2000 05 16 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 16, 2000 A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 2:00 p.m. by Mayor Pe~a. PRESENT: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Sniff, Mayor Pe~a ABSENT: Council Member Perkins PUBLIC COMMENT - None CLOSED SESSION Council concurred to continue Item No. 1 to June 6, 2000, 1. Public Employment - City Attorney - pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. 2. Conference with legal counsel - existing litigation - pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a), CVWD. Council recessed to Redevelopment Agency and to Closed Session to and until the hour of 3:00 p.m. 3:00 P.M. The City Council meeting reconvened with no decisions being made in Closed Session which require reporting pursuant to Section 54957.1 of the Government Code (Brown Act). Mayor Pe~a led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to excuse Council Member Perkins. Metion carried unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENT John Pavalek, 1535 South E Street, San Bernardino, President of Century Crowell Communities, spoke regarding the Mira Flores tract and requested information on the City Council Minutes 2 May 16, 2000 disposition of that project. He was advised by Mayor Pe~a that the City Manager would contact him. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed Council Member Adolph asked staff to respond to written correspondence received from Bill Holmes. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the City Council Minutes of May 2, 2000, as submitted. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins ABSENT. ANNOUNCEMENTS Council Member Henderson announced that at the recent City Selection Committee meeting she was elected to serve on LAFCO. PRESENTATIONS - None WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE 1.' LETTER FROM WILLIAM M. MORROW REGARDING THE PROPOSED INTERSECTION OF CALLE CADIZ AND AVENIDA BERMUDAS. Council concurred to direct staff to send Mr. Morrow a letter informing him of the Council's decision to proceed with the teardrop design for the intersection. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Member Henderson voiced concern about the time schedule in Item No. 14 for reviewing the Civic Center Campus artwork proposals. Council concurred to direct staff to bring back potential dates for a joint meeting with the Cultural Arts Commission for the purpose of reviewing the Civic Center Campus artwork proposals.. City Council Minutes 3 May 16, 2000 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED MAY 16, 2000. 2. TRANSMITTAL OF THE REVENUE & EXPENDITURES REPORT DATED MARCH 31, 2000. 3. TRANSMITTAL OF THE TREASURER'S REPORT DATED MARCH 31, 2000. 4. APPROVAL OF AN APPROPRIATION FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT SERVICES AND LEGAL LITIGATION SERVICES. 5. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE CITY'S ADOPTION OF THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR C.S.A. 152, AUTHORIZING RIVERSIDE COUNTY TO CONTINUE TO LEVY ASSESSMENTS, AND INDEMNIFYING AND HOLDING THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE HARMLESS FOR LEVYING ASSESSMENTS ON CITY PARCELS UNDER C.S.A. 152. (RESOLUTION NO. 2000-39) 6. APPROVAL OF SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR THE CITYWIDE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE CONTRACT. 7. APPROVAL OF A REQUEST BY THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE PLANNING COMMISSION TO UTILIZE THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS TO BE HELD ON JUNE 21 AND AUGUST 23, 2000, FROM 8:00 A.M. TO 7:00 P.M. 8. APPROVAL OF A REQUEST BY THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY HEALTH SERVICES AGENCY REGIONAL ACCESS PROJECT TO UTILIZE THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR A FREE LA QUINTA IMMUNIZATION CLINIC ON JULY 12 AND AUGUST 9, 2000, FROM 10:00 A.M. TO 12:00 NOON AND FOR A TB RECHECK ON JULY 14 AND AUGUST 11, 2000, FROM 10:00 A.M. TO 10:30 A.M. 9. APPROVAL OF APPLICATION FOR SB-821 BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN PROGRAM GRANT FUNDS FOR INSTALLATION OF SIDEWALK ON DUNE PALMS ROAD NEAR LA QUINTA HIGH SCHOOL. 10. ADOPTION OE A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF A FUNDING REQUEST FORM TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION FOR BEVERAGE CONTAINER RECYCLING AND LITTER CLEANUP ACTIVITIES. (RESOLUTION NO. 2000-40) 11. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH TRACT 24890-3, THE CITRUS. City Council Minutes 4 May 16, 2000 12. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH TRACT 24890-4, THE CITRUS. 13. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. I TO KORVE ENGINEERING IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $59,170 TO PROVIDE DESIGN SERVICES AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEERING TO SUPPORT PROPOSED UTILITY UNDER- GROUNDING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. 14. APPROVAL OF A REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE CIVIC CENTER CAMPUS ARTWORK. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended and with Item Nos. 5 and 10 being approved by RESOLUTION NOS. 2000-39 and 2000-40 respectively. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins ABSENT. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2000-80. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF FORMATION OF A MUSEUM EXPANSION COMMITTEE. Management Analyst Wilson presented the staff report. Council Member Adolph supported forming the committee and stated he was willing to serve on it. He suggested the possibility of waiting until after the' election in November to form the committee. Council Member Sniff supported moving forward with the committee and ,felt it should consist of two Council Members, three Historical Society members, and two City staff members. He suggested the committee meet at least once a month and felt its purpose should be to plan and design possible vacation of streets, architecture, parking, etc. He believed the committee would complete its work within 6-12 months and suggested the possibility of forming a permanent committee at that time, with a rotating membership, for the purpose of providing o~zersight of the facility. He volunteered to serve on the committee. Council Member Henderson also volunteered to serve on the committee but felt there are some preliminary and technical issues that the Historical Society and staff could address first in one or two meetings and perhaps expand the committee in the fall. City Council Minutes 5 May 16, 2000 Mayor Pefia stated he was willing to let someone else serve on the committee or have Council Members serve on a rotational basis. Council Member Sniff suggested scheduling a study session to discuss the museum expansion in order to give staff direction and appoint a committee at that time. Council concurred. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to continue consideration of forming a Museum Expansion Committee to June 6, 2000, and to schedule a study session at the same meeting to discuss a conceptual plan for the museum expansion. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins ABSENT. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2000-81. 2. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 2, CHAPTER 2.75, SECTION 2.75.030 (MEMBERS) AND CHAPTER 2.95, SECTION 2.95.030 (MEMBERS) OF THE LA QUINTA CHARTER AND MUNICIPAL CODE RELATIVE TO THE CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION. City Clerk Greek presented the staff report. Elaine Reynolds, 49-294 Avenida Vista Bonita, of Cultural Arts Commission, stated she was concerned about the timing of the reduction due to term expirations and attendance levels. She urged Council to delay reducing memberships until after this year. Rosita Shamis, 78-955 Del Monte Court, of Cultural Arts Commission, was also concerned about the timing for the same reasons asked the Council not to reduce the memberships. Leslie McMillan, P. O. Box 776, Palm Desert, of Cultural Arts Commission, spoke in opposition of reducing the memberships, stating she felt community involvement is important. Barbara Irwin, of Historical Preservation Commission, stated she has found it easier to work on a five-member commission and feels flexibility in meeting schedules helps attendance. City Council Minutes 6 May 16, 2000 Council Member Henderson suggested letting the commissions take another look at their meeting schedules and stated she supports reduction of the two commissions. Council Member Adolph stated he felt community involvement is important and was opposed to reducing the memberships. Council Member Sniff supported the reduction, noting the memberships can always be increased in the future if needed. Mayor Pefia noted the commissions were increased to seven members because of the number of qualified people applying for the positions but now it's harder to get applicants. He felt it's an appropriate time to reduce the two commissions back to five members. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to take up Ordinance No. 343 by title and number only and waive further reading. Motion carried with Council Member Adolph voting NO and Council Member Perkins ABSENT. ORDINANCE NO. 343 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 2, CHAPTER 2.75, SECTION 2.75.030 (MEMBERS) AND CHAPTER 2.95, SECTION 2.95.030 (MEMBERS) OF THE LA QUINTA CHARTER AND MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION AND THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to introduce Ordinance No. 343 on first reading. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Henderson, Sniff, Mayor Pefia NOES: Council Member Adolph ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Council Member Perkins 3. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT TO THE COACHELLA VALLEY MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES.. There were no changes to the staff report as submitted and on file in the City Clerk's Office. City Council Minutes 7 May 16, 2000 MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to appoint Council Member Perkins to serve a four-year term on the Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District Board of Trustees effective July 1, 2000. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins ABSENT. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2000-82. 4. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION IN FAVOR OF AB 2742 - STATE GAS TAX SUBVENTION SHIFT. Public Works Director Vogt presented the staff report and noted the City's share of reallocation of funds, based on a population of 21,000, is approximately $200,000. RESOLUTION NO. 2000-41 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN SUPPORT OF AB 2742 - STATE GAS TAX SUBVENTION SHIFT. It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Sniff to adopt Resolution No. 2000-41 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins ABSENT. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve the draft letter for the Mayor's signature to the State Senator, Local Assembly Member, and SCAG in support of AB 2742. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins ABSENT. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2000-83. 5. CONSIDERATION OF THE PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 89-1 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000/2001. Public Works Director Vogt presented the report as outlined in the staff report. Council Member Henderson noted the maintenance of a number of new facilities are being funded through the General Fund and suggested looking at increasing the assessment after this year and beginning the process by talking to residents. Mayor Pe~a stated he felt residents would not be opposed to a minimal increase because they are very pleased with the additional landscaping. City Council Minutes 8 May 16, 2000 Council concurred on directing staff to bring the issue of a possible increase in the assessment back for consideration in January 2001, RESOLUTION NO. 2000-42 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE REPORT OF THE ENGINEER FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000/2001 IN CONNECTION WITH LA QUINTA LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 89-1. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to adopt Resolution No. 2000-42 as submitted Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins ABSENT. RESOLUTION NO. 2000-43 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO LEVY THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, AND SERVICING LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE TERRITORY INCLUDED IN THE CITYWIDE LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 89-1 AND TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 AND GIVING NOTICE THEREOF. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to adopt Resolution No. 2000-43 as submitted Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins ABSENT. 6. CONSIDERATION OF TEMPORARY STREET CLOSURE OF MADISON STREET BETWEEN AVENUE 54 AND AIRPORT BOULEVARD TO ACCOMMODATE GOLF CART TUNNEL CONSTRUCTION, KSL. Public Works Director Vogt presented a brief staff report. Mayor Pe~a suggested mailing a notice to the County and developments in the area, such as The Palms and The Quarry, prior to the street closure. Senior Engineer Speer reviewed the timeline for construction and advised the street closure will speed up the construction and keep construction costs down. City Council Minutes 9 May 16, 2000 In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Speer reviewed a drawing of the tunnel and advised water runoff in the tunnel will drain into a wet well and be pumped back onto the Norman Golf Course. Council concurred to mail notices of the street closure to the County and residential developers in the area along with erecting street closure signs prior to the closure. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the temporary closure of Madison Street between Avenue 54 and Airport Boulevard for a period not to exceed 12 weeks commencing Monday, June 19, 2000, and authorize the City Manager to sign an Indemnification Agreement for Improvement Beneath Public Right-of-Way upon City Attorney approval as to form, and prior to commencement of tunnel construction. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins ABSENT. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2000-84. STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF CITY MARKETING PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000/2001. Management Analyst Wilson presented the proposed marketing plan and stated, upon receiving Council's input, staff will develop a budget commensurate with the desired level of marketing services to be incorporated into the FY 2000/2001 budget. Andrea Carter, of Kiner Goodsell Advertising, advised the focus of the marketing plan is the same as in the past: business retention, business attraction, and resident attraction. Council Member Sniff wished to see the plan concentrate on supporting the City's businesses in three segments of the business community: 1) resort, hotel, and recreational field; 2) general retail; and 3) the Auto Centre. Council Member Adolph referred to the amount spent on promotion and questioned the City getting its "money's worth." He suggested decreasing the emphasis on residential promotion and increasing the emphasis on business promotion. He did not feel the City picnic was very successful and asked about the Dine La Quinta program. Ms. Carter advised most of last year's participants in the Dine/Shop La Quinta program reported an increase in business and those that did not had not given City Council Minutes 10 May 16, 2000 much of a discount. There was a definite increase in participation over last year and she felt the results could be used to gain participants for this year. In response to Council Member Adolph, Ms. Carter advised the additional funds would be used for travel/tourism racks in visitors centers in the Inland Empire area and advertising in mixed trade publications to attract businesses looking to expand. She stated they are recommending the promotional video be shown in the Inland Empire and Los Angeles areas as well as the Pacific Northwest and noted it can be updated at a minimal cost. Council Member Henderson noted there's been less enthusiasm about the Dine La Quinta program this year and stated she could not support it for another year as it is currently designed. She suggested the possibility of separate programs for fast-food establishments and upper-scale restaurants in the future and concentrating on high school students for the fast-food program. She supported focusing on business retention and helping La Quinta's businesses make a presence in the Valley. She referred to a center page ad placed by CVB in an insert for the IMAX movie "Wild California" and noted Indian Wells, Rancho Mirage, and Palm Desert have ads on the opposite page. She felt staff should be allowed funding to participate in such ad opportunities when they arise. Mayor Pe~a suggested an amount be set aside as a separate line item in the marketing budget. He also .asked staff to find out when Disney would be showing the footage filmed in the Valley. Council Member Henderson supported updating the infomercial and participation in the theater grand opening but questioned continued participation in parade activities. She wished to see a stronger emphasis on business retention and helping the auto mall gain higher visibility. Mayor Pe~a suggested limiting the parade activities to the Golf Cart Parade and Date Festival Parade. Council Member Henderson suggested the parades could be handled through the Community Services Department instead of the marketing program. Mayor Pe~a commented on the accomplishments of the City's marketing efforts and stated he believed the infomercial is a good marketing tool. He supported backing away from the Dine La Quinta program and felt the City should enter into enhanced marketing partnerships with the business community. He also suggested getting on the list for filming opportunities. City Council Minutes 11 May 16, 2000 Council Member Sniff pointed out it's important for the City to be very generic in its promotion of businesses. Mayor Pe~a suggested staff look into an "on hold" recording for the telephone system that has the capability of providing public announcements on various activities, street closures, etc. in the City. Council concurred. Council reviewed the proposed marketing programs and events and concurred to retain the following: update