08-1436 (AR)P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Application Number: ` 08-00001436 Property Address: 79780 RANCHO LA QUINTA DR APN: 649-550-019- - - Application description: ADDITION - RESIDENTIAL Property Zoning: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Application valuation: 13412 Applicant: Architect or Engineer: ptA aF IWQ�«rw BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION . I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Claa B License No.: 792381 Date% ontractor: OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that -he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (_) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale ISec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (_ 1 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of ,property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractorls) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_) I am exempt under Sec. , B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued ISec. 3097, Civ. C.I. Lender's Name: Lender's Address: LQPERMIT VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760)-777-7153 Date: 10/30/08 Owner: PRAVORNE GARY M 79780 RANCHO LA QUINTA DRIVE LA QUINTA,' CA 92253 D Contractor: RISEN CONSTRU 82775 CHARLEST VE ` 30 �oo� INDIO, 6 CA 92201"� 399 Lic. No.: 79238 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by"Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier STATE FUND Policy Number 713-0026900 I certify that, in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of. t�e Labor Code, I shall fort��byyynnnith comply with those provisions. Date: plicant: WARN�: O SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000): IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. . APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this c�ttr upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. DQ efe:i ature (Applicant or Agent): LQPERMIT Application Number . . . . . 08-00001436 ------ Structure Information 166SF ADDITION/V-B/RES-3 [ENGINEERED] ------ Other struct info . . . . . CODE EDITION 2007CODES # BEDROOMS . 1.00 FLOOD ZONE NO 1ST FLOOR SQUARE FOOTAGE --------------- --------------------------------------------------------•---- 166.00 Permit . . . BUILDING PERMIT Additional desc . Permit Fee . . . . 153.00 Plan Check Fee -99.45 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 13412 Expiration Date 4/28/09 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 45.00, 12.00 9.0000 THOU BLDG 2,001-25,000 ------------------------------------------------------"7---------- 108.00 Permit . . . ELECT - ADD/ALT/REM Additional desc i Permit Fee . . . . 20.81 Plan Check Fee 5.20 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . 0 Expiration Date 4/28/09 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 166.00 .0350 ELEC NEW RES - 1 OR 2 FAMILY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.81 Permit . . . MECHANICAL Additional desc . Permit Fee . . . . 19.50 Plan Check Fee 4.88 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 4/28/09 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 1.00 .4.5000 EA MECH VENT INST/ DUCT ALT 4.50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments 166SF ADDITION TO MASTER BEDROOM. TYPE V-B/RES-3/CLASS A-FR"[ENGINEERED] THIS PERMIT DOES NOT INCLUDE REMODEL TO EXISTING RESIDENCE. 2007 BUILDING, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, ENERGY CODES., October 21, 2008 3:02:32 PM AORTEGA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------. Other Fees . . . . . . . ENERGY REVIEW FEE 9.95 LQPERMIT Application Number . . . . . 