2009 04 14 PC MinutesMINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
April 14, 2009
7:03 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:03
p.m. by Chairman Ed Alderson who asked Commissioner Weber to
lead the flag salute.
B. Present: Commissioners Katie Barrows, Paul Quill, Mark Weber, Robert
Wilkinson, and Chairman Ed Alderson.
C. Staff present: Planning Director Les Johnson, Planning Manager David
Sawyer, Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer, Assistant City Attorney
Michael Houston, Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen, Principal
Planner Stan Sawa, Assistant Planner Eric Ceja, and Secretary Monika
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of the
Planning Commission Meeting of March 24, 2009. There being no changes,
or corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Wilkinson/Barrows to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously
A. Continued Sign Program 2006-1078, Amendment No. 1; a request by
Highland Development Sign Company for consideration of a proposed
sign program amendment to add an additional freestanding monument
sign for the Dunes Business Park located on the north side of Highway
111, approximately 1,000 feet east of Dune Palms Road.
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April 14, 2009
Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
Planning Director Les Johnson noted this was the second continuation
for this item, and said staff would like to reschedule it to the April 28,
2009 meeting to allow additional time to address all of their concerns.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any comments from the public.
There were no comments from the public, and he then closed the
public hearing portion of the meeting.
There being no further discussion from the Commissioners, it was
moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Wilkinson to
continue Sign Application 2006-1078, Amendment No. 1 to the
Planning Commission meeting of April 28, 2009. Unanimously
B. Site Development Permit 2008-905 and Conditional Use Permit 2008-
112; arequest by Leslie Lippich Architect and Associates for Yury
Levitan for consideration of architectural and landscaping plans for a
4,924 square foot express (self-service) car wash to be located on the
east side of Washington Street, approximately ±780 feet north of
Fred Waring Drive.
Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the staff report, a copy of
which is on file in the Planning Department.
Principal Planner Sawa said staff had received an a-mail from Mr.
Marvin Roos, Director of Design Development with MSA Consulting,
representing the Robert Capri Corporation expressing concerns
regarding the proposed requirement for a deceleration lane for the car
wash entry located on Washington Street. Mr. Roos noted in his
e-mail there was no professional traffic analysis indicating the need for
a deceleration lane; nor would the car wash generate the amount of
trips per peak hour that would trigger the threshold identified by the
City to require a deceleration lane. Mr. Roos stated his concern was
that the condition, as written, would create an off-set curb condition
for the adjacent Mayer Villa Capri project at the northern driveway and
the off-sets could be confusing and possibly dangerous to motorists.
Mr. Roos proposed the condition state the driveway curbs not be off-
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set and the deceleration lane start northerly of the Mayer Villa Capri
approved entry on Washington Street.
Mr. Roos noted a second concern in his a-mail pointing out that the
landscaping plans submitted for the car wash did not indicate any
ground cover for the area between the car wash and the property line.
He said he hoped that area would be covered with decomposed
granite and rockscape as shown elsewhere on the landscaping plans.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Weber asked if the hours of operation for the car wash
were specified in the Code. Staff replied they were not and that the
closing time was indicated by the applicant.
Commissioner Weber asked if there were any requirements to prepare
a noise study. Staff replied there were not. Commissioner Weber
asked if the applicant was in agreement with the condition to install
some type of a sound barrier wall to help deflect the noise from the
tunnel. Principal Planner Sawa indicated it was his understanding that
the applicant was in support of the condition.
Chairman Alderson asked Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer to explain the
issue concerning the deceleration lane as expressed by Mr. Roos in his
e-mail. Principal Engineer Wimmer explained deceleration lanes were
usually required on major arterial streets, however, if an applicant
demonstrated that less than fifty vehicles per hour would be generated
in the peak hour, then a deceleration lane would not be required. He
said this project was exempt from CEQA requirements and therefore,
did not require a traffic study. Public Works had conducted an in-
house analysis in regards to the IT trip generation rate for similar type
projects and it had identified that the trips generated would be in the
area of forty-five vehicles per hour in the peak hour, which would not
be enough to require a deceleration lane. However, in this case, the
applicant offered to put the deceleration lane in front of his property.
The proposed deceleration lane at 116 feet would not qualify for a
complete design for a deceleration lane, but it would provide an
opportunity for the traffic wanting to turn into the car wash to move
into the lane and allow the faster moving traffic through on the outer
lane on Washington Street. Principal Engineer said staff did not share
the concern expressed by Mr. Roos and felt that the proposed
deceleration lane would be a benefit to Washington Street and would
help move traffic along.
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Commissioner Weber asked what the speed limit was for that location
on Washington Street. Principal Engineer Wimmer replied the posted
speed limit was fifty mph.
