0306-326 (SFD)LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION "RI,Il� ieby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date 692234 34 H 11IC,07131 /2r� �,Datef� ��'to Signature of Contractory4'`�'"f c �' OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business &, Professionals Code). ( ) I am exempt under Section B&P.C. for this reason DatgA yr ... l s ' Signature of Owner`�0W r gi? WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, .for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ( ) I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier STATS FUND Policy No. 044-0240014319 (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( ") I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the ,workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the/Gabor /Code, I shall forthwith comply with those,provisions..� � Dat• / - 4 a, Applicant �"--+- X - Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines upJo $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation,"damages as provided for inkSection 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director'of Building and Safety for a permit subject to :the conditions and restrictions set forth on .his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnity & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating.to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property for insp ctiopn`,purrposes. /Signature (Owner/Agent)' 4! V%, e_" r Date1/ ✓P)`':C;j . BUILDING PERMIT*' PERMiT# DATE VALUATION LOT TRACT 14 ?5151 it • / ..:1tt,5.3CD JOB SITE — � ADDRESS 58_713 QUA 4Y'R"C33.I*OAli APN OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / ENGINEER QuAl2Ft.Y Ia'MCH LLC.", C & 0001`ISiRUi.rlov _ . I QUARRY I ACNE 965 :140t2.H SHCOIND AVMTE,' LAQUWIA CA 92253 URL AND CA 9278, (909)982.99605 �,, . L4 3539 USE OF PERMIT SINGL:I~ P��JIL,iP L3�1ddE3;f lfC4 SPC! PERMIT DOES NOT INCLUDE P061, SPA, RLOCdC WALIZ, OR DRNFEWAY A.PPkOAt~H.200I CDC, CUSTOM CONSTRUCTION 3,1)4,170 3F// PORCH/PATIO 677.00 Sv 0ARAGEICARPORT 076,00 SF aIMA,TJ1<Z CO,' OF C .ONSMUC 110.11 310,,795.:30 Pte • n R 9rMv .Y CONS1TRUCTIQ19 FEE 101.000.418.000 $111.M100 PLAN CHECK FEE, 101-01? 439-318 YIECJ4AN1CA1., F n;8 101-000-421-000 $192,00 RI.F.. TRICAL FEL . 101-000-420-000 $223.66 P'LUMBIN0R.17 101-0011R419.oco $190.30 ' STRONC9 MOTION FEE - RIMi LD 101-Aq .,2241-000 01.00 ORACIINO FES; 101-0530-423.000 9151051 . DIWELCIPER IMPACT :E1; ��;dOS ffQ ART 1N PUB141C PLACES RESIE 7,70 -OW -*145-0110 sm.99 SUB-TUTAL. COJIWI UC°17..1%3'./3'E D PLAN CMIM D :e I EVS T-T%R-I'A1D f1 $0.00 1 kAA•.7c' "IrM SIC IgT;1+:S I)YTd! NOW S5,926.54 NOV r 0{2003 CI• OF LA QUINTA I FINANCE DEPT. " RECEIPT e — DATE DATE F!XALgD INSPEC OR t14 INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings - Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck gA10, Exhaust Fans O.K to Wrap F.A.U. Framing p Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wail Firewall Exterior Lath DryWag - Int. Lath f - Final Final 14137D3 POOLS - SPAS BLOCKWALL APPROVALS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances - Final COMMENTS"'O//`r7.5r..°`v`"'0&g,°f e* oY�� Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles or G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) Comments Quarry Ranch Country Club. At the present time, the Desert Sands Unified School District does not collect fees on garages/carports, covered patios/walkways, residential additions under 500 square feet, detached accessory structures (spaces that do not contain facilities for living, sleeping, cooking, eating or sanitation) or replacement mobile homes. It has been determined that the above-named owner is exempt from paying school fees at this time due to the following reason: EXEMPTION NOT APPLICABLE This certifies that school facility fees imposed pursuant to Education Code Section 17620 and Government'Code 65995 Et Seq. in the amount of $2.14 X 3,704 S.F. or $7,926.56 have been paid for the property listed above and that building permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this square footage in this proposed project cnay now be issued. Fees Paid By CC/Bank of America - Mike Reed Check No. 408277563 Name on the check Telephone 909/816-7634. Funding Residential By Dr. Doris Wilson Superintendent Fee collected /exempted by S Signature n McGilvrey Payment Recd $7,926.56 Ove -/Under NOTICE: Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d)(1), this will serve to notify you that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest the fees or other payment identified above will begin to run from the date on which the building or installation permit for this project is. issued, or from the date on which those amounts are paid to the District(s) or to another public entity authorized to collect them on the District('s) behalf, wh..chever is earlier. NOTICE: This Document NOT VALID if Duplicated Embossed Original -Building Department/Applicant Copy - Applicant/Receipt Copy -Accounting CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Desert Sands Unified School District 47950 Dune Palms Road = - NES O Q BERMUDA DU_ Date 11/6/03 q La Quinta, CA 92253 C�O RANCHO MIRAGE d No. 25170 (760) 771-8515 INDIAN WELLS ti P �ALM y� .OINDIO ,� LAA OUENTAT l7� Owner Quarry Ranch LLC APN # 766-060-002 Address 1 Quarry Lane Jurisdiction La Qu inta City La Quinta Zip 92253 Permit # 0306-326 Tract # 30651 Study Area Type Single Family Residence No. of Units 1 Lot # No. Street S.F. Lot # No. Street S.F. Unit 1 14 58713 Quarry Ranch Road— 3704 Unit 6 Unit 2 �``--�— ---`� —� Unit 7 Unit 3 Unit 8 Unit 4 Unit 9 Unit 5 Unit 10 Comments Quarry Ranch Country Club. At the present time, the Desert Sands Unified School District does not collect fees on garages/carports, covered patios/walkways, residential additions under 500 square feet, detached accessory structures (spaces that do not contain facilities for living, sleeping, cooking, eating or sanitation) or replacement mobile homes. It has been determined that the above-named owner is exempt from paying school fees at this time due to the following reason: EXEMPTION NOT APPLICABLE This certifies that school facility fees imposed pursuant to Education Code Section 17620 and Government'Code 65995 Et Seq. in the amount of $2.14 X 3,704 S.F. or $7,926.56 have been paid for the property listed above and that building permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this square footage in this proposed project cnay now be issued. Fees Paid By CC/Bank of America - Mike Reed Check No. 408277563 Name on the check Telephone 909/816-7634. Funding Residential By Dr. Doris Wilson Superintendent Fee collected /exempted by S Signature n McGilvrey Payment Recd $7,926.56 Ove -/Under NOTICE: Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d)(1), this will serve to notify you that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest the fees or other payment identified above will begin to run from the date on which the building or installation permit for this project is. issued, or from the date on which those amounts are paid to the District(s) or to another public entity authorized to collect them on the District('s) behalf, wh..chever is earlier. NOTICE: This Document NOT VALID if Duplicated Embossed Original -Building Department/Applicant Copy - Applicant/Receipt Copy -Accounting t. ,T s ; Q.ct 07 03 09:15a s 1 adden palm desert 760 772 3895 Sladden Engineering 6782 Stanton Ave., Suite A, Buena Park, CA 90621 (7114) 523-0952 Fax (714) a23-1369 39-725 Garand Ln., Suite G, Palm Desert, CA 92219 (760) 772-3893 Fax (760)'772-3895 October 7, 2003 Quarry Ranch, LLC I Quarry Lane La Quinta, California 921253 Project: Proposed Short. Course Development The Quarry at Ln Quinta La Quinta, California Project No. 544-2098 03-10-644 Subject: Geotechnical Update Ref. Geotechnical Investigation Report prepared by Sla.dden Engineering dated July 31, 2002, Project No. 544-2098, Report No. 02-07-445. As requested, we have. reviewed the ahove referenced geotechnical report as it relates to the design and construction of the residences to be constructed along the new short course within Quarry at La Quinta development in the City of La Quinta, California. In addition, we have