08-00001436 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . STRONG MOTION (SMI) - RES 1.34 Fee summary ----------------- Charged ---------- Paid ---------- Credited ---------- Due Permit Fee Total 193.31 ---------- .00 .00 193.31 Plan Check Total 109.53 .00 .00 109.53 Other Fee Total 11.29 .00 .00 11.29 Grand Total 314'.13 .00 .00 314.13 LQPERMIT Bin # 15 P\ City of La Quinta z, Building 8i Safety Division P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permit # 0 D00� Project Address: 22-790 P Owner's Name: A. P. Number: — -Z( —017 Address:79-79V Ro,,jcJcjL4-ti,J gL Dc Legal Description: Contractor: City, ST, Zip: 64-0—til-tA19 Telephone: Address: 8,2_77 S W U Project Description: City, ST, Zip: e Telephone: 7 _6 g " State Lic. # : City Lic. #: Arch., Eng ., esigne . Address: /6167 SlS w-1 t City, ST, Zip: 14 1/ Gs* 30 Telephone 160 S -M ----k8d ., '� . �.. Construction Type: Occupancy: State Lic. #:• Project type (circle one): New Add'n Alter Repair Demo Name of Contact Person:��� Sq. Ft.: �� # Stories: #Units: Telephone # of Contact Person: ),6,Q Estimated Value of Project: APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # Submittal Req'd Rec'd TRACKING. PERMIT FEES Plan Sets 3 Plan Check submitted 19 Item Amount Structural Calcs. Z Reviewed, ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit Truss Calcs. Z Called Contact Person Plan Check Balance Energy Calcs. Plans picked up <;r! Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted Mechanical Grading plan 2nd Review, ready for correctio s/iss Electrical Subcontactor List Called Contact Person p f� Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.I. H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:- ''d Review, ready for corrections/issue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person -40 I.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue School Fees Total Permit Fees us arc. "�u�2ae- Ns +rfta►a*-.e G 4I� • s� R,�. a1r+�6- �v+w rrn (W* TO Iwo) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE •,.>>1IED NJ Desert Sands Unified School District 47950 Dune Palms Road < BERMUDA DUNES Date 10/30/08 La Quinta, CA 92253 Cn RANCHO MIRAGE � �. WDIANwELLS No. 30248 (760) 771-8515 �LM DESERT %, LAQUINTA� y INDIO �' Owner Mr & Mrs Pravome APN # 649-550-019 Address 79780 Rancho La Quinta Drive Jurisdiction La Quinta City La Quinta Zip Permit # Tract # No. of Units 1 Type Residential Addition Lot # No. Street S.F. Lot # No. Street Unit 1 79780 Rancho La Quinta Dr 166 Unit 6 Unit 2 Unit 7 Unit 3 Unit 8 Unit 4 Unit 9 Unit 5 Unit 10 Comments S.F. At the present time, the Desert Sands Unified School District does not collect fees on garages/carports, covered patios/walkways, residential additions under 5 00 square feet, detached accessory structures (spaces that do not contain facilities for living, sleeping, cooking, eating or sanitation) or replacement mobile ho mes. It has been determined that the above -named owner is exempt from paying school fees at this time due to the following reason: Residential Addition 500 Sq Feet or Less EXEMPT This certifies that school facility fees imposed pursuant to Education Code Section 17620 and Government Code 65995 Et Seq. in the amount of $0.00 X 166 S.F. or $0.00 have been paid for the property listed above and that building permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this square footage in this proposed project may now be issued. Fees Paid By Exempt - Lucy Ruelas Check No. Name on the check Telephone 347-6399 Funding Exempt BY Dr. Sharon P. McGehee Superintendent Fee collected /exemp Y Sh ❑ G v Payment Recd L i0.00 A Over/Under Signature i NOTICE: Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d)(1), this will ervh to notify you that the 90-day approval period in which you may protest the fees o r other payment identified above will begin to run from the date on whit Ye building or installation permit for this project is issued, or from the date on which those amounts are paid to the District(s) or to another public entity auth Ized to collect them on the Distdct('s) behalf, whichever is earlier. NOTICE: This Document NOT VALID without embossed seal Embossed Original - Building Department Applicant Copy - Applicant/Receipt Copy - Accounting FL' CERTIFICATE OF COWLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL (Page 1 of 5) CF -1R P%Mo `n U S p r 9l t, o' ) Date ^w �.� a Building Permit if Project Address q--7�160 � Q1 tY _l Mw LA U01un Plan Check / Date mIro 'i4 7.1 O V3 Field Check / Date ce Me a F:—I u� Climate Zone r E>¢orcemerit Use Only Alternative Component Package Method: (check one) C XD D (Alternative) Package C and Package D choices require HERS rater field verification and/or diagnostic testing (see CF -1R page 3) For Package D Alternative see Appendix B Table 151-0 Footnotes 8-14 in the Residential Compliance Maannual (RCM) GENERAL Tj9N Total Conditioned Floor Area (CFA) O fe Average Ce's Height: ft e OCT 1 (! 