BELC2016-004878-495DCALLE TAMPICO � , LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DE BUILDING PERMIT Application Number: BELC2016-0048 Property Address: 46590 BRADSHAW TRAIL APN: 643250011 Application Description: PHELAN / EMERGENCY BACKUP GENERATOR Property Zoning: - Application Valuation: $1,200.00 Applicant: POILLON ELECTRIC 56925 YUCCA TRAIL #309 PMB YUCCA VALLEY, CA 92284-3752. LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Class: C10 yLicense.No.: 8368 e7 2d /(� ontract OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve,"demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the • Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (_) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (_) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_) I am exempt under Sec. . B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Na Lender's Add VOICE (760) 777-7125 FAX (760) 777-7011 TIONS (760) 777-7153 JUL 2o Z616 LA Contractor: POILLON ELECTRIC 56925 YUCCA TRAIL #309 PMB YUCCA VALLEY, CA 92284-3752 (760)553-3146 Lic: No.: 836800 Date: 7/20/2016 WORKER'S COMPENSATION -DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which'this permit is issued. 1 have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier: Policy Number: _ -I<. I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to.the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. Pat icant� WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED'FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT: Application is hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application , the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents, and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. itle� aD 4fgnature(Applicant orAgenF_� City.0 La Quina P.O Box 1304,78-495 Calle Tampkv 4.Qdnt4 CA 92253 -(760) 777-7012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Pemilt # Protect Aad : Owner's Name:. K A' 746,0 A P. Number. J • ` O 1) - - Address: - - Leal nesaiption s; 3r F� L �aT Coathactor: ?v) L_'L&O city, sT, zip: 7A 9 3 Telephone: Address,S 1Q- N 7W)L Pl,'163V Pmje�DescsiPtion: /Nb7 kL2a )C City- ST,Znp.CC-4M: CA q'Z2.$4 bYYIE �17v / !v Telephone O -525 .3 – 31 _Amo 4:1 ^ G 12A State Lir_# : I /Q Arch., Bag., Designer N Address. CRY. ST, Zip: Telephoaa: State iia #: Construd1M Type:. Occupancy: Project type (eitde one): New Add'n Alter Repair Demo SQ. Ft: # Stories # Unity Name of Conted Person: 2 TE a YO 1 L o&? � Telephone # of Contact PeMn: – T� y 7 (o Estimated Value of Project APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BMOW TMS UNE a Submittal Rwd Etta TRACKM PERM TFM- Phu Sete Plan Chug submitted Vein Amot at Shvdaral Can& Revtewtd, ready for oorteatious Plan Chalk Deposit: . '� CRles. Calf Contact Pawn Plan Check Balance TWe 24 Coles. Plans picked aP Construction Flood t� plan Plans resubmttted' Metharittal Grading plan 2" Review, ready tor correcfmnsawe Electrical Subtouactor lit Called Ca�etPerson Plumbinlg Grant Deal Plans picked up S M I H.O.A. Approval Plans resabmitted Grading UY ROME- 11"IM.ready for mrreetlawAissut Developer Impapt Fee PlanninBApProval- Called Contact Person A1F.P. PuL Wks. APpr " Date o ' permit issue SckW Feta Total Permit Fax DESCRIPTION' FINANCIAL INFORMATION ACCOUNT. QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $1.00 $1.00 7/20/16 PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY poillon electric CREDIT CARD R17262 BELC2016-0048 MFA Total Paid.for BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION BSA: $1.00 $1.00 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT_ QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE Credit Card Fee 101-0000-43505 0 $4.17 $4.17 7/20/16 PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY poillon electric CREDIT CARD R17262 BELC2016-0048 MFA Total Paid for Credit Card Fee: $4.17 $4.17 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE OTHER ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 101-0000-42403 0 $24.17 $24.17 7/20/16 PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY poillon electric CREDIT CARD R17262 BELC2016-0048 MFA DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE OTHER ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT PC 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $24.17 7/20/16 PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY poillon electric CREDIT CARD R17262 BELC2016-0048 MFA DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE POWER APPARATUS 101-0000-42403 0 $24.17 $24.17 7/20/16 PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY. poillon electric CREDIT CARD R17262 BELC2016-0048 MFA DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE POWER APPARATUS PC 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $24.17 7/20/16 PAID BY - , METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY poillon electric CREDIT CARD R17262 BELC2016-0048 MFA Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $96.68 $96.68 DESCRIPTION - ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0 $91.85 $91.85 7/20/16 PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY poillon electric CREDIT CARD R17262 BELC2016-0048 MFA Total Paid for PERMIT ISSUANCE: $91.85 $91.85 TOTALS:• Permit Details PERMIT NUMBER �• BELC�0�16�-�yQ181 City of La Quintah ` Description: PHELAN / EMERGENCY BACKUP GENERATOR Type: ELECTRICAL Subtype: Status: ISSUED Applied: 5/26/2016 SKH Approved: 5/31/2016 JJO Parcel No: 643250011 Site Address: 46590 BRADSHAW TRAIL LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: TR 31348 AMEND Block: Lot: 59 Issued: 7/20/2016 MFA Lot Scl Ft: 0 Building Scl Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: Valuation: $1,200.