visited the site to observe the present conditions. The subject site was rough graded during the initial grading of the shod: course. Rough grading included! recompaetion of the native surface soils within the anticipated building areas along with the placement of engineered fall materials to construct the existing building pads. Based upon our review, it is our opinion that the recommendations included within the referenced report: remain applicable for the design and construction of the proposed single family residences. The structural values (including bearing pressures and lateral pressures) included within the initial Geotechnical Investigation report remain valid for the design of the residential structure foundations. Structural values are summarized below. Pertinent 1997 UBC Seismic design criteria are included within the data sheet: attached to this memo. Allowable bearing values, lateral pressures and frictional coefficients as outlined in the referenced report should. be applicable for use in foundation design. These strucural values are summarized on the following page. Conventional shallow spread footings shoul1 be bottomed into properly compacted .fill material at lease: 1.2 inches below lowest adiacent grade. Continuous footings should be at least 12 inches wide and isolated pad .footings should be at. leEst 2 feet wide. Continuous footings and isolated pad footings may be designed using an allowable bearing pressure of 1800 psf. The recommended. allowable bearing pressures may be increased by one- third when considering wind and seismic loading. Laterali forces may be resis_ed by friction acting along the base of the foundations and passive resistance along the sides of foundations. A friction coefficient. of 0.45 times the normal dead load forces is recommended for use in design. Passive resistance may be estininted using an equivalent fluid weight of 275 pcf. �r , p.I Oct 0703 09:15a sladderi palm desert 760 772 3895 p.2 October 7, 2003 -Z- Proicct No. 544-2098 03-10-644 Because the lots have been previously rough graded, the remedial grading necessary at this time should be minimal. In our opinion the recompaction performed during the initial rough grading adequately addresses remedial grading criteria and additional remedial grading should not be necessary. The existing pads should be cleared of weeds, and loose surface soils prior to grading. The exposed surface should be scarified, moisture conditioned and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. Any fill material should be placed in Ibin lifts at near optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction_ The building pad limits should be confirmed by a representative of Sladden Engineering during grading and compaction should be verified by testing. We appreciate the opportunity to provide service to you on this project. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, CFESSIO SLADDENENG ,E ING �Qwo���.ANOE9��Fti rn ti 2 2 Brett L. Anders n it No, c 45389 �r Principal Engineer EX0,130108 S> Ivpe T�TEoFCA��eoP Copies: 4/Quarry Ranch, LLC Sla(Men Engineering Oct 07 03.09:15a sladden palm desert 760 772 3895 p.3 October 7, 2003 -3- e Project No. 544-2098 03-10-644 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE SEISMIC DESIGN INFORMATION The International Conference of Building Officials (ICBG) 1097 Uniform Building Code contains substantial revisions and additions to the earthquake engineering section summarized in Chapter 16. Concepts contained in the code that will be relevant to construction of the proposed struchu•e are summarized below. Ground shaking is expected to be the primary hazard most likely to affect the site, based upon proximity to significant faults capable of generating large earthquakes. Major fault zones considered to be most likely to create strong ground shaking at the site are listed below. -- -- — — - — --- Fault Zone -_......... ._.. -- -- Approximate Distance From Site Fault Type 1997 UBC San Andreas 15 km A San Jacinto 27.5 km A Based on our field observations and understanding of Local geologic conditions, the soil profile type judged applicable to this site is So, generally described as stiff or dense soil. The site is located within UBC Seismic Zone 4.. The following table presents additional coefficients and factors relevant to seismic mitigation for new construction upon adoption of the 1997 code. Sladden Engineering Near -Source Near -Source Seismic — Seismic — Seismic Acceleration Velocity Coefficient Coefficient Sourcc 'Factor, N„ Factor N, CA C,, San Andreas 1.0 1.0 0.44 N, 0.64 N„ San Jacinto. 1.0 1.0 0.44 Ne 0.64 N� Sladden Engineering v �s...+�------r--_ _ _ - _ __ _y__._.....:.. Engineering ;Incorporated , t .1981 20th Anniversary 2001. ' Consulting Electrical 'Engineers - +• ~ i 190311. highway '18 Ste 100 72330•0up un Lane -� . ? •` ` Apple VaLLey, CA 92307 PiUm Desert, CA 92160 r W Phone: (760) 242-3369 Phone: (760)' 773-4478 f Far: (760)242-1.092 - ' Fax: _(76Q) 242-1092 - - • •• dreamjoe@j) hurter net , r dreanejueCn aoLcom' .; 4 ' F'• TITLE 24, JANUARY 2001 ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS �L• �' FOR LOW RISE RESIDENTIAL - BUILDINGS' ' QUARRY JACKILIN VILLA J . 3,704 SQ. FT. (80 DEGREES) 10/21103' Energy Budgets for this building :were determined using the CALRES VERSION 1.4 certified by the California Energy Commission. • The Calres analysis attached was conducted using tables from the Residential Manual ,forCompliance With the Energy Efficiency Standards (for how Rise Residential ' Buildings) JUNE 2001, certified by the California Energy Commission. ' *** HOUSE COMPLIES *** ***REFERENCE C -2R PAGE 1*** -,I hereby certify that the California Energy Commission Conservation Division regulations establishing Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential, Buildings, Title -24, Part 6, have been reviewed and the design submitted substantially complies with these regulations. Joseph M. Nolan, 5 Electrical, Engineer ATTACHMENTS: #1 - C -2R (4 PAGES) t - I,x let #2 CF -1 R (3 PAGES) #3 - MF -1 R Mandatory, Measures Checklist: Residential'(2 PAGES) _ #4 - CF -6R Installation Certificate (13 PAGES) #5 = FHA FORM J Heating,and Cooling Calculations (1 PAGE) ap—, Y_ f ` BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. i:, • ,���` •,Tp ��L� e; _ � . _ _ APPROVED r ' FOR CONSTLBYCTIOf�I DATE0316Y• PW K:hsoffice1WINW0RDITITLE 24 COVERSIJUSTIN 1500 SQ. ,FT.docTITLE 24 -RESIDENTIAL PAGE -1 - s • s. - BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION Floor COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY ----------------------------------- Page 1 C -2R ; Project Title: QUARRY VILLA JACKILIN 3704 SQ. FT. Run: 963 21 -Oct -03 Project Address: REMINTON DRIVE QUARRY VILLA JACKLIN 37 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Thermostat Building Title: QUARRY VILLA JACKLIN 3704 SQ. FT. Building° Permit # Document Author: DREAM ENGINEERING INC. (760) 773-447 Telephone: Type Plan Cheek / Date Compliance Method: CALRES2 1.4.02 3704 48152 Field Ch--ck / Date Climate Zone: 15 2 0" OPAQUE SURFACES ENERGY USE SUMMARY (kBtu/ft2-yr) Energy Use Standard Design --------------- --------------- Proposed Design Space Heating 5.35 --------------- 5.10 Area U- Space Cooling 42.72 43.35 Water Heating -7.69 7.00 1 -------- --------Complies Total 55.76 55.44 Yes Azm --- GENERAL INFORMATION Gns Type Conditioned Floor Area: 3704 ft2 HOUSE Average Ceiling Height: 13'0" ft -in Building Type: SFD Single Family Detached ------------ Building Front Orientation: 80 deg (East) 24.0 0.330 Glazing Area, % of Floor Area: 14.5% 80 Average Fenestration U -Value: 0.34 DOOR Average Fenestration SHGC: 0.34 770.6 0.065 Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 80 Numberr of Stories: No W19.2x6.16 Floor Construction Type: Slab on grade 1028.8 0.065 Number of Conditioned Zones: 1 •170 Total Conditioned Volume: 48152 ft3 W19.2x6.16 BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION Floor Vent Zone Area Volume Thermostat Height Name (ft2) (ft3) Type Type (a) HOUSE 3704 48152 Conditioned CEC Standard 2 0" OPAQUE SURFACES Surface Area U- Insl Total Tru Slr Construction 1 Type (ft2) factor Rval Rval - Azm --- Tlt Gns Type Location/Comments Zone = HOUSE --- --- ------------ ------------------- Door 24.0 0.330 0 3 80 90 No DOOR Unconditioned Wall 770.6 0.065 19 15 80 90 No W19.2x6.16 Unconditioned Wall 1028.8 0.065 19 15 •170 90 No W19.2x6.16 Unconditioned Wall 642.3 0.065 19 15 260 90 No W19.2x6.16 Unconditioned Wall 1072.8 0.065 19 15 350 90 No W19.2x6.16 Unconditioned COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 2 C -2R Project Title: QUARRY VILLA JACKILIN 3704 SQ. FT. Run: 963 21 -Oct -03 OPAQUE SURFACES continued Surface Area U- Insl.Total Tru Slr Construction Type (ft2) factor Rval Rval Azm Tlt Gns Type Location/Comments ------------- Ceiling 3693.0 3693.0 0.031 30 32 -- 0 Yes R30.2x4.24 Attie Floor 3089.0 -- 0 -- -- 180 No Slabl40C Grad-- Floor rad=Floor 615.0 -- 0 -- -- 180 No Slabl40E Grad-- PERIMETER rad= PERIMETER LOSSES Insul Perimeter Length F2 Insul Depth Type ------------------- (ft) Factor ------ R-val ----- (in) Location/Comments Zone = HOUSE Area --------------- ------ ---------------------------------- Exposed 17210" 0.510 7 16 Outside Exposed 426'0" 0.756 0 16 Outside FENESTRATION SURFACES OVERHANGS Fenestration -------------------------- Length'Height Left Right Name Width Height 'H' 'V' Extension Extension ------------ ------ ------ ------ --------- --------- --------- None FINS Left Fin Right' Fin -------------------------- ---------- — -------------- Fenestration Dist Dist ------------------------- Fin Fin Ht from Fin Fin Ht from Name Height Width Depth Height 'V' fenes Depth Height 'V' fenes None Fenestration Exterior Shade Over - Fenestration Area --------------- Tru ----------------- hang Name -------------- Type ------ (ft2) ----- U -factor --------- SHGC Azm Tilt Type SHGC /Fins Zone = HOUSE ------ --- ---- ---------- ------ ------ FRONT Window 84.0 0.35 0.34 80 90 BugScrn 0.76 None LEFT _GLAZ Window 125.0 0.35 0.34 170 90 BugScrn 0.76 None BACK _GLAZ Window 236.3 0.34 0.34 260 90 BugScrn 0.76 None. RIGHT _GLAZ Window 81.0 0.34 0.35 350 90 BugScrn 0.76 None SKYLIGHT Skylig 11.0 0.33 0.35 -- 0 BugScrn 1.00 None OVERHANGS Fenestration -------------------------- Length'Height Left Right Name Width Height 'H' 'V' Extension Extension ------------ ------ ------ ------ --------- --------- --------- None FINS Left Fin Right' Fin -------------------------- ---------- — -------------- Fenestration Dist Dist ------------------------- Fin Fin Ht from Fin Fin Ht from Name Height Width Depth Height 'V' fenes Depth Height 'V' fenes None r COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 3 C -2R Project Title: QUARRY VILLA JACKILIN 3704 SQ. FT.+ Run: 963 21 -Oct -03 THERMAL MASS Vol Cond- Area Thck Heat duct- Construction Insd Mass Name (ft2) (in) Cap ivity Type Rval Location/Ccmments --------------- ---- None SOLAR GAIN DISTRIBUTION Fenestration Winter Summer Targetted Name Fraction Fraction Thermal,Mass Comments ------- -------------------------------- None HVAC SYSTEMS Refrigerant Minimum Charge and Equipment Duct Location System Name System Type Airflow TXV Efficiency and R -value ----------- ---------- •------------- Zone = HOUSE GasFurn.80 Furnace N/A 0.80 AFUE Attic R-4.2 ACsplitl2 Air cond. - central split No 12.00 SEER Attic R-4.2 HVAC DISTRIBUTION EFFICIENCY DETAILS Duct Leakage Supply Target Duct Surface ACCA Manual D (leakage cfm/ System Name Area Design % of fan cfm) Fan CFM ----------------------- CEC_100%R4.2 1000 No n/a 2593 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Distrib Water Water # of Energy Volume System Name Type Heater Name Heater Type Htrs Factor (gal) ------------------------------------------ ---- ------ ------ Standard—Gas Standard StandardGas Storage gas 1 0.58 75 SPECIAL WATER HEATING SYSTEM CREDITS- Solar REDITS Solar savings Wood stove Wood stove System Name fraction I boiler?' boiler pump? -------------- Standard—Gas -- No No ' COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 4 C -2R Project Title: QUARRY VILLA JACKILIN 3704 SQ. FT. Run: 963 21 -Oct -03 SPECIAL WATER HEATER/BOILER DETAILS ' t Rated Pilot Water Recovery Input Standby, Tank Light Heater Name Efficiency ---------------------- AFUE (kBtuh) 'Loss ----------- R -value (Btuh) ' ,StandardGas 78$ ------- -- 125.00 -- ------- ------ -- -- / HYDRONIC DISTRIBUTION AND TERMINALS Pipe` Pipe Insul Insul System/Name Type Number 'run (ft) diam (in) tlick ;in) R -value None ----- ------- SPECIAL FEATURES, REMARKS, AND NOTES ' 1. Heating duct register location: Ceiling.' 2. Cooling duct register location: Ceiling.' t CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential Page 1 CF -1R Project Title: QUARRY VILLA JACKILIN 3704 SQ. FT. Run: 963 21 -Oct -03 Project Address: REMINTON DRIVE QUARRY VILLA JACKLIN 37 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Building Title: QUARRY VILLA JACKLIN 3704 SQ. FT. Building Permit # Document Author: DREAM ENGINEERING INC. (760) 773-447 Telephone: Plan Check / Date Compliance Method: CALRES2 1.4.02 Field Check / Date Climate Zone: 15 GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area: 3704 ft2 Average Ceiling Height: 1310" ft -in Building Type: SFD Single Family Detached Building Front Orientation: 80 deg (East) Glazing Area, % of Floor Area: 14.5% Average Fenestration U-Value:0.34. Average Fenestration SHGC: 0.34 Number of Stories: 1. Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 Floor Construction Type: Slab on grade BUILDING SHELL INSULATION FLOOR TYPES AND AREAS Construction Type Cavity Sheathing Exterior Condi ions/Descripti ---- m ------------------- ------------ 3089 Component Insul Insul Total Assembly Grade Type R -value R -value R -value U -value Location,;Comments Door 0 -- 3.03 0.330 Uncondit=oned Wall 19 0 15.38 0.065 Uncondit-oned Wall 19 0 15.38 0.065 Uncondit-oned Wall 19 0 15.38 0.065 Uncondit=oned Wall 19 0 15.38 0.065 Uncondit=oned Ceiling 30 0 32.26 0.031 Attic Floor 0 0 3.38 0.295 Grade Floor 0 0 1.38 0.722 Grade Slab Perimeter 0 0 0 0.510 Outside Slab Perimeter 0 0 0 0.756 Outside FLOOR TYPES AND AREAS Construction Type Area (ft2) Conditioned? Exterior Condi ions/Descripti ---- m ------------------- ------------ 3089 -------------- Yes Grade Slab 615 Yes Grade CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential Page 2 CF -1R Project Title: QUARRY VILLA JACKILIN 3704 SQ. FT. Run: 963 21 -Oct -03 FENESTRATION Area Fenestration Fenestration Exterior Overhang Type/Orientation ----------------- (ft2) ----- -----------= U -factor SHGC Shading and Fins Window East .84.0 ------------ 0.35 -_0.35 ---------- BugScrn -------- None Window 'South 125.0 0.35. 0.35 BugScrn Nome Window West 236.3 0.34 0.35 BugScrn Nome Window North 81.0 0.34 0.36 BugScrn Nome Skylight 11.0 0.33 0.34 BugScrn Nome THERMAL MASS Area Thick Type Cover (ft2) (in) Locati6n/Comments None HVAC SYSTEMS Refrigerant Distribution System Charge and Location Type Efficiency Airflow TXV and R -value Furnace 0.80 AFUE N/A Attic R-4.2. Air Gond. - central split 12.00 SEER No Attic R-4.2 HVAC DISTRIBUTION EFFICIENCY DETAILS Duct Leakage Supply Target Duct Surface ACCA Manual D (leakage cfm/ System Name Area Design % of fan cfm) Fan CFM -------------------------------------------------------------- CEC 100%R4.2 1000 No n/a 2593 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS r Distrib Water Water # of Energy Volume System Name Type Heater Name Heater Type Htrs Factor (gal) ------ Standard-Gas Standard StandardGas Storage.gas 1 0.58 75 SPECIAL WATER HEATING SYSTEM CREDITS . Solar savings Wood stove Wood stove System Name fraction boiler? boiler pump? -------------------------------------------- -Standard-Gas ------------•StandardGas -- No No a CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential Page 3 CF -1R Project Title: QUARRY VILLA JACKILIN 3704 SQ. FT. Run: 963: 21 -Oct -03 SPECIAL WATER HEATER/BOILER DETAILS Rated Pilot Water Recovery Input Standby Tank Light Heater Name Efficiency AFUE (kBtuh) Loss R -value (Btuh) ---------------------- ------------------------- ------ StandardGas 785 -- 125.00 -- -- -- HYDRONIC DISTRIBUTION AND TERMINALS Pipe Pipe Lnsul Insul System/Name Type Number run (ft) diam (in) thck (in) R -value None SPECIAL FEATURES, REMARKS, AND NOTES 1. Heating duct register location: Ceiling. 