08-1775 (RR)P.O. BOX 1504
Application Number:
Property Address:
775-241-001- -
Application description:
Property Zoning:
Application valuation:
Tjht 4 XP Q"
Architect or Engineer:
I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with
Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect.
Lice se/cllaass: C39 ASB LicenseNo.: 460707
Date: (/— ontractor:
I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that 1 am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the
following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to
construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the
permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State
License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or
that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by
any applicant fora permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).:
(_) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and
the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The
Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon,
and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the
improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within
one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or
improve for the purpose of sale.).
1 _ 1 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec.
7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of
property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractors) licensed
pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.).
1 _ 1 I am exempt under Sec. , BAP.C. for this reason
I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the
work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.).
Lender's Name:
Lender's Address:
VOICE (760) 777-7012
FAX (760) 777-7011
INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153
Date: 10/29/08
LiC. No.: 460707
I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations:
_ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided
for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is
I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor
Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation
insurance carrier and policy number are:
Carrier STATE FUND Policy Number 1801579
certify that, in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any
person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California,
and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section
3700 of toe Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions.
ate: pplicant:
IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the
conditions and restrictions set forth on this application.
1 . Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for
whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application,
the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City
of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being
performed under or following issuance of this permit.
2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced
within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject
permit to cancellation.
I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all
city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives
of this ounty to enter on the above-mentioned prop ty_ 'nspection purposes.
te:% --0 ignature (Applicant or Agent):
Application Number . . . . . 08-00001775
Permit . . . RE -ROOF
Additional desc .
Permit Fee . . . . 30.00
Plan Check
Issue Date ''. . . .
. . .
. 0
Expiration Date 4/27/09
Qty Unit Charge Per
.Special Notes and Comments
Fee summary Charged
Paid. Credited
Permit Fee.Total 30.00
P1an..Check Total _00
Grand Total 30•.00
1. The contract requirements, general and supplementary conditions, uniform building code, roofing material manufacturing
requirements and recommendations, and other references found in this section apply to all sections as is fully repeated
throughout this document.
2. Work required under this contract will be as generally described below and as defined within the specification and details
as noted.
3. This specification and associated details are intended to define and serve as the basic guidelines to achieve the Owner's
intent of receiving a high quality roofing system.
4. The roofing contractor (and his/her subcontractors herein referred to as contractor) shall fumish all labor, materials,
equipment, transportation, supervision, permits and incidentals required to perform the roof replacement, including but not
limited to roof removal at site specific areas and disposal of debris legally, property protection, installation of a new roof
system with related flashing, wall coverings, and related work.
5. It is the contractor's responsibility to verify all visible, existing conditions at the project prior to bid preparation. Any
considerations held by the contractor relating to the intended scope of work are to be brought to the attention of the Owner
or Owner's representative in writing, prior to submission of bids.
1. The roof shall be installed by a roofing contractor currently approved and trained by the primary material manufacturer to
install their (10) ten year standard product limited material warranted roof system. The contractor shall have also
previously and successfully completed similar reroof projects.
2. The contractor(s) shall be State of California licensed for the work being performed for a minimum of ten (10) years.
3. Contractor shall be licensed with the City of La Quinta.
4. The contractor(s) shall conform to provide all clients required insurance certificates.and requirements.
1. The contractor is responsible to properly, appropriately, and adequately supervise and install the new roof. An English-
speaking foreman is to be on site at all times. Skilled workmen are to be provided by the contractor for the installation of
the polyurethane foam roof system. All work will be subject to review by the owner or owner's roofing consultant to
determine compliance to the project specifications.
2. All roofing work shall be performed in accordance with the project specifications, manufacturer's requirements, printed
recommendations, governing building code and fire official requirements.
3. Contractor shall attend a mandatory pre-bid and pre -construction conference at the job site to discuss roofing and
coordination with all parties involved. It is imperative that the roofing foreman assigned to this project, attend the pre -
construction meeting.
1. Prior to installation of the roofing system, representatives of the following entities as applicable, shall meet at the project
site: owner, roofing contractor, roofing material manufacturer and representatives of other parties directly concerned with
installation of the roofing system.