240/8.6 Ch"k AMheAk sw Y Building Type: (check one or more) Single Family Multifamily/1- Addition Alteration (If adding fenestration fill -out WS -4R, Fenestration Maximum Allowed Area Worksheet and see Section 8.3.2 for Additions and 8.3.3 for Alterations in the RCM) • Maximum Allowed Total Fenestration Area % 0 fig (fiom WS-4R)CITY OF LA Q U I NTA • Maximum Allowed West Facing Fenestration Area • 3 fig (from wS-1BUILDING &SAFETY DEPT. • Number of Stories: Number of Dwelling Units • Floor Construction YY� I�a Raised Floor (circle one or both) APPROVED • Front Orientation:5 U Nor h�South East/ West: All Orientations (mputqout oneplaq2WWRUCTION from True North and circle one). RADIANT BARREER (deck box if reauu2. ed in climate zones 4.8-15) DAT Y OPAQUE SURFACES INCLUDING OPAQUE DOORS 1.. • , , • , Edge,Slab Doors) 1 ' 1 111 1 I'1 :111 1 1 111 ♦ 11 1 111 •' 1 " :111 11 �- 11 I • . , 1 11 i :1(Attic, I Location Comments garage, ',yam• ' 'W' 5 J I C"I /,IMF7L Fff� 0WAM0KC ��MW /M Wlft1� ]) See Joint Appendix IV in Section IV.2, IV3, and IV.4, which is the basis for the U -factor criterion U -factors can not exceed prescriptive value to show equivalence to R -values. 2) This column is for the Inspector to verify installation of roof radiant barrier. Residential Comphance Forms December 2005 X U FENESTRATION PRODUCTS — U -FACTOR AND SHGC FENESTRATION MAXIMUM ALLOWED AREA WORKSIIEET WS,4R — must be included for New Conkuction, Additions, and Alterations. •, ,. . ,:. n . �: box if WS -3R is included DIM I14Z Fra IZA� A1:ERIMMaeo'i'mItam WA &;Tri• MM 1-y0910 FA.ONrC��MANM 1) Skylights are now included in West -facing fenestration area if the skylights are tilted to the west or tilted in any direction when the pitch is less than 1:12. See § 151(f)3C and in Section 3.2.3 of the Residential Manual. 2) Enter values m this cohmm from either NERC Certified Labe] or from Standards Default Table 116-A. 3) Indicate source either from NFRC or Table 116-A, 4) Enter values is this column from NFRC or from Standards Default Table 116B or adjusted SI IGC from WS -3R 5) Indicate source either from NFRC, Table 116B or WS -3R 6) Shading Devices are defined in Table 3-3 in the Residential Manual and see WS -3R to calculate Exterior Shading devices. •) See Section 3.2.4 in the Residential Manual. )ECAC SYSTEMS Residential Comphance Forms December 2005 Efficiericy (SEER or DIM MM 1-y0910 FA.ONrC��MANM Residential Comphance Forms December 2005 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL (P 3 of 5) CF -IR Project Title Ike SEALED DUCTS and TXVs (or Allenukave Measures) A signed CFVR Form must be provided to the building department for each home for which the following are required, ❑ Sealed Ducts all climate canes(installer testing and certification and HERS cater field verifwagon ❑ TXVs, readily accessible (climate zones 2 and 8-15 only) and certification and HERS Rater field verification ❑ Reffigerant Charge (climate zones 2 and 8 -IS only) (Instal%r testing and certification and HERS Rater field verification rewire&) OR LCI I Alternative to Sealed Ducts and Refrigerant charge RXVs (See Package D Alternative Package Features for Pm'ect Climate Zone in the RM Appendix B Table 151-0, Footnotes 7-14. OR ❑ No ducts installed ❑ New ducts form existingonditioning eqWment, not exceeding 40ft in len For additions and alterations, dud systems that are not documented to have been previously sealed asconfirmed rmed through field verification and diagnostic testing m accordance with ❑ >� prooechrres in the Residential ACM Manual. Duct systems with more than 40 linear feet in unconditioned spaces shall meet the requirements of Section I50(m) and duct insulation requirements of package D. WATER HEATING SYSTEMS F-7-1 13 Check box if system meets criteria of a "Standard- system. Standard system is one gas-fired water heater per dwelling Rated unit If the water beater is a storage type, 50 gallons is the maximum capacity and recirculation system is not allowed. ❑ Check box when using Preapproved Alternative Water Heating table, Table 5-4 in Chapter 5 in the Residential Water Heater Distribution Number (kw w Capacity Manual. No water heating calculations are required, and the system complies automatically. Type/Fuel Type Type in System Htwhr Check box if system does not meet criteria of "Standard'° system, and does not comply with the Preapproved ❑ Alternative Water Heating table. In this case, the Performance Method must be used and must be included in the submittal. submittal. 