2. Cooling duct register location: Ceiling. COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with the Energy Standards in Title 24, Parts 1 and 6, of the California Code of Regulations, and the Administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the Special Features, Remarks, and Notes section. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential Page 4 CF -1R Project Title: QUARRY VILLA JACKILIN 3704 SQ. FT. Run: 963 21 -Oct -03 DESIGNER OR OWNER DOCUMENTATION.AUTHOR MARSH & ASSOCIATES DREAM ENGINEERING INC. (-760) 773-4478 MARSH & ASSOCIATES 720.2258266.o• %03 , S' n d Date Si Date - ENFORCEMENT GENCY Name: Title: Agency: Telephone: Signed Date Calculation Work Sheet - JACKLIN VILLA CODE MARSH TOTAL 637.32 I H AREA House Perimeter 697.6 WALL AREA sc FRONT 67.6 878.6 19.5 Garage Perimeter 172.0 D BACK 67.6 878.6 0.39. RIGHT 88.8 Slab 3,704.0 0.39 3,186.1 9.0 312.7 0.34 Area 3,704.0 0.33 0.34 E 9.0 0.33 glazing 637.3 4.0 0.33 0.34 F 4.0 ave. ceiling height 13.0 F 4.0 0.33 0.34 F FRONT 0.33 0.34 LEFT GLAZING 13.5 0.33 GLAZING 023B CODE AREA u sc CODE AREA u sc Al 11.00 0.33 0.34 A 11.00 0.33 0.34 B 4.00 0.33 0.34 A 11.00 0.33 0.34 B 4.00 0.33 0.34 A 11.00 0.33 0.34 C 16.50 0.38 0.39 B 4.00 0.33 0.34 C1 12.75 0.34 0.35 B 4.00 0.33 0.34 C1 12.75 0.34 0.35 D 19.50 0.38 0.39 H 1.77 0.33 0.34 D 19.50 0.38 0.39 015A 15.6 0.34 0.34 E 9.00 0.33 0.34 015B 5.3 0.33 0.34 E 9.00 0.33 0.34 1 2.25 0.33 0.34 1 2.25 0.33 0.34 1 2.25 0.33 0.34 1 2.25 0.33 0.34 1 2.25 0.33 0.34 1 2.25 0.33 0.34 029B 6.75 0.33 0.34 029B 6.75 0.33 0.34 DREAM 1 83.71 0.34 0.35 1 125.0 1 0.34 1 0.35 DREAM TOTAL 637.32 CODE MARSH TOTAL 637.32 I H AREA HEIGHT 13.0 WALL AREA sc FRONT 67.6 878.6 19.5 LEFT 88.8 1,153.8 D BACK 67.6 878.6 0.39. RIGHT 88.8 1,153.8 0.38 0.39 3,186.1 9.0 312.7 0.34 0'• Engineering Incorporated 1981 20th Anniversary 2001 Consulting Electrical Engineers 19031 Highwuy iR Ste 200 12330 Canyon Iane Apple. Valley, CA 92307' 'Pohn Ikre K CA 92260 Phone: (760) 242-3369 Phbnx:(760) 773-478 Fur. (760)242-1092 Fns: (760)2424092 Ar•rxmfoxGiafiarixr.uet dreamjoggpaoLc BACK CODE GLAZING I H AREA AREA AREA u sc CODE D 19.5 0.38 0.39 D 19.5 0.38 0.39. D 19.5 0.38 0.39 E 9.0 0.33 0.34 E 9.0 0.33 0.34 E 9.0 0.33 0.34 F 4.0 0.33 0.34 F 4.0 0.33 '0.34 F 4.0 0.33 0.34 F 4.0 0.33 0.34 K 023B 13.5 0.33 0.34 023B 13.5 0.33 0.34 023B 13.5 0.33 0.34 023B 13.5 0.33 0.34 003B 13.5 0.33 0.34 003B 13.5 0.33 0.34 025 13.5 0.33 0.34 025 13.5 0.33 0.34 025 13.5 0.33 0.34 025 13.5 0.33 0.34 RIGHT CODE GLAZING I H AREA AREA u sc CODE A 11.0 0.33 0.34 A 11.0 0.33 0.34 A 11.0 0.33 0.34 A 11.0 0.33 0.34 B 4.0 0.33 0.34 C 16.5 0.38 0.39 G - - - C2 16.5 0.34 0.34 1236.5 1 0.34 1 0.35 1 1 C1.0 1 U.s4 1 U.so I SKYLIGHTS CODE W I H AREA u sc L 5.0 11.1 0.34 0.34 IUTAL t 11.-1 1 U.J9 1 UA9 1 DOORS CODE W I H AREA 029B 13.5 023B 54.0 003B 27.0 0025 54.0 015A 15.6 0158 5.3 TOTAL 1169.44 PROJECT: QUARRY VILLA JACKLIN LA QUINTA Engineering Incorporated ' 1981 20th Anniversary 2001 Consulting Electrical Engineers 19031 Wgtmny IN Sic 200 72330 C -mol m Imine - Applc Valk+y, CA 92307 Pel -Di -4 CA 92260 Pb -w: (760) 242-3369 Phone; (760) 773-4478 Fas: (760)242-1(M Fai: (7611).242-1092 _ dmamJoe•o!clurter.net dxramjoe(d•.aoLcom FORM J EQUIPMENT LOADS r 24 BTU/SQ FT DREAM ENGINEERING INC. 19031 HIGHWAY 18 - SUITE 200 3704 SQ FT APPLE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA (760)242-3369/F1092 CA HTM HTM • AREA/ BTU BTU NUMBER OF FLOORS GROSS EXPOSED WALLS LENGTH FIXED WINDOWS HTG EXPOSED WALL (SQ FT) SLIDING WINDOWS 4285 EQUIPMENT OUTPUT CALCULATIONS IN THIS REPORT MEET THE - WINDOWS & NORTH GLASS DOORS: EAST 0 - SOUTH FLOOR (SLAB - PERIMETER) WEST CLG HTG LENGTH CLG HTG EXPOSED WALL (SQ FT) 2.0 4065 1.2 3694 7706 4285 EQUIPMENT OUTPUT CALCULATIONS IN THIS REPORT MEET THE AVE CEILINGS R30 FOOTPRINT - PERIMETER (FT) •0 CRITERIA OF TITLE 24. THIS MAXIMUM MAY BE EXCEEDED 25 • 139 0 - 3501 BUILDING DIMENSIONS (SQ FT) FLOOR (SLAB - PERIMETER) 26 235 0 6083 CEILING HEIGHT (FT) 29 43 1241.2 DIRECTION FACING 86 49 '4199.38 LOCATION 46 88 4054.44 SUMMER DESIGN OUTDOOR - 78 - 86 195 16735.6 WINTER DESIGN OUTDOOR - 68 TO BE HIGHER THAN THAT STATED IN THE CALCULATIONS DUCT BTU GAIN (15%) O 0 UBC 50% OCCUPANCY SKYLIGHTS 0 OPAQUE DOORS 38 0 10 25 24 912 7723 600 DISCLAIMER: 8129 1.THE BUILDING HEAT LOSS & RESULTING MAXIMUM HEATING NET EXPOSED WALL R19 1.9 2.09 2.0 4065 1.2 3694 7706 4285 EQUIPMENT OUTPUT CALCULATIONS IN THIS REPORT MEET THE AVE CEILINGS R30 0 •0 CRITERIA OF TITLE 24. THIS MAXIMUM MAY BE EXCEEDED CEILINGS (R#2) 0 28.3. 313 0 8848 WHEN THE FURNACE IN THE SELECTED PRODUCT LINE MUST BE FLOOR (SLAB - PERIMETER) 0- 0 0 LARGER TO MEET COOLING LOAD AIR FLOW REQUIREMENTS. FLOOR (RAISED FLOOR) 0 31447 23HE BUILDING SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN CALCULATED IN THIS SUBTOTAL BTUH LOSS 3774 REPORT MEETS THE CRITERIA OF TITLE 24 AND MAY DUCT BTUH LOSS (15%) 35221' USED BY THE MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR IN EQUIPMENT HEATING: TOTAL BUTH LOSS 3600 SELECTION AND SYSTEM DESIGN. THE ARI STANDARD 210 PEOPLE & APPLIANCES 46171 RATED CAPACITY OF THE EQUIPMENT SELECTED MAY NEED SENSIBLE BTU GAIN 6926 TO BE HIGHER THAN THAT STATED IN THE CALCULATIONS DUCT BTU GAIN (15%) 53097 BECAUSE THE DESIGN CONDITIONS FOR THE LOCATION ARE " SUM OF SENSIBLE AND DUCT GAINS .i C002C DIFFFaRENIT FRMA THE TFST CONDITIONS USED IN THE RATINGS. COOLING: TOTAL BTUH GAIN (fu I ALA s) 78594 BTU HEATING OUTPUT, MINIMUM REQUIRED HTG UNIT SIZING = • BTUH LOSS X 1.3 + 10 X AREA = 87162 BTU COOLING SENSIBLE, MINIMUM REQUIRED CLG UNIT SIZING = BTUH GAIN X 1.15 = y 1 4065 313 3704 13.0 NORTH EAST LA QUINTA 112 31 N/A 4. - MANDATORy MEASURES CHECKLIST: RESIDENTIAL (Page i of 2) MF -YR Not:: Low6sc. residential building, subject to the Srandarils illust conuill these liteasures regardless of the cornpliaLce approach ted. Iterill ITI-41CKCLI with all asterisk (,) may be superscdcd by inure. stringent compliance requirements listed on thy. Certificate of 7 Compliance. When this Cllet::klk1 is irworporutcld into the perillil (joellineiits. the features noted shall be cons-deredby all P.-irtics as M11111111.1111 COrnponent.perfortuance specifications for the Inundatory measures whether they are sholvo else -where ill tile (JOCUITICIUS, or on this Checklist only. Check Or initial applicable boxes when completed or enter N/A if notapplicable. �-NFORCFN' DESCRIPTION Building LllveloPe Measures: 19 CeiliII611. allUla110 §150t'b): Loose 1*11[ jIlsU jai I L)jj IIIUoL1taOLUrCi`l labeled 1t-Vahtc- § 1 t%j III I Io III it -13 XV;Ill jolkillifiIIII it I Vkkjzj fra I I Icti wails or equi% it1cm LI -Factor in metal fra rlie wat Is apply 141 exlerior trials walls). § t%1111MILLUTI It- H raised [JU017 bIlLital.1011 in framed (1001"S. §l,()(j): ill.glllatioyi - watel absorpEjorl late rio 6r greater iliati 2.0 IlCroViRCII. S5 I 19: •11I.stillIU011 SlICCIfied (Ii. installed illeet, LILIUlitV Standard.'. Indi;:ale Lype and fol It L P., and t 'I'l on T-te no ,Ile, ",apo, It, n), �-,.Id will, § j 7: FClICSLnuion PyodilCLI, Exterior Doors. alit -aI hililuatiun'kis I.a I C olllol% IJ)oor,ajl�%A'iIjdo%Vs )eL%-LCll COOdilifflIC(i and tUIC014101ed SIMCCS(esjglecj o limit nit air lcl clg e. 2- ftlieSioti011 PrOdItCU'(CXCCP1 haVlapel \Vill cern fie,t)-Faclol, certified ed Solar Real linin (oeffiCient (SIJGC). and 111filvatiuri cerLificaLLOn. 3. k\jcr.r cIor, aibi \%adows WeatlCllTL)ped;alljoinisallcl pelle[vaiojiS caulkedalic:eared. § 15()(-): Vaja,r barriers jllao,jaiorp in Climate Moues 14 and 16 oidy. I ply with § l51 meets Collaililsioll qualily standards. % at illrillratton barrier iristaitcd to c II I § 5()(c): histallation of FireplLICCS. J)ccoriaive Gas Appliallecs and Gils Loq.,. t Iviasolify illid lactory-built fireplaces have: a. C-hasrable llwtai or glass door b. OU(SidC air itiLake with &II11per and CoULI-01 C. Hoe damper and coituol 2. t;j) CollillikJOUS turning gas j)il0L li6illS dll0\VCd- HeAting and Plunibing System MeASUITS'. Space Conditioning, Water lied hy the Collill-lissioll. I I 13: 1 IVAC equil)LIMIL W-111CL licaLct,_ s(lo\vcil.teHds allil ('aaccis celtil §1 50(h): licalin'.! LIIILI!t)r eoolill.,� inaLls calculated in accOrdalIcc "'ill' - SMAC NA or RCCA. 