1998 04 21 RDARedevelopment Agency Agenda CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Regular Meeting April 21, 1998 - 3:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER a. Roll Call PUBLIC COMMENT Beginning Res. No. RA 98-03 This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled for a public hearing. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. Please watch the timing device on the podium. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Approval of Minutes of April 7, 1998 BUSINESS SESSION - None 000001 CONSENT CALENDAR Note: Consent Calendar items are considered to be routine in nature and will be approved by one motion. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED APRIL 21, 1998. 2. TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT DATED FEBRUARY 28, 1998 3. APPROVAL OF REQUEST BY THE BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB FOR AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT FOR 5T" YEAR FUNDING BY AND BETWEEN THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND BUILDING HORIZONS. STUDY SESSION - None DEPARTMENT REPORTS TRANSMITTAL OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES REPORT DATED FEBRUARY 28, 1998. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS' ITEMS PUBLIC HEARINGS - 7:00 pm There are no public hearings scheduled. Page 2 0,0 0,0o oil CLOSED SESSION NOTE: TIME PERMITTING, THE AGENCY BOARD MAY CONDUCT CLOSED SESSION DISCUSSIONS DURING THE DINNER RECESS. ADDITIONALLY, PERSONS IDENTIFIED AS NEGOTIATING PARTIES WHERE THE AGENCY IS CONSIDERING ACQUISITION OF THEIR PROPERTY ARE NOT INVITED INTO THE CLOSED SESSION MEETING. CONFERENCE WITH AGENCY'S REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 CONCERNING THE POTENTIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACQUISITION AND/OR DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF MILES AVENUE AND WASHINGTON STREET. PROPERTY OWNER/NEGOTIATOR: CHARLES PASARELL. ADJOURNMENT DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Saundra L. Juhola, Secretary of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the Redevelopment Agency meeting of April 21, 1998 was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin board at the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce and at Albertson's, 78-630 Highway 111, on Friday, April 17, 1998. Da�bo: April 17, 1998 SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, Secretary La Quinta Redevelopment Agency PUBLIC NOTICE The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's Office at 777-7025, 24-hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. Page 3 000001 °zTit,, 4 4aQum& V rD OF TNtiv� COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: APRIL 21, 1998 ITEM TITLE: Demand Register Dated April 21, 1998 RECOMMENDATION BACKGROUND Prepaid Warrants 32672 - 32676; 32677 - 32713 32714 - 32718; 3 2719 - 32723 Wire Transfers; P/R 868 - 947 P/R Tax Transfers; Payable Warrants: 32724 - 32861 ; FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Demand of Cash - RDA Approve Demand Register Dated April 21, 1998 Joh M. Falcone`, Finance Director 1,974.21 2,350.00 39,419.72 217,3.55.05 71,172.16 82,981.14 23,239.80 506,584.19 $945,076.27 $56,542.54 CITY DEMANDS RDA DEMANDS AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION — CONSENT CALENDAR C STUDY SESSION PUBLIC HEARING $888,533.73 56,542.54 $945,076.27 000004 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK TRANSACTIONS 4/1/98 - 4/16/98 4/3/98 WIRE TRANSFER - DEFERRED COMP $4,682.09 4/3/98 WIRE TRANSFER - PERS $16,290.07 4/6/98 WIRE TRANSFER - ESCROW PAYMENT - RDA SUBSIDY PROGRAM $50,200.00 TOTAL WIRE TRANSFERS OUT $71,172.16 00000� `° 0 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 08:32AM 04/16/98 CITY OF LA OUINTA PAGE 1 CHECK CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT NUMBER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 32724 04/16/98 &00570 LORRIE D'AMICO 10.00 32725 04/16/98 &00571 STEVE BERLINGER 96.00 32726 04/16/98 &00572 BETTY BERRYMAN 96.00 32727 04/16/98 &00573 GURNELL CONSTRUCTION 36.00 32728 04/16/98 &00574 TRACY RUTLEDGE 10.00 32729 04/16/98 &00575 INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION 293.30 32730 04/16/98 &00576 BETTY MOORE 96.00 32731 04/16/98 &00577 RJT HOMES LLC 17.24 32732 04/16/98 AlRO01 A-1 RENTS 295.00 32733 04/16/98 ABE001 JAQUES ABELS 476.71 32734 04/16/98 ACE010 ACE HARDWARE 542.17 32735 04/16/98 ACT050 ACT 1 30.00 32736 04/16/98 ALL100 ALLIANCE SERVICE STATION 357.67 32737 04/16/98 AME017 AMERICAN ARTIST 26.95 32738 04/16/98 AME200 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SVCS 85.02 32739 04/16/98 AND010 ANDERSON TRAVEL SERVICE 456.00 32740 04/16/98 AND050 ANDY'S AUTO REPAIR 245.91 32741 04/16/98 ASCO01 A & S COFFEE SERVICE 204.00 32742 04/16/98 ATC010 ATCO MANUFACTURING CO 281.45 32743 04/16/98 AUT030 AUTOMATED TELECOM 220.39 32744 04/16/98 BAK005 PEGGY BAKER 40.00 32745 04/16/98 BAN150 BANK OF NEW YORK 260.00 32746 04/16/98 BEN050 SUSAN BENAY 150.00 32747 04/16/98 BIL100 BILTMORE HOTEL 250.00 32748 04/16/98 BRI100 BRINKS INC 250.00 32749 04/16/98 BSI010 BSI CONSULTANTS INC 3969.00 32750 04/16/98 BUT010 RICHARD BUTLER 548.50 32751 04/16/98 CAD010 CADET UNIFORM SUPPLY 323.35 32752 04/16/98 CAL016 CA ASSEMBLY OF LOCAL ARTS 248.00 32753 04/16/98 CAL023 CALIF COMMERCIAL POOLS 80460.00 32754 04/16/98 CAR100 CARDINAL PROMOTIONS 49.35 32755 04/16/98 CFD050 C F & D CORP 208.00 32756 04/16/98 COA080 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 18145.56 32757 04/16/98 COM009 COMPEX LEGAL SERVICES INC 1968.84 32758 04/16/98 COM015 COMPUTER U LEARNING CENTR 780.00 32759 04/16/98 COM030 COMSERCO 180.00 32760 04/16/98 COR010 CORONA CLAY COMPANY 2101.13 32761 04/16/98 COS050 COSTCO BUSINESS DELIVERY 349.60 32762 04/16/98 COS060 COSTCO WHOLESALE STORE 280.21 32763 04/16/98 C00010 COUNTS UNLIMITED INC 650.00 32764 04/16/98 CVA010 C V A G 3178.72 32765 04/16/98 CYB050 CYBERG8T INTERNET SERVICE 8.33 32766 04/16/93 DESO46 DESERT PIPELINE INC 3801.33 32767 04/16/98 DES051 DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHL 690.00 32768 04/16/98 DES060 DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO 222.04 32769 04/16/98 DIA050 DIAMONDBACK PERFECTION ON 212.50 32770 04/16/98 DIE050 DIETERICH POST 533.63 3 000006 �;�r ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 08:32AM 04/16/98 CITY nF LA OUINTA PAGE 2 CHECK CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT PLUMBER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT 32771 04/16/98 DOU010 DOUBLE PRINTS 1 HR PHOTO 59.69 32772 04/16/98 FAM030 FAMILY PC 12.95 32773 04/16/98 FIN050 F.I.N.D 60.00 32774 04/16/98 FIR051 FIRST TRUST CALIFORNIA 816.00 32775 04/16/98 GAR005 GARNER IMPLEMENT CO 139.08 32776 04/16/98 GAS010 GASCARD INC 724.17 32777 04/16/98 GTE010 GTE CALIFORNIA 3513.26 32779 04/16/98 GUM050 BRAD GUMMER 1291.50 32779 04/16/98 HEA030 HEALTH 16.00 32780 04/16/98 HIG010 HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC 359.56 32781 04/16/98 HOA010 HUGH HOARD INC 185.96 32782 04/16/98 HOM030 HOME DEPOT 71.76 32783 ** AP CHECK RUN VOID ** 32784 04/16/98 HON050 DAWN C HONEYWELL 16370.00 32785 04/16/98 HOR100 DODIE HORVITZ 150.00 32786 04/16/98 HUL010 KATHRYN HULL 100.00 32787 04/16/98 HUL100 BURCE W HULL & ASSOC 5000.00 32788 04/16/98 ICE050 ICE CHALET 52.50 32789 04/16/98 IMPO10 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 216.70 32790 04/16/98 INF030 INFORMATION RESOURCES 125.00 32791 04/16/98 ING050 CARL INGRAM 104.07 32792 04/16/98 JRI050 J & R IMPAGES INC 260.03 32793 04/16/98 KEL010 KELLY TEMPORARY SERVICES 388.80 32794 04/16/98 KSL051 KSL LAND CORPORATION 1750.00 32795 04/16/98 KUN100 MARNI KUNSMAN 34.88 32796 04/16/98 LA0030 LA QUINTA CAR WASH 2O.85 32797 04/16/98 LAR050 GREG LARSON SPORTS 64.62 32798 04/16/98 LIN050 JAMES LINDSEY 184.96 32799 04/16/98 LOG020 MARK LOGAN LANDSCAPE INC 105.83 32800 04/16/98 LUB050 LUBE SHOP 64.15 32801 04/16/98 LUC060 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES 520.58 32802 04/16/98 LUC070 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES INC 19.34 32803 04/16/98 LUD050 ULRICH LUDWIG 1050.00 32804 04/16/98 LUN050 LUNDEEN PACIFIC CORP 26262.76 32805 04/16/98 MAR040 VIC MARTIN 269.50 32806 04/16/98 MAZ100 MAZUR VIDEO PRODUCTIONS 350.00 32807 04/16/98 MCK010 MCKESSON WATER PRODUCTS 126.89 32808 04/16/98 MNI100 M & N INTERNATIONAL 225.38 32809 04/16/98 MOB100 MOBILE COMM 84.75 32810 04/16/98 MOU050 LESLIE MOURQUAND 90.00 32811 04/16/98 MUN010 MUNI FINANCIAL SERV INC 2876.08 32812 04/16/98 NEP010 NEPTUNE ELECTRIC 287.00 32813 04/16/98 NIC100 NICKERSON, DIERCKS & ASSC 2795.00 32814 04/16/98 NUT100 NUTRITION ACTION HEALTH 15.00 32815 04/16/98 OUT100 OUTDOOR SERVICES INC 100.00 32816 04/16/98 OWE020 OWEN & BRADLEY 150.00 32817 04/16/98 PCM050 PC MAGAZINE 34.97 32818 04/16/98 PRI020 THE PRINTING PLACE 258.60 32819 04/16/98 RAD050 RADIO SHACK 221.56 00000'7 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 08:32AM 04/16/98 CITY OF LA OUINTA PAGE 3 CHECK CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT NUMBER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT 32820 04/16/98 RAL050 RALPHS GROCERY CO 258.18 32821 04/16/98 RAS020 RASA - ERIC NELSON 2755.00 32822 04/16/98 RIV017 RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION CO 56752.20 32823 04/16/98 RIV100 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFFS 195041.75 32824 04/16/98 RIV101 RIV COUNTY SHERIFF/INDIO 835.69 32825 04/16/98 RIV150 RIV COUNTY TRANSPORTATION 6939.00 32826 ** AP CHECK RUN VOID ** 32827 04/16/98 RUT050 RUTAN & TUCKER 11957.01 32828 04/16/98 SAF100 SAFETY DATA SERVICES INC 40.39 32829 04/16/98 SCH075 SCHOLASTIC SPORTS 99.50 32830 04/16/98 SEC050 SECURITY LINK/AMERITECH 439.08 32831 04/16/98 SHA010 SHADOW PALMS GARDENING 150.00 32832 04/1.6/98 SIM040 SIMPLER LIFE EMERGENCY 489.83 32333 04/16/98 SMO010 DONNALDA SMOLENS 100.00 32834 04/16/98 SOU007 SOUTHWEST NETWORKS 2869.36 32835 04/16/98 SOU010 SOUTHERN CALIF GAS CO 644.37 32836 04/16/98 SOU100 SOUTHLAND GEOTECHNICL INC 502.50 32837 04/16/98 SPI010 CRISTAL SPIDELL 63.36 32838 04/16/98 SPRO10 SPRINT 922.30 32839 04/16/98 STA050 STAPLES 919.19 32840 04/16/98 STA065 STATE HUMANE ASSN 72.64 3284.1 04/16/98 STE020 STEVE'S OFFICE SUPPLY 365.72 32842 04/16/98 STR050 EDWARD STREZLCZYK 450.00 32843 04/16/98 SUN075 SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY 363.00 32844 04/16/98 TAH050 TAHOE SEASONS RESORT 176.00 32845 04/16/98 TAR050 TARGET/DAYTON'S 219.64 32846 04/16/98 TRA020 TRANSAMERICA 140.75 32847 04/16/98 TRI010 TRI LAKE CONSULTANTS INC 26974.50 32848 04/16/98 TRO050 GREG TROUSDELL 41.60 32849 04/16/98 TRU010 TRULY NOLEN INC 135.00 32850 04/16/98 UNDO10 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 230.00 32851 04/16/98 UNI004 UNITED STATES POSTAL SVC 2000.00 32852 04/16/98 USB100 US BANK 1127.66 32853 04/16/98 USPO10 U S POSTMASTER 64.00 32854 04/16/98 VAC050 VACATION PUBLICATIONS 11.95 32855 04/16/98 VAL005 VALLEY ANIMAL CLINIC 85.00 32856 04/16/98 VID050 VIDEO DEPOT 14.73 32857 04/16/98 VIKO10 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS 269.46 32858 04/16/98 WALO10 WAL MART STORES INC 176.50 32859 04/16/98 WAL030 CAROLYN WALKER 10.56 32860 04/16/98 XERO10 XEROX CORPORATION 109.28 32361 04/16/98 YELO10 YELLOW MART STORES 53.86 CHECK TOTAL 506,584.19 000008 ',CCO!!PiTS FAYABLE - AP5003 CITY C7 LA QUITITT. VENDOR Z•:"000NT NUMPFR 500570 'ORRIE D'A.MICO 101 000 437 151 &00571 STEVE BERLINGER 101 000 437 454 &k00572 PLTTY BERRYMAN 101 000 437 154 s00573 GURNELL CONSTRUCTION 101 000 423 000 &00574 TI'.ACY RUTLEDGE 101 000 437 151 &00575 INTF.ORITY CONSTRUCTION 101 000 439 318 (00575 INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION 101 000 4LB 000 F.00575 INTEGRITY '_'ONSTRUCTION 101 000 421 000 &00575 INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION 101 000 241 000 &00576 BETTY MOORE 101 000 437 454 &00577 R1T HOMES LLC 101 000 121 000 AIR001 A-1 RENTS 101 454 615 000 ABE001 JAQUES ABELS 101 401 637 000 ACE010 ACE HARDWARE 101 357 703 000 ACE010 ACE HARDWARE 101 357 703 000 ACE010 ACE HARDWARE 101 453 703 847 ACE010 ACE HARDWARE 101 453 703 647 ACE010 ACE HARDWARE 101 453 703 847 ACE010 ACE HARDWARE 101 453 703 847 ACE010 ACE HARDWARE 101 454 703 847 ACE010 ACE HARDWARE 101 454 703 847 ACE010 ACE HARDWARE 101 453 703 847 ACE010 ACE HARDWARE 101 453 703 847 ACT050 ACT 1 101 202 649 000 ALL100 ALLIANCE SERVICE STATION 501 501 619 646 TO -BE PAID INVOICES 07:30AM 04/16/98 PAGE 1 INV. INVOICE FA'sl•IENT PATCH TRAN NUMBER DESCRIPTION A14OUNT NO. 3130 RFFUND OVERPAYI-IENT/SPRIN 10.00 T192 1 VENDOR TOTAL 10.00 2881 REFUND/THEATRE EVENT 96.00 T192 2 VENDOR TOTAL 96.00 2953 REFUND/THEATRE EVENT 96.00 T192 3 VENDOR TOTAL 96.00 9803-146 REFUND/BUILDING PERMIT 36.00 T192 4 VENDOR TOTAL 36.00 3110 REFUND OVERPAYMENT/SPRIN 10.00 T192 5 VENDOR TOTAL 10.00 9609-079 REFUND BUILDING PERMIT 102.96 T192 6 9609-079 REFUND BUILDING PERMIT 158.40 T192 7 9609-079 REFUND BUILDING PERMIT 30.40 T192 8 9609-079 REFUND BUILDING PERI4IT 1.54 T192 9 VENDOR TOTAL 293.30 3142 REFUND/THEATRE EVENT CAN 96.00 T192 10 VENDOR TOTAL 96.00 27862 OVERPAYMENT/BLDG PERMIT 17.24 T194 1 VENDOR TOTAL 17.24 41902 EQUIP RENTAL 295.00 T194 2 VENDOR TOTAL :95.00 LCC PLANNERS INST/J ABEL 476.71 T195 155 VENDOR TOTAL 476.71 49972 SUPPLIES 43.68 T192 12 50060 SUPPLIES 38.24 T192 13 50142 SUPPLIES 14.15 T194 3 49945 SUPPLIES 114.32 T194 4 50010 SUPPLIES 62.78 T194 5 50181 SUPPLIES 25.52 T194 6 49931 SUPPLIES 80.40 T194 7 50068 SUPPLIES 69.19 T194 8 49919 SUPPLIES 27.23 T194 9 49870 SUPPLIES 66.66 T194 10 VENDOR TOTAL 542.17 MEMBERSHIP DUES 30.00 T192 14 VENDOR TOTAL 30.00 GAS PURCH 357.67 T194 11 6 000009 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5003 SITY OF LA QUINT,-, �,NDOR ACCOUNT NUMBER i.LiE017 AtIEPIC114 ARTIST 101 202 651 000 AME200 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORI4 SVCS 101 357 609 634 AME200 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SVCS 101 202 609 634 AND010 ANDERSON TRAVEL SERVICE 101 151 637 000 AND050 ANDY'S AUTO REPAIR 501 501 619 649 AND050 ANDY'S AUTO REPAIR 501 501 619 649 ASC001 A & S COFFEE SERVICE 101 153 703 880 ATC010 ATCO MANUFACTURING CO 101 453 703 847 ATC010 ATCO MANUFACTURING CO 101 454 703 847 AUT030 AUTOMATED TELECOM 101 153 635 660 AUT030 AUTOMATED TELECOM 101 453 703 847 AUT030 AUTOMATED TELECOM 101 454 703 847 BAK005 PEGGY ➢AI:ER 101 202 609 592 ua_ry150 PANY OF NEW YOPI: 101 151 607 000 BEN050 SUSAN BENAY 101 000 133 000 ➢IL100 PILTMORE HOTEL 101 251 637 000 BRI100 PRINKS INC 101 151 607 000 BSIO10 BSI CONSULTANTS INC 101 452 603 000 BSIO10 BSI CONSULTANTS INC 101 452 603 000 BSIO10 BSI CONSULTANTS INC 101 452 603 000 BSIO10 BSI CONSULTANTS INC 101 452 603 000 BSI010 BSI CONSULTANTS INC 101 452 603 000 BSI010 PSI CONSULTANTS INC 101 452 603 000 TO -BE PAID INVOICES 07:30AM 04/16/98 PAGE 2 INV. iPNOICE PAYNENT BATCH TRAN NU14DER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NO. VENDOR TOTAL 3� .67 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION 25.95 T192 la VENDOR TOTAL 26.95 S339187 MATS 49.04 T192 15 S339188 MATS 35.98 T194 12 VENDOR TOTAL 85.02 72403 AIRLINE/FALCONER/OSBORNE 456.00 T194 13 VENDOR TOTAL 456.00 16686 VEHICLE REPAIR 88.32 T194 14 16777 VEHICLE REPAIR 157.59 T194 28 VENDOR TOTAL 2,15.91 6725 COFFEE SUPPLIES 204.00 T192 17 VENDOR TOTAL 204.00 459769 SUPPLIES 140.73 T194 15 459769 SUPPLIES 140.72 T194 16 VENDOR TOTAL 281.45 82320 PAGERS SERVICE 195.39 T192 18 PAGER REPAIR 12.50 T194 17 PAGER REPAIR 12.50 T194 18 VENDOR TOTAL 220.39 APR 98 INSTRUCTOR/MUSIC 40.00 T192 19 VENDOR TOTAL 40.00 06053202 CUSTODIAL SRVC 2/98 260.00 T192 20 VENDOR TOTAL 260.00 TRAVEL ADV/S BENAY 150.00 T195 156 VENDOR TOTAL 150.00 HOTEL/CALAA CONF 250.00 T195 157 VENDOR TOTAL 250.00 01822606 ARMORED CAR SVC 3/98 250.00 T192 21 VENDOR TOTAL 250.00 4284 PLN CK/TR 25953 SONRISA 162.00 T194 19 4281 PLN CK/TR 25953 SONRISA 162.00 T194 20 4286 PLN Cf,/TR 28457-A BELLA 648.00 T194 21 4285 PLN CK/TR 28457-A BELLA 405.00 T194 22 4282 PLN CK/TR 28341 KSL 567.00 T194 23 04283 PLAN CK/TR 28340-2 PGA 486.00 T194 24 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - �F5003 '.ITY OF T„7. i2"1T;'F, `: ENDOR CCOUI4T NUI IBER BST010 BSI CONSULTANTS 1I4C 101 452 603 000 BSI010 BSI CONSULTANTS INC 101 452 603 000 3SI010 BSI CONSULTANTS INC 101 452 603 000 BUT010 PICHPS.D BUTLER 101 401 637 000 CAD010 CADET UNIFORM SUPPLY 101 357 617 000 CAD 010 CADET UNIFORM SUPPLY 101 353 617 000 CAD010 CADET UNIFORM SUPPLY 101 357 617 000 CAD010 CADET U14IFOR14 SUPPLY" 101 353 617 000 CAD010 CPd,ST UNIFOP14 SUPPLY 101 453 517 000 CAD010 'i:DET UNTFORM SUPPLY 101 454 617 000 CAD010 G'1DET UNIFORM SUPPLY 101 453 617 000 CAD010 CADET 'UNIFORM :;UPPLY 101 454 617 000 CAL016 CA ASSEMBLY OF LOCAL ARTS 301 251 637 000 CIR1,023 CALIF COMMERCIAL POOLS 401 643 609 553 CPY100 CARDINAL PROMOTIONS 101 352 703 000 CFD050 C F & D CORP 101 351 621 611 COA080 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 101 453 G31 000 COA080 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 101 454 631 632 COA080 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 101 454 631 663 COA080 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 101 454 631 665 COA080 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 101 202 631 000 COA080 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 101 202 631 000 COA080 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 101 202 631 000 COA080 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 401 641 609 553 COA080 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 401 641 609 553 COA080 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 401 641 609 553 COA080 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 401 632 609 553 COA030 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 401 632 609 553 COA080 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 401 632 609 553 COM009 COMPEX LEGAL'SERVICES INC 101 101 601 523 COM009 COMPEX LEGAL SERVICES INC 405 902 601 523 C014015 COMPUTER U LEARNII4G CENTR 101 202 609 592 TO -BE PAID INVOICES 07:30.A1-1 04/16/98 PAGE INV. INVOICE PAYMENT BATCH TRAN NUMBER DESCRIPTION A.I.IOUNT 1110. 04279 PLAN CIC/TR 28545 PGA 243.00 T194 L5 0.4224 PLAN CK/TR 27835 RANCHO 972.00 T194 25 04280 PLAN CK/TR 27835 RANCHO 324.00 T194 2 VENDOR TOTAL 3969.00 LLC PLANNERS INST/R BUTL 548.50 T195 159 VENDOR TOTAL 548.50 24637, UNIFORMS i.00 T192 23 2463G UNIFORMS 21.64 T192 24 22583 UNIFORMS 7.00 T192 25 22562 UNIFOP11S 21.64 T192 26 24635 UNIFORMS 19.14 T194 29 24635 UNIFORMS 49.14 T194 30 22581 UNIFORMS 83.90 T194 31 22581 UNIFORMS 83.89 T194 32 VENDOR TOTAL 323.35 CALAA CONF/S BENAY/K HUL 248.00 T195 158 VENDOR TOTAL 2:8.00 4 POOL CONST/FRITZ BURNS P 80460.00 T194 33 VENDOR TOTAL 80460.00 18873 CITY EMBLEM SHIRTS/RARDC 49.35 T194 34 VENDOR 'TOTAL 49.35 8200 INDIO HILL LEASE 208.00 T192 28 VENDOR TOTAL 208.00 VARIOUS WATER SVC 25.26 T194 35 VARIOUS WATER SVC 6090.23 T194 36 VARIOUS WATER SVC 263.35 T194 37 VARIOUS WATER SVC 281.87 T194 38 60706300 WATER SVC 13.00 T194 39 60706300 WATER SVC 73.15 T194 40 60706300 WATER SVC 156.20 T194 41 5248 TRACT INSP FEE 85.00 T194 42 4434 TRACT INSP FEE 1305.00 T194 43 5191 TRACT INSP FEE 805.00 T194 44 5190 TRACT INSP FEE 1662.50 T194 45 5189 TRACT II4SP FEE 3823.75 T194 46 5188 TRACT INSP FEE 3561.25 T194 47 VENDOR TOTAL 18145.56 2918737 LGL/WYMER/ITM 1063.17 T195 160 2918737 LGL/WYMER/ITM 905.67 T195 161 VENDOR TOTAL 1968.8.1 INSTRUCTOR/COMPUTERS 780.00 T192 27 000011 G 0 J l:000UNTS PAYABLE - AP5003 CITY OF LA QUINTA VENDOR ACCOUNT NU14BER CO61030 CCt15ERCO 101 351 621 511 COROL3 CORONA CLAY COMPANY 101 454 703 647 COSO50 COSTCO BUSINESS DELIVERY 101 153 703 884 C OS C�S0 COSTCO EUGINF.SS DELIVERY 101 153 703 602 COS050 COSTCO BUSINESS DELIVERY 101 151 701 000 COSC50 COSTCO BUSINESS DELIVERY 101 401 701 000 CO3060 COSTCO WHOLESALE STORE 101 251 703 000 CCUO1O COUNTS UNLIMITED INC 101 452 603 000 CVA010 C V A G 101 404 605 545 CYBO50 CYBERGBT INTERNET SERVICE 101 153 609 601 DESO46 DESERT PIPELINE INC 101 454 609 000 DES051 DESERT SAidDS UNIFIED SCHL 101 253 613 000 DE.^051 U''SERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHL 101 253 613 000 DESO60 DESERP SUN PUBLISHING CO 101 253 657 000 DIA050 DIAI1O1IDBACR PERFECTION ON 101 253 661 000 DIE050 DIETERICH POST 101 452 647 000 D00010 DOUBLE PRINTS 1 HR PHOTO 101 352 703 823 DOOO1O DOUBLE PRINTS 1 HR PHOTO 101 201 703 000 D0001O DOUBLE PRINTS 1 HR PHOTO 101 251 703 000 FAMO30 FAMILY PC 101 202 651 000 FIN05O F.I.N.D 101 202 665 000 TO -BE PAID INVOICES 07:3OA14 04/16/98 PAGE 1 I NV. INVOICE PAYMENT BATCH TRAM NUMBER DESCRIPTION T�MOUNT NO. VENDOR TOTAL 780.00 03Lb1A031 REPEATER MAINT CONT 180.00 T194 48 VENDOR 'DOTAL 160.00 1456 RED CLAY/BALL FIELDS 2101.13 T194 49 VENDOR TOTAL '101.13 82218938 SUPPLIES 92.70 T194 50 82213988 SUPPLIES 155.60 T194 51 82218968 SUPPLIES 4.84 T194 52 82218988 SUPPLIES 96.26 T194 53 VENDOR TOTAL 349.60 20101053 TYPEWRITER 280.21 T194 54 VENDOR TOTAL 280.21 2623 TRAFIC COUNTS 650.00 T194 55 VENDOR TOTAL 650.00 1ST 6 214D QTR 1,B2766 FEE 3178.72 T195 162 VENDOR TOTAL 3178.72 6490 INTERNET SVC 8.33 T192 29 VENDOR TOTAL 3.33 97-0902 REPAIR MAIN WATER LINE 3801.33 T194 58 VENDOR TOTAL 3301.33 8336 FACILITY USE/LEISURE CLA 300.00 T192 30 8337 FACILITIES USE 390.00 T194 56 VENDOR TOTAL 690.00 1281835 ADV/INSTRUCTORS 222.04 T194 59 VENDOR TOTAL 222.04 ENTERTAINMENT/BIKE RODEO 212.50 T192 31 VENDOR TOTAL 212.50 484337 SUPPLIES 533.63 T194 57 VENDOR TOTAL 533.63 97673 PHOTOS/CODE COMPLIANCE 9.77 T192 32 97672 PHOTOS/NEWSLETTER 6.90 T192 33 97678 PHOTOS 43.02 T194 60 VENDOR TOTAL 59.69 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION 12.95 T192 34 VENDOR TOTAL 12.95 ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION 60.00 T192 36 ()0001? i.-CCGJ'iTS PAl";,PGE -- ?•-p5003 OF LF. TO -BE PAID INVOICES 07c30AM, 04/16/98 PAGE 5 ACCOUNT NUMBER FIR051 FIRST TRUST CALIFORNIA 301 901 6G7 000 G=1005 GAH2NER IMPLEMENT CO 501 501 619 649 CASO10 GASCARD INC 501 501 619 646 CAS010 GASCARD INC 501 501 619 646 GA.S010 GASCARD INC 501 501 619 646 GAS010 GASCARD INC 501 501 619 6,16 GA3010 GASCARD INC 501 501 619 646 GAS010 GASCARD INC 501 501 619 646 GAS010 GASCARD INC 501 501 619 646 GASO10 GASCARD INC 501 501 619 646 GTE010 GTE CALIFORNIA 101 153 635 000 GTE010 C=TE CALIFOP,NIA 101 153 635 000 GTE010 ;TE CALIFORNIA 101 153 635 000 GTE010 GTE CALIFORNIA 101 153 635 000 GTEO10 GTE CALIFORNIA 101 153 635 000 GTF010 GIVE CALIFORNIA 101 153 635 000 GTE010 GTE CALIFORNIA 101 153 635 000 GTE010 GTE CALIFORNIA 101 454 635 664 CUII050 BRAD GUMHER 101 253 609 592 HEA030 HEALTH 101 202 617 000 HIGO10 HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC 101 454 703 847 HIG010 HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC 101 454 703 847 HOA010 HUGH HOARD INC 101 357 621 610 HOM030 HOME DEPOT 101 454 703 847 HOM030 HOME DEPOT 101 454 703 847 HOM030 HOME DEPOT 101 454 703 847 HOM030 HOME DEPOT 101 454 703 847 IIGN050 DAWN C HONEYWELL 101 101 601 000 HON050 DAWN C HONEYWELL 405 902 601 000 INV. INVOICE �MiMENI I3.4TCH TRAN NUMBER DESCRIPTION AIdOUNT NO. VENDOR TOTAL 60.00 94607250 90 TABS ANNUAL SVC FEE 816.00 T192 35 VENDOR TOTAL 216.00 78827 JACK ASSY �39.OB T194 61 VENDOR TOTAL 139.08 90004-53 GAS PURCH 105.35 T194 62 90004-51 GAS PURCH 60.57 T194 63 90004-57 GAS PURCH 13.26 T194 64 90004-88 GAS PURCH 2.00 T194 65 90004-48 GAS PURCH 214.62 T194 66 9004-91 GAS PURCH 48.32 T194 67 9004-52 GAS PURCH 170.92 T194 68 9004-51 GAS PURCH 109.13 T194 69 VENDOR TOTAL 724.17 3451329 PHONE SVC MAR 98 32.56 T192 37 5649188 PF014E SVC PLA.R 98 45.20 T192 38 5643127 PHONE SVC IL.AR 98 2908.65 T192 39 5644738 PHONE SVC MAR 98 30.16 T192 40 5640096 PHONE SVC MAR 98 408.46 T192 41 5642067 PHONE SVC MAR 98 30.71 T192 42 7719026 PHONE SVC MAR 98 31.53 T192 43 7713100 PHONE SVC 25.99 T194 70 VENDOR TOTAL 3513.26 INSTRUCTOR/COMPUTERS 1291.50 T194 71 VEI4DOR TOTAL. 