Commissioner Weber pointed out other partial deceleration lanes
already in existence near the project. Staff explained the benefits and
connectivity between the partial deceleration lane for the car wash
and the adjacent La Quinta Business Center.
Commissioner Weber asked if the applicant would be submitting final
landscaping plans as the ones currently submitted were marked as
drafts. Principal Planner Sawa replied the applicant would be
submitting final landscaping plans for approval, based on the
Commission's decision and direction.
Chairman Alderson asked to clarify that the applicant would address
the landscaping for the area between the car wash and the property
line in the final landscaping plans. Staff confirmed.
Commissioner Quill commented that if the car wash site plan was
submitted as a mirror image of itself, the parking area would be facing
the Mayer Villa Capri parking lots. That would allow for connectivity
between the two projects and would eliminate the necessity for two
driveways that were only 150 feet apart from each other, as one
access point could be used for both projects. He noted the
deceleration lane, if the same access point is used, would have to be
extended over the Mayer site as well.
Commissioner Quill asked staff why flipping the site plan was not
considered in the preliminary review of the project especially in terms
of sustainability, preservation, and keeping vehicles off the main
arterial for trip reduction.
Planning Director Johnson said there was a lot of discussion about
having the car wash design flipped and he noted the original proposal
by the applicant did have the building flipped. He explained the
driveway into the car wash in the original plans was not shared;
however, it was adjacent to the one for the Mayer Villa Capri site.
Staff had extensively discussed the issue of connectivity between the
two projects and the Mayer Corporation was not in support of it
because of concerns regarding potential access logistics, traffic flow,
and the stacking of vehicles for the car wash creating a problem for
the Mayer Villa Capri site and the site design to the south. He noted
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the issue had been discussed at length as staff shared the same
interest and concern expressed by Commissioner Quill, however, both
parties were not supportive of having the connectivity between the
two projects.
General discussion followed regarding what the potential issues would
have been if there was a shared driveway for both projects.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked about the length of the drive area from
the access point on Washington Street to the car wash pay station
and approximately how many cars would be accommodated in the
three lanes. Staff replied approximately twenty vehicles, but that the
applicant would be able to better answer those questions.
Chairman Alderson asked about the height of the wall and if the
applicant was supportive of it. Staff responded the recommended
height was six feet and that the applicant would comply with the
Chairman Alderson inquired if the recommendations made by the
ALRC regarding the building color palette and types of palm trees used
had been incorporated into the submitted plans. Staff replied the
recommendations were not addressed in the plans, but were made
part of the conditions of approval.
There being no further questions of the staff, Chairman Alderson
asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission.
Mr. Robert Palmer, Leslie Lippich Architect and Associates, Inc., 4766
Park Granada, Calabasas, CA 91302, introduced himself and offered
to answer any questions the Commission might have.
Commissioner Quill inquired how the polycarbonate clear roof material
of the car wash would be made to look like copper. Mr. Palmer
replied the polycarbonate material was available in different colors and
the architect chose to use the bronze, or copper-like, color because
the car wash would be in the southwest and it would blend better
with its surroundings. He explained the material was chosen because
it was light, cost effective, and allowed sunlight to get through to the
car wash tunnel during the day eliminating the need to have lights on.
Commissioner Quill asked about the design of the vacuum cleaners.
Mr. Palmer explained the vacuum cleaners would look like hoses
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running across a canopy and dropping down, similar to full service car
wash vacuum cleaners.
Commissioner Quill said the canopy was not identified on the site
plans. Chairman Alderson concurred. Mr. Palmer replied the canopy
was not identified because it was subject to a different permit.
Planning Director Johnson stated the applicant had never mentioned to
staff that there would be a canopy. Commissioner Quill noted the
Commission was being asked to approve the plans without knowing
what the canopy would look like, even though it was an architectural
design feature of the car wash.
Commissioner Quill asked about the trash receptacles and what
measures would be taken to ensure that they get emptied out on a
regular basis. He was also concerned about the applicant making sure
the parking lot would be consistently swept and kept clean.
Yury Levitan, Owner of the Express Car Wash, 11501 Donna Evita
Drive, Studio City, CA 91604, introduced himself and addressed
Commissioner Quill's previous question regarding the vacuum cleaning
equipment. He said they would be using Vacuum Tech, a company
which specialized in custom design of central vacuum systems and
explained where the equipment would be located and how it would
Mr. Levitan said there would always be at least two employees
present at all times at the car wash and they would be in charge of
maintenance and monitoring cleanliness of the site. Further, the
volume of business would determine the appropriate manpower
necessary to maintain the car wash.