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: 1/16/2017 MEA No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 Details: INSTALL 22 KW HOME STANDBY GENERATOR WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH, NEW GAS LINE TO UNIT AND ALL SIGNAGE PER 700.7 CEC 50 `J %-5 { Alied to Approved Approved to Issued Printed:. Wednesday, July 20, 2016 4:48:42 PM 1 of 3 SYSTr:Iv1S CHRONOLOGY CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL STEPHANIE KHATAMI 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 RECEIVED CALLED PETER POILLON TO INFORM HIM A HOA LETTER IS TELEPHONE CALL JIM JOHNSON 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 REQUIRED BEFORE WE ISSUE PERMIT. CONDITIONS CONDITION DATE DATE DATE CONTACT STATUS REMARKS NOTES TYPE ADDED REQUIRED SATISFIED READY TO ISSUE NEED HOA LETTER APPROVING THE JIM JOHNSON 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 6/16/2016 COMPLETE CHECKLIST INSTALLATION OF STAND-BY GENERATOR Printed:. Wednesday, July 20, 2016 4:48:42 PM 1 of 3 SYSTr:Iv1S Printed: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 4:48:42 PM 2 of 3 R CrEw SYSTEMS EMAIL NAME TYPE NAME ADDRES51 CONTACTS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX APPLICANT POILLON ELECTRIC 56925 YUCCA TRAIL #309 PMB YUCCA VALLEY CA 92284- 3752 ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT peter@ poillonelectric.c om CONTRACTOR POILLON ELECTRIC 56925 YUCCA TRAIL #309 PMB YUCCA VALLEY CA 92284- 3752 peter@poillonelectric.c om OWNER KAREN PHELAN 46590 BRADSHAW TR LA QUINTA CA 92253 BY BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 Printed: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 4:48:42 PM 2 of 3 R CrEw SYSTEMS FINANCIAL INFORMATION CLTD DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY . -. BY BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $1.00 $1.00 7/20/16 R17262 BELCZ,16- CREDIT poillon electric MFA 0048 CARD Total Paid for BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION $1.00 $1.00 BSA: Credit Card Fee 101-0000-43505 0 $4.17 $4.17 7/20/16 R17262 BELC2016- CREDIT poillon electric MFA 0048 CARD Total Paid for Credit Card Fee: $4.17 $4.17 OTHER ELECTRICAL 101-0000-42403 0 $24.17 $24.17 •7/20/16 R17262 BELC2416- CREDIT poillon electric MFA EQUIPMENT 0048 CARD OTHER ELECTRICAL 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $24.17 7/20/16 R17262 BELC2016- CREDIT poillon electric MFA EQUIPMENT PC 0048 CARD POWER APPARATUS 101-0000-42403 0 $24.17 $24.17 7/20/16 R17262 BELC2016- CREDIT poillon electric MFA. 0048 CARD POWER APPARATUS PC 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $24.17 7/20/16 R17262 BELC2d16- CREDIT poillon electric MFA 0048 CARD Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $96.68 $96.68 PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 07 $91.85 $91.85 7/20/16 R17262 BELC2016- CREDIT poillon electric MFA 0048 CARD Total Paid for PERMIT ISSUANCE: $91.85 $91.85 TOTALS:• Printed: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 4:48:42 PM 2 of 3 R CrEw SYSTEMS INSPECTIONS BOND INFORMATION ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED HOA PH - 46590 HOA PH - 46590 Bradshaw Trail - Arc Req Bradshaw Trail - Arc Req DOC 6/16/2016 STEPHANIE KHATAMI - generator- approved - -generator- approved - 0 061416.pdf 061416.pdf Printed: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 4:48:42 PM 3 of 3 CPWsYSTEMS Poillon.Electric 56925 Yucca Trail PMB 309 Yucca Valley, Ca 92284 Lic # 836800 760-553-3146 FR(630' ec) P y Karen Phelan Job 46590 Bradshaw Trail La Qu i nta, Ca 92253 Tract # 31348 Lot # 59 APN#- 643-250-011-2 CITY ® LA QU/t BUILDING &SAFE TA APPR n' �EP7; NSVED TRTION DATE q�� If, , Job description,: Install a natural gas fueled 22 KW home stand by Generac generator on poured 37" X 60" reinforced concrete mounting pad in the south east corner of the property, by the back wall. Install 200 amp automatic transfer switch on the south wall of the house by the electric service. Install 2- conduits to the generator location from the transfer switch, under the sidewalk, along the base and attached to the block wall to the S.E. corner of the property. (generator location). Install a 1" polyethylene gas pipe underground from an existing pipeline that feeds the pool heater at the southeast corner of the house to the generator location. Install 2-1 %:" EMT conduits between the 200 amp main panel and the transfer switch. Confirm the bonding/ grounding of the electrical system. Wire from the main panel to the transfer switch and back. Poillon Electric 56925 Yucca Trail PMB 309 Yucca Valley, Ca 92284 Conduit #1, 1 %"EMT between the transfer switch and the main panel 2- # 3/0 THWN-2 Line -1, & Line -2 wires,, 1- # 3 neutral THWN-2 Conduit #2,1 %" EMT between the transfer switch and the main panel 2- 3/0 THWN-2, Load 1 & Load Z. 1- # 8 THWN-2 ground Conduit #3 1 %" EMT to ground level,1 %" PVC underground to the generator. Power wires between the transfer switch and the generator. Use 1" liquid tight flex to connect from the conduit to the generator. • t I. 3- #3 THWN-2 N1, N-2, Netural, 1-#8�ys, M nd 3 ii ' cra; Y I rc & 'S U1 /V �A Conduit #4, / EMT to ground level .,en -PC -a generator, W liquid tight flex to the,=generIM ato�r. ^5 THWN-2 control wires between the trans�e - and the generator location. Poillon Electric 56925 Yucca Trail PMB 309 Yucca Valley, Ca 92284 Conduit Fill: Conduit 1=.6331 1 W conduit 3=.3285=1 %", W EMT, Gas pipe: Conduit 2=.5724=1 %", conduit 4= 6414 wires= e 1" MDPE Yellow gas pipe with compression fittings, from the existing gas line at the SE corner of the house that runs to the pool head. � BU/LD/NG (� 1111 U� & SAFEJ-y DEP 7. R co O Vel r. RUCr1 ON DATE _SY INCLUDES: • True Power' Electrical Technology • Two Line LCD Multilingual Digital Evolution" Controller (English/Spanish/ French/Portuguese) • Two Transfer Switch Options Available: 100 Amp Pre -Wired Switch or 200 Amp Service Rated Switch. See Page 4 for Details. • Electronic Governor 1111*4 o I � 1 GUARDIAN® SERIES Residential Standby Generators Air -Cooled Gas Engine Standby Power Rating Models 006459-2, 006461-1, 006462-2 (Steel - Bisque) - 16 kW 60 Hz Model 006721-1 (Aluminum - Gray) - 16 kW 60 Hz Models 006729-2, 006730-1 (Steel - Bisque) - 20 kW 60 Hz - Models 006551-2, 006552-1 (Aluminum - Gray) - 22 kW 60 Hz • External Main Circuit Breaker, System Status & Maintenance Interval LED Indicators • GFCI Duplex Outlet • Sound Attenuated Enclosure • Flexible Fuel Line Connector • Composite Mounting Pad • Natural Gas or LP Gas Operation • 5 Year Limited Warranty • Capability to be installed within 18" (457 mm) of a building* FEATURES O INNOVATIVE DESIGN & PROTOTYPE TESTING are key components of GENERAC'S success in "IMPROVING POWER BY DESIGN." But it doesn't stop there. Total commitment to component testing, reliability testing, environmental testing, destruction.and life testing, plus testing to applicable CSA, NEMA, EGSA, and other standards, allows you to choose GENERAC POWER SYSTEMS with the confidence that these systems will provide superior performance. GENERAC' C us QUIEf -TESF- USTED Note: CUL certification only applies to unbundled units and units packaged with pre -wired switches. Units packaged with the Smart Switch are UL certified in the USA only. *Only if located away from doors, windows and fresh air intakes, and unless other- wise directed by local codes. O SOUD-STATE,I�YY COMPENPR VOLTAGE REGULATION. This state -of -the -a o er a>�i in �e Alati �ysfc- 09 all General; modelQIt�R ggRIm d j St.. ' S[L p in load conditions and I l�filPf SKF8 �TV I by electronically; torque- tctjingb eRgupVd,, ztojt gee. gital voltage regulation at P13R CoNSTRUCT10N O TRUE POWER'" ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY: Superior harmonics O SINGLE SOUi4 kRViCEAE��.from Generac's extensiv dealer and sine wave form produce less than 5% Total Harmonic Distortion for network provides parts and service w -how fe ntire unit, om the utility quality power. This allows confident operation of sensitive electronic engine to the smallest electronic component. equipment and micro -chip based appliances, such as variable speed HVAC systems. O GENERAC TRANSFER SWITCHES. Long life and reliability are O TEST CRITERIA: synonymous with GENERAC POWER SYSTEMS. One reason for this PROTOTYPE TESTED v NEMA MGI -22 EVALUATION confidence is that the GENERAC product line includes its own transfer SYSTEM TORSIONAL TESTED v MOTOR STARTING ABILRY systems and controls for total system compatibility. w GENERAC ��� *36� ����� = nam P Rn M I.q F ����� *�'aRRA* 16/20/22 kW features and benefits Engine • Generac (OHVI) design Maximizes engine "breathing" for increased fuel efficiency. Plateau honed cylinder walls and plasma moly rings helps the engine run cooler, reducing oil consumption resulting in longer engine life. • Quiet Test" Greatly reduces sound output and fuel consumption during bi-weekly exercise, compared to other brands. • "Spiny-lok" cast iron cylinder walls Rigid construction and added durability provide long engine life. • Electronic ignition/spark advance These features combine to assure smooth, quick starting every time. • Full pressure lubrication system Pressurized lubrication to all vital bearings means better performance, less maintenance and longer engine life. Now featuring up to a 2 year/200 hour oil change interval. -Low oil pressure shutdown system Shutdown protection prevents catastrophic engine damage due to low oil. • High temperature shutdown Prevents damage due to overheating. Generator -Revolving field Allows for a smaller, light weight unit that operates 25% more efficiently than a revolving armature generator. -Skewed stator Produces a smooth output waveform for compatibility with electronic equipment. • Displaced phase excitation Maximizes motor starting capability. -Automatic voltage regulation Regulates the output voltage to ±1 % prevents damaging voltage spikes. • UL 2200 listed For your safety. Transfer Switch • Fully automatic Transfers your vital electrical loads to the energized source of power. • Pre -wired, color -coded conduits Ensures the easiest, trouble-free installation. (Pre -wired switches only) • Remote mounting Mounts near your existing distribution panel for simple, low-cost installation. Evolution" Controls -Auto/Manual/Off illuminated buttons Selects the operating mode and provides easy, at -a -glance status indication in any condition. •Two-line LCD multilingual display Provides homeowners easily visible logs of history, maintenance and events up to 50 occurrences. • Sealed, raised buttons Smooth, weather -resistant user interface for programming and operations. • Utility voltage sensing Constantly monitors utility voltage, setpoints 60% dropout, 80% pick-up, of standard voltage. • Generator voltage sensing Constantly monitors generator voltage to ensure the cleanest power delivered to the home. *Utility interrupt delay Prevents nuisance start-ups of the engine, adjustable 2-1500 seconds from the factory default setting of 5 seconds by a qualified dealer. • Engine warm-up Ensures engine is ready to assume the load, setpoint approximately 5 seconds. • Engine cool -down Allows engine to cool prior to shutdown, setpoint approximately 1 minute. • Programmable exerciser Operates engine to prevent oil seal drying and damage between power outages by running the generator for 5 minutes every other week. Also offers a selectable setting for weekly or monthly operation providing flexibility and potentially lower fuel costs to the owner. • Smart battery charger Delivers charge to the battery only when needed at varying rates depending on outdoor air temperature. • Electronic governor Maintains constant 60 Hz frequency. Unit -SAE weather protective enclosure Sound attenuated enclosure ensures quiet operation and protection against mother nature, withstanding winds up to 150 mph. Hinged key locking roof panel for security. Lift -out front for easy access to all routine maintenance items. Electrostatically applied textured epoxy paint for added durability. • Enclosed critical grade muffler Quiet, critical grade muffler is mounted inside the unit to prevent injuries. • Small, compact, attractive Makes for an easy, eye appealing installation, as close as 18" away from a building.