2. Attendees shall review all pertinent details and specifications noting any potential problems and making any changes,
deletions or additions as deemed necessary. Also included in the discussion will be the following: roofing material selected
for installation by the contractor, availability of the roofing materials, guarantee and submittal requirements, scheduling,
forecast weather conditions, regulatory requirements, protection of building, building components, proposed installation
procedures, and any additional items related to the total roof system.
3. The attendees shall tour representative areas of reroofing and discuss substrate construction and general conditions,
including deck slope, curb and penetration flashings, materials compatibility, etc.
4. Discussion could be recorded, including agreement or disagreement of matters of significance. If meeting ends with
substantial disagreement, it will be determined how disagreements will be resolved and a date will be set for a reconvened
meeting. A copy of recorded discussions will be furnished to all attendees.
1. Time management - Completion of project
a. Time is of essence for completion of this contract. The contractor shall be fully prepared to diligently pursue the
completion of the project.
b. Upon commencement of the roofing work, the contractors shall diligently and continuously pursue the project until
c. The contractor shall employ sufficient crews and have the proper equipment and materials on site so as to not cause
any delay of any nature except for unforeseen conditions or inclement weather.
2. Scheduling: The contractor shall arrange to perform work in a manner that will cause a minimum of interference and
disruption to the owner. The Association reserves the right to change the sequence of residential units to be reroofed.
1. Environmental requirements:
a. Work is only to be accomplished in dry weather with no precipitation expected during the work period.
b. Wind velocity limitation will be based on ability to apply materials in specified manner.
2. Protection:
a. Protect building contents and grounds during the process of work. Use plywood and sheeting to protect patio
b. Remove all debris daily from the roof. Use enclosed chute or construction hoist and take all reasonable measures to
minimize dust and dirt when removing old roofing materials. No free fall of materials will be allowed.
c. Provide fully charged, 15 -pound minimum, ammonium phosphate fire extinguishers.
d. The contractor shall prevent access by the public to materials, tools, or equipment. The owner assumes no
liability or responsibility for any damage, destruction, theft, or other acts which may occur to the contractor's material
or equipment as a result of his negligence.
e. Exercise caution so as not to overload the existing structure, create any further damage, and/or to cause damage to
the new roof membrane.
f. Reflective traffic markers and tape are to be used to protect materials and or equipment that may temporarily left
1. The contractor shall guarantee the installation of the roofing and flashings to be watertight for a period of ten (10) years
from the date of substantial completion.
2. Upon final inspection and approval of the completed roof system by an authorized representative of the material
manufacturer, a ten (10) year standard product limited material warranty is to be issued by the manufacturer to the owner
covering the foam material and the coating system.
1. A reinspection is to be made prior to the expiration of the contractors warranty to determine if the roof is in sound
condition. The reinspection is to be scheduled by the owner and attended by the representatives of the material
manufacturer, owner (and consultant if requested and retained by the owner) for the purpose of determining what
corrective action or repairs may be required, if any.
2. The owner shall set the date of inspection within the last month of the guaranteed period.
3. Roof damage or abuse, which falls under the responsibility of the owner are to be documented and a price quoted for their
repair by the contractor for the owners consideration.
1. In the event that any discrepancies, errors, and/or omissions are discovered within the contract documents by the
contractor, the owner should be notified immediately. Further, where the intent of these specifications are not clear, the
contractor shall not interpret the discrepancy but shall make inquiry regarding the discrepancy with the consultant or
owners representative as to proper resolution.
2. At all times and when an item not addressed by the project specifications, the contractor shall meet the requirements of
the governing building code, manufacturers requirements and recommendations for the roof system.
1. All roofing and related components shall be installed by competent, knowledgeable workers who are skilled in the
application of the specified system to obtain the best possible job.
2. Prior to starting work, the contractor shall establish, review and during application, follow as specified
application/installation procedures to ensure workmanship and material installation of a high quality.
1. Progress reports shall be submitted to The Association on a weekly basis informing The Association of progress schedule.
2. Contractor to provide non -working superintendent for quality control and project management. Superintendent to have a
minimum of 15 years experience in completing projects of equal size.