'U"s rapplicable heaLill-2 311kV I'CoOlill�t lYlLeolS- § 15(h i): Setback Lllel'1110-113L 011 "1' 10 § I 50ij): 111I)c and tank inlakillon JjCal&� hied Willi an EoCr!,y Factor less tliaLl 0-5S oloSt. he CiMernallywrapped with Monlgc -qu, ItIM110111111 having, ail installed flicrinai resislance of K- 12 or -_-realer. I'i,, - 11OULer 1.1111, SYSLO josullieLl (1�_4 or greater) 3. B;IL:kALjI laokl' for solar syslerri, unfired sl0lal-le tanks, or oilier indINCL 11M Water [a AS have R-1_' Illuhitioll o it -Lit Cnmhiocil alterlialiexternal insalatiou. 4. A I 1s-thall of hot Nv"Lq:r systervis. or eXpo,Cd pi 1) 11 ['Wd llal-g insulated in recaculatl1w 5. cooim- sys lco, piping below 5 �' F itisulated. 6. Pipit_ IIISLINLed between licutilig SoLuve arid indireci'llot \\,ktet lailk. Compliance Forms August 2001 4 A-5 01 S_ ol 4 A-5 MANDATORYMEASURES CHECKLIST: RESIDENTIAL (Page 2 of 2) of rile compi iacce approach used. Lowcisc. residential buildings subject to the Suindaids 11AUSI CMItai . 11 Illesci measiflues regardless ' I gent compliance requirements listed on rile. Certificilte Of Items marked with .41 asterisk irtiCS 3s sk i,l) may be -jIIpCV5CdCLl 11)' fr1OrC Sr"ll ts, tile features noted Shall be consiJered by :111 P - Compliance. Wife,, ibis CjICCl<-IiS[ is jnCOl`Pf1j­,itCL1 iiII0 the do"lliell s ow -n cisc-M--cre in tile docilitiellts alillillikilli component ilel-l"Or'llmick: Specifications for file niaLiclavory measures Mieffiel' theN are �11 or on this Checklist 0111Y. I - 111SMICUMIS: (IjeCk 01' initial applicable boxes whet, conipleted or eticeiN/A if not applicable. DES(.­.R1PT10N face Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbina SysteEll Measures: (continued) § 150(11* DUCLS and Falls I All title', i'lld Plenums installed, staled asid insulated to mixt tilt iequiremetit of the Iggg C:NIC Sections 601 .1 V ill 6113_3� 604 -and Standard 6-3due[, alsolainsulatedLO :l nalliffliall ills'all"(1 1 Vcl 0I R4of. enclosed enlirel -closule: systemcolikilliolled sliace. openings shalt be. scaled Nvitli inusuc, tape, aerosol se:jljuij, tit other duct that IIACCtS the 'applicable, J`e,4Ul1CLJlCaLN of UL I S 1. UL IS I A- Or U I. I S 1 t3. If alastIc Or 1111ia i., used I) s(:al it '11 fall)c sll�jjl tic U,ctl. Building and Cidicl. olc-�% ollcoir)gs greater than 1;4 inch, 01111hilIaLli"I of let S ysterits rind their cavities shall ,01 1),_ -used ft)rCi)ll\eyltl6ci)llitiLi,)IICI ail- Joints Wld SCHMS Of It C01111)(11WRIS shall not be sealed i% itcloth back rLb)CV UdIICSiVC dUCL JUP:S UoikSS such tupc is used il COL1111illatt011 IVILI1 mastic and drawbands. 2. Buildtlie cavities, muppoft plialbrins for air liatidicrs, and I)ICIILIIIIS tic fi,wd Or kolISLI'LucLed with materials other 1111111 Se:llc,l sheet 111CMI. dtICL I)OLuil Or t1exibic duct shall flol, he used Col. conveying conditioned air. Building cavities and support platforms may containducts. DUCIS installed ill cOaitjc,. arldI aria (If [lit: duels.. support pl-.311,01.11-is lijill nal he compressed to CaLtSc reductions ill (Ile c1kj.%.J-sCk:LIOo )(lilt![ is SIIUII 1101. lit: ridded \ylill cloth back Illbl"ICL and SellitfS 01 kitict �VSLLIIls alld [[left. C01111 1 - - Joim, ids. dUCL MI)CS killiCS., SLICII jape is used ill coillhillilLi011 \vktIj tila.,tic and drawbai 4. E-xhausf. fill, N.stetns have back kii-,it'l Or automatic. d3iIII)CIS. 5. Gravity N clitiiatillt-' systems ser" in6 collkh[jolled space IIIIN-c C11110f !MtOlflalic Of IC-lk"'Y mast ally openited dampers. 6. Prolectioll of llisulusim. lusuiaLiOo shall J)C PrOICCI(:d 11-01-11 "1,:IUd1I1,g that due 10 sunlight, e,ltliptllellL raLlillIetititick., and wind but litil lilllile,j to Iii.st.11aLiOn CXPOSCd (" weather shall he suitable for Outdoor Service protected lik alUillillklill. sheet inciaL painted canvas. or pjaSLiC COVC17. C'CIILIlar foam iIISIllati011 shalt tit! Protected a, alove ill'Ilaillied N%,ilil it coaling that is w!jtCr rel afrdu tit and liroViLICS SILCIdalt, from solar radiation LJILIL Can xjttlsc Ilegrudaiion of the (1111lefial. 114: Poul . I IS and hkiffli)[11CUL. and "Ill" llekitil% SN "ell oll_offS\�_iCjj• \\.Cal IICq)roo follel"aLi llg illSIMC6011S, 110 1. System 1, certified wich 78T. flic"ITIU1 efficielley- I"OSISIMICe llelilkliand no Pilot huht. 2. SVSICllI is iosudled wiffi: hCatill" a. ljjtt!l-;Ijld IICJL,:r I )I- ILIILII'C S1111H At IC3.1L I)1'1)'P: 11"'Weell b. Cove" for Outdoor pools of outdoor Spas. 3. Pool s,-,icm has dirCCLi011Ut inlets and it cirCliIaLi011 pullill 6111C N\ViIC1l- § 115 G, It, tired c mirra I tortiaces . 1),111 heaters, spa heaters Or IMUS010 I d cooking appi iatice-9 have no it: Iskill-eiccificitl Cook pililE < 150 Bmilir) comik"tously burliia.,k_ pilot 1i� I F..KC%:pLi0 § (till ROOF material elect specified c criteria --------- --- ightill" N9casul-es: . ....... .. %vitil all cly-jeacy of 40 1111neii.qwaLt Lianiiiaire,; for general 1161ILillz', in kitchens shall have it"I'll-s coIll'o -)it a readily general liglltill_� Shall be lied by a j%vitcli L Or i�reawr For general Iigliting, if, kitchens. This ,c accessihic ligilling couind panel at --ill ellifarce w the kitchen. with jujillitialre with lamps \\ au § 150(02.: Rooms \%,tit, �t sIiowcr Of budilub most have cilile" tit Icu" 011e ju Of dIC alterrintiVeS LO this '40 lurneris greater switched :it Ile entrance It, the room or of acy of "WaLl or recessed -es arc: I(' - ellkz d (ifistilation cover) 1'�-1401'-COICRL U11OWed ill § I -io(02.: and iticandesceft A-6 August 2001 Compliance Forms INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (Page i of 13) CF -612 Site Address Permit Number An installation certificate is required to be posted at the buildino site oi- made available for all appropriate inspections. (The information provided on this form is required; however, use of this form to provide the information is oFtional.) After completion of final inspection, a ropy.must be provided to the building department (upon request) and the building owner :it occupancy, per Section 10-103(b). HVAC S\ ST ELVIS: fleeting Equipment Equip.: u(' Eti it icncy Duct Duct or I Icatlag IleaunG Type (pkg. CFC Certified I`ttl-r Name Identical (AFUV. etc.')' Location Piping L-oaei C npaciry heat oluuul _ 'old Model Number Swrems I>i`F' I K taludl t rlti • etc) R value (BtiAv) i B"iAhrl Cooling Equipment Equip. CEC ccrtitied C:ontpressor of t.itielencv Duct Cooho- Co"I'ltg Type wl—_L . Unit KIfr Nantc amid Identical (SEER. etc.)' Loeanua Duct Lozd C apaciq hcatntmnt) ivlodelNuuthct >v�tant, (>Cf IRyuluel lauic etc) kC-ealtie (Bnldirl BudhtL_ 1. > reads greater dean or equal to. [,,the undersigned, verify that equipment listed above is: 1) is the actual equipment installed, 2) equivalent to or more efficient than that specified in the ceititicare of compliance (Form CF -1R) submirted for compliance with the Enc' Pjficiertcr Standards for. residential buildings, and 3) equipment that meets or exceeds the appropri3te requirements for manutacturcd devices (from the-9pplinnc:tr Ej/iciener Re�u/rrriorr.c or Patt 6), where applicable. Signature, Date WATER HEATING SYSTEMS: Installing Subcontractor (Co. Name) OR General Contractor (Co. Name) OR Owner Dl$rribanott 1CKee ir. ;;of Rated` Taal: Elf- Ex[emal l leater CEC Certified Nlfi L)J)c (Std, culation. Identical Input (LW Volume ciencN, Standbv lnsulation N Intl. & Model Nuutber PoiaE-of-Use) C meal T)'lx Systerns or Btu/hr) (gallops) (EF. 3E) Loss L9;J R -value, For small gas storage (rated input of less [hats or equal to 75-0170 Btwbrl. electric resistance and heat pump Crater heaters, list Frets y Feiclnr. For large gas storage water heaters (rated input ofgrcater than 75.0110 Btrl/ltr), list I:ecovery Efficiency, Standby Loss unci Rated Input. For iustnutttlleous gas \Yater healers, list Recovery kLtllCiCrtCV altd Rated LltpUt. 3_ R -I"_' a\tcnlal insnfatioa Is nialtdato"Y IUl stllrage Water heAcrs with atl elllrl'y IaCAtr of ICSS than 0.59. Faucets & Shower Heads: All f aucels and sho.rerlhetids installed are certified to the Commission, pursuant to Title 24, Part 6, &_coon 11 1. 