9906-175 (AR)LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION Ijhereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Ch��pter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division'3 of the Business and -.Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date : 07, 1203 B 0,931/19' .Date A - Signature of Contractor OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATI N I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of'the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044," Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I am exempt under Section , B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor ,Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ( 1 have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is.issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Cartier Policy No. IM 17LYND 1344578-96 (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become Subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with th,Kisio ', abate: `✓-�' Applicant - -- / - Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is -hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any,permit issued as a result of this applicatori agrees to, & shall, indemnity &hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon t above-mentioned property four inspection purposes. Signature (Owner/Agent) . ✓�-" • ( Date % `� e5 BUILDING PERMIT . PERMIT 9 06-175 DATE VALUATION S49.837.3GI LOT TRACT 118470-1 JOB ADDRESS 78.5,143 i'EI�1;Ct,lESS PLACE APN 769-162-001 ' OWNER CONTRACTOR/DESIGNER/ENGINEER tiND1L:EW PtE1ZC:E C OR-PORKrION ANDREW PIE PC]" C'ORPORA'110N 44.835 DEEP CANYON R.D 44-835 DEEP C;.A1\ YON .RD PALM .DESERT' CA 92266 PA f%4 DESE(L'I' CA 92.261 (7tKI)-6-3728 0111.,4 1031 USE OF PERMIT "RFS4DiRN i LAS, AD ire i0 aF.PPLENIENTAL TO .PI:'dtltiilT #98I2.k54, ENL.Al2E WIC OUES`I' HOUSE AND ADDING C;AF'ii'I' 0AR.AC7i3 TO 4LOUSF, UNDER CONSTRUC, i'ION, CYI'HER NUNO2 "VISIONS PER KAN CUSTOM CONS11WCTION 939.00 SF � STIA'�.f'�"FUM �"O � OIC` CONSTRUCT ION 49,337..30 Y p�r��,T��y ;��, y, �A p�nq p $gx'��iSl�'6I 0!L'CY�41) QA�A.t'Y.R.Ar PLAN CHWK FEF, I0I-0A0-43SI-318 $Z69.43 tC"NISTRUCT[ON FE i0g-fN.N)Q-44£1OiH} $41450 MEGHAMCAL FEE 101-000-4211-000 $55.50 h1liffIMI AL. FEE 101-000-420-000 $44.89 PLUMBING FEE 101-000-419-000 50.50 1i2(fNta 1%T0'f ION FEE >+ - RESID ► I Q I„O0n 241-L100 $4.98 GRAD NI G FFE 101-000.42?1-000 sa�.oU ART IN PUBLIC; PLACES - RE, SIC 701-000-255-000 $i2A.5y Wil-'1C.I A1., CON'grROCMON ANCI P!,,AN +"ta";ECK $979,39. LESS PRE -PAID FEES $0.00 -><i9.1[ Al, PEIRMI T 3+ EFS DUE NOW ^� S1.079.39 RECEIPT DATE . 7 BY j/ DATE FINALED INSPECTOR r\ t 1`•!• t r _ INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings r Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck , Exhaust Fans 0. K. to Wrap F.A.U. _AD Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wail Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath _Q Final Final BLOCKWALL APPROVALS POOLS -SPAS steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines' Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection y Q Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G. F.1. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: Notice: Document Cannot Be Duplicated Date 6/24/99 No. 18929 Desert Sands .Unified School District 47-"950 Dune. Palms Road La Quinta, CA 92253 760471=8515 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Owner NameAndrew Pierce Coporation No. 78-583 Street Peerless Place City La Quinta Tract # 28470-1 Lot # 37 Jurisdiction APN # . 