1. Contractor to obtain all necessary permits and inspections required by the City for roof replacement.
2. Contractor to obtain all necessary inspections from the material manufacturer in compliance with warranty conditions.
1. Contractor to comply with flat roof replacement schedule as weather permits.
1. Six weeks prior to work commencing on any roof, contractor shall have arranged with individual homeowners to inspect
their respective homes in order to determine any pre-existing conditions, to advise homeowners of any protective measures
necessary to protect their property and to obtain a signed acknowledgment of any additional costs to be paid by the
homeowner. Additional costs for homeowners are attributed to homeowner improvements such as but not limited to atrium
enclosures, evaporative coolers and electrical wiring affecting the roof system. A copy of the pre -inspection report is to be
provided to The Association.
2. Contractor is to have a customer relation's employee who is to advise homeowners as to initial project scheduling and is to
be responsible to questions and concerns of homeowners arising out of the project. Contractor is to advise homeowners of
changes in scheduling arising out of weather delays.
3., All notifications for pre -inspections will be sent out by certified mail. A sample copy of the pre -inspection report and the
notification plan will be submitted to the board prior to start of notifications for review.
1. Contractor is to submit with bid a detailed plan of pre -inspection procedures for Association review.
Contractor to submit pre -inspection report sheet sample indicating all areas covered under the pre -inspection.
2. These areas should be outlined as follows.
a. Skylight modifications
b. Trellis modifications
c. Awning modifications or attachments
d. Turbine vents
e. Landscape growth or removal
f. Procedures on interior care
g. Procedures on exterior care
h. Room additions
i. Ceiling fans
j. Pre-existing drywall cracks
k. Pre-existing drywall stains
I. Wiring or plumbing on existing roofs that need to be rerouted or removed
3. These areas are of concern to The Association and the homeowners since the cost of additional work arising out of
homeowner additions or modifications is to be paid by The Association and the homeowner is to reimburse The
4. The cost for additional work is to be itemized on the pre -inspection reports for acknowledgment and signature by the
1. Contractor is to keep the roof and premises clean and free from accumulations of waste materials and rubbish at all times.
Contractor shall remove all debris, scrap, and rubbish from work area daily. He shall not throw or drop material from the
roof. Contractor is to use fixed chutes to slide materials, or other means approved by the owner to prevent injury. In case of
undue delay or dispute, owner may remove rubbish, materials and equipment and charge cost to contractor, with such
action permissible by owner 48 hours after written notice has been transmitted to contractor.
2. Prior to final acceptance, contractor shall restore all areas effected by this work to their original state of cleanliness and
repair all damage done to the premises, including the grounds by his workmen or equipment.
1. Efforts have been made to research, clarify and set standards for project completion. No one shall assume or interpret that
only the manufacturer's minimum requirements are to be followed. No reduction in scope of work is allowable due to
statements made by any party without going through the proper change order process. Final decision shall be that of the
2. Review all sections of these guidelines for related work as well as other sections, existing projects conditions, and
manufacturer requirements.
3. The roofing contractor shall advise the owner of areas needing repair or replacement including loose damaged or
deteriorated roof decking, fascia, beams and rafters. Contractor shall invite owner to inspect the same before taking action.
4. Verifying installation conditions as satisfactory to receive work specified.
5. Do not install the new roof system until all unsatisfactory conditions are corrected.
6. Start of roofing applications implies that the roofing contractor or subcontractor has verified that the deck and existing
conditions are satisfactory for roofing application.
7. The contractor shall notify the owner or their representative of any discrepancies between field conditions and the ability to
achieve the intent of this project.
8. Roofing materials shall not be installed during inclement weather. Proceed with roofing work only when forecast is suitable
for roofing.
9. Roofing materials shall not be applied when moisture in any form, such as dew, can be seen or felt on the surface to which
the materials are to be applied.
10. Assure that penetrations are sealed daily.
11. Do not install any roofing over damaged or deteriorated deck.
12. Do not dilute primers, roofing cements, sealants or coatings. Keep containers closed except when removing material from
13. Do not roof over wrappers, packing materials, and clumps of asphalt, gravel or other debris.
14. Install water cut-offs at the completion of each day's roofing activities. Contractor shall be responsible for any moisture or
water damage to the roof system or components after the start of work. All moisture exposed or contaminated materials
installed shall be removed and replaced with new materials at no expense to the owner.