13 box to yerif y that a time control is required for a recirculatingg system pump fora system servim multiie units Water Heater Type Distribution Type Rated Enemy Tank leu Tank Factor or External Water Heater Distribution Number (kw w Capacity Thermal Standby' Insulation Type/Fuel Type Type in System Htwhr Eff iciewy Loss /o R -Value 1 • Water Heater Type Distribution Type Number in System Rated lnput' (kW er Bmlhr) Tank Factor or Capacity Thermal 6MUMS) Ecienc Standby' Loss o Tank External Insulation R -Value ti Ar 1) For small gas storage water heaters (rated inputs of less than or equal to 75,000 Btu/hr). electric resistance, and hear pump water heaters, list Energy Factor. For large gas storage water heaters (rated -put of gloater than 75,000 Bbdhrk list Rated Input. Recovery Efficiency, Thermal Efficiency and Standby Loss. For instmutancoas gas water headers, list Rated Input and Thermal Efficiencies. Pipe Insulation (kitchen lines >_ 3/4 inches) All hot water pipes from the heating source to the kitchen fixtures that are % inches or greater in diameter shall be thermally insulated as specified by Section 150 6) 2 A or 150 0) 2 B. Residential Compliance Forms December 2005 CERTIFICATE OF C®1dII'LIANCE: RESIDENTIAL (P39P Of 5) CE -1R Project Title Date Indicate which special features are parts of this project The list below only repteseats spacial features relevant to the prescriptive method k,neta iw-aucc Category t.,w Building Oficial Verification of Special Features HERS Rater Vetifradm HERS Rater Diagnostic Testing mare Ducts ❑ Y 100% of duds in ❑ Y Buried duds ❑ y Diagnostic supply duct location, sue lace area. and R-vahre Y Dud Increased R-Vakie ❑ Y Dud leakage Y Duds in attic with radiant ban= Y Less than 12 t. of duct outside conditioned space ❑ y Non-standafd dud iocation ❑ y Supply registers within tmo R of floor 13 ❑ Y Air retar(kV wrap ❑ Y Cod roof ❑ Y Exterior shades ❑ y High thermal mass ❑ y Inter zone ventdawn ❑ y Metal tranted wads ❑ y Nowt vent heWft ❑ y Quality insulation iin allation Y Radiant barrier ❑ Y Reduced InIff ation (blower door). May also require mechanical ventilation. ❑ Y Scar gain largebm (for sunwaces) ❑ y Shuhspaoe with utroermr>e surbces ❑ y Vent area greater than 10% ❑ HVAC Equ mard ❑ Y Adequate air flaw ❑ Y Air size ❑ Y Air handlerfan power ❑ Y High EER ❑ Y Horonic heatirg systm- 13 Y Mechanical ventilation ❑ Y Refrigerant charge ❑ Y TINY PaswW exPansian valve (T)M ❑ y Zonal control Water Heater ❑ y combined hydroric (3 y Ngh EF for existing water heaters ❑ y Non-NAECA water heater ❑ y Non-standard water heaters (w h/u it) ❑ y Water heater distm credits Residential Compliance Forms 1pecemner tuu.) CERTMCATE OF Project Title COMPl; UNCE STATEMENT T!Le 5 of 5) CF -1R Date � n ^o6 This certificate of compliance lists the building features and specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. The undersigned recognizes that compliance using duct design, duct sealing, verification of refrigerant charge and TXVs, insulation installation quality, and building envelope sealing require installer besting and certification and field verification by an approved HERS rater. Designer or Owner (per Business and Professions Code) Doeumitntation Anther Name U Et 5 Name. ort l�r/F..17� Title/Finn : �E!_.sC7UJ Q�,S� � Titte/Firm: lid Addy) : S�Sc t7� L� Address: OR013 L AllaCA qICtVZU(Lk:5 Telephone: �00 �f' Tdephme: 140 ,. Z4 3_ 3 Lioonso : (if app ' ) (signature) (date) (signature) (date) Enforcement Agency Name: Comments:t c' Title Ag-ry: QjUM611smdstlonotBuUft EnwW Consultants Telephone: —�L`D ENERGY ANALYST DAVID A. ELLIOTT (si ature / scam date =-a.