Commissioner Quill asked if the car wash was fully automated. Mr.
Levitan replied the car wash would be fully automated. He said
payment would be rendered through computers located at each of the
three lanes as the cars entered the car wash and explained the
Commissioner Quill asked about the aesthetic design of the trash
receptacles and if there would be one at every parking space. Mr.
Levitan replied the design had not yet been determined and there
would be trash receptacles at every parking space.
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April 14, 2009
Commissioner Quill asked where the vending machines would be
located. Mr. Levitan noted the vending machines would be located in
the building niches.
Commissioner Quill asked about the type of material that would be
used for the parking lot. Mr. Levitan said, due to the high
temperatures in the desert area, it would most likely to be concrete
instead of asphalt. Commissioner Quill asked, and the applicant
confirmed that he would not object if the Commission conditioned him
to use concrete.
Commissioner Quill asked for details on the site lighting. Staff replied
a requirement for additional design information on the lighting was
included in the conditions of approval. Mr. Levitan said the lighting
plans had not been completed, but sufficient lighting would be
provided to allow for the car wash to operate at night.
Commissioner Quill inquired about the hours of operation for the car
wash. Mr. Levitan said the car wash would be open from 6:00 a.m.
until 10:00 p.m., but if business was very slow, it would trigger an
earlier closing time.
Commissioner Quill asked if there would be employees present at the
car wash during all hours of operation. Mr. Levitan replied there
Commissioner Quill inquired about the close-down process and what it
would involve. Mr. Levitan explained all outside equipment would be
put away in the mechanical room, the gates to the tunnel would be
closed, and the site would be secured with an alarm system.
Commissioner Quill asked if there would be end-of-day parking lot
maintenance. Mr. Levitan replied parking lot maintenance would be
done two to three times a day.
Chairman Alderson asked if the two car wash employees would be the
ones designated for the maintenance of the car wash. Mr. Levitan
said the two employees would be in charge of maintenance, but if
volume was high and more manpower was needed, more employees
would work the site.
Commissioner Quill asked if the water would be recycled and what
would be the recycling process. Mr. Levitan explained the water
recycling process.
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April 14, 2009
Commissioner Quill asked approximately how much water would be
used to operate the car wash. Mr. Levitan gave an example of the car
wash in Palm Desert and stated the water bill for that operation was
from 5300 to 5400 per month. His estimate for the La Quinta car
wash would be between 5400 and 5500 per month.
Commissioner Quill asked who would be in charge of maintaining the
landscaping. Mr. Levitan replied a landscaping company would be put
in charge on a weekly basis.
Commissioner Wilkinson inquired about the warranty for the
polycarbonate roof material. Mr. Palmer replied the warranty was at
least 10 years, possibly more.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked about heat generation within the car
wash tunnel, considering the translucent roof material would allow a
substantial amount of heat to build up in the tunnel. Mr. Palmer asked
for the elevation plans to be displayed. He explained the top of the
car wash tunnel at the front, and rear elevations, would be open for
ventilation, as well as the tunnel doors being open during operating
Commissioner Wilkinson expressed concern regarding the durability of
the roof material. He also concurred with Commissioner Quill's
comments regarding not having any information on the color palette,
shade structure, lighting, trash receptacles, etc.
Commissioner Barrows asked if the proposed polycarbonate roof
material had been used in other places with similar weather
conditions. Mr. Palmer replied the same roof material was used for a
similar car wash in Las Vegas. He said the main reason the material
was preferred to other materials was because it was light and
translucent. He explained there was no roof equipment and it was a
self supporting structure.
Commissioner Weber echoed the concerns regarding the roof material
expressed by his fellow Commissioners in terms of durability,
discoloration, and heat generation. He said the applicant should try to
provide an example of where the material was used successfully. Mr.
Palmer noted the polycarbonate material was generally used for green
houses and therefore it would be able to sustain the heat. He
explained there wouldn't be high levels of heat generated in the car
wash tunnel because in addition to the roof and door openings on both
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ends of the tunnel, the entire car wash process required the use of
water which would further reduce the heat levels.
