as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewfiere,in.the documents or on'this checklist only.11 DESCRIPTION Instructions: Check or initial applicable'lioxes or enter N/A if notapplicable. , DESIGNER ENFORCEMENT Building Envelope Measures V. 150(a): Minimum R-19 ceiling insulation. ❑ §150(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturer's labeled R -Value. ®'§150(c): Minimum R-13 wall insulation in wood framed walls or equivalent U -value in metal frame walls (does to not apply exterior mass walls): ❑ ' § 150(d): Minimum R-13 raised floor insulation in framed floors or equivalent. § 150(1): Slab edge insulation - water absorption rate no greater than -0.3%, water vapor transmission rate no Elgreater than 2.0 perm/inch. ® § 118: Insulation specified or installed meets insulation qua litystandards. Indicate type and form. ® §116-17: Fenestration Products, Exterior Doors and Infiltration/Exfiltration Controls 1. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. 2. Fenestration products (except field fabricated) have label with certified U -Factor, certified Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC), and infiltration certification. 3. Exterior doors and windows weatherstripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. ❑ § 150(g): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. ® § 150(f): Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with Section 151 meets. Commission quality standards. ❑ §150(e): Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Logs. 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: a. Closeable metal or glass door b. Outside air intake with damper and control c. Flue damper and control 2. No continuous burning gas pilots allowed. Space Conditioning, Water Heiating,and Plumbing System Measures ® § 110-13: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the Commission. o§ 150(h): Heating and/or cooling loads:calculated in accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA or ACCA. ® § 150(i): Setback thermostat on all applicable heating and/off cooling systems. ® § 1500): Pipe and Tank Insulation 1. Storage gas water heaters rated witfi:an Energy Factor less than 0.58 must be externally wrapped with insulation having an insta116d.thermal resistance of R-12 or greater. 2. First 5 feet of pipes closest to water heater. tank, non -recirculating systems, insulated (R4 or greater) 3. Back-up tanks for solar system, unfired storage tanks, or other indirect hot water tanks have R-12 external insulation or R-16 combined internal/external insulation. 4. All buried or exposed piping insulated in recirculating. sections of hot water systems. 5. Cooling system piping below 55 degrees F. insulated. 6. Piping insulating between heating source and indirect hot water tank.. EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5533 Job Number: Page:6 of 20 Mandatory Measures Crhecklist R'eSidenti_al (Page 2 of 2) MF -1R NOTE: Lowrise residential buildings su4ect to 4 e, Standards must contain these measures. regardless of;tne compliance,.approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (') may be superseded by more stringent compliance'requiremeAts listed on the Certificate'of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be to by alt parties.as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents'or on this checklist only. DESCRIPTION Instructions: `Check orinitial applicable boxes or enter kif not applicable. DESIGNER ENFORCEMENT Space Conditioning, Water Heating and':P.lumbing Sy'st6rn Measures: (continued) [X ' § 150(m): Ducts and Fans f- 1. All ducts and plenums installed, sealed and insulated to-meet.the requirements of the 1998 CMC Sections 601, 603, 604 and Standard 6-3; ducts insulated.to a minimum installed level of R-4:2 or enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed with mastic, tape, aerosol sealant, or other duct -closure system that meets the applicable requirements of UL181, UL181A, or UL181B. If mastic ortape is•used to seal openings greater than 1/4 inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape'shall be used. Building -cavities shall not r; be used for conveying conditioned air. Joints; and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back'rubber adhesive duct tapes unless such tape is used in,combination with' mastic and drawbands. 