2000 05 10 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL
MAY 1 O, 2000
A special joint meeting of the La Quinta City Council, Planning Commission, and
Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
by Mayor John Pe~a, who led the pledge of allegiance.
PRESENT: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Sniff, Mayor Pe~a
ABSENT: Council Member Perkins
It was moved and seconded by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to excuse Council
Member Perkins. The motion was unanimously carried.
PRESENT: Commissioners AbeIs, Butler, Robbins, Tyler
ABSENT: Commissioner Kirk
It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Robbins to excuse Chairman
Kirk. The motion was unanimously carried.
PRESENT: Committee Member Bobbitt. Committee Member Cunningham
arrived late.
ABSENT: Committee Member Reynolds
It was moved and seconded by Committee Members Cunningham/Bobbitt to excuse
Committee Member Reynolds. The motion was unanimously carried.
CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA - The agenda was confirmed by all present.
Commissioner Tyler suggested a discussion regarding infrastructure problems be
added to the agenda.
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Joint Meeting with Planning Commission and ALRC Page 2
Mayor Pe~a welcomed all in attendance and reviewed the procedure for
A. I a nuinta Village -
Council Member Adolph stated he feels the street improvements and
under-grounding in the Village are a major change in how the area will be perceived
by developers and possibly may provide a "kick start" for development in the
Village. He also cited the economic incentives the City has created to improve the
appearance of businesses, the enhancement of the Civic Center Campus and
improvements around Frances Hack Park as positive steps and stated the City's
goal should be to continue to pursue what has been started.
Council Member Sniff discussed the Museum purchase and plans to
make additions to that facility as well as the traffic circulation in the Village and the
potential for closing selected streets to enlarge the area and make it more viable for
development. He stated these items will be coming before the commissions and
committees for review and input and encouraged creativity in the design and
Council Member Henderson said the issues that will be coming up in
the future regarding the development of the Village will all need to be evaluated
against the documents that have been reviewed and approved by the Council, such
as the Design Guidelines for the Village. She stress the importance of feedback
from the Commission and ALRC regarding the sufficiency of the document since
these are the guidelines which will be applied to future projects.
City Attorney Honeywell clarified that the Village Design Guidelines are
separate and specific to the location and not a formal part of the General Plan. She
advised that no project can be approved if it is inconsistent with the General Plan.
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Joint Meeting with Planning Commission and ALRC Page 3
Commissioner AbeIs suggested a Planning Commission study session
to review the Design Guidelines for the Village again. Council Member Sniff
suggested the Commission also review the Highway 111 Design Guidelines at the
same time.
A discussion of the use of the Village Design Guidelines ensued and
Community Development Director Herman stated only Shotzy's has been reviewed
under the Guidelines to date. City Attorney Honeywell commented the document
has therefore not really been tested. Mayor Pe~a suggested during the review of
the Guidelines by the Planning Commission and the ALRC any recommendations for
modifications to allow more flexibility would be appropriate. He stressed that it is
not the Council's intent to review the document because an application does not fit
within the Guidelines.
A discussion of the parking standards in the Village took place and
Commissioner AbeIs questioned if flexibility in the standards is possible. Mayor
Pefia felt currently this might create a problems under the existing guidelines and
suggested this is one of the areas the Commission should concentrate on during
their review.
Council Member Henderson expressed concern regarding the choice of
plants being approved for landscaping that have inherent problems due to the
maintenance required. She felt this is another area to look into and suggested that
if a landscape plan is approved, provisions for the proper maintenance and care is
an important factor. Council Member Sniff agreed this is another area the
Commission should be looking at. Staff was directed to bring this item before the
Commission for input.
Mayor Pe~a asked the Commission to review the sign program as well
both internal and directional. He also suggested, especially in the Village, there
needs to be a tasteful blend of the new with existing standards to achieve
Commissioner Butler raised the question of infill projects in existing
developments. He stated shared parking seems to be an acceptable alternative to
developers but sometimes the uses create a nightmare as can be seen with the
theater project. He said he opposes a sea of asphalt but understands the need to
accommodate the tenants. His concern with development in the Village is parking.
He felt even if the alleys were used as a temporary solution, development will
create a long term parking problem.
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Joint Meeting with Planning Commission and ALRC Page 4
Mayor Pe~a stated the clustering of uses makes a difference in parking
plans, such as the cluster of restaurants all in one section of the Von's Center.
Commissioner Tyler asked if the original parking standards took into consideration
the differences in the uses at the Von's Center.