—c> -S ('P 1-2 Residential Complimice Forms December 2005 FENESTRATION — MXEMM ALLOWED AREA WORKSHEET WS Project Title 0ewo 2 ` ' 15— Dale � " G n -jo ^Cf5 FENES77tATiON PRODUCTS — NEW NURUMQN- NEW BUILDINGS I Tee uric table. for new huilhina concfrrrction to amount for total buildina % of fenestration_ A B C D E F G Vrype/Pos. (Front, Left, Rear, RigK S Orientation Total Fenestration, West Facing Area R2 Total Fenestration for N, S, E Orientations Area 00 CFA . Total Percent of West Facing Fenestration C x 100% Total % of Feneshatiore Iacluding West x 100%+F North I Existing CFA Existing Existing Area Orientation ft South Removed Area f12 South Proposed Installed New Area East Total %of Fanestra-tion'-Z (EVA) x 100% Max of 20% West North west North Totals Total 11 2b (Ju 1) If west facing area exceeds 5% of CFA in climate zones 2, 4, and 7-15, the performance approach most be used. 2) If total percent of fenestration exceeds 20% including Wed facing orientations then performance approach must be used. West facing area includes skylights tilted to the west or tilled in any direction when the pitch is less than 1:12 for Package D only. FENESTRATION PRODUCTS — NEW CONSTRUCTION- ADDITIONS V ❑bels #tatt i oo ie. 0 Less if= or Ea mi to iota te, ❑ Greater l 000 ftp A B C D E F G H orype/Pos. (Front, Lekt, Rear, Right, -SkYli ) Proposed Orianta- Addition's tion CI A1.7-3 Proposed Fenestration Total Area Addition's Area Removed to Added Fenestration make way for Feaeatra "2 Addition 2 Total %of West Facing FeneatraLion2 G/C x IOWA Total % of Fenestra - rim; X 4 /C 100°/. F North H I Existing CFA Existing Existing Area Orientation ft South Removed Area f12 Proposed Installed Orientation Proposed Installed New Area Fast Total %of Fanestra-tion'-Z (EVA) x 100% Max of 20% North west North Total 11 2b (Ju 1) Additions <_100 sf are allowed to install up to 50R of fenestration and are exempt 6om the 5% west facing and 20% mmdmum notal area limits and shall meet the U -factor and SHOO requirements of Package D. Sec Table 8-2 in the Residential Manual. Nota: Leave columns E, F, G. II, and I blank. 2) Additions <1,000 fF, the maximum net allowed fenestration is 20°/. and maybe increased additionally to by the amount of glazing removed in the wall that separates the addition from the existing house. Howevm, the total West facang fenestration can not exceed 56A of thre Proposed addition's CFA including skylights orientated in any direction and tilted with a pitch of < 1:12. Column G can not exceed 5% and Column H can not exceed 2(Y°/.. 3) Additions > 1,000 lir, must meet Package D ngahements. See Table 8-2 and Table 151-0 in Appendix B of the RM or use Performance Approach 4) The 5019west orientation restrictions are only for Climate zones 2, 4, and 7-15; for Climate Zones 2, 4 and 7-15 cat" zero (0) in column E. FENESTRATION PRODUCT'S: for alterations to an existinj ALTERATIONS buildim where fenestrations nodducts windows are bemjt removed andlor added Use this table A B C D F. F G H I Existing CFA Existing Existing Area Orientation ft Removed Orientation Removed Area f12 Proposed Installed Orientation Proposed Installed New Area Total Net Fenestration (82) C-E4G Total %of Fanestra-tion'-Z (EVA) x 100% Max of 20% North North North South South South East East East ` west west west Total Tata) Total t) When. 50 W or more of fenestration area is added to an existing building, then the fenestration must meet the rapirements of Package D. 2) The area requirement for the total fenestration area for the whole building, including the added fenestration, must not exceed 20a/e. Otherwise, the Performance Approach must be used. See Section 8.3.3 in the RM for further details. Resider iol Comp[iorrtre Foms December 2005 MANDATORY MEASURES SUMMARY: RESIDENTIAL (Page 1 of 2) W -1R Project Title 0% ,� f „1 � Date � ' z 3 -o-6 Note: Low-rise/residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. More stringent compliance requirements from the Certificate of Compliance supersede the items marked with an asterisk (*) below. VYheo this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the feaiares noted shall be coosidcred by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or an this checklist only. Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes or check NA if not applicable and included with the permit application documentation DESCRIPTION NA Desivaer -anal Builffng EnvebLm ✓ Vol✓ `M_asures: s §t50(a). Wmimmn R\-9 in wood frame ceiling mw}stiea err egaivelmt U -factor in nidal frame eolmg. '30 ❑ 10 ❑ §150(bk Loose fill insulation msadactarer s labeled R-Valcw ❑ JU ❑ s §t 50(c7 Mmirnam R-13 wall insulation in wood f:amrod walls or ogtovalent U -b otor in metal frame wan& (does net apply exterior mass vrallsl ❑ IJ alrf 13to • §150(4 Minim® R-13 raised floor insulation in framod floors or egnivalad U -factor. . ❑ ❑ §150(c): laatanation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliaema and Gas Logs. 1. Nbsomy and faatary-built frvpfacsa have: n. closeable metal or glass doer covering the entire opening of the firebox Iff ❑ ❑ b. outside air intake with damper and control, tine damper and control 1❑ ❑ ❑ 2_ No continuous burmig San pilot lights alluared X) ❑ ❑ §150(1) Airretmding wrap installed to comply with §151 meets rngauem®ts spceifiod in the ACM Residential Manual R1 ❑ ❑ §150(g): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Tones 14 and 16 only. 4n ❑ ❑ §150(1)r Slab edge insulation - water absorption rate for the ins olathon material alone without facings no Smata than 030A water vapor perammacc raft no Luta 2.0 inch. M ❑ ❑ §119: Iosublim specified orinstatted meetsmmlation installationgoaluy standards. Indicate type and include CFVR Faro: ❑ ❑ §116-§117: F en Pro&x a, Fzteriorpoas, and Controls. 1. Dose and windows between conditioned and msoondk mad spaces designed to limit air leafage. ❑ ❑ 2. Fcncatrabon products (except field -fabricated) have label with entified U -facto , oertified Solar Heat Gain Coefficient and infiltration ccrtifiestien. ❑ ❑ 3. ExIcr r docs andwmdowa ws alhewtrippod; all joints aad pmcbatioos cauncod and ocelod ❑ ❑ Space Cenditianit& Water Hemtonig and P!®bmg Sygkm Meaares: §110-§113: HVAC equipment, water heaters, abowerheads and faoocts ca fiod by the Energy Commission. RT ❑E3§150(h)c l lealag and/or cooling loads eduabled in accordance with ASOL4E, SMACNA or ACOA E3 ❑ oliog systts. § 150(tj Setback dwrmestal m all oppaaeable hextag andlar oom {V ❑ ❑ §I50(ii water syst® pipe and tank insulation and coolies systems line insaLtim. 1. Storage gas wade beaus rated wi>b an Faergy Factor less than 0.59 mast be eestemally wrapped with insulshm having an installed thermal resistance of R-12 or ppom ❑ ❑ 2. Back-up tanlm for solar system, mfirod storage tusks, or other redirect het water tanlas have R-12 external insulation or R-16 iof nmd insulation and indteatcd on the eateries of the tank showing the R-vahte. �' ❑ ❑ 3. The following piping is insulated according to Tab-150-A/B or Equation 150-A Insolation Thickness: 1. First 5 fed of hat and cold water pipes closest to water ucaQer tank. non-rmbcoistiag sy9, and entire kamgth of rceffmiattag sections of bot water p4m Shan be iaaalated to Table 150B. `DI ❑ ❑ Z Cooling system piping (suction, chinod wa¢or. or brine lmral piping insulated between hedimg wince and indirect hot water tank shall be msttlatod to Table 150-B and Eqnstion 1SO.A. 10 ❑ ❑ 4. Steam hydrmic heating systems or hot water syst®s A 5 psi, meet requaemcaft of Table 123-A. ❑ ❑ Residential Compliance Forms December 2005 MANDATORY lam+ ASUR S SPRY: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 of 2) MIF -IR DESCItWd'I®N NA Dee Space Can 'Wam Water H=fmg and Ph ' S a$= M emai u (eanfinetO " ✓ t/ 5. Insulation mmst be protected Som damage, including 64 due to sunlight, moisfmc„ pmt maintenance, and wind JP 0 ❑ Insubfion for chilled water Piping and neSigarant suction piping includes a vapor retadaut err is enclosed cotady m d conditioned �p El El7. Solar water -beating systems/collectors we certified by the Solar Raimg and Certification Corporation. ❑ ❑ • §IWm): Ducts and Fans 1. All &.