1291.50 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION 16.00 T192 44 VEI4DOR TOTAL 16.00 336081 SUPPLIES 4.49 T194 72 336112 SUPPLIES 355.07 T194 73 VENDOR TOTAL 359.56 21306 CIVIC CENTER HVAC 185.96 T194 74 VENDOR TOTAL 185.96 1383933 SUPPLIES -19.61 T194 75 66300001 SUPPLIES 39.02 T194 76 66300001 SUPPLIES 14.71 T194 77 66300001 SUPPLIES 37.64 T194 78 VENDOR TOTAL 71.76 MAR 98 LGL/GENERAL 552.50 T195 163 MAR 98 LGL/GENERAL 303.87 T195 164 1.0 o0onn ACCOU14TS PAYABLE - 'D5O03 CITY OF LA QUINTA VENDOR H011050 DAWN C HONEYWELL HON050 DAWN C HONEYWELL HON050 DAWNN C HONEYWELL HON050 DAWN C HONEYWELL HON05O DAWN C HONEYWELL H0I1O50 DAVIN C HONEYWELL HON05O DAWN C H014EYWELL HON050 DAWN C HONEYWELL HON01,0 C"_47l`1 C HONEY.,'ELL :10NO50 DAWN C HONEYWELL HONO50 DAWN C HONEYWELL 11ONO5O DAWN C HONEYWELL HON05O DAWN C HONEYI,'ELL HOD1050 UAW!I C HONEYWELL HONO50 DAWN C HONEYWELL HON050 DAWN C 11O14EYWELL 11ON050 DA41 C HONEYWELL HONO50 DA'AId C HONEYWELL 11ON050 DAWIT C HONEYWELL H011050 DAWN C HONEYWELL 11ON05O DAWN C HONEY47ELL HON05O DAWN C HONEYWELL HON05O DAWN C HONEYWELL HON05O DAWN C HONEYWELL HOR100 DOD1E HORVITZ HUL010 KATHRYN HULL HUL100 BURCE W HULL & ASSOC ICE050 ICE CHALET ACCOUNT NUMBER 406 905 601 000 Z45 903 601 000 24-1 913 601 000 246 906 601 000 247 916 601 000 101 101 601 000 405 902 601 000 406 905 601 000 245 903 601 000 244 913 601 000 246 906 601 000 247 916 601 000 101 101 601 523 101 101 601 000 101 101 601 523 101 101 601 000 245 903 601 000 2,14 913 601 000 246 906 601 000 247 916 601 000 405 902 601 000 406 905 601 000 101 101 601 523 101 101 601 523 101 000 133 000 101 000 133 000 101 000 261 000 101 253 703 000 IMP010 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 401 632 609 553 IMP010 IMPERIAL, IPPICATIO14 DIST 401 632 609 553 IbF030 114FOPII TION RESOURCES 101 153 603 000 ING050 CARL IHGRAM 101 000 133 000 IIIG050 CARL LNGRAM 101 251 637 000 JRIO50 J & R I14PAGES INC 101 103 643 000 TO -BE PAID INVOICES 07:30A14 04/16/98 PAGE 6 INV. INVOICE PAYMENT BATCH TRAN NUMBER DESCRIPTION !g4OUNT NO. MAR 98 LGL/GENERAL 71.83 T195 165 14AR 98 LGL/GENERAL 38.90 T195 166 MAR 98 LGL/GENERAL 82.65 T195 167 MAR 98 LGL/GENERAL 22.65 T195 168 MAR 98 LGL/GENERAL 32.60 T195 169 MAR 98 LGL/RETAINER 5000.00 T195 170 MAR 98 LGL/RETAINER 2750.00 T195 171 MAR 98 LGL/RETAINER 650.00 T195 172 MAR 98 LGL/RETAINER 352.00 T195 173 MAR 98 LGL/RETAINER 748.00 T195 174 I4AR 98 LGL/RETAINER 205.00 T195 175 MAR 98 LGL/RETAINER 295.00 T195 176 MAR 98 LGL/GEN/KSL/JMP 108.00 T195 177 MAR 98 LGL/ECONOMIC DEV/HCME DE 54.00 T195 178 MAR 98 LGL/WESTERN EAGLE 40.50 T195 179 MAR 98 LGL/ECONOMIC DEV CLARK 2295.00 T195 18D MAR 98 LGL/WILLIAMS 34.56 T195 181 MAR 98 LGL/WILLIAMS 73.44 T195 182 MAR 98 LGL/LOW MOD HSNG 797.04 T195 183 MAR 98 LGL/LOVI MOD HSNG 1146.96 T195 184 MAR 98 LGL/AGENCY BOND i89.0O T195 185 MAR 98 LGL/AGENCY BOND 189.00 T195 186 MAR 98 LGL/TRADITIONS 270.00 T195 187 MAR 98 LGL/PARK LA QUINTA 67.50 T195 188 VENDOR TOTAL 16370.00 TRAVEL ADV/D HORVITZ CAR 150.00 T194 79 VENDOR TOTAL 150.00 TRAVEL ADV/K HULL 100.00 T195 187 VENDOR TOTAL 100.00 981015 APPRAISAL/LA QUINTA NORT 5000.00 T192 69 VENDOR TOTAL 5000.00 SPRING BREAK TRIP CAMP 52.50 T194 80 VENDOR TOTAL 52.50 19820667 ELECTRIC SVC 33.47 T194 81 19820666 ELECTRIC SVC 183.23 T194 154 VENDOR TOTAL 216.70 1044 EMPLOYEE BACKGROUND CHEC 125.00 T192 73 VENDOR TOTAL 125.00 TRAVEL ADV/C INGRAM -150.00 T195 188 CPRS CONF/C INGRAM 254.07 T195 189 VENDOR TOTAL 104.07 12471 ADVERTISING 260.03 T192 74 11 000014 �: %•.c:COUNTS Pi.'i BLE - �.115003 CTTY OF ILS _TTIliTA JENDOF. ACCOUNT NUMBER KLL010 KELL'L 'LEfiFORFu�Z �3EFVICES 101 151 505 534 KSL051 KSL LAND CORPORATION 101 300 441 315 KUN100 RARNI F.UNSMAN 101 251 641 000 LAQ030 LA QUINTA CAR WASH 501 501 619 649 LAR050 GREG LARSON SPORTS 101 253 661 000 LI14050 JA14ES LINDSEY 101 456 6-11 000 L00020 MP.Ril LOGAN LANDSCAPE INC 401 627 609 553 LUB050 I.UBF SHOP 501 501 619 649 LUB050 LURE 2110P 501 501 G19 649 LUC(160 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES 101 153 635 000 LUC070 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES INC 101 153 635 000 719D050 ULRICH LIJD4fIG 101 253 609 592 LUN050 LUNDEEN PACIFIC CORP 101 454 G09 000 LUN050 LUNDEEN PACIFIC CORP 101 454 609 000 LUND50 LUNDEEN PACIFIC CORP 101 454 609 000 LUN050 LUNDEEN PACIFIC CORP 101 454 609 000 LUN050 LUNDEEN PACIFIC CORP 101 454 609 000 LUN050 LUNDEEN PACIFIC CORP 101 454 609 000 MAR040 VIC MARTIN 101 253 609 592 14AZIOO 14AZUR VIDEO PRODUCTIONS 101 102 603 000 14CRO10 MchT3SSON WATER PRODUCTS 101 251 703 882 TO -BE PAID INVOICES 07:30AM 04/16/98 PP.GE 7 INV. -NVOICE P,-' iY LENT BATCH TR.AN NUMBER DESCRIPTION iil40U14T NO. VENDOR TOTAL 260.03 12139697 CONTRACT LABOR 388.80 T192 75 VENDOR TOTAL 388.30 24799 REFUND/TENTATIVE TRACT 2 1750.00 T192 76 VENDOR TOTAL 1150.00 MILEAGE 34.88 T194 82 VENDOR TOTAL :31.8:1 MAR 98 VEHICLE 14AINT 20.85 T194 83 VENDOR TOTAL 20.85 14665 TINY TOT OLYMPICS SUPPLI 64.62 T194 84 VENDOR 'DOTAL 64.62 MILEAGE 184.96 T194 85 VENDOR TOTAL 134.96 7646 ELECTRICAL REPAIRS/LIGHT 105.83 T194 86 VENDOR TOTAL 105.03 98031300 VEHICLE MAINT 38.41 T194 87 98031200 VEHICLE I-AINT 25.7.1 T194 88 VENDOR TOTAL 6.1.15 31542435 PHONE/CITY CLERK SECRETA 520.58 T192 77 VENDOR TOTAL 520.58 48304312 PHONE EQUIP 19.34 T192 78 VENDOR TOTAL 19.34 INSTRUCTOR/COOKING 1050.00 T192 79 VENDOR TOTAL 1050.00 4503 LANDSCAPE MAINT 500.00 T194 89 4502 LANDSCAPE MAINT 409.00 T194 90 4470 LANDSCAPE MAINT 23938.38 T194 91 4505 LANDSCAPE MAINT 1000.00 T194 92 4504 LANDSCAPE MAINT 140.00 T194 93 4491 LANDSCAPE MAINT 275.38 T194 94 VENDOR TOTAL 26262.76 INSTRUCTOR/GOLF 269.50 T192 80 VENDOR TOTAL 269.50 CONTRACT SVCS 350.00 T192 81 VENDOR TOTAL 350.00 8391494- DINKING WATER 59.00 T192 82 12 00001 ) 3[dD02. '.'_COUNT NUMBER cn r0D1iCTS __i 153 703 84 FiI1:F"1-DUCTS _.1 154 (•: p•.:-, '!N17 ,I: II � 11 IIITERNATICNAL _'JI '-53 661 000 :101' 10 -1 '!O91LE• CCh11.1 t 01 153 635 660 'IOU 050 LESLIE MOURQUAND i01 402 637 000 M'IN010 iIUNI FINANCIAL SERV INC 710 000 267 000 MUN010 MUNI FINANCIAL SERV INC 710 000 67 n00 MUN010 MUNI FINA.NCIA.L SERV INC 715 000 267 000 141!N010 6fU1,lI FINANCIAL SERV INC 720 000 267 000 MUN010 :'UNI FINANCIAL SERV II4C -25 000 2u'7 000 MUN010 1111NI FINANCIAL SERV INC 730 000 267 000 NEP010 NEPTUNE ELECTRIC 10. d54 7C3 R 4 7 i9IC100 NICKERSON, DIERCFS & ASSC 401 627 609 000 NIC100 NICEERSON, DIERCKS & ASSC 401 633 609 000 NIC100 NICKER2,ON, DIERCK`; & ASSC 401 641 901 000 i]IC!.CU 1,11CI:ER30N, D1FIR CKS & ASSC 101 622 609 000 IUC]C0 N1CI:ERSOPf, DIERC; ; & ASSC 101 456 603 000 I-IICKER.6CN, DIERCYS & ASSC 101 456 603 000 1;t!11J0 !',Ij 'F.i. ,'ON ^ TTC:1 HEALTH 101 202 65i 000 GU'P100 OUTDOOR SERVICES INC 101 357 609 643 CWE020 OWEN & 2RADLEY 710 000 267 000 PCM050 PC hIAGAZINE 101 151 651 000 PRI020 THE PRINTING PLACE 101 355 703 819 FA.D050 RADIO SHACK 101 355 703 819 RP.I,G50 RALPNS GROCERY CO 101 101 637 000 i'O-HE FAIO I:IVOSCES .. :30AI.1 0.1/16/96 INV. '"VOICE PAYMENT :3ATCH TRPN NUMBER DESCRIPTION F11OUNT Y.O. 8.1958186 DRIMd INC; W,.IFR , 3.95 '.I'194 84956186 nslNic P,'r;?TER _3.94 T194 �6 VENDOR. 'I"T"_L 103Z9i3 SUPPLIES 225.38 T192 i'.3 %-ENDOR TOTAL '�5.38 H3393252 PAGER SVC 84.75 T194 97 VENDOR TC,TAL ?4.75 SAA AP@7UAL DIEETING 90.034 VENDOR TOTAL 0.u0 10846 DEL I•IGHNT SVC 100.00 T192 ",5 10852 DEL MGMNT SVC 371.52 T192 36 10852 DEL MGMNT SVC 598.56 T192 67 10352 DEL MGMNT SVC 361.20 T192 88 10R52 -iEL MGMNT SVC G87.52 T192 A9 10852 DFL DIGIIFI"P SVC 57.�3 _192 90 IENDGR TOTAL 5540 FLECTPIC REPAIRS 287.00 T194 99 VENDOR TOTAL -'37.00 97-027/1 VARIOUS CITYWIDE LANDSCA 130.00 T194 100 97-027/1 PM 10 ST IMPROVEMENTS 260.00 T194 101 97-027/1 DUNE PALMS �3 WWR CROSSIN 455.00 T194 102 97-027/1 EISENHOWER MEDIANS. 390.00 '2194 103 97-027/1 HWY ill MEDIAN LS MOD 195.00 T194 104 97-027/1 MISC ASSIGNED WORK 1305.00 T194 105 VENDOR TOTAL 2795.00 FLr:GAZINE SUBSCRIPTION 15.00 7192 91 VENDOR 'DOTAL 991 FOUNTAIN MAINT 100.00 T194 106 VENDOR TOTAL 100.00 77428300 DELIQ ASSP44TS/F FLORES 150.00 T192 92 VENDOR TOTAL 150.00 SUBSCRIPTION 34.97 T194 107 VENDOR TOTAL 34.97 980521 'EMERGENCY OPERATION TIME 258.60 Ti94 108 VENDOR TCTAL 25 C - 60 033011, EhLER SVC/MOBLIE SCi+NNER '21.56 T194 109 VENDOR TOTAL 221.56 31414 COUNCIL DINNER 92,34 T192 93 000016 13 ti�1,050 RALPHS GROCERY CO 101 102 637 1)00 7,U 5G RALFES GROCERY CO _01 2 3 703 (I)CO RAS020 RAGA - ERIC NELSON I01 1 2 603 000 7,AS020 RASA - ERIC NELSON iGl 452 603 000 RAS020 RASA - ERIC NELSON 101 452 603 000 1'JAS020 P�ASA - ERIC NELSON 101. 452 603 000 RIV017 RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION CO 401 C33 609 553 RIV100 RIVERSIDE COUNT'i SHERIFFS 101 301 609 559 RIV100 FIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF; 101 301 609 575 PIV100 RIVERSIDE COUNTY HERIFFS 101 301 639 562 31`/100 PIVLRSIDE COUNTY SHHERIFF5 LJ1 301 609 568 itIV1n0 RIVERSI➢E COUNTY SHERIFFS 1.01 301 609 565 :- IVI D R1VEF:`IDE COUNTY SHERIFFS 101 301 609 571 R1'J101 RI"d COUid'PY SHERIFF/T NDI0 101 301 609 579 RIV150 P.IV COUNTY TRANSPORTATION 101 154 621 619 FUT050 RUTAN & TUCKER 101 101 601 OCO RUT050 RUTAN & TUCKER 105 902 601 000 R17D50 RUTAN & TUCKER 106 905 601 000 RUT050 RUTAN & TUCKER 245 903 501 000 PUT050 RUTAN & TUCKER 214 91.3 601 000 RUT050 RUTAN & TUCKER 246 906 601. 000 R.UT050 RUTAN & TUCKER 247 916 601 00U RUT050 RUTAN & TUCKER L01 101 601 000 RUT050 RUTAN & TUCKER 246 906 601 000 RUT050 RUT" & TUCKER 247 916 601 000 RUT050 RUTAN & TUCKER 245 903 601 000 RUT050 RUTAN & TUCKER 244 913 601 000 RUT050 RUTAN & TUCKER 101 l0i 601 000 RUT050 RUTAN & TUCKER 101 101 601 000 RUT050 RUTAN & TUCKER 101 101 601 523 FUT050 RUTAN & TUCKER 101 101 601 000 RUT050 RUTAN & TUCKER 101 101 601 523 RUTO50 RUTAN 6 TUC1,EP. 101 ICI 601 523 RUT050 RUTAN & TUCKER 101 101 G01 523 SAI'100 SAFETY DATA SERVICES INC 101 301 609 577 ..-9E P -D rNVOICE rF_r__E L:;V. i.NVOI"7 _.,il ic; [»T PATCH TRAN NUI113ER DESCRIPTION �_M(JUNT NO. 3140731-1 bIEETING 75.90 T192 _. 31401 SLRING BREAK TRIP _'.:1P 1 f�9.94 T1°4 "_10 VENDOR TOTAL _33.3 1335 :LAN CF/TR :'8157-4 165.00 T194 ill 1339 REVIEW LOT LINE P,DJ 93 2. 1650.00 T194 112 1338 FLAN CF/TR 26719 CITRUS 470.00 T194 113 1341 PLAN Cf,/TR 28341 c:SL 170.00 T194 114 VENDOR ICTAL _ ^5. 97006/97 CONSTRUCTION :;VC 56752.20 17194 116 VENDOR TOTAL 56752.20 9814143 LAW ENFORCEMENT M_AR 98 152183.81 T194 117 9814143 LAW ENFORCEMENT ILAR 98 4905.19 T194 118 9314143 LAW ENFORCEIENT Id.AR 98 19251.-) T 19 4 119 981-111143 _.F:W ENFORCEIENT MAR 93 5869.114 'P194 120 9814143 LAW ENFORCEMENT MAR 98 3032.13 T194 121 9B141.13 I,AW ENFORCEMENT !,IAR 98 9799.98 T194 122 VENDOR TOTAL 195041.75 EXTRA DUTY VIP PROG 635.6? 'P194 123 ',JENDOR W)TAL 135.69 SL980053 SIGNAL LIGHT SRVC 6939.00 T194 124 VENDOR TOTAL o939.00 279573 LGL/GENERAL 326.07 T195 190 2-19573 LGL/GENERAL 179.3w T195 191 79573 LGL/GENERAL 42.39 T195 192 279573 LGL/GENERAL, -2.96 T195 193 279573 LGL/GENERAL 48.72 T195 194 279573 LGL/GENERAL T195 195 279573 LGL/GENERAL 19.24 T195 196 279582 LGL/PARC LA QUINTA 166.50 T195 197 279585 LGL/LOW MOD IISNG/CATELLU 101.66 T195 198 279585 LGL/LOW MOD HSNG/CATELLU 1,16.32 T195 199 279584 LGL/CARMEN 205.70 T195 200 279584 LGL/CARMEN 96.80 T195 201 279574 LGL/PERSONNEL 279.00 T195 202 279575 LGL/EMINENT D014AINT 110.80 T195 203 279581 LGL/WESTERN/EAGLE 6927.99 T195 204 279577 LGL/CODE ENFORCEMENT 1,33.52 T195 205 279578 LGL/CODE ENF/RUIR40NDS 1928.22 T195 206 279583 LGL/CODE ENF/VAN DORN 638.14 T195 207 279576 LGL/KSL/JMP 370.19 T195 208 VENDOR TOTAL 11957.01 MAR 98 TRANSCRIPTION SVC 40.39 T194 125 0 on i4 F'tJ .;:COUNT: I'%�'i -•.LLE - .. 0'1 ' GiiDOh-_�CUjJIT' „UI'AEP, 1 c'ii0%5 SCHOI,AST P' ,._OP.TS 101 143 000 ,,,ECO50 SECURITY LI2JF/AMERITECH 101 357 609 610 SECO50 SECURITY LINK/AMERITECH 101 357 609 640 SECO50 SECURITY LINK/AMERITE.CH 101 '53 C,09 610 -EC050 SECURITY LINK/AMERITECH 101 454 609 6.0 SEA016 PALMS CARDENING 101 453 621 616 SIM040 SI1•1PLER LIFE EI ERGEIICY 101 355 703 819 SMOC10 CONNALDA SMOLEFS 101 202 609 592 ,10U007 SOUTHWEST NE7rl0RKS 101 153 703 811 601i007 ::01!T1 Nlti ST NEn-IORKS 101 153 609 601 SOUO07 SOUTHWEST NETAOR-KS 101 153 609 601 ,';OU007 SCUTiF+LEST 111=OR-KS 101 153 609 601 SOU007 SOUTHWEST NETWORKS 101 153 G09 601 SOU007 SOUTIiWP:.S'T NF,TNIORKS 101 153 703 811 7OU010 'OUTHEPAI CALIF GAS SO 101 357 629 000 <0UOIO SOUTHERN CALIF GAS CO 101 202 629 000 SOU100 SOUTHLP.ND INC 101 641 609 000 SPI010 CRISTAL SPIDELL 101 251. 641 000 SPR010 SPRINT 101 153 635 000 SPRO10 SPRINT 101 153 635 000 STA050 STAPLES 101 202 855 000 STA050 STAPLES 101 451 701 000 STA065 STATE HU14ANE ASSN 101 353 703 815 STE020 STEVE'S OFFICE SUPPLY 101 202 701 000 T3-BE PAID IP7VOiCES 07o30AM 04/16/9N FAGE is ?ATCH TRi31 ";UNBFR DESCRIPTION '1MOUNT NO. 'dENIlOR TOTA1. '' 0. 39 O HICH SCH 98 SPRING, S _.'.50 'i'19-1 1 C. '.'ENDOR TOTAL •)9.50 24331789 FIRE ALARh1 S17C CIVIC CTIT -00.77 T194 .::6 14331788 SECURITY ARLARM SVC CVC 211.14 T194 127 :2.43289i•1 ALAR11 SVC 48.59 'T194 128 24328914 ALAR14 SVC 8.58 T194 129 VENDOR TOTAL ;39.08 '805 SWEEPING SVC 50.00 T194 131 VENDOR TOTAL 1`_0.00 13719 VESTS/LETTERING 489.83 T194 132 '.'F'NDOR TOTAL I89.83 [44R 98 INSTRUCTOR/eART '_00.00 T194 1-33 VENDOR TOTAL 11)0.00 9803073 CCiIPUTER SUPPLIES 117.18 T194 135 9803073 COMPUTER SUPPORT 682.5C T194 136 9803068 COMPUTER SUPPORT 632.50 T194 137 9803065 COMPUTER SUPPORT 385.00 T194 138 9803084 COMPUTER SUPPORT 935.00 T194 139 980308.1 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 117.18 T194 140 VENDOR 'DOTAL 2869.36 02692565 GAS SVC 566.68 71192 95 09422738 GAS SVC 77.69 T194 134 VENDOR TOTU 644.37 971266 TECH SVCS/MATERIAL TESTI 502.50 T192 96 VENDOR TOTAL 502.5C MILEAGE (?3.36 T194 141 VENDOR `IGTAL 63.36 84372158 PHONE SVC 879.30 T192 97 IB330139 PHONE SVC 43.00 T192 98 VENDOR TOTAL 922.30 50319118 HP LASERIET PRINTER 861.99 T192 99 80401101 SUPPLIES 57.20 T194 142 VENDOR TOTAL 919.19 27669 ANIMAL LAWS HANDBOOKS 72.64 T192 100 VENDOR TOTAL 72.04 1390305 SUPPLIES 132.87 T195 209 000018 I" v TO-Fi: _..I) INVOICE"• ._CAtd 04/16/9£' 'SIiDOii ._,COUNT :iUP113ER ,TF2,20 �TFVE':; OFFICE SUPPLY 101 201 701 000 Cr'i'E ._PPLY 2G1 0 5TE020 PEV c:' OFFICE SUPPLY iC�l :01 7�,1 (�00 TE020 3'EVE'S �.EFICE SUPPLY 1)1 153 703 802 �TI1GZ0 STE'-T'S OFFICE SUPPLY I-l1 ".ii 701 000 -,TE020 STEVE'S OFFICE SUPPLY 101 2�2 701 000 STEC20 STEVE'S OFFICE SUPPLY 'el 202 701 OQO S'LR(D50 =e,AF.D STREZLCZYI: 101 2,:_ 0i79 539 SUN075 ,UNLIIIE TP-,NSIT AGENCY U01 000 203 219 TAP050 TAIiOE SEASONS RESORT 1G1 251 637 000 TP.R050 TARGET/DA=T)N'S 101 253 661 000 �:__O.'0 'L'P n.IdSP.hLIiRI CA ;.01 �_ 1 609 000 TFJ010 TRI LAI:E CONSULTANTS INC 101 452 603 000 TRI010 Tl2I LAKE CONSULTANTS INC 401 633 609 000 TRI010 TRI L?ii<E CONSULTANTS INC 191 632 C09 000 TRI010 TRI LAKE CONSULTANTS INC 401 641 609 000 'fRI010 'PRI LAME INC .101 633 C09 553 TPI010 TRI I:.",i:i3 ('CNI371LTANTS IIIC ;01 632 6G9 553 TRI010 '7I LAI:E CONSULTANTS INC 401 6,11 609 553 TRI010 TRI I,_•.1;7, CO'iSU:,TATlTS 1::C 101 452 1-1(-,3 070 TR0050 GREG TFOUSDELL 101 402 611 000 TRU010 TRULY NOLEN INC 101 251 G09 637 TRUCiO TRULY NOLEN INC 101 251 609 637 UNDO10 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 101 452 609 595 UNI004 UNITED STATES POSTAL SVC 101 153 645 000 USB100 US BANK 720 000 Z07 000 `ISPO10 U S POSTMASTF.P 101 202 645 000 _I��i. _,1'dOICE _;:11IES9T _e.mCf? TR�.N NUMRER DESCRIPTION r'I011CIT NO. 1391590 '7UPPL1B:= -1.50 T195 210 5�71 e �1vPPLIES ..-0 PL°5 i i _-91J 17 ;ITPILIEL _ 7. 10 T195 :-12 1390717 37.43 1'195 �.13 39I860 SUPPLIES :'5.47 2795 ;'1:1 1391961 SUPPLIES 0.12 '2i95 _391073 SUPPLIES i2.63 T195 21.6 VENDOR TOTAL 365.7 ( Ft: i2ALL 00 ''A91 VENDOR TOTAL -50.00 11887 .SUN BUS PASSES MAR 98 363.00 T195 217 VENDOR TnTi.. '63.OJ yOTEL/CARPD COIdF/D NORVI 1'16.30 T194 144 VENDOR TOTAL 176.00 C9400808 SUPPLIES 219.64 TI92 101 VENDOR TICTAL 219.5I .:4763 ,.E'1'ROSCAN NO SVC 1..-10.75 T192 102 VENDOR TOTAL _40.75 11920 PROP SVC/COUNT INSP 6043.00 I'192 105 11920 PflOF SVC/CONST INSP °87.00 T192 106 11920 PROF SVC/CONST INSP 3192.00 '-,'192 107 11920 PROF SVC/COAST INSP 3549.00 T192 108 11929 COUNT INSPECTION 966.00 '7194 145 119'29 CONST INSPECTION 3507.00 T194 146 11929 CONST INSPECTION -016.00 '1'194 147 S1919 CONST INSPECTION r709.50 T194 148 VENDOR TOTAL -_6974.50 MILEAGE 41.60 T195 218 VENDOR TOTAL 41.60 X0632255 PEST CONTROL SVC 60.00 T194 149 04824397 PEST CONTROL SVC 75.00 T194 150 VENDOR TOTAL 135.00 9B020358 POPULATION CHARGES 230.00 T194 151 VENDOR TOTAL 230.00 11762499 POSTAGE FOR DIETER 2000.00 T192 104 VENDOR TOTAL :000.00 94-60'752 90-1 ANNUAL SVC PEE 1127.66 7192 103 VENDOR TOTAL 1-127.66 POSTAGE STAMPS 64.00 T192 117 000010 '6 r,17 . __OSv `✓P.CAT�O°; ^UBI,IC;tTI OCiS 1'01 :;02 6,1"; f,Dt� VA?.LE7 ANIIIIU CLINIC 101 353 105 -, _DEO DEPOT 101 202 '703 000 0 Vil'IDIG OFFICE TRODUCTS 101 401 701 000 101 202 701 000 -.vii,�10 Finl; PART STORES INC L01 202 703 000 ?LllO 4.-1 i!;Ji TSI'OFiES I11i: 101 202 793 000 _G1n 4.Ir!=.RT S'!'OPTS L7,iC '01 253 703 000 .,_�,.__ _I•.3OL'itd WA.Li:EP tot 402 641 0C,0 ..ERO10 ?:ERO:{ CORPORATION 101 i53 609 61.1 YEL010 YELLOW ISART SPORES '01 454 703 P,27 ,-„^,AM 0;-... �7o17E.�:,aiTr ;LUMBER ..3SCP.ZPTIOh1 -IOU@IT :To. VENDOR TOTAL '=4.00 ;II:GA�IiIE t;UI35CRIPTIG; i-:".� _1°' tl= VF_T SERVICES :1AR 93 a5-00 'L192 110 VENDOR TOTAL ;).00 VIDEOS/MOVIE EVENT 14.73 7194 _52 VENDOR TCTAL •.'3 511631 SUPPLIES 69.46 1'192 111 VENDOR TOTAL _69.46 7040841 dUPPLIES 3.73 T192 113 7040841 3UPPL IES emu. SP, 'i'_92 114 7040841 SUPPLIES 14.43 T192 115 7040252 SUPPLIES _31.96 1'192 116 VENDOR TOTAL i-6-50 ILEr.GE n.56 "'192 112 VENDOR 'FOTnL 06178367 COPIER IhIAI14T L09.23 'P195 219 VENDOR TOTAL 'i09.28 2699 BIP WADDERS °3.t36 P194 153 VE}lDOR TOTAL 53-t'G TO -BE PAID - PAYMENT TOTAL 506,5Ud.i9 17 0000rj 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER CITY OF LA OUTNTP. CHECK CHECI: EHDOR NUM BEP. DATE 110. NAME hh*NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT."" ; 720 04/13/90 CAR200 CARPD Q721 04/13/93 GUZO10 HECTOR GUZMAN _2722 04/13/98 PIZO50 PIZZA HUT 3V7?? 04/13/98 SIM020 DAMES E SIMON CO CHECK TOTAL 11:45AM 04/13/98 PAGE .. PAYMENT AMOUNT 0000211 75.00 36.32 400.00 216343.73 217,355.05 1 8 (; 1 J 'iFNDOR ^.f'COUI•I'C hI0I1DIiR CAR2`0 ' 'Pi'D Ll l 251 (Ill 000 G'UZ010 HECTOR 1;117PIAI4 ]0L d57 641 000 PIZ050 PIZZA HUT 101 251 631 000 .JTiiF,; E :,IMON CO 401 63. 609 551 11:0BAM 04/13/95 T'.-J-DE PAID ;I'IVOIi:E� PA.cr•. L CIV, ll•IVO LCE :'A't r9ENT PATCH 'PRAI4 PIU(-IDER DEOCRIPTION i,AtOUCIT NO. CARPD CONFERENC-7/1) Ik`RVI 75.00 T193 1 VENDOR 9hTAL CIO MILEAGE ?36. 3._ TI93 .- VENDOR, 'PnTAI, 136.32 PT7.ZAS/COMMUNITY PICNIC 400.00 T193 3 VENDOR TOTAL .100.00 7033 AWE 413 KHTENSION :16513.73 T193 4 VENDOR TOTAL 216543.73 TO -DE PAID - PAYMENT TOTAL 217,355.05 19 0001, � A/P - AP6002 CHECKS TO BE VOIDED CITY OF LA OUINTP. 'HECK INVOICE VENDOR VENDOR IIU11BER DATE AMT. PAID NUMBER NAME 32719 04/08/98 200.00 CHI050 CHILDRENS DISCOVERY TOTAL. "OI DFD 200.00 2:34PM 04/10/g8 PAGE 1 INVOICE DESCRIPTION TRIP CAMP/MUSEUM 000,4-3 n ri ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 09:28AM 04/09/98 CITY OF LA QUINTA PAGE 1 CHECK CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT NUMBER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT."- 3271? 04/09/98 CHI050 CHILDRENS DISCOVERY 200.00 CHECK TOTAL 200.00 01_L0A14 0-1/09/98 'IO-BE PP.ID INVOICE;= cC'CCLRIT;; Prl'iAPLf: - %.P500' PAGE 1 ACCOUNT ,PIJ. INVOICE YAYI=FMIT BATCH TR1N IIUMBER ',TTTDVR AI.IOUNT NO. NUP1BgR DESCRIPTION 101 253 703 000 TRIP CAMP/MUSEUM -00.00 TCHI 1 CHI050 C'HILDRENS DISCOVERY VENDOR TOTAL .:'J0.00 TU-BE Pi+ID - FA'a IFNT T�)TAI, 100.00 DOO()�;� 22L� ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 10:14AM 04/06/98 CITY OF LA OUINTA PAGE 1 CHECK CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT NUMBER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 32714 04/06/98 CAL040 CALIFORNIA VISION SERVICE 32715 04/06/98 CAN050 CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO 32716 04/06/98 KUN100 MARNI KUNSMAN 32717 04/06/98 PRI050 PRINCIPAL MUTUAL 32718 04/06/98 TRA030 TRANSAMERICA INSURANCE CHECK TOTAL 930.80 516.93 70.00 37848.51 53.48 39,419.72 0000,)6 2) 3 Z ,`' ,i "CC0UN'T3 PAYABLE - i�1'5003 LA ,izrlDOF. ACCOUNT NUMBER CA?.04O CALIFORNIA VISION SERVICE 101 000 235 000 CP21O5O CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO 101 000 237 000 F.UN1O0 MARNI KUNSMAIJ 101 253 703 000 PRI05O PRINCIPAL MUTUAL 101 000 231 000 PRIO5O PRINCIPAL MUTUAL 101 000 233 000 TRA030 TRANSAMERICA INSURANCE 101 000 237 000 TO -BE PAID INVOICES 1O:01AM 04/06/98 PACE 1 INV. 14VOICE PAYMENT BATCH TRAN IIIUI-113ER DESCRIPTION AI•IOUNT No. 0101944A VISION INS APR 9B 930.80 T19O 5 VENDOR TOTAL 9;0.80 44789 LIFE INS APR 98 516.93 T19O 3 VENDOR TOTAL 516.93 THEATRE TICKETS SFRING B 70.00 T19O 6 VENDOR TOTAL 70.00 1,131070-1 MEDICAL INS APR 98 34,122,71 T190 1 N31070-1 DENTAL INS APR 98 3425.80 T19O VENDOR TOTAL 37348.51 07415000 LIFE INS APR 98 53.48 T190 4 VENDOR TOTAL 53.48 TO -BE PAID - PAYMENT TOTAL 31?,419.72 090049.7 '4 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 3:25PM 04/02/98 ('TTY OF LA OUINTA PAGE 1 CHECK. CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT t•IUMRER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 32677 04/02/98 ABE001 JAQUES ABELS 1_00.00 32678 04/02/98 ATKO10 HONEY J ATKINS 50.00 32679 04/02/98 BEN050 SUSAN BENAY 50.00 32680 04/02/98 BRO010 DIANA BROWN 50.00 32681 04/02/98 BUL100 JAMES BULGRIN 50.00 32682 04/02/98 BUT010 RICHARD BUTLER 100.00 32683 04/02/98 CHAP02 CHARRIE CHAPPIE 100.00 32684 04/02/98 DAV010 MIKE DAVIS 50.00 32685 04/02/98 DET050 JOHN DETLIE 50.00 32686 04/02/98 GAR010 WAYNE GARDNER 50.00 32687 04/02/98 HUL010 KATHRYN HULL 50.00 32688 04/02/98 ING050 CARL INGRAM 50.00 32689 04/02/98 IRWO10 JOSEPH IRWIN 50.00 32690 04/02/98 IRWO20 BARBARA IRWIN 50.00 32691 04/02/98 KEN020 SHARON KENNEDY 100.00 32692 04/02/92 KIR010 TOM KIRK 100.00 '2693 04/02/98 KLE010 MICHELLE KLEIN 50.00 3269i1 04/02/98 LEW010 TOM LEWIS 50.00 32695 04/02/98 MUC050 GLORIA MUCCIOLO -100.00 32696 04/02/98 NAD010 NADLER,KATHRYN 50.00 32697 04/02/98 NAR100 NICOLE NARD 50.00 32698 04/02/98 OSBO50 LEE M OSBORNE CPA 50.00 32699 04/02/9B PUE050 MARIA L PUENTE 50.00 32700 04/02/98 REB050 JOAN REBICH 50.00 32701 04/02/98 REY050 ELAINE REYNOLDS 100.00 J2702 04/02/98 SAN100 MARY SANTOS 50.00 32703 04/02/98 SEA010 B J SEATON 50.00 32704 04/02/98 SHA040 ROSITA SHAMIS 100.00 32705 04/02/98 STJO10 VICTORIA ST JOHNS 50.00 32706 04/02/98 TYLO50 ROBERT T TYLER 100.00 32707 04/02/98 VOI050 ROXANNE VOIGT 50.00 32708 04/02/98 VOS050 JUDY VOSSLER 50.00 32709 04/02/98 WAL075 JOHN WALLING 50.00 32710 04/02/98 WEL100 PATRICK WELCH 50.00 32711 04/02/98 WOL010 KAY WOLFF 50.00 32712 04/02/98 W00050 STEWART WOODARD 100.00 32713 04/02/98 WRI050 ROBERT S WRIGHT 50.00 CHECK TOTAL 2,350.00 �5 O�J0O^8 �i_ -,, a�'C'OUIJ'CS I7t'iAn6G - i..F 500� 7 r d 1 ; ;pp7, bTNDC'R A'_:COCJNT NUNNER 7,131--,001 P,RETI:� 101 4u i 509 000 ATY.010 HONEY J ACRINS 101 251 5011 000 BEN050 SUSAN BENAY inl 751. 509 000 BRO010 DIANA BROWN 101 151 509 000 BUL1OO JAMES BULGRIN 101 151 509 000 DUTO10 RICIIARD TlUTLL•R 101 ,101 509 000 �11AP02 CIAPPIT. CIIAPPIF, 101 401 `i09 000 17AV„ [ 0 t17 F,J: PAV J S 101 251 509 000 DFTO50 :1011N DFTIAF. 101 251 509 000 t.AROIn WAYNP. l,n,Pl)NER 101. 401 509 000 H11I,0in FATNRYII HUIJ, 101 251 509 000 ING050 CARL INGRAM 1,01 251 509 000 IRW010 .10SEPH IRWIN 101 151 509 000 IRWO20 BARB,%R_A IRWIN 101 401 509 000 KENO20 SHARON KENNEDY 101 401 509 000 P:IR.010 TOM RIFT 101 d01 509 000 I:LE()10 I'LEIN 101 401 509 000 TO -BE PAID INVOICES 12:04PP1 04!02/98 PAGE I INV. ;NVO[CC, PAYMENT HATCH TRAN NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT HO. MAR ",l PLANNING COt�@I P1TNG n(I.00 T189 10 VENDOR TOTAL 100.00 MAR 98 C1_JLTURAL COMM MTNG SO.00 T189 23 VENDOR TO'CAS. 50.00 MAR 98 CULTURAL COMM MTNG. 50.00 T189 24 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 MAR 98 16JVES'TMEHT ADVISORY HOAR S0.00 T189 1 VENDOR TOTAL 5C.00 MAR 98 INVESTMENT ADVISORY ROAR 50.00 T189 5 VENDOR TOTAL ':0.00 G1AR 98 FJ.,ANNING COMM MTNG 100.00 ?189 9 VENDOR TOTAL 100.00 MAR 98 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COM 100.00 T189 18 VENDOR TOTAL 100.00 MAR 98 PARKS & REC ('CAAM MTNG 50.00 T189 35 VENDOR TOTAL. 50.00 MAR 98 CULTURAL COW MTNG 50.00 T189 25 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 MAR 98 PLANNING COMM MTNG 50.00 T189 11 VENDOR TOTAL 50. 00 t,IAR 98 CULTURAL COMI.1 t-ITNG 50.00 T189 26 VENDOR 'DOTAL 50.01) MAR 98 PARES & REC COJ•ltM MTNG 50.00 T189 36 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 MAR 98 INVES714ENT ADVISORY HOAR 50.00 T189 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 MAR 98 HISTORICAL PRESERVATION 50.00 11189 15 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 MAR 98 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COM 100.00 T189 21 VENDOR TOTAL 100.00 MAR 98 PLANNING COMM MTNG 100.00 T189 12 VENDOR TOTAL 100.00 MAR 98 ART IN PUBLIC PLACE:; CC) 1M 50.00 T189 19 00002;9 A'COUPPS PAYABLE - AP5001 711)-11F. PAID IIIVOICTI:; "ITC ,IF LA OUIII'i`L VENDOR ---'CC,U [J'C IPTIRE.R INV. iPIVnTCE PAYI-IRNT PATAl TR1N FI Ui]BER DE5C'RII'Ti1)N M101INT NO. Wi--UDnR TVTAI, LEW010 M-1 LEWIF 1"I 15I -'09 U00 IV,B 98 I"RIESTMENT ADPI SOR'i BOA}2 50.00 '1'109 �rNDOR '1Y)TAL °,O.no MUCO") Cll,ORIA PIUCCIULO 1O1 IQ1 5O9 n00 MAR'N7 ART IN PUBLIC [-.AC-; 1-1)11 11,0.u0 VENDOR TOTAL 1U0.00 NADi010 NnDi.F;R,t:ATHRYN 01 251 509 000 MAR 98 CAR.RS F REC C01-114 tITNG 50.00 T189 37 VENDOR 'TOTAL 50.00 11AR1.00 N1011.F. I)ARD 101 353 509 Ono MAR 98 HUMAN SVC COMM 10.00 T189 31 VEDIDOR TOTAL Ci0.00 01;11010 I.I:E 11 TlA 101 151 509 000 MAR 98 IiiVESTMENT ADVISORY ROAR 50.00 T189 4 VENDOR 'IITAL 5 r) . 00 PUE050 MAMA I, I'UENTE.. 101 -101 509 000 iiA.R 98 HIoTOP.ICAL FRESERVA.TION 50.()0 T199 13 VENDOR 'MTAL 50.00 RIS11050 JOAN NEBICH ].OI 1.111 509 000 1tAR 98 UU1411N SvCS L'OD1M t.ITNG "0.00 T189 id VENDOR TOTi�L 50.00 REY050 ELAINE REYNOLDS 101 401 509 000 MAR 98 ART TH PUBLIC PLACES COM 100.00 TI89 17 VENDOR TOTAL 100.00 SA14100 MARY SANTOS 101 351 509 000 MAR 011 UlRdiU1 :;VCS COMM 1IT14G 1)n.00 TI89 10 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 SEA010 B J SEATON 101 4n1 S09 000 CZAR 98 PLANNING COPIM M`CNG 50.00 T189 8 VENDOR TOTAL `,0.00 SHA040 ROSITA SHAI4IS 101 Ml 509 000 MP_R 98 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COM 100.01) T189 16 VENDOR 'I'OTA.L i00.00 3T11010 VICTORIA ST JOHNS 101 351 509 000 MAR 98 HUMAN SVC COPIM PfPIJG 50.00 T189 32 VENDOR TOTAL SU.00 TY1,050 ROBFE'P T TYLFR 101 401 509 000 RAR 98 PLANNING COPM 100.00 T189 VENDOR TOTAL 100.00 V07050 ROXANNE v01(:"I 101 251 509 000 MAR 98 CULTURAL COMM MTNC 50.00 T189 27 VENDOR TOTAL. 50.00 VOS050 JUDY VIMSLER 101 251 509 000 MAR 98 CULTURAL COMM 1-1'TTIG 50.00 T189 28 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 4JALOM JOHN WNLLIN(I 101 401 509 000 MAR 98 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES C014 5U.00 T189 20 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 WEL100 PATRICK 47E1C11 Inj f)n9 000 [tiAR 98 CULTURAL COMM MING 50.00 T189 9 ''7 0000'30 s _CC{iUl'iFS {-AYAB1,E 3 :'Pt' 1 ;.A pULNT'. 'TENDOR ACCOUNT IIIMPER ',)M, ',O Iq, �T,FP 101. 351 1109 000 ; ,. t;'-0 .:TI?:711RT 4A)OP /1BD I01 101 SO'7 000 vlRl,,' ,, L.�Ii�IC1�P t. l9RiR11T 101 :101 ",Y) iMO TO-1'F. E'i�CD lii �il�1 CES i::: 04Ph1 Od/02/�I I NV. LNVOICP F YNENT (LATCH TRA17 HUMBER DESCRIPTION F,! IOUNT NO. VENDOR TOTAL ,C,On tue p 9R HU11AN SVCS CO1161 1ITI41-' SO,00 T1R9 �3 VENDOR TOTAL WAR 98 I'LANPLING COI -Uhl h]TNG 10,1.00 Tl' 6 VENDOR TOTAL :00.00 bAR 9R HISTORICAL PREl E.RVATIOIQ 50.00 T189 ld VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 TO -RE PATD - PAYMENT TOTAL ,3SO.Ol1 00003 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 4:02PM 04/01/98 CITY OF LA OUINTA PAGE 1 CHECK CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT NUMBER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 32672 04/01/98 ANN010 ANNENBERG CENTER AT 50.00 32673 04/01/98 CAL015 CALIF BUILDING OFFICIALS 269.51 32671 04/01/98 HER010 JERRY HERMAN 950.00 32675 04/01./98 PET010 PETTY CASH/CITY LA OUINTA 539.19 32676 04/01/98 WEL025 WELLS FARGO BANKCARD 165.51 CHECK TOTAL 1,974.21 0000302 ,000UNTG PAYABLE --%P5003 _1Tr OF LA QUINTA TPIDOR ,-,NH(l 10 ANNEIIRI=RG CENTI-T AT ACCOUNT HUMMER 101 '.02 6 7 000 �'7,1.O1'i (70 IF IMILDIFIG GFFI('LALS 101 351 637 )00 MJWI0 .r;:17P'i IIF.RPIAN 101 000 133 (100 PETUI0 PP. '71Y l'A(:II/,'rrY LA QUINTA lot 101 617 0ll0 PETO10 PT'1T7 ('ASH/CTTY LA QUTITA 101 102 537 OOO PI, 1'010 i'I"17Y l'A.:-I CITY LA QUINTA 101 253 70l roO I'R'1'0In DI'.TTY 7A.Alj''IT7 LA QUINTA 101 1`,3 6 ? I 00O IETO10 PETTY CASH/CITY LA QUINTA 401 657 605 532 W71,025 FTFLLS FARGO HANRCARD 101 ll,.i 701 000 WELD 5 WELLF PARGO PANRCARD 101 102 637 9n0 'In DE PAID LNVOICES �. iiF'i4 04/01/98 ^AGE 1 iNv. 114110ICE PAYMENT PATCH TFAN NUMBER DEf=CRIPTION 111-IOUDI'1' NO. REGISTRATION/FORUM/SNR H SO.Do T188 6 VENDOR TOTAL .O.00 REGISTRATION/TRAINING IN 269. 