* Installation System • 1 ft (305 mm) flexible fuel line connector Absorbs any generator vibration when connected to rigid pipe. • Composite mounting pad Eliminates the need to pour a concrete pad unless required by local municipalities. V C 1 V G 1'SM�.r 16/20/22 kW 66.6/66.6 83.3/75_ specifications Generator Less than 5% _ Less than 5% Less Ihan 5_6 Madel 006459-2, 006461-1, 006729-2,006730-1, 006551-2, 006552-1 Phase V 006462-2, 006721-1 (16 kW) (20 kM (22 kW) Rated Maximum Continuous Power C ci LP apo ty (_) w� 16,000 Watts* v -- 20,000 Watts*_� Rated Maximum Continuous Power Capacity (NG) 16,000 Watts* 18,000 Watts* 19,500 Watts* Rated Maximum Continuous Load Current - 240 Volts (LP/NG) 66.6/66.6 83.3/75_ 91.6/81.3 Total Harmonic Distortion Less than 5% _ Less than 5% Less Ihan 5_6 Main Line Circuit Breaker 65 Amp 90 Amp 100 Amp Phase V 1 _ 1 -- ;- Number of Rotor Poles 2 2 2 _ Rated AC Frequency 60 Hz _ 60 Hz ,;;6 �j Power Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 Battery Requirement (not included) _ Group 26R,12 Volts and 525 CCA Minimum Unit Weight (Ib/kg) 455/206.4 (Steel) 419/190 (Aluminum) 505/229 476/216 Dimensions Lx W x H) in/mm _ _ 48 x 25 x 29/1218 x 638 x 732 g33 Sound output in dB(A) at 23 It (7 m) with generator operating at normal load** 6666 67 Sound output in dB(A) at 23 it 0 m) with generator in Quiet Test- low -speed 6 60 60 exercise mode** Exercise duration 5 min 5 min 5 min, Engine Type of Engine GENERAC OFM VTWIN GENERAC OHVI V -TWIN GENERAC'OHVI V -TWIN l _ Number of Cylinders 2 2 2_ Displacement _ 992 cc _ _ 999 cc _ _i 999 cc —] Cylinder Block_Aluminum_w/ Cast Iron Sleeve Valve Arrangement _ Overhead Valve _ - Overhead Valve _ Overhead Valve --� Ignition System _ _ Solid-state w/ Magneto _ Solid-state w/ Magneto Solid-state w/ Magneto Governor System Electronic _Electronic _ :Electronic Compression Ratio 9.5:1 _ Starter ___ 12 Vdc - _9.5:1 - - 12 Vdc _ _9.5:1 :.. -12 Vdc Oil Capacity Including Filter Approx. 1.9 gV1.8 L Approx. 1.9 gV1.8 L Approx 1.9 gI/1.8 L_ Operating rpm v 3,600 _ — 3,600_ ; '3,600 Fuel Consumption - T Natural Gas ft3/hr (m3/hr) 1/2 Load 193 (5.47) 205 (5.8) 184 (5.21) Full Load . 312 (8.83) 308 (8.72) 281 (7.96) Liquid Propane ON (gal/hr) [I/hr) 1/2 Load 72.4 (1.9) [7.2] 75.6 (2.08) [7.87] 83 (2.16) [8:16] Full Load _ 130 (3.19) [12.071 140 (3.85) [14.57]_ 127 (3.68) [13.941 _ Note: Fuel pipe must be sized for full load. Required fuel pressure to generator fuel inlet at all load ranges - 3.5-T water column (7-13 mm mercury) for natural gas,10-12° water column (19-22 mm mercury) for LP gas. For Btu content, multiply-0/hr x 2500 (LP) or ft3/hr x 1000 (NG). For Megajoule content, multiply m3/hr x 93.15 (LP) or m3/hr x 37.26 (NG) Controls 2 -Line Plain Text Multilingual LCD Display Simple user " terface for ease of operation. Mode Buttons: Auto Aulom rc�,S ro ili aitu�re_ ay eteteiseN t— .c"S - �� Manual _ Start with starter cordreotunit s(ay on. f d tlafai f QQ����t�i s F Off Stoos unit Pown is removed-Contml an r dbeP to Run/Maintenance Messages Run Hours Indication _ mmabte start delay between 2 - Voltage Loss/Return to Utility A Set Error Starter Lock -out Starter Each Charger Faull/Missing AC Warning_ Standard _ Low Battery/Battery Problem Protection and Battery Condition Indication _ Standard Automatic Voltage Regulation with Over and Under Voltage Protection Under-Frequency/Overload/Stepper Overcurrent Protection Safety Fused/Fuse Problem_ Protection _ Standard _ Standard J^ Standard Automatic Low Oil Pressure/High Oil Temperahrre Shutdown _ Standard OvercranktOverspeed (@ 72 Hz)/rpm Sense Loss Shutdown Standard _ _ High Engine Temperature Shutdown J — _ Standard Internal FaultAncorrect Wiring Protection Standard (Common 6ctemal Fault Capability-- v"- Standard Field Upgradable Firmware Standard -_- _-__ ---- — 1.6/20/22 kW switch, options Pre -wired Features j ' Model 006461-1 (16 kW) ' available on Steel 16 kw models only No. of fbles • Electrically operated, mechanically -held contacts for fast, positive connections. Current Rating (Amps) _2-� ~100 Voltage_Rating (VAC)_ 1.20/240,10 • Rated for all classes of load, 100% equipment rated, both inductive and resistive. utility voltage Monitor (Fixed)* • 2 pole, 250 VAC contactors. -Pick-up 80% -Dropout_ 60% • 30 millisecond transfer time. [Return to Utility' _ approx.15 sec. • Dual coil design. Exercise bi-weekly for 12 minutes' UL fisted - — Standard Standard • Main contacts are silver plated or silver alloy to resist welding and sticking. Total of Pre -wired Circuits 16 No. 15A120V 5 • NEMA 1 (indoor rated) enclosure is standard on the pre -wired switch. No. 20 A 120 V - - 5 No. 20 A 240 V 1 • Multi listed for use with 1" standard, tandem, GFCI and AFCI breakers from No. 30 A 240 V - Siemens, Murray, Eaton and Square D for the most flexible and cost effective install. No. 40 A 240 V 1 No. 50 A 240 V 1 • Pre -wired 30 foot (9.1 meter) whip to connect to the provided 5 foot (1.5 meter)tTandem Breaker Capabilities 8 Tandems pre -wired whip and external connection box. Circuit Breaker Protected v • Pre -wired 2 foot (0.61 meter) whip, color coded to connect into the existing Available RMS Symmetrical _ , Fault Current @ 250 volts 10,000 - electrical panel. Dimensions T Mechanical Dimensions Height Width - Depth H1 H2 W1 W2 in 23.5 26.4 8.3 12.6 6.3 mm 597 671.7 211 320.7 159.6 `Function of Evolution Controller Exercise can be set to weekly or monthly Wire Ranges Conductor lug Neutral Lug Ground Lu 210-#14 2/0-#14 2/0-#14 f Nn 2 Service Rated Switch Features: Model 006462-2 (16 liftDO67ig-2 (20 kW)/DM1-2 (22 kW) • Electrically operated, mechanically -held contacts for fast, clean No. of PolesJ = 2 _ connections. Current Rating (Amps) ... y 200 [Vollage_Rating (VAC)_ �- 120/24_0,10 I • Rated for all classes of load, 100% equipment rated, both inductive Utility Voltage Monitor (Fixed)' and resistive. Rck-up 80% • 2 pole, 250 VAC contactors. r• -Dropout 60% �Retum to Utility _ _approx.13 sec. ! - • Service equipment rated, dual coil design. - Exercise weekly for 12 minutes' Standard UL Listed Standard • Rated for both aluminum and copper conductors. Enclosure Type NEM_ANL 3R Wi • NEMANL 3R aluminum outdoor enclosures � thstand Rating (Amps) 22,000 Lug Range ., 250 MCM - #6 • Main contacts are silver plated or silver alloy to resist welding and *Function of Evolution Controller K sticking. r Dimensions 200 Amps 120/240, to Open Transition Service Rated Height Width Depth H1 H2 Wi W2 in 27.24 30.0 11.4 1 13.5 7.09 mm 692.0 1 762.4 289.0 1 343.0 180.0 °�"' 16/20/22 kW V C 1 V C 1"'i/y�lr available accessories Model # Product Description UPC 006459-2 Generac's Mobile Link allows you to check the status of your generator from anywhere that you have 006463-3 Mobile Link- access to an Internet connection from a PC or with any smart device. You will even be notified when a 696471067217 006729-2 change in the generator's status occurs via e-mail or text message. Available in the U.S. only. 005819-0 26R Wet Cell Battery Every standby generator requires a battery to start the system. General; offers the recommended 26R 696471065510 006552-1 wet cell battery for use with all air-cooled standby product (excluding PowerPact®). 006462-2 j 696471064629 If the temperature regularly falls below 32 'F (0 °C), a cold weather kit is required to maintain optimal 006212-0 Cold Weather Kit battery and oil temperatures. Kit consists of a battery warmer and oil filter heater with built-in thermostats. 005621-0 Auxiliary Transfer Switch Contact The auxiliary transfer switch contact kit allows the transfer switch to lock out a single large electrical Kit load you may not need. Not compatible with 50 amp pre -wired switches. 005839-0 - Bisque Fascia Base Wrap Kit* The fascia base wrap snaps together around the bottom of the new air cooled generators. This offers 005666-0- Gray (Standard on 22 kW) a sleek, contoured appearance as well as offering protection from rodents and insects by covering the kiting holes located in the base. 005703-0 - Bisque It the generator enclosure is scratched or damaged, it is important to touch-up the paint to protect 005704-0- Gray Paint Kit* from future corrosion. The paint kit includes the necessary paint to property mainUn or touch-up a generator enclosure. 006484-0 -16 kW Scheduled Maintenance Kit Generac's scheduled maintenance kits provide all the hardware necessary to perform complete 006485-0 - 20 & 22 kW routine maintenance on a Generac automatic standby generator. Completely wireless and battery powered, Generac's wireless remote monitor provides you with 006664-0 Wireless Remote Monitor instant status information without ever leaving the house. Not compatible with CorePower or EcoGen systems. -1 Smart Management Module Smart Management Modules are used in conjunction with the Automatic Transfer Switch to 006873-0, (50 Amps) increase its power management capabilities. It provides additional power management flexibility not found in any other power management system. * Note: Bisque kits are used in conjunction with steel enclosures. Gray kits are used in conjunction with aluminu er�t LAQUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION dimensions & UP s 731. RB Dimensions shown are appadmate. Refer to installation manual for a2d dhensions. DO NOT USE THESE Iz5.3 mr LEFT SIDE VIEW GENERAC° FRONT VIEW Model UPC 006459-2 696471064599 006461-1 696471064612 006721-1 696471067217 006729-2 696471067293 006730-1. 696471067309 006551-2 696471065510 006552-1 696471065527 006462-2 j 696471064629 Generac Power Systems, Inc. • S45 W29290 HWY. 59, Waukesha, WI 53189 • generac.com 091`11 R rnrww.. Pnuwr CVcMmg Inr. All dnhtc mmp.rvwl All Anar.Inrannnc am uihlart to rhamn udMmd nitre RullaHn nKRASA-H ron MAIr EMISSION WARRANTY FOR GENERATORS 12KW AND ABOVE �t' • yt, "� ti' '' ' `'. United States- Environmental Protection Agency Warranty Statement' (Stationary Emergency Spark -ignited Generators) Warranty Rights, Obligations and Coverage , The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Generac Power Systems, Inc. (Generac) are pleased to explain the Emission Control System Warranty on your new stationary emergency engine. If during the warranty period, any emission control system or component on your engine is found defective in materials or workmanship, Generac will repair your engine at no cost to you for diagnosis, replacement parts and labor provided it be done by a Generac Authorized Warranty Service Facility. Your emission control system may include parts such as the fuel metering, ignition, and exhaust systems and other related emission related components listed below. Generac will warrant the emissions control systems on your 2009 and later model year engines provided there has been no abuse, neglect, unapproved modification or improper maintenance of your engine. For engines less than 130 HP the warranty period is two years from the date of sale to the ultimate purchaser. For engines greater than or equal to 130 HP the warranty period is three years from the date of the engine being placed into service. - , Purchaser's/Owner's Warranty Responsibilities As the engine purchaser/owner you are responsible for the following. 1.) The engine must be installed and configured in accordance to the Generac's installation specifications. 2.) The completion of all maintenance requirements listed in your Owner's Manual. 3.) Any engine setting adjustment must be done in accordance and consistent with the instructions in the Owner's Manual. 