---edpl=c=sitiffs-Ecd ewl--Aeod�- Arocdismodtimrc-_-L=w1viftCMCSections601.6OZ603,604,605 Md Sbmdwd 6-5; supplyac and re>mn-wducts andpkm= arc houlsted to a mi®mm installed level ofR-42 or amiused entirely in ocoditicoed space Opmisga shag be scaled with mastiol tape or other duct oloarvu system that meets ft ❑ ❑ applicable requirements cfUL 181, UL 181 A, or UL 181E or aerosol seelmt that mee7s me rogouemmta of UL 723. N mastic or tape is used to scat opcump grealcrtiam 1/4 inch, the oombindion ofmsstio and eitbermesh or tVa "be used 2 Building oav®i m; support platforms for air handlers,, and plenums defined or constructed with materials other than scalod sheet maul, duct board or flexible duet shall not be used for ceaveymg oonditiened air. Building anvitia and E3y support platforms may contain daces. Ducts installed m cavities and support platforms shall not be compreasod to cause ICJ ❑ reductions in the cross-eeational arm of the duals. 3. Joints and scams of dud ey%Ums and their components doll not be sealed with ck& back rubber sacsive dud tspca ® ❑ unless sod is used in combiv ti with mastic and draw b=&. 4. Fhaust fan systems have back draft or automatic dampen. ❑ ,® ❑ demvcre. I..0 LZ L,1 6. Protection of Lmntdivn. Insulation shall be protected from damsge, inehlding that due to suntight, moisture, ognipment m--=^. icnaucc, and wmd Cellular foam insulation dhoti be protected as above or painted with a coatntg that is water ❑ 13 ❑ !vb"!mt mA rmv:dm A iektioo fete eOlw vndutbOn t1_uA ase oaaee ion of the m gerLa 7. Flaa-ble dacb dont have porous inter cores_ ❑ ❑ I §114: Pool iced Spc 13=dg Systems s=d Equipment t • R - �fY -"wL-I heater. inetrnctions, no electric ocaiWance hattili and no 'tat light Lf 2. System is instsQed with: l�-- • .t reset :6'a�ve.,e mom fitrr a,t o� fa.r rno.vC onlq naalmq �€ 1 ❑❑ ! j Ta. envie for outdoor pouts or out&or Was 3. Pool system has dircofio@A inlets and s ciroubmim pump time switch. ❑ ❑ gtpilot hurningt light 'on: Non-etcctrical cookmxpPfixnacs with Oct < 150 BO? kI °N "--t 91190): Cool Roof material meets speegied eit=ia grj ❑ ResideneiA I. fing Meamyft: 0 50MI : I-iU'aH FYFICACY Lii1 AWAMM OTHER THAN OUTWOR 1111)t canisCm only logh cT=wy lamps - ondimcd in TmbFc 150-0, and do not eoatsin a medium screw base socket (E24/F.26). Ballast far Imaps 13 welts or grate ❑ ❑ sec eleotrumie cad have m o_etpat fagamey no lcert thea 20 kHz ` d ! 6150(k)i. I IIGI1 I TICACY LUNM4A Y -S - OUTDOOR HID: contain only high a rw-y tempo m outlined in Table l j I -.l ! ( iSG-C, luuminaiYL' h= Luicry iasWkd HD ballast' t §I c0(4)2: P----�-•-toy installed Iatiin=w.o in kitchens shall be high efliescy Mmutm�. Up to 50 pctcent of tke vgdtngc, x determined in § 130 (e} of pamameatly installed luminaires in kitchens may be in laminaires that aro not high emteaey 13 hr l iamiBemiumms, pmvt&d that these lummaiaes are controlled by switches aeparate from those controlling the high efl-msey ! ❑ 150(k)*res. §I 56(kjr Permanently mdfnlled i®maaea m bathrooms, garages. iaou>cl y moms and ofMiay toxins shall he hig`i t:f r—j lumiaairea. v vii arc i ilrri)fhivi'a U) an inWru(xatlf aefl e) 3a i}coi t8 a7rmu�n j :. w aSu'..vu i %%..°) v:d w i ❑ ❑ ! I automatically of have an always on option_ - -W:w •�.._ _,_`t.M�. ir..L-.nor`- t.�.� _ �J �Lw. • • e-`••�v � •w�•'• -• rbamS sltril be Fit GS�b.^Y "� 13 a � ❑ i �.....-...•1."'... Jy ,'=':T_ -..s g Vic... il.�tng„rd:w a:eh ._`4_ea_s_._. 11eh �i—_ gn? tom+ Sa ante CJS 1tr!+S �A �9watyn. on � 1 ...oar ' i At Gf k)i• i .,.mn...w th_d _n_r rn�{annd_ mon ip -- air11 ne.fino_a xe. nmrrnrrvl fir — alarms s mautat M cover (IM and arc fa.° t¢it to !lS3! ! beLed c ar bat I (AT) to !ea Lifer 20 l'FM e17 5 T-a+eaa+. t. 6 sJt i 515M)6: Ltim_mauw taavidmg outdoor lighting and Pamanmily incanted to a rrxidcntial banding or to other buiildings on , } the same lot shall be high efficacy huninairm (not including )ig$tiag around swimmmg pooisiaczier fesbutas cr other ! ❑ Artiste 680 ltxaezasis) OR me art cul l -d by xm.---a. se c a with izftgrrl phow oorttr0 a to oaetp3y with Section ! • _ t. e_ m s -a- , ♦_ SW _-,.-h�na__+ _��it im—C L'1.i� .a.� C n Sim _r3L �� a :n 13'7 d 14^ _.i':E,c::.;.v-.moi..-�c :v a� viz � _ a:--e_e.� .. .� ._.. ! � I ,.v.. _ Lightiu :or au for 8 or more vehicles shaft have fighting tha t tres with Sec. 130 131, and 46. .