MUP 2003-384s P.O. Box 1504. 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 March 7, 2003 Mr. andMrs. James A. Chester 4.6-3►7�0 Cameo Palms Drive La Quinta, California 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2003-384 (USE COVENANT) Dear Mr. Chester: (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 On March 6, 2003, the City's Historic Preservation Commission approved your request to construct a detached guest house and its affiliated improvements for your historic residence pursuant to Section 9.60.100 (Guesthouses) of the Zoning Code and Title 7 (Historic Preservation) of the Municipal Code. The Commission approved the various improvements because they were architecturally different from the main residence as prescribed by the National Park Service guidelines for evaluating historic properties and in compliance with other City Code requirements, subject to execution and. recordation of the attached Covenant. Once recorded, please send a copy of the material.to our office for filing. Enclosed is a letter addressed to the County Recorder stating that Covenant can be recorded. Regarding any planned exterior changes to your existing home, please submit your conceptual drawings to this Department (two copies) so that we can evaluate the request before working drawings are prepared by your architect. Should you have questions regarding this letter, please contact the undersigned at 760-777-706.7 or via e-mail at www.gtrousde@la-quinta.org. Sincerelf, JE YAN CO BVI Y DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR EG OVSDELL sso tenner Enctoc ' c: Community Development Director (Da-n�C-r_a_wfor-d�Building I"� n p =tor][l=1IP Ed Randall, B&S Department Counter Technician MUP384Chesteff incl mpd/g/greg ��� P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO (760) 777-7000 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7101 March 7, 2003 County Recorder County .of Riverside P.O. Box 751 . Riverside, California 92502-0751 SUBJECT: RECORDING OF MUP 2003-384 Dear Colleague: The City of La Quinta has approved the above noted Minor Use Permit. Please allow its recording as presented by the applicant. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7067. Very trulyCMYAN JER HECO U'EVELOPMENT DIRECTOR i0 SDELL E P anner GT. LtMUP384 County.wpd-g I6rw'1 f.: f � -' CHARLES D. GARLAND MIMI Architecture, Interiors, Space and Land Planning Structural Calculations 18 February 2004 The City of La Quinta Department of Building and Safety 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Project: Chester Single Family Residence Additions and Alterations 46-370 Cameo Palms La Quinta, California Regarding: Truss Calculations To Whom it May Concern, I have been supplied with truss calculations prepared by Trussworks of Thermal, California for the project noted above. Upon review of the truss calculation package, which I have reviewed as Trussworks' retained design' Professional of Record, and in light of the structural design documents, I find them to be in substantial conformance with the structural design intent as documented in the structural calculations prepared by my firm for the noted project. If you have any questions or comments regarding these issues or any other issue please do not hesitate in contacting my firm. Sincerely No. C11991 10131 5 Charles D. Garland �'� EXP DATE Architect FC CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. .APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION -� f BY 74-854 Velie Way, Suite 5 o Palm Desert, CA 92260 o Phone: (760) 340.3528 o Facsimile: (760)1340-3728