138 1� VENDOR 'TOTAL, :'69.51 TRAVEL ADVANCE./J HERMAIN 00 .188 VENDOR TOTAL 9'10.00 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 1l_3.110 "r188 _ PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 1}.SQ T188 2 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 270.16 VAR 3 PETTY CASH PEIM➢UP.�EMFIIT ,i5.G0 T188 1 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 16.13 T188 5 VENDOR TOTAL 42469061 SUPPLIES 4°.9J TIfj 8 12469061 HEETINGS ILS.��"_' T188 VENDOR 2'OTA1. 165. `, 1 TO -BE PAID - PAYMENT 'TOTAL 1,974.%1 000033 3(9 La I r or V AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: April 21, 1998 ITEM TITLE: Transmittal of Treasurer's Report as of February 28, 1998 RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 2 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Transmittal of Treasurer's Report dated February 28, 1998 for the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with California Government Code Section 53645 as amended 1 /1 /86; and is in conformity with City Code 3.08.010 to 3.08.070 Investment of Money and Funds. I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet next month's estimated expenditures. John M. Falcon r, Finance Director 000031 TO: FROM: SUBJECT DATE: T-i'T 4 Zfv Qum& MEMORANDUM La Quinta City Council John Falconer, Finance Director/Treasurer Treasurer's Report for February 28, 1998 April 1, 1998 Attached is the Treasurer's Report for the month ending February 28, 1998. This report is submitted to the City Council each month after a reconciliation of accounts is accomplished by the Finance Department. Cash and Investments: Increase of $3,107,851. due to the net effect of revenues in excess of expenditures. State Pool: Decrease of $2,674,999. due to the net effect of transfers to and from the cash and investment accounts. U.S. Treasury Bills, Notes, Securities and Commercial Paper: Decrease of $6,548,697. due to the net effect of the purchase of 1 Security the maturity of Prime Commercial Paper, 1 T-Note and the monthly adjustment in the amortized value of the investments. Mutual Funds: Increase of $5,292,300. due to the net effect of transfers for debt service payments and interest earned. Total decrease in cash balances $823,545. I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with the California Government Code; and is in conformity with the City Investment policy. As Treasurer of the City of La Quinta, I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet the pools expenditure requirements for the next six months. The City of La Quinta used the Bureau of the Public Debt, First Trust of California Monthly Statement and Bank of New York Monthly Custodian Report to determine the fair market value of investments at month end. ihn M. Falconer' nance Director/Treasurer L 911, ate 000035 � a _ m 'N - )Ko ��'� O @ 3 Q TT TTT TG)�Kfn 00000000�. a a a n a a ln... iA '�.. = to 3 ��< D n o000001<p�.00 co �» $ m �� 3 0 < m d m d m m 3 Pr 5 tom 0' o�m�om�s<3 m 3 a 3°+ a o $ 101 I!�', = a 3 'm. a3 3 3 S n' m 3 rrn n� r-d .15 m. H li°. Ni m.o n 3nwo W� o m E' o' 7 OI . O'. j' n$ N c m a m a aaM 1p p f N Z 40c, IDOL 2,30 i m O ='. A l.3 n�nmN o0 -n m. 'm R m <0CL o li o xm �0 Dmmo ao' m^.090.° m ID. !a, j 03' I; m >> L� om ? O J C N w000 a. a {8} ZO T�� wl Jfo �n r-yz �3 C,, me D CD J07 a l NC/ CC el In. to gn 4. 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V f (Jt V (D I W I 1D N 0 O O CT 0 ) W A co 0 N 10 ,t N w Dt AO +0 co O OD W Tip VO V 0 c' M NtO p 0 �j N N �I 'w V AAOD I+NOoON co CL A Wi W W W AI+ ION+V WA W Ol W_'W V W OD V CDI A N iA�(li�-4 IN j tA O -� <T co III V t0 0(D OW" A_ NV Ito V1OW N- O N V O N +I 0 co M ci Cn co0'O tD 1NIA Q)AO CD O N I v COI fD + 0 N O I O W 0 fD W VA vuuU41 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CITY RDA RDA FA BALANCE SHEET 02/28J98 FIXED LONG TERM FIXED LONG TERM FINANCING LONG TERM GRAND CITY ASSETS DEBT RDA ASSETS DEBT AUTHORITY DEBT TOTAL ASSETS: POOLED CASH 1,322,618.59 5, 630, 892.17 158, 027.09 7,111, 537,85 LORP INVESTMENT IN POOLED CASH 470,000.00 470,000.00 INVESTMENT T-BILUNOTES 8 OTHER 15,000,000.00 15,000,000.00 LORP CASH 4,903.75 4,903,75 BOND REDEMPTION CASH 1,684,117.80 774.44 1,684,892.24 BOND RESERVE CASH 529,687.03 529,68T03 BOND PROJECT CASH 10,239,434,96 598,112,92 10,837,547,88 BOND ESCROW CASH 2.665.99 2,66599 PETTY CASH 1 000.00 1,000 00 CASH& INVESTMENT TOTAL 16,323,618.59 18,561,70170 756,914.45 35,642,23474 INVESTMENT IN LAND HELD FOR RESALE 86,319 85 86,319 85 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 58,150.97 81,257.68 139,408,65 PREMIUM/DISCOUNT ON INVESTMENT (76,054.59) (419.00) 219.69 (76,253,90) LQRP-ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 18,927.78 18,927.78 INTEREST RECEIVABLE 2,383.33 2,383.33 LOANINOTES RECEIVABLE 2,560,500,03 2,560,500.03 DUE FROM OTHER AGENCIES DUE FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTS DUE FROM OTHER FUNDS 173,137.49 551,038.04 724,175.53 DUE FROM RDA 6,890,277.20 6,890,277.20 INTEREST ADVANCE -DUE FROM RDA 1,749,796.16 1,749,796.16 NSF CHECKS RECEIVABLE 4,101.71 4,10171 ACCRUED REVENUE 43,874.22 43,874.22 TRAVEL ADVANCES 3,023.00 3,023.00 EMPLOYEE ADVANCES PREPAID EXPENSES RECEIVABLE TOTAL 8,804,815.27 3,255,178.75 219.69 12,060,213.71 WORKER COMPENSATION DEPOSIT 37,637.00 37,637,00 RENT DEPOSITS UTILITY DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 MISC. DEPOSITS 2,100.00 2,100.00 DEPOSITS TOTAL 39,812.00 39,812.00 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS 693,426.00 14,947,094.00 11,438,745.05 27,079,265.05 ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION (92,351.96) (92,351.96) AMOUNT AVAILABLE TO RETIRE L/T DEBT 2,340,653,00 2,340,653.00 AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED FOR L/T DEBT 350,653.00 91,172,394.86 8,790,000.00 100.313.047,86 TOTAL OTHER ASSETS 601,074.04 14,947,094.00 350,653.00 11,438,745.05 93,5/3,047.86 8,790,000.00 129,640,613.95 TOTAL ASSETS 25369,31990 14,947,094.00 350,653.00 21,903.2M.30 11 438 745.05 93 513 047, 86 757 134,14 8,790,000.00 177 469,194.25 LIABILITY ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (61,632.19) (61,632.19) DUE TO OTHER AGENCIES 577,771.42 577.771.42 DUE TO OTHER FUNDS 551,038.04 173,137.49 724.175.53 INTEREST ADVANCE -DUE TO CITY ACCRUED EXPENSES PAYROLL LIABILITIES 33,743.13 33,743,13 STRONG MOTION INSTRUMENTS 2,397.00 2,397.00 FRINGE TOED LIZARD FEES (2,984.24) (2,984.24) SUSPENSE 29,914.23 29,914.23 DUE TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA PAYABLESTOTAL 640,841.54 489,405,85 173,137.49 1,303,384.88 ENGINEERING TRUST DEPOSITS 88,330.02 88,330.02 SO, COAST AIR QUALITY DEPOSITS ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES DEPOSITS 226,801.82 226,801.82 LORP DEPOSITS 14,751.00 14,751.00 DEVELOPER DEPOSITS 811,627.30 811.627.30 MISC. DEPOSITS 76,191.12 76,191.12 AGENCY FUND DEPOSITS 1,053,737.20 1,053,737.20 TOTAL DEPOSITS 2,256,687.46 14,751.00 2,271,438.46 DEFERRED REVENUE OTHER LIABILITIES TOTAL COMPENSATED ABSENCES PAYABLE 350,653.00 350,653.00 DUE TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA 8,572,573.99 8,572,573.99 DUE TO COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 12,320,655.87 12.320,655,87 DUE TO C.V. UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST. 11,270,808.00 11,270,808.00 DUE TO DESERT SANDS SCHOOL DIST. 569,010.00 569,010.00 BONDS PAYABLE 60 780 000.00 8,790,000.00 69,570,000.00 TOTAL LONG TERM DEBT 350,653.00 93,513,047.86 8,790,000.00 102,653,700.86 TOTAL LIABILITY EQUITY -FUND BALANCE TOTAL LIABILITY 3 EQUITY 2,897,529.00 350,653.00 504,156.85 22,871,790.90 14,947,094.00 21,399,043.45 11,438,745.05 93,513,047.86 173,137.49 8,790,000.00 106,228,524.20 583, 996.65 71, 240, 670.05 25,769,319.90 14,947,094.00 350,653.00 21,903,200.30 11 438 745.05 93 513 047.86 757 134.14 8,790,000.00 177,469,194.25 00004? ',�� Lo, Wiwi Ira#= COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: April 21, 1998 ITEM TITLE: Approval of a request by the Boys and Girls Club for an Affordable Housing Agreement for 5th Year Funding by and between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and Building Horizons RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 3 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve the Affordable Housing Agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign the necessary documents and appropriate the $210,000 from Redevelopment Project Area No. 1 Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The program as outlined in the Agreement, will require an expenditure of up to $210,000; the Agreement, however, provides that the Agency shall be repaid up to $150,000 at the close of escrow when the two single family dwellings are sold. The source of these funds will be the Agency's Project No. 1 Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: In 1994, The Agency entered into a Disposition and Development Agreement with the Building Horizons Program to facilitate the construction and sale of two single family homes to low or moderate income households. Subsequent to this Agreement, the Agency has entered into an Affordable Housing Agreement for each year since 1995 to provide assistance with the program. To date, the houses constructed have all been sold. The houses currently under construction for this years' program currently have buyers identified and are being pre -qualified for the loan. As the program has been successful, Building Horizons is requesting continuance of this program for the 1998/99 year. This Agreement is attached (Attachment 1) for your consideration. CCJH.001 000043 FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: Options available to the Agency are: 1. Approve the Agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign the necessary documents and approve the appropriation of the necessary fund; 2. Deny the request; or, 3. Provide direction to staff. Herm�n munit Development Director CCJH.001 1998/99 AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, AND BUILDING HORIZONS, CON'C.BDH AGENCY DEVELOPER 000045 G'-)3 I Il. II Table of Contents [100] SUBJECT OF AGREEMENT ........................................ 1 A. [101] Purpose of Agreement ........................................ 1 B. [102] The Redevelopment Plan ...................................... 1 C. [103] The Site...................................................I D. [104] Parties to the Agreement ...................................... 2 1. [105] The Agency..........................................2 2. [106] The Developer ........................................ 2 3. [107] Prohibition Against Change in Ownership, Management and Control of Developer and Prohibition Against Transfer of the Site............................................2 E. [108] Representations by the Developer ............................... 3 [200] AGENCY ASSISTANCE ........................................... 4 A. [201] Acquisition and Construction Financing .......................... 4 B. [202] Conditions Precedent to the Funding of Acquisition Financing ........ 4 C. [203] Home Buyer Loan and Second Trust Deed ........................ 5 D. [204] Acquisition of the Site ........................................ 5 E. [205] Escrow....................................................6 F. [206] Conveyance to Eligible Persons and Families ...................... 7 [300] DEVELOPMENT OF THE SITE ...................................... 7 A. [301] Development of the Site ....................................... 7 1. [302] Scope of Development .................................. 7 2. [303] Site Plan.............................................8 3. [304] Review and Approval of Plans, Drawings, and Related Documents ..........................................................8 4. [305] Cost of Development ................................... 9 5. [306] Construction Schedule .................................. 9 6. [307] Indemnity, Bodily Injury and Property Damage Insurance ...... 9 7. [308] City and Other Governmental Agency Permits .............. 10 8. [309] Rights of Access ..................................... 10 9. [310] Local, State and Federal Laws ........................... 10 10. [311] Anti -Discrimination ................................... 10 11. [312] Taxes and Assessments ................................ 11 B. [313] Prohibition Against Transfer of the Site, the Buildings or Structures Thereon and Assignment of Agreement ......................... 11 Ce [314] Right of the Agency to Satisfy Other Liens on the Site(s) After Title Passes....................................................11 D. [315] Certificate of Completion .................................... 11 CONT.BDI I 000046 IV. [400] USE OF THE SITE...............................................12 A. [401 ] Affordable Housing ......................................... 12 B. [402] Uses In Accordance with Redevelopment Plan; Nondiscrimination .... 19 C. [403] Effect of Violation of the Terms and Provisions of this Agreement After Completion of Construction ................................... 20 D. [404] Maintenance of the Site ...................................... 21 V. [500] DEFAULTS AND REMEDIES ...................................... 21 A. [501] Defaults -- General .......................................... 21 B. [502] Legal Actions..............................................21 1. [503] Institution of Legal Actions ............................. 21 2. [504] Applicable Law ...................................... 22 3. [505] Acceptance of Service of Process ........................ 22 C. [506] Rights and Remedies Are Cumulative ........................... 22 D. [507] Inaction Not a Waiver of Default ............................... 22 E. [508] Remedies and Rights of Termination ........................... 22 1. [509] Damages............................................22 2. [510] Specific Performance .................................. 23 3. [511 ] Right of Termination by the Developer .................... 23 4. [512] Termination by the Agency ............................. 23 F. [513] Remedies of the Parties for Default After Closing of the Acquisition Escrow...................................................24 1. [514] Termination and Damages .............................. 24 VI. [600] GENERAL PROVISIONS .......................................... 24 A [601] Notices, Demands and Communications Between Parties ........... 24 B. [602] Conflicts of Interest ......................................... 24 C. [603] Enforced Delay; Extension of Times of Performance ............... 24 D. [604] Non -Liability of Officials and Employees of the Agency and the Developer.................................................25 E. [605] Entire Agreement, Waivers ................................... 25 VII. [700] TIME FOR ACCEPTANCE OF AGREEMENT BY AGENCY .....................................................................26 CONT.BDH 000044 G 0 5 ATTACHMENTS Attachment No. 1 Scope of Development Attachment No. 2 Schedule of Performance Attachment No. 3 Developer Promissory Note Attachment No. 4 Developer Deed of Trust Attachment No. 5 Declaration of Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions Attachment No. 6 Certificate of Completion Attachment No. 7 Maximum Sales Price Example Attachment No. 8 Certificate of Proposed Transferee Attachment No. 9 Notice of Intent to Transfer Attachment No. 10 Request for Approval of Proposed Transferee Attachment No. 1 I Assumption Agreement CONT.BDI l 000049 006 AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT This Affordable Housing Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body corporate and politic (the "Agency") and BUILDING HORIZONS, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation (the "Developer"). The Agency and the Developer (collectively referred to as the "Parties") hereby agree as follows: I. [100] SUBJECT OF AGREEMENT A. [101] Purpose ofA,greement The purpose of this Agreement is to effectuate the Redevelopment Plan (as hereinafter defined) for the La Quinta Redevelopment Project (the "Project") by providing for the improvement of certain property situated within the Project Area of the Project (the "Project Area"), by assisting in the financing of the acquisition and development of two parcels (the "Site") situated within the Project Area, including the completion of a single-family home on each parcel and the long-term maintenance of such housing at an affordable housing cost for persons and households of low and moderate -income, all as more fully described in this Agreement. The Agency financial assistance in this Agreement shall be utilized to effectuate a portion of the Agency's overall affordable housing program pursuant to the requirements of California Health and Safety Code Section 33334.2 to expend twenty percent (20%) of its increment funds to improve, increase and preserve the community's supply of low- and moderate housing. The acquisition and development of the Site and the occupancy of the units as developed by households of limited incomes all as provided in this Agreement are in the vital and best interests of the City of La Quinta (the "City") and the health, safety and welfare of its residents, and in accord with the public purposes and provisions of applicable state and local laws and requirements under which the Project has been undertaken. B. [102] The Redevelopment Plan The Redevelopment Plan for Project Area No. I (the "Redevelopment Plan") was approved and adopted by Ordinance No. 43 of the City Council of the City of La Quinta on November 29, 1983 and amended by Ordinance No. 258 on December 20, 1994 and Ordinance No. 264 on March 7, 1995; said ordinance as amended and the Amended Redevelopment Plan are incorporated herein by reference. C. [103] The Site The "Site" shall consist of two parcels of real property within the Project Area in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside. The Site shall be acquired by the Developer. A maximum of two (2) detached, single-family homes will be developed on the Site (one on each parcel) in accordance with the "Scope of Development" and by the times set forth in the "Schedule of Performance," which are attached hereto as Attachment Nos. 1 and 2, respectively, and incorporated herein by reference. CONTADH 000049 C,07 Any material change, as reasonably determined by the Agency, in the Scope of Development (Attachment No. 1) or in the approved site plan which affects the size, quality, or type of development proposed for one or more of the parcels shall require the written approval of the Agency, which approval may be contingent upon the review and renegotiation of all of the economic and financial terms of this Agreement and such other matters as the Agency shall deem appropriate. D. [104] Parties to the Agreement [105] The Agency The Agency is a public body, corporate and politic, exercising governmental functions and powers and organized and existing under Chapter 2 of the Community Redevelopment Law of the State of California, Division 24 of the California Health and Safety Code, the principal office of the Agency is located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California 92253, or such other address as Agency shall hereafter designate in writing to Developer. "Agency", as used in this Agreement, includes the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and any and all assignees of or successors to its rights, powers and responsibilities. 2. [106] The Developer The Developer, Building Horizons, is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation. The principal office and mailing addresses of the Developer for purposes of this Agreement is P.O. Drawer 10320, Indio, California 92202. By executing this Agreement, each person signing on behalf of the Developer warrants and represents to the Agency that the Developer has the full power and authority to enter into this Agreement, that all authorizations required to make this Agreement binding upon the Developer have been obtained, and that the person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of the Developer are fully authorized to do so. Whenever the term "Developer" is used in this Agreement, such term shall include any and all nominees, assignees, or successors in interests as herein provided. 3. [107] Prohibition Against Change in Ownership, Management and Control of Developer and Prohibition Against Transfer of the Site The qualifications and identity of the Developer are of particular interest to the Agency. It is because of these qualifications and identity that the Agency has entered into this Agreement with the Developer. Consequently, no person, whether a voluntary or involuntary successor of Developer shall acquire any rights or powers under this Agreement nor shall the Developer assign all or any part of this Agreement or the Site without the prior written approval of CONT.BDI1 2 the Agency. A voluntary or involuntary sale or transfer of any interest in the Developer of the Site prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion for the Improvements with respect to such Site shall be deemed to constitute an assignment or transfer for the purposes of this Section 107, and the written approval of the Agency shall be required prior to effecting such an assignment or transfer. Any purported transfer, voluntarily or by operation of law, except with the prior written consent of the Agency, shall render this Agreement absolutely null and void and shall confer no rights whatsoever upon any purported assignee or transferee. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion for the Improvements, the Developer shall not, except as permitted by this Agreement, assign or attempt to assign this Agreement or any rights or duties herein, nor make any total or partial sale, transfer, conveyance, or assignment of the whole or any part of the Site or the Developer Improvements thereon, without the prior written approval of the Agency. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, Agency approval of an assignment or this Agreement or transfer of the Site or any interest therein shall not be required in connection with the conveyance or dedication of any portion of the Site to the City of La Quinta or other appropriate governmental agency, including public utilities, where the granting of such easements permits or facilitates the development of the Site. This Section 107 shall become inapplicable for each Site as to which the Agency has issued a Certificate of Completion pursuant to Section 316 of this Agreement. E. [108] Representations by the Developer The Developer represents and warrants to the Agency as follows: 1. The Developer is duly established and in good standing under the laws of the State of California and has duly authorized, executed and delivered this Agreement and any and all other agreements and documents required to be executed and delivered by the Developer in order to carry out, give effect to, and consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. This Agreement is enforceable against the Developer in accordance with its terms. 2. The Developer does not have any contingent obligations or contractual agreements which could adversely affect the ability of the Developer to carry out its obligations hereunder. 3. There are no pending or, so far as is known to the Developer, threatened, legal proceedings to which the Developer is or may be made a party or to which it or any of its property is or may become subject, which have not been fully disclosed in the material submitted to the Agency, which could adversely affect the ability of the Developer to carry out its obligations hereunder. 4. There is no action or proceeding pending or, to the Developer's best knowledge, threatened, looking toward the dissolution or liquidation of the Developer and there is no action or proceeding pending or, to the Developer's best knowledge, threatened by or against the Developer which could affect the validity and enforceability of the terms of this Agreement, or adversely affect the ability of the Developer to carry out its obligations hereunder. CONT.BDH 3 000051 5 . The Developer has, and will as required by its obligations hereunder, dedicate, allocate and otherwise make available, sufficient financial and other resources to perform its obligations under this Agreement. Each of the foregoing items 1 to 5, inclusive, shall be deemed to be an ongoing representation and warranty and shall survive the close of escrow for the Site(s). The Developer shall advise the Agency in writing if there is any change pertaining to any matters set forth or referenced in the foregoing items 1 to 5, inclusive. II. [200] AGENCY ASSISTANCE The "Agency Assistance" shall be comprised of two components: (1) acquisition and construction financing, and (2) second trust deed assistance for the low or moderate income buyer. A. [201] Acquisition and Construction Financing (I) Agency shall provide financing in a total amount not to exceed of Two Hundred and Ten Thousand Dollars ($210,000) for the acquisition of both parcels of the Site and the complete construction of both housing units by Developer pursuant to the terms of the Scope of Development (Attachment No. 1), the Schedule of Performance (Attachment No. 2) and the Developer Promissory Notes and Developer Deed of Trusts (Attachments Nos. 3 and 4, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference); (ii) Each parcel shall have a separate Developer Promissory Note and Developer Deed of Trust; (iii) Agency Funds for each Developer Promissory Note in an amount not to exceed $105,000 for each of the housing units shall be dispersed directly to escrow for the acquisition costs portion and the remaining amount shall be disbursed according to a combination of a construction schedule and invoice documentation to be approved by the Agency Executive Director; (iii) The Developer Promissory Note for each property of the Site shall bear no interest and shall be due and payable upon the sale of the corresponding lot to an Eligible Person or Family as defined in Section 401. B. [202] Conditions Precedent to the Funding of Acquisition Financing Prior to and as conditions to funding any portion of the Developer Promissory Note, the Developer shall complete each of the following by the respective times established therefor in the Schedule of Performance (Attachment No. 2): the Developer shall not be in default of this Agreement; 2. the Developer provides to the Executive Director insurance certificates conforming to Section 308 of this Agreement; coNI ADH 4 �! 