2009 03 17 RDA MinutesLA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES MARCH 17, 2009 A regular meeting of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Kirk. PRESENT: Agency Members Franklin, Henderson, Sniff, Chairman Kirk ABSENT: Agency Member Adolph MOTION - It was moved by Agency Members Sniff/Henderson to excuse Agency Member Adolph. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENT -None CLOSED SESSION 7. Conference with Agency's real property negotiator, Douglas R. Evans, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 concerning potential terms and conditions of acquisition and/or disposition of a portion of 525 t acres located at the southwest corner of Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street. Property Owner/Negotiator: LDD SilverRock, LLC, Theodore R. Lennon Jr. 2. Conference with Agency's real property negotiator, Douglas R. Evans, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 concerning potential terms and conditidns of acquisition and/or disposition of real properties identified as APNs: 649-030-016 and -017. Property Owner/ Negotiator: Desert Cities Development, Inc., Michael Shovlin; and VIP Motorcars, Jerry Johnson. The Redevelopment Agency recessed to Closed Session to and until the hour of 7:00 p.m. 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT -None Redevelopment Agency Minutes 2 March 17, 2009 CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA -Confirmed APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION - It was moved by Agency Members Sniff/Henderson to approve the Redevelopment Agency Minutes of March 3, 2009, as submitted. Motion carried with Agency Member Adolph absent. CONSENT CALENDAR 7. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED MARCH 17, 2009. 2. RECEIVE AND FILE TREASURER'S REPORT DATED JANUARY 31, 2009. 3. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE & EXPENDITURES REPORT DATED JANUARY 31, 2009. 4. APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT AMENDMENT WITH RBF CONSULTING FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR SILVERROCK RESORT, PHASE 11 CLUBHOUSE. 5. ACCEPTANCE OF THE PM10 CONTROL AND TEMPORARY PARKING LOT AT SILVERROCK RESORT, PROJECT NO. 2008-07. MOTION - It was moved by Agency Members Sniff/Henderson to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion carried with Agency Member Adolph absent. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF ALTERNATIVES FOR THE SILVERROCK RESORT UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY. Community Services Director Hylton and Golf & Parks Landscape Manager Howlett presented the staff report. In response to Chairman Kirk, Golf & Parks Landscape Manager Howlett stated he would like to look into the farming option. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 3 March 17, 2009 Agency Member Sniff questioned the land being conducive to farming, and noted Options 3 and 4 have an element of permanence and address the current need. He believes permanent irrigation is better than using a water truck, and prefers Option 3. In response to Agency Member Franklin, Golf & Parks Landscape Manager Howlett confirmed the temporary parking lot would be over- seeded with rye during the winter. He explained permanent irrigation in the parking lot would be underground, and the irrigation heads would have some pivoting capability to take the weight of vehicles running over it. In regard to farming the land, he stated Madison Street Produce is looking for additional land to farm corn, strawberries, beans, cauliflower, and broccoli. Agency Member Franklin stated she would like to look into the farming option and is opposed to installing permanent irrigation. Agency Member Henderson questioned the City's cost of $195,000 if the land is farmed. Golf & Parks Landscape Manager Howlett explained the cost would be for materials and maintenance of the Sudan grass, which is generally planted before farming to pull salts out of the soil; the farmer would use about 50 acres for farming, and plant Sudan grass on the remaining acreage. Agency Member Henderson stated she would like the farming option to come back to the Agency with additional information. Chairman Kirk agreed with having it come back, and maybe find out from athird-party expert if farming is feasible there. He also asked staff to explore the possibility of Coachella Valley Water District using the site as a temporary recharge facility. Agency Member Henderson noted the Agency has to continue investing funds on the vacant land to address the PM10 issue, and must move the Jefferson Street project forward; and stated she is not opposed to installing permanent irrigation. MOTION - It was moved by Agency Members Henderson/Franklin to approve Option No. 6 with permanent irrigation for long-term PM10 control of undeveloped land at SilverRock Resort. Motion carried by a vote of 3-1-0 Agency Member Sniff dissenting and Agency Member Adolph absent. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 4 March 17, 2009 2. CONSIDERATION OF A LETTER IN OPPOSITION OF SB 93 RELATING TO THE USE OF REDEVELOPMENT FUNDS ON PUBLIC FACILITIES. Agency Member Henderson spoke in support of sendirig the letter. MOTION - It was moved by Agency Members Henderson/Franklin to authorize Chairman Kirk to submit a letter in opposition to SB 93 relating to the use of redevelopment funds on public facilities. Motion carried with Agency Member Adolph absent. STUDY SESSION -None CHAIR AND AGENCY MEMBERS' ITEMS -None PUBLIC HEARINGS -None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Agency Members Sniff/Franklin to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. City of La