1. tine tandersigpied, verify that equipineiat listed above illy signature is: 1) the actual equipment ins,:alled; 2) equivalent to Or more efficient than that specified in the ceriticate of compliance (Form CF -1R) submitted for compliance with the Erter.Q tfliciencY Standards for residential buildings; and 3) equipment that meets or ex -ends the appropriate requircments for manufactured devices (1rou1 the Relzularions or Part 6), where applicable. Stgltattlre, Date COPi" TO: Building Deparltnem HERS Provider (if applicable) Building Owner at Occupancy Installing Subcontractor (Co. Name: OR C;enet'al Contractor (Co. Name) OR.,Owncr — --- ----- ----- -- ----- --- - - - - -- --- — — A-23 Compliance Forms August 2001 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (Page 3 of 13) CF -6R Site Address Permit Number DUCT LEAKAGE AND DESIGN DIAGNOSTICS 0 inicr 1A:AKA(;E'KLDUCT10N -rest Pressurization_IZ_CSUIlS (CFM (Zi! 25 PA) Test Leakage (CFlvl) Fail F IONv If Fail Flow- is Calculated as 400 cl'ril,;toji x number of tons, or as 21.7 x Heatin.g Capacity in Thousands of Btui'lir, enter calculated value liere if filil flow is measured, enter measured.value here Lcaka,zc Hactiort — Test Lea kal- c/-(t\,l casu red or Calculated Fail Flow) — Pass if leakage, fractiori= 0.06 Pas: Pail C3 Vor AEROS01- TYPE SEALANTS ONLY .- The following diagnostic testing was completed: I)Ilct Fall pl-cs surizalion st 1-Ougli-in measured leakage (CFM) CHE.CK AFTERFINISHrNG WALL: (3 Yes C1 No [I Pressure pan test or House pressurization test ED D 0 -\�cs El No El Visual Inspectiou of Duct Connections Fail ❑ T-HrRNIOSTATIC EXPANSION -VALVE (TXV) ❑Yea.D No' Thermostatic Expansion ValVe is installed and Access is El El provided tor inspection -ail Yes iI s a pass Pass ❑ DU(: -I- DESIGN C3 Yes D No 0 !kCCA Manual D Dcsi,tli calculations have been completed, Duct besi,oll is on the plans and duct installation aT.Aches plans. [,XV is installed orFail flow, has been verified. If no TXV, El N es 0 No verified fall flow matches design front CF -IR. T\,Icasured Fail Flo -vv El El Yes for both I and 2 is aPass Pass Fail ❑ I., the undersigned, verify that the above diagnostic -test results alici the Nvorlc I performed associffted with the rest(s) is in conformance Nvith the requireincills for compliance credit. [The builder shall provide the HERS provi.,icr a copy of the CF -6R signed by the builder employees or sub -contractors certifying that diagnostic testing and installation meet the requirements for compliance credit.] 7FC_,i�__ — s Signature. Date Performed COPY TO: Building Deparmient HERS Provider (if applicable) Buildin-, C)\NlllCr at OCCUPULICV Compliance Forms August 2001 Installing Subcontractor (Cu. Name) OR General Contractor (Co. Nmne) A-25 J INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (Page 4 of 13) CF -6R Site Address Permit Number REFRIGERANT CHARGE AND AIRFLOW MEASUREMENT Verification for Required Refrigerant Charge and AdCLILlatc Airflow for Split System Space. Cooling Systems vvirliout Thermostatic Lxpansion Valves Outdoor Unit ",trial 4 Outdoor Unit Make Outdoor Unit Model Cooling Capacity Dare of Verification Date of Refrigerant Gauge Calibration Date of Thermocouple Calibration BIU/hr — ----- (must be checked monthly) oitust be checked monthly) Standard ('harze and Airflow NfCaSUIVIIICIII (011tdoor ail* dry-bulb 55 'IF and above): Note: The system should be installed and charged in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications before sta'l-tin.,, Otis procedure. Measured Temperan.1reS db) 'IF Supplv (evaporator leaving) air dry-bulb reinperatUrC (*TSt IPP Return (evaporator entering) air drv-bulb temperature (TrCTUI-11, db) T Return (evaporator entering) air wet -bulb remperalLIN (TrCtU1-11, \vb) "F Evaporator saturation tertiperature (Tevaporator! sat) 'IF Suction line temperature (`rSUCTiWi, db) T Condenser (entering) air dry-bulb temperature I O'condcriser, db) (IF Superheat ChM -c -e Method C'alcularions for Refrigerant Charge (IF Actual Superheat =,rSUCti0n, db —'[*evaporator, sat Target Superheat (from Tabie 1) OF Actual Superheat •— Target SUIM-11Cat 'IF (Svstem passes if between -5 and -i 5'F) 'Temperature Split Method Calculations for Adequate Airflow OF Actual Temperature Split = -r return, A -TSUpp1\1, db Target Temperature Split (front'fable 2) Actual Temperanire Split - Tar. -et 'FejjjPCYatLirc Split 'T (System passes if between -,'F and +33oF or, 110011 remeasurement, if bet-wecti -3°F and -25°F) S "rand. -ii'd Charge and Aii-tlC)%\; J\-jeUSU1-C1T1C11t SLI11111MIN: System shall pass both refrigerant charge and adequate airfloxv,calculation criteria fi-Din the same measurements. If corrective actions Were taken, both criteria must be remeasured and recalculated System passes .-- ... -.. y c'; Or t110 A-26 Compliance Forms August 2001 INSTALLATION CE_RTWICATE (Page 5 of 13) CF -6R,' Permit Number Site Address Alternate Charge and Airtloxv N,IcaSLjl'eillCIlt (OUIL1001- air dry-bulb below 555 "F): N,\;ei,jl_jjj Chirt-in_ Njctjl()cj for Refrigerant Chart Ac(U'A Ii,jLlik'I line length: Standard liCILlid line length: it. j)if*f6,Tcncc (Actual -- SfZindard): !vIanufacturers correction (01111CCS Per COOL) difference ill lellu-th —Ounces ( i- - add) (- - remove) Measured All,flow k\,jctjjod for Adequate AirfioN\ Airflow criterion: Cooling Capacity . ___ X 0,032 CFM CFN,t,,jjjLj p,,;� criterion. Nicasured Airtlow is se,,; since it is greater than the ci Alternate Char. -C and AirtIo\V-MeasUl_e'llc'Lt Summary: System ch-1-iroc I shall be con-ecTed and it shalt also piss'nicaSUred adequate aiTflOW criterion. or —no .;N -stem Passes yes A-27 Compliance Forms AUgUst 2001 CF -6R INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (Page 6 of 13) Permit Number Site Address Table K-1: Target Superheat (Suction l-..ine Temperature - Evaporator Saturation Temperature _ Rctw n Air N4rct-Bu(b'remperiture (°F) (T ,,,,,n w") (19 ! 7O 71 72 ' 73 1 74 75 76 j JT! ,53 54 I SS 51a 57 Si I `9 ( GU 61 62 L63 G4 I GS G6 67 GK •16.4 1 17. % 9.0 42.7 41.9 55 8.8 1(L1 I IlS j 12.8 14." IS.G Ii.! 18.5 10012i.5' 23.! %4.G 26? 222 7.8 29A 31.0'.3_A 3_.2 35.1 i. I, y ? ;(}', j 41.7 43.0 44,2 1 ? %c 9 ,1.3 32.6 134.0 j 35.3 13G. 137.(1 35.7 140.(1 ; 41.3 42.5 ! 43.7 8.6 9- y1.. !3.G I O� 15.4 �6.K Ik.2 i IrJ i o! ? 22.7 X2.3 I'3.$ ?5.� 2(,.R j9kg }Q.5 y 31.8 3 .2 3a.G i 35.9 i7? ,8..5 39.71 aLU 142.2 a3.� 4 . SG i { 5.1 ; 1 h.5 17.9 , I J.+ _U.t, I I ?2 } , 34.R i 36.1 S i 83 19.G I 1 1.0 1123 ! 3.7 j :3 12 I ? 3 i 27.8 29.3 s0.7 I I 3.: i }' ; 40.5 fi2.I 1 i9.0 20.4 21.9 4.fi G. 1 ! ii.6 36.9 38.3. d 5 58 7.9 !. 9.3 1 1O.6 12.0 13.4 , 10. 16.2 17.G I I = I I -, %4.3 25.7 `'/ 28.i ?O.i 31.5 32.9 ;4.3 I 5 6.4 3%.4 39.1 1404 41.6 I 1` 2 33.71 3-.i 2I.0 „4 ?3.8' 25.2 ;'26.G' 28.1 9.G 31.0 3 .4 cc) i 7.', j $.9 i IU.2 j 1 Lf; 13.0 14.4 ; 15.8 I i.? . 18.6 12(!.(1 I %1.4 1 2�.0 }z ! ;q G ; -)5 39.9 4!? 1 42 a 3n.q : 1.8 - h0 7.0 E.4 I y 8 1 1.t;'11. 6 14.0 ' 15.4 16.8 ! 5 ? 19 (i i --z 15 I 139.4 40.7 1 421, j i j , : 7 24.2 i 25.5 ! 27.0 ?S.4 29.9 I : I •+ , 32.7 134.! i 3 .4 _6.R j ;7.7 139.0 4(J.3 41 G I 61 I G.5 17.9 9.3 101 i 13.5 i !4.9 Ifi.3 17.7 119.1 2(1.5 i 4 23.3 i24.7 26.] •7.5 !1 ?9A ' 7 ( .34.9 36.3 ' ? i ? ?2.3 ' = 6 ?5.0 ' 2G.4 27.6 29..3 1 3U i 3%._ 1 : 3. 41.2(2 (,.(J 7.4 8.8 Ip.7 13.! 14.5 15.9 17. 1 i 8.7:..0., 14 122.8 944 ! 25 8 273 28.7 130.2 ; 31.G • 33.0 ; 34.4 ! 63 1 53 I (i.8 153 ! 9.I I I I.l i 12.6: i4.0 115.4 , 16.5 118? 119.6 _0.9 I 1 I 31.1 19.4 1 40.8 j y I I(J.6 !2.U', i3.5 14.9 j IG.3 ii.7 ! 19.0 20.4 21.i 121.' }I.! 2 ;.9 3531 3G. ! r,4 b.l 7.G .. ? r ? c :, 4 34.9: ;G.3 , 37.6 9.0 ! 4n.4 _ r �5 _ 5.4 7.0 ' 8.5 110.0 ; I I.5 i 12.9 14.3 ; IS.i i t.i i 18.5 (19.9 21.2 2t.5 : ?3.S i Z5.2 j 2G.7 28.2 j 29.7 c,, 3 2(i.i ` 22.0 23? 24.6 '_6.1 t.(i 121.1 3U.h zi.5 I ;3.0 344 j 37.2 1 ,+.G i 39.9 j I f I 6.3 ': 7.8 9.3 , IG.S 1 12.3 f 3.8 ; l5.2 j 16.6 ; iK.O 1 7 24.1 125.G 127.1:28.6 ; 30.1 ^ 6(i ? 14.G ; !6.0 117.4 18.8 20.1 21., 1 22. 2.5 i 3G.). 138.1 I }9.5 i 55 ' 7.1 £ 1 i 10.2 ; 1 1.7 13._ t { �i5 ! ?(L8 , ; , i 2z ! „ a : �G.S 2k.0 29. a ? ! 14.8 ' 16.3 i 7.6 19.0 20.1:2! .5 22.9 134. 126.(1 127.; 39.0 i ."s(L5 ;_ (J 13:1.4 i 34., , G7 ; j I G. 8.0 9.5 1 I . i 1?.h i 14.0 ; 15.5 16.5 1182 I ! ; I. 35.9 37.3 ; 38 7 t'S _ i 5 : 7.? S.S I IOA I :., , 13. ( ' ?; 9 1 ,5.4 127.0 i 2�.5 , 3[LU ! 3..5 33.0 . _ 0.9 X8.0 : 29.5 ! 31.11 :, i 1 34,0 135.4 3(i.9 . 3i..3 ?li _ 6.4 5.1 T 9.7 1 112 ' 12.7 I Ifi�? 15.7 j 17.(J 118.4 I 19.7 I �(-3 121.7 23.3 _4.9 126.4 i - t ' I.i.f� I 15.