3. the Developer shall have executed and deposited with escrow for delivery to the Agency the Developer Promissory Note for each lot (Attachment No. 3); 4. the Developer shall have executed and deposited with escrow for recordation and delivery to the Agency the Declaration of Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions concerning the use of and maintenance of the Site for each lot (Attachment No. 5) and the Developer Deed of Trust for each lot; and The foregoing items numbered 1 to 5, inclusive, together constitute the "Conditions Precedent to the Agency funding of the acquisition portion of the Developer Promissory Note." C. [203] Home Buyer Loan and Second Trust Deed Home Buyer Assistance funds shall be in the form of a promissory note ("Buyer Promissory Note") secured by a second trust deed ("Buyer Second Trust Deed") to assure the affordability of the housing unit to low and moderate income buyers as defined in Section 401 hereof. The amount of second trust deed funds available shall be determined at the time of qualifying the proposed low or moderate income buyer of the unit. The final amount shall be approved by the Executive Director in compliance with the Agency Board's goals and policies for its affordable housing program. The basic form of the Buyer Promissory Note and the Buyer Second Trust Deed shall be that form currently approved for use by the Agency for its affordable housing program at the time of the sale of the units to the buyers. The form may need revision at a staff level to be current with Fannie Mae, HUD or other government or lender requirements. Basic terms of the Buyer Promissory Note shall include: (1) zero percent interest; (ii) 30-year term; (iii) no payments due unless sale to a nonqualified buyer triggers payment under equity share provision; (iv) assumability to a qualified buyer, and (v) full credit of all payments at end of term if all conditions, covenants and restrictions have been followed. The Agency Assistance has been funded from the Agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. Accordingly, Developer acknowledges and agrees that the use of the Site shall be subject to all of the income and affordability restrictions set forth in this Agreement, and the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (Attachment No. 5). D. [204] Acquisition of the Site The Developer will acquire a fee simple marketable interest to the Site. The cost of the Developer to acquire each parcel, including consideration payable to owners, relocation benefits or assistance, escrow charges, premiums for title insurance and other closing costs, appraisal fees, preliminary title reports, reasonable attorneys fees, and other related charges shall be approved in advance by the Executive Director and included in the site cost calculation as allowable costs to be advanced under the Developer Promissory Note dispersement schedule as approved by the Executive Director. CONI AD11 5 000053 E. [205] Escrow The Developer agrees to open an escrow or escrows (the "Acquisition Escrow(s)") with Dixie Escrow Co., or with another mutually agreeable escrow company (the "Escrow Agent"), by the time established therefor in the Schedule of Performance (Attachment No. 2). This Agreement constitutes the lenders escrow instructions for the financing of the Site acquisition and a duplicate original of this Agreement shall be delivered to the Escrow Agent upon the opening of the Acquisition Escrow. The Escrow Agent is hereby empowered to act under this Agreement, and the Escrow Agent, upon indicating within five (5) days after the opening of the Acquisition Escrow its acceptance of the provisions of this Section 205, in writing, delivered to the Agency and the Developer, shall carry out its duties as Escrow Agent hereunder. The Agency shall pay into the Acquisition Escrow the total amount of the purchase price for each lot in the Site and the following fees, charges and costs for each lot promptly after the Escrow Agent has notified the Agency of the total amount of such purchase price, fees, charges and costs, but not earlier than ten (10) days prior to the scheduled date for closing the Acquisition Escrow: The Escrow fee; and 2. Cost of drawing the grant deed; 3. Recording fees; 4. Notary fees; The title insurance policy; and 6. Any transfer tax and any state, county or city documentary stamps. The Escrow Officer shall notify the Agency when all outstanding documents including the grant deed to the Developer, the Developer Trust Deed and the Declaration of Conditions Covenants and Restrictions have executed and submitted to Escrow by the applicable party. The Agency shall provide the funds pursuant to the Developer Promissory Note directly to Escrow within three (3) business days of the notice by Escrow that all other contingencies to the closing have been met and the above documents are ready to record. The Escrow Agent is authorized to utilize the Agency funds provided pursuant to the Developer's Promissory Note for the above acquisition costs on the condition of the immediate recording of the Developer's Deed of Trust (Attachment No. 4) and the Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (Attachment No. 5) after recording of the grant deed vesting title in the Developer's name. CONT.BDH 6 00005 �'�`� All funds received in this Acquisition Escrow shall be deposited by the Escrow Agent, with other escrow funds of the Escrow Agent in an interest -earning general escrow account or accounts with any state or national bank doing business in the State of California. Such funds may be transferred to any other general escrow account or accounts. All disbursements shall be made by check of the Escrow Agent. If this Acquisition Escrow has not closed within three working days of the receipt by Escrow of the Agency funds then said funds shall be returned to the Agency unless written authorization to retain the funds is provided by the Agency Executive Director. Any amendment to these lender's escrow instructions shall be in writing and signed by the Agency. At the time of any amendment, the Escrow Agent shall agree to carry out its duties as Escrow Agent under such amendment. The liability of the Escrow Agent in the capacity of escrow holder with respect to the Agency is limited to performance of the obligations imposed under it under this Section 205 of this Agreement. F. [206] Conveyance to Eligible Persons and Families At such time as the Developer conveys each parcel of the Site to Eligible Persons and Families, it shall assure that the Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (Attachment No. 5) remain of second seniority to the lien of any financing, and that the Second Deed of Trust is recorded in a second lien position, behind the lien securing purchase money financing. The conveyances of lots shall be accomplished by grant deed which sets forth the affordability and nondiscrimination provisions in the form to be approved by the Agency Executive Director and Agency Counsel prior to transfer of property to Eligible Person or Family. IL [300] DEVELOPMENT OF THE SITE A. [301] Development of the Site [302] Scope of Development Each parcel of the Site shall be developed as a detached, single-family housing unit as provided in the Scope of Development (Attachment No. 1). The development of the Site shall include both public improvements and private improvements on the Site and public improvements off -site required in the normal course of City review by the City associated with the development of the Site (collectively, the "Improvements"). Upon close of the Acquisition Escrow, the Developer shall commence and complete construction of the Improvements for each individual lot of the Site by the respective times established therefor in the Schedule of Performance (Attachment No. 2). CONT.BDI I 7 000055 C 13 The Scope of Development (Attachment No. 1) shall include any plans and specifications submitted to the City and/or Agency for approval, and shall incorporate or show compliance with all mitigation measures. 2. [3031 Site Plan By the time set forth therefor in the Schedule of Performance (Attachment No. 2), the Developer shall prepare and submit to the City for its approval a Site Plan and related documents which conform to requirements of the City and which contain the overall plan for development of the Site in sufficient detail to enable the City to evaluate the proposal for conformity to the requirements of the La Quinta Municipal Code and this Agreement. The Site shall be developed as established in this Agreement and such documents, except as changes may be mutually agreed upon between the Developer and the Agency. Any such changes shall be within the limitations of the Scope of Development (Attachment No. 1). The landscaping and finish grading plans shall be prepared by a professional landscape architect or registered civil engineer who may be the same firm as the Developer's architect or civil engineer. During the preparation of all drawings and plans, staff of the City and the Agency and the Developer shall hold regular progress meetings to coordinate the preparation of, submission to, and review of drawings, plans and related documents by the City. The staff of City and the Agency and the Developer shall communicate and consult informally as frequently as is necessary to insure that the formal submittal of any documents to the Agency can receive prompt and speeding consideration. 3. [3041 Review and Approval of Plans, Drawings, and Related Documents The Agency and the City shall have the right of planning, including plan check, review of all plans and submissions, including any changes therein. During each stage of the processing of plans for the Improvements, the Agency and the City shall have the right to require additional information and shall advise the Developer if any submittal of plans or drawings is not complete or not in accordance with City/Agency procedures. If the Agency or the City determines that such a submittal is not complete or not in accordance with procedures, such tender shall not be deemed to constitute a submittal for purposes of satisfying the Schedule of Performance (Attachment No.2). If the Developer desires to make any substantial changes in the construction plans after their approval by the Agency and the City, the Developer shall submit the proposed change to the Agency and the City for their approval. If the construction plans, as modified by the proposed change, conform to the requirements of this Section 305 and the Scope of Development (Attachment No. 1), the Agency and the City will approve the proposed change and notify the Developer in writing within thirty (30) days after submission to the Agency and the City. CONI'.BDH g 0000 IJ" T i 4. [305] Cost of Development All costs for planning, designing, and constructing the Improvements shall be borne exclusively by the Developer. The Developer shall also bear all costs related to discharging the duties of the Developer set forth in this Agreement. The Developer assumes the responsibility to construct, and shall let contracts for or cause to be constructed, all off -site public improvements developed pursuant to this Agreement, substantially in conformity with procedures used by the Agency when competitive bidding is deemed to be required. The Developer shall be responsible for all fees associated with development of the Improvement, including, but not limited to, school facilities fees and impact fees. 5. [306] Construction Schedule The Developer shall commence and complete the Improvements by the respective times established therefor in the Schedule of Performance (Attachment No. 2). 6. [307] Indemnity, Bodily Injury and Property Damage Insurance The Developer shall defend, assume all responsibility for and hold the Agency and the City, and their respective officers, agents and employees, harmless from all claims or suits for, and damages to, property and injuries to persons, including accidental death (including attorneys fees and costs), which may be caused by any of the Developer's activities under this Agreement, whether such activities or performance thereof be by the Developer or damage shall accrue or be discovered before or after termination of this Agreement. The Developer shall take out and maintain during the life of this Agreement a comprehensive liability policy in the amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) combined single limit policy, including contractual liability, as shall protect the Developer, the City, and the Agency from claims for such damages. Coverage shall be primary and not contributing with any policy or coverage maintained by or obtained by the Agency, and an appropriate endorsement shall so state. The policy shall contain a waiver of subrogation. Insurance coverage furnished by the Developer pursuant to this Section 308 shall conform to this Section 308 and shall pertain to all activities on the Site and adjacent public rights -of -way surrounding the Site and all work on off -site public improvements. Developer shall furnish or cause to be furnished to the Agency a certificate of insurance from the insurer evidencing compliance with this Section 308 and providing that the insurer shall not change or modify the policy without thirty (30) days' prior written notice to Agency. In the alternative, Developer may show proof of a certificate of consent to self -insure issued by the Director of Industrial Relations according to California Labor Code Section 3800. The Developer additionally agrees to and shall save the Agency and the City and their officers, employees and agents harmless from and assume all responsibility for any and all liability or responsibility for damage, costs losses, or suit arising in any manner from the approval of this Agreement or the development and activities conducted pursuant to this Agreement. This obligation and indemnification shall constitute a covenant running with the land throughout the life of the Redevelopment Plan. UO0JS�' CONT.BDIi 9 1 7. [308] City and Other Governmental Agency Permits Before commencement of construction or development of any buildings, structures or other works of improvement upon the Site or in connection with any off -site improvement, the Developer shall, at its own expense, secure or cause to be secured any and all permits which may be required by the City or any other governmental agent affected by such construction, development or work. It is understood that the Developer's obligation is to pay all necessary fees and to timely submit to the City final drawings with final corrections to obtain building permit; the Agency will, without obligation to incur liability or expense therefor, use its best efforts to expedite issuance of building permits and certificates of occupancy for construction that meet the requirements of the City Code. 8. [309] Rights of Access For purpose of assuring compliance with this Agreement, representatives of the Agency and the City shall have the right of access to the Site without charges or fees, at normal business hours during the period of this Agreement for the purposes of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the inspection of the work being performed in constructing the Improvements, so long as they comply with all safety rules. Such representatives of the Agency or of the City shall be those who are so identified in writing by the Executive Director of the Agency. The Agency shall hold the Developer harmless from any bodily injury or related damages arising out of the activities of the Agency and the City as referred to in this Section 310. 9. [310] Local, State and Federal Laws The Developer shall perform under this Agreement and carry out its performance under this Agreement, including without limitation the construction of the Improvements, in conformity with all applicable federal and state laws and local ordinances, including all applicable federal and state labor standards, as to the Site, provided, however, Developer and its contractors, successors, assigns, transferees, and lessees are not waiving their rights to contest any such laws, rules or standards. 10. [311] Anti -Discrimination Pursuant to Section 33435 and 33050 of the California Community Redevelopment Law, the Developer for itself and its successors and assigns, agrees, that in the construction of Improvements on the Site or other performance under this Agreement, the Developer will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of sex, marital status, race, color, religion, ancestry, or national origin. 000058 G 1_ Ci CONT.BDH 10 l 1. [312] Taxes and Assessments After the Agency Conveyance the Developer shall pay prior to delinquency all real estate taxes and assessments on the Site so long as the Developer retains any interest thereon. Prior to the Developer Conveyance, the Developer shall remove or have removed any levy or attachment made on any of the Site or any part thereof, or assure the satisfaction thereof within a reasonable time but in any event prior to said sale or transfer. Notwithstanding the above, the Developer shall have the right to contest the validity or amounts of any tax, assessment, or encumbrance available to the Developer in respect thereto. B. [313] Prohibition Against Transfer of the Site, the Buildings or Structures Thereon and Assignment of Agreement Except as to the sale of any home to an owner -occupant in accordance with this Agreement, the Developer shall not, except as may be expressly permitted by this Agreement, without prior approval of the Agency, make any total or partial sale, transfer, conveyance of, or enter into any assignment or ground lease of or refinance the whole or any part of the Site or of the buildings or structures on the Site. This prohibition shall not be deemed to prevent the granting of temporary or permanent easements or permits to facilitate the development of the Site or to prohibit or restrict the sale of "Restricted Units" to "Eligible Persons or Families" (as defined in Section 401) in conformity with Section 401 of this Agreement. C. [314] Right of the Agency to Satisfy Other Liens on the Site(s) After Title Passes After the Agency Conveyance and prior to the completion of construction, and after the Developer has had written notice and has failed after a reasonable time, but in any event not less than forty-five (45) days, to challenge, cure, adequately bond against, or satisfy any liens or encumbrances on the Site which are not otherwise permitted under this Agreement, the Agency shall have the right but no obligation to satisfy any such liens or encumbrances. Notwithstanding the above, the Developer shall have the right to contest the validity or amounts of any tax, assessment, or encumbrance available to the Developer in respect thereto. D. [315] Certificate of Completion Promptly after the completion of all of the Improvements and their sale to Eligible Persons or Families (as defined in Section 401 hereof) in conformity with this Agreement (as determined by the Executive Director of the Agency), upon the written request of the Developer relating only to those Site as to which construction has been completed in accordance with this Agreement the Agency shall furnish the Developer with the Certificate of Completion (in the form attached hereto as Attachment No. 6) which evidences and determines the satisfactory completion of the construction, development and sale to an Eligible Person or Family, as to any single-family home, pursuant to the provisions and covenants specified in this Agreement, the Redevelopment Plan and the California Community Redevelopment Law. CONT.BDH 11 00003" ' J, I' The issuance and recordation of a Certificate of Completion (Attachment No. 6) with respect to the Improvements shall not supersede, cancel, amend or limit the continued effectiveness of any obligations relating to the maintenance, or uses, or payment of monies, or any other obligations, except for the obligation to complete construction of the Improvements as of the time of the issuance of such applicable certificate. If the Agency refuses or fails to furnish a Certificate of Completion after written request from the Developer, the Agency shall, within forty-five (45) days of the written request, provide the Developer with a written statement of the reasons the Agency refused or failed to furnish such Certificate of Completion. Upon issuance of a Certificate of Completion (Attachment No. 6) for the Improvements, construction of such Improvements as to any single-family home shall be deemed to have been completed in conformity with this Agreement. The Certificate of Completion (Attachment No. 6) is not a notice of completion as referred to in Section 3093 of the California Civil Code. The issuance of a Certificate of Completion shall not affect the continued effectiveness of the Developer Deed of Trust (Attachment No. 4) and the Declaration of Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (Attachment No. 5) recorded pursuant to this Agreement. IV. [400] USE OF THE SITE A. [401 ] Affordable Housing Number of Units. Developer shall develop two (2) detached, single-family homes (the "Restricted Units") within the Project Area and shall develop all on -site and off -site public improvements connected therewith, all as described and set forth in the Scope of Development (Attachment No. 1). Developer shall restrict each of the units for sale to a Low or Moderate Income Household pursuant to the applicable income and affordability provisions contained herein. The Developer further covenants and agrees that the above -referenced occupancy, ownership and affordability requirements shall bind and be enforceable against the Site for the period of thirty (30) years commencing with the acquisition of each respective parcel by the Developer with the simultaneous recording of the Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (Attachment No. 5). 2. Definitions. (a) "Affordable Housing Cost" shall be that purchase price which would result in maximum monthly housing payments for a thirty (30) year mortgage for that portion of the purchase price which is to be paid in the form of loan proceeds under currently prevailing mortgage loan rates or the interest rate of any below -market mortgage program for which such purchaser has obtained a first trust deed loan, for the low or moderate income group calculated pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 50052.5, which sets forth the following formula: CONT.BDH 12 000060 1 ti Lower Income Households - whose gross incomes exceed the maximum income for very low income households and do not exceed seventy percent (70%) of the area median income adjusted for family size, the product of thirty percent (30%) times seventy percent (70%) of the area median income adjusted for family size appropriate for the unit. In addition, for any lower income household that has a gross income that equals or exceeds seventy percent (70%) of the area median income adjusted for family size, it shall be optional for any state or local funding agency to require that affordable housing cost not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the gross income of the household. Moderate Income Households - not less than twenty-eight percent (28%) of the gross income of the household, nor more than the product of thirty-five percent (35%) times the greater of one hundred ten percent (110%) of area median income adjusted for family size appropriate for the Affordable Unit, or the gross income of the household for households earning greater than one hundred percent (110%) and not more than one hundred twenty percent (120%) of the area median income adjusted for family size. (b) "Affordability Period" shall be thirty (30) years from the date of transfer to an Eligible Person or Family. (c) "Eligible Person or Family" shall mean any person or family who meets the income qualifications for Moderate Income Households. (d) "Lower Income Household" shall mean a household earning not greater than eighty percent (80%) of Riverside County median income, as determined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development from time to time, as set forth in Health and Safety Code Section 50093. (e) "Moderate Income Household" shall mean a household earning not greater than one hundred twenty percent (120%) of Riverside County median income, as determined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development from time to time, as set forth in Health and Safety Code Section 50093. (f) "Owner" shall mean Developer and any successor in interest of Developer to any lot of the Site except where a provision of this Agreement expressly excludes Developer from the definition of owner. (g) "Proposed Transferee" shall mean a person or family determined to be an Eligible Person or Family to whom the Developer or any successor Owner desires and proposes to Transfer a Restricted Unit. (h) "Purchase Housing Cost" or an Eligible Person or Family purchasing a Restricted Unit shall include all of the following associated with that Restricted Unit, estimated or known as of the date of their proposed sale of the Restricted Unit: coNT.BDI I 13 (.100n61 CIJ (i) Principal and interest on a mortgage loan including any rehabilitation loans, and any loan insurance fees associated therewith. property improvements. (ii) Property taxes and assessments. (iii) Fire and Casualty insurance covering replacement value of (iv) Any homeowner association fees. Monthly housing cost of a purchaser shall be an average of estimated costs for the next twelve (12) months. (1) "Restricted Unit" shall mean a dwelling unit, which shall be a single- family residence, subject to the restrictions of this Agreement (including, without limitation, the Declaration of Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (Attachment No. 5)). (j) "Sales Price" shall mean all sums paid by a purchaser to a seller for, or in conjunction with, the acquisition of a Restricted Unit, including the purchase price designated in any purchase agreement, consideration for personal property and all other costs and fees paid by the purchaser to or for the benefit of the seller. (k) "Transfer" shall mean any sale, assignment, conveyance, lease or transfer, voluntary or involuntary, of any interest in a Restricted Unit. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Transfer shall include (i) a transfer by devise, inheritance or intestacy to a party who does not meet the definition of Eligible Person or Family; (ii) a life estate; (ill) creation of a joint tenancy interest; (iv) a gift of all or any portion of a Restricted Unit; or (v) any voluntary conveyance of a Restricted Unit. Transfer shall not include transfer to a spouse in a dissolution proceeding; however any subsequent Transfer shall be subject to this restriction. (1) "Transferee" shall mean any natural person or entity who obtains ownership or possessory rights in a Restricted Unit pursuant to a Transfer. 3. Sales of Restricted Units. Developer agrees that Developer shall sell each Restricted Unit to an Eligible Person or Family at an Affordable Housing Cost (the "Developer Conveyance") and that during the Affordability Period each subsequent resale of a Restricted Unit by the then -Owner thereof shall be to an Eligible Person or Family at an Affordable Housing Cost. Developer agrees that the Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (Attachment No. 5) giving effect to the foregoing restriction shall be recorded against each lot of the Site concurrently with the Acquisition Escrow. Developer agrees to commence to market each Restricted Unit not later than the completion of construction of each Restricted Unit; each Restricted Unit shall be sold to an Eligible Person or Family prior to issuance of a Certificate of Completion as to any such Restricted Unit for purposes of Section 322 hereof. CONC.BDH 14 000062 For purposes of satisfying the requirement that all of the Restricted Units shall be occupied by Eligible Persons or Families: (a) an individual or family who qualifies as an Eligible Person or Family at the time he or she first takes title to a Restricted Unit will be deemed an Eligible Person or Family as long as he or she continues to hold title to such Restricted Unit even though the Eligible Person or Family subsequently ceases to meet the income or other requirements of an Eligible Person or Family, and (b) when an Owner releases title to a Restricted Unit, such unit will be considered as occupied by an Eligible Person or Family if it is held vacant and available for such occupancy until title is transferred to another Eligible Person or Family, at which time the status of the new Owner as an Eligible Person or Family is to be determined. 4. Restrictions on Transfer by Sale of the Restricted Property or Any Restricted Unit. (a) For the duration of the Affordability Period, Developer, for itself and any subsequent Owner, hereby subjects the Site to certain restrictions and limits the price at which Developer or any other Owner may sell and/or resell the Site and the persons to whom Developer or any other Owner may sell the Site. (b) DEVELOPER AND ANY OTHER OWNER UNDERSTANDS THAT THE DETERMINATION OF THE SALES PRICE CAN BE MADE ONLY AT THE TIME OF THE PROPOSED TRANSFER, TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION INTEREST RATES, PROPERTY TAXES AND OTHER FACTORS THAT CANNOT BE ACCURATELY PREDICTED AND THAT THE SALE PRICE PERMITTED HEREUNDER MAY NOT INCREASE OR DECREASE IN THE SAME MANNER AS OTHER SIMILAR REAL PROPERTY WHICH IS NOT ENCUMBERED BY THIS RESTRICTION. DEVELOPER AND ANY OTHER OWNER FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE THAT, AT ALL TIMES IN SETTING THE SALES PRICE, THE PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF THE AGENCY AND THIS AGREEMENT IS TO PROVIDE HOUSING TO ELIGIBLE PERSONS OR FAMILIES AT AFFORDABLE HOUSING COST. THE SALES PRICE MAY BE LESS THAN OTHER SIMILAR PROPERTIES WHICH HAVE NO RESTRICTIONS. Developer's Initials (c) Transfer of a Restricted Unit. Developer and any successor Owner may transfer a Restricted Unit only in strict accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Specifically, during the Affordability Period, Owner may transfer a Restricted Unit (i) only to an Eligible Person or Family and (ii) only if the Purchase Housing Cost does not exceed Affordable Housing Cost for the Eligible Person or Family; and (iii) only if the Transfer has previously been approved in writing by the Agency. CONT.BDI I 15 000063 s In order to comply with this Subsection 4(c), Developer and any successor Owner must calculate the Affordable Housing Cost for the Proposed Transferee of the Restricted Unit in accordance with the definition set forth in Subsection 2(a) of this Section 401. After calculating the Affordable Housing Cost for the Proposed Transferee, the Owner must ensure that the sum of the Sales Price and all costs listed in the definition of Purchase Housing Cost set forth in Subsection 2 of Section 401 does not exceed that Affordable Housing Cost. The Calculation of the Sales Price under this Subsection 4(c) is illustrated by example in Attachment No. attached hereto. (d) In the event that after a good faith effort as defined in the Buyer Promissory Note, the successor Owner is unable to obtain an Eligible Person or Family to transfer the Restricted Unit, then after the required notice to and approval by the Agency Executive Director the owner may sell the Restricted Unit to a noneligible party subject to the equity share provisions of the Buyer Promissory Note and the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions would be released. (e) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section 401, at close of the Developer Conveyance Escrow transferring the Restricted Unit from the Developer to the Proposed Transferee (the "Initial Owner"), the Initial Owner shall execute a Buyer's Promissory Note as approved by the Executive and Agency Counsel which Promissory Note shall be secured by a Second Deed of Trust. The Buyer's Promissory Note shall be non -interest bearing. The principal amount shall be equal to the amount of the Agency Assistance necessary for the Individual or Family to qualify for the Lender's loan and ensure the affordability requirements are met as approved by the Executive Director in accordance with the Agency's affordable housing program policies. The Note Amount shall be due and payable according to its terms including any applicable equity sharing provision. However, should the Initial Owner transfer the Restricted Unit to an Eligible Person, Family at Affordable Housing Cost, the Transferee shall assume the Developer Promissory Note (Attachment No. 3) and Agency shall extend the due date of the Note Amount until the next Transfer of the Restricted Unit. The foregoing provisions will apply to every successive Transfer during the Affordability Period. 5. Process to Complete Transfer by Sale of Restricted Units. Upon the Transfer by sale of a Restricted Unit, the following procedures shall apply: (a) Notice to City: Owner shall send to the Agency in care of the La Quinta Housing Department (or its successor), at P.O. Box 1504, La Quinta, California 92253, the forms attached hereto as Attachment Nos. 9 and 10 fully completed and executed by the Owner and the Proposed Transferee (the "Notice of Intent to Transfer" and "Approval Request"). (b) Qualification of Proposed Transferee. No Transfer shall occur unless and until determination is made based on the Certificate in the form of Attachment No. 8 attached hereto ("Certificate") and attachments thereto, that the Proposed Transferee (i) intends to occupy the Restricted Unit as the Proposed Transferee's principal residence and (ii) is an Eligible Person or Family. Each Proposed Transferee shall submit a Certificate to the Developer certifying its intent with regard to the occupancy of the Restricted Unit and as to the truth and accuracy of all CONT.BD11 16 000064 information supplied as to the Gross Income (calculated as set forth in 25 Cal. Code of Regs., Section 6914) of the Proposed Transferee ("Proposed Transferee's Certificate"). Developer or subsequent owner shall certify pursuant to Attachment No. 8 hereof the information provided on the Proposed Transferee's Certificate pursuant to direction on that Certificate. Developer or subsequent owner shall be entitled to rely on the information on the Proposed Transferee's Certificate and attachments thereto in making the determination required by this subsection 5(b) unless the Developer or subsequent owner has knowledge of, or a reasonable basis for belief as to the inaccuracy or falsehood of the Proposed Transferee's Certificate. (c) The Sales Price for the Restricted Unit shall not exceed the maximum price at which the Purchase Housing Cost to be paid by the Proposed Transferee would not exceed Affordable Housing Cost. The calculation of the Sales Price under this subsection is illustrated by example in Attachment No. 7 attached hereto. However, in determining Affordable Housing Cost, the family size of the Proposed Transferee shall be deemed to be persons in the case of a 1 bedroom, 3 persons for a 2 bedroom, 4 persons for a 3 bedroom, or 5 persons for a 4 bedroom Restricted Unit. If the actual family size of the Proposed Transferee is larger, then the actual family size shall be used. (d) Certificates from Parties. With respect to each sale of a Restricted Unit, Developer or subsequent owner shall submit to the Agency, not later than four (4) weeks prior to close of escrow on the sale of a Restricted Unit, a certificate that (I) the Developer or subsequent owner has made the affirmative determinations required by Section 4(a) above and (ii) the Sales Price conforms with Section 4(b) above. The Developer or subsequent owner shall concurrently submit to the Agency the Proposed Transferee's Certificate and all attachments thereto and all other documents or material with regard to information required by Sections 4(a) and/or (b) above, whether or not relied on by the Developer. Further, the Developer or subsequent owner and Proposed Transferee each shall certify in writing, in a form acceptable to the Agency, that the Transfer shall be closed in accordance with, and only with, the terms of the sales contract and other documents submitted to and approved by the Agency and that all consideration delivered by the Proposed Transferee to Developer or subsequent owner has been fully disclosed to the Agency. The written certificate shall also include a provision that, in the event a Transfer is made in violation of the terms of this Agreement or false or misleading statements are made in any documents or certificate submitted to the Agency for its approval of the Transfer, the Agency shall have the right to file an action at law or in equity to seek termination and/or rescission of the sales contract and/or declare the sale void, notwithstanding the fact that the Transfer may have closed and become final as between Developer or subsequent owner and its Transferee. In the event Developer for the initial transfer or subsequent owner for each following transfer fails to comply with Sections 4(a) or 4(b) above, any costs, liabilities or obligations incurred by the Developer or subsequent owner and its Transferee for the return of any monies paid or received or for any costs and legal expenses, shall be borne Jointly and severally by the Developer and its transferee and such parties shall hold the City and Agency harmless and reimburse their expenses, legal fees and costs for any action and City and/or Agency take in enforcing the terms of this Section 401. (e) Execution of Promissory Note and Second Deed of Trust. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, at close of Escrow of the sale of the Housing Unit from the Developer to the Buyer, the Buyer shall execute a Buyer Promissory Note which shall be secured by a Second Deed of Trust. Said Second Deed of Trust shall be subordinate CONT.RDH 17 0 0 0 0 V-5 to any mortgage(s) obtained by the Owner for the purpose of securing funds to be applied to the Sales Price of the Housing Unit. The Buyer Promissory Note shall be non -interest bearing. The principal amount of the Promissory Note shall be an amount equal to the amount actually given as cash plus an Agency Equity Share Amount which becomes applicable only in the event that the Buyer is unable after good faith efforts to find an Eligible Person or Family to transfer the home at Affordable Housing Cost. In the event that the Buyer has provided the Agency with evidence of their good faith efforts then Agency may approve the sale to a nonqualified buyer and release the covenants by receiving in addition to the cash amount originally provided the additional Agency Equity Amount as provided under the terms of the Buyer Promissory Note. So long as the Transferee purchasing the Housing Unit from the Owner is an Eligible Person or Family and the Sale of the Housing Unit is made at a price which is not in excess of Affordable Housing Cost, the Transferee shall assume the obligations of the Owner under the Promissory Note and Second Deed of Trust to repay the Agency Equity pursuant to the Promissory Note by execution of an assumption agreement in the form set forth as Attachment No. 11 of this Agreement, together with other written documentation satisfactory to the Agency, and Agency shall extend the due date of the Agency Equity pursuant to the Note Amount until the next Transfer of the Housing Unit by said Transferee. At such next Transfer, the Agency will again extend the due date of the Agency Equity pursuant to the Note Amount if the Sale or Transfer complies with the requirements of this Section. So long as each Transferee from the Owner and each subsequent Owner: (1) is an Eligible Person or Family, (2) acquires the Housing Unit at an Affordable Housing Cost, and (3) assumes the obligations of the predecessor Owner as aforesaid; then the Agency agrees to extend the due date of the Agency Equity pursuant to the Note Amount and the transferring Owner shall not be required to pay the Agency Equity potion of the Note Amount upon transfer of the Housing Unit. The Agency Equity payment requirement is intended as a penalty against the Owner, to capture a portion of the equity in the Restricted Property for the benefit of the Agency/Holder, in the event that the Owner makes a sale of the Restricted Property to a Buyer that is not an Eligible Person or Family. This equity recapture requirement is intended to be a cumulative remedy, together with all other remedies available to the Agency/Holder to compensate for the removal of the affordable housing covenants of the Grant Deed and this Agreement on the Housing Unit, to compensate the Agency for the administrative costs of operating the housing program of the Agency and to provide funds to the Agency to further assist low and moderate income persons in the provision of housing. In the event the equity recapture provisions of the Promissory Note are found by a court or administrative agency of competent jurisdiction to be in contravention of law or administrative regulation, the Applicable Percentage shall be reduced to the maximum percentage allowable by applicable law or administrative regulation, or may be otherwise modified by judicial decree or order so as to comply with applicable law. (f) Written Consent of Agency Required Before Transfer. During the Affordability Period the Restricted Property or the Restricted Unit, as the case may be, and any interest therein, shall not be conveyed by any Transfer except with the express written consent of the Agency, which consent shall be given only if the Transfer is consistent with the Agency's goal of creating, preserving, maintaining and protecting housing in the City of La Quinta for Eligible Persons CONT.C3DI1 18 000066 and Families and shall be in accordance with the provisions of this subsection 5. This provision shall not prohibit the encumbering of title for the sole purpose of securing financing of the purchase price of the Restricted Unit. (g) Delivery of Documents. Upon the close of the proposed Transfer, the Owner and Transferee, as applicable, shall provide the Agency with a certified copy of the recorded Assumption Agreement, a copy of the final sales contract, settlement statement, escrow instructions, all certificates required by this subsection 5 and any other documents which the Agency may request. 6. Covenants of Owner. The Owner of each Restricted Unit by acceptance of a deed to the Restricted Unit covenants and agrees that, at all times during the Affordability Period, its Restricted Unit will be continuously occupied by Owner as its principal residence, and shall not be rented, subleased, or subject to any other business arrangement, whereby consideration shall be paid by any occupant of a Restricted Unit to the Owner of the Restricted Unit; provided, if the Restricted Unit is occupied by an Eligible Person or Family, the family members whose income was considered in determining the eligibility of that family may make monetary contributions toward the Purchase Housing Costs of the Restricted Unit. Owner agrees that it shall not record or cause the recordation of any deed of trust (a "Further Encumbrance") securing a note having an original principal sum which, when added to the sum of the principal amount(s) of any notes secured by any deeds of trust against the Restricted Property as of the date of recordation of the Further Encumbrance, exceeds the fair market value of the Restricted Property. B. [402] Uses In Accordance with Redevelopment Plan; Nondiscrimination The Developer covenants and agrees for itself, its successors, its assigns, and every successor in interest to the Site or any part thereof that the Developer and such successors and assignees, shall devote the Site to the uses specified in the Redevelopment Plan, the Grant Deed (Attachment No. _), the Declaration of Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (Attachment No. 5) and this Agreement for the periods of time specified therein. The foregoing covenants shall run with the land. The Developer covenants by and for itself and any successors in interest that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of any person or group of persons on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin or ancestry in the sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of the Site, nor shall the Developer itself or any person claiming under or though it establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, subtenants, sublessees or vendees of the Site. The foregoing covenants shall run with the land. The Developer shall refrain from restricting the rental, sale or lease of the property on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin or ancestry of any person. All such deeds, leases or contracts shall contain or be subject to substantially the following nondiscrimination or nonsegregation clauses: CONT.BDH 19 000061 1. In deeds: "The grantee herein covenants by and for himself or herself, his or her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, and all persons claiming under or through his or her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin or ancestry in the sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of the land herein conveyed, nor shall the grantee himself or herself or any person claiming under or though him or her, establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, subtenants, sublessees or vendees in the land herein conveyed. The foregoing covenants shall run with the land." 2. In leases: "The lessee herein covenants by and for himself or herself, his or her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, and all persons claiming under or through him or her, and this lease is made and accepted upon and subject to the following conditions: "There shall be no discrimination against or segregation or any person or group of persons on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, ancestry or national origin in the leasing, subleasing, transferring, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of the premises herein leased nor shall the lessee himself or herself, or any person claiming under or through him or her, establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, sublessees, subtenants or vendees in the premises herein leased." 3. In contracts: "There shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person, or group of persons on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, ancestry or national origin, in the sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of the premises, nor shall the transferee himself or herself or any person claiming under or through him or her, establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, subtenants, sublessees or vendees of the premises." The covenants established in this Agreement and the deeds of conveyance for the Site shall, without regard to technical classification and designation, be binding for the benefit and in favor of the Agency, its successors and assigns, the City and any successor in interest to the Sites, together with any property acquired by the Developer pursuant to this Agreement, or any part thereof. The covenants against racial discrimination shall remain in effect in perpetuity. C. [403] Effect of Violation of the Terms and Provisions of this Agreement After Completion of Construction The Agency is deemed the beneficiary of the terms and provisions of this Agreement and of the covenants running with the land, for and in its own rights and for the purposes of protecting the interests of the community and other parties, public or private, in whose favor and for whose benefit this Agreement and the covenants running with the land have been provided. The Agreement and the covenants shall run in favor of the Agency, without regard to whether the Agency CONT.BDH 20 000068 C,`-r► has been, remains or is an owner of any land or interest therein in the Site or in the Project Area. The Agency shall have the right, if this Agreement or covenants are breached, to exercise all rights and remedies, and to maintain any actions or suits at law or in equity or other property proceedings to enforce the curing of such breaches to which it or any other beneficiaries of this Agreement and covenants may be entitled. D. [404] Maintenance of the Site The Developer shall maintain the improvements on the Site in conformity with the La Quinta Municipal Code and the requirements of the Declaration of Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (Attachment No. 5), and shall keep the Site free from any accumulation of debris or waste materials. The Developer shall also maintain the landscaping required to be planted under the Scope of Development (Attachment No. 1) in a healthy and attractive condition. If, at any time, Developer fails to maintain the Site or any portion thereof, and said condition is not corrected as soon as reasonably possible after written notice from the Agency, either the Agency or the City may perform the necessary maintenance and Developer shall pay such costs as are reasonably incurred for such maintenance. Upon the close of each Developer Conveyance, the Developer's obligations under this Section 404 with respect to such Site shall be assumed by the Transferee of such Site. This covenant shall run with the land and shall remain in effect for the term of the Redevelopment Plan. V. [500] DEFAULTS AND REMEDIES A. [501] Defaults -- General Subject to the extensions of time set forth in Section 603, failure or delay by either party to perform any term or provision of this Agreement constitutes a default under this Agreement. A party claiming a default shall give written notice of default to the other party, specifying the default complained of and the actions required to correct such default. Except as otherwise expressly provided in Sections 509 and 509 of this Agreement, the claimant shall not institute proceedings against the other party if the other party within thirty (30) days from receipt of such notice immediately, with due diligence, commences to cure, correct or remedy such failure or delay and shall complete such cure, correction or remedy as soon as reasonably practicable after receipt of such notice. B. [502] Legal Actions [503] Institution of Legal Actions In addition to any other rights or remedies and subject to the restrictions in Section 501, either party may institute legal action to seek specific performance of the terms of this Agreement, or to cure, correct or remedy any default, to recover damages for any default, or to obtain CONT.BDII 21 any other legal or equitable remedy consistent with the purpose of this Agreement. Such legal actions must be instituted in the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California, in an appropriate municipal court in that county, or in the Federal District Court in the Central District of California. 