Mr. Palmer said the car wash tunnel was only for the car wash
operations, the on-site office and restrooms were located to the side
of the car wash building and were not under the polycarbonate roof
Commissioner Weber clarified that his concern was not in terms of
generating heat inside the car wash tunnel, but rather whether or not
the polycarbonate material was durable enough to sustain the high
temperatures of the desert. Mr. Palmer noted that was why he
mentioned that this type of material was generally used for green
Commissioner Weber asked for the applicant's comments on the
deceleration lane and expressed his concern regarding traffic safety
and possible future liability for the City of La Quinta. Mr. John
Hacker, Civil Engineer, 77810 Las Montarias Road, Palm Desert, CA
92260, introduced himself as part of the applicant's design team and
provided his expertise on the traffic analysis for the car wash. He
said, based on the estimated trips generated and the car wash design,
there should be no backing up of traffic and no need for a deceleration
Mr. Hacker addressed the Commission's concern regarding the
maintenance of the car wash. He said staff requires the applicant to
submit a report for Best Management Practices (BMP) which identifies
in detail how the applicant is to maintain the site. A newer trend is to
also require the applicant to sign the report committing him/her to
perform by the identified BMPs.
Commissioner Weber asked for comments about the reverse design of
the car wash. Mr. Hacker replied the original plans for the car wash
were reversed, but the Robert Mayer Corporation was not in favor of
that design. He noted Mr. Levitan did not object to having the car
wash designed either way. When the applicant was asked by staff to
flip the design and re-submit the site plans, he agreed.
Chairman Alderson asked Mr. Hacker if he was the Civil Engineer for
the car wash project. Mr. Hacker said he was. Chairman Alderson
inquired about the symbols on the grading plan indicating the grease
and sand traps. Mr. Hacker explained those were part of the
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architectural design and he was not involved in that part of the
project. He said he would provide an underground storm trap to
channel the water. Chairman Alderson commented the grading plans
did not have sufficient information indicating the flow of the storm
drain water. Mr. Hacker said the water in the submitted design was
being channeled to the underground storm pipes and a minor amount
of water was directed to a small catch basin at the entrance. Mr.
Hacker explained the works of the underground water receptacles and
the catch basin and noted the design could be modified during the
final grading.
Chairman Alderson expressed concern that there was only one catch
basin and, if it were to plug up, the water would not have a second
place to drain. Mr. Hacker replied there was a second catch basin
above the receptacles. He said additional catch basins could be easily
Chairman Alderson asked if there was any public comment.
Ms. Terry Forward, Coldwell Banker Commercial, introduced herself as
a representative of the owner of the La Quinta Business Center, 43-
576 Washington Street, La Quinta, CA 92253, located to the north
of the proposed car wash, and asked for an explanation as to whether
or not there would be some type of sound barrier protection to ensure
there would be no nuisance noise for those tenants.
Principal Planner Sawa replied there were no walls proposed along the
north property line, only landscaping. Ms. Forward inquired about the
type of landscaping. Staff said the plans identified alternating citrus
and palm trees along the north border. Ms. Forward asked if there
could be possible accommodation for a different type of landscaping
or a sound wall barrier. Staff replied the Planning Commission had the
authority to impose such a requirement on the applicant if it was
determined to be necessary.
Commissioner Quill asked if staff had required the applicant to submit
acoustic information on the car wash equipment and operation.
Planning Director Johnson replied acoustics were not requested. He
explained staff had identified the need for a wall along the eastern
property boundaries because of the new school to the east; however,
staff did not define a requirement for walls along the north and south
property lines.
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Commissioner Quill asked if staff had asked the applicant to submit
some type of a decibel (DB) analysis on their operation and if there
was an established threshold. Staff replied the Code identified a
standard DB level, but based on the proposed operation, staff had no
reason to believe that it would exceed the City's established standard
requirements. Staff did not require the applicant to conduct any type
of noise analysis.
Chairman Alderson asked Ms. Forward if the answer provided by staff
was sufficient or if she insisted on further consideration for acoustic
protection. Ms. Forward noted her client would not be in favor of
reversing the site plans as it would put the car wash building closer to
the La Quinta Business Center structure.
Mr. Marvin Roos, MSA Consulting, 34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho
Mirage, CA 92270, representing the Robert Mayer Corporation,
introduced himself. Mr. Roos said he had reviewed the car wash site
plans when the design was reversed and noted the plans identified a
separate access for the car wash from Washington Street. He said
there was never any intent to have a joint driveway for both projects.
He explained the way the building and parking lot were laid out, there
would not have been sufficient space to make the connection between
the two projects and there were concerns that it might block up the
Mayer Villa Capri project's service drive. He noted he was surprised
to see the design reversed as his impression was the original design
was to remain without the connectivity. He said the Robert Mayer
Corporation is in support of the car wash project. Mr. Roos said there
was an issue with the location of the trash enclosure which had been
Mr. Roos explained his client's concerns in having the deceleration
lane and demonstrated the traffic movement on the site plan.
Mr. Roos said the only concern his client had was that the submitted
landscaping plans did not indicate any ground cover for the area
between the car wash and the property line. He stated he was not
sure if the plans were simply hard to read or if the applicant had in
fact planned to cover the area with the same decomposed granite and
rockscape shown elsewhere on the landscaping plans, but he just
wanted to address the issue.