2. Building cavities, support platforms for air handlers, and plenums defined or constructed with inaterials other than sealed sheet metal, duct board or flexible duct shall not be used forconveying conditioned air.'Building cavities and support platforms may contain ducts. Ducts installed in cavities and suppart.platforms shall not be compressed to cause' reductions in the cross --sectional area of the'ducts. -' 3. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back.rubber adhesive %duct tapes unless such,a,tape is used irccombinat on with mastic and dr'awliands: 4. Exhaust fan systems have back draft or,automatic dampers. i 5. Gravity ventilation systems serving conditioned space have eitherautomatic or readily accessible, manually. — operated dampers. 6. Protection of Insulation. Insulation'shall.be protected from damage, including thatbue to'sunlight, moisture, , equipment maintenance, and'wind but not limited to the following: Insulation•;exposed.to,weather'shall be suitable for outdoor service a g;, protected by aluminum;, sheet metal, painted canvas, or plastic cover: Cellular foam insulation shall be protected:as above or painted�with' a coating'that is waterretardant'arid provides shielding from solar radiation that can cause degradation of the material. § 114: Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment. 1. Certified with 78% thermal efficiency, on-off switch, weatherproof operating instructions, no electric resistance heating, and no pilot. 2. System is installed with at least 36"'of pipe between filter and heater for future solar, cover for outdoor pools or spas. \ a. At least 36" of pipe between filter and: heater for future. solar heating. b. Cover for outdoorpool so r I outdoor spas. " . ... r 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation pump time switch. U, .. y] §115: Gas fired central furnaces, pool heaters, spa'heaters or household cooking appliances have no j continuously', burningpilot light. (Exception:.No6-electrical cooking appliances with pilot < 150 Btu/hr) Ej §118 (f): Cool Roof material meet specified criteria2l' i Lighting Measures i §150(k)1: Luminaires for general lighting in.kitchens shall.have lamps with,an efficacy 401umens/watt or greaterfor. .general lighting in kitchens. This general fighting shall be controlled by, a switch on a readily accessible lighting control panel at an'entrance to the kitchen: §150(k)2: Rooms with -a shower -or bathtub must have'either at least one luminaire with tamps with an efficacy of 40 lumens/watt or greater switched at the entrance to'the room or one of the alternative to this requirement allowed imSection 150(k)2.; and recessed ceiling fixtures are IC (insulation cover) approved. 3,1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5533 Job Number: Page:7 of 20 j Computer Method ,Summary (Part 1 of 3,) C -2R ,Mr. & Mr -Project Title s. Kelly Plomate urde 7/15/03 . - 79-805 Pecan Valley La Quinta -Project Adaress H & H Air Conditionind (760)-'340:-3088 -Documentation Aut ora onl—ep e Computer Performance 15 Source Energy (kBtulsf-yr) . Space Heating Space Cooling Domestic Hot Water Totals Design Design Margin 5.85 -9.44. -3:59. 59.84. • 48:87 10.96 33:67" 30.28 3:39 99.35 88•:59 ;0::;76. Conditioned Floor Area: 568 Building Type: tingle'Fam Detached=' Building Front Orientation:;, (Noitheast) 30 deg` . Number of Dwelling,Units:.1.00 Number of Stories: 1 BuiFding—Permit Plan C e tdDate iFTd-CbecW ate X❑ Slab.Floor ,Flo'or..Construction Type: Raised Floor Total Fenestration Area: 24.9% Total C.ondition&&Volume: 4,828 Slab Floor Area: 568 BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION • # of Thermostat Vent Zone Name Floor Area Volume Units Zone Type Type Hgt. Area HVAC -1 568 4,828 1.00 .Slee iinng SleepingStat 2 Na So—� QPAQUE SURFACES Act. Gains Type Area U -Fac, Azm. Tilt Y / N Form 3 Reference Location / Comments , � U_ Act. .,Glaiing Type Location/ # Type Area Factor SHGC Azm. tilt Comments 1 Window Front (Northe st) 10.5 0A20 0.35 30 90. Fleet . wob� W'/ Sofai� , Banlbo Low Easita Y Window Front (Northeast) 24.10- 0.620 0.38 30 90 , FidetWood:W,Solar: Bain Go Low Easita Window Front (N6rttfeast) - 6.0 -6-.-420 —0-35 30 90'FlbbtWood w/,S6lar,:Ban­.Go Low Easita T_ Window. Left (Southeast) 64.0. 0.620 0.38 12.0., 90,.FleetWood.