2. [504] Applicable Law The laws of the State of California shall govern the interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement. [505] Acceptance of Service of Process In the event that any legal action is commenced by the Developer against the Agency, service of process on the Agency shall be made by person service upon the Executive Director or in such other manner as may be provided by law. In the event that any legal action is commenced by the Agency against the Developer, service of process on the Developer shall be made by personal service upon any officer or director of the Developer and shall be valid whether made within or without the State of California or in such other manner as may be provided by law. C. [506] Rights and Remedies Are Cumulative Except as otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the parties are cumulative, and the exercise by either party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the other party. D. [507] Inaction Not a Waiver of Default Any failures or delays by either party in asserting any of its rights and remedies as to any default shall not operate as a waiver of any default or of any such rights or remedies, or deprive either such party of its right to institute and maintain any actions or proceedings which it may deem necessary to protect, assert or enforce any such rights or remedies. E. [508] Remedies and Rights of Termination [509] Damages If either party defaults with regard to any of the provisions of this Agreement, the non -defaulting party shall serve written notice of such default upon the defaulting party. If the default is not cured or commenced to be cured by the defaulting party within forty-five (45) days after service of the notice of default (or within such other period as is set forth herein), the defaulting party shall be liable to the other party for any damages caused by such default. CONT.BD11 22 o () o W1, 0 0 2lT 2. [510] Specific Performance If either party defaults under any of the provisions of this Agreement, the non - defaulting party shall serve written notice of such default upon the defaulting party. If the default is not cured and/or commenced to be cured by the defaulting party within forty-five (45) days of service of the notice of default, or such other time limit as may be set forth herein with respect to such default, the non -defaulting party as its option may thereafter (but not before) commence an action for specific performance of terms of this Agreement. 3. [511 ] Right of Termination by the Developer In the event that the Agency does not fund the portion of the Developer Promissory Note for the acquisition costs in the manner and condition, and by the date established in this Agreement and the Schedule of Performance (Attachment No. 2), and any such failure shall not be cured within thirty (30) days after written demand by the Developer then, at the option of the Developer, upon written notice thereof to the Agency, all provisions of this Agreement shall terminate and be of no further force and effect; thereafter, neither the Agency nor the Developer shall have any further rights against or liability to the other with respect to this Agreement. Notwithstanding the above, developer would be entitled to the return of any Acquisition Deposit for a site not transferred pursuant to Section 202 herein. Note: 4. [512] Termination by the Agency In the event that prior to the Agency funding of the Developer Promissory (a) The Developer (or any successor in interest) assigns or attempts to assign the Agreement or any rights therein or in the Site(s) in violation of this Agreement; or (b) There is a charge in the ownership of the Developer contrary to the provisions of Section 107(a) hereof; or (c) The Developer does not submit certificates of insurance, construction plans, drawings and related documents as required by this Agreement, in the manner and by the dates respectively provided in this Agreement therefor, and such default or failure shall not be cured or commenced to be cured within forty-five (45) days after the date of written demand therefor by the Agency; or (d) The Developer fails to satisfy the Conditions Precedent to the Conveyance by the time established therefor in the Schedule of Performance (Attachment No. 2); or (e) The Developer is otherwise in default under this Agreement and such failure is not cured or commenced to be cured within thirty (30) days of demand therefor by the Agency; CON"I-BDH 23 then, at the option of the Agency, upon such written notice thereof to the Developer as may be set forth above, this Agreement shall be terminated, and thereafter neither party shall have any further rights or liability against the other under this Agreement. F. [513] Remedies of the Parties for Default After Closing of the Acquisition Escrow [514] Termination and Damages After the Close of the Acquisition Escrow, if the Developer or the Agency defaults with regard to any of the provisions of this Agreement, the nondefaulting party shall serve written notice of such default upon the defaulting party. If the default is not cured or commenced to be cured (and diligent efforts toward curing the default) by the defaulting party within thirty (30) days after service of the notice of default, the defaulting party shall be liable to the other party for any damages caused by such default. VI. [600] GENERAL PROVISIONS A [601] Notices, Demands and Communications Between Parties Written notices, demands and communications between the Agency and the Developer shall be sufficiently given if delivered by hand or dispatched by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to the principal offices of the Agency and the Developer at the addresses specified in Section 105 and 106, respectively. Such written notices, demands and communications may be sent in the same manner to such other addresses as either party may from time to time designate by mail as provided i this Section 601. Any written notice, demand or communication shall be deemed received immediately if delivered by hand and shall be deemed received on the tenth (loth) day from the date it is postmarked if delivered by registered or certified mail. B. [602] Conflicts of Interest No member, official or employee of the Agency shall have any personal interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, nor shall any member, official or employee participate in any decision relating to the Agreement which affects his personal interests or the interests of any corporation, partnership or association in which he is directly or indirectly interested. No member, official or employee of the Agency shall be personally liable to the Developer, or any successor in interest, in the event of any default or breach by the Agency, or for any amount which may become due to the Developer or successor or on any obligations under the terms of this Agreement. C. [603] Enforced Delay; Extension of Times of Performance In addition to specific provisions of this Agreement, performance by either party hereunder shall not be deemed to be in default, and al performance and other date specified in this Agreement shall be extended, where delays or defaults are due to: war; insurrection; strikes; lockouts; riots; floods; earthquakes; fires; casualties; acts of God; acts of the public enemy; epidemics; quarantine restrictions; freight embargoes; lack of transportation; governmental coNT.BDIi 24 0000721 C",3�) restrictions or priority; litigation; unusually severe weather; inability to secure necessary labor, materials or tools; delays of any contractor; subcontractor or supplier; acts or omissions of the other party; acts or failures to act of the City of La Quinta or any other public or governmental agency or entity (other than the acts or failures to act of the Agency which shall not excuse performance by the Agency); or any other causes beyond the control or without the default of the party claiming an extension of time to perform. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, an extension of time for any such cause shall be for the period of the enforced delay and shall commence to run from the time of the commencement of the cause, if notice by the party claiming such extension is sent to the other party within thirty (30) days of the commencement of the cause. Times of performance under this Agreement may also be extended in writing by the mutual agreement of Agency and Developer. Notwithstanding the foregoing portion of this Section 603, the Developer is not entitled pursuant to this Section 603 to an extension of time to perform because of past, present, or future difficulty in obtaining suitable construction financing for the development of the Site or because of the physical condition or suitability of the Site for the purposes of this Agreement. D. [604] Non -Liability of Officials and Employees of the Agency and the Developer No member, official or employee of the Agency or the City shall be personally liable to the Developer, or any successor in interest, in the event of any default or breach by the Agency or the City or for any amount which may become due to the Developer or its successors, or on any obligations under the terms of this Agreement. No officer, director or employee of the Developer shall be personally liable to the Agency or the City, or any successor in interest, in the event or breach by the Developer. E. [605] Entire Agreement, Waivers This Agreement is executed in three (3) duplicate originals, each of which is deemed to be an original. This Agreement includes pages 1 through 27 and Attachment Nos. 1 through 11, which constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the parties. Each of the foregoing Attachments are incorporated herein by reference. This Agreement integrates all of the terms and conditions mentioned herein or incidental hereto, and supersedes all negotiations or previous agreements between the parties or their predecessors in interest with respect to all or any part of the subject matter hereof. All waivers of the provisions of this Agreement must be in writing by the appropriate authorities of the Agency and the Developer, and all amendments hereto must be in writing by the appropriate authorities of the Agency and the Developer. In any circumstance where under this Agreement either party is required to approve or disapprove any matter, approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 000073 coNTADI-I 25 Csti�_L VIL [700] TIME FOR ACCEPTANCE OF AGREEMENT BY AGENCY This Agreement, when executed by the Developer and delivered to the Agency, must be authorized, executed and delivered by the Agency on or before , 1998 or this Agreement shall be void, except to the extent that the Developer shall consent in writing to a further extension of time for the authorization, execution and delivery of this Agreement. The date of this Agreement shall be the date when it shall have been signed by the Agency. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Agency and the Developer have signed this Agreement on the respective dates set forth below. Dated: ATTEST: SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, Agency Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: DAWN HONEYWELL, Agency Counsel Dated: LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body corporate and politic IN RON PERKINS, Chairman BUILDING HORIZONS, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation Its: 0000711 CONT.BDH 26 '-� ' a 00$, ATTACHMENT NO. 1 SCOPE OF DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT Development shall cause the construction and installation of a single family home on each lot of the Site. The homes shall be approximately 1,400 square feet in size. The homes shall be developed in accordance with four bedroom floor plans and site elevations which have been or which shall have been approved by the City and the Agency. Unit amenities include front I andscaped/irri gated yards; interior laundries with sink and cabinets; kitchens that feature tile countertops, dishwashers, built-in ranges, oak cabinetry, and nooks/pantries; tile roofs; and concrete block perimeter fencing. The Developer shall complete all of the improvements set forth in this Scope of Development (Attachment No. 1) to be constructed on each lot. All of the improvements to be described in part IV of this Scope of Development, constitute the "Improvements." The developer shall commence and complete the Improvements by the respective times established therefor in the Schedule of Performance (Attachment No. 2). 1I. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The following development standards shall apply to the Developer Improvements: A. Building Setbacks. Minimum building setbacks for building and parking areas shall be as required by the Redevelopment Plan and approved by the Agency, and shall conform to the La Quinta City Code (the "City Code"). B. Building Coverage. The amount of land within the Site covered by buildings shall be as required by the Redevelopment Plan and local zoning. C. Building Height. Buildings shall not exceed the height as may be limited by the Redevelopment Plan and local zoning. D. Landscaping. The Developer shall provide and, pending the sale of the Site, maintain landscaping on the Site. Landscaping shall be subject to approval by the City's Planning Department prior to planting. E. Utilities. Sewer drainage and utility lines, conduits or systems shall not be constructed or maintained above the ground level of the Site. Storm drainage for all hard surfaced areas shall be drained or may be sheet flowed to storm sewers. All non -polluted waste water, such as waste air conditioning water, shall be drained to the storm or sanitary drainage systems as permitted by local codes. CON'f.BDI I 1 00007 a c.1 v.i F. Building Materials. All exterior walls shall be painted or covered by the Developer with color(s) and materials subject to approval by the City's Community Development Department. In satisfaction of this requirement, the Developer shall submit a color and materials board for approval by the Agency. G. Building Design. Buildings shall be constructed such that the Developer Improvements shall conform to the City Code, and shall be effectively and aesthetically designed. III. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND UTILITIES The Developer, at its own cost and expense, with the exception of the Agency Assistance as provided in Section 201 of the Agreement, shall provide or cause to be provided the public improvements as required by the City pursuant to the usual City building permit requirements for off -site improvements to residential development within the time set forth for the completion of the Developer Improvements in the Schedule of Performance (Attachment No. 4). Those of the improvements required to be provided pursuant to this part III of this Scope of Development (Attachment No. 1) constitute the "Off -Site Improvements." IV. DEMOLITION AND SOILS In accordance with Section 211 of the Agreement, the Developer shall at its cost take all actions necessary to render the Site entirely suitable for such development, including any demolition and soils work. V. AMENDMENTS Any material change, as reasonably determined by the Agency, in the Scope of Development (Attachment No. 1) or in the approved site plan which affects the size, quality, or type of development proposed for one or more of the Site shall require the written approval of the Agency, which approval may be contingent upon the review and renegotiation of all of the economic and financial terms of this Agreement and such other matters as the Agency shall deem appropriate. It shall be up to the discretion of the Agency Executive Director whether a proposed material change to this Scope of Development requires approval by the Agency Board or whether such change may be approved in writing by the Agency Executive Director. 00007b CONT.BDII 2 3 4 ATTACHMENT NO. 2 SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCE GENERAL PROVISIONS Execution of Agreement by Agency. The Agency shall approve and execute this Agreement, and shall deliver one (1) copy thereof to the Developer. II. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND BUILDING PERMITS 2. Submittal of Site Plan. Developer shall prepare and submit to the Agency the Site Plan for the two units. 3. Submission of Complete Construction Drawings and Landscaping Plan. Developer shall submit to the Agency complete Construction (working) Drawings for the two units. 4. Obtaining of Building Permits. Developer shall satisfy all requirements necessary to obtain al building and other permits needed to commence construction of the Improvements for each unit. III. ACQUISITION OF SITE 5. Conditions Precedent. All Conditions Precedent to funding the acquisition are satisfied. 6. Acquisition of Site. The acquiring of the Site is effected. Not later than thirty (30) days after the date of execution and submission of three (3) copies of this Agreement by the Developer. Within thirty (30) days after the execution of this Agreement by the Agency. Not later than thirty (30) days after Agency approval of Site Plan. Not later than thirty (30) days after Agency approval of Complete Construction (working) Drawings and Landscaping Plan. Not later than sixty (60) days after execution of this Agreement by the Agency. As soon as reasonably possible after satisfactory fulfillment of the Conditions Precedent to the Agency Assistance and funding of the Developer loan. CONT.BDI1 1 000077 0! 3 5 IV. CONSTRUCTION PHASE 7. Commencement of Construction. Developer shall commence construction of the Improvements for each Site. 8. Completion of Construction. Developer shall complete construction of all of the Improvements for each tot. V. TRANSFER STAGE 9. Sales of Residences. Each Residence shall be sold to an Eligible Person or Family. 10. Partial Certificates of Completion. Certificates of Completion for each lot shall be recorded simultaneous with the transfer to an Eligible Person or Family. Not later than thirty (30) days after Developer acquisition of each lot. Within two hundred seventy (270) days after the commencement of construction for each lot. Within six (6) months from issuance of certificate of occupancy. Minor revisions to this Schedule of Performance may be approved in writing by the Agency Executive Director. coN ADH 2 63(; ATTACHMENT NO. 3 DEVELOPER PROMISSORY NOTE $105,000 La Quinta, California FOR VALUE RECEIVED, BUILDING HORIZONS, INC., collectively, "Maker" promise to pay to LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body corporate and politic ("Holder") at La Quinta, California, or at such other address as Holder may direct from time to time in writing, the sum of $105,000 (the "Note Amount"), together with interest thereon at the rate set forth herein. All sums payable hereunder shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America. This Developer Promissory Note ("Note") is made in connection with the provision by the Holder of funds equal to the approved Acquisition Costs and Construction Costs pursuant to that certain Affordable Housing Agreement by and among Maker and the Holder, dated as of , 1998 (the "Agreement"). 1. Disbursements. The Note Amount shall be disbursed pursuant to Sections 201 and 205 of the Agreement. The record of such disbursements shall be recorded from time to time by the Agency Executive Director or his designee on Exhibit A to this Developer Promissory Note. 2. Obligation to Pay. The Note Amount shall be due and payable in full upon the Developer conveyance of the property. 3. Prepayment of Note Amount. Maker may prepay to Holder the full Note Amount at any time prior to the due date of the Note Amount without penalty. 4. Securit . This Note is secured by a Developer Deed of Trust by and between Maker, as trustor, and Holder, as beneficiary (the "Developer Deed of Trust"). 5. Holder May Assign. Holder may, at its option, assign its right to receive payment under this Note without necessity of obtaining the consent of the Maker. 6. Makers Assignment Prohibited. In no event shall Maker assign or transfer any portion of this Note without the prior express written consent of the Holder, which consent may be given or withheld in the Holder's sole discretion. 7. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. In the event that any action is instituted with respect to this Note, the prevailing party promises to pay such sums as a court may fix for court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees. Holder's right to such fees shall not be limited to or by its representation by staff counsel and such representation shall be valued at customary and reasonable rates for private sector legal services. 8. Time of the Essence. Time is of the essence of the performance of all obligations under this Promissory Note. 0 0 0 07 9 CONT. BD11 I C 3 7 9. Non -Waiver. Failure or delay in giving any notice required hereunder shall not constitute a waiver of any default or late payment, nor shall it change the time for any default or payment. 10. Successors Bound. This Note shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors and assigns. Dated: Dated: ATTEST: SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, Agency Secretary BUILDING HORIZONS, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation Its: "MAKER" LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body corporate and politic IN THOMAS P. GENOVESE, Executive Director "HOLDER" 00008O CONT.I3DFi 2 , I. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. H. 12. EXHIBIT "A" TO ATTACHMENT NO. 6 DISBURSEMENT RECORD Disbursement Amount Date Acknowledgment of Receipt of Maker 000081 CONI'.13M G 3 3 ATTACHMENT NO. 4 CONSTRUCTION DEED OF TRUST [To be approved by Agency Counsel and Executive Director for recording prior to funding under the Developer Promissory Note] CONT,BDI I 1 0 0 0 0 8' C° I t () ATTACHMENT NO. 5 RECORDING REQUESTED BY ) AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: ) LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ) 78-495 Calle Tampico ) La Quinta, California 92253 ) Space above for recorder. This Agreement is recorded at the request and for the benefit of the Agency and is exempt from the payment of a recording fee pursuant to Government Code Section 6103. LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY By: Its: Dated: , 1998 DECLARATION OF CONDITIONS, COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION OF CONDITIONS, COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS is made this day of , 1998, by BUILDING HORIZONS, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation, as declarant (the "Developer"), with reference to the following: A. The Developer is fee owner of record of that certain real property located in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California legally described in the attached Exhibit "A" (the "Property"),which is comprised of ( ) parcels ("Parcels"). The Property comprises the Site which is the subject of an agreement, further described herein, for the development, operation and maintenance of the Property for moderate -income housing. The Property is to be used for the development of single-family housing units and subsequent occupancy as a primary residence by households meeting certain income qualifications, all in conformity with this Declaration and an Affordable Housing Agreement between the Developer and the Agency dated as of a copy of which is on file with the Agency as a public record (the "Agreement"). B. The Property is within the Redevelopment Project (the "Project") in the City of La Quinta and is subject to the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan for the Project adopted by Ordinance No. 43 on November 29, 1995, and amended by Ordinance No. on 199 by the City Council of the City of La Quinta. 0 0 U 083 CONT.BDH 2 0 4 _1 C. The La Quinta Redevelopment Agency ("Agency") and the Developer have entered into an Affordable Housing Agreement dated as of , 199_ concerning the development and use of the Property (the "Agreement") which Agreement is on file with the Agency as a public record and is incorporated herein by reference and which Agreement provides for the execution and recordation of this document. D. Developer deems it desirable to impose a general plan for the use and maintenance of the Property, and to adopt and establish covenants, conditions and restrictions upon the Property for the purpose of enforcing and protecting the value, desirability and attractiveness thereof. E. Developer will convey title to all portions of said Property (including each Parcel) subject to certain protective covenants, conditions, and restrictions hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant hereby covenants, agrees and declares that all of the Property shall be held, sold, conveyed, hypothecated, encumbered, used, occupied and improved, subject to the following covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements which are hereby declared to be for the benefit of the whole Property. These covenants, conditions, restrictions and easement shall run with the Property and shall be binding on all parties having or acquiring any right, title or interest in the Property or any part thereof (including each Parcel) and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof and their successors and assigns, and are imposed upon the Property and every part thereof (including each Parcel) as a servitude in favor of each and every Parcel as the dominant tenement or tenements. NOW, THEREFORE, THE DEVELOPER AGREES AND COVENANTS AS FOLLOWS: A. Low or Moderate Income Restrictions Number of Units. Developer shall develop two (2) detached, single-family homes (the "Restricted Units") within the Project Area and shall develop all on -site and off -site public improvements connected therewith, all as described and set forth in the Scope of Development (Attachment No. 1). Developer shall restrict each of the units for sale to a Low or Moderate Income Household pursuant to the applicable income and affordability provisions contained herein. The Developer further covenants and agrees that the above -referenced occupancy, ownership and affordability requirements shall bind and be enforceable against the Site for the period of thirty (30) years commencing with the acquisition of each respective parcel by the Developer with the simultaneous recording of this document. 