769-162-001 La Quints Permit # Log # Zip 92253 Study Area Square Footage 599 Type of Development Residential Addition No. of Units 1 Comments En arging guest house and adding cart garage to house under construction. At the present, time, the DesertSands Unified School .District does not .collect fees on garages/carports, covered patios/walkways, residential: add iiions under 500 square feet, detached accessory structures or replacement mobilehomes. It has been determined the above-named owner is, exempt from paying school fees at this time due to the following reason: Add. of Sq. Ft. to New Construction EXEMPTION NOT APPLICABLE This certifies that school facility fees imposed pursuant to Government Code 53080 An,thb,amqunt of 1.93 X 599 or $ 1,156.07 the property listed above' and t!iat Noilding permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this square footage in this proposed project. rriay now be issued Fees Paid By cc/PD National Bank/Andrew. Pierce Co. Telephone,, 346=3228 Name on the check - c< By Dr. Doris Wilson Superintendent Fee collected /exempted by Signature Juanita Green Payment Received $1,156.07 Check No: 75061 (NOTICE: Pursuant of AlVembly Bill 3081, (CHAP 549, STATS. 1996) this will serve to notify you that the 90 -day approvalperiod in which you may protest the fees or other payment identified I above will begin to run from the date on which the building or installation permit for this project is sssued or on which they are Pahl to the District(s) or to another public entity authorized to collect them on the District('s)(s') behalf, whichever is earlier. Collector: Attach.a copy of county or city plan check application- form to district copy for all waivers. Embossed Original -Building Dept./Applicant Copy - Applicant/Receipt Copy 7 Accounting Tradition ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW June 22, 1999 Via Hand Delivery Mr. Gary Lohman c/o Susan Bosworth ANDREW PIERCE CORPORATION Post Office Box 3420 Palm Desert, CA 92261-3420 Re: Lot 37, Tract 28470-1 78-583 Peerless Place Changes to Construction Documents/Guest House — 2nd Submittal Dear Gary, The ADRC of Tradition Golf Club reviewed the above submittal on June 16, 1999 and determined that all conditions had been met from review letter dated May 25, 1999. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Christina J. Dor Architectural Review Coordinator /cjd pc: Greg Wehrly, via hand delivery 78505 OLD AvENuE 52 — LA QuINrA --- CA 92253-1120 -- PHONE 760/564-3355 — FAx 760/564-2356 e Y PLAN.CHECK CORRECTION LETTER%TRANSMITTAL Applicant: Hugh Huddleton, Architect .,P.C:.#: TRADITIONS Date: 'December 11, 1998 Address: 78•=581 peerless P1. La Quinta, CA Regarding Project:.Sfr Which was submitted for FIRST Plan Check DESCRIPTION OF PACKAGE SENT: l set(s).of Architectural/Structural plans 0 setts) of Plumbing plans 1 set(s) of Structural calculations .1::<set(s:) of Mechanical plans 1 set(s)'of Energy calculations 1 sets) of Electrical plans 0 set(s) of Fire :Life •Safety/Sprinkler/Alarm 0 :: set (s) of Grading plans 0 set(s) of Truss ..Calcs%Drawings '` 0 set(s) of Soils, reports 1 corrections list 0 set(s) of Other . COMMENTS CHECKED BELOW ARE ATTACHED: (x) UBC Nonstructural ( ) UFC (x). UMC ( ) Structural (x) UPC ( ) Grading and/..or Site plan (x) NEC (X) Red marked.plans (RESUBMIT!) (x) CAC, T-24 Energy_Conservation ( `),Agency Approvals ( ) CAC; T=24 Disabled,Access • ( ) Insuffici.eht Plan Submittal REMARKS: These design.