15. Observe all fire precautions and regulations involving the storage and handling of roofing materials.
16. Contractor to comply with current OSHA safety standards at all times.
17. Follow and comply with current Certified Roofing Applicator Program safety standards at all times.
1. Remove existing flat built up roofing down to the sheeting. All existing nails in sheeting boards to be pulled from boards or
pounded down.
2. All roofing areas removed will be covered at the end of every working day with 4 -mil plastic visqueen in a neat tight fashion
as not to expose the structure at any time. This practice is conducted daily regardless of weather conditions.
3. All debris to be removed daily with dump trucks. No dumpster bins allowed on project. Driveways are to be lined with 1/2"
plywood and vinyl tarps to prevent any scarring. No offloading of materials or debris will be allowed on the Association
4. Any damage to the structure or its contents resulting from leakage or laborers stepping through drywall ceilings will not be
tolerated and will become the sole expense of the contractor. Contractor is responsible for structural failure that may result
from overloading the structure.
5. Contractor is solely responsible for the water tightness of the building during construction and will submit letter on company
letterhead stating acknowledgment of liability for water tightness for structure and contents. Letter is to be included as an
1. After roof tear off, contractor is to inspect roof deck substrate and notify owner of any unusual deck conditions.
2. Replace deteriorated plywood as per square foot cost associated with such work. Remove entire sheet as necessary and
replace with new 5/8" struct-1 plywood.
3. Re -nail loose plywood as necessary to provide a solid substrate suitable for roofing.
4. Extend curbs of all Association skylights up an additional 2 to 3 inches to accommodate new foam roof thickness. Paint out
inside of wood material used to raise skylight with color of paint to match shaft color as close as possible. (Provide metal
skirt around curb and under skylight frame after completion of foam roof system.)
5. Any areas that require additional structural work such as blocking or broken sub purlins will be bought to the attention of
The Association maintenance manager for approval.
6. Any work outside of the contract specifications will require a change of work order and be approved by The Association
maintenance manager prior to work being started. A source of identification such as a grease board will be used to identify
such deficiencies in a photograph with the date and address of the area to be repaired.
1. Contractor is to inspect roof and predetermine access areas that will be utilized for access to the flat roofs over the the
2. Access areas will have the removed and stacked for reuse. Access areas will be a minimum of 6' wide.
3. After roof completion contractor is to refelt open access area using 1layer of G40 Modred felt and reset existing roof tiles.
4. Contractor is to submit to HOA representative intended walkways on a roof plot plan and submit square footage
confirmation of the areas removed / reset for access.
1. Skylights, are to be numbered to the location of removal from curb.
2. Skylights are to be stored at construction site designated by PGA WEST.
3. A 5/8" plywood lid is to be fastened over the opening of the skylight well.
4., If skylight curb does not require being raised and skylight is not going to be removed a protective canvas type cover with
elastic band at bottom will be used to cover skylight from damage.
1. Gravel removal will be performed prior to any roof installation.
2. Gravel removal to be performed by power sweep of all gravel and power vacuum all loose gravel from roof.
3. Power vacuum to be used exclusively for gravel removal.
4. All gravel from power vacuum to be dispensed into dump truck at immediate time of removal.
1. Remove cap tiles and save for reuse.
2. Inspect the undedayment at outside edge of parapet wall for damage to the undedayment at that transition prior to
covering. If damage exists contact PGA West representative.
3. Install 1x2 nailer at top of inside of parapet wall.
4. Install "Peel / Stick" heat treated water proof stormguard membrane over top of parapet wall / the transition.
5. Install 24 GA 5" counterflash "skirt" flashing at wall to counterflash new SPF at nailer.
6. Install / fabricate 24 GA coping metal to fit over top of wall and fit over new counterflash at SPF System and tile roofing.
Fasten with 2 screws 18" o/c.