the infomercial; promote movie theater (all) grand openings; market La Quinta to film community; explore advertising opportunities; participate in ICSC Conference, Commercial realtor event, Breakfast of Champions and possibly Mariachi Festival (in concert with KSL), Golf Cart and Date Festival parades, and Civic Center park and expansion grand opening; Gamby (needs new costume); and street banner program (when poles are available). The "Shop/Dine La Quinta" program, residential promotion, direct marketing (terminal ads), "Keep La Quinta Clean" program, and on-screen advertising were deleted. A brief discussion ensued regarding the budget amount. Mayor Pe~a and Council Member Adolph supported staying with 8217,000 and Council Member Sniff suggested going with $250,000 and seeing what the consultant brings back for Council's approval. Council Member Henderson suggested separating out 8217,000 for the consultant's part of the marketing program and setting aside a remaining amount up to ~250,000 for staff to use for marketing efforts. Council concurred. Council recessed to Redevelopment Agency meeting. Council reconvened and recessed to and until 7:00 p.m. 7:00 P.M. City Council Minutes 12 May 16, 2000 PUBLIC COMMENT Tom Hanes, 79-180 Ladera Drive, distributed photographs of the retention basin on Ladera Drive and asked the City to solve the drainage problem. Mayor Pe~a advised the Public Works Department is working on a solution and encouraged the residents in the area to monitor their lawn sprinklers and timers to help alleviate the problem. -I(- -I(- 't(- 'X- .X- -X- 'X- t(- .Vt * Shawn Huber, 79-375 Desert Stream Drive, asked about the developer's plan to remove trees behind his property. City Manager Genovese advised staff would contact him regarding which trees the arborist report recommended be removed. -~ -I~ .1~ ~ .l(- ~ .X- .l~ .'X- -'X- Peter Rodholm, 50-640 Calle Paloma, expressed appreciation for the WaShington Street bridge and artwork on the railing. · )(- 'l(- 'l(- 'K- ~ , ~ '1(' -I(- Joan Clark, of Eisenhower Drive, suggested additional waste containers be placed along the Bear Creek bike path for disposal of pet waste. She also suggested posting signs to let people know they will be fined for failing to dispose of their pet's waste. Maria Stebell, 51-915 Avenida Cortez, stated she no longer uses the bike path for walking because of pet waste and suggested hiring a trail maintenance person. PRESENTATIONS - None PUBLIC HEARINGS ._ 1. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ON TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 29624 - A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL TO SUBDIVIDE 2.4 ACRES INTO 10 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS ON A WESTERLY EXTENSION OF LADERA DRIVE LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF ADAMS STREET, NORTH OF MILES AVENUE. APPLICANT: WORLD DEVELOPMENT. Community Development Director Herman presented the staff report and read a letter from the developer regarding landscaping of the area surrounding the entry gate. City Council Minutes 13 May 16, 2000 In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Herman stated he was not aware of any resolve between the residents and World Development regarding the entrance on Ladera Drive. Ken Stittsworth, 1770 Los Alamos, Rancho Mirage, of World Development, stated they've had no contact with the residents since the last Council meeting but have tried to address their concerns regarding landscaping at the entry gate and the CC&Rs in regard to RV parking. Mayor Pe~a noted the public hearing was closed at the last meeting but that Council would accept public comment at this time. Mayor Pe~a declared the PUBLIC HEARING RE-OPEN. Roy Mahembry, 79-175 Quinterra Circle, supported approval of the project and noted continuance of Ladera Drive would be consistent with surrounding developments. Bruce Mercy, 79-080 Ladera Drive, stated he no longer objects to the project, provided the entrance is landscaped as proposed and RV parking on the street is not allowed. Joan Segal, no address, spoke in favor of the project. Alex Londos, 79-090 Ladera Drive, questioned Ladera Drive always being intended as a through street. He stated a Conditional Use Permit was approved in 1991 that did not have Ladera Drive going through and it also required the project to retain its water on site. Public Works Director Vogt stated the Ladera Drive retention basin was sized to include the proposed development area. Mr. Londos felt he should have been told by staff about Ladera Drive going through when the property was subdivided because that is when access to Adams Street was limited. Kelly Sloan, 79-170 Quinterra Circle, stated she supported the project. There being no further requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:24 p.m. City Council Minutes 14 May 16, 2000 Council expressed their appreciation to the developer and residents for working to resolve these issues and concurred to move forward with the project. RESOLUTION NO. 2000-44 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING SUBSEQUENT MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 29624 TO ALLOW THE SUBDIVISION OF 2.44 ACRES INTO 10 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS, ONE STREET LOT, AND THREE LANDSCAPING LOTS, LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF ADAMS STREET APPROXIMATELY 360 FEET NORTH OF MILES AVENUE (WORLD DEVELOPMENT). It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2000-44 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins ABSENT. RESOLUTION NO. 2000-45 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 29624 TO SUBDIVIDE 2.44 GROSS ACRES IN THE LOW-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT INTO 10 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS, ONE PRIVATE STREET LOT, AND THREE LANDSCAPE LOTS LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF ADAMS STREET APPROXIMATELY 360 FEET NORTH OF MILES AVENUE (WORLD DEVELOPMENT). It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to adopt Resolution No. 2000-45 as amended (adding language to Condition No. 43 to include landscape requirements for the gated entry landscape area and adding Condition No. 56 regarding RV parking restrictions in the CC&Rs). Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins ABSENT. 2. PUBLIC HEARING ON TRACT 25389 (AMENDMENT NO. 2) TO APPROVE MODIFICATIQN OF CONDITION NO. 9 OF RESOLUTION NO. 91-115 TO ALLOW FOR ACCESS FOR LA QUINTA FAIRWAYS RESIDENT EGRESS AND "EMERGENCY ONLY" ON CALLE RONDO FROM CYPRESS POINT DRIVE. APPLICANT: LA QUINTA FAIRWAYS HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 7:35 p.m. City Council Minutes 15 May 16, 2000 Community Development Director Herman presented the staff report and advised the Planning Commission has recommended denial of the environmental assessment and Amendment #2 to Tract 25389. Sandra Hawks 78-770 Spyglass Hill, President of La Quinta Fairways Homeowner's Association, stated the HOA feels the additional egress is needed because of heavy morning traffic at the main gate, the large number of children being car-pooled to school, personal emergencies, and peace of mind knowing an additional exit exists that does not require emergency personnel to open should the main gate become disabled or blocked. She noted the distance additional traffic would be traveling on Calle Rondo to Calle Tampico is less than 300 yards and questioned it having a negative impact on the property values of homes on Calle Rondo. She questioned several references to subdivision ordinance regulations and circulation element development policies in the Planning Commission staff report and stated she felt they either do not exist, do not apply, or have been over-ridden elsewhere in the City, such as the exit from Parc La Quinta onto Sagebrush. She asked Council to approve their request. In response to Mayor Pe~a, Ms. Hawks advised they have not met with residents in the Desert Club Estates area to discuss this issue because the residents are totally against the exit gate being allowed. The following spoke in support of the proposed exit gate: Earl Leslie, 50-440 Spyglass Hill Drive - felt a gate is needed to lessen traffic congestion at the main entrance and provide additional emergency exit John Dangleis, 78-775 Spyglass Hill Drive - noted the left-turn-only exit would direct traffic down Calle Rondo and not affect other streets in the neighborhood Philip Shamis, 78-955 Del Monte Court - felt the additional gate would only be used for emergencies and possibly to serve 50-60 homes Dick Welsh, 50-505 Grand Traverse Jack Harper, 50-665 Grand Traverse Ralph Squillace, 50-465 Grand Traverse - felt the gate is needed for safety, noting the_main gate was recently blocked by a traffic accident Carol Ariains, 78-740 Spyglass Hill Drive - stated the HOA is willing to fund a left-turn-only sign to direct traffic to Calle Tampico The following spoke in opposition to the proposed gate: Roy Stephens, 78-550 Avenida Tujunga - was concerned traffic would end up on Avenida Tujunga; suggested putting two left-turn lanes from Calle City Council Minutes 16 May 16, 2000 Tampico onto Washington Street and placing stop signs along Calle Tampico to discourage people from using Park Avenue to access the schools and Boys & Girls Club Dane Hooper, 78-620 Avenida Tujunga - felt the gate would be detrimental to the safety, health, and general welfare of the Desert Club Estates residents who are paying an assessment for cul-de-sac streets and a wall in order to have access in and out of their neighborhood through Calle Tampico. He felt approval of the proposed gate would negate their investment in the street improvements and negatively impact their property values and suggested an exit on Calle Tampico. Peter Rodholm, 50-640 Calle Paloma - stated the traffic study shows a projected traffic increase of 180% on Calle Rondo Richard Moreno, 50-825 Calle Paloma - noted La Quinta Fairways residents purchased their homes knowing there was only one entrance/exit gate and that the Calle Rondo exit was for emergencies only. He felt allowance of the additional exit gate would increase traffic in the neighborhood, endanger pedestrian$/bicyclists, increase noise pollution, and endanger the neighborhood children. Bobby Melkesian, 50-795 Calle Guaymas Fred Rodriguez, 50-805 Calle Guaymas T. C. Morris, 50-785 Calle Rondo Sherry Huff, 78-680 Avenida La Jarita Rupert Yessayian, P.O. Box 251 There being no other requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 8:32 p.m. Ms. Hawk stated an exit on Calle Tampico is not an option because the developer has the tract mapped out for houses and an exit there would be dangerous. Council Member Adolph noted 50% of the approximately 70 homes that would be using the proposed exit gate are part-time residents. He noted the "emergency only" gate is 52 feet wide and questioned if it was at some time intended to be an entrance/exit. He stated he has driven through the Desert Club Estates several times and saw very little traffic on Calle Rondo and very few pedestrians, bicyclists, etc. in the entire neighborhood. In response to Council Member Henderson, Public Works Director Vogt confirmed a collector street is defined by its width and that Calle Tampico and Park Avenue are both defined as collector streets and Calle Rondo as a local street. City Council Minutes 17 May 16, 2000 Council Member Henderson felt there are serious traffic issues on Park Avenue that should be addressed as high priority in the near future. She noted the Parc La Quinta exit onto Sagebrush was approved before the adoption of the 1992 General Plan which addressed the problem of development of gated communities within existing communities. Council Member Sniff supported maintaining the gate as an "emergency only" exit as it has always been and asked for staff to come up with legal alternative methods, such as stop signs, to discourage people from using Calle Tampico and Park Avenue to access the various facilities on Avenue 50. Mayor Pe~a stated he hoped more people would use Washington Street instead of Park Avenue now that the bridge has been completed. He felt there are good arguments on both sides of this issue and wished representatives from each side could get together and work out a solution. Council Member Adolph agreed with finding a method to slow or discourage traffic on Park Avenue. In regard