-d`ocuments•have.been reviewed to help.,ensure conformance with California Administrative Code, Tit -le 24, `pr' mar ly part 2, and the Uniform Building Code, 1994. Edition: For the FASTEST -processing, please: ✓/1. Revise plans,-specif-ications and,c'alculations to clearly respond to the tta he c mmen,s res m ttirrg complete (not partial) plans. Responds' in writing to 'each comment, by marking the' attached - comment lists. Ind•icate:-which detail, specification,_ or',:calculation shows d information. Responses ouch as "see plans" or the. require "plans comply" do not. -.save -time. Responses of a°_gene ral nature, such as "Handrails sha11 be as 11er UBC .Section ,1006..9!1, are not acceptable 4 --:show °or:>note specifically how compliance with a code / requirement is achieved. q REMEMBER: Any response not conforming.to the - literal.- requirments of the codes can only '-be .approved.•by the Buildi-rig Official. THE PREVIOUS PLAN CHECK PACKAGE -SHALL BE RETURNED WITH -THE NEXT PLAN SUBMITTAL. PLANS EXAMINER: RICHARD;, ARGLEN, C. B;.O.,, ' PHONE#: (909,) 386-02®`OxZ,/3 FAX . #: (909)-888'-5107 PROJECT: Sfr 78-583 Peerless•Pl. DESIGNER: Hugh Huddleton.; Architect ENGINEER: J.s. Chung,. Struct.. Engineer. GENERAL COMMENTS 1. BUILDING DATA:.: PLAN CHECK #: TRADITIONS OCCUPANCY.;, •R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION.: V -N S.PRINKLEREDsNO TOTAL FLOOR- -AREA:. ' 4.775.'SQ FT. STORIES: 1 OCCUPANCY LOAD:. 15 REQUIRED EXITS: 2 2. Provide a r6,sponse.to all plan. check corrections. Identify all revisions made> on the plan`s being :r'esubmitte`d. 13. The red marks.6n the, plans, are corrections to be addressed. Return marked set witl.corrected-plans for recheck. 4 Note on the first sheet of the�•plans: separate review, approval and permits are required for`grad`ing,. accessorybuildings and structures si ns-`=- trash enclosures. .block';walls retaining walls not supporting building,'' aha; demolition.w is �1 Contact city fora procedural information./ �9%/ �. Provide the following•des lig" n:: data on the first sheet: -a. Occupancy group (s) Type.(S.) of construct `on, including fire 'sprinklers Actual total floor area floor`�area per .occupancy group grid/or- type of� c'dnstructi6n.; and, allowable floor area per UBC. Section. 504. ✓d. UBC;_ UPC, UMC.,'NEC Code •editions under which this project • is `to be approved UBC Section=106.3.3 Submit two complete and identical' sets: of plan check documents (plans, calculations;; and-specif cations as necessary) for review�'and approval. UBC.Section'.106.3.2 v�. Cross reference all details and sections.'. UBC.Section 106.3.3. �8. Show only the •details ..whichapply to thi.sg,'structure. Delete all others. UBC Section 106`.3.3 F, PROJECT: Sfr Page : 2 9 Specify'5/8" type 'x' gypsum board.or equivalent from the foundation to roof sheathing at -separation wall between Qarage- and residence Section 302-.4 Ex. 3 T6. Specify 1-3/8"(35mm) solid core or 2.0 -minute rated door with self-closer.'