7. Install 1 ridge cap piece back into position over file and fasten through tile/coping.
8. Apply RT 600 adhesive at each headlap at tile. Refer to drawn detail.
1. Fabricate 24 GA extensions for all t -top vents.
2. Fabrication to include T -top piece at top of extension.
3. Remove existing cap off of existing vent.
4. Retro -fit new extension over existing flashing and screw into place at base of extension.
5. Apply SPF at base of extension to "roof -in" fasteners and provide proper integration into SPF roof.
6. New finished height of flashing from roof surface to opening to be minimum 6"— 8".
1. Contractor is to remove tiles from flat roof 'tie-in" to ridge at all flat to slope interface areas.
2. Contractor is to remove tiles 2' beyond flat roof on horizontal roof planes to achieve proper tie-ins.
3. Contractor is to reset tiles in accordance with Tile Reset Specifications referenced in this project manual at those locations.
1. Contractor is to submit to HOA in a manual / binder form for each building reroofed the following:
• Roof plot plan indicating tile areas that were reroofed according to tile reset specifications / areas which tie into flat
roofs will be cross -hatched to indicate the areas reset for warranty documentation.
• Warranties for tile areas reset with square footage areas indicated on plans.
• Warranties for SPF Roofing.
• Inspection report from Everest Coatings.
• Final permit from City of La Quinta.
• Pictures of roof.
• Dates of completion.
• Pick up / punch list complete and signed off.
• Exclusions if any.
• Homeowner alterations.
1 Remove existing sidewall flashing.
2. Apply SPF Roofing 18"24" up roof slope.
3. Install new G-40 modified felt.
4. Reset new sidewall flashing with slight "break" in the flashing to accommodate the new SPF thickness.
5. Reset flashing in troweling of acrylic sealant where flashing comes into contact wit new SPF.
6. Reseal "Z" bar transition where it has been disrupted to perform this repair.
1. All roofing materials are to be loaded on the roof by scissors lift or crane hoist.
1. Provide labor, materials, equipment and supervision necessary to install spray applied polyurethane foam and spray
applied elastomeric acrylic coating system as outlined in this specification to create seamless water proof roofing.
2. The manufacturer's application instructions for each product used are to be considered part of these specifications and
should be followed at all times.
1. Submit laboratory reports and literature verifying fire ratings and physical properties of the materials.
2. Submit material safety data sheets.
1. Supplier qualifications: The Evercoat SPF Roofing System, as supplied by Everest Coatings approved for use on the
2. Applicator qualifications: The applicator shall be approved by Everest Coatings Corporation to apply the system.
Manufacturer's written verification of applicator approval is required.
1. Containers and packaging: Deliver materials in original sealed containers, clearly marked with the manufacturer's logo,
brand name and type of material.
2. Storage: Store materials between 65 degrees F and 80 degrees F with careful handling to prevent damage to products. Do
not store for long periods in direct sunlight or at excessive temperatures.
3. Protection: Protect all materials from damage during transit, handling, storage and installation.
4. Verify dates of manufacture and confirm that material is within current shelf life.
1. For application details of polyurethane foam, consult the manufacturer for recommendations on the proper system to use
on project substrate and at expected substrate and ambient temperatures. Under no conditions shall the foam be applied
when the substrate temperature is expected to be below 50 degrees F. Do not apply polyurethane foam when wind velocity
is above 15mph unless wind screen is used.
2. Do not proceed with application of coating materials when surface or ambient temperature is less than 50 degrees F.
3. Do not apply materials unless surface to receive urethane foam and/or acrylic coating is clean and dry.
4. Install all materials in strict accordance with all published safety, weather or applicable regulations of the manufacturer
and/or local, state and/or federal agencies that have jurisdiction.
1. The foam shall be Polythane Systems PSI SH200-30RD.
2. Physical properties of cured foam:
A. Minimum in-place density is 3.0 lbs / cubic feet
B. Closed cell content is minimum 95%
C. Compressive strength, parallel rise is minimum 47 psi.
D. The foam shall have a flame spread rating of less than 41 when tested according to the procedures outlined in ASTM
1. The coating shall be the spray applied Everest elastomeric acrylic coating system, manufactured by Everest Coatings
2. Physical properties of cured coating system.
A. The coating shall have good resistance to ponding water.
B. The coating system shall contain no plasticizers.
C. The coating system shall contain no migrating fire retardants.
D. The coating system shall have a class °B" fire rating over foam on a combustible deck when tested according to the
products procedures outlined in ASTM E-108.