Mr. Roos said he was available to answer any questions the
Commission might have.
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April 14, 2009
Commissioner Quill said he could tell the connectivity issue had been
previously discussed in detail, but he did not get the impression that
there was adamant opposition from both parties to flip the car wash
design and come up with some type of connectivity between the two
projects as well as a shared, wider driveway as opposed to two
separate driveways. He noted he could tell both applicants were not
in favor of the idea, but it seemed like the issue was still open for
discussion. Mr. Roos replied he could not say whether or not the
Robert Mayer Corporation would be willing to discuss the issue as he
needed to confer with them first. Mr. Roos explained why a shared
driveway might be a major issue for the Mayer Villa Capri site and
what possible repercussions it might have to the deceleration lane. He
emphasized the fact that the car wash site plan posed constraints to
having the connectivity between the two projects.
There being no further questions, or public comment, Chairman
Alderson closed the public participation portion of the meeting and
opened the matter for Commission discussion.
Commissioner Weber said, based on the comments provided,
additional work could be done to make the project better. He said he
appreciated the ALRC comments about the use of more vibrant colors
and additional planting. He noted he had inspected the site based on
the concern expressed in an a-mail by a resident from a development
located on Washington Street (across from the car wash.) He found
that, based on her location, there would be no noise issues for her.
He found the overall design of the car wash to be very nice. He liked
the lay out and the trellises very much. He commented it would be
optimal to incorporate a shared driveway with the Mayer Villa Capri
project. If the design remained as currently submitted, he thought the
deceleration lane to be appropriate and he looked forward to seeing
more detailed landscaping plans.
Commissioner Barrows did not have any additional questions or
Commissioner Wilkinson said he concurred with Commissioner
Weber's assessment that the noise from the car wash on the south
end would not be an issue for the nearby residential developments.
He said he would prefer to see the design of the car wash flipped,
which he thought would also be better for the commercial building
located to the north of the project. He expressed a concern about the
use of polycarbonate roof material as he questioned its durability. He
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said he would like to know what the design of the shade structure
was as well as some type of lighting information. He said additional
information needed to be submitted by the applicant.
Commissioner Quill said he concurred with his fellow Commissioners.
He said he would like to see what the trash receptacles would look
like, how many would be there, and where they would be placed
within the site. He stated he would like to see the design of the
vacuum trellis system. He would like to see some shaded parking
provided by the vacuum system area, preferably having half of the
parking lot as a shaded structure. He pointed out there was no sign
information provided. He said he would like to see the architectural
design of the pay stations. He expressed concerns regarding
acoustics generated by the vacuum cleaners and would like to see
additional information provided. Commissioner Quill would like the
applicant to submit lighting details on the site as none were provided.
He stated he would not be in favor of the project without any
connectivity between the car wash and the Mayer Villa Capri site.
Chairman Alderson said he agreed with most of the previous
comments made by the Commissioners. He stated he would like to
see detailed information on the trellises and the acoustics addressed.
He noted he found the project to be well designed and beneficial to
the City. He said it would have been beneficial to have the architect
present to provide detailed answers to the Commission's questions.
Chairman Alderson noted he did not concur with his fellow
Commissioners that there was a need for a common driveway because
the service traffic for the Mayer Villa Capri site would interfere with
the commercial traffic for the car wash, possibly creating confusion
and a dangerous situation. He found the two separate driveways to
be more beneficial and a far better layout. He noted the applicant and
staff had spent a lot of time and effort trying to figure out a way to
create connectivity between the two projects only to find out that it
would not be very practical to do so. He said flipping the site design
would cause concern for the La Quinta Business Center owner
because it would place the building adjacent to that office center.
Chairman Alderson said he did not want to lose this project, but the
applicant needed to provide additional information before the
Commissioners could objectively cast their votes. He emphasized the
need for specific information such as the quantity of water that would
be used (not the dollar amount of the water bill.) He said he visited
Mr. Levitan's car wash operation in the City of Palm Desert and
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April 14, 2009
complimented him for running a well maintained car wash business.
Commissioner Weber suggested they continue the project to the next
Planning Commission meeting to give the applicant a chance to
provide the additional information requested.
Commissioner Quill noted that two weeks might not be sufficient time
for the applicant to address all of the issues raised. He asked staff if
the project needed to be continued to a specific date. Staff replied it
did not have to be date specific, but it was preferable.
Planning Director Johnson asked to clarify the items the Commission
would like to be addressed and suggested the following:
^ Detailed information on the roof material.
