13-1301 (RPL)P.O. BOX, 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Application Number: 13-00001301 Property Address: 55897 PINE�RST APN: 775-241*- 06.4 - Application description: POOL 7 RESIDENTIAL Property Zoning: LOW bENSITY-RESIDENTIAL; Application valuation: 29300 T4hf 4 Applicant: Architect or Engineer. 7 -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - =ENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARA­n6N I hereby affi rrn under penalty of perjbry that I am licensed under provisions of'Chapte - r' 3 (commencing with Section 700b) of Division 3, of the Business and Profes1si6n'als Code, and my License:is in full foic - a and effect. License Class: C53 Lice6ie No!:. 614611 11,0000.� bate:.A!!d Contracior: OWNER-BUILDER.IDECLARATION 1 -hereby affirin,uqder,penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor s, State License Law'for the foll6wing reasor��(Si6c. 7031..5,, Business an . d Professio . nsSod�:,�Any. city or e6unty t , hat re�uirds -a permit. to construct,'ali'erJrnp'r6ve; demolish, or�iepair any structur�,"priioi.,'to'its isivande', also requires the applicant for the permit tofiie a signed statement that he or's1he is.licensedpursuant to the provisions of the, Contractor',s-Stat -�.,-Lice " ris ' e-Law-(Cfiapter 9 1 commencing wit h Sectior�,?QOO . I of D - ivisi I on -3 oi the bu�ihess and Pr - ofessio . iis Cod a) or "that he or 6he:is exempi therefrom and:6e basis for the allege6'exemption. Any vio'lation of Section'703'1_.'6'by` any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of nbt more than five hundred dollars ($500).: '. " ' : - .1 . . ' ­�ole co 1. as owner, of the.property, or my eriipipyees with wages as their mpbrisation, will do the work,.and the.stiucture is not intended or offered for salef (Sec; -7044, Business and Professions.,Cbde:, The Contract rs' taie Licer�4 Law does not apply to,�n di�n�r,6f o �s property who builds or improves thereon, �-and wK6 does �he work himself, , or herself through his or hgr own employees, provided'.that the improvem I ents are not'intdnde'd or offered for sale: I f,� however,. the buildingor improvement.is sold vvithin cucomp etion;-t e owner one.9ear: ""'I h "b u-ilder will have the burden of provingjhat he or,she did not build, or im,�r ve fo r the purpose of sa le.).` 0 1' 1, as owner. of the property'. am exclusively, 66mracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. '7044,* Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves,thereon; and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). I am exemptunder Sec. B.&P.C.. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereb�.affirm under penalty of perjury, that, there is a construction .. lending agency for the performance of the work for'Which-this7perrnit is iss,ued (Sec!�3097; Civ. C.). Lender's Nam a: Lender's Addrem BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT LQPERNi1T Owner: PERRY KOON. 55897 PINEHURST LA QUINTA-, CA 92253 Contractor: MCINTYRE POOLS & SPAS, INC 6 Y6 § 5 �kVtNbE�'., 4 5- INDIO, -CA 92 201 �76_0).342-3612' Lic 'No 614611- - --- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - --- 7-7 - - - - - - - - - - WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I herebV'affirm underpena y o! perjury'one of the:foll�wing decla'rations:' _I hav,e and Z11 mai6fiin,a�de�rtificaie,�'�of.'C�'6sent to self-insiJ,r.eijor -workers' compensation,�as provided - e '6i t6e Labor.b6de,'for the perf6r r mpiic'e of �oe wor� or. which is er Jor by,S ction 3700 f tfii­p' rni� is- 'Js5ued:. I ha4and