.at separation wall between garage and esidence. B ecti n 302.4 Ex. Y'1'1. All factory -built :chimneys shall terminate 2411(61Omm) minimum above the highest -part of the. roof within 101(3048mm) or in accordance with manufacturer's +listing, whichever.is greater. Show spark arrestor. UMC Section 812.1 and.Table No. D. Pr vide li�stin .for chimne, assembly as proposed or revise. `T2. Dimension rise: and run of` -private stairways on plans. Show 811(203mm) maximum rise (41"(102mm) minimum} and 9"(229mm) m n J um run. UBC SectX'on I 6.3,. Ex..• 1. /ateXe.,7,�� Y3. Handrail(s). are required at stairwayshaving four or more risers in an ind-ividual dwelling unLit:in Group R, Divisions 1 or 3, or Group U Occupanciesi...:and.at stairways having two or more risers in-6-11'other occ�u�p��ancies. Provide detai s on plans, UBC Section 1006.. 9 : f/?i� /� / max, 1A14. Mechanical ventilating systems in, bathrooms, laundry rooms and -similar rooms'shall-prov.ide five air changes:per hour erectly to the outs de. UBC Sec�/ocs 1203.3-. 115. Provide ventilation for attics acid enclosed rafter spaces. Show vent locations and, sizes.. on .roof` plana -and elevations. UBC Section 1505 3 �sc� � fla�� � nm 16. All glazing. -in haza'rd'ous locat�i;6ns 'as defined in UBC Section 240'6.4.shall betempered glass, including: 4 ✓ . swinging, and sliding doors shower and tub enclosures, including. exterior glazing �h ✓c. glazing .within 2411(61;Omm) of doors and within 6011(1525mm).Of walking..surface glazing greater than 9 sq. ft.(0.84m2) within 18" (457mm) vertically. or- 36!' (914.mm) horizontally of walking surface -,.whose;, top, edge is higher. than 3611(914mm) above the floor. NI e. glazing in railings `Identify locations on plans,where safety glazing•is.to be provided.. UBCSection 240'6'.4 17. Provide detail L,of skylight curb asembly showing I" minimum 4"(102mm): high curb. Us BC Section 2409.4 PROJECT: Sfr Page 3 18. Specify exterior -stucco applIpation (i.e., 7/811(22mm) thick, 3-cpat). UBC Sect'Lon 5.08 OLI/94 -G 1sf _,,1�����a�on �o /o Az.���_z 5. io> . Provide manufacturer, I . C: B. ;evaluation, report number and size(s) for skylight(s)-. UBC Section 2603.1:2 ✓20. Provide complete section and details for construction of masonry fireplace, chimney and hearth. Demonstrate compli���ce to -the requirements ins UBC Chapter 31 ///O//v plcrY� +21. Show chimney termination 2' (�6•IOmm) above any - part of the building within. 10' ( 048mm) UBC Table,:No.. 31-B. ►22. Glazing U values should .be.;specfied on the :.floor' plans next to glass window, doors,, skylights to match assumption in the // calculations . L/- ��uc�✓�/w, ���� i-✓i�is.���/ �►.�//0�,,(/,l//> Provide compliance with lighting;requirementsin.kitchens and bathroo}ns . (4 0 ,lumens e watt .. T2 Sub�ha ter 7 Sec. 150(k). , / See� IX 24. Complete MF -1R energy complance_form.. Incorporate.. �J therequirements contained therein onto tYe.plans Title 24 / Part1, Sec. 10 103 (a) (2) (A) x _,�— ' 15. Provide.seismic a chor"ge or, water heater. UPC Section'510.5 1126. Provide non -removable backflow prevention devices on all exterior se bibbs UPC 'Sect:ion 601.3:7 '�7. Provide a:pressure and temEferature relief va vd,with drain to 9utsldq for atr heate 's UPC. Se tions 608.0.