�`i." :.s §l 50(k)S: Permeacatly installed lighting in the enclosed, non-dwcilotg opscxs of lots-rixn nzWkntial bnikhoga with fear or I mc:x r." wcUiag > :aian sh: H be hiplh d T:=y faasxzires OR ar:,- casttoPed by occopmt scoaar(n) cermitied to comply with! r� j � g ; Li Gni'__ f iaMA Page 3-34 - Building Envelope Requirements — Insulation 3.3.3 Radiant Barriers Radiant Barrier Requirements §151(02 The prescriptive requirements call for a radiant barrier in climate zones with significant cooling loads (2, 4, and 8 through 15). The radiant barrier is a reflective material that reduces radiant heat transfer caused by solar heat gain in the roof. Radiant barriers reduce the radiant gain to air distribution ducts and insulation located below the radiant barrier. In the performance approach, radiant barriers are modeled as separate adjustments to the heating U -factor and the cooling U -factor. The duct efficiency is also affected by the presence of a radiant barrier, with the performance approach. Radiant Barrier Construction Practice To qualify, a radiant barrier must have an emittance of 0.05 or less. The product must be tested according to ASTM C-1371-98 or ASTM E408-71(2002) and must be certified by the Department of Consumer Affairs2. Radiant barriers must also meet installation criteria as specified in Section 4.2.1 of the Residential ACM Manual (Section 4.2.1 is also reproduced in Appendix D of this document). The most common way of meeting the radiant barrier requirement is to use roof sheathing that has a radiant barrier bonded to it in the factory. Oriented strand board (OSB) is the most common material available with a factory -applied radiant barrier. The sheathing is installed with the radiant barrier (shiny side) facing down toward the attic space. Alternatively, a radiant barrier material that meets the same ASTM test and moisture perforation requirements that apply to factory -laminated foil can be field -laminated. Field lamination must use a secure mechanical means of holding the foil to the bottom of the roof decking such as staples or nails that do not penetrate all the way through the roof deck material. Other acceptable methods are to drape a foil type radiant barrier over the top of the top chords before the sheathing is installed, stapling the radiant barrier between the top chords after the sheathing is installed, and stapling the radiant barrier to the underside of the truss/rafters (top chord). For these installation methods, the foil must be installed with spacing requirements as described in Section 4.2.1 of the Residential ACM Manual.. The minimum spacing requirements do not apply to this installation since it is considered a "laminated" system. Installation of radiant barriers is somewhat more challenging in the case of closed rafter spaces when sheathing is installed that does not include a laminated foil. Foil may be field -laminated after the sheathing has been installed by "laminating" the foil as described above to the roof sheathing between framing members. This construction type is described in the Residential ACM Manual, Section 4.2.1. See Figure 3-12 for drawings of radiant barrier installation methods. Z Certification of radiant barriers is required by CCR, Title 24, Part 12, Chapter 12-13, . Standards for Insulating Material. 2005 Residential Compliance Manual March 2005 Building Envelope Requirements — Insulation Page 3-35 Figure 3-12 — Methods of Installation for Radiant Barriers 3.3.4 Wall Insulation Mandatory Measures §1501.1 The mandatory measures require that wood -framed walls above grade have at least R-13 insulation installed in the cavities between the framing members. However, the prescriptive measures for Altemative Component Package C requires more insulation than the minimum requirements in all climate zones. Likewise, Alternative Component Package D requires more insulation than the minimum requirements in climate zones 1 and 11 through 16. Wall constructions with insulation that is not penetrated by framing members, or with metal framing, comply with this mandatory measure if they have a U -factor lower than 0.102, which is the U -factor of a wood -framed wall with R-13 insulation. Entry A3 in Table IV.9 in Joint Appendix IV is the basis for the U - factor criterion. Insulation may be of greater insulating value in certain areas of the wall and of lesser insulating value in other areas of the wall provided that the area -weighted Ll -factor does not exceed 0.102 to show equivalence to an R-13 wall. 2005 Residential Compliance Manual March 2005