Commissioner Robbins felt the first issue was to provide parking, the
success of the uses create the need for additional parking. He suggested a solution
to that problem in the village might be a parking structure which might require the
vacation of streets to accomplish. Discussion ensued regarding areas such as the
widened streets that might address the parking problem.
Commissioner Robbins addressed landscaping and water use as they
relate to development standards. He said a growing concern in the area of the
Cove is subsidence and this is directly attributable to the ground water base. He
encouraged solutions such as development of water efficient landscapes and not
blanket acceptance of the use of turf. Mayor Pe~a suggested the City's new
medians are a good example of this and could be used as a standard. Council
Member Henderson expressed concern with the over-watering of residential lots
and the run-off into the gutters and retention basins. Commissioner Robbins
suggested looking at buffers between sidewalk and street to allow water to.drain
back into the ground rather than run off into the street. He sited the fact median
landscape does not allow emitters within 18 inches of the curb to address this.
Committee Member Bobbitt stated he works with CVWD which has an 18 inch
· standard in place Valley-wide. He felt there are a number of good landscape
treatments that use very little water.
The Council, Commission and Committee members discussed the
development of the prototype street for the Village and the timing over the next
few years. It was agreed it is important to solicit feedback on these improvements
and that events like the Main Street Marketplace are important to support the
interest in the area.
B. Highway 111
Council Member Henderson felt some of the issues had been touched
upon in the previous discussions and asked the City Attorney if there is a way to
address modifying the setback on Highway 111 without amending the General
Plan. City Attorney Honeywell stated the Von's situation might be somehow
considered under a grandfather program to allow for the existing problems. She
advised that to change the setback to spell out a 50 foot minimum would only
result in everyone wanting the minimum.
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Joint Meeting with Planning Commission and ALRC Page 5
Council Member Sniff noted trying to develop consistent guidelines
with inconsistent development is going to require some creative methods to make it
all work. He also felt parking and signs need to be reassessed in the Highway I 11
corridor and the matter of parking in infill areas. Commissioner AbeIs remarked the
decision the Council makes on the Von's Center will provide a good basis for the
Commission's future actions.
Council Member Henderson stated the standards used to develop the
Von's Center were pre-incorporation of the City and asked the difference in the
ratio between then and the more recent development of the Stater Bros Center.
Community Development Director Herman replied the parking was determined not
by using a ratio but based upon the uses in the Center. City Attorney Honeywell
stated the fact a problem is expected, as a result of infill development, points to the
need to address the issue of ratio or need for an increase in spaces by use.
Council Member Adolph raised the issue of the parking spaces behind
buildings being used to meet the parking requirements. He stated he feels this is
unrealistic because a safety factor is involved in night-time parking in those spaces
which limits their use by both patrons and employees.
A discussion about the size of parking spaces based on the size of the
popular SUV vehicles then took place. Public Works Director Chris Vogt responding
to Council Member Henderson stated he was unaware of any national or regional
efforts to address this problem. He suggested having dual stripping of the parking
stalls might be a solution because it would add an extra six inches in width.
Commissioner AbeIs asked if the traffic engineers have looked at using
signals equipped with cameras such as are being used in Indian Wells. Both
Council Member Henderson and Mayor Pefia agreed they could be useful at certain
intersections like 48th and Washington.
Commissioner Tyler questioned the efforts being made to eliminate
two eyesores along the Highway 111 corridor, the unfinished service station and
the mobile home park. City Attorney Honeywell responded the City has required
the bonding company to install the off-site improvements for the service station but
she is unfamiliar with the progress of the structure being completed on that site.
Committee Member Cunningham expressed concern about the last
two vacant corners at Washington and Highway 111. He felt the City will only
have the opportunity once to insure the appearance of this intersection is in keeping
with the desired design standards. He suggested using the La Quinta Cliff House
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Joint Meeting with Planning Commission and ALRC Page 6
and the La Quinta Resort as quality standards for developers to look at. Council
Member Henderson questioned the method the City could use to accomplish this.
Community Development Director Herman stated the Highway 11 I Guidelines do
not deal with buildings, he advised the proper vehicle to determine building design
is at the Specific Plan stage. Council Member Henderson felt staff and then the
Planning Commission need to lead developers in this direction. Commissioner
Robbins said if this is the Council's direction, it will result in three levels of review
before the Council sees a plan.
Commissioner Tyler felt the entrance to the City is located more in the
vicinity of Washington and Fred Waring. He felt the landscape at Palm Royale is
still badly in need of repair.