i�iill inaintairi workers' corfil3ensation i6surance, as.required by Sectio6 3700 of the'Labor _; nsation Code, forjhe,p�if6rmance of the work-fo; which this p9nnit is issued. -My workers' compe insueance*c6�ri�rand-6(�i(cV'h6'�nbe'r are: ,Carrier WESCO INS,,= -, ' - Policy Nu�nber QWCA1843029 I in the'oerforrniin6e of,thiwark'for which this permit is issued, I shall not'enriploy.any p !rson irf,any manneF,so ' as to become subject to theworkers'. compensation, laws'of Calif6rnia,* arid agre6 that, ifl should become s6bjie6t to the workers' compensation proviii&� of Se6tion,. 7 0 or �Code,, I shall forthwith cbrnj�ily witwt ose provisions. WARNING: FAILURE iO SECURE WORKERS' CO M PEN SATION'COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJE& AN EMPLOYER TO CAIMINAU PENALTIES AND,CIVIL FINES.UP TO ONE HUNDRED TH , OUSAND DOLLARS.($ 1,00,000). IN ADDITION -TO THE COST Of, COMPENSATION,- DAMAGES- AS PROVIDED FOR IN -SECTION,3706*OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES.—., APPLICANT- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT -66il ihg'and Safetyfor. a permit ec: IMPORTANT,, Application is hereby. made.to the birec6r, of d subj' t.jo the conditions and iestri ictions set forth on this application. 1 . Each. pp��on u6on whose behalf - this app . lication;is made, each person at who . se re�uesfand for whose behefit work is performed under ^or pur'sua'n-;t to -'any permit issued as a result of this application, t he owne!,:an I d the applicant, each agrees to, and sh�ll defend, indemnity and hold harmlesi the City of.La Ouinta� its officers, agents and employees -for: any �ict or omis . sion,related to: the work being performed I under or follov�ing issu`�nde of:thii-,'pe6it.' Any permit iss6ed'as:a iesuft of.this appiication'bei:omes null and void if work is not commenced within 18.0 days from date of issuance of s.uch,permi!, or�-cessation of work for 180,days will subject permit io cancellation. I certify that I have read"this.ipplication and state that the above.information is correct. I-agrde to comply with all city a4county ordinant I es I and state laws rel 6ting -to building coristruction, and 10rbby authorize representatives of this coun upon the above-mentioned prope f p V, �� ' y Date: i, Knatue (Applicant or Agent): VOICE (760) 777-7012 - FAX (760i 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 D D ' e 1 ue: OCT .18 2013 QU T Q CIT.Y OF LA QUIN A ..qF /13 Application Number(-. 13-00001301 Permit . . ... . . ELECTRICAL 2013 Add i tional desc Perm -it -Fee 23-83 Plan Check Fee .'00 Iss�ie,Date . . . . Valuation 0 Expiration Date 4/,08/14 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 23.8300 LS ELEC DEVICES, FIRST 20 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23.83 - - - - - - - 7 -Permit . . . POOL 2013 Additional desc. Permit -Fee . . . . . .178.75 Plan�4Check- Fee .00 Issue -Date Valuation 0 I ,piration-Date 4/0,8/14 �x -Qt�, Unit Cha rge� Per. - ..Ektengion% 0 0 178..7500 EA - MISC POOL/SPA' .- 178'75 ----------------------- .:8pecial -.N4te's and Comments . * 1 - - - -'IN -_ _' I S P " 'I 1 T * 1 fQ­ L F,','l- �Y/-'_) CH'GAS' W�:. F RE_ P --P 'E -NSTkttED'.- IN PI ING. IPMENT..SaLL -iiE CCORDANC0WITH, -DUU-4UFA:TURER-,.-,1:. SPECIFICkT_I I ERS bNS -.-TO'BE I . NS - TAL LED A. "kEoUfkE'D'� VPRE-r;PLASTER� Jl� -INSPECTION. 