•and 505.3 -18. Appliances located in -a'' garage which generate a..glow,.spark or flame shall be* installed' with- pilots, burners or. heating elemenl;sat e t 1 4'S ( min) : the floor. UMC Section 308.2 �9. Provide ground -fault cireuit-interrupter protection (GFCI) forall 125 -volt, single=phase 15 -..and 20=ampere, receptacles installed in bathrooms ,'kitchens.:at countertops within 6' (1.83m) of the sink,'basements,-garages,(except dedicated outlets) and outdoors. within 61-611 , (1.98m) f g ale' NEC Section 210-8 (a) 30. Provide a receptacle outlet at,each.kitchen//dining room counter space 1211(61Omm) and wider. NEC Sect -ion 210-52(c.). See elec. plan copy y 6/r®tee MN(4r—S'. PLAN CHECK -CORRECTION LETTER/TRANSMITTAL Applicant: Hugh Huddleton, Architect P. -C.#: TRADITIONS Date: December 16, 1998 Address: '718-583 Peerless Pl. La Quinta, CA Regarding Project:.SFR-Andrew.Pierce Corp. Which was submitted for FIRST Plan Check DESCRIPTION OF PACKAGE SENT: 1 set(s) of Architectural/St.ructural .plans 0 set(s) of Plumbing plans 1 set(s) of Structural calculations 1-set(s) of Mechanical plans 1 set (s) ,of Energy calculations. 1. set(s) of Electrical plans 0 set(s) of Fire Life Saf.e.ty/Spr.inkler/Alarm 0 set (s) of. Grading .plans 0 set(s) of Truss Calcs/Drawings. 0 set(s) of Soils reports 1 corrections list. 0 set(s) of Other COMMENTS CHECKED BELOW. ARE ATTACHED: ( ) UBC Nonstructural ( ) UFC ( ) UMC (x) Structural ( ).UPC ( ) Grading and/or Site plan ( ) NEC (x) Red -marked plans.,(RESUBMIT!) ( ) CAC, T-24 Energy Conservation ( ) Agency Approvals, ( ) CAC, T-24 Disabled: Access ( ) Insufficient Plan Submittal REMARKS: These design documents have been reviewed to'help ensure'conformance . with California Administrative.Code, Title 24, primarily part 2, and the Uniform Building Code,"1994 Edition. For the FASTEST processing, please: 1. Revise plans, specifications and calculations to -clearly respond to the attached comments, resubmitting complete.. (not partial) plans. 2. Responds in writing to each comment.by:marking the attached comment lists. Indicate which detail, 'specification, or -calculation shows the required information. Responses such as "s.ee plans'" or "plans comply" do not. save time. - .-Responses of a general nature, such as "Handrails shall be as. -per -UBC Section 1006.911, are not acceptable -- show or note specifically how 'compliance with a code requirement is achieved 3. REMEMBER:, Any response not. conforming to the -l-iteral: requirments of the codes can only. be approved -;by the Building, Official . 4. THE PREVIOUS PLAN CHECK PACKAGE SHALL .BE RETURNED WITH THE NEXT PLAN SUBMITTAL. SENIOR•PLANS EXAMINER: Willin Halim' PHONE#: (909)386-0200 Ex.218 FAX #: (9'09)888-5107 e \ 6 10 LA& " PROJECT: SFR-Adre'w Pierce'Cdrp. 78-583:Peerless'p1.l. La Quin.ta DESIGNER: ShigetOMi Pratt 213- 692-0897/692-09,62 faix ENGINEER: J.S. Ch4ng,1:: S.tr.UCt..: E _pgineer. 213 09* 3804/93*9-8261*''fax STRUCTURAL -'COMMENTS .P.LAN-CHECK.#: TRADITIONS M10 The following is r.e i red.lo� -to'e'stamped.(where applicable) and wet - sign . ed by the California licensed or.re . gistered'pr ;ko fessional who prepared "the: document.(s).: ♦ Each sheet of the architectural, plans ♦ Each sheetofthe structural .pians 5 s4t4rr-(4065, Thefirst sheet- of the structural 'calculations � California Business &'Professions Code Sections 5536.2 and6735. Provide a respon . se -to all plan check corrections. . ctions. Identify all revisions -made on th�e pland.*� being*:, resubmitted. 