Commissioner Robbins discussed the lack of attention being paid to
the rear of the commercial buildings. He feels this is important since so many
homes look at this view of the commercial uses. Committee Member Cunningham
added the landscaping at the rear of commercial buildings also needs to be looked
at so that trees are of sufficient height to shade walking/bike paths.
Committee Member Bobbitt stated his "pet peeve" is the planting of
trees in parking lots without sufficient space. The said the lack of oxygen,
moisture and food as well as compaction around the trees, keeps them in stress.
He felt the City needs to call out a caliper size for the tree trunks and if they cannot
stand alone after a year they should be gotten rid of. Council concurred this is an
issue for the Planning Commission and ALRC to work on.
C. Residential and Commercial Development Standards
Council Member Adolph brought up the need to change the standards
for gated communities. He felt it is imperative to require more than one exit. He
felt a community of more than 200 + homes should have several entrance/exits.
Council Member Henderson questioned the progress of the General
Plan update. Director of Community Development Herman said the first Public
Hearing on the current update will probably be in November or December of this
year with adoption in January, 2001.
Council Member Sniff felt an important consideration for residential
standards is the designs need to be indigenous to the desert climate. He suggested
deep eaves, recessed windows, sufficient shading and window placement need to
be considerations. He also discussed concerns regarding the area being considered
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Joint Meeting with Planning Commission and ALRC Page 7
for annexation and the need to address lot size requirements, building sizes and
compatibility when looking at the residential standards for that area.
Mayor Pe~a expressed concern regarding the size of garages based on
the increased size of today's cars. He also suggested attention be paid to garage
orientation. A discussion took place concerning the dust from new developments
and the fact that water is not effective in the high wind conditions. Suggestions
offered were soil binders, soil cement and over seeding. The group also discussed
the residential landscaping and the impact of over-watering on the gutters and
retention basins.
Commissioner Tyler expressed concern regarding some decisions on
rear setback on major streets with rear eaves overhanging the walls in some
instances. Commissioner Robbins agreed the residential subdivisions need to be
more creative in their design. He felt if an ordinance is not in place to deal with
walls and street widths, staff can steer developers in the right direction. The City
Attorney stated this needs to be contained in the development standards.
Council Member Sniff addressed the need for commercial development
standards for building architecture to be as creative as possible. He also felt hotel
development is most important to the City because of the revenue it generates. He
stated the future of the City is dependent upon its ability to attract and retain new
Council Member Adolph felt it important that the City adhere to
current standards such as height limitations and densities. He stated the General
Plan needs to have some built-in flexibility to allow for change.
Council Member Henderson questioned what method might be used to
control excessive development of fast food establishments, car washes and service
stations. City Attorney Honeywell advised the uses can be controlled using the
Conditional Use Permit (CUP) process. She suggested it would be appropriate to
make a finding that a CUP for restaurants is required to insure adequate parking is
provided. Commissioner Tyler asked it a CUP could be used to mitigate the
requirement to honor logo signs. The City Attorney responded recent court cases
have established criteria dealing with logo signs.
Discussion took place regarding the types of businesses that can be
covered under the CUP process and City Attorney Honeywell advised that requiring
more uses to have a CUP would only entail a zoning change and would allow more
control as to surroundings in the immediate area.
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Joint Meeting with Planning Commission and ALRC Page 8
D. Other Issues of Interest
Council Member Sniff discussed the need to encourage park
development based on the growing number of young children in the area and
stressed the need to be careful in park naming. He also discussed the Arts
Foundation proposal and the importance of looking at the design considerations
Commissioner Tyler discussed the infrastructure improvements needed
for safety reasons. He said the north side of Fred Waring between Washington and
Adams will not be developed with a sidewalk in the foreseeable future. He feels
this is a real issue for students walking to school. Mayor Pe~a also stated the City
owns several parcels that should be finished for the same reason. City Manager
Genovese said the City has applied for several sidewalk grants.
Mayor Pe~a asked the Commission to look at code enforcement issues
such as RV parking in residential developments.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by
Council Members Sniff/Adolph to adjourn the City Council meeting. The motion
carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins absent.
It was moved and seconded by Committee Members Cunningham/Bobbitt to
adjourn the Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee meeting. The motion
carried unanimously with Committee Member Reynolds absent.
It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Butler/Abels to adjourn the Planning
Commission meeting. The motion was unanimously carried with Chairman Kirk
Mayor Pe~a declared the special joint meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
City Clerk, City of La Quinta, California