2. Definitions. (a) "Affordable Housing Cost" shall be that purchase price which would result in maximum monthly housing payments for a thirty (30) year mortgage for that portion of the purchase price which is to be paid in the form of loan proceeds under currently prevailing mortgage loan rates or the interest rate of any below -market mortgage program for which such purchaser has obtained a first trust deed loan, for the low or moderate income group calculated pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 50052.5, which sets forth the following formula: 00008 Lower Income Households - whose gross incomes exceed the maximum income for very low income households and do not exceed seventy percent (70%) of the area median income adjusted for family size, the product of thirty percent (30%) times seventy percent (70%) of the area median income adjusted for family size appropriate for the unit. In addition, for any lower income household that has a gross income that equals or exceeds seventy percent (70%) of the area median income adjusted for family size, it shall be optional for any state or local funding agency to require that affordable housing cost not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the gross income of the household. Moderate Income Households - not less than twenty-eight percent (28%) of the gross income of the household, nor more than the product of thirty -five percent (35%) times the greater of one hundred ten percent (110%) of area median income adjusted for family size appropriate for the Affordable Unit, or the gross income of the household for households earning greater than one hundred percent (110%) and not more than one hundred twenty percent (120%) of the area median income adjusted for family size. (b) "Affordability Period" shall be thirty (30) years from the date of transfer to an Eligible Person or Family. (c) "Eligible Person or Family" shall mean any person or family who meets the income qualifications for Moderate Income Households. (d) "Lower Income Household" shall mean a household earning not greater than eighty percent (80%) of Riverside County median income, as determined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development from time to time, as set forth in Health and Safety Code Section 50093. (e) "Moderate Income Household" shall mean a household earning not greater than one hundred twenty percent (120%) of Riverside County median income, as determined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development from time to time, as set forth in Health and Safety Code Section 50093. (f) "Owner" shall mean Developer and any successor in interest of Developer to any lot of the Site except where a provision of this Agreement expressly excludes Developer from the definition of owner. (g) "Proposed Transferee" shall mean a person or family determined to be an Eligible Person or Family to whom the Developer or any successor Owner desires and proposes to Transfer a Restricted Unit. (h) "Purchase Housing Cost" or an Eligible Person or Family purchasing a Restricted Unit shall include all of the following associated with that Restricted Unit, estimated or known s of the date of their proposed sale of the Restricted Unit: (I) Principal and interest on a mortgage loan including any rehabilitation loans, and any loan insurance fees associated therewith. CON ADI I 4 0 0 8 � Yrj property improvements. (ii) Property taxes and assessments. (ill) Fire and Casualty insurance covering replacement value of (iv) Any homeowner association fees. Monthly housing cost of a purchaser shall be an average of estimated costs for the next twelve (12) months (1) "Restricted Unit" shall mean a dwelling unit, which shall be a single- family residence, subject to the restrictions of this Agreement (including, without limitation, this document). (j) "Sales Price" shall mean all sums paid by a purchaser to a seller for, or in conjunction with, the acquisition of a Restricted Unit, including the purchase price designated in any purchase agreement, consideration for personal property and all other costs and fees paid by the purchaser to or for the benefit of the seller. (k) "Transfer" shall mean any sale, assignment, conveyance, lease or transfer, voluntary or involuntary, of any interest in a Restricted Unit. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Transfer shall include (1) a transfer by devise, inheritance or intestacy to a party who does not meet the definition of Eligible Person or Family; (ii) a life estate; (iii) creation of a joint tenancy interest; (iv) a gift of all or any portion of a Restricted Unit; or (v) any voluntary conveyance of a Restricted Unit. Transfer shall not include transfer to a spouse in a dissolution proceeding; however any subsequent Transfer shall be subject to this restriction. (1) "Transferee" shall mean any natural person or entity who obtains ownership or possessory rights in a Restricted Unit pursuant to a Transfer. 3. Sales of Restricted Units. Developer agrees that Developer shall sell each Restricted Unit to an Eligible Person or Family at an Affordable Housing Cost (the "Developer Conveyance") and that during the Affordability Period each subsequent resale of a Restricted Unit by the then -Owner thereof shall be to an Eligible Person or Family at an Affordable Housing Cost. Developer agrees that these Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions giving effect to the foregoing restriction shall be recorded against each lot of the Site concurrently with the Acquisition Escrow. Developer agrees to commence to market each Restricted Unit not later than the completion of construction of each Restricted Unit; each Restricted Unit shall be sold to an Eligible Person or Family prior to issuance of a Certificate of Completion as to any such Restricted Unit for purposes of Section 322 of the Agreement. For purposes of satisfying the requirement that all of the Restricted Units shall be occupied by Eligible Persons or Families: (a) an individual or family who qualifies as an Eligible Person or Family at the time he or she first takes title to a Restricted Unit will be deemed an Eligible Person or Family as long as he or she continues to hold title to such Restricted Unit even though the Eligible Person or Family subsequently ceases to meet the income or other requirements of an Eligible Person or Family subsequently ceases to meet the income or other requirements of an CONTAN1 5 000086 1p!:j Eligible Person or Family, and (b) when an Owner releases title to a Restricted Unit, such unit will be considered as occupied by an Eligible Person or Family if it is held vacant and available for such occupancy until title is transferred to another Eligible Person or Family, at which time the status of the new Owner as an Eligible Person or Family is to be determined. 4. Restrictions on Transfer by Sale of the Restricted Property or Any Restricted Unit. (a) For the duration of the Affordability Period, Developer, for itself and any subsequent Owner, hereby subjects the Site to certain restrictions and limits the price at which Developer or any other Owner may sell and/or resell the Site and the persons to whom Developer or any other Owner may sell the Site. (b) DEVELOPER AND ANY OTHER OWNER UNDERSTANDS THAT THE DETERMINATION OF THE SALES PRICE CAN BE MADE ONLY AT THE TIME OF THE PROPOSED TRANSFER, TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION INTEREST RATES, PROPERTY TAXES AND OTHER FACTORS THAT CANNOT BE ACCURATELY PREDICTED AND THAT THE SALE PRICE PERMITTED HEREUNDER MAY NOT INCREASE OR DECREASE IN THE SAME MANNER AS OTHER SIMILAR REAL PROPERTY WHICH IS NOT ENCUMBERED BY THIS RESTRICTION. DEVELOPER AND ANY OTHER OWNER FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE THAT, AT ALL TIMES IN SETTING THE SALES PRICE, THE PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF THE AGENCY AND THIS AGREEMENT IS TO PROVIDE HOUSING TO ELIGIBLE PERSONS OR FAMILIES AT AFFORDABLE HOUSING COST. THE SALES PRICE MAY BE LESS THAN OTHER SIMILAR PROPERTIES WHICH HAVE NO RESTRICTIONS. Developer's Initials (c) Transfer of a Restricted Unit. Developer and any successor Owner may transfer a Restricted Unit only in strict accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Specifically, during the Affordability Period, Owner may transfer a Restricted Unit (I) only to an Eligible Person or Family and (ii) only if the Purchase Housing Cost does not exceed Affordable Housing Cost for the Eligible Person or Family; and (iii) only if the Transfer has previously been approved in writing by the Agency. In order to comply with this Subsection 4(c), Developer and any successor Owner must calculate the Affordable Housing Cost for the Proposed Transferee of the Restricted Unit in accordance with the definition set forth in Subsection 2(a) of this Section . After calculating the Affordable Housing Cost for the Proposed Transferee, the Owner must ensure that the sum of the Sales Price and all costs listed in the definition of Purchase Housing Cost set forth in Subsection 2 of Section 401 does not exceed that Affordable Housing Cost. The Calculation of the Sales Price under this Subsection 4(c) is illustrated by example in Attachment No. of the Agreement. CON"C.BDH 6 000087 ( 5 (d) In the event that after a good faith effort as defined in the Buyer Promissory Note, the successor Owner is unable to obtain an Eligible Person or Family to transfer the Restricted Unit, then after the required notice to and approval by the Agency Executive Director the owner may sell the Restricted Unit to a noneligible party subject to the equity share provisions of the Buyer Promissory Note and the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions would be released. (e) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section , at close of the Developer Conveyance Escrow transferring the Restricted Unit from the Developer to the Proposed Transferee (the "Initial Owner"), the Initial Owner shall execute a Buyer's Promissory Note as approved by the Executive and Agency Counsel which Promissory Note shall be secured by a Second Deed of Trust. The Buyer's Promissory Note shall be non -interest bearing. The principal amount shall be equal to the amount of the Agency Assistance necessary for the Individual or Family to qualify for the Lender's loan and ensure the affordability requirements are met as approved by the Executive Director in accordance with the Agency's affordable housing program policies. The Note Amount shall be due and payable according to its terms including any applicable equity sharing provision. However, should the Initial Owner transfer the Restricted Unit to an Eligible Person, Family at Affordable Housing Cost, the Transferee shall assume the Promissory Note (Attachment No. 8 to the Agreement) and Agency shall extend the due date of the Note Amount until the next Transfer of the Restricted Unit. The foregoing provisions will apply to every successive Transfer during the Affordability Period. 5. Process to Complete Transfer by Sale of Restricted Units. Upon the Transfer by sale of a Restricted Unit, the following procedures shall apply: (a) Notice to City: Owner shall send to the Agency in care of the La Qtunta Housing Department (or its successor), at P.O. Box 1504, La Quinta, California 92253, the form attached hereto as Attachment No. fully completed and executed by the Owner and the Proposed Transferee (the "Approval Request"). (b) (Qualification of Proposed Transferee. No Transfer shall occur unless and until determination is made based o the Certificate in the form of Attachment No. attached hereto ("Certificate") and attachments thereto, that the Proposed Transferee (I) intends to occupy the Restricted Unit as the Proposed Transferee's principal residence and (ii) is an Eligible Person or Family. Each Proposed Transferee shall submit a Certificate to the Developer certifying its intent with regard to the occupancy of the Restricted Unit and as to the truth and accuracy of all information supplied as to the Gross Income (calculated as set forth in 25 Cal. Code of Regs., Section 6914) of the Proposed Transferee ("Proposed Transferee's Certificate"). Developer or subsequent owner shall certify pursuant to Attachment No. 13 hereof the information provided on the Proposed Transferee's Certificate pursuant to direction on that Certificate. Developer or subsequent owner shall be entitled to rely on the information on the Proposed Transferee's Certificate and attachments thereto in making the determination required by this subsection 5(b) unless the Developer or subsequent owner has knowledge of, or a reasonable basis for belief as to the inaccuracy or falsehood of the Proposed Transferee's Certificate. CONI ADE1 7 000088 C 110 (c) The Sales Price for the Restricted Unit shall not exceed the maximum price at which the Purchase Housing Cost to be paid by the Proposed Transferee would not exceed Affordable Housing Cost. The calculation of the Sales Price under this subsection is illustrated by example in Attachment No: 13 attached hereto. However, in determining Affordable Housing Cost, the family size of the Proposed Transferee shall be deemed to be persons in the case of a 1 bedroom, 3 persons for a 2 bedroom, 4 persons for a 3 bedroom, or 5 persons for a 4 bedroom Restricted Unit. If the actual family size of the Proposed Transferee is larger, then the actual family size shall be used. (d) Certificates from Parties. With respect to each sale of a Restricted Unit, Developer or subsequent owner shall submit to the Agency, not later than four (4) weeks prior to close of escrow on the sale of a Restricted Unit, a certificate that (I) the Developer or subsequent owner has made the affirmative determinations required by Section 4(a) above and (ii) the Sales Price conforms with Section 4(b) above. The Developer or subsequent owner shall concurrently submit to the Agency the Proposed Transferee's Certificate and all attachments thereto and all other documents or material with regard to information required by Sections 4(a) and/or (b) above, whether or not relied on by the Developer. Further, the Developer or subsequent owner and Proposed Transferee each shall certify in writing, in a form acceptable to the Agency, that the Transfer shall be closed in accordance with, and only with, the terms of the sales contract and other documents submitted to and approved by the Agency and that all consideration delivered by the Proposed Transferee to Developer or subsequent owner has been fully disclosed to the Agency. The written certificate shall also include a provision that, in the event a Transfer is made in violation of the terms of this Agreement or false or misleading statements are made in any documents or certificate submitted to the Agency for its approval of the Transfer, the Agency shall have the right to file an action at law or in equity to seek termination and/or rescission of the sales contract and/or declare the sale void, notwithstanding the fact that the Transfer may have closed and become final as between Developer or subsequent owner and its Transferee. In the event Developer for the initial transfer or subsequent owner for each following transfer fails to comply with Sections 4(a) or 4(b) above, any costs, liabilities or obligations incurred by the Developer or subsequent owner and its Transferee for the return of any monies paid or received or for any costs and legal expenses, shall be borne Jointly and severally by the Developer and its transferee and such parties shall hold the City and Agency harmless and reimburse their expenses, legal fees and costs for any action and City and/or Agency take in enforcing the terms of this Section (e) Execution of Promissory Note and Second Deed of Trust. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, at close of Escrow of the sale of the Housing Unit from the Developer to the Buyer, the Buyer shall execute a Buyer Promissory Note which shall be secured by a Second Deed of Trust. Said Second Deed of Trust shall be subordinate to any mortgage(s) obtained by the Owner for the purpose of securing funds to be applied to the Sales Price of the Housing Unit. the Buyer Promissory Note shall be non -interest bearing. The principal amount of the Promissory Note shall be an amount equal to the amount actually given as cash plus an Agency Equity Share Amount which becomes applicable only in the event that the Buyer is unable after good faith efforts to find an Eligible Person or Family to transfer the home at Affordable Housing Cost. In the event that the Buyer has provided the Agency with evidence of their good faith efforts then Agency may approve the sale to a nonqualified buyer and release the covenants by receiving in addition to the cash amount originally provided the additional Agency Equity Amount as provided under the terms of the Buyer Promissory Note. 00008� CON"f.I3DH g ��+ l�t 4 t So long as the Transferee purchasing the Housing Unit from the Owner is an Eligible Person or Family and the Sale of the Housing Unit is made at a price which is not in excess of Affordable Housing Cost, the Transferee shall assume the obligations of the Owner under the Promissory Note and Second Deed of Trust to repay the Agency Equity pursuant to the Promissory Note by execution of an assumption agreement in the form set forth as Attachment No. of this Agreement, together with other written documentation satisfactory to the Agency, and Agency shall extend the due date of the Agency Equity pursuant to the Note Amount until the next Transfer of the Housing Unit by said Transferee. At such next Transfer, the Agency will again extend the due date of the Agency Equity pursuant to the Note Amount if the Sale or Transfer complies with the requirements of this Section. So long as each Transferee from the Owner and each subsequent Owner: (1) is an Eligible Person or Family, (2) acquires the Housing Unit at an Affordable Housing Cost, and (3) assumes the obligations of the predecessor Owner as aforesaid; then the Agency agrees to extend the due date of the Agency Equity pursuant to the Note Amount and the transferring Owner shall not be required to pay the Agency Equity potion of the Note Amount upon transfer of the Housing Unit. The Agency Equity payment requirement is intended as a penalty against the Owner, to capture a portion of the equity in the Restricted Property for the benefit of the Agency/Holder, in the event that the Owner makes a ale of the Restricted Property to a Buyer that is not an Eligible Person or Family. This equity recapture requirement is intended to be a cumulative remedy, together with all other remedies available to the Agency/Holder to compensate for the removal of the affordable housing covenants of the Grant Deed and this Agreement on the Housing Unit, to compensate the Agency for the administrative costs of operating the housing program of the Agency and to provide funds to the Agency to further assist low and moderate income persons in the provision of housing. In the event the equity recapture provisions of the Promissory Note are found by a court or administrative agency of competent jurisdiction to be in contravention of law or administrative regulation, the Applicable Percentage shall be reduced to the maximum percentage allowable by applicable law or administrative regulation, or may be otherwise modified by judicial decree or order so as to comply with applicable law. (f) Written Consent of Agency Required Before Transfer. During the Affordability Period the Restricted Property or the Restricted Unit, as the case may be, and any interest therein, shall not be conveyed by any Transfer except with the express written consent of the Agency, which consent shall be given only if the Transfer is consistent with the Agency's goal of creating, preserving, maintaining and protecting housing in the City of La Quinta for Eligible Persons and Families and shall be in accordance with the provisions of this subsection 5. This provision shall not prohibit the encumbering of title for the sole purpose of securing financing of the purchase price of the Restricted Unit. (g) Delivery of Documents. Upon the close of the proposed Transfer, the Owner and Transferee, as applicable, shall provide the Agency with a certified copy of the recorded Assumption Agreement, a copy of the final sales contract, settlement statement, escrow instructions, all certificates required by this subsection 5 and any other documents which the Agency may request. CONTBDH 9 6. Covenants of Owner. The Owner of each Restricted Unit by acceptance of a deed to the Restricted Unit covenants and agrees that, at all times during the Affordability Period, its Restricted Unit will be continuously occupied by Owner as its principal residence, and shall not be rented, subleased, or subject to any other business arrangement, whereby consideration shall be paid by any occupant of a Restricted Unit to the Owner of the Restricted Unit; provided, if the Restricted Unit is occupied by an Eligible Person or Family, the family members whose income was considered in determining the eligibility of that family may make monetary contributions toward the Purchase Housing Costs of the Restricted Unit. Owner agrees that it shall not record or cause the recordation of any deed of trust (a "Further Encumbrance") securing a note having an original principal sum which, when added to the sum of the principal amount(s) of any notes secured by any deeds of trust against the Restricted Property as of the date of recordation of the Further Encumbrance, exceeds the fair market value of the Restricted Property. B. Use Restrictions. The Property shall be occupied and used as follows: 1. The single-family home on each Parcel ("Unit") shall be used only for private dwelling purposes and for no other purposes. The Units shall not be leased, subleased, rented or otherwise; rather, each Unit shall be the principal dwelling of the owner thereof and his family. 2. There shall be no structural alternation, construction or removal of any structure on any Parcel (other than repairs or rebuilding permitted herein) without the approval of the appropriate City departments or the Agency and in conformance with the City Code. C. Maintenance. The exterior areas of each Parcel shall be kept free of rubbish, debris and other unsightly or unsanitary materials. Each Owner shall have the affirmative obligation to prevent the occurrence on the Parcel owned by such Owner of what might be considered a fire hazard or a condition dangerous to the public health, safety and general welfare; or constitute an unsightly appearance or otherwise detract from the aesthetic and property values of neighboring properties. The following minimum performance standards for the maintenance of the Unit and landscaping on each Parcel shall be adhered to by each Owner. CONT.BDII (1) Landscaping on the Property shall be absent of the following: (a) Lawns with grasses in excess of six (6) inches in height. (b) Untrimmed hedges. (c) Dying trees, shrubbery, lawns and other plant lift from lack of water or other necessary maintenance. (d) Trees and shrubbery grown uncontrolled without proper pruning. 10 000091 4J (e) Vegetation so overgrown as to be likely to harbor rats or vermin. (f) Dead, decayed or diseased trees, weeds and other vegetation. (g) Inoperative irrigation system(s). (2) Yard areas shall be maintained so as to be absent of the following: (a) Broken or discarded furniture, appliances and other household equipment stored in yard areas for periods exceeding one (1) week. (b) Packing boxes, lumber, trash, dirt and other debris stored in yards for unreasonable periods in areas visible from public property or neighboring properties. (3) No building, wall or fence may be left in an unmaintained condition so that any of the following exist: (a) Buildings abandoned, boarded up, partially destroyed or left unreasonably in a state or partial construction. (b) Unpainted buildings or buildings with peeling paint in such a condition as to I. Cause dry rot, warping and termite infestation; or ii. Constitute an unsightly appearance that detracts form the aesthetic or property values of neighboring properties. (c) Broken windows, constituting hazardous conditions and/or inviting trespassers and malicious mischief. (d) Damaged garage doors that may become inoperative or unsafe to operate. (e) Graffiti remaining on any portion of the property for a period exceeding ten (10) days. (f) Building interiors and exteriors shall be maintained to meet standards of similar residential property in the City of La Quinta. D. City's Right of Review and Enforcement. The City of La Quinta (the "City") and the Agency shall be made a party to this Declaration for the limited purpose as specified herein as follows: CONT.BDH 11 000092 U 't () I. Changes or amendments to this Declaration must be submitted for City/Agency review and approval. 2. In the event of inaction by any Owner, the City and Agency are hereby granted expedient power to enforce all provisions of this Declaration including, but not limited to, the maintenance of the Improvements and all yards, buildings and landscaping areas within the Site. E. Miscellaneous Provisions. l . If any provision of this Declaration or portion thereof, or the application to any person or circumstances, shall to any extent be held invalid, inoperative or unenforceable, the remainder of this Declaration, or the application of such provision or portion thereof to any other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected thereby; it shall not be deemed that any such invalid provision affects the consideration for this Declaration; and each provision of this Declaration shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 2. This Declaration shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 3. This Declaration shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the Developer. 4. In the event action is instituted to enforce any o the provisions of this Declaration, the prevailing party in such action shall be entitled to recover fro the other party thereto as part of the judgment, reasonable attorney's fees and costs. F. The covenants and agreements established in this Declaration shall, without regard to technical classification and designation, be binding on each Owner and any successor in interest to the Property, or any part thereof (including each Parcel) for the benefit of and in favor of the Agency, its successor and assigns, and the City of la Quinta, and shall remain in effect for thirty (30) days from the date of the recording of this document). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Owner has executed this instrument the day and year first hereinabove written. Dated: BUILDING HORIZONS, INC., a California corporation By: Its: "OWNER" CONI A31A I 12 000093 �. EXHIBIT "A" TO ATTACHMENT NO. 5 THE PROPERTY (To Be Inserted) I� 000094 CONT.BDH 5 ATTACHMENT NO. 6 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ) 78-495 Calle Tampico ) La Quinta, California 92253 ) Attn: Executive Director Space above for Recorder's use. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, by an Affordable Housing Agreement dated , 1998, by and between the LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body, corporate and politic (hereinafter referred to as the "Agency") and BUILDING HORIZONS, INC. (collectively referred to as the "Developer"), the Developer has constructed improvements upon the real property (the "Site"), legally described on the attached Exhibit A, by constructing or causing to be constructed the improvements thereon according to the terms and conditions of said Affordable Housing Agreement (the "Agreement"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 314 of the Agreement, promptly after completion of the Improvements the Agency shall furnish the Developer with a Certificate of Completion upon written request therefor by the Developer; and WHEREAS, the issuance by the Agency of the Certificate of Completion shall be conclusive evidence that the construction of the Improvements conforms to the Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer has requested that the Agency furnish the Developer with the Certificate of Completion; and WHEREAS, the Agency has conclusively determined that the construction of the Improvements conforms to the Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE: l . As provided in the Agreement, the Agency does hereby certify that the construction of the Improvements required to be constructed on the Site described in Exhibit "A" hereto has been satisfactorily performed and completed, and that such development an construction work complies with the Agreement. 00009 CONTADH I 2. This Certificate of Completion does not constitute evidence of compliance with or satisfaction of any obligation of the Developer to any holder of a mortgage or any insurer of a mortgage security money loaned to finance the work of construction if improvements and development of the Site, or any part hereof. This Certificate of Completion is not a notice of completion as referred to in Section 3093 of the California Civil Code. 3. This Certificate of Completion does not denote completion of any work required to be completed, other than on the Site. 4. The Deed of Trust recorded as document no. among the official land records of the County of Riverside and those Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions recorded as Document No. among the official land records of the County of Riverside shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Agency has executed this Certificate as of this day of _ 1998. By: ATTEST: SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, Agency Secretary LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY THOMAS P. GENEVESE, Executive Director CONT.BDH 2 00009r; ATTACHMENT NO. 7 MAXIMUM SALES PRICE ILLUSTRATION [This shall be prepared when Developer ready to start sales of units] CONT.BDH 000097 ATTACHMENT NO. 8 CERTIFICATE OF PROPOSED TRANSFEREE THIS FORM MUST BE DELIVERED TO THE OWNER BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY. 19 1. The Proposed Transferee is Names: Current Address: Telephone Number: 2. The address of the property which the proposed transferee desires to purchase is (the "Property"), which was built in the La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 1. 3. The proposed transferee represents, warrants and covenants the following: (a) The proposed transferee has never previously owned a single-family home. (b) The Property will be the principal residence of the proposed transferee. (c) The combined maximum annual income in the current year for all household members of the proposed transferee is $ (This figure must reflect income form all sources.) (d) The proposed transferee will deliver to the Agency a signed financial statement on a form acceptable to the Agency. 4. The proposed transferee's household consists of the following persons who will reside in the Property: CONT.BDH 1 000099 G53� Adults (18 or over) - [name of each]: Minors (under 18) [name of each]: 5. The proposed transferee must submit to the Owner, on a form available from the Owner, an income certification so the Owner may determine if the proposed transferee is an Eligible Person or Family. 6. A true and correct copy of the proposed transferee's most recent tax return to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service is attached hereto. 7. The terms of the proposed transfer are: (a) Sales price of $ . This sales price is based on the maximum price at which the Purchase Housing Cost of the Proposed Transferee would not exceed Affordable Housing Cost. The calculation of the Sales Price under this section is illustrated in Attachment No. to the Agreement. IN ORDER TO ANSWER QUESTION 2(b) YOU MUST CALCULATE THE PROPOSED SALES PRICE BASED ON AFFORDABLE HOUSING COST, TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION ALL ITEMS LISTED IN THE DEFINITION OF PURCHASE HOUSING COST. (b) Price of any personal property being sold by the Owner to the proposed transferee: (if none, so state) (c) The price of $ of Owner. (If no, so state). to be paid by the proposed transferee for any services (d) All other amounts of money or other consideration, if any, concerning the Property or any other matter to be paid by the proposed transferee to the Owner: $ (if none, so state). (e) Sources of payment of sales price: Sales price $ Cash down payment $ CONT.BDH 2 I st loan $ 2nd loan $ Other (describe) $ Total $ (f) The financing obtained by the proposed transferee to purchase the Property is as follows: 1 st Loan: Loan amount: $ Monthly payments: $ Interest rate If variable interest, describe adjustment mechanism: Due date: Balloon payment amount: Points and fees: Lender: Lender's address: 2nd Loan: Loan amount: $ Monthly payments: $ Interest rate If variable interest, describe adjustment mechanism: coNT.avH 3 000100 Due date: Balloon payment amount: Points and fees: Lender: Lender's address: Other Loans: (describe, if none, so state) (g) The monthly Purchase Housing Cost to be paid by the proposed transferee: 1 st loan monthly payment: $ 2nd loan monthly payment: $ Other loans monthly payment: $ Taxes and assessments (1/12 of yearly taxes and assessments): $ Insurance (1/12 of yearly premium): $ Homeowner's dues: $ Total: $ 8. A true and correct copy of the purchase and sale or other agreement between the owner and the proposed transferee is attached hereto. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. PROPOSED TRANSFEREE: Date CONT BDI I 4 0 0010 1 signature print name street address telephone City state zip code CONT.BDH signature print name u��l10 IOLII Developer's Certification Based on the Proposed Transferee's Certificate above, and all documents attached hereto, Developer hereby certifies that: (1) Proposed Transferee is an Eligible Person or Family; and (2) The monthly Purchase Housing Cost to be paid by the Proposed Transferee shall not exceed the monthly Affordable Housing Cost. [Capitalized terms used above are defined in the Agreement to which this certificate is attached.] CONT.BDH 6 OWNER: [Name] Date: 000193 ATTACHMENT NO. 9 NOTICE OF INTENT TO TRANSFER NOTICE OF INTENT TO TRANSFER MUST BE DELIVERED TO THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH ANY TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY. From: To: La Quinta Redevelopment Agency c/o City of La Quinta Housing Department La Quinta, CA 92253 Attn: Development Officer Re: La Quinta, CA (the "Property") Redevelopment Project Area (street address) ("Owner") Owner desires to [sell, convey, transfer by inheritance or devise, lease, gift, otherwise transfer] (circle appropriate words) the Property. If the Agency has a program to help locate an Eligible Family, does the Owner want the Agency to help look for an Eligible Person or Family to buy the Property? Yes No Date: Date: CONT.QDI I 1 Signature of Owner Day time telephone of Owner Signature of Owner U Day time telephone of Owner 000104 C. F 3 ATTACHMENT NO. 10 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF PROPOSED TRANSFEREE THIS FORM MUST BE DELIVERED TO THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY 19 La Quinta Redevelopment Agency c/o City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Attn: Development Officer Redevelopment Project Area Re: Request for Approval of Proposed Transferee To Whom It May Concern: The undersigned is the owner of real property in La Quinta, located at (the "Property"), which was built within the Redevelopment Project Area. The Owner now desires to transfer the Property and by this letter is requesting the City of La Quinta to approve the proposed transferee. 1. The Proposed Transferee is Names: Current Address: Telephone Number: CONT.BM 1 000107) 2. The terms of the proposed transfer are (a) Sales price of $ . This sales price is based on the lesser of (I) Fair market value; or (ii) The maximum price at which the Purchase Housing Cost of the Proposed Transferee would not exceed Affordable Housing Cost. The calculation of the Sales Price under this subsection (ii) is illustrated in Attachment No. to the Agreement. IN ORDER TO ANSWER QUESTION 2(b) YOU MUST CALCULATE THE PROPOSED SALES PRICE BASED ON AFFORDABLE HOUSING COST, TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION ALL ITEMS LISTED IN THE DEFINITION OF PURCHASE HOUSING COST. (b) rim Price of any personal property being sold by the Owner to the proposed transferee: (If none, so state) (c) The price of $_ of Owner. (If none, so state). to be paid by the proposed transferee for any services (d) All other amounts of money or other consideration, if any, concerning the Property or any other matter to be paid by the proposed transferee to the Owner: $ (if none, so state). (e) Sources of payment of sales price: Sales price $ Cash down payment $ I st loan $ 2nd loan $ Other (describe) $ Total $ (f) The financing obtained by the proposed transferee to purchase the Property is as follows: CONT-BDi 1 2 I st Loan: Loan amount: $ Monthly payments: $ Interest rate If variable interest, describe adjustment mechanism: Due date: Balloon payment amount: Points and fees: Lender: Lender's address: 2nd Loan Loan amount: $ Monthly payments: $ Interest rate If variable interest, describe adjustment mechanism: Due date: Balloon payment amount: Points and fees: Lender: Lender's address: CONT.I3DII 000107 � � Other Loans: (describe, if none, so state) (g) The monthly Purchase Housing Cost to be paid by the proposed transferee: 1 st loan monthly payment: $ 2nd loan monthly payment: $ Other loans monthly payment: $ Taxes and assessments (1/12 of yearly taxes and assessments): $ Insurance (1/12 of yearly premium): $ Homeowner's dues: $ Total: $ 3. The proposed transferee represents, warrants and covenants the following: (a) The Property will be the principal residence of the proposed transferee. (b) The combined maximum annual income for all household members of the proposed transferee is $ (This figure must include al sources of income). (c) The proposed transferee will deliver to the Agency a signed financial statement on a form acceptable to the Agency. 4. The proposed transferee's household consists of the following persons who will reside in the Property: Adults (18 or over) - [name of each] : C'ONT.BDH 4 (J001!)3 C. 6`�" Minors (under IS) [name of each] : 5. The proposed transferee must submit to the Owner, on a form available from the Owner, an income certification so the Owner may determine if the proposed transferee is an Eligible Person or Family. 6. A true and correct copy of the proposed transferee's most recent tax return to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service is attached hereto. 7. A true and correct copy of the purchase and sale or other agreement between the owner and the proposed transferee is attached hereto. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. OWNER: Date signature print name street address telephone City state zip code signature print name coNT.BDI i 5 0001 9 �� w PROPOSED TRANSFEREE: Date signature print name street address telephone City state zip code CONT.BDI I C01 signature print name ATTACHMENT NO. 11 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ) 78-495 Calle Tampico ) La Quinta, California 92253 ) Space above for recorder. ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT This Assumption Agreement is entered into by: The La Quinta Redevelopment Agency ("Agency") ("Selling Owners") ("Buying Owners") Date of Agreement: FACTS A. Selling Owners are all of the owners of property commonly known as La Quinta, California (the "Property") and more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. B. The Property is subject to the Affordable Housing Agreement between the Agency and Building Horizons, Inc., a California nonprofit public benefit corporation, dated as of (the "Agreement", a copy of which is on file with the Agency as a public record and is incorporated herein by reference, the Grant Deed recorded at Book , Page Series M of the official land records of Riverside County (the "Grant Deed"), and that certain Second Deed of Trust recorded at Book , Page , Series No. of the official land records of Riverside County (the "Deed of Trust", and those Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions, recorded at Book , Page , Series No. of the Official Records of Riverside County (the "Restriction"). The Agreement, the Deed of Trust, and the Restriction restricts the sales price that can be charged for the Property and the persons to whom the Property can be sold. CONTAD11 1 000111 C. Buying Owners desire to purchase the Property. Buying Owners understand that the Restriction will limit the purchase price they can receive when they sell the Property and will limit the people to whom they can sell the Property. D. Buying Owners are able to purchase the Property because the purchase price of the Property may be less than other similar property without Restrictions. For this reason Buying Owners desire to purchase the Property. E. In order to purchase the Property, Buying Owners must assume all obligations of the Owner under the Agreement, the Deed of Trust, and the Restriction and must agree to bound by al provisions in the Restriction. NOW, THEREFORE, Buying Owners agree as follows: 1. Acknowledgment of Limitation on Future Price. BUYING OWNERS UNDERSTAND THAT WHEN BUYING OWNERS DESIRE TO SELL OR TRANSFER THE PROPERTY THAT THE ALE PRICE CAN BE DETERMINED ONLY AT THE TIME OF THE PROPOSED TRANSFER TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION INTEREST RATES, PROPERTY TAXES AND OTHER FACTS THAT CANNOT BE PREDICTED ACCURATELY AND THAT THE SALES PRICE MAY NOT INCREASE OR DECREASE IN THE SAME MANNER AS OTHER SIMILAR PROPERTY THAT IS NOT ENCUMBERED WITH THE AGREEMENT, THE DEED OF TRUST, AND THE RESTRICTION, BUYING OWNERS ALSO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT ALL TIMES IN SETTING THE SALES PRICE THE PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF THE AGENCY AND THE RESTRICTION IS TO PROVIDE HOUSING TO ELIGIBLE PERSONS OR FAMILIES AT AFFORDABLE HOUSING COST. THE SALE PRICE, WHEN BUYING OWNERS DECIDE TO SELL THE PROPERTY, WILL LIKELY BE LESS THAN OTHER SIMILAR PROPERTIES WHICH HAVE NO RESTRICTIONS. Buyer's Initials 2. Understand the Agreement, the Deed of Trust, and the Restriction. Buying Owners represent that they have read the Restriction and fully understand the Agreement, the Deed of Trust, and the Restriction. 3. Owner Occupancy. Buying Owners agree that they will occupy the Property as their primary residence and that they will comply with all provisions of the Agreement, the Deed of Trust and the Restriction relating to the occupancy of the Property. 4. Assumption of Obligations Under the Agreement, the Deed of Trust, and the Restriction. As a material consideration to the Agency in approving Buying Owners, Buying Owners hereby assume al obligations of the Owner (as defined in the Agreement, the Deed of Trust, and the Restriction), related to the Property set forth in the Agreement, the Deed of Trust, and the Restriction. Buying Owners agree to be bound by all duties and obligations of the Owner in the Agreement, the Deed of Trust, and the Restriction and agree to comply with all provisions thereof 0001:19 CONT. BDI l 2 C Ti for the term of the Agreement, the Deed of Trust and the Restriction. Buying Owners agree as set forth above in order to have the benefit of the restricted purchase price for which the Property is offered. 5. Remedies. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, the Agency shall have the following remedies: (a) Specific Performance. The Agency shall have the right to bring an action for specific performance of this Agreement to require the Developer to comply whit the terms and provisions of this Agreement. Developer acknowledges that it is the intention of Developer and the Agency that these provisions be specifically enforceable to maintain the supply of affordable housing for Eligible Persons and Families. (b) Application to Court. The Agency may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for an injunction prohibiting a proposed Transfer in violation of this Agreement, for a declaration that a Transfer is void or for any other such relief as may be appropriate. (c) All Remedies Available and Cumulative. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, the Agency shall have the right to exercise all the rights and remedies, and to maintain any action at law or suits in equity or other real property proceedings, to enforce the provisions of this Assumption Agreement, the Agreement, the Restriction and the Deed of Trust, and to cure any Event of Default or violation hereof. No delay in enforcing the provisions thereof as to any Event of Default or violation shall impair, damage or waive the right of the Agency to enforce the provisions of this Agreement in the future or any continuing or new breach or violation of any of the covenants or restrictions contained in this Assumption Agreement, the Agreement, the Restrictions, and the Deed of Trust. All rights and remedies, including without limitation those set forth in Section (a) above, of any party legally entitled to enforce this Assumption Agreement, the Agreement, the Restrictions, and the Deed of Trust, shall be cumulative and the exercise of any such right or remedy shall not impair or prejudice and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise any other such right and remedy. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Assumption Agreement to be effective on the date of recordation of a deed conveying the Property to Buying Owners. Date Buying Owner Date Buying Owner Based on information provided by Selling Owners and Buying Owners and on Buying Owners execution hereof, the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency hereby approves Buying Owners to purchase the Property subject to this Agreement. CON'I BDH 3 0001111 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY No Date Name: Title: CONI'.13N 1 000114 T,i-� 4 4aQa&& COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE ITEM TITLE: Transmittal of Revenue and Expenditures Report dated February 28, 1998 RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: April 21, 1998 CONSENT CALENDAR: BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: QePf. Ree : l Transmittal of the February 28, 1998 Statement of Revenue and Expenditures for the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency. John M. Falconer, Finance Director 000115 008 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 07/01/97-2/28/98 REMAINING % REVENUE SUMMARY BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET RECEIVED PROJECT AREA NO. 1: DEBT SERVICE FUND: Tax Increment 9,670,547.00 4,892,272.80 4,778,274.20 50.59% Allocated interest 0.00 (3,545.83) 3,545.83 N/A Non Allocated Interest 0.00 3,972.71 (3,972.71) N/A Interest Advance Proceeds 364,985.00 243,323.52 121,661.48 66.67% Transfers In 1,742,501.00 0,00 1,742,501.00 0.00% TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 11,778,033.00 5 136,023 20 6,642,009 80 _43.61 % CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: Allocated interest 450,00 (1,552.83) 0.00 -345.07% Litigation Settlement Revenue 0.00 203.62 (203.62) N/A Loan Proceeds 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A Transfers In 265,370,00 0.00 265,370 00 0.00% TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 265,820.00 (1,349.21) 267,169.21 -0.51 % LOW/MODERATE TAX FUND: Tax Increment 2,417,63T00 1,223,068.22 1,194,568.78 50.59% Allocated Interest 71,400.00 29,042.29 42,357.71 40.68% Non Allocated Interest 281,000.00 0.00 281,OOC.00 0.00% LQRP-Rent Revenue 341,000.00 265,482.00 75,518.00 77.85% Home Sales Proceeds 0,00 63,641.90 (63,641.90) N/A Sewer Subsidy Reimbursements 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A Transfer In 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A TOTAL LOW/MOD TAX 3,111,037,00 1,581,234.41 1,529,802.59 50.83%_ LOW/MODERATE BOND FUND: Allocated Interest 30,000.00 13,075.71 16,924.29 43,59°% Non Allocated Interest 150,000 00 326,988.46 (176,988.46) 217,99°% Transfer In 0,00 0.30 0.00 N/A TOTAL LOW/MOD BOND 180,000.00 340,064.1,7 (160,064.17) 188.92% 0.1 11 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 07/01/97-2!28/98 REMAINING % REVENUE SUMMARY BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET RECEIVED PROJECT AREA NO. 2: DEBT SERVICE FUND: Tax Increment 3,237,600.00 1,717,337.09 1,520,262.91 53.04% Allocated Interest 0.00 8,118.59 (8,118.59) N/A Non Allocated Interest 0.00 18,393.80 (18,393.80) N/A Interest Advance Proceeds 445,021.00 296,681.12 148,339.88 66.67% Transfer in 339,340.00 0.00 339,340.00 0.00% TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 4021,961.00 2,040,530.60 -_ _ 1,9.81,430.40 50.73% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: Allocated interest 26,550.00 15,624.85 10,925.15 58.85% Non Allocated Interest 0.00 29,358.15 (29,358.15) N/A Transfers In 1,003,069.00 0.00 1,003,069,00 0.00% TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 1,029,619 00 44,983.00 984,636.00 4.37°% LOW/MODERATE TAX FUND: Tax Increment 809,400.00 429,334.27 380,065.73 53.04% Allocated Interest 25,150.00 11,880.75 13,269.25 47.24% Transfer in 0.00 0.30 0.00 N/A TOTAL LOW/MOD TAX 834 550.00 441,215.02 393,334,98 52.87% LOW/MODERATE BOND FUND: Allocated Interest 4,200.00 (10,777.89) 14,977,89 -256.62% Non Allocated Interest 38,000,00 87,343 81 (49,343.81) 229.85% Transfer in 2,822,336.00 0.00 2,822,336.00 0.00% TOTAL LOW/MOD BOND 2,864,536.00_ 76,565.92 2,787,970.08 2.67% 00011'7 Ct l 1_ LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PROJECT AREA NO. 1: DEBT SERVICE FUND: SERVICES BOND PRINCIPAL BONDINTEREST INTEREST CITY ADVANCE PASS THROUGH PAYMENTS TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 07/01!97 - 2128/98 REMAINING % BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET EXPENDED 189,717.00 188,694.76 0.00 1,022.24 99.46% 1,482,979.00 1,482,979.00 0.00 0.00 100.00% 3,128,623.00 1,581,809.63 0.00 1,546,813.37 50.56% 364,985.00 243,323.52 0.00 121,661.48 66.67% 6,202,921.00 3,123,910.25 0.00 3,079,010.75 50.36% 265,370.00 0.00 0.00 265,370.00 0.00% 11,634,595.00 61620,717.16 _ 0.00 5,013,87784 56.91% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: PERSONNEL 4,800.00 4,895.50 0.00 (95.50) 101.99% SERVICES 157,900.00 81,609,38 0.00 76,290.62 51_68% REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND 200,000.00 133,333.36 0.00 66,666.64 66.67% TRANSFERS OUT 73,710.00 0.00 0.00 73,710.00 0,00% TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 436,410.00 219,838.24 0.00 216,571.76 50.37% LOW/MODERATE TAX FUND: PERSONNEL 1,600.00 1,579.50 0.00 20.50 98.72% SERVICES 1,579,999.00 1,072,190.49 0.00 507,808.51 67.86% REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND 315,790.00 210,526.72 0.00 105,263.28 66.67% TRANSFERS OUT 1,742,501.00 0.00 0.00 1,742,501.00 0.00% TOTAL LOW/MOD TAX 3,639,890.00 1,284,296.71 0.00-- 2,355,593_.29 35._28% LOW/MODERATE BOND FUND PERSONNEL 3,400.00 3,318.02 0.00 81.98 97.59% SERVICES 107,030.00 164,467.68 0.00 (57,437.68) 153.67% REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND 352,303.00 234,868.64 0.00 117,434.36 66.67% HOUSING PROJECTS 4,268,808.00 0.00 0.00 4,268,808.00 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT 2,822,336.00 0.00 0.00 2,822,336.00 N/A TOTAL LOW/MOD BOND 7,553,877.00 402,654,34 _ 0.00_ _ 7,151,222 66 5.33% 0.1 w LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PROJECT AREA NO. 2: DEBT SERVICE FUND: SERVICES BOND PRINCIPAL BONDINTEREST INTEREST CITY ADVANCE PASS THROUGH PAYMENTS TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL DEBT SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: PERSONNEL SERVICES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT LOW/MODERATE TAX FUND: PERSONNEL SERVICES REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL LOW/MOD TAX LOW/MODERATE BOND FUND PERSONNEL SERVICES REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL LOW/MOD BOND 07/01/97 - 2128198 REMAINING BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET EXPENDED 58,789.00 60,473.62 0.00 (1,684.62) 102.87% 192,021.00 192,021,00 0.00 0.00 100.00% 645,916.00 325,394.25 0,00 320,521.75 50.38% 445,021.00 296,681,12 0.00 148,339.88 66.67% 2,233,742.00 1.071,363,21 0.00 1,162,378.79 47.96% 1,003,069.00 0.00 0.00 1,003,069.00 0.00% 4,578,558.00 1,945,933.20 0.00_ 2,632,624.80 4250% 2,500.00 2,448.13 0.00 51.87 97,93% 124,050.00 32,649.10 0.00 91,400.90 26.32% 1,375,000.00 0,00 0.00 1,675,000.00 0.00% 210,386.00 140,257,28 0.00 70,128.72 66.67% (321 ,029.78) 261 ,187.08 0,00 (582,216.86) -81.36% 1,690,9,36.22_ 436,541.59 _ 0.00_ 1,254,364.63 25.82% 1,150.00 1,022.90 0.00 127.10 88.95% 401,972.00 112,703.22 0.00 289,268.78 28.04% 139,317.00 92,878.08 0.00 46,438.92 66.67% 339,340.00 0.00 0.00 339,340.00 0.00% 881,779.00 206,604.20 0.00 675,174.80 23.43% 1,600.00 1,458.00 0.00 142.00 91.13% 58,350.00 23,376.75 0.00 34,973.25 40.06% 150,862.00 100,574.72 0.00 50,287.28 66.67% 5,431,953.94 2,253,272.09 0.00 3,178,681.85 41.48% 5,642,765.94 2,378,681.56 0.00 3,264,084.38 42 15%_ G1.�c