4.) Any emission control system or component must be maintained and operated appropriately in order to ensure proper operation of the engine and control system to minimize emissions at all times. These responsibilities and the coverage provided by this warranty apply to all subsequent purchasers/owners of the engine. Generac may deny any/or all Emission Control System Warranty coverage or responsibility of the engine, or an emission control system or component on your engine thereof, if it has failed due to abuse, neglect, unapproved modification or improper maintenance, or the use of counterfeit and/or 'gray marker parts not made, supplied or approved by Generac. Warranty service can be arranged by contacting either your selling dealer or a Generac Authorized Warranty Service dealer, 1-800-333-1322 or emissions@generac.com, for the dealer nearest you. The purchaser/owner shall be responsible for any expenses or other charges incurred for service calls and/or transportation of the product to/from the inspection or repair facilities. The purchaser/owner shall be responsible for any and/or all damages or losses incurred while the engine is being transported/shipped for inspection or warranty repairs: Contact Generac Power Systems Inc. for additional Emission Control System Warranty related information, Generac Power Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 8, Waukesha, WI 53187, or call 1-800-333-1322 or www.generac.com. Important Note: This warranty statement explains your rights and obligations under the Emission Control System Warranty, which is provided to you by Generac pursuant to federal law. Note that this warranty shall not apply to any incidental, consequential or indirect damages caused by defects in materials or workmanship or any delay in repair or replacement of the defective part(s). This warranty is in place of all other warranties, expressed or implied. Specifically, Generac makes no other warranties as to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Any implied warranties which are allowed by law, shall be limited in duration to the terms of the express warranty provided herein. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you. Emission Related Parts Include the Following (if so equipped) 1) Fuel Metering System 3) Ignition System Including 1.1) Gasoline Carburetor Assembly And Internal Components A) Spark Plug, B) Ignition Module, A) Fuel Filter, B) Carburetor, C) Fuel Pump C) IgnitionPod—B)-&pa Wir 1.2) Carburetion Assembly And Its Components A) Fuel Controller, B) Carburetor And Its Gaskets, C) 4) Exhaust Sste C A) Catalys As blY, B-) �l t Mixer And It Gaskets_ , D) Primary Gas Regulator E) C) Muffler, D) G*8tD Liquid Vaporizer 1.3) Fuel Regulator 5), Crankcasd Breather As I A) Breath6r Conneo AO SIN , 2) Air Induction System Including 6) Oxygen Sensor Fp ►� oC A) Intake Pipe/Manifold, 7) Diagnostic c Emission-Control9y'sfl B) Air Cleaner DATE Part 1 of 2 Part No. EMISSION WARRANTY FOR GENERATORS 1ZKW ANO ABOVE United States Environmental Protection Agency. Compliance Requirements (Stationary Emergency Spark -Ignited Generators) Purchaser's/Owner's Recordkeeping Responsibilities The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Generac Power Systems, Inc. (Generac) are pleased to explain your recordkeeping requirements for compliance with Subpart JJJJ- Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines as listed in the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations Title 40 Part 60. As the engine purchaser/owner who operates and maintains their certified emergency stationary engine and emission control system according to applicable emission related guidelines as specified in this Owner's Manual, you are required to meet the following notification and recordkeeping requirements to demonstrate compliance. 1.) Maintain documentation that the engine is certified to meet emission standards. 2.) Recordkeeping of maintenance conducted. 3.) Recordkeeping of the provision allowing natural gas engines to operate using propane for a maximum of 100 hours per year as an alternate fuel solely during emergency operations provided the engine is not certified to operate on propane. 4.) Meet all compliance notifications submitted to the purchaser/owner and maintain all supporting documentation. 5.) Recordkeeping of hours of operation, including what classified the operation as emergency and how many hours are spent for non -emergency operation. For emergency engines greater than or equal to 130 HP recordkeeping of hours of operation begins January 1, 2011. For emergency engines less than 130 HP, recordkeeping of hours of operation begins January 1, 2009; Engines are equipped with non-resettable hour meters to facilitate recordkeeping. Specific Air Quality Management or Air Pollution Control Districts may have different and additional record keeping/reporting requirements. Your permit to construct and/or operate the engine may be contingent upon compliance with those requirements. Check with your local Air Quality Management or Air Pollution Control District for specific requirements. Emergency stationary internal combustion engines (ICE) may be operated for the purpose of maintenance checks and readiness testing, provided that the tests are recommended by Federal, State or local government, Generac, or the insurance company associated with the engine. Mainte- nance checks and readiness testing of such units is limited to 100 hours per year. There is no time limit on the use of emergency stationary ICE in emergency situations. The purchaser/owner may petition the Administrator for approval of additional hours to be used for maintenance checks and readiness testing, but a petition is not required if the owner maintains records indicating that Federal, State, or local standards require maintenance and testing of emergency ICE beyond 100 hours per year. Emergency stationary ICE may operate up to 50 hours per year in non emergency situa- tions, but those 50 hours are counted towards the 100 hours per year provided for maintenance and testing. The 50 hours per year for non -emergency situations cannot be used for peak shaving or to generate income for a facility to supply power to an electric grid or otherwise supply power as part of a financial arrangement with another entity. For purchaser/owner of emergency engines, any operation other than emergency operation, maintenance and testing, and operation in non -emergency situations for 50 hours per year, as permitted in this section is prohibited. If you operate and maintain your certified emergency stationary SI internal combustion engine and emissions control systems in accordance to the specifications and guidelines in this Owner's Manual EPA will not require engine performance testing. If not, your engine will be considered non -certified and you must