E. The coating shall remain flexible in temperatures down to below 30 degrees F.
F. Elongation, ASTM D-412 is minimum 330%.
G. Tensile strength, ASTM D-412 is minimum 258 psi.
H. Shore hardness, ASTM C-661 is minimum 62.
I. Reflectivity, ASTM E-97 is minimum 90%.
1. Flashing, adhesives, thinners, elastomeric caulking compounds, primers and similar materials shall be approved by the
manufacturer of the coating. All materials used shall be applied in accordance with its manufacturer's recommendations.
1. Compliance: Comply with manufacturer's product data, including product technical bulletins and product guide specification
1. Inspect surfaces that will receive urethane foam insulation to make sure they are clean, smooth, sound, property prepared
and free of moisture, dirt and debris.
2. Verify that all roof penetrations, mechanical equipment, cants, gravel stops, and other on roof items are in place and
3. Verify that all critical areas around the immediate vicinity of the spray area are suitably protected.
4. Verify that all air conditioning and air intake vents are suitably protected or closed.
1. Prior to foam application, all existing loose gravel material shall be removed.
2. Existing low areas where water ponds and areas with obviously poor drainage to roof scuppers, drains or roof edges should
be corrected by filling and/or tapering the sprayed foam or by adding drains. To prevent the ponding water, the entire
system must be well sloped into drains. Install additional drains as necessary.
1. Polyurethane foam insulation.
2. Fill all low areas with foam as required to achieve proper water drainage. The foam should be applied in a manner to
compliment designed drainage and to eliminate the accumulation of water.
3. To all properly prepared surfaces, apply the foam in minimum % inch lifts to reach the required thickness of at least 1.0
inches minimum thickness with a tolerance of + % inch — 0 inch. Flash passes of less than '/z inch are not acceptable in top
finished layer.
4. Extend foam up walls, around pipes, and other projections through the roof a minimum of 4 inches to form cants. In any
case, the top edge of the foam shall extend all the way up to top of 7 metal.
5. In areas where obstacles do not permit normal spray techniques and the application tolerance specified above can not be
met, the contractor shall still apply the specified minimum thickness of foam required by a method that he shall select.
However, the completed application of foam shall be monolithic with adjacent areas of normal application.
6. Apply foam so that the finished surface is smooth and free of voids, pinholes and crevices with a maximum allowable
roughness defined as "coarse orange peel", "treebark" or "popcom" surfaces are not acceptable.
1. Before the first coat of the system is applied, the installed foam insulation must cure a minimum of 2 hours.
2. When possible, the first coat should be applied the same day as the surface is foamed. If more than 72 hours elapses
between application of the foam and the coating application, the foam surface shall be brushed with a stiff bristle broom or
mechanically scarified and re -foamed prior to application of the coating system. In no case shall the coating be applied over
oxidized foam.
3. The coating system shall be sprayed or roller applied in a crosshatch technique without causing runs or puddles.
4. The coating system shall be evenly applied in at least 3 separate coats to achieve a total system of 4 gallons per 100
square feet (approximately 30.0 mils, excluding granules) as outlined below.
A. First coat of approximately 7.5 mils (approximately /gallon per 100 square feet)
B. Second coat of approximately 7.5 mils (approximately 1gallon per 100 square feet) with 35lbs per 100 square feet of
3M #11 ceramic roofing granules.
C. Third coat of approximately 15.0 mils (approximately 2 gallons per 100 square feet) applied after granules and coating
application is thoroughly dry and loose granules have been removed.
D. These minimum recommendations for material usage are ideal conditions. The number of gallons per 100 square feet
may need to increase due to uneven application, rough surface texture, wind conditions while spraying or other
E. Coating shall terminate at least 1 inch above or beyond the edge of applied foam in a neat and uniform manner.
F. No coating shall be applied if weather will not allow it to dry prior to exposure to precipitation or freezing temperatures.
1. Manufacturer's field services: Inspection by the coating manufacturer's representative shall be made to verify the proper
installation of the system. Any areas that do not meet the minimum standards for application as specified herein shall be
corrected at the contractor's expense. Manufacturer's inspection or verification shall not constitute acceptance of
responsibility for any improper application of material.