56&, C ► mt-p4--r, ON • The red matks:.on the plans are corrections.to be addressed. Return marked set with corrected plans for recheck. �Xs -6r W-Nev SIFT Indicate detail 7/S6 at RB,8 and .RB2. See. pr=v I Sr -0 Call.out-anchor bolt size a*rid spacing on foundation mdation plan. �iF-AWAIA_ S( $-2. NT6,*j , 5-3NIM2r av Dimension all shear; -.walls on framing plan. � uired_�­to' acconuno Deepen footing as roc date the required'depth of SSTB holddown anchor'. Show the.3.,- min conc.rete.cover. H0 'SA --> Se&peva ;F 17 I -S, Pe�4 Special inspectionfor th per UBC Section 1701 is required e following items:' Ova. Bolts installed in concrete (!:41AtrV_x f40 -M ♦ Moment -resisting frame ♦ Field Welding.'.. I The special. inspector shal'l',.be..-approved. by the: BuifAing. Official of the City prior to st'art'6f work. Specify these requirements on the -first sheet of the plans.. 54 NL7V*,LAS FNL C44TI'O'r01-rL,, �-e-'A LM7! I Is N t, T (Nc,(-UvG- SHO�r., wtt.,4- (of pert' we- wtv, ' * Some short shear :walls dkO_ee&' t­hiaiA-1 ow ' ' i able -Height/Width ratio of 3.5/1.: UBC Table 23-1-I.. -please revise ''accordingly, 1\4 AS' Detail the shear transfer connections which'transfer lateral forces from horizontal 'diap4ra'g�iis'throu'gh..iriter�m6diate. el" hts and shear elements walls to the foundat,l*on:. ..ind'- indicate/reference the shear transfer details onto plans.. C�q b Detail how the interior - snerai`.wdlls, Are connected to the roof diaphragm and reference to p r 4 Provide shear transfer 'from roof.diaphragm,to.beam'and steel column. S 30 �o I<o/ f8. Call out footing pad size's under'steelcolumns. See red lines on"plan for. ed's'y'. reference. IS 3. 11 H 5. I PRECISE. ._A N -:D. SITEE EN F O R IVI N Provide school fees letter. Provide copy of Grant 'Deed. �.�IX../Iiii�_;� Show color of roof tile, stucco Wtrim on plans. Show height dimension ofstructure. Show (3) outside. hose bibs. (5)- 15 gallon trees required on corner -Jots. (3)- 15 gallon trees requited on interior" lots. Show location, type and height of all fences: Rain gutters & down spouts required of eaves within 5 feet of ',property line. Provide grading plan. Provide Public Works approval --.%-.--e 11. Air conditioning equipment cannot be -located in, setback area. 12. Fireplace or similar -'parts of structure mby n . ot extend more than 1 foot into side yard setback or 2 feet into front or rear yard setbacks. 13. Minimum garage depth is 24,feet when .equipment is located in garage 20 foot minimum otherwise. 14, Minimum net clear bedroom dimensions are .10 feet x 10 feet. Illuminated house address jnumber s are�-requiredT. If ah-e'xterior light, :fixture is being used for n illuminamn of r)umbers, that fixture must be on a photo cell. 16. Provide Certificate of Worker's Compensation. 17. Provide a list of Sub -Contractors. 18. Provide verification of paymdht.'O'f plan chock 19. Provide verification of State- Cbntrhctor-'s License. 20. Provide verification of City :Business License. .21. Roof mounted H ' VAC equipment shall be obscured from view of, street by means of a plastered parapet wall. 22. Provide homeowner's association -letter.-of approval.� 23. Provide receipt from CVWD for sewer -connection.. 4. Resubmit (2) complete, assembled plan sots and site and -floor plan for Assessor. Provide (2) sets wet signed manu-f actu'rer's truss calds',with Ila . out OU"' :51=- KTTAcm ft ' CAtC4At4A b?1,1 Provide letter of acceptance by engineer of. -record f ortruss 'products. Note clearly on plans "Engineer of Recbrd'shall-. provide structural observation per UBC 1702". 