-w/iSolaf�Bzin Go Low Easita i- Window Rear (Southwest) 4.0 ' 0.420 0.35 210 90 Fle.etwdb'd'iv/:S6lir Ban,,Go Low Easita Win _6W:_KearV�6_uthwest) --4.0 . �0420 0.35 .-210 90 Fleetwood;wl'SoW Ban Go Low Easita T Window Rear (Southwest). 4.0 0.420 0.35 210 90 fleetw'66&w/ Solar Ban do _Low_6_aiita_ To Window Rear (Southwest) 4.0 0.420 0.35:,.--210 90 Fleetw6od w/ Solar Ban Go Low Easita _1 Window Right (Northwest) 4.0 --6—.420' 0.35 300 90 Fleetvibod w/ Solar Ban Go Low Easita 12 Window Right (Northwest) 4.6 0;720 0,59 300 :90 'Glass Block Casita -- -- ----- � -----' ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ^ --------- ---------- ' _- --_--- --__- __ -_---- -____ __ -_---- ____� '- ---' INTERIOR AND ANOEXTER|OR SHADING ___--_ --_---- _-----' ---- Window --_--_--__ -----_-_-__ - . __--------' ' Ov h Left Fin Right Fi Overhang # -R�-V- � -lJivt--[e_n_--H�[ A—Uj Screen -0.76 Y Bug Screen 0.76.: —0.76,'- �- Bug Screen 0.76 o� 0.76 �-Screen Bug Screen 0.76,� Y. Bug Screen 0.,76- -8- uuo=cmvn g- �UBug Screen 0.76,. �--- ---- �-_- --- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- --- ---- lT--- ---- .. ---- --- --- ---- ��-- --- ---' ---- ---- --- TZ --7-76- l%---U��� _- -- ���_---- ---- ---_ _--- --- ---- ---- ' ---' --�-�.---- _-_- -__ _�__ ---- ---- `,--' ---' ---� ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---_ __�` -_-_ _--- _--- ___ __-' �---_ -_-- �---�___' _--- ---- ---- . Computer Method Summary Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Plourde (Part.3 of 3 Project Title Date t. THERMAL MASS FOR -HIGH MASS DESIGN'• Area Thick:, Heat+ Inside Location Type (sf) (in.) Cap. Cond. Form`3 Reference -R-Val.. Comments PERIMETER LOSSES F2 Insulation Type Length Factor R461. Depth Location / Comments Slab Perimeter 94 0.76 0.0 0 Casita, Slab Perimeter 30 0.76 0.0 0 ` Casita' 7/15/03 C-2 R _ Ruh. lnitiatiion Time: 07/15/0313:28:37 Run Go_de: 1058300917 EnergyPro 3.1 By Energysoft User Number': 5533 Job Number: Page:10 of 20 HVAC SYSTEMS Heating Equipment Minimum;, Distribution -Type Type (furnace, heat Efficiericyy arid', Location. 'Duct . Thermostat Location / pump, etc.) (AFUE/HSPfl(ducts/attic, etc.) R -Value Type Comments Split Heat Pump 7.30 HSPF 'Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback HVAC -1 Hydronic Piping Pipe Pipe In. System Name Length Diameter .• .Thick. Cooling Equipment Minimum Duct Type (air conditioner, Efficiency ,. Location Duct Thermostat Location / heat. pump, evap. cooling) (SEER). (attic, etc) R' -Value Type ' , ' Comments Split Heat Pump 12.0 SEERDucts in Attic 4.2 Setback- HVAC -1 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Ratedl Tank'' 'Energy Fact? Tank Insul. Water Heater Water.Heater. . Distribution # in Input Cap. 1 or Recovery Standby R -Value System Name Type Type Syst. (Btu/hr) (gal) Efficiency Loss':(%) Ext. A.O. Smith FSG -30-222 Small Gas Standard 1 32,000 30 0.57 n/a 12 1 For small gas:storage (rated input.<=75000 Btu/hr) electric resistance and heat pump water heaters; list energy factor. For large gas storage water heaters (rated irijiut• ; 75000IIBtu/hr);�list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency and Standby Loss. For instantaneous gas waterheaters, list Rated Input, an&Recovery'�Efficiencyr, R REMARKS _ Ruh. lnitiatiion Time: 07/15/0313:28:37 Run Go_de: 1058300917 EnergyPro 3.1 By Energysoft User Number': 5533 Job Number: Page:10 of 20 Computer Method Summary: (Addendum) C -2R Mr. &Mrs. Kelly Plourde 7/15/03 Project Title Date Special Features and'Wdeling Assu,mption's, > The local enforcement agency "should pay special attention to"the items,specified m.this.checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and specialsveiification to be used with theperformance approach. The local enforcement agency determines`thetadequacy of;the justification,�and -may 'r�eject,a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special justificatio "nand documentation submitted. Plan Field The DHW System "A.O. Smith FSG -30-222" Ene'rgy'Factor = 0.570. An EF below 0.58 requires an. R-12 External Blanket. The HVAC System "HVAC -1" must meet all CECaCriteriasfor a Zonally Controlled systdrh,serving only Sleeping Areas. HERS Required Verification These features must be confirmed and/or tested by,,a certified HERS rater under the supervision of a CEC approved HERS provider. The HERS rater must document the field