1. Surfaces not intended to receive foam insulation and/or elastomeric coating materials shall be protected during the
application of the system. Should this protection not be effective the respective surfaces shall be restored to their proper
conditions by cleaning, repairing or replacing. All debris from completion of work shall be completely removed from the
project site.
1. It is the sole responsibility of the roofing contractor to verify all complex transition areas and install roof system in a
professional manner.
2. Remove file roofing as necessary to taper foam under tile roof area. Reattach tile using loop hook and wire method as not
to penetrate foam. Liquid nails adhesive may be used at file head lap areas.
1. Replace all flashings with 26 -gauge soldered flashings for roof projection pipes, water heater pipes, soil pipes, heater pipes
and kitchen hoods. Install anti -rodent screens over kitchen hoods after roof completion. ( per unit cost)
2. Replace all attic vents with new 24 -gauge attic vents with storm louver blades.
3. Replace all edge perimeter metal with new 24 gauge foam stop metal with 1" rise and 3" vertical face with 3/8" drip and
return hemmed edge. Install over plywood deck and nail with 1 '/2" annular threaded roofing nails at 9" on centers. Double
nail all joints and use Sika -Flex elastomeric sealant at all metal joints.
4. All edge metal to be properly etched with galva-lume and painted with a high quality exterior paint to match The
Association's colors.
5. Replace pea gravel drains as necessary with 24 -gauge soldered drains.
1. The contractor is to retain the services of a qualified mechanical contractor to inspect, review, test and provide a written
report to establish the condition of the existing air conditioner and mechanical units, which will be effected by the reroofing
operation. A written report is to be provided to the owner and The Association, which addresses the condition and repairs
required on each unit prior to the start of work. The report is to also address the costs necessary to restore the units to
their proper operating condition. At the completion of work, all units are to be re -inspected and returned to their original
condition or better as certified by the mechanical contractor's final report. The owner has the option to have repairs of pre-
existing conditions made or defective units replaced at his own expense. All repairs for damaged units, which occurs after
the initial inspection and as a result of the contractor's actions, will be made at the contractor's expense. When it
becomes necessary to disconnect any air conditioning units during the reroofing operation, the owner's representative
must be notified no less than 24 hours prior to loss of service. All disconnected units must be returned to service within 72
hours unless prior approval is obtained from the owner's representative.
1. Contractor is to crane lift as necessary all a/c units off roof. Contractor is to construct an 8" high platform to retro fit under
a/c unit. Contractor is to build 8" high duct port curbs and provide inner sleebe to accommodate existing height of duct work
to a/c unit.
3. All air conditioning platforms are to be covered with a layer of PVC single ply field sheets, base flashings and 24 gauge
galvanized, lead soldered, seamed platform covers.
4. Provide and install new duct base flashings for all duct penetrations with 24 -gauge sheet metal. Pre -fabricate with fully
soldered seams. After roof completion seal all seams on ductwork with approved duct joint sealant.
5. Re -condition all duct work and coat with elastomeric coating. Contractor will provide with 1 -year warranty on a/c duct work.
1. Removal and replacement of the existing counterflashing and stucco should occur prior to the removal and replacement of
the existing roofing. This sequencing is intended to prevent damage to the new roof system. The existing "Z" bar
counterflashing at stucco walls is generally of inadequate height at some locations to allow for the installation and
termination of the modified bitumen field sheets and the base flashings. The minimum acceptable height of the existing "Z"
bar counterflashing is 6" or greater. Additionally, new counterflashings are to be installed above the low exterior stucco
walls at the termination of the existing metal cap copings to the parapet wall.
2. Repair will require:
A. Break stucco for demolition. The width of the stucco removal shall be necessary to increase the
height of the new modified bitumen base flashing to approximately 6" above the finished roof
deck. An additional 6" above the top of the counterflashing shall be removed to allow for proper adherence of stucco
B. Break out the stucco leaving the existing wire lath and building paper intact. Remove any nails or staples which will
interfere with the installation of the new counterflashing. '
C. Install new wood backing at base of wall to provide support and attachment for the base flashing
and two-piece counterflashing. Height of plywood backing should be approximately 12" or as necessary to allow for
the installation of the base flashing and counterflashing.
D. Insert new 24 -gauge, two-piece counterflashing behind the existing wire lath and building paper. Nail reglet into
existing wood framing. Utilize manufacturers mitered and sealed comer pieces.
