157039 (BLCK)DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & SAFETY FIELD OFFICE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION ESTIMAT ELECTRICAL FEES PLUMBING FEES 1st FI. Sq. Ft. NO. NO. 2nd FI. Sq. Ft. Por. Sq. Ft. @ Gar. Sq] Ft. @ POLES ! Car P. Sq. Ft. @ SIGNS DRAINAGE PIPING TRANS Wall Sq. Ft. OR CLK.D/ DRINKING FOUNTAIN f/ I l rO 11 Sq. Ft. MOTOR H. P. URINAL MOTOR H. P. WATER PIPING ESTIMATED VALUATION $ MOTOR H.P. FLOOR DRAIN NO. MECHANICAL FEES MOTOR H.P. WATER SOFTENER i HEAT APPLIANCE MOTOR H.P. WASHER (AUTO) (DISH) INLETS - OUTLETS FIXTURES GARBAGE DISPOSAL M. SO. FT. - UNIT HEATER OUTLETS LAUNDRY TRAY M. SO. FT. - PERF. CEILING MAT. SUB-PANEL KITCHEN SINK APPLIANCE VENT WATER CLOSET I GAS PIPE RANGE AND/OR OVEN LAVATORY REPAIR OR ALTER--'--_-- '-�" •-°`M�AT'ER••-HEA•RE R..w.�.,.,;y,";,b,, v:uca+ -Awa'.. [ VENT SYSTEM ❑ HOOD ❑ EVAP. COOL ❑ SPACE HEATER BATH TUB COMPRESSOR CONSTRUCTION POLE WATER HEATER f COMPRESSOR SERVICE ENTRANCE SEWAGE DISPOSAL IECOMPRESSOR RESID. IQ SO. FT. HOUSE SEWER I I GARAGE iQ S0. FT. GAS PIPING c PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE ERMIWE REN DBL. PLN CHK FEE CON TR. FEE HEAT & VENT ELECT. FEE PLUMB. FEE TOTAL FEES PLAN CHECKER .�/ 4JSO N D F M I A M J J A S O N D BUILDING INFORMATION JOB ADDRE 3 OW NE iii WOOD11�r CONCRETE FIREPLACE CONCRETE PIERS MEMBRANE USE OF BUILDING DATE BLOCK FRAME STUCCO BRICK CONC. METAL OTHER°',' C6MM6NITY DIS RICT F.Cry UNITS VALUATION O;;i� PLASTER DRY WALL ROOF COVERING BD. RMS. L �7 f �d �• EGAL DESCRIPTION PE R ZONE ZONIN CHEGK BY PERMIT USE NO. •' / SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT SET FRONT SID I EAR LOT SIZE BACK FINALEED INSPE -QR GROUP TYPE BOND BOND CASH $ /DATE � �(J /6 � e. $ PLAN CHECK FEE CONTRACTOR RELEASE BOND $ ...VV LICENSE-TYPE DATE MECHANICAL FEE In accordance with Sec. 3 of the Uniform Building Code, this permit shall $ expire if work is not co ced within 60 days. If work is suspended or aban- doned for a period of T days, this permit shall automatically become null CONSTRUCTION FEE and void. $ This permit is issued, and shall continue in effect, pursuant to the terms and conditions of Sec. 3800 of the Business and Professions Code and as a cordi- ELECTRICAL FEE tion of the issuance hereof the following certificate is executed. OWNER-BUILDER CONTRACTOR PLUMBING