verificatiomand diagnostic testing of these measures on a form CF -611. an I Field The HVAG bystem includes Refrigerant Charge and Airflow.Creditora ce i e rater must provide verifification of the TXV, or measure the Refrigerant Charge and Airflow. Run Initiation -Time; un o e: 1,054300917 FEn-.rgyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number:"5533 Job'Nurn*: Page: 11 of 20 Run Initiation -Time; un o e: 1,054300917 FEn-.rgyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number:"5533 Job'Nurn*: Page: 11 of 20 MARY HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND'COOLLNGtLOADS SUM PROJECT NAME DATE Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Plourde 7/15/03 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC -1 568 ENGINEERING CHECKS SYSTEM LOAD Number of Systems 1 Heating System Output per System 24,000 Total Output (Btuh) .24,000 Output (Btuh/sgft) 42.3 Cooling System Output per System 24,000 Total Output (Btuh) 24,000 Total Output (Tons) ` 2.0 Total Output (Btuh/sgft) 42:3 Total Output (sgft/Ton) 2U'.0 Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts COIL COOLING'PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM Sensible Latent CFM I Sensible 394 9,206 0 681 12,388 0 460 619 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 460 619 TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD 10,126:[77::0 13,627 Air System HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION . CFM per System 800 CARRIER-38YRA024 19,606 0 15,784 Airflow. (cfm) 800 Airflow (cfm/sqft) 1.41 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 400.0 Total Adjusted System Output Outside Air (%) 0.0 19,606 0 15,784 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) Outside Air (cfm/sgft) 0.00 TIME OF SYSTEM' PEAK Aug 2 pm —_ Jan 12 am Note: values above given at ARI coriditions HEATING SYSTEM PSYGHROMETF�,!U�, Irs ream I empera 26.0 OF 69.3 of 69:3 OF ° 87.8 of Outside Air! 0 cfm Supply Fan Heating Coil 800 cfm 69.3 Supply Air Ducts 87.1 of ROOMS 70.0 of -- irs ream I empera ures a.ime o oo.lmg ea 111.0 / 77.6 of 74.5 l 59.4of • 74.5 / 59.4..0E 51.5 / 50.3 of Supply Air Ducts Outside Air O cfm Supply Fan Cooling Coil 52.1 / 50.5 of 800 cfm 41.4% R.H. ROOMS 74.5/59.4 of 74.0 ! 59.2 OF Return,Air Ducts LEnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number:• 5533 Job Number: Page: 12 of 20 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME S . `° Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Plourde DATE 7/15/03 SYSTEM NAME HVAC -1 FLOOR AREA 568 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY ROOM COOLING`PEAK COIL .COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM'-' SENSIBLE, LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE Casita asi a 1 394 9,206 0 394 9,206 0 681 12,388 a F , PAGE TOTAL 1 394 9,206 0 681 12,388 TOTAL 1 394 9,206 0 681 12,388 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5533 Job Number: Page: 13 of 20 _ _ 3 ; -fix .•x w, #•" � �.� _ ,.f. ROOM HEATING' PEAK`LOADS j ' Project Title Y Date Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Plourde 7/15/03 j Room Information D.esigrr:Conditioris k Room Name Casita Time�o"f;Peak'4-, " Jan 12 am i Floor Area 568 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26OF Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70 OF " L - Conduction Area U -Value AT °F Btu/hr Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. r Page Total L 12,388 Infiltration: I 1.00 x. r :1.064 x 568 x 8.50.x 0.00 / 6C�I X. ® _ F Sc�iedu a Air ensi a Area eilmg: eig t J pT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS.F.OR ROOM 12,388 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5533 Job Number: Page: 14 of 20 f 568.0 ,X .X. X X X ' x x X, X X x x x X 'X X X X X x X X X x x x x x x x x X X X X X X X X <.0.0280 X _ X x x, x. X X x x x X + x x x X x X X X x x x x X X x x X x X x x X x X X. X X x 44.0 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = _ = = = = = = = = = = = = = I = = = = = = = — 922.3 '0.0655 44.0 44.5 0.4200 44.0 88.0 0.6200 44.0 9.2 0.7200 44.0 perimeter =124.0 44.5 Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. r Page Total L 12,388 Infiltration: I 1.00 x. r :1.064 x 568 x 8.50.x 0.00 / 6C�I X. ® _ F Sc�iedu a Air ensi a Area eilmg: eig t J pT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS.F.OR ROOM 