^ Trash receptacles design, spacing, and location.
^ Pay station design.
^ Vacuum trellis detail.
^ Noise decibel allowance for the car dryers, not a full noise
study, but an independent analysis that would provide
identification of the impact at the property line.
• Site lighting detail identifying the type of fixtures to be used and
the throw pattern.
• Identify the approximate quantity of water to be used.
Planning Director Johnson said the Commission made comments on
having a shared drive, reversing the plans, and possible connectivity
between the two projects. There were comments made for and
against these items and he asked the Commission to give staff clear
direction on how to address those issues.
Commissioner Quill stated he was adamant about having the
connectivity and the shared driveway issues addressed. He said he
would like to see the Best Management Practices (BMPs) included in
the conditions of approval which would give the City the right to
enforce proper maintenance of the site, if necessary, in the future.
Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston explained that enforcing
proper maintenance in the future through BMPs may be difficult
because the property rights lie with the conditional use permit (CUP)
and it vests once operation begins. He said if the Commission had
specific concerns along the lines of enforcement that those be clearly
stated allowing enforcement to be managed.
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April 14, 2009
Commissioner Barrows said, in addition to the amount of water being
used, she would like more information on the recycling system
indicating how much water would be saved, and details on the water
efficiency of the entire operation.
Assistant City Attorney Houston said when an item was continued
procedurally, it needed to be continued to a date specific time. If the
Commission did not want to continue the item to a date specific time,
the item should be tabled, which would indicate that it was
indefinitely postponed. He noted staff would prefer the item be
continued to a date specific time and if additional time was needed the
item could be continued again.
Commissioner Quill asked staff what would be a reasonable amount of
time to allow the applicant to address all issues. Planning Director
Johnson replied four weeks would be reasonable.
Chairman Alderson re-opened the public hearing portion of the
Chairman Alderson asked the applicant how much time would be
needed to provide the information requested. Mr. Levitan asked if the
conditional use permit could be approved by conditioning the applicant
to provide the requested information subsequently. He expressed his
concern that additional specialists would have to be hired to provide
such detailed information, without having an approved project.
Chairman Alderson replied the Commission would like to give Mr.
Levitan an opportunity to provide the necessary information, but could
not be responsible for the costs incurred during that process.
Mr. Bob Reordan, Real Estate Broker with R.G. Reordan, Inc., 60217
Wishbone Court, La Quinta, CA 92253, introduced himself and
thanked the Commission for their willingness to work with the
applicant. He explained that timing was of the essence with regards
to the close of escrow. He asked the Commission to continue the
item for only two weeks, until the next Planning Commission meeting
scheduled for April 28, 2009, which would give the applicant the
opportunity to meet the escrow deadline.
Mr. Reordan pointed out the applicant had originally submitted the
plans with the reverse design and had changed at the request of City
staff and comments from the Robert Mayer Corporation.
PnReports PCA2009VA~ 28 09~°C M3N -0 14 09 Dr~fi4.doc j S
Planning Commission Minutes
April 14, 2009
Chairman Alderson consulted with staff regarding having the meeting
continued to the next Planning Commission meeting. Planning
Director Johnson replied as long as the applicant could provide the
requested information staff would work with them to meet the
deadline. If more time was needed, that could be addressed at the
next meeting.
Planning Director Johnson wanted to clarify that the Robert Mayer
Corporation was not involved in the recommendation to flip the plans
for the car wash and that it was strictly staff's direction. He
explained staff felt this design was more advantageous once it was
determined there was not going to be an access on the south.
There was no further discussion and it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Weber/Barrows to continue Site Development Permit
2008-905 and Conditional Use Permit 2008-112 to the next Planning
Commission meeting on April 28, 2009. Unanimously approved.
C. Sign Application 2003-682 Amendment No. 1; a request by
Washington 111, Ltd. for consideration of a proposed sign program
amendment to include revised monument signs and under-canopy
blade signs for their retail center located south of Highway 111
between Washington Street and Adams Street.
Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen presented the staff report, a copy
of which is on file in the Planning Department.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
There being no further questions of the staff, Chairman Alderson
asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission.
Mr. Bill Sanchez, Project Manager, representing the developer,
Washington 1 1 1, 78365 Highway 1 1 1, La Quinta, CA 92253,
introduced himself and said the sign program amendment was aimed
at freshening up the shopping center and trying to bring awareness
and directional signage for the existing tenants who had expressed
concerns. He explained the developer had requested the two
additional monument signs to be placed along Washington Street
because oftentimes when giving directions to businesses located
P ~.Reuorts - PG2009'~A-2fl-09'~PC MIN_4-14-08_Draf*,.doc 16
Planning Commission Minutes
April 14, 2009
within the shopping center, some of the brand name tenants had to be
used instead of the name of the center itself.