FEE I hereby certify that in performance I hereby certify that in performance of the work for which this permit is of the work for which this permit is TOTAL FEE $ issued I shall not employ any person issued I have complied with Title 8 in any manner whatsoever as to be- Article 3, Sec. 3800 of the Laoo Come subject to the Workmen's Com- Code, and a certificate or certifies CASH CHECK M.O. N.L. pensation Laws Of the State of Copy IS On file with the Rivers•de RECEI Y PLAN FILE California. County Building Departm t. # Owner Contractor •H'AT R VOLUME PTIC TANK LEACH LINE SEEPAGE PIT Address Addressy. GAL. 1 So. FT. GAL. Telephone Tel. Lic.�k r r+ -LE-1%TER F-1FILE •>�t2lf .,r..�. ..c...w.......-..a...«.-o+••.-....ion.•..... awR.-.-.7..aw -: +•-:•�; !\T^•• - ).F,i4 \•\gNYr i Ai i•.1DL J\Jf9pa ' 1/i•r1.\WR�� •u.•.�\.•..._wrw•w�..r..Kw vKIFw\.r...vw�n/•_w_–.r_. ..–••wri.•_w.— � w /' �.....�,..^--•• ![0 f0. iQ SO.,"5146 30Vefe �: •--eir--,=-.�.�•..r...w.: Hlftri9>;,1�f�30� AT. �.r.�•._ l OA! PIPAd ,: h"got YffL2 _ ._ pliir+la rQY ►2gMrT r95 1 I t Ls3;LR y'7F6 iZ$ ' , 4 tA. IitlAT $ 'rfuQf [LECT. PYI: t PI,LMO. 4E[ j tfif PCAR pl[GILA �y �/{t�f}�♦'� { CWMC U rood .. r co W-641 P4!tlLaCH ►-- riw�'1� � s z17. .0z4 J �- y :+•— CNNC Tl� ��; eIF;I= �SQ}pt>ZA4312- Yet 02F twuril 4 C� 0AT[ PlOta tra�i►x jsT33e.a'Vt+xle C1UC.. ei3cYAi;� R'tt+s.A , .(r]6C.>:,y;�,_,�• _-A- PI. Ansa oati tyitL3. aac. s.•eetc►rtr � aS. sun. Iol�q xArt � � t ii<tas .1� ■" ni�sr traK tr. �� �'" "'�" ��..•� � _ j3� � suPPitascm ra QasR>fIT _ f TlYALEO *Art 'Imraqw. 9119U► t6hYRAMS esLCAoa 50315 tlta ITYP OAT Y•->,ISt"'ANICAt FILS - In sceor *vtx with SoC. o uri arm i Ing iroso, i is Permit sOf r — • �"' aFgire if work is not ted tvifirin tt0 days. {! work io outggor:dea or almn- doaori for a porlad of Barye. :ilia permit !hall ouioraotiealty beeoll.ae•noll �I:o�lt�rucrlo� r>r and void. rids peraeit is IosvW, Brad strait cominuo in ormcl, pursuant to the •lerrae d Qt 6crAlcnL FEE ceallitans VUc, =0 of the Ousinasa and i;Tafemalons Cods and as a cord•' tion of the leaveace hareof tits following cQrlifisuty Is oftotuted. fe II Qydlf iS1)Il,U'�R CONTRACTOR PLUMBING r9a i-htroby -gavilk that- ia_ ltorfsslaafice 111sroby certify that Jo p*rfftrtMMCQ: of the work 4303 which •thio permit is of file wwk for which this permit is TOTAL. 