demonstrate compliance according to Subpart JJJJ - Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines as listed in the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations Title 40 Part 60. Emission -Related Installation Instructions Your certified emergency stationary engine has pre-set emission control systems or components that require no adjustment. Inspection and replacement of an emissions related component is required to be done so in accordance with the requirements cited in the United States Environ- mental Protection Agency Warranty Statement or can be arranged by contacting either your selling dealer or a Generac Authorized Warranty Ser- vice dealer, 1-800-333-1322 for the dealer nearest you. Failing to follow these instructions when installing a certified engine in a piece of nonroad equipment violates federal law 40 CFR 1068.105 (b), subject to fines or penalties as described in the Clean Air Act Part 2 of 2 Part No. OH1916A Rev. 8 10/15 Drawings and Diagrams 5.2.3— No. OL3240 A (Part 3 of 4) Air-cooled Generator GFCI BREAKER (IF EQUIPPED) -- a E2 UTILITY METER \� SOCKET ' l 1 GENERATOR OUTPUT --� CIRCUIT BREAKER 2 POLE (SINGLE PHASE) RI GHT SI DE VI EW GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONNECTION (LOCATED ON THE CONNECTION PANEL) TOP VI EW CONNECTION PANEL AIR—COOLED ENGINE GENERATOR —�� 10'�:AF', �. FOR C �► ? nf'r!_ /_BY -; 20 Automatic Transfer Switch Owner's Manual ,v. MDPE YELLOW GAS PIPE POLYETHYLENE GAS PIPES Polyethylene gas pipes are the preferred natural gas distribution piping product of choice with over 90% usage in North America today. Polyethylene gas pipes are lightweight, non -corrosive, available in coil lengths, and easy to install by heat fusion or mechanical. fittings. For these reasons, they have been proven and use since the 1960's. SCOPE JMM manufactures both high density and medium density polyethylene gas pipe. JMM gas pipes are manufactured in yellow or black from quality, engineered resin with high flexibility, durability, chemical resistance, and longevity. EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY JMM takes great pride in the quality and workmanship of all of our products. JMM quality control programs encompass three critical aspects of the manufacturing process: the incoming raw material, pipe production, and the finished goods. Incoming material is visually inspected and tested to ensure the material meets all applicable requirements before its release for production. During production, the pipe will be visually examined for any cosmetic defect and pipe samples will be collected for physical verification and testing for compliance. The finished product is subjected to further visual inspection to ensure it has met all the appropriate specifications and packaging requirements. Without exception, our pipes are constantly monitored throughout the entire manufacturing process to validate that they are in accordance with all applicable specifications. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS JMM polyethylene gas pipes are manufactured in accordance with all applicable specifications including ASTM D2513 and IAPMO standards where applicable. Please contact PE sales for more specific information on our certifications. MATERIAL JMM polyethylene gas pipes are manufactured using the highest -grade materials available. All materials comply in accordance to ASTM D3350 and are listed with Plastics Pipe Institute {PPQ as PE3408 or PE2406. ADVANTAGES C i TY O F p 6UUT. 1 JMM polyethylene gas pipes offer many benefits over othLr WLMp i e a include high slow crack growth resistance. corrosive resistance, Iona _ . TWX®[WT, easy handling, and zero leak rate. PE gas pipes resistance to slow3� V le characteristic which provides long lasting performance unier lob t- ,qT R Per installation, our gas pipes provide a leak free product providing unconditional t ur customers. For these reasons, JMM PE gas pipes are the natura #oice pipe product for use in the gas market. ----BY J -M Manufacturing Company, Inc. building essentials fora better tontorrou— t1 JM� i4ni!itir� �,xriafs i�lr D iMG7 hJd!lXltl A" HONE COMPANY PP.ODUCTS REQUESSTAQUOTEDISTPJBUTOP,LOCATOR CONTACTUS SEAP.C'f PRODUCT RANGE MDPE YELLOW GAS Waterworks Irrigation Plumbing Meets ASTM D2513, Cell Class Per ASTM D3350, PPWsted Material (TR -4) PE 240EV2705. Well Casing & Drop Pipe Electrical JM Eagle's medium -density polyethylene yellow gas Corrugated pipes are suitable for use in multiple applications for gas distribution. Water & Sewer Gas JM Eagle MDPE yellow gas pipe, UAC 2000, is available Polyethylene Fittings in 1/24nch to 20 -inch diameters, and comes m both sucks and coil lengths_ It may be installed by heat fusion or PDC mechanical fittings. A full line of complementary fittings is available. Building Materials Warranty JM Eagle's UAC 2000 MDPE yellow pipe ensures Downloads significant cost savings while providing long-lasting performance. UAC 2000: FAQ ■ Features superior resistance to most solvents and chemicals it is likely -to encounter and natural and manufactured gas. Related links: a Submittal and Data Sheet (PDF) . One Sheet (PDF) ■ MDPE Yellow Gas Pipe Complete Product Info ■ PE Coil Load Chart (IPS) (PDF) ■ HDPE IPS(DIPS Straioht Pine Loading Chart (PDF) . Is non -corroding against gas and external galvanic soil conditions. r Resists UV degradation when exposed to direct sunlight. • Resists stow -growth cracks. rA ■ Can be cut with simple pipe and tubing cutters, OF LA Q U I NTA allowing for savings In labor and equipment.NG &SAFE Reduces the cost of manpower required forTY DEPT. installation due to its lightweight and ease in transport APPROVED NS and handling, as well as long laying lengths. CONSTRUCTION DAT -_BY Almut JM Eeote I tine Products i Reouest a Quote IN= I Career3l Related Links I Emolovee Center I Terms of Use I Site Mac i Unk to Us ®2011 J -M Manufacturing Company, Inc., all rights reserved. J -M Manufacturing Company Inc. and PW Eagle Inc. are doing business as JM Eaglev". . . n MDPE YELLOW GAS. PIPE JMM POLYETHYLENE GAS PIPE DIMENSION Nominal (in Length (ft) ( i Average O.D. (in) SDR ( Minimum Walt (in) I i I Weight 1 (lbs/ft)Per T/L 1/2 CTS 500 1000 -X65-1. 