(1 j Ilio ` 17.8 i 19.1 I - _ It (J 1f!.S 3?.a 3 3...0 ( -- - 'i- I 5.6 1 7.3 h.9 I U.5 ! 12. i c ? % I; 22 � 24..i 25,.9 27.fi , ;! ). U 175 1 j.8 17.2 185 I i.7 i _ I." I c 30.0 ^ LS 3..I 34.6 3G. �! GA 18.1 9.F; i 11.a 12.} i 1 ..' 1,,, o;.R ?5.a : _G.J =8- 72 I ! I 1 c.(J 10.7 11_ _ ' 13.7 I i5.2 16.6 117.9 j 19.2 1 20.6 1 - 1 c ? ? , 126.4 ; _8.0 j 29532.G 34.1 35.G 137. i 5.6 7.. ) I 1 18.6 2(l.p 1 21.6 _3._ 24.8 , ' 71 - 1- I j 6.5 8.? 19.9 j l 1.5 13.1 11 a 5 I i 9 1 i 73 I ; c 1 27.5 ! 29.1 30.6 1 32.2 i 33.7 +5.?_ 2 I 1 74 I i I , 22.1 ' 33.8 35.4 • 27.0 ! 25.h 30 1 31.7 }33 >4.8 1 3(i.3 i r, j j ! 5.6 7.4 i 9.2 I (1.9 12.4 1 13.9 15.3 16.7 1 18.0 j 19.4 1 21.1 22.1 ! 4.3 ' 75 ; (q 10.1jI1.7:13.2 14.711G.1 17.4 18.9 -O> 76 _ I _ _ i I - 5 7.5 1 93 i 11.0 12.5 14.0 i 15.4 1 16.8 18.3 ?0.0 21.G 23.2 I ?4.9 I ?6.5 ' 28.1 29.7 1.3 1 32.8 34.4 136.0 ; I ,. 7 t , ! I 3' 22.7 i ?44 i 2G.0 27.6 39? , 3U.8 132.4 34.0 135.6 ? 3.3.6 I .';?. 77 I - ! 8 5 110.2 I 1 1.8 13.4 14.8 I G.. 117.7 ! 194 1 , , i 2^ j i5.5 ! ? i 1 28.k ,(1.4 13_A 2 78 1 j 5.9 17.7 19.5 1 1. I 12.7 114.2 115.6 •: 17.1 1$.k. 20.5 i 2:.: i .,.^ ! ` ? 3 i 29.9 31.6 1 +.2 ` 34.5 ' 20.(J 21.7 233 25.0 j 26.7 8.. G.9 8.7 10.4 I?.0 13.5 115A 116.G 18.3 23 245 2G.2 ?7!) 29.5 i 31.2 .3 34A I V 80 _ _ _ 6 (l 7.9 9.7 11.3 12.9 14.3 16.0 17.7 19.4 21.1 �7 ?4.U' 25.7 27.4 29.1 1 30.7 3?.4 34.0 81 I 1 I 5 17.1 n.9 10.6 12.2 13.7 15.4 17.? 18.9 O.G I <_.? 2i.2 26.9 ! 28.6 ! 30.3 32.0 33.7 ! R3 6.3 8.2 9.!i 11.6 13.5 143 1G.6 19.t 20.1 ?1.8 235 ?(i5 28.2 29.9 31.61333 I 83 I I _ 5.5 7.4 9.2 10.9 13.5 143 16.1 17.9 19.G 121.3 23.0 24.5 _ Iii II iiI I IIi! I I IiI 1i _ I j 88 ! 112U .209 1j 111732.03t ..S 'f1'1?1 9 I9 13.7 15.5 17.3 19D 10.8 ' 84 _ 6.6 8.5 103 I/.7 18 203 8 25.6 27.3 1 7.8 91},iS.0 71.6 2.4 25.185 26.92 97 30.4 2.2 4 . S 31.0 5 p 7.11 8�1 2. 6.5 57 17. 21I . 7(1 19 27.,;1 7 B,3 8 6.3 115.1 20.6 j7.4 7.5 29.3 31.51 5-5 7.5 75 i . .99 14 16.5 18 2 6.9 90 , Compliance Forms August 2001 A-28 CF -6R INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (Page 7 of 13) Permit Number Site Address le K-1: Target Superheat (Suction Line Temperature - Evaporator Saturation Temperature) (continued)!- Tab ___ Return Air Wel-Bulb Temperature (°P) I'1hK ^1 ' I1 G1I2,I/ ,! f718U3. 4..'7-5 21II 76 (3 GS I 66 67 K'U...K ` 6 57 58 i9.7 1.59 60 { 61 62 234 25.2 2I _ 7 S 52 ! S 54 ' 1 9 28.530. 42872i.713.515.4;17.31I9.2 .5 1.7 -8.?4.� 26.3 3U 14.9;16. 8; 1 -87;�1( 74.0 29.70.2 22.1 2 6.2 IO.G 12.5 !44 Ih... 2i4 29.4 .I3 3 I1I 21.6 22.6 2`:. S.E, IO.0 12.0 113. 271 29.(94 21._ 2;.1 3 i1 S: I7? .7 .5 24 2G.. j 21722.7 8y IU9 12.9 14.9 I G.8 I K.K cG 3i24. 26.3 2U32G.10.4112.4j4.41G4 14 G.4 $.4 °9 21.9 24.0 20.0 2K0 s 9 15 9 1 1 5K yg 11.9 19 114 5.6 9 I34 154 , S. . .9K. 1 99 1 - !i 3 7.3 -3.2 5.3 ?7 :; y SU i1U 19.1 2 1, I K.X I I (L9!I10.4 1 124 14 5 16.6 8.G1i 2-0.7 /2.k i 27.0 t.2 101 K2 'Z.4 4c ?8 1 9.9 11.9 1 . . 4.2 - .9 ;-1 7.2 9' i; Ij I j ' __ j II 1 3.1 `15.2 i7..419552J iU4 19.1 'I.3IU.5 2.6 . 79 1U_0 122 14.4 16.61 K 1 21.(1 _222-3> ..82 84 20.G6 5.2 7.4 .7 13.9 16.1 Z2.R 225? 24.7 107 0 2U2 09 9.1 11..IS.'1 i 22.1 222443.. 4 6.4 I 9.1 '5KG 1o.Ii11i3 17.6 19.9 I09 5.9 8.1 10.4 { 12.6 14.9 ! IIU 9.9 1 (4 . 21._ 23.8 5.4 7.6 21.1 23.1.8 14.1 16.4 19.K7.21 9:5 29.0i1i4 13.7 16.111 9.4 2 67 125 2.97 1 133 15.K0. Compliance Forms August 2001 A-29 CF -6R INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (Page 8 of 13) Permit Number Site Address Table K-2: 'Target 'Teroperature Split (Return Dry -Bulb - Supply Dry -Bulb) --.- A .. %X/,.+ n..11, 10M fl, -- -1.1 1 510 1 5 1 52 53 i �7 0 �;20.9 i 2 0 7 20.6 20.4 71 121.4 2 1 21.1 20.9 -,2 21.7121.5 2 1,9 i 2 Hq --':/'3-12 - 22.4 1 22.2122.0 2.� -=4 -, 23.0 22.9 22.8 (22.6 1 -75 - 23.5, 2- 23 1 I . -- -/6 24.1 24.0: 2 19-2-��, 77 194.6 124.4 24.2 i - I 18 124.-/ F�! P8-3-1 I I 84 -54--T - 56 '4 1 5� , 55 0 1 1 2-0 20.7 20.4 21.2 20.9 20.6 2 1.8 . 2 1.5; 21.2 1 22.3 1.7 22.9122.6!22.2 23.4 23.1 122.8 24.0 i 23.7 23.3 i 24.5 24.2 23.9 24 . 21 4.4 21.0 - 57 58 1 59 60 61 1 1 I -- 19.1 1 K7 18.2 17.7 17.2 77-77 C), 717 7 1 Ks 20.2 119. 8. 1 19.3 9.8 18.2 1 19.4 19.8 20.8 20.3 1 19.9 1 21.3 20.9 20.4 i 9.9 9.3 21.9 21.4 1 120.4 i 9.9 - I;- I ') 21 5121.0120.4 2.4 22.0 22.5 21.0 2 22,0: 21.5 2.9 23.5 23.! 22.6 22. i 9 1 5 24.0 i 23 6123.1 22.6 22,1 I -- 2(. 6 'i 2 4. 2 1! 2 3. 7 23.2 12 .) 125.1 24.7 24.223.7. r, 1 !25.2;24.8 24 2 23. 7 25.3 24.8 24.2 - - 25.9 25.3 24.8 62 63 64 1 65 1 ! 6 i 6 .5 15.9 14.4 13 .7 17.1 6.4 15; S,o 14.2 17.6 i 17.0 16.3 15.5 1 14.7 1 i 1 U 17.5 1 6.9 16.1 1-5.3 1 1 1 1 18.1 7.4 16.6 15-8 9.1 1 19.6 17.91 17 16.4 - I - N.S 19.2 �8 17.7 16.9 20.4 1 9.-/ 9.0 1S.3 17.5 2 9 20.2! 1 (R'.0 19.5 2i.4 2 20.1 19.3 il 18.5 , 19.1 22) . 0 11 20.6 19.9 22.5 21.9 23.1 22.4 21.7 1 21.0 120.2 216 1 2.-,.0 22.3, 21.5120.7 . . 24.21 1 22 2 67 68 69 70 12.8. 1 11.0 10.0 9. 1.91 1. 4! 9.1 ! 12-5 1: 1.5 13.9 13.0: 2 1 1 1.1 10' 14.11 13.61 1 2�6 1 1.7- 10.6, 1 15.0, i 4.1 13.21 Q.2 i 11.2 13.7 i 122.71 11.7 15.51 14.71 i-- ...- 15.1 14.3 3.3 12 3 16.1 16.6 4.8 1 M' 2-9 15.7 3".4 1-1.2 16.3 5.4 14.4 17.7 16.9 1 5.9 1 i 4.9 13.9 1 19.3 i 7.4 16.4 1 !4.4 M8. 17.9 17.0 16.0 i 1 9.3 ig 5 17.51 i 6.6 i i 5.5 9.9 19.0.5 1 1.1 1! 1601 1 18.1 j i 7.1 1 /4 7.3 - 7c 6 9 1 7 7.4 i 6.2 9.0 7.9 6. S 10.7 9.5 9.4 - I i.2 10,1 9 1 11.7 i 0.6 9.5 12.3 1 1.2 10.0 12.8 1. i 0.6. 13.4 1 J.') i 14.5 13.4 1 15.(1':J 9 7 1 )4.4 13.3 i 5.6 1 )4.4 13.3 75, 76 4.5 3.2 3. 8, 5.6 4.3 6.1 4.8 i 6.6 5.4 1 1.2 5.9 7.7 0.5 18.3 7.0 8.8 7.6 9.4 8.1 9.9 8.7 10.4 9.2 11.0 9.7 il 11 i 10.3 1 ". I i 12. 1 Compliance Forms August 2001 A-30 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (Page 9 of 13) CF'6R Site Address Permit Numbe DUCT LOCATION AND AREA REDUCTION DIAGNOSTICS ❑ DUCT IN CONDITIONED SPACE Nt� Duct in conditioned space criteria matches CF -1 R Yes is a Pass ❑ REDUCEDDUCT SURFACE AREA Measured duct exterior surface area in the following unconditioned duct locations (square flet). Attics Crawlspaces -- Basements Other (e.g., garages, etc.) Pass Fail �� l:1 ❑ N16 Duct surface area matches CF -1 R? El❑ ❑ Yes is a .Pass Pass Fail ❑ 1, the undersigned, verify that the duct surface area and duct locations claimed for duct surface area reductions and duct location improvements beyond those covered by default assumptions match those on the plans. [The builder shall provide. the HERS provider a copj, of the CF -6R signed by the builder employees or sub -contractors certifyit-R , that diagnostic testing and installation meet the requirements for compliance credit. 1 Teas Signature, Date installing Subcontractor (Co. Name) OR Performed General Contractor (Co. N:nnle) COPT TO: Buildin- Department HERS Provider (if applicable) 13uilding Owlior at Occupancy --._... -- ---- -- -- - — ---- - --- - — -- ----- A-31 Compliance Forms August 2001 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (Page 10 of 13) CF -6R : Site Address Permit Number BUILDING ENVELOPE LEAKAGE :DIAGNOSTICS ❑ ]ENVELOPE SEALING 1NFLL-CRA-r[ON RL DUCTION Diagnostic Testing Results Otherwise fail. ❑ 1, the undersigned, verify that the building envelope leakage meets the requirements claitned for bui.ding leakage reduction below default assumptions as used for coulphance on the CF -C[:. This is to certify that the above diagnostic test results and the. work 1 perf0r1T1eil assoeiated with the test(s) is in conformance with the requirements fo_- compliance: credit. [The builder shall provide the. HERS provider a copy of the CF -GR signed by the builder employees or sub -conn -actors certifying that diaonosilc resting and Illstallatillll 1nCet [Ile regnlrClnellts for compliance credit.) "rest Perfontted Signature Date COPY TO: Building Deparnnent ETERS Provider (if applicable) Building 0,wncr at Occupancy Compliance Forms August 2001 'Testing Subcontractor (Co. Name) OR General Contractor (Co. Name) A-32 BuildiM Envelope Leakage. (CFM c? 50 Pa) as measured by Rater 1. ❑ ❑ is measured envelope leakage less than or equal to the required level from — ----- Yes No CF - IR'? 2.❑ ❑ Is Mechanical Ventilation shown as required on the CFAR? Yes No 2a. ❑ If N•lechanical Ventilatioit is required oil the CF -1R (Yes in line 2), has ii Yes No been instated? 