011!:8 @ issved i spoil not Mploy any person Icsuod I have e600110i with Title 8,; In am M4M*r whatsoevsr as to be- Articto 3, Soc. 3M of tho Lobar. Rin cprca Coma subject to the Workman's Coen- Cade, and a etrtifieote or cortiiiod, 11Cccf r PLAN ►IL[ pitnsatiott Lows of the STaie of copy is on fllft with the Riaaralde: Colifamia. County lYdi ding OsOlachr t. aaC Owner _ Controcto "A 0L. At Yam Yal LiACM L1N[ " altPAQs rrT hdd►oss Aadrss — � BAL.s0. sT, tsL. Talephoae Tal. Lic. arJC_ �.sT�xle p Flus [p r. 2 J'r S gill w ' A''f � - i?�i.j1t.-..•r+,.,,,r,,,- T �. :1':l�fiStm9 F4D:r1>iR _-7`��t,,� �,:.• _ W0irrr .., a\e. 6hlC1ilftltt'�o ter! _ ...__.... t>13TQtt0-r_w.. n,p. eadbat MM WAITUR sot. 6aas _ 16tt! tt_:fbets c. a444/fR fli 'oeAi •,+;r �`'i'd :E`i Iiif� ► M T41...........r.•....,...�...�-..r.-. w)?tars r.... w� t'1s. f9_ �. ;�'i(; 68:i14.'f WY..--.�...-............,-.... _ •�'..w!' .,.._ �. LivvOn s/1Cg i Bttt�,t'a�5 9aatr ...r.�..., �.. _ r� rTIFYX6 C6046t 4 �_� _ EAA OWN '.iii kF'AfRsa1►Lr3P .','i'• nr:..�------U,w-,�.\v.1Jy!*:"'r.d: •L :_ ,,., ... fit" .. ..__� _ .--. Q!]cpf ntxlilpA e<VEer ~'"'^c'•.M't•:v�y4.M,. _ ! jilviTCp• i .-�.�r. � �.... �� i .o �:x\x\a.nva i b.e chi.,... CML a.' sxfi,e+ M!!^•f••.,r'l'.V•i!TIV.r•.r-•r••rr'I�wr.+MMrr^�w.wwrr — �:- t><4F! tlSA e S CT4ldCYtiea pOLQ �aru.wrj.w��. .w wwrw�_r.......w •Y•^ -s,% ,TUC _- \31IATlA ncA�Cl1 ..• +•-:•�; !\T^•• - ).F,i4 \•\gNYr i Ai i•.1DL J\Jf9pa ' 1/i•r1.\WR�� •u.•.�\.•..._wrw•w�..r..Kw vKIFw\.r...vw�n/•_w_–.r_. ..–••wri.•_w.— � w /' �.....�,..^--•• ![0 f0. iQ SO.,"5146 30Vefe �: •--eir--,=-.�.�•..r...w.: Hlftri9>;,1�f�30� AT. �.r.�•._ l OA! PIPAd ,: h"got YffL2 _ ._ pliir+la rQY ►2gMrT r95 1 I t Ls3;LR y'7F6 iZ$ ' , 4 tA. IitlAT $ 'rfuQf [LECT. PYI: t PI,LMO. 4E[ j tfif PCAR pl[GILA �y �/{t�f}�♦'� { CWMC U rood .. r co W-641 P4!tlLaCH ►-- riw�'1� � s z17. .0z4 J �- y :+•— CNNC Tl� ��; eIF;I= �SQ}pt>ZA4312- Yet 02F twuril 4 C� 0AT[ PlOta tra�i►x jsT33e.a'Vt+xle C1UC.. ei3cYAi;� R'tt+s.A , .(r]6C.>:,y;�,_,�• _-A- PI. Ansa oati tyitL3. aac. s.•eetc►rtr � aS. sun. Iol�q xArt � � t ii<tas .1� ■" ni�sr traK tr. �� �'" "'�" ��..•� � _ j3� � suPPitascm ra QasR>fIT _ f TlYALEO *Art 'Imraqw. 