to the width of the "emergency only" gate, Mayor Pe~a stated he understood it was for aesthetic purposes. Council Member Sniff suggested using directional signs on Washington Street to direct people to the schools and Boys & Girls Club on Avenue 50 in an effort to detour traffic from Park Avenue. RESOLUTION NO. 2000-46 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2000-398 AND DENYING TRACT 25389 AMENDMENT NO. 2 (LA QUINTA FAIRWAYS HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION). It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2000-46 as submitted. Council Member Henderson felt the overriding factor lies with Condition No. 9 that defines the exit as an emergency exit gate. Council Member Adolph felt Council also needs the flexibility to adapt to changes and conditions as the City grows and that the General Plan should be revised and updated as well. Motion carried with Council Member Adolph voting NO and Council Member Perkins ABSENT. City Council Minutes 18 May 16, 2000 3. PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIFIC PLAN 97-929, AMENDMENT NO. 2, AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, AMENDMENT NO. 2 - A REQUEST TO MODIFY THE SIGN REGULATIONS, ALLOW CAR DISPLAY RACKS, AND OTHER MINOR CHANGES AND APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT IN REGARD TO DEFINITIONS. APPLICANT: STAMKO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 9:25 p.m. Community Development Director Herman presented the staff report. Chris Clarke, 2205 Poinsettia, Manhattan Beach, of Stamko Development, reviewed their requests for additional signage and showed photographs depicting the need for jacks, pennants, balloons, and tents to promote the dealerships and increase sales. S!ie stated the dealers are required by manufacturers to participate in tent sales and she addressed the issue of permanent versus temporary tents and/or shade structures. In response to Mayor Pe~a, Mr. Herman advised temporary shade structures without color limitations are allowed under a Temporary Use Permit and permanent shade structures matching the color of the building are allowed on site except for display areas along Highway 111. Kent Sowell, owner of Dodge City Chrysler Jeep, stated he was glad to be in La Quinta but felt the signage restrictions were affecting his business sales. He noted the other two auto malls in the Valley have balloons, pennants, tents, and lots of signage and that other dealerships are looking to see how successful the La Quinta Auto Centre is. He stated two dealers considering locating in La Quinta have opted for a location in Indio. He believed the. dealers' requests are important for the success of the Auto Centre. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Sowell stated he is in agreement with the Planning Commission's recommendation except for the balloons, which he felt help draw attention to the dealerships. He plans to use them on streamers and/or car antennas. He stated tents for tent sales are needed for longer than a 1 O-day period. George Velarde, owner of Torre Nissan, urged the City to help promote their dealerships by approving these requests. In response to Mayor Pe~a, he stated 70% of their customers come from Indio and Coachella, 20% from La Quinta, and 10% from Palm Desert and Palm Springs. He noted that sales increased at Palm Springs Motors the month after they put up their tents. City Council Minutes 19 May 16, 2000 Tom Hanes, 79-180 Ladera Drive, stated he did not feel balloons are needed to sell cars but understood the need for signage. He hoped searchlights would not be allowed. There being no further requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 10:10 p.m. In response to Council Member Henderson, Ms. Clarke stated the request is manufacturers' tents be allowed in any color, the permanent shade structures across the front of the buildings match the color of the buildings, and the shade structures behind the six-foot wall not be required to match the buildings. They also requested manufacturers' tent sales not be considered special events because they sometimes last up to 30 days. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Herman advised no permits have been issued for the current shade structures behind the buildings. Council Member Henderson stated she wanted to support the merchandising "tools" the dealers are requesting but also wished to maintain the integrity of the project. She felt all permanent shade structures should match the color of the buildings. She asked how many manufacturers' tent sales are held each year, to which Mr. Sowell responded about three. She noted if manufacturers' tent sales are not considered special events, potentially there could be an event at the Auto Centre with balloons, banners, and tents at any given time of the year. She supported the use of banners, pennants, additional signage for the dealerships, changes to the Auto Centre entry signs, deletion of the pruning requirement for the trees, and use of balloons for special events only. She continued to support the ban on all other inflatable displays. Council Member Sniff felt the City should support the auto dealers with significant consideration given to general appearance of the area. He did not have a problem with permanent tents matching the color of the buildings nor the use of temporary manufacturers' tents as long as both are kept in good condition. He supported the recommendation of the Planning Commission on signage and deletion of the tree pruning requirements. He also supported the use of balloons for special events but not giant inflatables. Council Member Adolph commented on the amount of time Council spent discussing these issues during the approval process of the auto mall and stated he is in agreement with additional signage on the buildings and raising the auto display areas as long as it's not done with metal platforms. However, he did not support the other requests because he felt they would result in a circus-like City Council Minutes 20 May 16, 2000 atmosphere on Highway 111. He also could not support deletion of the pruning requirements without detailed criteria on how it will be done. Mayor Pe~a stated he felt auto dealerships are unique and require signage and other advertising devices to attract people but wished to be sure all the signs and devices used are maintained in "as new" condition. He supported additional signage on the buildings and agreed the entry signs need improving. He was also opposed to a circus-like atmosphere and felt the requests could be done in an attractive and tasteful manner that would attract people's attention. Council Member Henderson suggested the possible need to review the Highway 111 Corridor Plan and stated she did not have a problem with the use of car jacks to display vehicles. A discussion ensued regarding the number and placement of permanent shade structures resulting in Council concurrence to continue this matter to June 6, 2000, and a request for staff to have the dealers identify potential locations for the shade structures. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to continue consideration of Specific Plan 97-029, Amendment No. 2, and the Development Agreement, Amendment No. 2, for Stamko Development to June 6, 2000, and to direct staff to refine the issues. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins ABSENT. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2000-85. 4. PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIFIC PLAN 2000-043, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2000-049, AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2000-395 - TO ALLOW A 72,950 SQ. FT. COMMERCIAL CENTER AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND HIGHWAY 111. APPLICANT: MADISON/P.T.M. LA QUINTA, L. L. C. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 10:44 p.m. Community Development Director Herman presented the staff report. He advised that in response to the Planning Commission's recommendation to modify the driveway on Highway 111 across from Von's, the applicant has proposed a new site plan with the buildings moved 24 feet to the east to reduce the impact on the rock outcropping. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Herman advised the Point Happy rock outcropping is not designated as open space and, therefore, is not part of the City's Hillside Ordinance. He stated the number of proposed parking spaces City Council Minutes 21 May 16, 2000 exceed the zoning requirements by seven spaces and that the applicant must get approval from Caltrans for the center driveway. Council Member Henderson asked about the bus shelter design and the possibility of conditioning the project to provide a bus turnout to replace the one at the Beer Hunter. Mr. Herman advised the bus shelter will be designed according to the City's approved bus shelter plan. Rick Wilkerson, representing Madison/P.T.M. LLC, gave a brief introduction of the company and stated he was available to answer questions. Council Member Adolph suggested realigning some of the buildings along Highway 111 to provide more depth to the site instead of placing them all 50 feet from the curb. Mr. Wilkerson stated the intent was to screen the parking area. He felt the design of the entire site provides the depth Council is looking for. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Wilkerson stated the water feature has been eliminated from the plan. Mayor Pe~a voiced concern about having a gas station at the entrance to the City and additional drive-thru restaurants and bank. He felt the site was a little busy. Mr. Wilkerson stated he felt the design layout of the shopping center would reduce the visibility of the drive-thru lanes. Council Member Sniff stated he did not have a problem with the gas station or drive-thrus as long as they are attractively designed. In response to Mayor Pe~a, Mr. Wilkerson advised they are negotiating leases with a dental clinic, medical facility, hotel group, and two other retail establishments for the retail space. Council Member Henderson asked how many signs the gas station would be allowed, to which Mr. Wilkerson responded one. She was concerned they might come back at a later date and request additional signage. Mr. Brakes, of Union 76, stated they will not locate on the site unless they are satisfied with the design guidelines up front. City Council Minutes 22 May 16, 2000 Council Member Henderson stated she shared some of Mayor Pefia's concerns about the proposed uses but felt those are typical concerns of growing communities. Michael Shovlin, co-owner of the project and owner of the shopping center across Washington Street, noted he has not requested any signage changes in 18 years. There being no other requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 11:27 p.m. Council Member Sniff stated he supports the project. Council Member Adolph agreed and noted it's only conceptual at this time. Council Member Henderson concurred. Mayor Pefia stated he supports the Specific Plan and will address his concerns about the conditional uses when they come before Council. City Attorney Honeywell suggested the following additional language to Page 32 of the Specific Plan, under "Required Parking" to address some of the concerns regarding parking: The required parking may be increased if parking and/or circulation is found to be inadequate as the individual pads are reviewed for Site Development Permits. In response to Mr. Wilkerson, Ms. Honeywell advised the City is allowed, under its general zoning requirements for commercial centers, to require more than the minimum required amount of parking spaces. Mr. Wilkerson was concerned any reduction to pad sites might affect the profitability of the development and asked for some form of protection as it relates to staying within the confines of the development as proposed. Council Member Henderson noted the concern is for traffic to be equally distributed throughout the development and felt the City needs a guarantee that the developer will not load all of the restaurants in one location. In response to Mr. Wilkerson, Ms. Honeywell advised zoning is guaranteed through a Development Agreement, not a Specific Plan. City Council Minutes 23 May 16, 2000 RESOLUTION NO. 2000-47 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR SPECIFIC PLAN 2000-043 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2000-049 (M