Mr. Sanchez submitted revised sign designs based on staff's
recommendations and explained the difference in size, in terms of
width and height, where they would be located, and how they relate
to the geometrical shape of the shopping center. He said he was
available to answer any questions the Commission might have.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked if staff had had the opportunity to
review the sign revisions. Staff replied the revisions had been
reviewed earlier in the afternoon.
Planning Director Johnson said the staff report provided a comparative
analysis and identified the scale of the signs to be consistent with
other existing signs in the area. He noted the revised plans still
exceeded what had been recommended, but the dimensions were
reasonably scaled back and were much more in line. He indicated
staff's original recommendation would remain. He explained staff's
concern in changing the recommendation was because it would raise
the bar from what had been historically addressed with other projects
along Highway 1 1 1. He pointed to the fact that Washington Park was
a very large shopping center with many major tenants involved and
still a lot of land to be developed. Staff felt it would be best to leave
the decision up to the Commission's discretion and follow their
Commissioner Wilkinson asked about the dimensional differences
between staff's recommendations and the revised proposal in terms of
height and width. Staff replied the comparison was done based on
sign face area and not by height and width. Staff presented graphics
of similar existing signs and explained the difference in dimensions and
the implication of the City's sign code which excluded the structural
elements of the sign design and focused on sign face area.
Commissioner Quill expressed his concern that if the Commission
allowed one applicant to exceed the sign dimensions identified in the
Code that might invite other project owners to demand the same. He
said he did, however, realize the importance of providing signage for
the tenants in the current hard economic conditions.
Commissioner Barrows did not have any additional questions, but she
indicated she had the same concerns as those expressed by
Commissioner Quill.
7:~Raports PC.2~JO~J'~A 28 Q9~PC MIN 4th 09 Draft.doc ),7
Planning Commission Minutes
April 14, 2009
Commissioner Weber thanked the applicant for doing the extra work
and providing the Commission with a revised set of sign designs that
was more in line with staff's recommendation. Commissioner Quill
concurred with Commissioner Weber's comment.
Commissioner Weber commented that the revised signs used a
substantial amount of the sign area in identifying the name of the
shopping center (Washington Park). He inquired about the need to
advertise the Washington Park brand. Mr. Sanchez replied that due to
the current economic hardship, a lot of the tenants, in an effort to
generate more business, are advertising the location of their
businesses in Washington Park, in the local venues. The owner of the
shopping center was being supportive of that and wanted to help
establish the brand recognition of where Washington Park Shopping
Center was located. Commissioner Weber noted he concurred with
his fellow Commissioners' concern to approve signs that exceeded the
sign code guidelines.
Chairman Alderson thanked Mr. Sanchez for submitting the revised
sign designs.
Mr. Sanchez asked the Commission to consider section 9.160.090 of
the sign code, referenced on page 5 of the staff report, which allowed
adjustments and additions to the Sign Program "to overcome a
disadvantage as a result of an exceptional setback between the street
and the sign or orientation of the sign location," or "due to an unusual
lot shape, the street frontage is excessively narrow in proportion to
the average width of the lot. "
Commissioner Barrows said the proposed Al and A2 signs were
within staff's recommendation as they only exceeded the sign area by
five feet. However, she pointed out that the proposed 61 sign along
Washington Street, exceeded staff's recommendation of sign area by
fifteen feet. She suggested the Commission move to approve the Al
and A2 signs as proposed in the revisions and ask the applicant to
follow staff's recommendations for the 61 sign.
Chairman Alderson provided opportunity for Mr. Sanchez to respond
to Commissioner Barrow's comments. Mr. Sanchez replied the overall
mass of the monument sign was not an issue and he could comply
with the recommended sixty five feet of sign area by only reducing the
signs and keeping the overall design of the monument sign.
P:~.Reports - PC`:2009':4-28-09'YC iNIN_4-14-09_Dreft.doc 1g
Planning Commission Minutes
April 14, 2009
There being no further questions, or public comment, Chairman
Alderson closed the public hearing and opened the matter for
Commission discussion.
There was no further discussion and it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Quill to approve Minute Motion 2009-005
recommending approval of Sign Application 2003-682, Amendment
No. 1, accepting the proposed revised Al and A2 signs, and having
the applicant comply with staff's recommendation to reduce the
signage area for the 61 sign to sixty-five feet. Unanimously approved.
D. Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2009-097; a request by staff for
consideration of the following amendments to the La Quinta Municipal
1. To restrict the placement of permitted temporary signs
within the public right-of-way (9.160.60);
2. To reduce the maximum time period for permitted
temporary signs from sixty (60) days to forty-five (45)
3. To eliminate sign size restrictions for exempt directional
and informational signs for public, quasi-public, and non-
profits (9.160.020);
4. To revise Table 9-17 to change maximum sign size and
height restrictions for exempt signs (9.160.020)
Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
Assistant Planner Eric Ceja presented the staff report, a copy of which
is on file in the Planning Department.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
There being no questions of the staff, Chairman Alderson opened the
public hearing and asked if there was any public comment.
There being no questions, or public comment, Chairman Alderson
closed the public participation hearing and opened the matter for
Commission discussion.
Chairman Alderson asked staff to clarify that the Commission was to
review the proposed changes, provide feedback and comments, and
recommend approval to City Council.
P:~.RFports PC\2009'.4 28 09tPC MIN 4 14 09 Dr:~ft.dc'c 19
Planning Commission Minutes
April 74, 2009
Planning Director Johnson explained there were multiple study
sessions that led up to the proposed changes. There was a lot of
general discussion between the Council members, but no clear,
definitive direction was given. Staff followed Council's general
comments to bring this information together and the document was
open for the Commission's review, comments and recommendations.
Chairman Alderson asked if the document provided by staff had
Council's input in it. Planning Director Johnson replied it did have
Council's input; however, it consisted of comments during the study
session discussions.
Commissioner Weber said he was pleased to see that staff was
working on code revisions, he thought such updates were necessary,
and contributed to the clean and overall appropriate appearance of the
City of La Quinta and the standards the City would like to maintain.
Chairman Alderson commented that signage was one of the most
inexpensive and effective ways to obtain public recognition. He said
other types of advertising, such as magazines, newspapers, TV, etc.
were not as effective and were also very expensive. He noted taking
away the political candidate's privilege to advertise through signage,
would be taking away their most effective and affordable weapon.
Chairman Alderson said he agreed that the display of political signs
took away from the aesthetics of the City and he found that reducing
the amount of days the signs could be displayed from sixty to forty-
five would most definitely help with that problem. He noted he was in
favor or prohibiting the display of signs in the public medians as it was
dangerous for those trying to put up or take down the signs, but he
was in opposition of prohibiting the display of political signs in the
public right-of-way all together.
There was no further discussion and it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Weber to approve Resolution 2009-015
recommending approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2009-097
as submitted. AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Quill, Weber, and
Wilkinson. NOES: Chairman Alderson. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT:
Pr.Reports - PC'~2009~.4-28-69'~PC MIN_4-14-g9_Uraft.doc 20
Planning Commission Minutes
April 14, 2009
A. Attendance Update
Chairman Alderson inquired about the reason for Commissioner
Wilkinson's absence on the January 13, 2009, Planning Commission
Meeting. Commissioner Wilkinson clarified the absence was due to
health reasons, which prevented him from attending the meeting.
A. Chairman Alderson reported on the City Council meeting of April 7,
2009. He said the City's new public relations company Ferrino &
Green made a presentation suggesting programs of interest and what
actions were to be taken. Council provided comments and feedback.
He mentioned another item that was discussed was a memorial grant
that was available to the City to be received from the Federal
Government in the amount of 569,416 allocated for police activity,
etc. Councilman Sniff was in opposition of accepting the grant
because he thought it was time for someone to make a stand and turn
down government handouts. His proposition, however, was not
accepted and the item was accepted with a majority vote.
B. Chairman Alderson noted Commissioner Barrows was scheduled to
report back on the April 21, 2009, Council meeting; however, there
was a scheduling conflict with a lecture she needed to give that
evening in Palm Springs.
Commissioner Weber would sit in for Commissioner Barrows for the
April 21, 2009, meeting and would report back on the Council
D. Commissioner Wilkinson asked about the requirements for the federal
funding item. Chairman Alderson replied the money was allocated to
purchase two police segways and other items. Planning Director
Johnson explained the City would not have to pay that money back,
but only provide proof that the equipment was acquired. He noted
this program grant had been around for years and it was not directly
affiliated with the large federal stimulus package that was currently
P:~R~ports - PG'~.2G09~4 28 09APC M1N ~ 14 09 DmRdoc ~~
Planning Commission Minutes
April 14, 2009
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Barrows/Weber to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the
next regular meeting to be held on April 28, 2009. This meeting was adjourned at
9:23 p.m. on April 14, 2009.
Respectfully submitted,
Monika Radeva, Secretary
City of La Quinta, California
Pr,Reports - PC'`2008',448-09`~.PC MIN_4-t4-09_Qr,ftdoc 22