9119U► t6hYRAMS esLCAoa 50315 tlta ITYP OAT Y•->,ISt"'ANICAt FILS - In sceor *vtx with SoC. o uri arm i Ing iroso, i is Permit sOf r — • �"' aFgire if work is not ted tvifirin tt0 days. {! work io outggor:dea or almn- doaori for a porlad of Barye. :ilia permit !hall ouioraotiealty beeoll.ae•noll �I:o�lt�rucrlo� r>r and void. rids peraeit is IosvW, Brad strait cominuo in ormcl, pursuant to the •lerrae d Qt 6crAlcnL FEE ceallitans VUc, =0 of the Ousinasa and i;Tafemalons Cods and as a cord•' tion of the leaveace hareof tits following cQrlifisuty Is oftotuted. fe II Qydlf iS1)Il,U'�R CONTRACTOR PLUMBING r9a i-htroby -gavilk that- ia_ ltorfsslaafice 111sroby certify that Jo p*rfftrtMMCQ: of the work 4303 which •thio permit is of file wwk for which this permit is TOTAL. 011!:8 @ issved i spoil not Mploy any person Icsuod I have e600110i with Title 8,; In am M4M*r whatsoevsr as to be- Articto 3, Soc. 3M of tho Lobar. Rin cprca Coma subject to the Workman's Coen- Cade, and a etrtifieote or cortiiiod, 11Cccf r PLAN ►IL[ pitnsatiott Lows of the STaie of copy is on fllft with the Riaaralde: Colifamia. County lYdi ding OsOlachr t. aaC Owner _ Controcto "A 0L. At Yam Yal LiACM L1N[ " altPAQs rrT hdd►oss Aadrss — � BAL.s0. sT, tsL. Talephoae Tal. Lic. arJC_ �.sT�xle p Flus [p r. 2 J'r S A!.WT/1<.T�rPr�l'rVA<�M1•✓w1 •a1.r+rwwY•Y •. :rre..�MwrMwY•n�..ww.�r••brw `?s.'c•�i�':''GP�I�RY�t`?1 '� Dh"A IM.'Jp7iG;AR �t0., - S^ Cipt.WfiT:Ote 1 L'?9!t �-1tc$A:S�!gC¢E.'�•�••' !{4 -d�•li~4�.arr.w.�M.<Y.Y�IrrwhM..I..'^.w.. .�rwf��r/Y+�'Tc..M_.+��w�wM �`� Y..w��Mfn/w1Y�.w..�lO.f�6`r•ti'rM�'fYw.!M/M<NVQ!�N•��YiMhl/�f.M'.�.,w•�•,�••t '�v,••.'•�r. .f ""`�T� = � t_' `'®iS;=.�:�SF`'�51i33...i` - • , r++iw.�..+r. i •.asr�.�rwwr..r.uarr.�a.�wwwvww..�w�.y 1• h4A�!'il�SC�;is: •Ai��3a1+iJ�,i��C � 4r!�±! 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I-VT pslifzh' it • � �Lw@841 .-._..�..�.....�.-��-._�_.....- —_.._._�_-----_l. < -^ ELECTRICAL APPROVALS !6 Po.eer Poise !7 ?8 Ccnduit _^ Service Eotvanca -� t tg Ylirieap 30 )i Fixture - - - - So:vice — - A � 37 _ Final C [. mairm 0 OuTskom 0 KEY "+i.•CSni+...�..:.a..—.._e...:+snr..i.Cv_�2�r��:.. :.•:._ai...s..itswa�.--:-.. _... . .. _.._ ... -. w-... ... _�_....._� .._e �l{`�a •`••f ••. J:� V.�_ lraa�•w�w�+wr/s�4r+.w.+ aa+f1 . �. �' .• •�Y,M�,. ',dot. �L�a�ia�� '!'C► !o@id84i �W,�r_- >t >'P�t. d/ cP#1� F rprol!'i .. • :. }x eye ry�,�,�, µ� y,7 �µi�: Dp�y/��.p�t�C`�vT+� er ay I��� t�,� �. =G`,`: OWEi11i0tl �'vJ' ���1►V.:/rrSQ F�4�. NQtii....it •. • ry- 777�,,.,E� S .