12,388 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5533 Job Number: Page: 14 of 20 f RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING -LOAD SUMMARY Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Plourde 7/15/03 Project Title Date s. Room Name r s Casita Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Temperature Difference: 740F 112°F 380F Conduction Area U -Value.;. DETD 1 Btu/hr X -'(Northeast) 55.0 = 875 X Window 34.6 = 2,089 X. (StutFieast)' 38.0 = _ 710 X Window 38.0 = 2,073 X 0.390 38.0 = 2521 X X X X 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total 5,999 Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Shaded- Unshaded Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF - Area SGF SC Btu/hr Window -'(Northeast) Window (Northeast) Window (Northeast) Window (Southeast) Window (Southeast) Window (StutFieast)' Window (Southwest) Window (Southwest) Window (Southwest) Window (Southwest) ( 0.0x1 x x x x 'x x x x ;x "+_ :+ + `+ +, + + + + + 10.5x x x x X X : X x x x 15)X x x ) X x 0.390= = = = = = = = _ = 61 ( 0.0 .1 24.0 15)X, 0.423 152 ( 0.0 1 . ' 6.0 15)X' 0.390 35 ( 0:0 1 64.0 73)X 0.423 1,976 (. O:O 1 4.0 73)x 0.390 114 ( 0.0 1 4.0 73) 0.390 114 0.0 1 4.0 32) 0.390 50 ( ` . 0.0 1 4.0 _32)X 0.390 50 0.0 1 4.0 3 0.390 50 ( 0;0 15 4.0 --321) 0.390 50 Sched'. Page Total 2,652 Internal Gain Frac. Area , Heat Gain. Btu/hr Lights 1.00.X 568 X 0.000 'Watts/sqft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Occupants 1.00 X 568 X„ 0 Btuh/occ. ./ 20,000 sgft/occ. = 0 Receptacle 1:00 X 568 x" 0 000 'Watts/sq fit x 3.413 86h/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 x 568 x 0.000' Watts/sgft x 3.41.3 BtuhfWatt = 0 Infiltration: L 1.00 x1.064 x 568 x • 8.50 x' 000 60] 38 = Schedule X -r Sensi e . Area edmgHeightRCC Q Fraction NOTAL HOURLY�,SENSIBLE HEAT•GA(N FOR,ROOM- 9,2061 Sched. Latent Gain Frac,., Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants E:::12000000 x 568 x O Btuh/occ'. / 20,000 sgft/occ. =ff-0 0 Receptacle 'X 568 x 0.000'Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt =0 Process x 568 x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt = Infiltration: L 1.00 x 4,77 x 568, x 8.50 x 0.00 60] 0.00000 = 0 schedule Air Latent Area Ceilm" g FeigFi AC pyy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT. GAIN.FOR'ROOM 0 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5533 Job Number: Page: 15 of 20 ti RESIDENTIAL Roo M_'COOLI146 :LOAD SUMMARY Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Plourde 7/15/03 Project Title Date Room Name CaSita Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Temperature Difference: 740F 112°F 380E Conduction Area U -Value DETD 1 Btu/hr X X X X X X 'X x X X = X = X = X = X = X = 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total VI Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Shaded Unshaded Solar Gain Orientation Area `SGF Area SGF SC Btu/hr Window (Northwest) ( 6.0 x 1 + 4.0 X 73)X 0.390 = 114 Window _ (Northwest) ( 0.0 X 1 + 4.6 x 73)X -0.657 = 221 Window (Northwest)z z 0.0 x 15 +' 4.6 X 73)x 0.657 = 221 ( X + X )x = ( x + x )x = ( x + X )X = ( x + X )x = - ( x + X )x — x + x )X = Sched. Page Total 555 Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat!Gain Btu/hr Lights 1.00 X 568 X 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.412 Btuh/Watt = 0 Occupants 1.00 x 568'X 0-Btuh/oCc. / 20,000 sqft/occ. = 0 Receptacle 1.00 X 568 X 0:000 Watts/sqft x 3.413 BtuhlWatt = 0 LProcess 1.00 x 568 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3:413 Btuh/Watt = _ 0 Infiltration: I 1.00. x � _-1.064 x 568 x , _'' 8:50 x . 0.00 /6 1 38 = Ol —schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height Ac QT .Fraction, TOTAL HOURLY -SENSIBLE HEAT"GAIN FOR ROOM 9,2061 .Scheid. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat°Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 x 568 x 0 Btuh/occ. / 20,000 sgft/occ. = 0 Receptacle 1.00,x 568 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/VVatt = 0 Process 1-.00 z 568 x 0.000 .Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: [ 1_00 x 4,77 ' x 56 X 8.50 X 0.00 / 60] 0.00000 = 0 Schedule Air Ment Area Ceiling: eig C pW Fraction . TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 01 IEnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5533 -Job Number: Page: 16 of 20