0.625 0.625 ! ' F 7-1 0.090 0.090 0.0650 132,000 1 0.0650 1 264,000 *3/4 CTS 500 0.875 � 9 0.097 0.1633 120,000 1/21PS 500 0.840 ,r 9.3 ( 0.090 0.0913 132,0 1000 0.840 9.3 0.090 j 0.0913 198,000 �-1115-5 f 3!4 IPS t, 1.050 F 11-1 0.095 ( 0.1229 49,500 - 1.050 11 1# OA95 0.1229 110,000. i lIPS 150 1.315 F 11 J 0.119 1 0.1943 1. 49,500 500 F 1.315 F 11-1 0.119 0.1943 F 77,000 1-1/41P5 500 ( 1.660 F 10-1 0.166 0.3357 ( 42,000 150 1.660 111 0.151 0.3087 49,500 500 E 1.600 1 11 0.151 0.3087 55,000 1-1/2 IPS F 150 1.900 f 11 0.173 0.4047 1 15,750 800 1.900 11 0.173 0.4047 28,000 21PS 31PS ( 150 2375 F11-1 0216 1 0.6317 1 15,750 250 2.375 11 0.216 { 0.6317, ( 21,000 500, 1 2.375 11 0.216 0.6317 24,500 1500 315F 500 F 2.375 3.500 3.500 F 11 F 11 11 ( 0.216F 0.318 -0.318 AMY n r I AYR 1TA U 7 �-1000 F 3.500 F 11-1 0.318 r 11CO STRIJ�`1`i'�N 4 IPS 500 F4.560 ( 11 0.409 2.2666 6,000 F-iZ-F 45-00 1r i .5 -, 0.391 DAW 770 BY 6,000 40 F 4.500 ( 11 1 0.409 ,240 F - 4.500 11.5 0.391 2.1770 16,240 61PS F -'46-f 6.625 F 11 ( 0.602 F 4.9180 ; 7,280 J -M Manufacturing Company, Inc building essentials far u better tomorrow- �m JMM (VIDPE YELLOW GAS PIPE b IPS 40— .6.625 11.5 0.576 1 4.7213 j 7,280 40.. 8.625,' 11:5. f 0.750 8.0032 3,6 (. 8 IPS r—r — tact JMM's PE Sales toll free at (800) 6214404 for information on: ■ PE3408 Black Gas Pipe ■ Special Diameters ■ Non Standard DR ■ Custom Coil Lengths ■ Standard for PE3408 CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. I APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION j'ATE__BY_ J -M Manufacturing Company, lnc. building essentials for a better tomorrow 5.2.4— No. OL3240-A (Part 4 of 4) Air-cooled Generator GROUND BAR TO GROUNDING ELECTRODE GENERATOR FEEDER AND CLASS 1 CONTROL -CONDUCTORS Drawings and Diagrams A BONDING JUMPER IS PROVIDED BETWEEN THE NEUTRAL LUG AND ENCLOSURE AT THIS LOCATION (FACTORY INSTALLED) AIR COOLED INSTALLATION -SERVICE ENTRANCE DISCONNECT ATS INSTALLATION MUST MEET ALL NATIONAL, STATE AND LOCAL ELECTRICAL CODES. IN NON—SERVICE RATED SWITCHES A MAIN BREAKER WILL NOT BE PRESENT AS SHOWN AND THE BONDING JUMPER WILL BE REMOVED AUX-CONTACT SERVICE DISCONNECT ATS DISCONNECT THE BONDING NEUTRAL BAR - CONNECTION SEE PANEL IN PANELBOARD MANUFACTURER WHEN INSTALLING FOR DETAILS SERVICE RATED ATS ANELBOARD �I� ®� j_---ROUNDBuit �%I TA DEPT. OR pR®IVE®, DATE_�_BY hutomauc i ranster bwitcn owner's Manual 21 rr'::=:::::::� —i SMART ;;; pOH AC MODULE TI TO GROUNDING ELECTRODE GENERATOR FEEDER AND CLASS 1 CONTROL -CONDUCTORS Drawings and Diagrams A BONDING JUMPER IS PROVIDED BETWEEN THE NEUTRAL LUG AND ENCLOSURE AT THIS LOCATION (FACTORY INSTALLED) AIR COOLED INSTALLATION -SERVICE ENTRANCE DISCONNECT ATS INSTALLATION MUST MEET ALL NATIONAL, STATE AND LOCAL ELECTRICAL CODES. IN NON—SERVICE RATED SWITCHES A MAIN BREAKER WILL NOT BE PRESENT AS SHOWN AND THE BONDING JUMPER WILL BE REMOVED AUX-CONTACT SERVICE DISCONNECT ATS DISCONNECT THE BONDING NEUTRAL BAR - CONNECTION SEE PANEL IN PANELBOARD MANUFACTURER WHEN INSTALLING FOR DETAILS SERVICE RATED ATS ANELBOARD �I� ®� j_---ROUNDBuit �%I TA DEPT. OR pR®IVE®, DATE_�_BY hutomauc i ranster bwitcn owner's Manual 21 �12���f�✓av� �"i2rg1L i ,.. r_ -0l rA f PA,. A, RE -INSPECTION FEE OF $ 72-52- WILL 2S2_WILL BE CHARGED IF THE APPROVED PLANS AND 10B CAR" ARE NOT ON THE SITE FOR A SCHEDULED + INSPECTION 7 Q; t F'� NO D(CEPTIONS� ,r 70 POL-Y Y 700.7 Signs. M (A) Emergency Sources. A sign shall be placed at the service -entrance equipment, indicating type and location of + on-site emergency power sources. 3 Exception: A sign shall not be required for individual unit a 1 equipment as specified in 700.12(F). Uj ZO 1—,.---_.--1-Grounding• ~,� °ri �- 1 CITY OF LAS -LL LI I NTAQxuier t ��s unculed� o n �� Y DEPT. �,� , � ` t � t BUILDING &SSA T athrfrsvverc.f?.� �..,...., APPR.D06 0(1 FC1R rnnrc C7� U Alp? � �00 +L, J v I . 37 i/ s/zy JzQ)� CaN�,Af-T Fg- C I-EG112-� wav�cEss In; 09i �U 1 Z�� �t� CCA V✓4 f-l�C% � �*YQ q-22�� ow Etc: I i ' 9�9 s/zy JzQ)� CaN�,Af-T Fg- C I-EG112-� wav�cEss In; 09i �U 1 Z�� �t� CCA V✓4 f-l�C% � �*YQ q-22�� ow Etc: *19 tan 31z K, E." a ' t Soo?/fig ,v 01- oa-r,n1 A fLo a )1GKN6-Ss mo TA M6 w C o�r��� lw7o h'oGES VjZIL-L ErJ P RE zA fL COF (NG $ A��SA�ETY iA OR CONS I DA C, (ON 1 By Bin #city Permit # Lc, Zo)L— 0049La Project Address: yQ� of % Quinta Building & Safety Division 78.495 Calle Tampico Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 . Bui/ding Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Cwner's Name: K�y�r1� �}� EL1O A. P. Number. — O Address: 0sNJ L Legal ,))eserilllion: fl -_ C'ty, ST, Zip 9S3 Contractor; �a t L Lo,J 1 Tclepl,o�,i: �^. �.. �..�..r;M:. Address: tG 1L b 9 Project Description: City, ST Zipl%pe a f )� / Tefephoney ',F S3- I 2Z9 1� /CQ na E�2�_ State Li... # : 3 City_Lie. #: Arch., Engr., Designer: Address: City, ST, Zip:; Telephone: wFF a F� ConstructionType: Occupancy! Project type (circle one): New Add'n Alter Repair Demo State Lic. Name of Contact Person: Sq. Ft:; #Stone 's::- # Units: Telephone r/ of Contact Person: Estimated Value of Project: APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE if Submittal Req'd Rce'd TRACKING PERMIT FEES Plan Sets Plan Check submitted Item Amount Structure! Calcs. Reviewed, ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit Truss Cates. Called Contact Person Plan Check Balance , Title 24 Cates. Plans picked. up Construction ` Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted Mechanical Grading plan 2"a Review, ready for corrections/issue Electrical Subcontactor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed R Plans picked up S.M.I. ' H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN ROUSE:- '`d" Review, ready for corrections/issue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P:: Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit. issue ~School'Fccs, —� - Total Permit Fecs El 0 yL �y ire q��