PCRES 2005-021PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2005-021 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATION FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (MDR) ON APPROXIMATELY 9.44 ACRES LOCATED WEST OF ADAMS STREET, NORTH OF MILES AVENUE CASE NO.: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2005-104 APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 14`" day of June, 2005, hold adult'-noticed Public Hearing and to consider the request of the City of La Quinta Redevelopment Agency for a General Plan Amendment from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential designation, located at the west of Adams Street and on the north side of Miles Avenue, as shown on Exhibit A., and more particularly described as: A.P.N. 604-032-022: and; WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons wanting to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings to justify a recommendation for approval of said General Plan Amendment: 1. The new land use designation is suitable and appropriate for the property involved because it is an existing Medium Density use and is a narrow rectangular shaped lot more suitable for the higher intensity use. 2. The new land use designation is compatible with the similar designations within the City because the property is accessible from Arterial streets. 3. The proposed Amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare in that the resulting land use does not exceed standards in the General Plan. 4. That the General Plan Amendment is within an area that will be provided with adequate utilities and public services to ensure public health and safety. 5. The Project is consistent with Goals of the General Plan Land Use Element for residential uses and assists in achieving the Quantified Objectives of the General Plan Housing Element P:\Reports - PC\2005\6-14-05\VDMHP\PC RESO GPA 2005-104.doc Planning Commission Resolution 2005-021 General Plan Amendment 2005-104 City of La Quinta Redevelopment Agency. Adopted: June 14, 2005 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Commission in this case; 2. That it does hereby recommend approval of the above-described General Plan Amendment request for the reasons set forth in this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this 14"' day of June, 2005, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Daniels, Ladner, Quill, and Chairman Kirk NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ~iK, Chairman LaQuinta, California ATTEST: ~G DOU LAS EVANS, Community Development Director City of La Quinta, California P:\Reports-PC\2005\6-14-05\VDMHP\PC RESO GPA 2005-104.doc