ADISON/P.T.M. LA QUINTA, L. L. C.) It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to adopt Resolution No. 2000-47 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins ABSENT. Mayor Pe~a suggested a condition be added that requires the developer to construct a bus turnout on Washington Street should SunLine determine it's needed. Council concurred. RESOLUTION NO. 2000-48 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING APPROVAL OF THE DESIGN GUIDELINES AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR A 72,950 SQ. FT. COMMERCIAL CENTER AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND HIGHWAY 111 (SPECIFIC PLAN 2000-043 - MADISON/P.T.M. LA QUINTA, L. L. C.) It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to adopt Resolution No. 2000-48 as amended (adding Condition No. 60 regarding changes to "Required Parking" on Page 32 of the Specific Plan; and amending Condition No. 40 to include "City-approved" bus shelter on Highway 111 and to require the developer to provide a bus turnout on Washington Street between Highway 111 and the Storm Channel if determined by SunLine and subject to SunLine and City bus shelter standards). Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins ABSENT. RESOLUTION NO. 2000-49 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2000-049 TO ALLOW AN AUTO SERVICE STATION (MADISON/P.T.M. LA QUINTA, L. L. C.) It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2000-49 as submitted. City Council Minutes 24 May 16, 2000 Council Member Adolph asked if the design and layout would come back to Council for review. Mr. Herman stated Site Development Permits and Conditional Use Permits are approved by the Planning Commission. Council Member Henderson noted the Council can always request to review the applications. Motion carried with Mayor Pe~a voting NO and Council Member Perkins ABSENT. Council concurred to receive public comment at this time. PUBLIC COMMENT Robert Foulk, 57-540 Interlachen, President of Master Association of PGA West, asked about the status of the sidewalk removal on Madison Street. In response to Mayor Pe~a, Community Development Director Herman advised elimination of the sidewalk requires an amendment to the General Plan and the project's two Specific Plans. He noted the applicant would also have to file a new tract map. In response to Council Member Adolph, Building & Safety Director Hartung advised the American Disabilities Act (ADA) defines a sidewalk as a hard surface. He stated decomposed granite does not meet the definition for that purpose but noted ADA does not require sidewalks on both sides of the street. He explained certain things trigger that requirement, such as public transportation and access to public facilities. Mayor Pe~a suggested the City initiate the amendments to the General Plan and Specific Plans and inform KSL of the need to file the application for a new tract map. City Attorney Honeywell noted it may be possible to extend the bonds under the Subdivision Improvement Agreement pending KSL's application for a new tract map. City Manager Genovese felt it's important for the new tract map to be filed as soon as possible, noting staff can check to see what conditions the sidewalk is tied to. Council concurred to direct staff to contact KSL regarding the process for filing a new tract map as it relates to the sidewalk and equestrian trail along Madison Street. City Council Minutes 25 May 16, 2000 5. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ON GENERAL PLAN LAND USE ALTERNATIVES AND DISCUSSION OF THE POTENTIAL FOR A GOLF CART TRANSPORTATION PLAN WITHIN THE CITY AND POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREAS. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 12:07 p.m. After a brief discussion, Council concurred to continue the public hearing and move forward with the process for establishing a Golf Cart Transportation Plan. Robert Tyler, 44-215 Viiieta Drive, spoke in support of the Golf Cart Transportation Plan. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Adolph to continue the public hearing on General Plan land use alternatives to June 20, 2000, and direct staff to begin the process of establishing a Golf Cart Transportation Plan. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins ABSENT, MINUTE ORDER NO. 2000-86. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS CVAG Committees -- Mayor Pe~a advised CVAG is putting together a meeting with all of the Indian tribes regarding the proposed legislation for the Torres-Martinez Indians. Riverside County Transportation Commission -- Mayor Pe~a reported RCTC has voted to seek an extension to Measure A in the March 2002 elections. -)(- -)(- -)(- -~ -)(- ~ -)(- -)(- , -)(- -)(- All other reports were noted and filed. DEPARTMENT REPORTS - None MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS 1. DISCUSSION OF MEDIAN LANDSCAPING ON EISENHOWER DRIVE FROM WASHINGTON STREET TO COACHELLA DRIVE AND ON WASHINGTON STREET FROM AVENUE 48 SOUTH TO THE BRIDGE. Council concurred to continue this matter to June 6, 2000. City Council Minutes 26 May 16, 2000 2. DISCUSSION REGARDING THERMAL IMAGING DEVICE FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Council Member Sniff suggested including a thermal imaging device in the negotiation process with the County for use at La Quinta's fire stations. Council concurred to direct staff to prepare a letter to the County instructing them to look into the purchase of a thermal imaging device for use in the City's fire stations using existing reserve funding. 3. DISCUSSION REGARDING EMERGENCY GATES IN GATED COMMUNITIES. Council Member Adolph suggested staff be directed to look into changing the City ordinance to require emergency gates in new gated communities with more than 1 O0 homes. Council concurred. Mayor Pe~a noted only police and fire personnel have access to those gates and suggested the possibility of security personnel from the gated community having access as well. ADJOURNMENT ~i There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Henderson/Sniff to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins ABSENT. Respectfully submitted, JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, CaJifornia