0201-062 (BLDG)j,4 hereby affirm. under penalty of. perjury -that, I am. licensed under- provisions of iw .,,Chapter 9 (coMmencin4'with`S'ectio6-,^-7006)'of Division 3 of the Business and 04 W -.,Professionals Code, and my License ii in full force and effect. Tp LIC." Class -Ucense # Exp., Date CY 3 ILI oZ �Date" Sign atu re 6 f Contractor OWNER BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm uhd6r penalty of -perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's` ` L -following reason: cl) lcense'Law*ioiihe,­ Z 6 .'7- I; as owner of the' property, or my employees with wages as th6ir sole compensation,will i do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for ,. ale (Sec: - 70441 Business & Professionals Code). :as , owner ,of: the propeirty,"am exclusively contracting -with licensed "contractors o construct _the , project '(Sec.. 7044:,, Business .& Professionals J: 1,16tiakempt- under. Section. B&P.C., for this reason D-ate`-ture Signa Qwli er a) WORKER'S CO IVIPENSATION'DECLARATION 0, l,,.heVeby,,'Afflrm,.,un er.penalty':of perjury one ofthe following' declarations: haveand Will.malntaln icertific'ate of consent to selt-insure for workers' . 14 till. ,.aq,provided' X%" W C�Cornpdnsation,`­for by. Section 3700, of the Labor, Code, for the 0 er7frrnanceof the work* for which thisp 'armit is issued. -0-have ,an d;W111 maintain workers' compensation insurance, as'required by. ptVQ 3-1,1,'S6a6fi.13700 of the, Labor Cqdii;,for'the:perlbrmance of the work for whic* h this "d.,My work� rs,�. -F., ­ ermit:,is: issue compeniation r insurance carrier & policy no. are: Policy No Z' J.b V11111j" 04691UNF1 JVR6is`tWcp'n�ih!eed;hot bi§,.cbm0let6d'H:the 'DerrnitvaIU6tion is for $100.00' or less).' �(J,0;certify tl�ai.in,the pe4�6 anceof the Work for which this permit is issued, i Lshall not em -ploy, any', person In any.manner'so as,to become Subject to the . . workers; c6mpeh6itl6n, laws of Califomia,�and ajr6e that if I'should become. subject to th6,Workeii'.cbrnpdfiiation pro4islons ofISection 3700 of the Labor rning: Failure to secure Workers' C6rnp*e,nSa-tion coverag4.is unlawful and subjectlil an,je,mployer�;o cAiinal penalti4s'aind civil fines up to $100,000, in litidt�to'thia66it,'6f-co-'i-hpg'n,satio'n; damages, as provided for in- Section 3706 he Lab6r'_6de-,1nter'est and,atfomey'6 ieis. RTANTi,Appli6itloh,ishet6bi,.riiade to the Dii irector of Building and Safety �i - ti (alr pbrmlt, ,s6bject,.to;! the'. conditions' and restrictions set: forth `on his Ic tio 14 Each on, upon whose behalf this'application is made & each persoft at ;rIa u9st'ind for whose benefit work, is performed under or pursuant to ny permit iss6e& as, a'resblt of. this. appl icaton agrees to, & shall, indemnity L��,hDl "fiar les's . the . City' of:La­QuihtaIits 'officers, agents and employees. Any permit issued:>as a result of,this application becomes null and void if i&rk- ii., - not 'commenced •Within 180 days from -!.'date of issuance of such ermit, or cesi on'of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. kil" that PI t the above information is y at I have ap ication and state'tha rect..-'agree to comply, with all: City, aind'State. laws. relating to the building istru6tion,.;and'.'kireby,aUth6nie"repres6ntativ'e't Of this ity to enter upon Above-mentioried property for inspection pprposes. nature (Owner/Agent) ate r) z�Iat A PERMIT # ria UILDIN•. G�PERMIT L N iku`ATi6A'.,� LOT TIV A ADDRESS JAPN PEBMA IDEA O Ulf, OWNER CONTRACTOR/DESIGNER/EN INEER YIGAWriSTRFTjDIMIAI.ASSOCIA770kT 091, MAR PAC tFIC dENEMAL COMRACMIR po-BOX. *1060 253 3 SOV111 COXTr 1UGTAWAY'.T13?,2,50 C4.A 92253 i;rm'SRA CA 92007 (769>564,95W (TBIAH 5823 USE OF PERMIT W*7,CRU�ANTE0US 411 �41_ STRUCTURAL MOI)INCAT)ONS 4' VA1:UM10114 I's jAN PI An RZTA QU R.'MMATEP Q017T OF CoN LS-,JATc-noK 2(1MIUM REIRMTf 1sTSUMNARY MISTRUCT10141TR '101.000.41131A)00 MOM STROWn MOTION MY - RESID '101-(00.241-,0Q0 V09.00 LX-!� PRE-PAU? IWKS $R00 TOTAL PF"If F EX S DAWT HOW RECEIPT DATE, BY DATE,&N SPECTOR bi Y _ r INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Fortes & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans OX to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final LIVE BLOCKWALL APPROVALS POOLS - SPAS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg, Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Fewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances I Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) _ ELECTRICAL APPROVALS- Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use cf Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: ,/� Alkll 9- l/ �ifi��lfi! x'11511 �Q � Page L of DAVE STEAVENS Inspection Services PROJECT:i (,A ko,c- INT - LC -C. C'o QS ADDRESS PO --510, \-C2 te-ae'u, rbc i3;`.. PLA -d BLDG. PERMIT # ENGINEER:'�'4,s-,:�,,.3 INSPECTION TYPE 'PROJECT # CC I E N T L.,-) E -'S DATE r -N-;( 'Ic:0 Z - ARCHITECT .�LA A -ti.,2 C.4 CONTRACTOR It t OlAk, PAC(r-Ic- INSPECTION REPORT L k 0 A A—C! ME CERTIFICATION, OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially compli.69: ithipprove'd'plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the 1ocation81tf'-th9w insb'ected only and does not constitute engineering opinion or project control. CERT. NO. L98 INSPECTOR NAME 87 tJS (Print Clearly) DATE INSPECTOR SIGNATURE--*'-�-