`,•-.-•�.,'"•.'-'_. •,. d ' �Zii•a y- •..i..vu7C�.!�+ qqb�,, F Yd'•�....... �•rY.... •..-..Cci1r..v�..w.+,............:....�r.n.•+ ?:�2; t'w ..r..,-.,_.._. r-•-.ti.,•� ... 1'�-'j w_.:...o........ ..rr...r-.............. piv- '"r•<''�:?: _ 'i ik*V4 M► wC. W*W.=Hh VW•ic�e lhlg I. (wo) have end lila a�OtlaAius'�'�+W �d•th�ei t? mit _�'SA►'•t'�I :::�:.. '_b alriR:i fo►_�?t!�aitactor :i�bt ai war ix repviwaby.lhe cctwar at Rcewdfa. Pb'Al"T Ida County f�,0iftB a! adidr: sawy r ice: E'+n tit" i ir**1 �uAa-'•tkn w4d am alta 4wm MSI to a4tk r, ;a, be do" %diWOn *W te�c+r�otlm PAv2 bead moi. E CdttittY 3t/1di �• _= - w:M0�4.i�pto t�{7¢�S+lafl.j�0tv1o4. - • . �...t.-,�-.• . l••, - ::::•- t 1[� 4: $3 .�� *3sA i te) will ml c=ipv YAH pmpWv tinct WIH !:at C3M"3� sod t Y i0 �S'C:'•GaD'w+•Gf17�{i.1;=L�;, iSlt;OQ �' `; C6tF+ E.+iiilS.Adl iiC+c`uir llstt �"�ratnlY t a14 rm SW of Cai.tatWa Ya1d Cxdiotfx.' ?,. ~ `'° - • 'E ..� ys R,. SIGNATURE OWNED---- ,y _aN ..w wast abssd P'ew tv eta i ig at a cm0m,06*9 Ptmit. - 3rd. � �tRe � e .ri USE OF S11fWICTURE f aI' cvi tictt Ql tFta aP`�: i x��°" r.c�P. _ SiNaE FAMILY DUPLEX APART'.i�tE4 0 AGA IC. 0 OP SU!84Li=Y_0'PI.AWz_ t °"YPE 0 +,GAdS7i';iCTION I CC, NASIRCIAL Q 1NVUS1�!fAi � A' WiTIONAC FLOT (MANS-_ fLSFRA`I IONS i3 aC` CASE EA x�,,i' «R". -- .m 1 _ _ , :r. OF yi Rmr4 s -w%C:_ Ct.� llYGi��. _.- -i i^. yr Bili: t4OVir EXISTING. i��tEbY..fipCc�IT _._ -r ;F 10 ARADS OR i*SEE, TOPOGRAPHIC 6il_07' PLAN RECUiRm YES [] me RECI#jxi �1, SVFACIC Oh#1 A EEFT P-EVJIRED CFL._._.-._ 7 4 Sl&uZAVURi ': F LAUD USE 0FFiCIAL _—�� '1__' M s �o i? DK.'A*?1ON ACQ V11 0. YES 0 1:0 cc'j. MO. OF FEE ► Cklm -,t.'47 t rw( Im..wiftED. YF.S [3 •tO THE AtOl(C CONST11110110k.? YES C NO l za CAN CURB AND Ct1-t':"'rEg PyA'SIOLY BE WSTALLED? YES 0 I+I:'i t2 HAS AN ACCEPT -ABLE. Afl?LICttr*N SCEN MPAX FOR Lt.CROACHMiXi`:T PIAMIT FOR DnIVEWAY AND STREET • L� !tVi9RortmENT? YES-? o NO 0 DAT'E—_ SIGNATURE OF ROAD DEPT. OFi IMIAI RESIDENTIAL. SEWAGE DISPOSAL - COMHtERC1A.l FOOD ESTABLISHMENT SWIMMING POOLS PUBLICy BLDG. DEPT.,._--- _ GRADING PERMIT REq PED PLAN CHECK FLOOD CONTROL \'PATER FOlLUTION— t� AIR POLLUTION ._ . —DIV OF HWY.— YOUR PROPERTY MAY BE SUBJECT TO FLOOD. RIVERSIDE COUNTY ASSUME$ —__--- NO RESPONSIBILITY IN EVENT OF FLOOD. PLATE # 284.1411. 3/67 WHITE—ROAD DEPT., CANARY—•FILE, PINK --APPLICANT'