2b. ❑ ❑ Check this box yes if mechanical ventilation is required (Yes in line 2) Yes No and ventilation fan watts arc no greater than shown on CF -1 R. Measured Watts = 3. ❑ ❑ Check this box yes if measured building infiltration (CFM lCL 50 Pa) is No «sealer than the CFM (:7; 50 VdILICs sho\vn for an SLA of 1.5 on CF -1R Yes. (if this box Is, checked tit), mechanical ventilation is required.) 4. 0 ❑ Check this box yes if measured building intiln•ation (CFNI @ 50 Pa) is less than the CFM (u 50 valucs shown for ail SLA of 1.5 on CFAR, Yes No mechanical ventilation is installed and house pressure is greater than minus 5 Pascal with all exhaust fans Operating. ❑ ❑ Pass if: Pass Fail d. Yes in line l and line 3, or e. Yes tit line l and line-, 2a, and ?b, or f. Yes in line l and Yes in line 4. Otherwise fail. ❑ 1, the undersigned, verify that the building envelope leakage meets the requirements claitned for bui.ding leakage reduction below default assumptions as used for coulphance on the CF -C[:. This is to certify that the above diagnostic test results and the. work 1 perf0r1T1eil assoeiated with the test(s) is in conformance with the requirements fo_- compliance: credit. [The builder shall provide the. HERS provider a copy of the CF -GR signed by the builder employees or sub -conn -actors certifying that diaonosilc resting and Illstallatillll 1nCet [Ile regnlrClnellts for compliance credit.) "rest Perfontted Signature Date COPY TO: Building Deparnnent ETERS Provider (if applicable) Building 0,wncr at Occupancy Compliance Forms August 2001 'Testing Subcontractor (Co. Name) OR General Contractor (Co. Name) A-32 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (Page 1.1 of 13) CF -6R 11 Permit Number Site Address 1: 'rile following is an explanation of many of the illi-YLIV VAUCS rCLtLIil'Cd Oil this fol -111: HVAC SN S �IEINVS Heating Equipment:Type must be one of the following: 'Funia ce: I ' 'd' "ig L iquef ed P -e- 1 .01CL1 Gases) or oil -tired cental furnac space heater BoiIcT: Gas or oil -fired boiler PckLHeatrunip: Packaged central heat 'Lrlp-- Sp liffleatPnrp: Split c entra I heat pinup Ro0nHCar'Urp: Roo" heat pump Plie ,gk,,-,HCatPLIIlIp: Lavoc packaged heat PLIMI) 65,000 l3to,"hi, output)) p ' ::�� rici Electric heatin,, (fixed HSU 3,413)-, radiant electric resistance Elect tr 'c (fIxei.1 RSPF Conibinedl-iydro: Reference water heater under Nvater heating systems below ---- attic & [viodel Number from applicable Coniniission approved appliance direciorv- CEC Certified Njilitifacturer N 11 tile ;ante efficiency, duct location, duct R -value and capacity. # of Identical Systems i, ,; fur those systernsv,-it Efficiet,c), tion applicable Commission certified appliance directory. ) Location is attic, crawl space, CVC crawl space, conditioned space, unconditioned space or 11011c. R Duct (or Piping , aterials and; manufacturer's Duct (or Piping) -value from DirCCTOVV Of Certified 111SLIkIliOn M d3Ta- Heating/Cooling Load refer to*CoIlImissiOrl 8PPrO\'cd load calculation procedure. s C directory. Note: loca ion elev-aliol- over Heating/C cot) ling Capacity front the applicable Coll-Illis ion certified appliance 2000 ft above sea level require a derating Of hotpot CaPaCliN. (refer to manufacturer's literature). Coolij,g be one of 111c followlili'l SplitAii-Cond: I Split system air conditioner Pck-gAii-Cond: packaged air conditioner Split Heat PUrilij: Split SYSVCiii heat J)LIlllP PckgHcatPurnl): 'pack -aged heat I)IIII-1p RooriffleaWti 111p: ROOM hear pump L,211kaIA carp unip: Large packaged cl...-gured heat PURIP 65.000 Btu/hr output). Substinitc EL -.R for SEER when SEER is not available RoornAirCond.- Room air CC)lIdi60IICj-. Nfininjuill SEER varies* Lopk-,Aii-Cond: Large packaged List conditioner (-2i (15,000 Bluilly Output). Substitute EEK to, SEER when SEER is not available �F system. For compliance calculatioti purposes. fixed. EvapDirect: Direct evaporative coOlill values: SEER = I I.o; Duct location = attic; duct insulation R --glue = 4.2 linI -)n purposes, fixed evaporative cooling system. For compliance calculi ti, EvapIndirect: Indirect values: 13.0; chict location = attic; duct insulation R-.7alue = 4.2— e f7ficietici, ReCIUI(,IIi0?7S, P400-92-029 *Ref,�I- to Encr,�v Commission J)Llbli�Cati011 �41)1)1'"" A-33 Compliance FormsAugust 2001 :I INSTALLATION CERTIFICALTE, (Page 12 of 13) CF -6R Site Address Permit Number The following is an -explanation of many of the input values rekluircil on this forill: WATER RLATING sys,rEms Disfi-ihution Svsteitis Refer to Resitlenzial 4-Mtmal for more de.taik- Standard: Standard ..- Supply pressure based system, no p'Unips, Pipe Insulation: Pipe Insulation oil all 3/4 -inch. pipes j J�OUTIIWR: Point of Use. -Hot Warer ReCOV01-y SYSTCM Rec ! irc/NoConurol: Recirculation loop with no controls Rec irc/Ti tiler: Recirculation loop with a tilner Recirel'Ternp: Recirculation loop With TefflperaTllre COIlTrol Recirc/Time-i-Temp: Recirculation loop with a tinier and Temperature control Recirc"Deniand: l Recirculation loop with demand control Water Heater Tom. Storage Gas, Oil or Electric Heat Pump Instantaneous Gas. TnSTalltalICOUs Electric Large Storage Gas! Indirect Gas (Boiler) FEN ESTRA*rtoN/C.LAZING, Information Needed E it e i -,_,r Factor Recovery Efficiency Standby Loss' Rated hiput Yes No No No Yes No No No No Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes (A FU E) No Fenestration: Wiiidows, sliding glass doors, French doors, skylights, garden -%vi:idows, and --my door with more than one square foot of glass Operator Type: Slider, hinged, fixed U -Factor: Installed LI -Factor Must be less than or equal to value from CF -IR OR ITISTalled _kNTiqll1CLl average U-j'-i1CT0r for the iOU11 fenestration area is less than oequal to value front CF- I R l SHGC: Installed Sl GC inusr be less than or equal to value from CF -1 R OR t Installed weitahi.ed _St1CFC for the total fenestration area is less th an or equal ro vtiluc fl`0111 CF -1 R OR An interiorshading device. overhang, or exterior shading device is installed consistent with the CF. -VR. ishadiml Device: 111CILILIC when the building complied using an exterior shading d n:ice: woven sunscreen, louvered sunscreen, lom, sun angle sunscreen, roll-d(yvii a\vning, roll-do\vn blinds 017 Slats (do not list bug screen), or an overhang (include in feet) Compliance Forms August2001 L A.-34 .1 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (Page 13 of 13) CF -6R Site Address i Permit Number The folloxving is an X _(:+1irCd 011 the Diagnostic portion of this forni (Page 3 Oro-): pjajjati�)11 Of 111LIfly Of 111C i11pUT Values I TYPE OF CREDIT Refer to Resiclemial ! Manual Chapters 4 arid -5 for more details: I Reduced DUCi Surface Area: Calculated as the outside area of the duct. Areas must be measured and verified by a HERS rater. improved i Duct Location: Supply duct: located in Other than at -tic, as verified by location ofregisters a (does not require l+ERS rater -verification). Carasrri phic Leakage: Pressure pan test readings rnusr be less than 1.5 Pascal at a house pressure of 25 Pascal. TXV: Access cover rCC[Uired to facilitate verification. Infiltra : tion Reduction: Infiltration is Measured without mechanical ventilation operating. Mechanical ventilation is required for very right house const -ruction when credits for infilt-ration reduction using diagnostic testing are being .used for achieving compliance. "These very fight houses are defined as those with SLA of less than 1.5. The compliance documentation (CF -111) will con7ain the. measured CFM target value from a blower door test at 50 Pascal l>:essure difference that represents this SLA of 1.5. Mechanical.venTilatinn is also required ifthe builder chooses to design the building to use mechanical ventilation and claims a credit for infiltration below an SLA of 3.C. The compliance dOCUMentdti011 (CF -IR) will contain the measured CFM target value that represents this 3.0 SLA. if the builder claims credit in 1 design for infiltration reduction that is at an SLA of 3.0 or higher, and the acetal T11CaSUrCd SLA is L5 or greater, then mechanical ventilation is no- required. If the SLA in this case were below [.5, then mitigation (such as rr-echanicul ventilation.) would be required. Compliance F6rrns August 2001 A-35