2010��GALIF6164i,A BUILDING :CODE. - - - - - - - - - - - - --- 7 - - - - - - --- - - - - - 7 ��-17 7 7- - - - - BLDG-.STDSA Otfier.Fees DMIN '('89'14-73) - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - 1:.'0�0 PLAN I -CHECK' -1 PER9I' is E' /-i/E 90 8 1 PLAN-'CHEM,'j:�.P.00L_,, 97.'24 Fee 'summary Chargdd Paid" Credited - - - - - - - - — - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - -7;- - - - - - - - Due Permit F6e.Total .2d2-.58 Ay 00 .202.58.. Plan Check Total .00 .00� ..00 00 Other Fee Total 212�64 .00 .00 :212;64 -22 ..Gran Total 4 3:5. .06 .00 4.1-5'.:,2 2 DATE__�.�By�j 7 Bin Now 7 17jC* city 0, f la. QuintT 4.�� 'Building & Safety- pivision OCI- 0 P.O. Box 1504, 78-.495 Calle Tampi OP 2013 Quifita, CA 922S3 - -(760) 777-7012' Q41 IV),- -Building Permit'Application and Tracking Shee St 4 OPA.— Perm it # s _.Pr0j`ct Addr`s;'5(5- 897 'Plip UrS+ yvaer's Name: PR,5141E Cr 0* 12 E2 A- P. Number: Address:. �qqL Legal Description:. 4 City, ST, Zip: Contractor: Ik)r YP P. L Telephone: Address:. 933-'6-2S_ 4S_ - �Projetl)escription... r(- 0.4 S d F City,.� T., Zip: 92201 C);- J Y? -(711431 .Telephone: 34? 3CI:? Stat . eLic.#: I 'C S3 6 ALI City Lic. A(.-. Arch., Engr., Designer: . ciccc-5 Y?_ 0410 �Ij Address, City, ST, Zip: Telephone: Li SUte Lit. #: Constnkpogn Type: 06ctipancy: Project type (circle.one): New Add'n 'Alter Repair Demo of Contact Person: Sq. Ft: w Units: E'Name T lep h, elephone#. of Contact -Person: �Clo - _�;;atd Value of Project: p V APPLICANT:. DO NOT WRITE'BELOW THIS LINE - # Submittal Reql.d Rec.1d TRACEING. PERWF FEES' Plait Sets Plan Check - sulimitted 'Item Amount Structural Calcs. Reviewed, ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit. Truss Cales. Called Contact Person Plan Check galance Energy Cales. Plans bicked up Construction V Flood plain plan, Plans resubmitted Mechanical Gradingplan'� rd Review, ready for correr-0 '4 117 Electrical Subcontactor'List Callcd*Contact Person Plumbing Grant'Peed Plans. picked up S.rVLL I IELO.A. Approval fIN Plans resubmitted Grading. Rousi:_ Review, ready for correctio*ns;/issue Developer Impact Fee Plannin gApproval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. I.Pub.Wks.A.ppr Date of permit issue School Fees C.41TY Of MAN I A BUILDINO A %Orm I I- IMPT. APFRIN Urr M- 1 J! TA F -GA G" DATE__�.�By�j 7 LAKE PERJMETEP BLOCK WALL GREY CONCRETE DECK a3'84' 3' FIRE PIT 6! 'Ul LU L a- 0.1 EY15TING LAND5CAPETO REMAIN I.N PLACE d'i itRaL CX L KON RESIDENCE REVISIONS BY 55-897 PINEHURST LA QUINTA, CA 92253 POOL & SPA SPECS. ILA lMlPP%7lMVN POOL S.A. POOL PER. CONSi�kTION %PWAUST m342-3612 POOL Pump VS 3050 5PA EQUIP MENT FILTER CCP 240 ELEC. N, MEM GAS 4' PA U GRf(CONCRETE SPA SIZE control 8' x 8' SPA PER. 64 LN. FT. ---,L— 5TAG 9D 5TON If F7 5PILLWAY 1L PA J . ETS.: 7- U� JET PUMP EX15TING 5'-1 LAN05CAPE TO PEMAIN IN PLACE LEGEND LEGEND PA —PLANTER AREAPA 1. WATERLINE TILE FOR SPA, TO BE SELECTED. 2. GREY CONCRETE CAP FOR SPA AND FIRE PIT. 3. STACKED STONE FOR SPA SPILLWAY. 4. LEDGE STONE FOR OUTER SIDES OF SPA. 5. TILE FINISH ON RAISED WALLS OF FIRE PIT. 9 CITY OF LA QUINTA BUiLDINO & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATES By DATE: 09-23-13 SCALE: 1/8'= V-0" DRAWN BY: AV JOB: KON RESIDENCE SHEET I OF SHEETSI REVISIONS BY POOL & SPA SPECS. POOL SIZE POOL S.A. POOL PER. DEPTHS TO POOL Pump VS 3050 HEATER 250,000 BTU FILTER CCP 240 LIGHTS 3400WATT CONTROLLER 'w/'h,,'d,'No'i,dD0r SPA SIZE control 8' x 8' SPA PER. 64 LN. FT. SPA S.A. 32 SQ. FT. SPA DEPTH 3-6' J . ETS.: 7- U� JET PUMP DECK AREA LLJ n =V) ph L) Uj CL U) LD Fo Acy), 0 U oa �o ce) C\2 ry i.-- Ln U Li C/) CN 0') a- LLJ < n cn < LIJ Z. co 0 Lo In < I DATE: 09-23-13 SCALE: 1/8'= V-0" DRAWN BY: AV JOB: KON RESIDENCE SHEET I OF SHEETSI