E. Insert layer of Sizekraft or #15 non -perforated felt behind existing building paper and over the vertical flange to assure
waterproof integrity in the repair area. Re -staple lath per industry standards. Repair any small cuts or holes with
plastic roof cement.
1. A qualified, plasterer is to be retained to perform all stucco replacement and repair work to current industry standards.
3. Brush coat edge of existing plaster with bonding agent (Thoro-Systems Products-Thorobond and admixture-Acryl 60)
before application of each stucco coat. Follow manufacturer's
recommendations for application requirements.
4. Proportion plaster as recommended by the admixture manufacturer. Measure cement and lime in
bags, and sand with an approved volumetric measuring device. Do not use split bags or shovelful of
5. Apply stucco in three coats to a total thickness to match existing. Apply scratch coat not less than
3/8 inch thick, lightly score horizontally, and moist cure for not less than 24 hours. Apply the brown
coat after the scratch coat has been aged at least 48 hours. Apply the brown coat to bring base coat
out to screeds, compact and straighten to a true surface with rod and Darby, and float to receive
finish coat. Moist cure the brown coat 48 -hours and age a minimum of 14 additional days. Cutout
and patch all cracks prior to application of finish coat. Apply finish coat to match existing color
and texture to a thickness of not less than 1/8 inch. Where previous coat has become dry, dampen the
surface evenly with water prior to application of the next coat.
5. Each base coat of plaster shall contain sufficient moisture to assure hydration for at least 48 hours after application. If
necessary to moisten plaster, apply water in a fine fog spray avoid soaking. Do not apply plaster to surfaces, which contain
surface water.
6. Repair holes in existing stucco and undedayment by implementing as required.
1. A post roof inspection punch list is to be completed by The Association maintenance manager and project manager.
2. Post inspection punch list form is to be submitted with billing for each building.
3. Post inspection punch list to include but not limited to the following.
A. Foam surface checked for proper granulation and evenness of granulation.
B. Coating checked for complete blend. and thickness if necessary. Slit sample will, be taken
C. Foam checked for proper taper and depth. Core sample will be taken if necessary.
D. Foam roof inspected for low spot areas.
E. All surrounding areas such as sloped roof, fascias and bargeboards checked for over spray.
F. All coping metal sealed and painted.
G. All flashings sealed.
H. All skylights re -secured and weather stripping applied.
I. All flashing details completed per specifications.
J. All permits obtained, buildings signed off for final inspection and warranties issued.
Bin #
City. of La Quinn
Building. u Safety Division t
P.O. Box .4,504- 78=49.5 Calle Tampico
1-777 La Quinta, CA 92253•- (760) 777-7012
1?7(o Building Permit'Application and"Tracking Sheet
Permit #
Project Address: 25-3z?6 -SY5 --SS—
Owner's Name7p(�.4
A. P. Number: -
Legal Description:
_ (-0
C�/ G /GL
City, ST, Zip: L .`
Address: 6F3� ` `eAt ey
Project Desciiption:
City, ST, Zip: g
s° fid" T S X43"/
Telephone: ��-- `LME
State Lic. # :
City Lic. #:
Arch., Engr., Designer:
City, ST, Zip:
State Lic. #:
Name of Contact Person:J
Construction Type: Occupancy:
Project type (circle one): New Add'n . Alter Repair Demo
Sq. Ft.:
#, Stories:
#Units: .
Telephone # of Contact Person: 0— _ 7 7 w;
,;,Estimated Value of Project%
Plan Sets
Plan Check submitted
Structural Calcs.
-,Reviewed, ready for corrections
Plan Check Deposit
Truss Calcs.
Called Contact Person,
Plan Check Balance
Energy Calcs.
Plans picked up
Flood plain plan
Plans resubmitted
Grading plan
.2oe Review, ready for corrections/'issue
.Subcontactor List .
Called Contact Person
Grant Deed
Plans picked up
H.O.A. Approval
Plans resubmitted _
3'4 Review, ready for co6ections/issue
Developer Impact Fee
Planning Approval'
Called Contact Person
Pub. Wks. Appr
Date of. permit issue.
School Fees
[Total Permit Fees