28. 29. PUBLIC WORKS CLEARANCE FOR '-CUSTOM HOME LOTS_, /�{r 4—.- z r { r t •.� _: Y �t,_ ,+� x t4iAr i� � 'R "�..?�'.a fa �-R" -s �''.,L- � '. Dear Build - er'} ♦ � _. x i t6''raT 1 a �,+�,J�*�t, ��♦nrnl. xR . t _'ts M,.ud . d.'• = : ns�r-,;E, Ir ,+c,.,!'l,�is$! F w"` 4 (.",, }at?ff"- {t'�r•,�,r,,� ••4 .r2 .{.}� . Prior to issuance of •a building permit, you will be requir, Public Works Department for one;`or more;'of the followi 17, 'rte' arr:dr' r'ux'az+r''�� 1 Verification that rough grading is complete and prepared by a licensed surveyor or engineer' _'C- i Department. � s ,�- C.r;lxr KJr_' � �� yaa?F'tL.4� < b It'j.,•'r„• :�-: S'f (--r^ Y t6 r.k'�'•-�a.3 ..' 2 Verification that infrastructure improvements and otf are complete, or sufficiently advanced, to_wan-ant ' - t. . r. ;• r3' c• 1,r' ,.{ 1. �.,.. _,{ +�+i'-: Xi Y°.sl n'+ 3. Prepare an engineered grading' plan that proviµdes t and have it checked and approved by the Public 1 a _ {A,i.' i` Yz,< 'L'-e'v. Sri-; �^ nq 3i'n{•-" Y•rss - t._ i} C - -Y' '' •at C'v.. "Ic a„<,x t { 3�•hF"ir�j'�rN� -Fyi�T ''Ki �Er'-�: • Tract 26524 (Est�ncias)i� �,•,+ c ti. y�`.S-" � T'+va �. y"�y `6e dey Jn t kir • Tract 26769 (Mountain View Estate: _ uK��i': rt+:. �f .t"^•i3' c��t.°•s'.tyY ...�. 4. Prepare an engineered, grading plan that provic accordance with the existing 'soils reportand: rt `.checked and approved by the Public Works Depa .. t s fiyr•�p�sa.tr, � �q( • 'Tract 28034 (South Valley Estates) FOR INTERNAL USE BY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TRACT: :LOT: PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORIZATION' DATE F:IPWDEPTIDOCS%FORMSIPW CLEARANCE LETTER.SS tit s r p t°.yf LVX E�R.�;,��'� {cs 47 obtain clearance from the ' '' "- " �t�tw_•t%f"ki � 5� r S -.� s ••.11t4) - gad elevation (tificBti6hs �fle in the Public Works at� _ �>_ !� IF �ON `i1, i`trrh5}y ,�. i F S•c �'itYP{-Tcvi�..?k '.r r.71 :gyp r "'i Z' ilding pad grading in' , ng plan, and, have it dryµ t 'w^il'YT''ti��"•� � .,� u,.�•^'"`-�': fit'► S �� }.fir s � • 4 _ J f'•f -nc Y y .-� - 4 COMMENTS. cjFLA 6!P►���-,� JON TANDY �IUL6:376304 Medjool Ave. RECDPalhi exert, CA 92211 JILLlB4 , r. , J Office 760) 772-71,92 .i .+. INSPECTION -SPECIAL ` f=ax , (760) 772-7193 Pager x(760) 776-3338 REGISTERED INSPECTOR'S WEEKLY REP.. RT.. TYPE OF INSPECTION PERFORMED ° ❑ REINFORCED CONCRETE OYSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY r O O POST TENSIONED CONCRETE .0 ASPHALT O OTHER 0 REINFORCED MASONRY 0rF,IRE'PR00FI413 JOB LOC�_ ' }/✓� REPORT SEQUENCE NO. TYRE OF. -&IfRUCTURP ER T' 0� ok (7S �., E ry DAY OF WEEK MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - ARCHITECT j;' .x P T R - HRS. CHARGED ENGINEER / ASSISTANTS HRS. CHARGED INSPECTION DATE_ GENERAL dD CONTRACTOR- CONTRACTOR - of1p V2 S .. r, • - ��� •% �> k Y, �Sv Go{� DC i s, Y_ w COPY SENT TO CLIENT 11CONTINUED A': ".. OWNEXT PAGE ❑ PAGE OF CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED TO THE BEST OF My% KNOWLEDGE ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK UNLESS OTHERWISE ; NOTED. I HAVE FOUND THIS.WORK TO COMPLY -WITH THE APPROVED' PLANS. SPECIFICATIONS. AND APPLICABLE, SECTIONS �OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. SI NATURE OF REGISTERED IPKECTOR �'��-�� r -'DATE OF„REPORT, s REGISTER NUMBER